""HE "MICHITGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, O0OBRL, 94 a u .. i aa raaa v ia v art a u . SAC Student Members Steel Strike Letters to the Editor - THE STUDENT AFFAIRS Committee is one of the most powerful and important groups whose decisions directly affect the lives of students. Yet its student members are all chosen because of some other office they hold, and thus sometimes do not rep- resent the students for whom they pretend to speak. The outstanding example of this is the inclusion of the Union and League presi- dents on the committee. These officers are chosen by petitioning to head organ- izations that are primarily social. They do not represent the students in any political sense, and they are not chosen as arbiters of student conduct or makers of University policy. This is not to say that the Union and the League' are worthless, but simply that their main function has nothing to dow ith the business of the Student Af- fairs Committee. If the presidents of the Union and League were removed from the committee, two places would be available for students who might be elected at large, chosen by the committee, or selected in some other more sensible way. This proposal was made during last spring's Great Battle between the Union and The Daily. Now is the time to consider it on its merits, and I think, to adopt it. -Phil Dawson. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily stafff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: JIM BROWN SEVERAL WEEKS AGO, President Tru- man's steel fact-finding board made a recommendation which was met by a great segment of the American public with a sigh of relief. The board was considered decidedly lib- eral. Many people feared its decision might bear a flavor of New Deal politics com- pletely unacceptable to steel officials. In- stead, the board made a recommendation which put public welfare above the claims of either worker or official. Many felt the employer-financed pension plan provided a just and intelligent solution tp a diffi- cult problem. Today, however, the 400,000 steelworkers employed by U.S. Steel and its six operating subsidiaries are idle. The entire nation is slowly beginning to feel the effects of a paralyzing strike in its basic industry- mainly because steel management has re- fused to accept the proposed plan. Among the arguments raised most fre- quently by company offcials to back their refusal of the board's decision is one based mainly on political philosophy. They claim their sole intent is to curb a "some- thing for nothing" attitude among work- ers. Socialism, as practiced in England, ap- parently presents such a fearful spectacqe to these men that they are willing to dig into their pockets for a strike which means lost dollars for themselves as well as for steel workers. To them accepting the pension plan would mean paving the way for turning the fed- eral government into a paternalistic great white father--one which would pamper each citizen' from cradle to grave and surrepti- tiously feed on the corpse of free enter- prise. Actually, the recommendations made by the board would lead not to a welfare, but a pension state. It would provide for steelworkers a necessary security in an era when the years between retirement and death loom longer and longer. There seems nothing radical in the plan, despite the claims of these officials. In fact, such a practical-minded businessman as Andrew Carnegie proposed the same thing for his employes shortly after the turn of the century. The plan would do for the steel in- dustry what social security attempted and failed to do for all workers. It is an ex- pedient, it's true. But as embodied in the Ford settlement, such a plan would pro- vide an incentive for management as well as labor to push much-needed social secur- ity reforms for workers in all phases of the nation's economy. There are too many factors involved in the steel dispute to label one side or the other completely black. But in their attempt to foist a special brand of social philosophy upon steelworkers and indirectly much of the nation, steel officials are taking a stand which should be intolerable to the majority of thinking Americans. -Jo Misner. i S 1 1 The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's, signature and address. Letters exceeding 304 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any otherreason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. * . * Daily's Failure ... To the Editor: I NOTE, to my sorrow, that The Daily seems to have given up all idea of being anything more than the house organ of the pub- licity department of 'the Univer- sity. In only one week of publica- tion The Daily has managed to soft-sbap one story on the factual level, and talk completely around another story on the ideational level. The first story is the housing problem. I have not carried on a survey, but from looking for a room