SPORTSWRITERS' DISEASE See Page 4 Ci .10 r Latest Deadline in the State &i3 itiy " i,7 L RAIN, CO DLER. E)TT V AP. Q a r i T . rc vs ..- .. . . RAIN, COOLER VOL. LX, No. 8 ANN ARBUOR, MICUIUAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1949 H - . -.-.-- -- _______________________ __________________________________________________________ PRICE FIVE CENT Bloodshed Marks Coal, Steel Strikes Unaffected Men Return to Mines PITTSBURGH - VP) - Bloody " violence erupted anew in the strike-scarred coal fields yester- day as the nation's first double- header steel-coal walkout pinched America's economy a little harder. Gunfire pinpointed a clash be- tw"en Tennessee'. union and non- union miners with at least three hurt and two others missing. This came at the same time as 102,000 of John L. Lewis' men streamed back to the pits, the one bright spot on the strike scene. * * * WITH 400,000 UNITED Mine workers and 500,000 CIO United Steel-Workers on strike over pen- sions, the industrial snowball be- gan to roll. Dock workers walked out on the Great Lakes. Packard Motor Car Company said it will furlough 7,856 work- ers Thursday and Fridaysdue to "shortages already caused by the steel strike." Railroads announced plans for laying off additional workers-and started toting up their millions in losses if the walkouts continue. In the Pikeville, Tenn., gun battle, Matt Bunch, UMW international representative, said 20 unarmed union miners were ambushed as they approached a non-union mine owned by Keener Brothers. TODAY'S GOOD news was for home owners who heat with coal. Almost all the output of the re- turning miners---80,000 anthracite workers in Eastern Pennsylvania and 22,000 bituminous miners west of the Mississippi-goes for home heat. Lewis ordered them back because their output has no bear- ing on contract negotiations. As for any plans for an early end to the strikes that could crip- ple the nation's industrial life, they are most conspicuous by their absence. Mary Garden To Give First Of Lectures Opera Star To Open Series Tomorrow RUTIIVEN ANNIVERSARY: Marks 20th Year k As 'U' President President Alexander G. Ruthven, who became president of the University 20 years ago today, has served in that capacity longer than any state university president now in office. His tenure is the secondlongest of any president of the University being exceeded only by that of Dr. James Burrill Angell, who served 38 years, from 1871 to .1909. * * * * COMME years, durin ENTING ON the University's progress in the past 20 g which the enrollment on the campus increased from * * * Oless than 10,000 in 1929 to its present size of approximately 21,- 000, President Ruthven said: "I'm very proud of the de- velopments at the University during my regime, but I realize that the growth and success of the University during this period has been due in great part to the cooperation that I've re- ceived from the staff, and I want to thank them heartily for their contribution." "As I look back and then look ahead I'm impressed by the fact that the University has always been changing and will continue to change-because change is nec- essary to progress," he declared. ALEXANDER RUTHVEN . . . ... 20th year as president Union Opera Needs Music Union Opera is very much in need of the tuneful talents of campus composers. A meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thurs- day in the Union will be held for all persons interested in writing music for the 1950 production of the Opera, scheduled for early in the spring semester. Hit tunes from past Union Operas have long been favorites in student songfests, whether in the shower, on the stage or at sere- nades. Past Opera favorites include such traditional airs as "The Bum Army," "When Night Falls, Dear," "College Days," the "Friars' Song" and a host of campus drinking songs. PRESIDENT RUTHVEN had acquired a first-hand understand- ing of the school's problems as the Dean of Admissions, when he was named president by the Board of Regents in 1929. Among President Ruthven's outstanding achievements was his early reorganization of the University's administration. He distributed the executive au- thority by creating three vice presidents in charge of various administrative fields, a director of alumni relations and by appoint- ing a Provost to carry out certain presidential functions. * * * PRESIDENT RUTHVEN insti- tuted an executive committee which included the dean and members of the faculty in an effort to unite more effectively the faculty of the schools and colleges and the administration. Neither a world-shaking de- pression nor a destructive world war could long obstruct Pres- ident Ruthven's plans for the expansion of the University. And with the active support he has given the Phoenix Project, President Ruthven has climaxed 20 years of service to the Univer- sity. Lengthy Red Trial Enters ClosingStag Many Vital Issues e To Be Decided (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a series of interpertive articles by a Daily staffer who spent several days covering the conmunist trial in New York.) By ROMA LIPSKY After more than nine months o testimony, the Communist Con spiracy Trial is drawing to a close The case enters its final stag today as the defense begins it summation. COLUMNISTS and analysts o: every political