SAC Student Member See Page 4 C, I r Latest Deadline in the State P~aiti s S< CLOUDY, COOLER VOL. LX. No. 9 A kT TAx ~Tt d 1XT'lR u A x x~:rxY cxxr .... - .... CI.OT! i nY ~[. TfR:.V I V lll1. LL1, I l V. 9 lkNA AlfUsgJ L, M1UMIUAN, WEDNESDAY, OIPTOIBER 5, 1949 I PRICE FYVE CENTS Michigan Tops in AP Pigskin Poll gai Ask Tickets for Voterans lUNEvNh/ M V i n t n Gt F tnsE . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ...... ..... ..... Army Ducats Requested for ie Disabled Men An Editorial a 4 ai Collection Points At Daily, Union Students and faculty are bein asked today to sacrifice their seat at the Army game so that disable ' veterans from south Michigan hos pitals may see Saturday's top foot ball struggle. Tickets may be turned in a The Daily from 1 p.m. on toda: or from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Unio student offices. They will be re turned with thanks early nex S week.Students unable to pick u their tickets may get them by reg istered mail. * * * SHATTERING tradition, Unio President Bill Wise offered the us of the television set in the Unio Cafeteria to all students, mer and women, who give up thei tickets to the vets. Use of the TV set in the base. ment of the Phi Gamma Delt house was also offered. * * * THE DUCATS will go to veter- ans at-Percy Jones General Hospi- tal in Battle Creek, the Battl Creek Veterans Hospital and th Dearborn Veteran's hospital. More than 5,000 men who were disabled in the war that ended four years ago are still recuper- ating in these three hospitals. Of course, not all disabled vet will be able to attend. Officials from the three hospitas contacted yesterday said a number of the men would be grateful fcr thE chance to see the game. PERCY JONES officials said they could use as many tickets as students feel they want to give up. Battle Creek Veteran's hospital can use at least 30 additional tick- ets to the game and Dearborn hos- pital, 15. Transportation to and from Ann Arbor will be provided by the hospitals. Several campus organizations contacted yesterday offered to co- operate in the plan. IFC and AIM officials said they would try to make eating arrangements for -the t, men. A number of seats will be made available to the vets by the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Ath- letics but not nearly enough to take care of all the men who can come. IN 1946, THE DAILY made a similar appeal to students, faculty and administration for tickets to that year's Army game. The Uni- versity at that time proved that it had a heart to such an extent that the "Percy Jones Argus," a paper put out by men in the hospital de- voted an issue to "texend our grat- itude to the students of the U of At. that time, the request for tickets had to overcome several stumbling blocks. The request was turned down at first because tickets are tax ex- empt and the Athletic board said they couldn't get government au- thority to transfer them. The board later reversed their decision after The Daily and the American Veteran's Committee had secured the approval of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. Vandenberg 'Satisfactory' University Hospital physicians reported Sen. Arthur H. Vanden- berg (Rep., Mich.) as in "satis- factory" condition one day after a lung operation. Surgeons removed one-half of the senator's left lung in a six- hour operation Monday. ADA To Orgnaize Three years ago, the editors of The Daily appealed to students, faculty members, and alumni to turn in their football tickets for the Army-Michigan football game. The tickets were to be given to World War II con- valescents at Percy Jones General Hospital, Battle Creek. Although the Army game was billed as the top game of the year, the response was overwhelming and hundreds of tickets poured into The Daily offices. Legal technicalities were quickly overcome and a group of de- serving herpes saw the game of their lives. But this is 1949. The war has been over for four years and the sacrifices that these men made have begun to fade in our memories. This Saturday, however, presents an opportunity for all of us-students, faculty, and alumni-to show the disabled veterans that they have not been forgotten. Again, The Daily is making an appeal for tickets for the disablecfveterans in three nearby hospitals. Although the University Athletic Office has sent many complimen- tary passes to these hospitals, the demand for Army- Michigan tickets far exceeds the supply. All available tickets can be turned into the Student Office of the Union between 3 and 5 p.m. daily or the Senior Editorial Office of The Daily after 1 p.m. today. Those who contribute their student books or single non-student tckets will be given a receipt. All student books will be returned promptly. To start the ball rolling, the Daily senior staff has contributed its tickets to the vets. -The Senior Editors. State