myself and remembering what my friends tell me, it is clear that far from licking the housing problem, the housing problem has come damn close to licking the students. The actual cost of the room is important, but not nearly as important as, two other points not mentioned in The Daily. One is that inhthe past two years the student has been forced farther and farther away from campus. The second point is that almost the only kind of room to be found is not a single. Sometime in the past two years the collective mind of the landlords has realized that you make more money from a double than you do from a single. When I buy a college newspaper I expect accurate reporting on as vital a matter as the roof over my head. The second story I feel the edi- tors flubbed is this fraternity bus- iness. I am not in one, but I feel that discrimination is an in- tegral part of the fraternity sys- tem. I believe that the raison d'etre of the fraternities is to allow "likes" to live with "likes." The quotes are the crux of the matter. The fraternities arbitrarily divide people according to economic, re- ligious, and national qualifications in order to create an ersatz feel- ing of fellowship based on exclu- sion . . . If fraternities should stop discriminating they would either cease existing or become something else. Any talk of chang- ing the essence of a system and stall retaining the system is whis- tling off key in the dark. So far, The Daily has said nothing like this . . In conclusion, and in line with the temper of the times, allow me to say that I have not been and am not now a Communist. That is, unless the redefinition of the word, which seems to make it mean "one who does not find America perfect" has been com- pleted. What does The Daily thinl of loyalty oaths? -David Segal. C .t MUSIC DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN A WASHINGTON-Word inside labor circles is that John L. Lewis' dictatorial con- trol over his United Mine Workers is the shakiest it has been since the 1933 de- pression year, when the union would have folded up but for the rescuing hand of Franklin Roosevelt-whom Lewis later re- paid with hate. There is growing dissension among rank-and-file miners, who were barely able to support their families during the receni three-day-week work schedule- much less maintain an all-out strike with empty larders and no pay checks. The high esprit de corps and loyalty to the "old man" that marked former walk- (uts is missing this year. One reason is the large number of World War II vets in the UMW-independent young fellows who won't be pushed around by anybody, even John L. Lewis. The strongest rank-and-file grumbling among the mine workers is over the dis- sipation of their pension and welfare fund. This was manifested when a Pennsylvania miner, G. It. Livengood, brought suit against Lewis for alleged mishandling and waste of the welfare fund. Livengood's action in itself is a telltale barometer of changing sentiment among the miners. For, in the past, no mere miner would have dared challenge Lewis's one-man rule. He and his family would have been ridden out of town by Lewis's strong-arm men. SOUR SOUTHERN MINERS SEVERAL UMW district leaders in the south have actually talked privately of breaking away to organize a separate union of southern miners-if Livengood's charges of wasting the welfare fund are upheld in court. Also, many southern miners are sore because Lewis makes a practice of settling with northern operators first, thus getting northern miners back to work ahead of southern miners. In addition, southern min- ers are weary of being kept broke by Lewis's annual strikes. Just once, they would like to see him wangle a wage increase without a walk- out. All this is why the coal operators, for once, are not pressing for a quick resettlement, and also why Lewis abruptly terminated his strike in- the anthracite and western coal fields., ** * HEYDAY FOR LOBBYISTS . FTER ALL the pre-election breast beat- ing about lobbyists, it now looks as if Congress will have to wage a one-armed fight against the lobbyists-due to a road- block by Nevada's alleged Democrat, Sen- ator Pat McCarran. The Democrats' original plan was to launch a double-barreled Senate-House in- vestigation of the lobbyists. But it is now almost certain that the Senate will be left out-despite the fact that a barrage against lobbyists was one of the main Democratic battle cries during the 1948 campaign. After all the snorting and shouting, however, lobbyists have actually increased under the Democrats. One reason is that the Democrats haven't been able to start an investigation without tripping over McCarran. The Sen- ator from Nevada has calmly blocked every move to investigate lobbyists, unless he can name the lobbyists to be investigated. The House finally got tired of bickering with McCarran, and set up its own com- mittee-though its funds have been' tied up in