complexion, ap. proaching the case with viewpoint ranging from that of the profes- sional politician to the arm-chai theorist have repeatedly called this one of the most important la cases of our time. The outcome of this trial is sure to effect more than the 11 defendants, and more than the organized membership of the Communist Party in America. Issues involved in the case ar closely tied up with governmenta policy, both national and interna- tional, and the jury's verdict wil probably cause repercutions ir both levels of operation. * * * YET SITTING in the large high-ceilinged courtroom, one feels See RED TRIAL, Page 6 U Foreign Students Hit By Pound Cut The devaluation of the British pound has had its effects on the pocket books of foreign students studying at the University. Indian and Canadian students, the two largest groups on campus next to the Chinese, are feeling the pinch in the form of less value for the dollars they receive from parents. * * * ROBERT B. KLINGER, assist- ant counselor to foreign students, reported that the Indian students have an allotment of so many rupees they could call upon in any one year and now conversion into dollars throws them below subsistence level. "The great mass of them are now beating the streets of Ann Arbor hunting for jobs to cover room or board," Klinger said. He pointed out that the effect upon the near eastern countries has been mostly a delay in the receipt of money from home. "These students have been taken care of by the University Loan Committee," he added. "IT HAS NOT affected govern- ment students, such as those from Siam, Egypt, Iraq and Germany or those individuals who have re- ceived scholarships in American dollars." "Perhaps the hardest hit of all have been the relatively small number of students from British tropical colonies." In some of these places, there were bank closings and in all of them there has been delay in receipt of funds, a situa- tion which may become perma- nent." "It is felt that the ultimate re- sult of devaluation will be favor- able to foreign students. The im- mediate reaction, however, has been financial chaos," Klinger concluded. Varsity Debate Squad To Meet The University's varsity debat- ing will be launched at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 4203 Angell Hall, when all undergraduates interest- ed in forensics will meet to out- line plans for the coming year. Handling the several teams will be Ray Nadeau, coach, and N. Edd Miller, director of forensics, who guarantees an eventful year of intercollegiate debates, talks be- fore luncheon clubs, high school groups and other organizations throughout the country. * * * "WE HOPE the debate groups Coast With 10-ieWu . Doctors Say Vandenberg Recovering Condition 'Good' After Operation Arthur H. Vandenberg, veteran Michigan Senator, had half his left lung removed in an operation early yesterday at University Hospital. Following the six-hour opera- tion, doctors said at 4:45 p.m. that the Senator's condition was "quite good." THE 65-YEAR-OLD Republican Foreign Affairs leader underwent the operation to remedy what was previously reported to be a lesion on the lung. Dr. John Alexander, well- known thoracic surgeon in charge of Vandenberg's case, announced that the Senator's "condition during the operation was excellent." At 8:30 p.m. yesterday, after checking the patient, Dr. Alexan- der stated, 'So far he is fine. I couldn't expect him to be better." * * * A FURTHER Statement will be issued between 9 and 10 a.m. to- day when the results of the lab- oratory tests are known. An an- nouncement of what the operation disclosed may be forthcoming at that time. Senator Vandenberg entered the hospital a week ago for a complete examination and diag- nosis following a briefer check- up last month. His friends in Washington had suggested he might require an op- eration but they did not know the cause. All the Senator's office would announce was that he would enter the hospital for the checkup. The Senator's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey of Grand Rapids, were at the hospital during the operation while the Senator's wife remained by her phone in Grand Rapids. World News Round- Up By The Associated Press LONDON-Britain, France and the United States, spurred by Rus- sia's lightning-swift diplomatic endorsement of the new Chinese Communist government, are ex- pected to examine this week their own attitude towards recognition. * * * BERLIN-All signs yesterday were that a Communist East German Government soon will be set up in Berlin with Walter Ulbright, Moscow-trained vet- eran of the Spanish Civil war, as chancellor or prime minister. * *-* WASHINGTON-A brief formal session yesterday marked the opening of a new Supreme Court term expected to produce historic decisions on racial segregation and Congress' right to inquire into commmunism. It lasted a scant 20 minutes. WASHINGTON - Legislation vastly expanding the goverment's social security program was, cleared today for quick House ac- tion. Some members hoped it might lessen demands by some la- bor groups for special pension plans financed wholly by employ- ers. New Senior Staffers -Daily-Wally Barth DON McNEIL DEORA NELSON - ... New Daily Associate Editor and Assistant Business Manager 4 * * * Seven .promoted to Daily 0/ Senior, Junior Staffs Seven