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October 05, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-10-05

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GARY AVIS has decided to ask the
Attorney General to renew his American
citizenship. In doing so Davis has decided
to give up his title of "world citizen No. 1"
which he has assumed while living in France
during the past few years.
In his request to the Attorney General
Davis said: "My renunciation of citizen-
ship in May of 1944 was an action in-
tended to dramatize the cause of world
peace, world citizenship and the "One
World" principle." My loyalty to my home-
land was at no time in question.'
Davis' action is viewed with deep regret,
for if ever it is necessary to dramatize the
"One World," citizen of the world concept, it
is now.
Although Davis says that he has not given
up his belief in the desireability of inter-
national unity and that he intends to keep
working for these ideals, his struggle would
have much more effect if he had retained
his world citizenship instead of giving it up
for the sake of convenience.
Davis' struggle in France had caused
many to rally around his banner of world
citizenship and it was hoped that he would
receive support that would enable him to
spread his ideas throughout the world.
His appeal for V.S. citizenship will be
taken by some as a sign of defeat in the
fight for one world. But we must remember
that Davis' ideals are still our best hope for
lasting peace.
-Paul Marx

Washington Merry Go-Round

"All Right - Whose Idea Was It?"

t -

J.i,_ !,

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

WASHINGTON-It is now possible to get
a reasonably accurate picture of what
the Kremlin had in mind when it invaded
Korea and the impact our victory has had
on Kremlin thinking. This picture cdmes
from intelligence information pieced to-
gether from various parts of the world and,
while its accuracy is not copper-riveted, it
is probably reasonably correct.
At the time of the Korean invasion, the
Kremlin was convinced that the United
States would not resist. This conviction
came partly from the Soviet embassy in
Washington and was unwittingly confirm-
ed by the top U.S. adviser to South Korea,
Col. John E. Baird, through his Korean
mistress, Kim Soo Im. Through the un-
suspecting Baird, the Korean Mata Hari
learned of various secret directives, all
showing we had written off Korea and did
not plan to return in case of North Ko-
rean attack.
Subsequent events indicate that Colonel
Baird may have done his country a great
For, banking on American inertia and the
difficulty of mobilizing the United Nations,
the Kremlin had prepared a series of "re-
volts" in other areas to follow the Korean
attack-Formosa, Tibet, French Indo-China,
civil war in North India, an invasion of
Yugoslavia and Greece, an Azerbaijan at-
tack on Iran,*and a drive to push the Allies
out of West Germany.


Party-Line Congress

WASHINGTON-A factor that may have
its influence in the congressional elec-
tions is that of single-not divided-respon-
sibility in government for the next two years.
It is, naturally, an argument on behalf
( of the Democrats, for a Democratic con-
gress would provide such a unified ad-
ministration, since there is to be a Demo-
cratic President for the next two years.
Election of a Republican Congress would
lodge control of executive and legislative
branches in the hands of opposing politi-
cal parties as was the case from January,
1947, to January, 1949, when Republicans
controlled the 80th Congress.
Though this argument would seem to of-
3 fer itself with special timeliness at this
critical stage in national and international
affairs, President Truman has not men-
tioned it, and party strategists have re-
f"Aned from exploiting it.
This might appear strange. The reason
lies in what is now a fairly old political
superstition, which had its genesis in Wood-
row Wilson's open plea. during the first world
war for. election at a Democratic congress
In 1918 to uphold his hands. This was re-
fused by the voters who elected, instead, a
Reipublican congress. The general theory
is that our people don't like what Republi-
cans at that time advertised as "dictation"
from the White House.
* * *
T A1Y RATE, Presidents since that time
have carefully avoided even the sug-
gestion of such dictation in mid-term elec-
tions, though President Roosevelt tried, in
1938, to pick and choose between Demo-
Editoias published in The Michigan Daily
ere written by members of The Daily staff
tnd represent the views of the writers only.

