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October 06, 1949 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State

. ..

VOL. LX, No. 10




Navy Officer
Named Key
Manin Probe
Admits Releasing
Of Morale Data
Capt. John G. Crommelin, em-
battled critic of the Unified De-
fense setup, was revealed last
night to be the man who gave the
press confidential documents
charging that the Navy's morale
was shattered and the national de-
fense imperilled.
Commelin's action, designed to
get a hearing for a widespread
Navy feeling that the Air Force is
elbowing the Navy too far out of
the defense picture, has started
two investigations.
THE HOUSE Armed Services
Committee has ordered a hearing
with top-level admirals as wit-
And Admiral Louis E. Den-
feld, chief of Naval operations,
has directed an investigation
into the release of the docu-
ments. He called this release a
grave infraction of regulations.
Crommelin has indicated he ex-
pects a court martial, and specula-
tion last night was that he will
get it, although Denfeld had no
immediate comment.
* * *
THE ROMMELIN disclosure was
the second development of the day
bearing on the tug-of-war between
the Navy and the Air Force. Ear-
lier in the day, the Navy an-
nounced that Cedric R. Worth,
civilian Navy official who wrote
the now-discredited memo blasting
the Air Force's B-36 Superbomber
program, had quit his job over
a month ago.
The Navy's disclosure came
belatedly a few minutes after
the House Armed Services Com-
mittee demanded that Worth be
The memo, which was circulat-
ed anonymously at first, charged
that the B-36 was obsolete and
that political connivance was re-
sponsible for its continued con-
struction. The Worth charges blew
up when he recanted most of them
carrier skipper, last Monday hand-
ed to reporters letters written to
* Secretary of, the Navy Matthews
by three admirals. One of them,
Vice-Admiral Gerald F. Bogan,
commander of the First Task
Force in. the Pacific, said Navy
morale hAs plummeted "almost to
despondency" because of policies
followed in the Pentagon, U.S. de-
fense headquarters.
Dr. Day Asks
Joint Action
Offers Plan To Defeat
Extremist Doctrines
In order to defeat forever So-
cialist and Communist doctrines,
a "working partnership" of bus-
iness, political and educational
leadership is essential, accordig
to Dr. Edmund E. Day, chancellor
of Cornell University.
} First dean of the business ad-
ministration school, Dr. Day spoke
yesterday morning at a convoca-
tion commemorating the 25th an-
niversary of the school's founding.

* * *
HIS ADDRESS, entitled "The
Social Responsibility of Business
Education," centered on a "thor-
ough understanding of the essen-
tials of the private enterprise sys-
tem" which could be imparted to
Americans if business, education
and political leaders joined hands.
Dr. Day was awarded by Uni-
versity president Alexander G.
Ruthven an honorary doctor of
laws degree.
Post Features
Football Coach
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan and
his career as head mentor of the
University's AP poll-leading Wol-
verines are featured in an article
appearing in the Oct. 8th issue of
The Saturday Evening Post.
The article, entitled "Michigan's
Unexpected Hero," was written by
Walter W. Ruch. The magazine
first appeared on local news stands

Students Turn in Tickets

FOR DISABLED VETS-Janice Carrier, '53, left and Carol Mo-
berg, '53, turn in their tickets to Saturday's Michigan-Army game
at the Student Publications Bldg., thereby enabling two disabled
veterans to see the gridiron clash. Making out receipts is Nancy
Arnesen, assistant to the Board.
An Editorial,
University students proved yesterday that they had
not forgotten World War II heroism by contributing 77
Army game tickets to disabled veterans in nearby hos-
Many of those who turned in their tickets obviously
desired to see the game themselves. But they realized how
much more it would mean to ,men whose time for the
last four or five years has been spent largely within hos-
pital walls.
The response has been encouraging. But the need
for tickets is still great.
Certainly there are more students on campus who
wish to add some cheer to the monotonous life of these
disabled vets-even at some personal sacrifice.
However, one more obstacle lies between the vet-
erans and the Army game. Student tickets are non-
transferable and can be used by the vets only with the
approval of the University Athletic Board.
The cause is worthy and the technicalities minute.
We are confident that the Board will welcome the
opportunity to do a little for those who have done so
-The Senior Editors.
Football Ticket Donation