appointments to senior and junior positions on The Daily were announced last night by the Board in Control of Student Publications. In its first meeting of the year, the Board also named winners of the 1948-49 Larry Allen Award for outstanding work on the junior staff of The Daily. * * * * SENIOR APPOINTMENTS include: Don McNeil, '50, Detroit, who was named associate editor; Deora Nelson, '50, Detroit, appointed associate business manager; Alex Lmanian, '50, Detroit, photography editor; and JoAnne King, Grad., Rochester, Ill., librarian. _- ' McNeil, a political science ma- Jor, fills the post recently vacat- F uro e Sees ed by Craig Wilson, who is now director of publications for the National Student Association. I a in On the junior staff, the follow-j G ing appointments were made: Geraldine Senderoff, '50, Irving- M ar hal Plton, N.J., lay-out manager; Ina See PICTURE, Page 6 (EDITOR'S NOTE: Thi sis the sixth in a series of articles by two Daily Sussman, '52, Brooklyn, assistant staff members who spent the summer lay-out manager; and Allan Clam- i Europe as leaders of an NSA study age, '50, Detroit, assistant librar- tor. ian. By BARNEY LASCHEVER and * * * Hurricane Slashes i Storm Near Galveston Lake Charles IThireatenis Crops Industrial Plants GALVESTON, Tex. -(W) - A hurricane loaded with winds above 100 miles an hour slammed int the rich Texas coast last nigh between Freeport and Matagord and moved inland. The Galveston weather burea said the edge of the storm was about to strike here. HOUSTON BRACED for hurri- cane winds before midnight. The striking storm covered a. broader area than had been ex- pected. The base of its target extended 70 miles southwest of here to Matagorda. Earlier, Freeport, about 70 miles away, had been set as the southwest- ern end of the target. Houston, about 50 miles inland from here, is the apex of a triangle expected to catch the force of the blow. The area is packed with dozens of towns, millions of people and GALVESTON, Tex-(M)-En- tertainer Horace Heidt, sched- uled to present his show "The Kids Break Through" at Muni- cipal Auditorium last night, had to cancel it because of the hur- ricane He announced instead that a continuous performance would be given through the night for entertainment of hundreds of storm refugees who had flocked there. millions of dollars worth of indus. try, shipping and farms. WINDS OF 75 to 80 miles an hour whipped Matagorda. The Freeport Coast Guard station re- ported a seven and a half foot tide. The U.S. weather bureau at New Orleans said the highest winds reported to it were 100- mile-an-hour gusts at Freeport. At 10 p.m. the bureau said the center of the storm had reached the Texas coast near Freeport. * * * WINDS WITHIN 25 miles of the center were estimated at more than 100 miles an hour by the weather bureau. Earlier, a Navy pilot who flew into the storm said he found winds as high as 120 miles an hour. The U.S. weather bureau at Corpus Christi said it appeared the storm was moving inland nearer Matagorda than Free- port. Corpus Christi is 130 miles down the coast from Matagorda. As the hurricane moved in it drove trash cans rattling down Freeport streets. The town is three miles from the beach, and the road leading to the beach already was under water. The big Dow Chem- ical plant reported at 10 p.m. that it was in snug shape. Lights in the town flickered. * * * A SMALL crew was standing by the plant, which sent more than 2,500 men away as it closed today. Many residents of Freeport left town about two hours before the storm began edging in. The U.S. weather bureau's 10' p.m. advisory said, "Strongest winds are above 100 miles per hour within 25 miles of the cen- ter. Highest winds reported so far by coastal stations 100 miles per hour in gusts at Freeport. "Precautions should be con- tinued against dangerous tides and hurricane winds on the upper Texas and extreme west Louisiana coasts and for gales and high tides on remainder of Louisiana coast. "HEAVY RAINS and high winds are expected for a distance of 200 miles to the north of Freeport- Lake Charles area. Hurricane warningshare displayed north of Corpus Christi, Tex., to Lake Charles, La.. and storm warnings Texa Mary Garden, operatic sensation of two continents for more than a quarter of a century, will present the first of this season's University Lecture Series at 8:30 p.m. to- morrow in Hill Auditorium. Miss Garden will talk on "My Memories of the Opera." * * * THE SINGER, who created over thirty memorable roles, was for many years the star of the Chi- cago Opera Company. She has toured both America and Europe, winning the praises of such notables as composers Claude DeBussy and Jules Mas- senet. Retired since 1934, the 72-year- old star returns to America this season under the sponsorship of the National Arts Foundation. * * * THE FOUNDATION was estab- lished at the suggestion of the late President Franklin Roosevelt "to encourage creation, interpreta- tion and appreciation of all the arts, and to bridge national boun- daries with the arts." When accepting the Founda- tion's invitation to leave her na- tive Scotland for a lecture tour in the United States, Miss Gar- den said, "We must not under- estimate the value of the arts in helping people of one country to understand those of other countries. I heartily endorse the