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October 04, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1949-10-04

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i 1




ANYONE WHO IS addicted to reading na-
tional magazines would have recognized
this autumn that peculiar fever known as
."forecastitis"-the unusual penchant of big
name sports writers to make like Nostra-
damus and tell the eager populace just who
is going to take the football honors this
Personally, we find it a bit tiring, if
not foolish. What with the great number
of football teams and players throughout
the country, few of which one writer could
have seen prior to the season, it is ridic-
ulous to assume that "so-and-so will be
best in the West," and that Pat Bulokow-
ski is a sure bet for All-American.
Yet the sports writers continue to do it,
probably because it is an easy thing to
write and because all of us like to gamble
a little. The fans supposedly eat it up.
But one of these days the fans are
going to get very tired of the whole thing
and turn to another sport where there is
no forecasting-say squash rackets or
We've recently made it a rule never to
buy a magazine with a football player on
the cover, because we know what's going
to be on the inside-namely, what Joe Tap-
ioca thinks about the coming season-which
will undoubtedly be "one of the greatest in
-George Flint.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Dailystaff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Private Power Lines


Washington Merry-Go-Round



W ASHINGTON--Ray Wakefield, who had
served his country long and faithfully,
was found in the bathtub the other day with
his wrists slashed. His death, shortly there-
after, did not provoke the same storm that
followed the suicide of another high public
official last spring, but it should not pass
Ray Wakefield was a Republican who
had made a career of government. Be-
ginning as a California district attorney,
then as a California railroad commissioner,
he worked his way up to be a Federal
Communications Commissioner. Most of
his adult life he spent serving his gov-
ernment, and both Democrats and Re-
publicafts testified that he served it well.
When his term expired on the Federal
Communications Commission in 1947, both
Republican and Democratic Senators, to-
gether with the Democratic FCC chairman,
recommended him for reappointment.
And he was reappointed. This particular
post of the FCC had to be filled by a Re-
publican, and Truman sent Wakefield's
name up to the Senate.
Then, one day after President Truman
made a speech at Princeton, in June, 1947,
urging young men to make a career of gov-
ernment service, he suddenly withdrew
Wakefield's name from the Senate.
W/AKEFIELD, just before his appointment
was withdrawn, had issued a report
which saved the American public $2,500,000
a year in radio and telegraph rates. Because
of this and his consistent championship of
lower rates for the public, the big radio and

I- it

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At the State:
SAND, with Mark Stevens, Coleen Gray,
Rory Calhoun in assorted horse-play.
BEAUTIFUL SCENERY, horses, and tech-
nicolor mark this refined Western saga
as the biggest waste of film and natural re-
sources to come out of Hollywood in many
a month.
For photography, no matter how expert,
cannot make up for weakness in plot, char-
acterization and dialogue, all of which
"Sand" has in great abundance.
Centering about a prize show stallion,
who seems to be the Valentino of horse-
dom, the film follows him through a long
drawn-out succession of wild-oat sowing.
Various beautiful mares are led to dis-
honor and final iniquity by the energetic
nag, with owner Mark Stevens always hot
on his trail.
The aura of the stable doesn't end there,
however; it pervades the whole plot, with
Stevens courting the athletic Miss Gray in
dialogue which might best be called horse-
Obstacles in the path of the aforemen-
tioned true love are presented by another
stallion, one Rory Calhoun, whose best
efforts to break up the pair and put a
bullet through the prize horse's head are
put awry by Miss Gray's marriage-broker
grandfather and the final triumph of
sweetness, light, and vanity in Calhoun's
warped soul.
In comparison 'to recent expensive horse-
operas, "Sand" grates on one's nerves, as do
the cartoon and music short which complete
the bill.
Fran Ivick.

At the Michigan: .
Morgan, Doris Day, Jack Carson and a
host of guest stars playing bit parts. In
WARNER BROTHERS found a short while
back that the combination of Dennis
Morgan and Jack Carson was a money-mak-
ing proposition, so with a few new lines
and Doris Day, who is rapidly becoming a
cinema favorite, they have turned out an-
other routine musical.
There is a lot of padding-each of the
big three have at least one song-and
there is a trick ending. Jules Styne and
Sammy Cahn did the honors on the music
and it can be endured, but the ending
falls flat. It would have gone over in finer
fashion back in 1943 after a certain yacht
incident, but there's no oomph to it in
A few of, the sequences are good, but by
no means outstanding. However, the picture
will get by. It is light and enjoyable for the
most part. But if- you can't forgive Carson
and Morgan for some of their zany antics,
you had better pass this one by.
The routine is about as old as Hollywood
-Carson dnd Morgan are going to put
waitress Doris Day into pictures. And, suf-
ficient to say, they're not entirely altruistic
about their endeavor.
They try every trick in the book to con-
vince producer Bill Goodwin of Doris' charm
without much success. That's about all there
Goodwin does a pretty nice job of por-
traying a psychoneurotic with a persecu-
tion complex while Eddie G. Robinson and
Joan Crawford are given the best of the
bit parts.

