U.., RUSSIA -,
. ,et rake 4
Latest Deadline in the State
Red Release
Of Railroads
Allied Pressure
Given-As Reason
VIENNA - () - The Commu-
nists called off their strike in the
Soviet sector of Vienna and in the
Soviet zone of Austria early today
"because of western pressure."
Yesterday Communist bands vir-
tually isolated Vienna by rail and
engaged in a mounting campaign
of violence. The Reds were ap-
parently enraged because their
strike had failed to spread and
result in a paralyzing tie-up that
would threaten the present anti-
Comm(mnist Austrian government.
A telephone check early today
disclosed that all rail lines were
thrown open shortly after the
Communists decided to end the
* * *.
THE RELEASE of the railway
lines was the first solid indication
that the Communists were ap-
parently ending the riots and dem-
onstrations that accompanied the
The decision to end the strike
eame almost 48 hours after it
was called, and it was assumed
that this will mean an end to
the Communist demonstrations.
However, this can only be proved
by events.
The violence was restricted to
The Soviet sector of the city and
the Soviet zone for the entire
country. It was carried on with
the consent and encouragement of
of the Russians, whose lone con-
cession appeared to be orders to
the Communists to let military
trains pass unhindered.
barricdes on all but one of the
eapital* five main rail lines and
completely crippled traffic from
Vienna Into Austria's Soviet zone.
They seized four telephone ex-
ch~nge~4potoffie ynside the
3heustiaz government had
' ppea ed directly to the United
, tate, Britain, France and the
Sowiet Union to help maintain
order throughout Astria, and
awoused the Russians of partici-
ptn in the disorders.
The strikes and demonstrations,
involving possibly 40,000 workers,
meant economic loss to the Soviet
Zone and the Soviet Union itself,
since the demonstrators came
mainly from some 200 Russian-
controlled plants.
Leftists Seize
Party -- Kelly
Ex-Governor Kicks
Off GOPCampaign
DETROIT-(AP)-Harry F. Kelly,
Republican nominee for governor,
asserted last night that "those who
subscribe to socialistic philosophy:
have succeeded in capturing the
Democratic Party."
The two-time former governor
made the charge in a speech at a
rally kicking off the state-wide
GOP campaign.
** *
KELLY, SEIZING on state-
ments made recently by so-called
old line Democrats in Detroit, left
little doubt as to what would be
the Republicans' principal cam-
paign argument from now until
the Nov. 7 election.
He said old line Democrats
who stayed away from the
party's recent convention "have
publicly stated that- Socialists
have taken over the Democratic
Party by communistic processes."
"It was done," he declared, "by
u group who have labeled them-
selves as Americans for Democrat-
ic Action - commonly known as
the ADA - assisted by some labor
GOV. G. MENNEN Williams, al-
so in Detroit last night for a speech
was quick to reply to Kelly.
"The Republican candidate
has begun the celebration of
Halloween somewhat early,"
Williams said.
"By attempting to frighten us
goblins and scare words, he
betfays his party's poverty of pro-
Yankees Defeat
Phillies in 10th
Bombers Take Two Game Series
Lead As DiMaggio Clouts Home Run
PHILADELPHIA-The one and only Joe DiMaggio lined a 10th-
inning home run into the upper deck at Shibe Park to crush the
Philadelphia Phils again yesterday, 2 to 1, and give the New York
Yankees a probably insurmountable lead in the 1950 World Series.
The Yanks now lead, two games to none.
The great outfielder's telling blow, his seventh World Series
homer, came with none out in the first extra inning of a tense
mound battle between Robin Roberts of the Phils and Allie Reynolds
of the Yanks. With the count two balls and one strike against him,
DiMaggio found one he likes and drove it into the spectators some-
- thing under 400 feet from the
Official Hits
Draft Views
Stuart Symington, head man in
the national mobilization effort,
disagreed yesterday with some of
the tough draft ideas advanced by
Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, se-
lective service chief.