the House Administration Committee by Congressman Thomas Stanley, Virginia Democrat, considered a friend of lobbyists. (Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) III At Hill Auditorium .. . ONE HUNDRED YEARS have passed since Frederic Chopin wrote the piano com- positions which place him among the great composers of the nineteenth century. In this month, which marks the centennial of his death, it is not surprising that pianist Artur Rubinstein, leading exponent of Chopin's music, should have chosen to play an all- Chopin program last night. The recital opened the Choral Union Series. The program was a remarkable blend of great music and great execution. We have recently heard so much Chopin, so poorly played, that we tend to remember the popularity of his music and forget his greatness. We were reminded last night. Rubinstein is the master of his instru- ment. Free from needless histrionics, he plays in a straight-forward, authoritative manner. In addition to technical mastery and nearly perfect control, he is willing to run the whole gamut of dynamics and to employ a remarkable imange of colors. His interpretations are sensitive, yet intelligent and in good taste, completely free from, the over-sentimentalism so often found in Cho- pin. Possibly the most noteworthy feature of the performance was the compromise which Rubinstein has achieved between two great and too little rythmic freedom. The distor- tion which has become almost traditional in the playing of Chopin's music is not pres- ent in Rubinstein's performance. He takes liberties with melodic time values, but al1 ways maintains a compellingly steady tempo The program included most of the forms in which Chopin wrote-nocturne, mazurka, ballade, etude, impromptu, pol- onaise, waltz, and sonata. In general, the artist seemed temperamentally less at ease in the lighter, fragmentary works, al- though the Nocturne and the first of the two etudes were delightfully conceived. He was completely at home, however, in the- more sustained dramatic offerings, the cli- max of which was the Sonata in B-flat minor, one of the most demanding and beautiful ever written. Even such chestnuts as the Polonaise in A-flat and the two familiar encores were read with fresh depth and beauty. Two often an all-Chopin program palls about inter- mission time. The Rubinstein performance, for this reviewer, at any rate, was through- out a uniquely rewarding experience. -Louise Goss. (Continued from Page 3) is a "Report on the Inter-Ameri- can Press Congress of 1949." Free Lecture on Christian Sci- ence entitled "CHRISTIAN SCI- ENCE: THE LIGHT ON OUR PATH," to be delivered by Cecil F. Denton, C.S. at Rackham Lecture Hall, Thurs., Oct. 6, 8 p.m. Academic Notices Applications for the Medical College Admission Test to be given Oct: 22 are now available at 110 Rackham. This is the only place where these applications can be obtained. Application and fee must be mailed to arrive at the Educa- tional Testing Service, Post Office Box 592, Princeton, New Jersey, not later than Oct. 8, 1949. AE 160 Seminar: First meeting, 4:15 p.m., Wed., Oct. 5, 1504 E. E. Prof. W. C. Nelson will speak on 'Observations on Aerodynamic Research 'in Sweden and Holland." Visitors welcome. Engineering Mechanics Seminar: Under the course number E.M. 100, the Department of Engineer- ing Mechanics is sponsoring a se- ries of seminar meetings on Wed- nesday afternoons at 4 0p.; 101 W. Engineering Bldg. This Wed., Oct. 5, Assistant Prof. Paul F. Chenea will speak on "Stormer's Method of Integrating Differen- tial Equations Numerically." Open meetings. Graduate Aptitude Examination is required of all Graduate stu- dents who have not had the Grad- uate Record Examination or the Graduate Aptitude Examination before. The examination will be held at 7 p.m., Hill Auditorium, Thurs., Oct. 6. The fee for the test is $2.00 and must be paid to the cashier before 4 p.m. on Oct. 5. Veterans should report to the Graduate School of- fices before going to the Cashier's Office for the fee ticket so that a requisition form may be signed. The University Extension Serv- ice announces the following cour- ses, enrollment for which may be made in advance in the office at 4524 Administration Building (or at the first class session if the course is not already filled): Gardening II. Major Perennials, No preliminary requirement; in- struction will be devoted to the culture, selection, and use of im- portant plant groups, including bulbs, chrysanthemums, phlox, iris, and shrubs. Noncredit course, eight weeks, $5.00. Ruth Mosher Place. Wed., Oct. 5, 7:30 p.m., 176 Bus. Ad. Bldg. Richard Wagner and the Music Drama. Wagner's life and position in music and his theories of art studied in relation to the social and economic conditions of the nineteenth-century Germany. An- ,lysis made of the principal mu- sic dramas. No previous knowl- edge of music isenecessary. The course may be