House Votes
For Social
Security Bill
Senate Approval
Now Necessary
House voted yesterday for a bigger
Social Security system-covering
more people, paying higher bene-
fits and to cost, after 20 years,
three times larger payroll taxes.
On the showdown, only 14 votes
were cast against it. There were
333 for it. Only two Michigan Re-
publicans were in oppositioan.
** *
THE HOUSE vote sendsthe
measure on to the Senate. With
leaders aiming for early adjourn-
ment of this Congressional session,
the Senate plans to put off co-
sideration of the bill until the next
session, meeting in January.
The bill would:
1. Extend Old Age and Sur-
vivors Insurance to 11,000,000
more workers, raising the num-
ber covered from 35,000,000 to
2. Boost benefits by 70 per
cent or more.
3. Create new disability in-
4. Increase payroll taxes grad-
ually over the next 20 years to
three per cent on both worker
and his employer.
Some of its sponsors voiced hope
the legislation would ease the de-
mands of some labor groups for
special pension plans financed
wholly by employers.
WHEN SENDING the bill to the
House, the Ways and Means Com-
mittee said in a report that pri-
vate company-financed programs
endanger the Federal Security
Congress now will watch to
see what effects the House ac-
tion will have upon strikes and
threatened strikes over com-
pany-financed pensions. Pen-
sions are the issue in coal and
steel walkouts.
For President Truman, it was a
big step toward enactment of what
he calls his "Fair Deal." The Pres-
ident, however, had asked that
20,000,000 more workers be brought
under the insurance program. The
House made it 11,000,000.
Among the major groups still
left out by the bill are farm op-
erators, farm hands and profes-
sional people-doctors, lawyers
and editors.
Needed for
Songwriters by the score are
needed by Union Opera for its
1950 production.
A meeting will be held at 7:30
p.m. today in Rm. 3R in the Un-
ion for all persons interested in
composing hit tunes for next
year's opera, which will go on
stage early in the spring term.
guarantee fame and fortune to all
its songwriters, some of the tunes
from past performances have won
wide acclaim in the world of

For example, "Til the Dawn,"
written by Ed Chudacoff, '49SM,
for last year's production of
"Froggy Bottom," was played
twice by Fred Waring and his
famed Pennsylvanians on their
coast-to-coast broadcast.
And many a recently pinned
coed has been serenaded with the
lilting strains of the "Friars' Song"
or "When Night Falls Dear."
* * .*