R epublicans Pick Prof. Ford for Top Post' Prof. Robert S. Ford, director of the University's Bureau of Gov- ernment, has been chosen to head the policy planning committee of the Republican state organization. The committee will attempt to define basic Republican principles as a guide to the next conven- tion's resolution committee. TO DO THIS, Prof. Ford and his 33-member committee will sound out grass-roots sentiment with the cooperation of district and county chairmen throughout the state. "The committee's work is still in an organizational stage," ac- cording to Prof. Ford. The new committee ,head has been associated with the Univer- sity since 1934, and has directed the operations of the Bureau of Government since 1937. , , , HE SERVED as director of the Department of Business Admin- istration and as a special adviser to the governor during the recent administration of Harry F. Kelley.' Active in local political affairs. Prof. Ford has been secretary of the Washtenaw County Republi- can Committee for the past two years. * Senate's Vote Shelves Crop Support Bill Anderson Motion Passes, 41 -29 WASHINGTON-(P)-The Sen- ate split wide open on the ques- tion of how to support crop price yesterday and ended two days o bitter battling by temporaril shelving a long-range farm bill. The vote was 41 to 29. * * * - THE ACTION came on motior of Senator Anderson (Dem., N.M.) former Secretary of Agriculture after his flexible price prop bil had been rewritten into a high- support measure by Vice President Barkley's action in breaking a tie vote. Anderson's motion to send the bill back to the Agriculture committee for 48 hours was adopted. lie promised efforts to compromise.. Sen. Lucas of Illinois, the Dem- ocratic leader, said the measure will be taken up again as soon as the committee returns it to the Senate. "FURTHERMORE," Lucas said, "we're going to get a farm bill this session no matter how long we stay here." Barkley went against Ander- son and Senator Lucas to make * the vote 38 to 37 for adoption of an amendment by Senators Rus- sell \ (Dem., Ga.) and Young (Rep., N.D.) setting up price props at 90 per cent of parity on major crops-cotton, wheat, corn, tobacco,.rice and peanuts. These supports would go into ef- fect when farmers voted for acre- age controls and, in some cases, marketing quotas. *, * * ANDERSON, supported by Sen- ator Aiken (Rep., Vt.) and others, had proposed a sliding scale of supports, from 75 to 90 per cent of parity. Opera Singer Mary Garden Speaks Today Mary Garden, former toast of the opera on two continents, will present the first in the Univer- sity's Lecture Series at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Miss Garden, who has been re- tired since 1934, left her Scotland home for a lecture tour of the See PICTURE page 3 United States, under the sponsor- ship of the National Arts Founda- tion. M * * HER TALK TONIGHT will be on "My Memories of the Opera." The 72-year-old singer won her acclaim first in Paris, and then in America as star of nu- merous coast-to-coast produc- tions of the Chicago Opera Com- pany. She made her NewhYork debut in 1917 singing in "Thais." MISS GARDEN has previously appeared at Hill Auditorium under the auspices of the Choral Union. During the war, she was a frequent visitor to military hos- pitals and camps, and was of- ten visited by American fliers arriving at Prestwich. * * * LIVING UP to its motto, "Art is* the language of one world," the National Arts Foundation and Miss Garden are working, toward making the arts more popular in1 the United States. Tickets for the lecture are avail- able at Hill Auditorium, and may be purchased for this talk alone, or for -the entire Lecture Series season. Position on High Court Senators Vote Approval, 48-16 WASHINGTON-()-The Sen- ate yesterday confirmed the nom- ination of Federal Judge Sherman Minton to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. It did so after rejecting by a 45 to 21 vote a demand by several Republican senators that Minton be summoned for questioning by the Judiciary Committee. He had expressed, ireluctance to testify, saying he did not think such an appearance would be proper. * *. , SENATOR MORSE (R-Ore.) made a motion that Minton's nomination be sent back to the committee, which approved it 9 to 2 yesterday. He said the Senate should insist that Minton be questioned. Senators Ferguson (R-Mich) and Donnell (R-Mo.) supported Morse. Confirmation came by a 48 to 16 vote after Senator Lucas (D- 1ll,), the Democratic leader, had told his colleagues Minton will servehhis country well on the high bench. S * * * "YOU CAN'T judge a man by what he does in the United States Senate so far as his judicial char- acter is concerned," Lucas said. He added that "nothing good" could come cross examination of Minton by the committee. Lucas said it would be "absurd" to require his