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October 05, 1949 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1949-10-05

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Skitch Henderson To Be Featured
In Panhellenic Benefit Program

Coeds Begin Club Activities
In Archery, Tennis,_Dance

Skitch Henderson, famous pian-
ist and band leader, will appear
with his orchestra at Panhellenic's
"Danny Kaye and His All Star
Comedy Revue" Oct. 18 in Hill
Lyle Cedric "Skitch" Henderson
will be featured with the Page
Cavanaugh Trio and the Dorothy
Dorben Dancers of the Chez Paree
in Chicago, along with comedian,
Danny Kaye.
Benefits from the two shows at
7 and 9:30 p.m. will be given to the
University Fresh Air Camp as were
the benefits from the Panhellenic
sponsored Spike Jones' Show in
TICKETS MAY be purchased
immediately at the Hill Audito-
rium box office by mail order or
by l checks made payable to the
Panhellenic Association. Tickets
are going fast, according to Jean
} Russ, publicity manager for the
Henderson was born in Eng-
land. He entered the Lords
School of Music in London at an
early age with plans to become a
Panhel Petitions
Petitions for Panhellenic po-
sitions will be accepted at the
Undergraduate Office of the
League today.
Applicants are requested to
sign the interviewing schedule
on the office bulletin board if
they have not already done so.
Interviews will begin at noon

concert pianist. Then,, he en-!
hanced his knowledge of music
under the tutelage of Albert
Coates, celebrated conductor of
the London Philharmonic Or-

* *

Sports Clubs
To Organize

At 16, Hendersor/ came to the
United States still believing that
popular music was a "badly-
formed by-product of the works
of the Masters."
IT WASN'T until he heard the
haunting and savage harmonies of
Duke Ellington's band that the
teen-aged virtuoso changed his
mind about style.
His former music teachers
must have blushed when they
heard about his first professional
engagement in America, for
Henderson was touring vaude-
ville as accompanist to Cliff
(Ukulele Ike) Edwards.
Between shows he embarked on
a career of orchestra keyboarding
which brought his remarkable
piano stylings to practically every
top-ranking orchestra in the na-
tion, including Glen Gray's Casa
Loma band, Skinnay Ennis, Tom-
my Dorsey and Artie Shaw.
* * *
conductor and pianist for NBC in
Hollywood, in 1939, but left radio
to serve in the United States Air
Corps when war broke out.
Upon his return he appeared
with Frank Sinatra, Bob Hope,
Bing Crosby, Dick Haymes and
numerous others, creating quite
a sensation in Hollywood.
Capitol Records asked him to or-
ganize his own orchestra and

signed him to a recording contract
which was followed by such hits as
"Cynthia's In Love," "Dreamland
Rendezvous" and "Five Minutes
* * *
IN HIS MUSIC, he leans heav-
ily to the modern French school
prefering such composers as Ravel
and Debussy. He feels that the
trend is slowly veering from the
frantic and raucous in dance mu-
sic to the "kind of music folks can
keep time to without perspiring."
It is an ambition of his to
bring an appreciation of modern
classicism to the youth of the
nation. He spends countless
hours with his recordings, prin-
cipally symphonic.
Henderson's favorite classical
pianist is William Kappell; Art
Tatum is his'choice in the popular

Archery and .Tennis Clubs will
hold organizational meetings at 5
p.m. today in the WAB.
Swinging a tennis racquet has
proved to be one of the most pop-
ular sports among the women at
Michigan, and the Tennis Club or-
ganizes each fall and spring to
further stimulate that interest.
Club members will be divided
into three groups, beginners, in-
termediates and advanced players
for the purpose of receiving in-
struction, if desired, from Nancy
Sommers, club manager, advanced
club members, and the staff ad-
"The main purposes of the Ten-
nis Club," states Miss Sommers,
"are to further the interest of ten-
nis by giving instruction to mem-
bers, to hold tournaments and to
become acquainted with and play
with other girls of the same de-
gree of skill and interest."
* * *
IN THE FALL a singles tourna-
ment will be held for all members
of the club, and in the spring sea-
son, an all-campus singles tourna-
ment will be planned.
Other activity will include
movies of famous tennis stars
in action to be shown at one of
the indoor practices, a party or
picnic to end the fall and spring
seasons, and an exhibition game
by the men's varsity tennis team,
demonstrating their skill to
club members.
Two indoor practices will . be
held in the Waterman Gym before
spring vacation. The outdoor ses-
sion will start after vacation with
instruction, tournaments and par-
ties following.
Members must furnish their own
racquets and balls, but are al-
lowed to play free of charge on the
Palmer Field tennis courts.
Would-be William Tells are in-
vited to attend the organizational
meeting of the Archery Club.
Both beginners and experienced
shootersemay join the club'which
will meet during an eight-week
SOME OF THE definite plans1
will include outdoor shooting, pic-+
nics with contests and a party to
close the season in the latter part
of November or early December.
An infra-club tournamert also
may be planned if the members of
the club approve.
In January everyone will be
invited to participate in the
tournament which is open to the
entire campus.
Inexperienced shooters need not
hesitate to join because instruc-
tion will be given to all members.
Club members will buy their own
arrows and pay a rental fee of
twenty-five cents for a bow. 1