SL Supports
Daily Plea for
14 Legislators
Donate Tickets
Fourteen Student Legislators2
donated their Army game
tickets to disabled vets at SL's first
meeting of the year last night,
raising the total to 77.
SL, quickly recovering from
first-session jitters, unanimously
passed a resolution supporting the
Daily campaign to Collect tickets
to the Army game Saturday.
SL MEMBER Mary Lubeck re-
newed an invitation to all dona-
tors to see the game on television
at the Pi Lambda Phi fraternity
at 715 Hill Street.
Wym Price, Grad, was ap-
pointed chairman of a special
fund-raising committee for theE
World Student Service Fund, to,
be sponsored by SL for the year.<
The "Beat Army" Pep Rally Fri-<
day at Ferry Field is a possibility
having been underwritten by SL.
In addition, the Minnesota Home-;
coming rally will be supported by
the Legislature, and possibly a
third before the Ohio State game.
SL will bring a new kind of
movie to campus, "The Changing
Times" made by the Harvard Un-
dergraduate Players, a student
movie-making group. The movie,
a satire on labor-management re-
lations, is the first of its kind.
The Legislature also authorized
NSA to bring to campus a special,
NSA art exhibit, with the Univer-
sity as co-sponsors.
Judic Positions
Now Available
Eligible men wishing to serve
on Men's Judiciary may apply for
petitions from 3 to 5 p.m. today
and tomorrow in the Union, room
to be posted.
Four positions are open on the
Judiciary, which is composed of
seven members, three appointed
one semester and four the next.
Petitions will go before Student
Legislature. Petitioners will be in-
terviewed by SL members and po-
sitions will be granted according
to ability to think on judiciary
problems, campus activities and
field of study.
The Judiciary body handles all
mn's cases of refraction of SL
rules of conduct and many re-
ferred by the University subcom-
mitttee on discipline.
Inter-Arts Union
To Hold Tryouts
Inter-Arts Union will hold try-
outs for its production of T. S.
Eliot's "Murder in the Cathedral"
at 7:30 p.m. today and tomorrow
in Rm. 240 Temporary Classroom
Tryouts should bring their own
copies of the play, Strowan Rob-
ertson, Grad., director of the play,

Radio, TV Damage
Grand opera in America has been damaged by the coming of
radio, television and the movies, Mary Garden, for 30 years the
toast of two continentsand the first speaker in this year's lecture
series, told a Hill Auditorium audience last night.
Operatic popularity has always gone in cycles, 'and now the
American opera has temporarily been eclipsed, Miss Garden explained.
But she was confident that this situation would not last.
She has returned from a 15-year retirement for lecture appearances.
* * * *
"THE YOUNG PEOPLE of this country are wonderful, and some-
thing great must come from them. The future of the opera rests
with the youth."

Kaiser Signs
Union Terms

Reminiscing about the days
of her own youth, when Amer-
ican and European audiences
acclaimed both her singing ac-
complishments and her remark-
able stage personality, Miss
Garden declared that she was
an "absolute operatic being."
She described her art as "oper-
atic drama."
Taking a page from her owna
experiences, she advised aspiring1
young singers not to make their
debuts before they are ready. She
attributed her over-night rise to
fame at her Paris debut in the
role of "Louise" to the fact that
she was 'ready with Louise."
"IF THEY had played the Star-
Spangled Banner that night, I
would have sung 'Louise'."
Miss Garden, who was born
in Scotland and raised in Amer-
ica, spent many years in France
studying French opera and
learning the language.'
"The rhythm of a language
must be learned in the native
country-you can't get it any-
where else," she said.
SPEAKING OF her retirement
in 1934, Miss Garden said that
leaving thestage is a decision
which every artist must face.
"Once you go, you can't come
back.,I hate good-bye perform-
Having lived in Scotland since
her retirement, Miss Garden was
enthusiastic about her return to
Phoenix Talk
To BeGiven
Hardin Jones Speaks
At Rackham Today
First event in the 1949-50 series
of Michigan Memorial-Phoenix
Project public meetings will be a
talk by Hardin Jones at 4:15 p.m.
today in Rackham Amphitheatre.
Jones is assistant professor of
medical physics at the Donner
Laboratory, University of Cali-
fornia. A specialist in the use of
radioactive isotopes as used in
physiology, he will lecture on
"Contributions of Isotopic Studies
to the Study of Dynamic Meta-
A $6,500,000 fund-raising cam-
paign for the Project will be
launched Homecoming weekend,
when 200 regional drive chairmen
will gather here.
Meanwhile, actual work on
the Project has begun in sev-
eral University departments.
Members of the physics and an-
thropology departments are
working on a method of deter-
mining the age of ancient arti-
'cles by radioactive processes.
A botany professor is studying
the effects of radiation on pla~it