appearance. But Donnell said he does not think "that sufficient information has been made available to me." President Truman named Mn- ton to fillnthe vacancy created by the death of Justice Wiley B. Rutledge. Navy Spirit Probe Starts WASHINGTON-()-Two in- vestigations were launched swiftly yesterday in the aftermath of Navy officers' charges that naval morale is shattered and the na- tional security weakened under the unified defense setup. The House Armed Services Com'mittee scheduled a hearing for Navy officers who feel that the Air Force is being given too much priority and that sea power and its own air arm are danger- ously slighted. A FEW HOURS later, Admiral Louis Denfeld, Chief of Naval Op- erations, announced an investiga- tion to determine how "confiden- tial" naval correspondence con- taining some of the charges hap- pened to be made public last night. One of the Navy's "cardinal regulations" regarding confiden- tial material has been broken, Denfeld said. He said he was "distressed" and indicated dis- ciplinary action was in pros- pect. Denfeld said he himself did not approve the charges, although he had spoken in the correspondence of the danger of stripping the Navy of its offensive power, and had noted the "present Navy-wide concern" over recent defense de- velopments. Young Democrats Young Democrats on campus will meet together for the first time this year at 7:30 p.m. today in the basement of Lane Hall. BAd School Celebrates a 25th Anniversary Today The 25th anniversary of the' School of Business Administration will be observed today at a con- vocation in Rackham Auditorium. Dr. Edmund E. Day," the first; dean of the BAd school, willbe' principle speaker on the program, which will begin at 11 a.m. He will speak on "The Social SL Will Hold, FIrs Meeting Of Semester Student Legislature will open proceedings for the semester at its first meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 3A of the Union. Plans will be discussed to broad- cast an open meeting of the Na- tional Student Association Oct. 13 in Rackham Amphitheatre. * * * THE MEETING is open to any interested student, and is planned to be primarily a "get ac- quainted" period with students and a report from NSA delegates to the Congress held last summer at Illinois. A system of football "hosts and hostesses" will be discussed. The system will employ students and student-manned informa- tion booths stationed in and out of the stadium sand campus to direct and advise confused fans on football weekends. Other plans will be a system of training prospective SL candidates through committees and defining the status of SL with all Univer- sity schools. A REPORT ON football tickets will be made and plans for the Homecoming Dance after the Mn-h nesota game Oct. 22 will be laid. Projects of SL's six commit- tees will be approved for the semester. A meeting of all com- mittee chairmen will be held a half hour before the SL meet- ing. Other projects to be taken up are Tug Week (campus revival of rah-rah), the Phoenix Project, treasury report, World Student Service Fund and NSA's Purchase Card System. ' Responsibility of Business Educa- tion_' * * * SPECIAL GUESTS at the con- vocation -will include President Alexander G. Ruthven, Russell A. Stevenson, the present BAd dean who will introduce Dr. Day, deans of all schools of the University, and members of the first two classes who graduated from the BAd school. Dr. Day, now Chancellor of Cornell University, came to the University in 1922 to head the Department of Economics. In July, 1924, the School of Bus- iness Administration was estab- lished by act of the Board of Regents, and Dr. Day organized and headed the first faculty. A luncheon honoring Dr. Day will be held at the Michigan Un- ion following the convocation. * * * THE PROGRAM and the lunch- eon will be attended by many of the BAD '26 and '27 graduates who, according to Prof. M. H. Wa- termin of the BAd school, are coming from Spokane, Wash., In- dianapolis, and Washington, D.C., as well as from many cities in Michigan and Ohio. Classes in the BAd school will be discussed at 10:30 today in or- der that students may attend the convocation. world News Round-Up DR. EDMUND B. DAY, first dean of the School of Business Ad- ministration, will be the principle speaker at today's program observing the 25th anniversary of the school's founding. Now chancellor of Cornell University, Dr. Day will speak on the "Social Responsibility of Business Education." ~* * * * Second Place Awarded to Notre Dame Oklahoma Rates Next in First Vote NEW YORK --(P) -Michigan, Notre Dame and Oklahoma ran 1-2-3 yesterday in the season's SfirstAssociated Press poll to pick the top ten college football teams from coast to coast. For Michigan and Notre Dame their position were the same they held in the final poll at the close of the 1948 season. Oklahoma wound