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October 04, 1949 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1949-10-04

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New Post Office Branch
Planned for South Side

Win Allen Award

Keep - students - happy depart-J
ment: a new post office branch is
coming your way soon.
Designed to relieve the load now'
Europe Sees
Good Bad in
Marshall Plani
(Continued from Page 1)
aid, especially in view of the
surprising fact that the Dutch
have the largest amount of as-
sistance per capita of any coun-
try under the plan.
With the double loss of Indo-
nesia and their former lucrative
trade with the eastern European
countries, the Dutch are in a race
to step up industrialization to ac-
comodate its overcrowded popula-
* * *
THE ENGLISH approve of
American aid because of its imme-
diate necessity, but they resent it
wholeheartedly because of the
wound in their national pride at
having to accept aid from another
The English find it difficult
and distasteful to admit that
the once mighty British Empire
is now a second rate power
whose existence depends on
We were in England on the eve
of the Anglo-American-Canadian
money talks in Washington and
the anti-American outcry in the
press was astonishing.
* * *
acting to criticism of England
then current in the Anerican
One high government official
said in effect, "Twisting the
Lion's tal is a risky business.
Don't count the British Empire
out yet."
At Marble Arch corner of Hyde
Park, where London's famous
soap box orators gather nightly,
we heard further criticisms of
America. But it mostly followed
the Communist line.
* * *
ONE SPEAKER, however, was
for refusing Marshall aid, not be-
cause it was imperialistic, but be-
cause it made the English soft and
"What we need is work, hard
work, and plenty of it. There's
still enough pep and energy in
the English to solve their own
problems," he said.
From what we saw and read, it
seems like an almost inescapable
conclusion that English depend-
ence on America must continue
for some time.
HOW ENGLAND and the rest
of Europe will fare in the coming
year in the light of the very real
expense of rearmament against
the mounting threat from the East
is hard to tell.
Riding Horses
English or
Western tack
Ranch Hills
4255 Washtenaw Avenue
Ph. 2-8834

carried by the downtown office,
.ain and Catherine and the May-
'iard St. substation, the new build-
ing will shortly invade South Uni-
versity--within easy reach of
those weary of lugging overstuffed
laundry cases into campus town.
be let tomorrow or Thursday, Ann
Arbor Postmaster Oswald Koch
has revealed.
Not withstanding the current
steelworker''s strike, building
operations should be completed
by the first week in February,
Koch declared.
The site was agreed upon by
local post office officials July 22,
two months after the Ann Arbor
Office received a lease from the
AT PRESENT, a former private
dwelling. is being razed to make
room for the modern station. A
Sept. 1 lease held by the family
had been responsible for stalling
summer operations until that date.
Postmaster Koch said.
The 57-by-127-foot lot tract
will house a two-story glazed
brick structure. The branch of-'
fice will take up the entire first
floor, while tentative plans have
called for a suite of doctors of-
fices on the second.
"Complete to the last detail".
is the phrase used by Koch tode-
scribe the substation and its fa-
cilities. In addition to four parcel
post windows, several rows of
safety deposit boxes will be pro-
vided to insure students prompt
and safe mail delivery.
A STAFF OF MORE than 100
workers, including 27 mail carriers
has already been contacted to
serve the daily mob of 500 stu-
dents expected to ship many pack-
age-tons from this office.
Koch emphasized that the South
University station will handle all
parcel post shipments entering the
Students planning to receive
packages from home at post office
addresses will be obliged to pick
them up there, not at either of the
other stations, he said.
Good News
DENVER - Infantile paralysis
does not leave serious after ef-
fects on the nervous behavior of
child victims, according to the
American Psychological Associa-

-Daily--Wally Barth
AWARD WINNERS-Mary Stein, '50, associate editor of The
Daily, and Roger Wellington, '50, Daily business manager, are to
share the Larry Allen Award for 1948-49 for their service to The
Daily, as announced by the Board in Control of Student Publica-
tions last night.
Players Call for Try outs
In Student Production