The split showed up most clear-
ly over armed service for scientifi-
cally trained men, but there were
other points to be cleared up on
how the available manpowers
shall be divided among the fight-
ing forces and other defense
SYMINGTON as mobilization
coordinator has arranged a lunch-
eon session for today with Secre-
tary of Defense George Marshall,
to try for "an overall, agreed pol-
icy." Sitting in will be Secretary of
Labor Maurice Tobin to whom
President Truman has assigned
top manpower responsibilities.
Symington, chairman of the
National Securities Resources
Board,took his stand in an ad-
dress to the United States Con-
ference of Mayors, meeting in
special session here, and told
the city executives of the plan
for today's get-together.
He did not mention Hershey by
name but told the mayors he feels
that "our scientists should be gi-
ven exemption" from military ser-
vice. He said further that cities
should be protected against too
heavy loss of police and firemen
in view of the possibility of atomic
attack and consequent public
"I HAVE READ recently that
some other people don't feel the
same way I do about it," Syming-
ton said. "I don't see anything to
do but to sit down with a great
leader like Secretary Marshall and
try to solve the problem."
Symington indicated yesterday
that he did not have too great
sympathy for the idea of cutting
back mental and physical stan-
dards for service.
"We want to preserve the quali-
ty" as well as make the best pos-
sible showing in numbers against
the more numerous potential en-
emy, he said.
Pakistan Says
Foe Defeated
KARACHI, Pakistan - (P) -
Pakistan's defense ministry declar-
ed last night defending Pakistani
troops have driven invaders from
Afghanistan back across the bor-
der after six days of fighting.
(In New Delhi Afghanistan's am-
bassador to India, Sardar Najib
Allah Khan, denied Pakistan gov-
ernment charges - .and said the
clashes in northern Pakistan in-
volved only Pathan border tribes-
men who are agitating for an in-
dependent state of Pushtoonistan.)
Pakistan's government an-
nounced Wednesday that its
northern borders had been violated
by a large army of Afghan tribes-
men and regular troops Sept. 30
in Buluchistan.
IT WAS THE veteran star's first
hit of the series, and it could not
have come at a more auspicious
time. His bat did not figure in
the Yanks' dramatic 1-0 victory
over Jim Konstanty in Wednes-
day's opener.
Yesterday's defeat was the
sixth straight by a one run mar-
gin for the Phils in World Series
competition. They lost the last
four of the 1915 fall classic to
the Boston Red Sox by that
margin and now have dropped
the first two of this series.
As a result of Joe's timely wal-
lop, which crushed the home
crowd of 32,660 as surely as it all
but killed the Championship hopes
of the Phils, the Bombers will go
into the third game in their own
stadium today holding a tremen-
dous advantage over the youth-
ful National Leaguers.
* * *
THE NEXT THREE games are
scheduled in the Bronx. With the
Yanks' ace lefthander, Eddie Lo-
pat, ready to go today, and Whitey
Ford, their rookie sensation, a
possibility for the fourth contest,
it seemed not unlikely tonight that
the defending champions might
sweep the series. Sawyer was un-
decided between Bob Miller (11-6)
or left hander Ken Heintzelman
(3-9) for today's game.
The game Phils carried the
struggle down to the last out
with pinch hitter Jack Mayo
on second base with the poten-
tial tying run when Reynolds
breezed a third strike past Dick
Sisler to end the first extra inn-
ing series game since the 1946
It was the second straight day
that Sisler had been struck out to
end the game.
along the route, Roberts was able
to bear down so well in the clutch-
es that the Yanks popped up his
pitches all afternoon. They didn't
(Continued on Page 6)
UN May Air
Full Question
Of Formosa
Committee Okays
U.S. Proposal
riding objections from Nationalist
China and the Soviet Union, the
UN Assembly's steering committee
yesterday recommended a full air-
ing of the question of Formosa,
the last bastion of Chiang Kai-
Shek's government.
The 14-member committee voted
10 to 3 for an American proposal
to give the issue right of aray in
the Assembly. In addition to Rus-
sia and China, Communist Czecho-
slovakia also voted against the
proposal. The committee chair-
man, Nasrollah Entezam, of Iran,
did not vote.