Dance Qroup
To Be Formed
The Modern Dance Club will
have its initial meeting at 7 p.m.
today in Barbour Gym and will
continue activities throughout the
entire academic year.
According to Bernice Wein-
berger, manager, the club is coedu-
cational and therefore open to all
students interested in Modern
The group is divided into two
sections for the beginning and ad-
vanced students. "There is no re-
quirement for entrance into the
beginners section, except the de-
sire to dance," said Miss Wein-
Technique and choreography
will both be emphasized in thel
weekly meetings of the club. Dr.
Juana de Laban, head of the mod-
ern dance department and faculty
adviser to the club, teaches the
more advanced movements and
choreography in both groups.
Basic technique and dance com-
position are led by the manager.
Rhythm problems related to dance
are discussed and solved as a basis
for further development and ien-
derstanding of the dance.
Two performances are given
every year, one in the fall and one
in the spring semester.
The performances are designed
to serve as an incentive for the
students and to give them the op-
portunity of presenting their own
works before an audience.
Dance Exhibition
Will Be Given

Exclusively at Randall's

Staff members of women's res-
idences are invited by Mary C.
Bromage, Associate Dean of Wom-
en, to attend the first class in
this year's Residence Staff Insti-
tute, to be held at 10 a.m. today
in the League.
"Academic counseling" will be
the subject of the first meeting.
Kenneth Jones, academic coun-
selor in the literary college and
Lionel H. Laing, chairman of the
Board of Concentration Advisers
of the literary college will present
the topic.
The series of lectures, which will
be held at 10 a.m. each Wednes-
day in October in the League, is
open to all staff members in wom-
en's dormitories, league houses
and sororities. At the conclusion
of the series a certificate will be
presented to those who have at-
The topic of the next lecture, to
take place Oct. 12 will be "As
Students Look at College Life."

in Ann Arbor




Women interested in serving as
committee chairmen for the
League Fall Formal, as guides for
the Guide Service, as hostesses for
League mixers or as hostesses for
Ruthven Teas may sign up for
these positions at a mass meeting
of the League Social Committee,
which will be held at 5. p.m. today,
in the League Ballroom.
The annual League Fall Formal,
one of the highlights of the League
social calendar, will be held at
the end of this month. Chairmen
are needed for the following com-
mittees: Publicity, tickets, pro-
grams, patrons and decorations.
Opportunities to act as host-
esses for Ruthven teas will be
open to from 80 to 100 women.
Hostesses, who introduce guests to
President and Mrs. Alexander G.
Ruthven and show them through
the Ruthven home, will serve at
all of the teas.
Ladies' Haircutting .
7 experienced haircutters . . .
to please you. No appointments.
The Dascola Barbers
Liberty near State

:. "

beautifully simple
Black or brown suede


Best loved for newest skirt length .. .
Three-inch pumps whose exquisite
Simplicity is a sign of Fashion per-

Students who wish to enroll in
League Dancing classes will see a
preview of what they can expect
to learn, when Mr. and Mrs. John
Lekas give an exhibition of the va-
rious steps they will teach at 5
p.m. tomorrow in the Grand Rap-
ids Room of the League.
Mr: and Mrs. Lekas, former Ar-
thur Murray instructors, will begin
the classes on Oct. 10 and will
continue them for eight weeks.
Classes have been arranged for
students who have had little or no
dancing experience, as well as for
those who have had some experi-
Beginning classes will be taught
from 7 to 8 p.m. on Mondays and
intermediate classes will be taught
from 7 to 8 p.m. on Tuesdays. Ad-
vanced classes, for those who have
had previous dancing instruction,
will be held from 8:30 to 9:30 on
J.G.P. central committee will
hold a short meeting at 4 p.m. to-
day in the League Ballroom.
All members must bring their
eligibility cards to the meeting,
according to Jane Topper, general
Soph Cabaret tryouts will be
held for all interested sophomore
women from 3 to 6 p.m. today and
tomorrow in the League. Rooms
will be posted for singing, dancing
and speaking part auditions.



206 South State


A f
+ ;1:
. . !'.
.+ .. ,f


i } 7


Extra-Special Purchase!
Separate Wool Skirts
Tailored by Handmacher





Now you can have separate wool skirts, tailored by
Handmacher, to mix or match with your Handmacher
suit, and to wear with blouses or sweaters. Tailored by
Handmacher, long famous for excellent fit and per-
fection in fashion . . . Straight four-gore style in
worsted wools, gabardines and flannels. Houndstooth
checks, stripes, pin checks and glorious plain colors.
See this very comprehensive collection and choose your
skirts for months of wear. Sizes 10 to 20.
Also in the Downtown Store
a . .

A/A Hop Tickets
The sale of A./A 7-op tickets
will continue from 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. throughout this week.
Tickets are being sold at
booths at the Union, League
and on the Diagonal. Coeds will
be granted late permission for
the affair which will take place
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. this Sat-
Benefit Dance
To Be Presented
"Touchdown Whirl," a dance
given for the benefit of the Emer-
gency Polio Relief Fund and spon-
sored by the Epsilon Nu chapter of
Beta Sigma Phi, will be presented
from 9 to 12 p.m. Saturday in the
Michigan League Ballroom.
Music will be provided by Dave
Wise and his orchestra. Tickets
will be on sale during the noon
hour this week in the lobby of the
League and at the door on the
night of the dance.
7fa 2akr at 2aa2at&y
Scied (en Ooi 40014ga
Stsattwcw 'ia /
2 .00 .ludes Salesax

Left: Cream, smooth wool flannel peg-topped skirt with a slim-tapering
hem that's slashed by a kick pleat. The top is moulded for fit. Grey, dark

Right: Wide-sashed wool jersey skirt, gathered all the way around for the
spirited manner, full and generous of cut. The waistband, fronted by three self-
covered buttons is wide and snug. Black, camel, green or grey; sizes 10 to 18.

£ ;

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