crats in primary elections and was soundly
rebuffed for what was characterized as an
attempted "purge."
William Howard Taft, before President
Wilson, had a divided government in his
last two years in office with a Democratic
Congress. Since that time, Herbert Hoover
had a divided government in his last two
years as President, from March 4, 1931,
to March 4, 1933, with a Democratic house
and a Senate which, though nominally Re-
publican by a single vote, was really con-
trolled by a coalition of Democrats and
western insurgent Republicans.
President Truman was confronted with a
divided government by the 1946 elections
for what most everybody thought then was
his last two years in office. For almost
invariably, capture of congress by the party
out of power in mid-term elections has
been followed by its capture of the White
House and the whole government two years
later. Harry Truman broke that precedent.
MANY SO-CALLED "independent voters"
may very well be influenced this year
by the single responsibility issue, especially
because of the ordeal with Russia and by
Korean crisis. For there is no question that
because of the pulling and tugging between
White House and Congress, particularly with
a presidential election two years ahead, and
with politicians being the human beings
that they are. Such an experience, too, is
fresh in mind, due to the divided responsi-
bility from January, 1947, to January, 1949.
While Democratic campaign directors
have soft-pedaled this issue, Jack Kroll,
director of CIO's powerful political action
committee, PAC, upon which Democrats
are relying heavily, shows n such deli-
cacy. He brought it into the open in a
speech recently to United Rubber Workers
at Cincinnati, excerpts of which were
sent out to CIO political workers. Depict-
ing labor as being in a war against die-
tatorship-"Whether it's by the corpora-
tion or by the state"-he said, "this is the
war we're in this election campaign.
"We can win this war only if we are
united, only if the President and Congress
and the people are all pulling one way. We
can't win it if the President and the people
are pulling one way and Congress is pulling
the other. That's why this election is cru-
cial, not only for us and our families, but
also for the millions of people all over the
That Republicans recognize a threat in
this divided, or undivided, responsibility is-
sue was indicated by Senator Taft (R.,
Ohio), no. 1 target of labor, who called in
a speech in Illinois this week for election
of an "independent Republican Congress"
that will stand up against President Tru-
(Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
Fallacy of Equal Education
THE WELL-MEANING people who talk of
education as if it were a substance dis-
tributable by coupon in large or small quali-
ties never exhibit any understanding of the
truth that you cannot teach anybody any-
thing that he does not want to learn. Edu-
cation has become fatally entangled with
politics, and we hear demand for "equal
opportunities for all" and a "higher educa-
tion" for all. Egalitarianism Is the current
political doctrine, and education the latest
panacea. But as a matter of sheer material
fact there cannot be equal opportunities