communications companies didn't like him.
Senator Bricker of Ohio, wanted his friend,
Congressman Robert Jones of Ohio, appoint-
ed in Wakefield's place.
Jones had been elected with the support
of Gerald L. K. Smith and other isola-
tionist groups, once had belonged to the
Black Legion. But Wakefield's name was
withdrawn and Jones was appointed in his
And so Ray passed away last week. He
was taken to no government hospital. His
funeral will not be held in state. But his
death will be mourned by many little people
who knew Ray Wakefield as a friend of
* * *
PETITE ANNE ALPERN, noted city so-
licitor of Pittsburgh, gave senators on
the Interstate Commerce Committee a piece
of her nimble mind the other day.
Testifying on the stymied reappointment
of Leland Olds, liberal Federal Power Com-
missioner, the lady lawyer from Pittsburgh
asked, in effect, whether the committee was
taking orders from the American people or
from the private gas-and-oil lobby which is
so vehemently fighting Olds' confirmation.
The big gas companies, Miss Alpern as-
serted, were against Olds because he op-
posed legislation exempting them from
federal rate regulation.
"I'm not concerned about the fate of one
man," testified Miss Alpern. "But I am
concerned about the fate of American con-
sumers. We cannot afford to jettison men
like Leland Olds who have devoted their
careers to protecting consumers. The one
thing his enemies don't like about him is
that they can't swerve him from his public
* * *
SEN. Wayne Morse of Oregon, confined to
a wheel chair with a wrenched back, got
bored with the hospital and ordered that he
be wheeled into the Senate each day-to
keep on the job. At the sight of Morse in his
wheel chair, fellow Republican Karl Mundt
of South Dakota cracked: "I don't mind
you voting like FDR, but you don't have to
start coming around in a wheel chair, too."
(copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
UAW Plan
IT IS NOT SURPRISING that any plan
brought forth from the long Ford-UAW
negotiating season should meet with some
opposition from the leftwingers of the Rouge
Local 600.
Walter Reuther and his side-kicks in
the International UAW-CIO organization
have known of the factionalism in the un-
ion for some time.
At the UAW convention last summer
Reuther found that the opposition was
strong enough to defeat many of the pro-
posals that would have strengthened his
control as president of the UAW. Reuther's
opposition passes out its own literature to
the Ford workers on every major union
It is strange, however, that the pension
plan does not meet with more criticism.
The workers did not receive what they set
out to gain initially.
The Executive Board of the Axle Building,
one of the many divisions of Local 600 in
the Rouge plant, summed up the union's
economic demands as 40 cents per hour
per man above present pay and health serv-
ice benefits. This 4um was to be divided be-
tween a pension fund and wage and health
insurance increases.
The company, however, will pay 8% cents
for the pension and 1 cents for increased
health benefits-a total of 10 cents. The
company will pay an average of $60 towards
the $100 a month pension; social security
pays the rest.
Increased social security can nullify the
company's pension obligation.
Perhaps the rank and file is extolling

Ruether for beating the company at the
bargaining table and averting a strike
that would have probably put the workers
so far in the red that any pension fund
would not have aided them.
The fact remains that Reuther did not
get what the workers were ready to fight for.
From the workers' standpoint the Ford pen-
sion plan is a failure in light of what they
set out to gain.