World News
By The Associated Press
lik, Russian delegate to the United
Nations Security Council, said yes-'
terday the Soviet Union has a
new proposal on the question of a
world armaments census. He said
he would submit it at the next
meeting of the 11-nation Council,
Oct. 11.
* * *
BERLIN-A 14-man cabinet
was nominated yesterday for the
new Communist East German
government-with Gerhart Eis-
ler as Minister of Propaganda.'
-* * *
of State Webb said yesterday the
United States may abandon its
lone wolf role in atomic research
and revive its wartime atom part-
nership with Britain and Canada.
* * *
Administration yesterday can-
celed its month-old restrictions
on theeducational rights of war
It installed a more liberal set,
but called on Congress to pass leggy
islation to "prevent grave abuses"
of the benefits granted in the G.I.
"Bill of Rights" law.
VA Administrator Carl R.
Gray warned that unless the
law is cinched up, educating ser-
vicemen may cost the taxpayers
PARIS-Premier Henri Queuille
resigned yesterday as a result of
wage and price problems growing
out of devaluation of the frant.
out of devaluation of the franc.
nounce today whether he will ac-
cept the resignation.
Set Up A.S.P.,
About 42 graduate students and
faculty members met last night
at the League to take initial steps
in organizing a local branch of the
National Council of Arts, Sciences
and Professions.
The group is made up of per-
sons of all political opinion who
wish to express themselves in
issues involving civil liberties, ac-
cording to the group's head, Ezra
Stotland, Grad.
Lecture Postponed
Floyd J. Miller's University lec-
ture in journalism, scheduled for
yesterday, has been postponed un-
til Oct. 12.
Miller, publisher of the Royal
Oak Daily Tribune and active in
inter-American press work, was
unable to speak because of illness.

For Pension
Coal Parleys Will
Start Tomorrow
By The Associated Press
PITTSBURGH - Henry Kaiser
last night agreed to contract de-
mands of striking CIO Unitet
Steelworkers, soon afterthe gov-
ernment told John L. Lewis and
coal operators to come in and talk
Kaiser Steel Corporation of
Fontana, Calif., signed an agree-
ment to give four cents per man-
hour for insurance and six cents
an hour for pensions paid com-
pletely by the company.
* * *
ploying 3,500 has not, been on
strike. But CIO and steelworker
chief Philip Murray proudly an-
nounced Kaiser's acceptance of the
union's demands. The Kaiser
contract expires Oct. 15.
John L. Lewis and coal opera-
tors negotiating in West Vir-
ginia were summoned to Wash-
ington for a meeting tomorrow
with Federal mediators in an ef-
fort to end the walkout of 380,-
000 United Mine workers.
George Love, spokesman for
Northern operators, accepted the
call to Washington. So did Harry
M. Moses, negotiator for coal
mines owned by the United States
Steel Corporation.
CYRUS CHING, director of the
Fedaral Mediation and Concilia-
tion Service, called the peace par-
ley. It is his first attempt to set-
tle the coal strike. He made three
futile stabs at ending the steel dis-
Ching said "no formal moves"
are planned now in the five-
day-old walkout of 500,000 CIO
United Steelworkers. The White
House added "no action is immi-
And he stated that any report of
progress in coal negotiations,
won't be definite enough for hie
to drop his call for tomorrow's con-
* * *
MEANWHILE IN Detroit, union
demands on Chrysler Corp. were
tailored yesterday to fit in with re-
cent pension settlement with Ford.
Union representatives of Ford's
115,000 production workers mean-
while approved that settlement.
Phone Book
Delays Trial
Of Communists
(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the
third in a series of interpretive ar-
ticies by a Daily staffer who spent'
severaldays covering the Commu-
nist trial in New York.)
Often a whole day at the Cm-
munist trial is taken up with
questioning which has absolutely
no connection with the substance
of the indictment.
Such was the case when Carl
Winter, director of Communist
Party activities in the state of
Michigan and one of the 11 de-
fendants, was on the stand.
* * *
stand, most of which involved at-
tempts by prosecuting attorney
John F. X. McGoey to shake his
credibility as a witness, and by de-
fense lawyers to re-affirm it.
Consequently, the testimony
centered on names, addresses
and phone numbers about
which the prosecution claimed