* * *
THE FULL Assembly is expected
to approve today or tomorrow the
committee's decision.
The steering committee also
voted for an Assembly hearing
of fresh Soviet charges of Amer-
ican aggression against China.
The vote was 11 to 1. China was
opposed; Iran and Cuba abstain-
The Russians already have com-
plaints against American bombing
of Chinese territory before the Se-
curity Council and the Assembly.
To get a complaint from Commu-
nist China that American planes
had again violated Chinese terri-
tory and an American warship had
fired on and searched a Chinese
merchant ship.
State delegate, called for a full
debate on the charges so world
opinion can judge the facts.
Nationalist China and the So-
viet Union are bitter opponents
in the UN and their strange com-
bination against the Formosa is-
sue came from differing motives
and not on purpose.
T. F. Tsiang, Nationalist China,
said the Assembly had no right to
discuss equestion. le mainta is
Formosa is Chinese territory.
Jacob A. Malik, Soviet Deputy
Foreign Minister, called the Amer-
ican proposal an "insult" to the
great Chinese people. He said
President Truman had attempted
a "grab" by ordering the Seventh
Fleet to cover Formosa during the
Korean conflict. He declared ap-
proval of the item would be the
same as saying the UN has the
right to question the status of any
island in any country.
* *.*
IN ANOTHER important action,
the 60-nation special political
political committee condemned
Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania
as wilful violators of peace treaty
promises to safeguard human
rights and freedoms. The vote was
39 to 5 and the item now goes to
the full assembly .
Meanwhile Soviet Foreign Min-
ister Andrei Y. Vishinsky prepared
arguments for the full UN As-
sembly against the 8-nation plan
for rebuilding Korea which was
approved Wednesday by the po-
litical committee.
And Gen. Douglas MacArthur,
UN commander in the Far East,
reported more atrocities by North
Korean troops on captured troops
from the UN command.
Rally, Free Dance
Set for Tonight'
Pre-game festivities tonight will
include the first pep rally of the
1950 football season and a free,
outdoor dance-the Hodge Podge
Students going to the rally will
meet at 7:30 p.m. in front of the
Union, according to Jerry Helfen-
bein, '52, president of the Wolver-
ine Club.
The Hop, which will follow the
rally, will be held in the campus
parking area between the Natural
Science and Chemistry Buildings.
C ontinue
-Dauy-Alan Reid
FALL CLEANING UP-Daily soph staffer Ann Hagan, '53, does a
little rearranging of The Daily files of past issues as her part in
the sprucing up program now going on at the Student Publica-
tions Building.
* * 0 0 * *
Daily Readies for Alumni
As Sixtieth Birthday Nears
UN Troops
ass on Line
I Roundup 1
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The 136-foot
American mine sweeper Magpie
was officially listed yesterday as
sunk by a floating mine off South
Korea with 21 men missing.
The Navy said 12 survivors were
picked up by a sister ship and
taken to Pusan, South Korea.
The Magpie was the third U.S.
ship to hit a mine. in Korean
waters where new Russian-made
floating mines have been identi-
MANISTEE - Michigan com-
munities will be completely or-
ganized under the statewide civil
defense program now being de-
veloped, State Police Commis-
sioner Donald S. Leonard said
Leonard, the State's civil de-
fense director, told the Mich-
igan Commercial Secretaries
Association that communities
outside the industrial centers
will be used as mutual aid agen-
= s
MILWAUKEE - Vice President
Alben Barkley last night gave the
first indication that the Brannan
Plan for the support of agricul-
ture was losing favor with the
The Student Publication Build-
ing will be decked in its best Sat-
urday for therDaily's 60th anni-
versary celebration.
With more than 75 alumni ex-
pected from all prts of the coon-
try, Daily staffers have been busy
Council Hits
Red Firing
Faculty-Grad Group
Will Spread Petitions
The Council of Arts, Sciences
and Professions last night voted
to circulate petitions condemning
the firing of 44 University of Cali-
fornia faculty members in a non-
Communist oath squabble.