Foundation's motto: "Art is the language of one world.'" President Alexander Ruthven is one of the Foundation's advisers. Tickets for this lecture, as well as season tickets for all seven talks, are available at the Hill Au- ditorium Box, Office. Ensian To Hold Tryout Meeting Tryout meeting for the Michi-j ganensian editorial staff will be t J r 'TIMES' SURVEY: Many Univers iti es Operating in Red By JIM BROWN Michigan is not the only university facing a financial strain this year. i According to a survey of 630 colleges and universities taken by The New York Times, nearly 17 per cent of the nation's institutions of higher education are operating on deficit budgets this year. * * * * - EVEN WITH THE tuition hike which will go into effect next se- mester, Michigan officials last July predicted a tentative budget deficit here of $214,842. Special Legislature. appropriations are the only means of covering this sum. Private institutions depending on alumni donations and pub- lic fund-raising campaigns for their support are in even worse straits, according to the "Times" survey which appeared Sunday. Twenty per cent of these schools. are operating on deficits and are left with no visible source of income to make up the expected loss. * * * * THE "TIMES" ALSO reported indications of a general education recession all over the country. While the University's enrollment is expected to jump to a record high of 24,000 students (including those enrolled in the Extension Service program), 42.2 per cent of the other colleges polled anticipated registration to drop this year, deepening their financial plight even more by the loss of tuition revenue.- Many of these schools wll be forced to retriench by dropping courses, discharging faculty members, cutting down on equipment expenses, and curtailing building programs. Aside from calling off building plans for additions to Angell Hall and the General Library and hiring fewer new faculty members than they had hoped for, University officials have not undertaken any major entrenchment program here. * * * * EVEN WITH EDUCATIONAL "hard times" just around the corner only 45.8 per cent of the colleges and universities favored Federal aid for their institutions. The sentiment against Federal subsidies was also apparent when the survey showed 76.4 per cent of the schools fa- voring a system of national scholarships over direct aid. State-supported schools were generally more receptive to Fed- eral aid, with 73.3 per cent of those polled favoring some type of financial assistance from the national government. Michigan of- ficials made no comment on this question. Local students hard hit by next semester's tuition hike will find some consolation in the "Times" survey. While Michigan students will be paying $145 tuition ths year, students n the other institutions DOLORES LASCHEVERA The average European's reaction to the Marshall Plan is pretty much determined by his economic status and/or his political affilia- tions. In France we. viewed official State Department photographs de- picting a grateful farmer receiving a new tractor under the ECA. * * * BUT WE TALKED to Parisian laborers who complained that fin- ished products from America had forced his factory to lay off a good number of men because of lack of work. On a higher level, government officials pointed out that much American equipment now being installed in factories would pro- vide more jobs and eventually absorb those temporarily laid off. The Communists, of course, were dead set against the Mar- shall Plan. They accused America of using the program as an im- perialistic tool. * * * BUT COMMUNISTS or no, it was still quite evident that ECA aid has materially benefited those countries to whom it has been given. In Holland, we encountered very little criticism of the Mar- shall Plan. Most people were quite appreciative of American See EUROPE, Page 6 THE LARRY ALLEN Award for 1948-49 is to be shared by Roger Wellington, present Daily busi- ness manager, and Mary Stein, who is now an associate editor of The Daily. The award was established in 1946 in memory of Lawrence Ar- nold Allen, '40, a former Daily staff member who was missing in action over Belgium in 1944. It carries a stipend of $100, drawn from the original fund of $500 given by the Allen family. Wellington's position last year was promotions manager; Miss Stein served as a night editor, French Ex%,^pert SpeaksToday Prof. Pierre Legouis will speak at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre on the sub- ject, "Corneille and Dryden as Playwrights." Appearing at the University un- der the auspices of the English department, Legouis is professor of English language and literature at the University of Lyon, France. He is known for his studies en- titled "Andre Marvell" and "Donne the Craftsman" and for his work on Dryden. He has lectured fre- quently at Oxford and other Eng- lish universities. ALL.CHOPIN PROGRAM: Rubinstein Opens Concert Series * * * Playing an all-Chopin program, piano virtuoso Artur Rubinstein will open the Choral Union con- cert series at 8:30 p.m. today in the "new" Hill Auditorium. Rubinstein, famous for his in- the second of Chopin's three sonatas, the "Sonata in B-flat minor," Op. 35. Beginning the, second half of the program with the "Ballade in - G minor," the pianist will con-