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(Continued from Page 3) (
Funds to support research projects1
during the current academic year,
should file their applications in1
the Office of the Graduate School
by Fri., Oct. 7. Application forms
will be mailed or can be obtain-
ed at Rm. 1006 Rackham Bldg.,
telephone 372.
Boarding for Women:
Openings are still available for
women students interested in1
boarding at student-operated co-
operatives at exceptionally low
costs and a maximum of 4 hours,
work per week. Contact Nina
Kessler, 2-4914, Muriel Lester
House, 1102 Oakland.
Women students needing to
make housing arrangements for
the second semester may apply at
the Dean of Women's office, 1514,
Administration Building, begin-
ning Nov. 15, 1949.
Bureau of Appointments:
The United States Civil Service
Commission announces an exami-
nation for the following positions:i
Information Specialist, Aviation
Safety' Agent, Airways Flight In-,
spector, and Public Health Educa-
Additional information may be+
secured at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Arministration Bldg.
Student Identification Cards will
be given out in the lobby of the
Administration Building this week
according to the following alpha-
betical schedule: Wednesday,
A-G; Thursday, H-Q; Friday,
University Community Center,
Willow Village.
Tues., Oct. 4, 8 p.m. Church So-
cial Committee. 8 p.m. Wives' Club
Play-reading group. 8 p.m. Wives'
Club Fashion Show committee.
Wed., Oct. 5, 8 p.m. Ceramics.
Thurs., Oct. 6, 8 p.m. Ceramics.
8 p.m. Choir.
Student Ldan Prints: Students
may pick up their assigned prints
at 508 Administration Building
Tuesday through Friday of this
week, 9-12 and 1-5. Please bring
claim card.
Students may sign for and pick
up one of the 40 unassigned
framed prints at 508 Administra-
tion Building Wednesday through
Friday. Rental fee 50 cents. Stu-
dent identification required.
University Lecture. "Corneille
and Dryden as Playwrights." Pier-
re Legouis, professor of English
Language and Literature. Univer-
sity of Lyon, France; auspices of
the Department of English. 4:15
p.m., Tues., Oct. 4, Rackham Am-
University Lectures in Journal-
ism: Floyd J. Miller, publisher of
the Royal Oak Daily Tribune, will
address an assembly of journalism
concentrates and other interested
students Wed., Oct. 5, 3 p.m.,
Room. E, Haven Hall. His subject
is a "Report on the Inter-Ameri-
can Press Congress of 1949." As a
director of the Inter-American
Press Association of the 'United
States, Miller has just returned
from that meeting in Quito, Ecua-
dor. Informal coffee hour.
Free Lecture on Christian Sci-

ence entitled "CHRISTIAN SCI-
PATH," to be delivered by Cecil F.
Denton, C.S. at Rackham Lecture
Hall, Thurs., Oct. 6, 8 p.m.
Academic Notices
Anthropology 188 will meet at
Room 6, Angell Hall at 11 o'clock.
History 11, Lecture Group II
will meet in Rm. B, Haven Hall,
MF 10, and not in W. Gal. AMH
as announced.
AE 160 Seminar: First meeting,
4:15 p.m., Wed., Oct. 5, 1504 E. E.
Prof. W. C. Nelson will speak on
'Observations on Aeodynamic
Research in Sweden and Holland.'
Visitors welcome.
English 149: Prof. Rowe's class
will meet in 315A Haven Hall at
7:30 p.m. on Tuesday instead of
304 SW.
Engineering Mechanics Ceminar:
Under the course number E.M
100, the Department of Engineer-
ing Mechanics is sponsoring a se-
ries of seminar meetings on Wed-
nesday- afternoons at 4 p.m., 101
W. Engineering Bldg. This Wed.
Oct. 5, Assistant Prof. Paul F
Chenea will speak on 'Stormer's
Method of Integrating Differen-
tial Equations Numerically." Open
The'University Extension Serv-
ice announces the following cour-
ses, enrollment for which may be
made in advance in the office
at 4524 Administration Building
(or at the first class session if the
course is not already filled):
Chamber Music for Recreation
A performance course to introduce
players to chamber music and fel-
low chamber musicians. Partici-
pants will be organized into smal
ensembles, major emphasis to be
placed on performance experience
of each group. Open to Univer-
sity students and to members o:
the community, with or withou
previous ensemble experience. Pre-
requisite: ability to play easie
chamber works. Class limited t
needs of successful group organiz-
ation. Noncredit course, eigh
weeks, $5.00.
Section I, String Instruments
Prof. Oliver A. Edel. Section II
Woodwinds (Oboe, Flute, Clarinet
Bassoon) and French Horn, Nelso
M. Hauenstein. Both sections mee
at 7 p.m., Tues., Oct. 4, 1022 Uni
versity High School.
Applications for the Medica
College Admission Test to be given
Oct. 22 are now available at 11
Rackham. This is the only plac
where these applications can b
tained. Application and fee mus
be mailed to arrive at the Educa
tional Testing Service, Post Offic
Box 592, Princeton, New Jersey
not later than Oct. 8, 1949.
Mathematics Seminars: The fol
lowing seminars have been organ
ized in the Mathematics Depart
Applied Mathematics, next meet
ing, Thurs., Oct. 6, 4:15 p.m., 24
Statistics, first meeting, Mon
Oct. 10 at 4 p.m., 3201 A.H.
Class Field Theory, first meet
ing, Thurs., Oct. 6, 4-5:45 p.m
3011 A.H.
Stochastic Processes, first meet
ing, Mon., Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m., 300