If these could be accomplished, the Krem-
lin planners were convinced that anti-Com-
munist governments in France and Italy
would fall and the history of Czechoslovakia
would be repeated.
*s * *
What upset the Kremlin timetable was
the sudden decision of President Truman
to order U.S. troops into Korea plus Secre-
tary Acheson's well-planned maneuver to
get U.N. Security Council approval for our
counterattack. From two reliable sources, we
know that the Kremlin was dumbfounded.
The 14 men in the Politburo had never
expected anything like this, and the Soviet
Embassy in Washington was ordered to
report immediately as to what went wrong.
This upset threw other Soviet moves off
schedule. Communist troops, it will be re-
called, were all set to invade both Formosa
and Yugoslavia, but the attacks were de-
layed for reconsideration of strategy.
What will happen next is hard to pre-
dict. However, two factors seem worth exa-
mining. Because the Kremlin's intelligence
was so bad regarding Korea, they appear to
be worried about trusting intelligence re-
ports from other countries.
Also, it appears certain that the cur-
rent peace front which Malik and Vi-
shinsky are waging at Lake Success is
aimed to lull us back to appeasement.
The last thing the Russians want is an
alert, heavily armed U.S.A. Hence the friend-
lier speeches, the rumors of a Stalin-Tru-
man meeting and the talk that Vishinsky
will attend an American football game.
Meanwhile there will be riots and ex-
ploratory probings in Germany, probable
uprisings in Azerbaijan, plus Communist
successes in Indo-China.
If we appease, the Kremlin will go back
to its old bulldozing. If we continue tough,
there should be a bona fide change in Krem-
lin policy-though this would be a miracle.
S* * *
President Truman got some stimulating
ideas on how to "win the peace" the other
day from Harold Russell, armless com-
mander of AMVETS and star of the movie,
"Best Years of Our Lives."
"Instead of waging a 'preventive war'
against Russia, as some people advocate.
our policy should be one of 'preventive
strength'," suggested Russell. "That does-
n't mean we have to hold still waiting for
any further acts of Soviet aggression. But
it does mean that the door for peace must
be left open at the U.N. conference table.
I'm not one of those who believe that'
war with Russia is inevitable."
The AMVETS chief hotly assailed Con-
gress for failing to pass an excess-profits
tax and for appropriating more money for
"pork barrel" projects than for atomic re-
"Profit dollars should go to war the same
as men," declared Russell. "Our guys are
fighting and dying in battle and unless we
back them up at home, the whole thing be-
comes a mockery. We've all got to make
sacrifices-industry, labor, the farmer-all
of us."
"Everything you've said makes sense to
me," agreed the President. He added that
he was grateful to Amvets for not waging
a personal war on his cabinet, "like some
"That would have put you in the head-
lines," said Truman, "but I didn't go after
headlines, either, when I was chairman of
the Senate War Investigating Committee.
And yet in a poll conducted by a leading
magazine *(Look), I was the only member
of Congress chosen among the 10 'most use-
ful' government officials."
His problems really started When he be-
gan to get big headlines, added the Presi-
dent. "Now," he said, "look at the trouble
I'm in."
* * *
Civilian war mobilizer Stuart Symington
is one of the most efficient operators in
government, but he has one weakness-his
On the same day President Truman sent

his special message to Congress warning
American cities to prepare for atomic at-
tack, he left the vitally important job of
preparing these cities against attack in
the hands of a charming socialite who got
his job only because he was Symington's
Jerry Wadsworth, now acting head of
civilian defense, is a tall, amiable, teddy-
bear sort of individual, who at the age of
50 has made no career for himself, but
happens to have two potent relatives:
(1) His father, GOP Congressman James
Wadsworth of New York; and
(2) His brother-in-law, Democrat Stuart
Symington, head of the National Security
Resources Board. From his father he gets
a boost from the Republicans, and from his
brother-in-law he gets help from the Demo-
In fact, shortly after Symington came
to Washington as war assets administra-
tor, likeable, inexperienced brother-in-law
Jerry turned up as his assistant. Later,
when Symington was given the Security
Board, his brother-in-law came to work
under him in civilian defense.
Now, with the resignation of Paul Larson


Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LXI, No. 9
Sunday Library Service: During
the Fall and Spring terms,except
during the holiday periods, the
Main Reading Room and Periodi-
cal Room of the General Library
will be kept open from 2 p.m. to
9 p.m.
Books from other parts of the
building which are needed for
Sunday use will be made available
in the Main Reading Room if re-
quests are made on Saturday of
an assistant in the reading room
where the books are usually shelv-
University Directory changes can-
not be accepted after Fri., Oct.
Open Houses for the Dartmouth
game are authorized in officially
organized student residences on
Sat., Oct. 7 between 11:30 a.m.
and 1:30 p.m. for pre-game func-
tions and between 5 p.m. and 7
p.m. for post-game functions. No
registration of these functions is
necessary provided they are con-
fined to the hours indicated.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
New temporary location at Lane
Hall as of Thursday afternoon.
Council for International Living
announces three vacancies in the
J. Raleigh Nelson House for In-
ternational Living. Any foreign
or American student interested
may obtain further information by
calling 3-8506, or by calling at the
house, 915 Oakland.
Interviews: Mr. C. C. LaVene of
Douglas Aircraft Company, Santa
Monica, California, will interview
February graduates from the Ae-
ronautical and Mechanical Engi-
neering Departments in 1521 E.
Engineering, Oct. 9, 10 and 11.
Group meeting, Mon., Oct. 9, 5 p.-
i., 348 W. Engineering. Applica-
tion blanks available in Aeronau-
tical Engineering Office. Sign in-
terview schedule on Aero bulletin
Bureau of Appointments Inter-
A representative of North Amer-
ican Aviation, Inc., Downey, Calif.,
will interview candidates on Oct. 9,
who are out of school and avail-
able for immediate employment,
for their Aerophysics Laboratory
(guided missiles). Appointments
shoyld be made by Friday. They
are interested in candidates with
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees, and B.S.
with a high grade average, as
this is a research laboratory. In-
terviews will be held in November
for February graduates.
A representative of the Puget
Sound Naval Shipyard, Bermerton,
Washington will be interviewing
at the Bureau of Appointments on
Mon., Oct. 9. Both immediate and
future' employment of qualified
men and women is available in
the following classifications: naval
architects; marine, mechanical,

electrical, electronics and ordnance
engineers. Openingsfor draftsmen
of various grades also exist. Ap-
plications for February graduates
will be accepted.
For appointments for the above
interviews call the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, Extension 371.
Academic Notices
Astronomical Colloquium: Fri.,
Oct. 6, 4:15 p.m., Observatory.
Speaker: Mr. Joseph Chamberlain;
Subject: "The Atmospheres of A-
Type Subdwarfs and 95 Leonis."
Mathematics 327: Seminar in
Statistics: Meet on Thursdays, 4
p.m., 3201 Angell Hall. Subject for
study this semester, "Wald's The-
ory of Statistical Decision Func-
Seminar in Applied Mathematics:
Thurs., Oct. 5, 4 p.m., 247 W. Engi-
neering. Prof. R. V. Churchill will
speak on "A Modified Equation of
Orientation Seminar in Mathe-
matics: First meeting for begin-
ning graduate students, Thurs.,
Oct. 5, 4 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall.
Carillon Recital: Professor Per-
cival Price, University Carillon-
neur, will play the second in his
series of fall recitals at 7:15 p.m.,
Thurs., Oct. 5. Program: songs by
Brahms, compositions by Louis
XIII, Gustaaf Nees, Taki Marinou,
and selections from the Mikado by
Sir Arthur Sullivan.
Events Today
Canterbury Club: 10:15 a.m.,
Holy Communion.
University Council of the Arts,
Sciences, and Professions: Open
meeting on the state of American
civil liberties. Speakers: Prof.
Theodore M. Newcomb, Mr. Ernest
Goodman, Detroit attorney. 8 p.m.,
Michigan League.
U. of M. Sailing Club: Open
meeting, 7:30 p.m., 311 W. Engi-
neering. Movies.