The Council also moved to cre-
ate a committee to oppose the
proposed anti-subversion amend-
ment to the Michigan constitu-
A SUMMARY of the California
case will accompany the peti-
tions, which will say:
"We . . . members of the fac-
ulty and . . . students of the
University . . . condemn the
recent violations of academic
freedom committed by the re-
gents of the University of Calh.
The petition has been signed by
Prof. Emeritus, John Brumm, of
the journalism department, chair-
man of the council; Prof. Theo-
dore Newcomb, of the sociology
and psychology departments; Prof.
John Shepard, of the psychology
department and other council
Prof. Newcomb, who taught at
California this summer, reviewed
the case, in which 44 faculty mem-
bers were fired by the regents for
refusing to sign a non-Communist
The Michigan anti-subversion
constitutional amendment which
the council will try to defeat will
be on the ballot in the Nov. 7
general election. It states in part:
"Subversion- is . . . a crime
against the state, punishable by
any penalty provided by law."
putting the building in order,
stacking old files, straightening
the neVs racks and finding places
for stray papers.
EVEN A LARGE welcome, sign
is being painted.
The alumni willhave a chance
to examine the Publications
Building Saturday morning
when the Daily holds open
house. Coffee, cigars and ciga-
rettes will be served in the edi-
torial office, while staff mem-
bers act as tour guides and
show their predecessors the
Daily's new rotary press.
PLANS for the reunion, which
will commemorate 60 continuous
years of publication at the Uni-
versity, were begun last spring and
continued to develop throughout
the summer, when invitations were
mailed to all Daily alumni.
Highlight of the reunion will be
a banquet at 6 p.m. in the Union,
which both alumni and present
staff members will attend. Speak-
ers at the banquet will be Chesser
M. Campbell, former Daily city
editor, now treasurer of the Chi-
cago Tribune, and Lee A. White,
former managing editor, now pub-
lic relations director of the De-
troit News.
Following the banquet, the
alumni will gather for a reception
at the Washtenaw Country Club.
Fraternity Loses
Three Chapters
By The Associated Press
Three New York chapters of Phi
Epsilon Pi have voted to leave the
national fraternity because of the,
suspension of the chapter at the
University of Connecticut for
pledging a Negro.
The disassociating chapters are
at New York University, Queens
College and City College of .New
York, where Phi Epsilon Pi was
founded in 1904.
The U. of C. chapter was sus-
pended when it initiated Alfred R.
Rogers, a Negro, over the protests
of the fraternity's national offi-
By The Associated Press
Lansing police yesterday re-
ported they had finally round-
ed up the pranksters who had
been plagueing residents of the
town for the last six months by
phoning false reports of acci-
dents or marital infidelities.
The culprits, police declared,
were a 13 year old brother and
his 12 year old sister who were
doing it "just for fun."
Not content with making false
reports, police said, the boy al-
so made dates over the tele-
phone. But the child didn't
keep any of them. "Then," po-
lice said the boy told them,
"they would have found out I
was just a boy."
U' Finances
a-- Ruthven
Universities of other states are
coming very close to, and even
passing, ours in financial re-
sources, President Alexander 0.
Ruthven said last night in an ad-
dress before the 33rd Annual meet-
ing of the University Press Club.
Summing up the results of his
21 years as president he listed the
"assets" and "liabilities" of the
University, thus formally opening
the three day meeting of Michigan
,FIRST of two important "l-
bilities" mentioned by the Pehsi.
dent was the fact that the pni.
versity 's underno&rlsed today"
in contrast to the past when it.
"was distinctive among state uni-
versities for the relative size of
the appropriations which it re-
"This presents a real prob-
lem. Without adequate finan-
cial resources, the University
cannot maintain its position of
leadership or meet the require-
ments of the students," the
President said.
The second "liability" mentioned
by President Ruthven concerned
tuition charges for University stu-
Tuition rates for residents of the
state and non-residents are higher
than at any other similar institu-
tion in other states, he said.