(<3, /

5 L


Letters to the Editor -


r J

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
piblication inthis column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in whichE
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signatureand address.
Letters exceeding 300) words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of asdefama-
tory character or such letters which1
for any other reason are not in goodt
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-e
densing letters.-
* * *
Browvn. .I
To the Editor:I
'VE JUST finished reading B.I
S. Brown's column for the firsts
time, and I must say I haven'ts
had such a hearty chuckle since I
broke my ankle falling off a curbc
two years ago.I
However, I must admit I had1
some difficulty following the subtler
intricacies of Mr. Brown's peerless
wit, and for the benefit of those
of us who are, unfortunately, too
dull to grasp his lightning flashesd
of whimsical insight, I suggest
that he wield his shovel with a'
heavier hand.
In the good old days when jour-
nalism was a profession and had
ethics, you should pardon the ex-
pression, the newspaper set the
standard for its readers. I think all
Theory of Games, first meeting,
Mon., Oct. 3, 7:30 p.m., 3001 A.H.
Geometry, first meeting, Tues.,
Oct. 4, 4 p.m., 3001 A.H. Mr. Kaz-
arinoff will speak.
Transfinite Numbers, first meet-
ing, Thurs., Oct. 6, 3 p.m., 2014 A.
General Theory of Integration,
first meeting, Tues., Oct. 4, 3 p.m.,
3014 A.H.
Classical Analysis, first meet-
ing, Thurs., Oct. 6, 4 p.m., 277 W.E.
Algebra, , first meeting, Tues.,
Oct. 4, 4 p.m., 3201 A.H.
Students taking the Graduate
Aptitude Test should pay the $2.00
fee to the Cashier in the Admin-
istration Building before 4 p.m.,
Oct. 5. The ticket given as a re-
ceipt must be presented for ad-
mission to the testing session.
Events Today
Science Research Club: October
meeting, Rackham Amphitheatre,
7:30 p.m.
Program: Endocrine in Gout,
William D. Robinson, Department
of Internal Medicine.
Research in the University Lake
Hydraulics Laboratory, Ernest F.
Brater, Department of Civil Engi-
Sigma chapter, Kappa Alpha Psi
fraternity, 8 p.m. today, Rm. 3-K,
.Michigan Union. Grand Chapter
dues accepted at this meeting.
Tryouts for the U. of M. Stu-
dent Players production "Golden
Boy," A.B.C. room, League, 7:30
p.m. All are welcome.
Sigma Rho Tau, engineering
speech society, first meeting of the
semester, 7 p.m., East Eng. Bldg.
Engineers invited.
. Alpha Kappa Psi: Professional
business administration fraternity
- invites all business and economics
1 students to their smoker and open
house at the chapter house, 1325
e Washetenaw, 7:30-8:30 p.m.
f WSSF.: A group will leave Lane
t Hall at 7:00 Tuesday to go to the
- University Hospital Blood Bank to
r- contribute or be typed for blood
o donations for World Student Serv-
- ice Fund.

serious-minded citizens should be
very much concerned with the
possible blighting effects Mr.
Brown's literary efforts might
leave on the tender unformed
minds of future generations. Per-
haps a committee could be formed
to take action to prevent this
eventuality - for example, we
might suspend Mr. B's subscrip-
tion to the New Yorker.
Those of us who remember The
Daily in its B.B. era-Before
Brown, that is-had no com-
plaints. Indeed, if we found The
Daily left something to be de-
sired, it was surely not his poi-
soned pen.
If that illustrious gentleman can
dig himself out for long enough to
reply to this, I hereby challenge
him to a duel-dirty words at
ninety paces.
-Doris Griefer.
* * *
Grafton. . .
To the Editor:
HEY, WHERE'S Grafton? He's
50 per cent of the reason I get
The Daily. We can get Pearson in
the Free Press and the Alsop line
is in any paper; but Grafton's no-
where else in the state. Let's put
some class back on the edit page,
-H. S. Seltzer, k.D.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The syndicate
which sold Samuel Grafton's column
wrote us in June as follows: ". Mr.
Grafton has determined to devote his
energies to other writings and has
been forced to discontinue his col-
umn . ..")
Public Service...
To the Editor:
HIS LETTER is in the nature
I of a public service for a small
proportion of those who inhabit
the League cafeteria.
All who have entered therein
must have noticed the new,
atomic-age record machine (100
records 100). Those whose curios-
ity has impelled them to examine
the weapon at close range see that
there is a section of miscellaneous
records called "classical." Perhaps
weary of Vaughan Monroe's prim-
itive song (sic) of praise to the
lucky old sun, one or two of you
may have invested five cents in
Beethoven, or perhaps Mozart. If
you have, you will have noted the
curious phenomena which cause
this letter.
When Mr. Monroe vibrates his
thickened vocal cords, the carnage
can be heard in Ypsilanti. When
an entire symphony plays Beetho-
ven, the silence is palpable. Either
that machine has a mind of its
own (not impossible in these
magic times), or the League is
filching nickels from students. So,
if you want to hear Beethoven, go
some place else. If you want a few
minutes respite from Monroe, your
nickel is well spent.
Lloyd Segal.