taken for two hours of undergraduate credit, $14.00 or as a noncredit course, $14.00. Mus Lit. 124. Prof. Glenn D. McGeoch Wed., Oct. 5, 7 p.m., 206 Burton Memorial Tower. Physical-Inorganic Chemistry Seminar Wed., Oct. 5, 4:07 p.m., 1300 Chemistry. Speaker: Mr. Omer Robbins. Topic: "Influence of Oxygen on the Refractivity Incre- ment of Methylene Groups," and Speaker: Mr. Seymour Lewin. Topic: "Absorbability of Malonic Ester Derivatives and Alternatingj Polarity." Events Today Student Legislature Meeting: Wed., Oct. 5, Union, Rm. 3A, 7:30 p.m. AGENDA: I. Treasurer's report II. Committee reports III. New business IV. Old business. Americans For Democratic Ac- tion (ADA): First fall organiza- tional meeting, 7:15 p.m., Union. Two short movies on the TVA. Everyone invited. U. of M. Flying Club: Member- ship rolls are open to new mem- bers at their meeting this evening, 7:30 at 1042 E. Engineering. U. of M. Rifle Club: Elections and practice, 7 p.m., rifle range in R.O.T.C. Bldg. All welcome. The Modern Dance Club: First meeting, 7 p.m., dance studio, Bar- bour Gymnasium. Men and wom- en students invited. Lutheran Student Association: Tea and Coffee Hour, 4-5:30 p.m., Lutheran Student Center. IZFA Meeting for people inter- ested in study groups and song and dance groups. League, 7:45 p.m. Roger Williams Guild: Mid-week "Chat," Guild House, 4:30 to 6 p.m. Anthropology Club: First meet- ing, 7:30 p.m., 3024 Museums Building. Entrance to building by the rear door. Students invited. Organizational meeting. William H. Sears will address the club on "Recent Developments in the Ar- chaeology of Georgia." Wolverine Club: Regular meet- ing 8 p.m., Union. All interested students, coeds included, are wel- come to attend this meeting of the campus pep organization. AIEE-IRE: Meeting, 348 W. En- gineering Bldg., 7:30 p.m. "Pre- paring for Interviews," by W. C. Bergman, college employment co- ordinator for Bell Telephone Co. Women of the University Facul- ty: Tea, 4 to 6 p.m., Fourth floor clubroom, League. Michigan Arts Chorale: First meeting of the fall, 7 p.m., Rm. B, Haven Hall. Maynard Klein, con- ducting. Singers with previous choral experience are invited. Hillel Membership Drive: Anyone interested in working on the drive, report to Rm. 3N, Union, 4:15 p.m. A.S.C.E.: First meeting, student section, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3G, Union. Open meeting for staff presenta- tion and picnic plans. U.W.F.: Meeting, 4 p.m., Union. Tea 'n Talk: Presbyterian Church. 4-6 p.m. Community Service: Students interested in, volunteer work in a variety of community projects will be interviewed at Lane Hall 12:30-1; 5:15-5:45 p.m., Tuesday through Friday or other times by appointment. Carnterbury Club: 7:30-10 p.m., Rev. and Mrs. John F. Burt are at home, 702 Tappan, to all Episco- pal students. Sociedad Hispanica: First meet- ing of the year, 8 p.m., Ballroom, League. Movies of a bullfight. Coming Events U. of M. Theatre Guild will de- cide upon its fall presentation. All those interested meet at 8 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 6, League. Men's Glee Club: First meet- ing, Thurs., Oct. 6, 7:15 p.m., Rm. 3G, Union. The following men have been accepted for member- ship during the year 1949-50: First Tenors Dale R. Dunnihoo, M. Harold Patterson, Sam Houghtaling, John C. Bay, Glenn Stuart, Dave Williams, Jack Hachigian, Andrew Pringle, Robert W. Haddock, Philip Steding, C. Wayne Wright. Se 9Td Tenors Wood M. Geist, E. Roy Duff, Jack K. Ehlers, Edward M. Purdo, Thomas W. Williams, Stanford Hartshorn, Marshall Franke, Ger- ald Van Syoc, Pat Paterson, Ru- dolph Rust, Jr., Alan Newman, Robert M. Benson, Dave Ruetenik, David M. Calahan, Bob Stauffer, Lawrence E. Derr, Russell J. Van Ryn, Roger E. DeMeritt. Baritones Foxworth, Donald, George F. Qua, Tom Sparrow, George M. Muelhauser, Pres Holmes, John Van Eenenaam, Jim Shortt, Rob- ert E. Morgan, Roy B. Wilson, Jr., Demar Helzer, Greider, K. R., McClew, Robert W., Robert C. Mulford, Richard C. Frank, Don- ald C. Smith, Robert A. Elson, Charles W. Scurlock, Arthur Snook. Basses William White, Robert Woz- nicki, Dale W. Wright, John Os- mundsen, Alvin R. Garchow, Don- ald D. MacMullan, Andrew Karoly, David Pease, Leonard Swanson, Merle A, Nelson, William B. Red- mon, William L. Kemp, Jr., D. Donald Hoexter. Dick A. Enten- mann, Donald Cleveland, Ara Ber- verian, Donald Ross. Rhodes Scholarships: Meeting of all students interested in Rhodes Scholarships, Thurs., Oct. 6, 4:15 p.m., 2013 Angell Hall. Applica- tions for 'Rhodes Scholarships should be handed in, on or before Fri., Oct. 14 to 2024 Angell Hall. Michigan Singers: Rehearsal meeting,Thurs., Oct. 6, 7 p.m. Rm 605, BTM. U7. of M. Young Republicans: Thurs'., Oct. 6, 7:30 p.m., Rm 3KLMN, Union. Mark Mayne Chairman Michigan Young Re- publicans, will discuss the 1949 Young Republican National Con- vention. Both new and old mem- bers are urged