up as the No. 5 team last year. * * * FOURTH PLACE in the new lineup was captured by Tulane, while Minnesota landed in the No. 5 spot. Neither of them was in the top ten whensthe 1948 campaign came to a close. North Carolina, third last year, started off as the No. 6 club this time, followed in order by Army, Southern California, Southern Methodist and Cali- fornia. Only Southern Cal in that group failed to makethe grade last year. Eighty sports writers and broad- casters participated, in the first 1949 poll. Thirty-four of them placed Michigan at the top of their ballots. * s ON THE BASIS of ten points for a first place vote, nine for sec- ond, and so on, the Wolverines col- lected a total of 688 points out of a possible 800. Notre Dame drew only 15 first place votes, two less than Okla- homa but the Irish had enough added support for second and third to give them 627 points, compared to 505 for the Soon- ers. Half a dozen other teams divid- ed the remaining 14 first place . votes. Four of them went to Tu- lane, three to North Carolina, three to Duke, two to Minnesota See MAIZE, Page 6 Medina Seen As Colorful, Controversial (EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the second in a series of iterpretive articles by a Daily staffer who spent several days covering the Communist trial in New York.) By ROMA LIPSKY One of the most interesting as- pects of the Communist trial is the long-faced, blacked-robed man occupying the Judge's chair - Harold R. Medina. In an age when Federal Judges have moved from the position of inconspicuous mediators of jus- tice to subjects of front page head- lines, Medina stands out as one of the most colorful and contro- versial men of the day. * * * MANY TIMES during the day's proceedings the judge rather than the witness is the center of at- traction, for Medina is no passive observer. One court room obser- ver, commenting on the judge's air for the dramatic, summed up the trial as an affair where "everybody wants to get into the act, especially the judge." He takes copious notes on the proceedings, and when the word- ing of a previous question or response is under discussion, it is often Medina rather than the court stenographer who can sup- ply the exact phraseology. Frequently the judge takes over the task of questioning the witness on the stand. THIS PART OF his court-room behavior has brought sharp criti- cism from the defense table, the "Daily Worker," and the Com- munist party. This, plus direct criticism from the defense lawyers, who are con- stantly ref ering to a gesture or a tone in his voice as being detri- mental to the defense, makes his job an exceedingly difficult one. * . * * PROF. ROBERT S. FORD . . to Head Republican Planning Committee Prof. Ford's committee was planned two weeks ago by the GOP state central committee, and includes members from all partsl of the state. MUSICIANS HELP: Rubinstein Compliments Ann Arbor's Audiences By The Associated Press HOUSTON-A dying Gulf hur- ricane flailed its strength away to the Northeast last night after' swatting this Texas metropolis andI dealing a heavy blow to coastal' crops. Farm losses ran into the millions. WASHINGTON - Legislation extending social security to 11,- 000,000 more workers won its first test yesterday as the House, against Republicau protests of gag rule," voted to bar any amendments to the bill. * * * PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia--Cze- choslovakia chimed in with the cominform chorus yesterday and denounced her alliance and friend- ship treaty with Yugoslavia. By PHOEBE FELDMAN An Ann Arbor audience is easier to play to than many audiences in the country's great concert halls, piano virtuoso Artur Robinstein declared - during an intermission interview at last night's Choralj Union concert. "In the average audience, peo- ple come and sit down thinking of the dinner they have just eaten, or the pleasant conversation they have had. You have to work hard to draw them out," Rubinstein ex- plained. "The movies did him a great wrong, too," Rubinstein remarked, 'making a 'life of Chopin' which had nothing to do with Chopin." BUT THE CRITICS did him an even greater injustice when they claimed his music had become hackneyed, Rubinstein said. "No piece of music that is really great can ever become hackneyed. If it was great the f rst time it was played, it will always be that way," Rubinstein sail. NEARLY THIRTY DONORS: Students Give Blood for WSSF's Benefit Three more University students donated pints of blood yesterday to benefit the World Students Service Fund. This makes a total Af 28 st- time by participating in the plan. The funds collected in this manner til be used by the WSSF o 'aV7 ns Q+.rto-v ana + Students may donate blood at the University hospital from 8-11:30 a.m., Sat., and 1-4 p.m. Sun. Price urged that all students interested in giving blood for the