Lengthy Red
Trial Enters
Closing Stage
(Continued from Page 1)
that supposedly mature people can
waste a lot of time on nonsense.
Defense and prosecution law-
yers argue for hours over points
in no way connected with the
substance of the case.
Witnesses spend hour after hour
hedging around questions con-
cerning an address or telephone
number from several years past.
Tempers and blood-pressures rise
in long-winded disputes over the
phasing of a particular question or
response. ,
AND YOU are struck not by the
fact that this trial has already
consumed so much time, but rath-
er wonder that, with the crawling
pace of the proceedings, anything
at all has been accomplished.
The case began last January
with a New York grand jury
indictment charging:
"That from on or about April 1,
1945, and continuously thereafter
.. (the 11 defendants plus Wil-
liam Z. Foster, later excused from
the trial because of illness) did
conspire with each other and with
other persons . . . to organize the
Communist Party of America .
to teach and advocate the over-
throw and destruction of the Unit-
ed States by fource and violence."
* * *
IN SO DOING, the indictment
continues, the defendants have vi-
olated the Smith Act of 1940.
The defense argument is that
the Communist Party is a legal
political organization, not a con-
Manymotions for a mistrial
have been introduced on the
grounds that the defendants are
being tried for their ideas rather
than for any overt act. This, they
claim, is unlawful under the first
amendment to the constitution.
* * *
TIKE DEFENSE has also pointed
to the unconstitutionality of the
Smith Act itself.
This is a question which will not
be decided by the present jury, but
is certain to be reviewed by a high-
er court of appeals in case of a
Paint Passion
SIOUX CITY - Paint-licking
cows are likely to find themselves
sick with lead poisoning, according
to the American Veterinary Med-
ical Association..
For some reason, cows are pe-
culiarly attracted to the taste of
fresh paint, the Association stated.

Picture Editor

Adjustment To'U'Found
Difficult By Englishman
Geoffrey N. Leigh, an English student on campus, is having trouble
adjusting himself to American university life.
"In comparison to English girls I find American coeds much
more stimulating to talk with," Leigh said in a recent interview.
* *' * *
"THEY ARE VERY friendly, hospitable, and well-dressed." .. ..
Educational standards are higher in English universities
than at Michigan, according to Leigh. The University lacks the
scholarly atmosphere so appar-
ent at London University, he
said. '° Rb 1 A I'b IIC ih



Student Players are moving into
the ring.
The organization which last
year gave the campus "Time of
Your Life" and "Boy Meets Girl"
will hold tryouts for its next pro-
duction, "Golden Boy," at 7:30
p.m. today in the League.
ters and even violin players can
find a part for themselves in this
play about an Italian boy whose
ambition leads him to forsake his
musical talents for the career of a
prize fighter.
"Golden Boy," written by Clif-
ford Odets, was first produced on
Broadway in 1937. Its run there
was followed by a successful en-
gagement in London. A film
version of the play 'came out in
In addition to Joe Bonaparte,
the "golden boy," the cast includes
a fight manager, his girl, a Jewish
"philosopher," a cab driver, a
trainer, a gunman and 12 other
* * *
growth of the Willow Village Lit-
tle Theater, organized in 1947 by
Mike Cotta, '49. Last fall Cetta
brought the group to campus.
where they gave two well-received

productions, one in February and'
one in May.
Participation in Student Play-
ers is open to all University stu-
dents. Alumni of the group vary
from wrestlers to six year old
Production of "Golden Boy" is
scheduled for Feb. 16 to 18. Cetta
will direct the play.
Coeds Move
It Renovated
Leage House-
Thirty-one University coeds, left
homeless when fire swept through
the league house in which they
were living on Sept. 24, have
moved back into their old rooms.
The house, located at 1805
Washtenaw Avenue, was gutted by
flames on the first floor, with
smoke and water also causing con-
siderable damage to the second
and third floor quarters.
Repairs were rushed through,
however, by the home owner, H.
W. Freeman, and the girls began
moving back from their tem-
porary domicile in the League
dormitory Sunday morning.