to attend. Gilbert and Sullivan Society: Rehearsal for all chorus and prin- cipals, Thurs., 7 p.m., League. All Rehearsal for all chorus and prin- day may do so this night. Druids: Meet Thurs., Oct. 6, Mich Union. Hillel Social Committee: Open Meeting. First meeting, Thurs., Oct. 6, 4 p.m., Union. Society of Automotive Engi- neers: First meeting of the season, Thurs., Oct. 6, 209 West Engine Annex (computing room). Fresh- men, transfers, and old members invited. Alpha Phi Omega: Open meet- ing, Oct. 6, 7 p.m., Union. All ac- tives are urged to attend and pros- pective new members welcome. Michigan Union Opera: Music and lyric writers meeting, Thurs., Oct. 6, Rm. 3-R, Union, 7:30 p.m. AVC: Meeting, Thurs., 8 p.m., Union. All members and prospec- tive members urged to attend, Election of convention delegates. Bring dues. Young Democrats: First meet- ing of the year, Thurs., Oct. 6, 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Downstairs As- sembly Hall. Everyone invited. Inter Guild Program Commit- tees Meeting, Thurs., Lane Hall, 12 noon. l1j i I1 Looking B---k MATTER OF FACT by STEWART ALSOP ' I WASHINGTON-There is a simple meas- ure of the somber reality behind the ap- parently quiet facade of the cold war. The possibility of a Russian attack on Yugo- slaviA is taken sufficiently seriously so that an agreed Anglo-American policy has been evolved to meet this eventuality. This policy can be summed up in five drearily familiar words: "all aid short of war." Both Americans and British agree that they cannot 'it idly by if Yugoslavia, is attacked. But it is also agreed that an automatic commitment to go to war in Tito's defense is out of the question. It has been necessary to arrive at an agreed policy in case of a Russian attack on Tito simply because Act One in the Soviet-Yugoslav drama is now clearly about played out. Economic support for the re- bellious Tito has already had the conse- quences which the wisest of the policy-mak- ers have long predicted. THE YUGOSLAV dictator has felt strong thority on his chief plenipotentiary, For- eign Secretary Edward Kardelj, including the authority to arraign the Soviet Union before the Security Council if there are real signs that the Kremlin intends to move from threats to action. Thus it is clear that the Kremlin cannot deal with Tito by mere political pressure and economic strangulation, and the stage is set for Act Two. AMERICAN and British experts have been canvassing all the forms which Act Two may take. And they have reached a unani- mous conclusion. The Kremlin will only de- stroy Titoism, which is like a cancer eating into the whole structure of Soviet power, if the Kremlin is willing to risk using the Red Army. There is no other way. With Anglo- American support, Tito can continue to withstand indefinitely the kind of pressure now being brought to bear against him. Yet just because the job of destroying Tito can be done in no other way, none of the 25 YEARS AGO: RUDOLPH VALENTINO, the screen's greatest lover, was appearing at the Arcade Theatre in Booth Tarkington's Mon- sieur Beaucair. 20 YEARS AGO: The Wolverines, coached by Harry Kipke, former coach at Michigan State, defeated the East Lansing team 17-0. 10 YEARS AGO: The first dinner was served in the new West Quadrangle. The dning rooms and kitchen were initiated with an informal pro- gram at which several Universityd ignitaries and the dormitories' 940 occupants were present. 1 YEAR AGO: Gene Bearden, 20 game winner, pitched the Cleveland Indians to victory over the Boston Red Sox 8-3 to cinch the American League pennant. -From the Pages of The Daily. Laughter "STRANGE, when you come to think of it, that of all the countless folk who have Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. 1 Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff..........Managing Editor Al Blumrosen.............. City Editor Philip Dawson.......Editorial Director Mary Stein.............Associate'Editor Jo Misner............Associate Editor George walker.......Associate Editor Don McNeil.........Associate Editor Alex Lmanian.. Photography Editor Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor Roger Goeiz.....Associate Sports Editor Miriam Cady .......... Women's Editor Lee Kaltenbach. .Associate women's Ed. Joan King.......... ..Librarian Allan Clamage ...Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington.. ..Business Manager Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager Jim Dangl........Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff... Finance Manager Ralph Ziegler ...Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. A. Ar _ BARNABY '4 Your name's Barnaby, Feh?Howdo you do-j An dwho isthi? IHow can he -~~-o 3'- ~p- I Mental giants never burden their minds with non-essential information. They figure evervthing out on their slide rules. See- I III O'MALLEY! Nice to see you again:,Who's this with you? Ii ii ,