-B. S. Brown.



W ASHINGTON-No one seems to have no-
ticed it, but a powerful attempt to re-
store out-and-out isolationism as official
Republican doctrine has been going on for
some time. The opportunity was provided by
the 1950 Senatorial contests in the two key
states of Ohio and Illinois. And ever since
they began their campaigns, Senator Robert
A. Taft and Representative Everett Dirksen
have been seeking to make the Ohio and
Illinois elections into eye-catching proofs of
isolationism's reviving appeal to the voters.
The case of Representative Dirksen is
not especially significant, unless the
squalor of political human nature happens
to excite your morbid interest. Dirksen was
a fervent convert to internationalism until
just °about the time when he was tempted
to seek the Illinois Senate seat now occu-
pied by Majority Leader Scott Lucas.
Unfortunately, the internationalism of
Senator Vandenberg is no better than the
foreign policy of Benedict Arnold in the
eyes of Colonel Robert R. McCormick. The

tician. Being a man of conviction, he h
never more than briefly wavered in h
isolationism. As a politician, he has evident
calculated that it would be° good campaii
tactics to change the venue from the Taf
Hartley Act and other domestic issues. Hen
Taft has been stressing his opposition
the bi-partisan foreign policy with speci
fervor and- intensity, in almost all his open
ing speeches to the Ohio voters.
When he launched his campaign, Sen
ator Taft had good reasons for believin
that there was an isolationist tide for hin
to ride on. Under the circumstances, th
Senator must have suffered unusual an
guish when he heard President Truman
announcement of an "atomic explosioi
somewhere in Russia."
Judging by the Senator's comments on t
grim new situation that now confronts ti
country, -he is still firmly committed
basing his appeal in Ohio on . strong is
lationism. This means, of course, that-
the next session of Congress, Taft will
far more active than before, in his attac


Community Service: Students
interested in volunteer work in a
variety of community projects will
be interviewed at Lane Hall
12:30-1; 5:15-5:45 p.m., Tuesday
through. Friday or other times by
Polonia Club: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., International Center. New
students of Polish descent invited.
Former members are expected to
attend-elections will be held.
Varsity Debate: Students inter-
ested in intercollegiate debate are
invited to the first organization
meeting of the year, 7:30 p.m., An-
gell Hall. Undergraduate men and
women in good academic standing
are eligible. Previous experience
not required.
Eta Kappa Nu: Dinner meeting,
6 p.m. Meet in the Union cafeteria.
All members urged to attend.
Meeting for all students who
travelled abroad this summer in
Rm. 3A, Union, 4 p.m. Sponsored
by NSA Committee.
(Continued on Page 6)

SRA Square Dance
at 7 p.m., Lane Hall.

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in 'Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff............Managing Editor
Al Blumnrosen............City Editor
Philip Dawson...Editorial Director
Mary Stein..........Associate Editor
Jo Misner...........Associate Editor
George Walker ........ Associate Editor
Don McNeil.........Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian-...Photography Editor
Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin.......... Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz. Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady ..........Women's ditor
Lee Kaltenbach. .Assocabe Women's Ed.
Joan King.......... .Librarian
Allan Clamage.. Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington... .Business Manager
Jim Dangi....... Advertising Manager
Bernie Aldinoff.......Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler...... reulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Enteredat the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.

Group meet



-Vernon Emerson.

PAUL WHITEMAN was scheduled to ap-
pear at Hill Auditorium with a program
of all-new numbers, except the popularly re-
quested "Rhapsody in Blue."
A Daily extra announced that the Board
of Regents had chosen Alexancder Ruthven
to be president of the University. Ruthven,
who. succeeded Dr. Clarence Little, is. the



- - 1W U E


Can Atlas, the Mental Giant,
figure out how long it will


IHe solves very hard problems,
m'boy. Once he calculated the

So it should be child's play
for him to figure when your

Atlas, you remember Barnaby?


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