... Daily Photography Editor
New Schedule
The Department of Speech has
begun its regular schedule of
broadcasts from its studios located
on the fourth floor of Angell Hall.
First on the schedule of broad-
casts is "Down Storybook Lane,"
which will be presented five days
a week on WUOM FM at 5:30 p.m.
The "Michigan Journal of the
Air," consisting of news topics of
the day, feature stories and inter-
views with campus personalities
will be heard at 2:30 on Friday
over WUOM and WKAR, East
A student directed and produced
dramatic series, "Angell Hall Play-
house will be heard every Tuesday
at 8:00 p.m.

The actions of the spectators at
the Michigan-MSC football game
amazed Leigh.
* * *
"IT WAS surprising the way the
crowd cheered when the oppon-
ent lost the ball. In England, peo-
ple are embarrassed when the7
opponent makes a mistake."
Leigh had his first experience
with American salesmanship1
when he entered a local store to
buy a handkerchief.
"The bloke jolly nearly sold me
the store," Leigh said. "He sold me
three handkerchiefs and a pair of
trousers before I realized what
had happened." He returned the

The first meeting of the Socie-
dad Hispanica will be held at 8
p.m., tomorrow, in the League
The meeting is primarily to
welcome new members, said An-
thony M. Pasquariello, faculty ad-
visor of the Sociedad.
A colored film on a Mexican
bull fight, and reports from Phyllis
Biggs, '50, Dora DeMaso, '51, and
Rosemary Levin, '50, winners of
summer scholarships to Mexico,
are also on the- agenda.
Membership cards will be sold
at the meeting and in the lobby
of the Romance Language Bldg.

COMEDY - 9 p.m. Bob Hope
9:30 p.m. Life with Luigi-
FORUM - 8:30 p.m. "Town
Meeting of the Air: Should
Hawaii Be Admitted as the
49th State? -Joseph R. Bar-
rington, Willard Givens, Sen.
Harry P. Cain, Daniel F. Rid-
DRAMA-8 p.m. Cavalcade of
America: The Lady Becomes
a Governor with Dorothy Mc-
TELEVISION -- 9:30 Suspense:
Doctor Violet, starring June
Optimistic Males
CINCINNATI, O.-Men have a
more hopeful outlook on the fu-
ture of atomic energy than do
women, according to a survey
made in New York and Ohio.

WHEN HE BOUGHT his first Thursday and Friday.
hot-dog Leigh took the "dog" out
of the roll to eat it. The counter-
man asked him what he was . ) .
doing. "I never eat my sausage in
a roll," Leigh replied. N IG H
Leigh has not as yet condi-
tioned himself to shower baths. SC H O O
On the bulletin board in the
lobby of the West Quad there
is a card which reads, Choose your goal in bus
Wantd: n Eglis stle ath ness, and let us help you wi
Wanted: An English style bath it Study practical business su
in a bathtub. At least one night jects in leisure evening hou
a week. Any' information?" Enjoy the stimulation of stud
The card is signed Geoffrey ing with other ambitious you
Leigh. people. Ask for free Bulletin
Legh.or come in fora discussionc
your plans, withoutobligatio
Free Placement Service.
W olverine Cht Check the subject which
Tetl a terests u, y on the coupon b
low,an mail it today.
To ueeruit U l-adr
William at State Ph. 78
Students discontented with the
lack of school spirit can do some- Please send free Night Sch
thing about it, according to Al Bulletin and information on t
Hartzmark, '50, co-chairman of subjects which I have check
publicity for the Wolverine Club. .... ..Machine Shorthand
All interested students, both.-..".. ..Beginning Shorthand
men and women, are invited to the.....Advanced Shorthand
membership meeting of the Wol-. .......Beginning Typewritin
verine Club to be held at 8:00 p.m.. ....Advanced Typewritin
tomorrow at the Union, he said . ... Office Machines
The Wolverine Club is a service. .......Bookkeeping
organization devoted to the pro-. .......Accountancy
motion of school spirit, Hartzmark. .......Reveiw Courses
explaineds .....Business Arithmetic
Activities of the club include
the planning and execution of pep My Name..............
rallies, flash card stunts, arraig- Address...............
ing for special trains to away Occupation........
games, team send-offs and recep-
tions, distribution of football pins Phone No...............
and basketball half-time shows.