BUT WEIGHED against these
items which fall on the liability
side of the University ledger was
a long list of "assets."
First among these was a "dis-
tinguished faculty." President
Ruthven reported that one out
of each five faculty members at
the University is listed in "Who's
Who in America."-
In addition, one of each three
is listed in "one or more of the
several recognized compilations of
distinguished leaders in American
society," he continued.
ANOTHER ASSET. mentioned,
"a real source of strength," was
the fact that the University facul-
ty hascharge of all matters di-
rectly related to the Instructional
processes, including rules of ad-
missions, requirements for degrees
and graduation and organization
of curricula.
This democratic method made
operations sometimes appear
cumbersome and unweildy, Pres-
ident Ruthven said,
But such procedures "contributei
much to the spirit of our faculty
and to the development of sound
educational programs," he added.
Without reference to the Phoe-
nix Project President Ruthven also
added to his list of assets, "the
pioneering spirit which has en-
abled the University to lead the
way in many educational endeav-
meeting today will be highlighted
by an address by Dwight Young,
president of the American Society
of Newspaper Editors.
Young, who Is also editor and
publisher of the "Dayton Jour-
,a H.ad" will -adrsmn-
Allies Finsh
For Big Push
Estimate 175,0'A
Ready for Drive
TOKYO -- ) - United .
tions troops massed today' a ing
the North Korean border wIV
planes attacked Korean Redsgtv.
ing every sign of dtermination to
continue the war.
The planes tore at ocivos t.-
talling more than 130 vehIcles.
A dispatch from U.S. Eighth .-
my headquarters said TA 1aw
rines and infantrymen, . .
Australian and South -oee
troops have been building uip alc
the 38th parallel for the past wee.
YESTERDAY British and is-
stralian troops were flown W
planes to new, advanced positions
near the 38th.
UN forces available for A a .
out push are estimated to total
175,000 or more.
In night-long attacks yst~
planes of the U.S. Fifth Air 1M
smashed two large-scale :O.
Korean efforts to move amm -
tion and equipment to mmun
units setting up ,a ef~rs~1~
north of .the'tr psW:Ie.
* * S
pilots 5bat4 rpri'7
and intend t attempt an rya
ed stand in No{h afe
feat in the south.
Pilots said ose eq .agt*
tween 40. and 8# Eid
broken up while mswbmg eg
fromn Sarlwon twa
long. These towns te 85 ' ..
.45 miles south otf heRed pA
tal of Pyongyanig.
Another convoy Was attaekd4
it moved east from Pyangyang
ward Wonsan, industrial lt:e A
the east coast.
South Korean Third Div1sa
troops, battling more than m0 .
inside North Korea up th
coast road, are Within 50 afir4
of Wonsan. Pilots estimated :
second convoy had betweer080 '
60 vehicles.
OTHER PLANES spotted .
group of about 35 vehicles 40 hin
north of Pyongyang at Anju.,T
planes lighted the grop *
flares then swept low inbb hl_
and machinegun attacks. Pi b
reported "excellent" results.
In all night operations, thA
pilots claimed destruction of 3#
trucks, 28 vehicles, three 1.'
motives, 13 box rse and
more military buildIngs.
Rugged infantry of the*-S8i ,
Korean Third ivson °las1,d.
through land mines and ba
wire into Changion, a small@
town 63 road miles north f .
38th parallel.
The advance was made In a dam-
long clash of artillery and mie
arms with Reds reported to amu.
her one division and a comipany ci
Red marines--possibly 10,000 mep,
The Republican Third Thvlu)0t
was the northernmost speartii it
a United Nations Army of i*ts
than 175,000 awaiting expected ..
ders of General MacArthur tipe
out-Red resistance in all Korea.
* Sre*
U.S. Casualty'.
List Totale
complete total of 20,756 Ain
casualties in the Korean
was announced by the Df~RsS
Department .yesterday.:
The cumulative total represes*'
ed only the losses where- the romt
of kin had been notified up, to
Need for Study of TV Prompted Big Ten Ban
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