Christensen Replies .. .
To the Editor:
B. S. BROWN mentions the num-
ber of games and champion-
ships won as the last word in re-
gards to the competence of our
coaching. Games won or lost are
not a complete indication of such
competence. The mark of a coach
is what he does with what he has.
The coaches I mentiohed would
have won eight and possibly nine
games last year.
Oosterbaan's undefeated team
was basically a veteran Crisler
for foreign students and American
friends, 4:30-6 p.m.
La p'tite causette: 3:30 p.m.,
Coming Events
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Welcoming Party for new stu-
dents. Meet at Lane Hall, 5:15 p.-
m., Oct. 6. Wear hiking clothes.
Westminister Guild: Open house
Taffy pull, 8 p.m., Fri~.Oct. 6,
First Presbyterian Church.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
Friday evening services, Lane Hall,
7:45 p.m. Saturday morning ser-
vices, 9 a.m.
Wesleyan Foundation: Wiener
Roast. Meet at the Foundation,
6:30 p.m., Fri., Oct. 6.
University Museums Friday
Evening Program: "Water Ani-
mals and Plants Under the Micro-
scope." Two films: "Tiny Water
Animals" and "Clean Waters,"
Kellogg Auditorium, 7:30 p.m. Ex-
hibit halls in Museums building
open from 7 to 9 p.m. Displays
featured will contain actual speci-
mens, as well as enlarged models,
of microscopic plants and animals.
International Radio Round Ta-
ble, auspices of International Cen-
ter and WUOM. Discussions are
held every Friday at 2:30 on WU-
OM. The same programs are
broadcast on the Voice of Ameri-
ca to foreign countries. Subjects
for discussion for October:
Obstacles in the Way to World
Government - Oct. 6.
Marriages in Various Countries
-Oct. 13.
Ideological Differences between
U.S.S.R. and U.S.-Oct. 20.
American Woman-Oct. 27.
Foreign students interested in
participating in the programs may
contact Hiru Shah, Moderator of
the Round Table, 2-1644, or Char-
les Arnade, Organizer of the Pro-
gram, International Center.
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity:
Meeting, Sun., Oct. 8, 2 p.m., Rm.
3R, Union. Members are urged to
New Foreign Students: Welcome
address by Dean Ivan C. Crawford,
Rackham Amphitheatre, followed
by Reception in Assembly Hall, 8
p.m., Sat., Oct. 7.
Graduate Mixer: Fri., Oct. 6, 8:30
p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall.
Residence Halls' Staff Institute:
Meeting, League, Oct. 11, 1:30 to
3:30 p.m.
Hawaii Club: Business meeting,
Fri., Oct. 6; League, 7:30 p.m.
New Hawaiian students urged to
Hostelers make reservations for
Sunday dinner at the Saline
Round-up Bike Hike by 4 p.m.,
Friday, Oct. 6, with Cecil Taylor,
No. 28785.
Tydings Win

HAIL TO Senator Millard Tyd-
ings, and hail to the Demo-
cratic voters of Maryland! Sena-
tor Tydings won nomination for
a fifth term in the primary. He
won two to one over the com-
bined total of his two opponents.
Undoubtedly Senator Tydings'
long record of responsible and in-
telligent performance stood him
in good stead.
Senator Tydings has demon-
strated that he is as aware as
anyone in Congress of the Com-
munist threat, from outside and
from inside. But he demonstrated
also that he understands what he
is defending-the right of fair
play, the right of the individual
to be protected against irrespon-
sible legislators, the rules of sound
-St. Louis Star-Times.

coached and quarterbacked team.
It had a spirit lacking last year
and last Saturday and this may
have been supplied by the team
captain, Tomasi, or Pete Elliott, a
real competitor. Evidently it didn't
come from Oosterbaan.
Last year, strung by sarcastic,
gloating comments of Tommy De-
vine over our defeats, the team
played one inspired game against
over-rated Minnesota. They
reached their capabilities. They
then relapsed to lack-lustre play
including the pay-off Ohio State
game for which they should have,
at least, been pointing. Michigan
should have won hands-down but
they were outfought just as State
outfought them. A coach is sup-
posed to get his men ready to play
ball, physically and mentally and
Oosterbaan doesn't do it.
One reason Oosterbaan is not a
good coach is because he does not
develop players. He lost his Cris-
ler players and had few men
ready to replace them because he
didn't use them the year or two
before. We have had. green, mis-
take-making quarterbacks because
they hadn't played in the games.
Bennie's buddy, Orwig, has appar-
ently developed no ends. The up-
shot of this is deterioration of the
team as the parts graduated. Munn
used sophomores against us to
good effect and more men. Ooster-
baan plays with a very small squad
and only throws in his substitutes
for token appearances. The team
lacks the Crisler precision that
makes the plays go.
Bennie left a veteran blocking,
pass-dropping end in all year on
offense. You can teach an end to
block but not to catch passes.
Bennie, a two-time All-Ameri-
can basketball star, was made
basketball coach, presumably his
chief job. He knows basketball and
football but can't coach them well.
He is not poor, just mediocre, and
therefore not good enough for
-Ralph L. Christensen.
* * *
Union Station...
To the Editor:
IN RE: The Daily's Movie Critic
If the Daily's movie critic, Allan
Clamage, spent more time thinking
about a picture and less time pan-
ning one, he would not have made
the mistake that he did in review-
ing "Union Station."
I may be wrong, Mr. Clamage,
but since when did the Chicago
stock markets move to New York?
"Union Station's" scenic back-
ground, seemingly enough, is not
New York.
-Stan Gould.
(EDITOR'S NOTE-Mr. Clamage re-
ports that he assumed the picture
took place in New York because, al-
though there is no "Union" sta-
tion in New York, the title of te
magazine serial from v :xthe
movie was adaptedr te.Nightmare
in Manhatt" Thomas Walsh.
Also, t.- . s no suburb in Chicago
called Westhampton, but there is a
town by that name on Long Island.)