s -




(Continued from Page 4)
Christian Science Organization:
Testimonial meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Upper Room, Lane Hall.
Sigma Delta Chi (professional
journalism fraternity): Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Seminar Room, Haven
Hall. All members requested to
U.W.F.: Meeting, 4 p.m., Union,
Coming Events
I.A.S.: Meeting, Wed., Oct. 5,
Rms. 3R and 3S, Union; 7:30 p.m.
Slides and Lecture by Prof. W.
C. Nelson.
Slides and Film-"U. of M. Su-
personic Tunnel" by Mr. L. Garby.

Presbyterian Church,

Wed., 4-61

Canterbury Club: Wed., 7:15
a.m.; Holy Communion followed
by Student Breakfast.
Sociedad Hispanica: First meet-
ing of the year, Oct. 5, 8 p.m., Ball-
room, League. Movies of a bull-
Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Wed.,
Oct. 5, 12 noon, 3055 N.S. Election
of officers and discussion of Fall
Rhodes Scholarships meeting of
all students interested in Rhodes
Scholarships, Thurs., Oct. 6, 4:15
p.m., 2013 Angell Hall. Applica-
tions for Rhodes Scholarships
should be handed in, on or before
Fri., Oct. 14 to 2024 Angell Hall.

student section of the American
Society of Civil Engineers, 7:30
p.m., Oct. 5, Rm. 3G, Union. Open
meeting for staff presentation and
picnic plans.
AIREE-IRE: Meeting, Wed.,
Oct. 5, 348 W. Engineering Bldg.,
7:30 p.m. "Preparing for Inter-
views," by W. C. Bergman, college
employment coordinator for Bell
Telephone Co.
Michigan Arts Chorale: First
meeting of the fall, Wed., Oct. 5, 7
p.m., Rm. B, Haven Hall. M&ri-
nard Klein, conducting. Singers
with previous choral experience
are invited.
Anthropology Club: First meet-
ing Wed., Oct. 5, 7:30 p.m., 3024
Museums Building. Entrance to
the building will be by the rear
door. All students interested in
anthropology invited. Organiza-
tional meeting. William H. Sears
will address the club on "Recnt
Developments in the Archaeology
of Georgia."
Wolverine Club: Regular meet-
ing. Wed., Oct. 5, 8 p.m., Union. All

interested students, coeds includ-
ed, are welcome to attend this
meeting of the campus pep organi-
St. Louis Club: All students from
St. Louis, Mo., and vicinity are
urged to attend the organization-
al meeting Wed., Oct. 5, 4 p.m.,
Michigan Union.
Women of the University Facul-
ty: Tea, 4 to 6 p.m., Wed., Oct. 5.
Fourth floor clubroom, League.
Hillel Membership Drive:
Anyone interested in working on
the drive, report to Rm. 3N, Union,
4:15 p.m., Wed., Oct. 5.
Michigan Arts Chorale (Extra
Curricular Choir). First meeting,
Wed., Oct. 5, 7 p.m., Room "B",
Haven Hall.
Open to all students of the Ui-
versity who have had choral expe-
rience or who are vocally and mu-
sically qualified.
IZFA Meeting for people inter-
ested in study groups and song
and dance groups. Wed., Oct. 5,
League, 7:45 p.m.





Westminster Guild:

A.S.C.E.: Frst meeting

Tea n' talk, I

of the


'Twasn't the charm of Cinderella
but her blouse
that won the fella!
1 5'
I'll I1 JE

Come In and Make Arrangements


1111 1







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