To Veterans Totals


The request for student and faculty tickets to Saturday's Army
game, going into its last phase today, metrwith overwhelming response
from student and student groups yesterday.
Seventy-seven tickets, all from students and the promise of aid
from five student groups were the first results of yesterday's appeal.
PLEDGE OF A SIZABLE block of tickets today has come from
WestQuad Council president George Roumell.
Ducats will go to disabled vets at Percy Jones General Hospi-
tal in Battle Creek, to the Battle Creek Veteran's Hospital and
Dearborn Veteran's Hospital, where men are still recovering from
injuries sustained more than four years ago.
Daily and Union offices took in 63 tickets yesterday and 14 student
legislators last night turned in their ducats.
DEADLINE FOR what students have tagged, "the great sacrifice"
is set for 6 p.m. today because officials at the three southern Michi-

Tickets for the disabled vets may be turned in at:
The Daily--from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.1
Union Student offices-from 3 to 5 p.m.
League undergraduate offices-from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
gan veterans' hospitals must know early tomorrow how many men will
be coming to Ann Arbor for the game.
Union officials promised to reserve seats around the television
set in the cafeteria for both men and women students who give
up their tickets. A ticket receipt from the Daily, the Union or the
League will entitle students to one of the choice seats.
League social director Miss Ethel McCormick said students would
be welcome to use the TV set on the second floor. Video outfits in the
East and West Quadrangles will be available for residents.
AIM AND IFC officials are waiting only for a final count on the
number of disabled veterans coming up for the game before making
eating arrangements for the men.
The hospitals will provide transportation to and from the
A Daily campaign three years ago for tickets to the army game
met with overwhelming success.
ASIDE FROM the SL members, the following students gave their
tickets last night:
R. G. Gilliland, Charles Doan, Phil Dawson, David Vance, Mary
Bradfield, Harriet Lax, Janice Carrier, Leon M. Jaroff, Winifred Moore,
Clara M. Behringer, JoAnne Misner, Kenneth Peterson, James Lang-
don, John Ryder, Frank I. Smith, Harry Reed and John Goodyear.
Gene Wentz, G. A. MacDonald, G. A. Newpang, L. A. Brown,

Daily Tryouts
A Daily tryout meeting will
be held at 4 p.m. today in the
Student Publications Building.
Those unable to attend may
come to another meeting at the
same time tomorrow.


were first
of bygone

OF THESE favorites
heard in Union Operas

Since 1908, Union Opera has
been a big tradition on the cam-
pus' entertainment scene, and
much of its success has sprung
from the high calibre of its
To insure a bevy of top-flight
tunes for next year's show, the
Opera staff is planning this early
start on the music writing end of
the work. For this reason, it is
quite important that all local com-
posers attend tonight's meeting,
according to Jim Ebersole, '50,
opera manager.

'Beat A rmy' To BeCryof PepRally

"Beat Army' will be the cry of
the year's first pep rally when stu-
dents leave the Union at 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow and parade to Ferry
Field, led by the University band.
Marry Wismer, sports director
form the Ameri can Broaidcasting~

the Sporting News award as "The
Nation's Outstanding Sportscas-
ter" for the past three years.
As Sports director of ABC
since its inception in 1942, for
the past four years, he has de-

will speak at the rally on "Football
of the Past and Present."
* * *
A PERSONAL friend of Fielding
H. Yost, the University's immortal
football coach and athletic direc-
tpr,. Trevor knows Michigan foot-

Winter had lied while he was
living in Los Angeles.
McGoey introduced as evidence
to contradict Winter's testimony
a Los Angeles phone book with a
listing of Winter's address for
an H. CarL
WINTER HAD previously de-
nied using that name but, to sup-

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