Looking Back

Alpha Phi Omega.
meeting, 7 p.m., Union.
bers attend.

All mem-

B ARBOUR Gymnasium, the Daily head-
lined, Was "A Boon to the Girls." Con-
tinuing, on with a lengthy headline, typical
of that period of the paper's history, The
Daily said, "Barbour Gymnasium a Very
Busy Place at Present-Dr. Mosher" (then
Women's Dean) "Says the Co-Eds Should
be Healthy," "Cultured and Refined to be
Ideal College Women."
The contents of the story however did
not live up to the expectations aroused by
the headline. It told only that physical
examinations were being given every woman
student in Barbour.
* * *
THE TIGERS beat the Cincinnatti Reds
7-4 on homers by Rudy York and Pinky
Higgins to take a lead of two games to one
in the World Series. The winning pitcher
was Tommy Bridges.
In Ann Arbor, athletic activity of another
type was occupying most people's attention.
The night before a rally to drum up en-
thusiasm for the annual Michigan-Michi-
gan State football brawl had gotten out of
Steaming up from Ferry Field, some 600
students proceeded to whip up a little rally
of their own in campus town. After un-

Polonia Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.-
m., International Center. A get
acquainted party for new members
and those interested in Polish Cul-
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., Room 3-G, Union.
Graduate School ' Record Con-
cert: 7:45 p.m., East Lounge,
Rackham. BACH: Suite No. 2 in
D Minor, Casals, cello. BEETHOV-
EN: Quartet No. 2 in G, Op. 18, No.
2, Budapest. BARTOK: Violin
Concerto, 1941, Menuhin, Dallas
Symphony, Dorati.
Gilbert & Sullivan Society: Re-
hearsal, 7 p.m., League, for all
principals and chorus.
Beacon Association: Meeting, 8
p.m., League. British Empire and
Commonwealth students and fa-
culty members invited.
International Center Weekly Tea

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown ....... Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger ......City Editor
Roma Lipsky ........ Editorial Director
Dave Thomas . ..... .... Feature Editor
Janet Watts ....... .. Associate Editor
Nancy Bylanr........ Associate Editor
James Gregory ...... Associate Editor
Bill Connolly.......... Sports Editor
Bob Sandell .. Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton .. Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans.........Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels ........ Business Manager
Waiter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible .... Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau.....Finance Manager
Carl Breitkreitz .. Circulation Manager
Telephone 2 3-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The AssociatedsPress isexciusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved,
Entered at the Past Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan. as second-class mail
Subscription during regular sekool
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00,



My public relations counsel and
I seem to have run through every
old publicity idea in the book.
And none of them fit the problem

Wave your magic cigar!
Something wonderful will
happen and then they'll
put it in the newspaper!

One! ... Two!... Stand back,
m'boy. Careful... THREE!
ii nnw:ned.f

ALg My good old magic wand!
Never fails, does it, Barnaby?
A wonderful thing happened-'


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