t THE MICHIGAN DAILY ROLLING STONES ...by Harold Jackson Pipe Down ... AVE TITTLE is wondering just what kind of reputation for academic prowess -or weakness-he's acquired in three se- mesters on campus. He was planted in the back of a rough psychology course wearing the normal look of opening-day apprehension when through the door waltzed a coed of his acquaintance. In a much too loud voice she hailed him thusly: "Dave, I didn't know you were taking this course-it must be a pipe, Fields' Folly ... NOT SINCE the last dean of women's office's published interview on coed mor- als has the campus enjoyed as many col- lective belly-laughs as were provided by the delightful duo of W. C. Fields movies shown at Hill Auditorium this week-end. But Mr. Fields has wrecked the movie season for the entire campus. Imagine trying to get excited about a modern offering of mush and melody when one can look back in his mind's eye and see the red-nosed comic interrupt a Hol- lywood soda-jerk about to swat a fly with: "It's killers like you that give the West a bad name." Whiskers, Take Note ... THE SOCIETY for the Encouragement of New Jokes from Old Professors (SENJOB for those awed by alphabets) met last night in Yost Stadium with standing room only. It was decided that by publishing in this column jokes that have become painfully annual affairs the Society could give the entire campus a good laugh-or groan- and inspire the Whiskers'in question to renew his subscription to the New Yorker. So, beginning at random-but inviting contributions from any student, THESE STONES would cite the philosophy prof. who always tells his class of Ethics: "Statistics show that of all the books stolen from the Harvard Library-those on Ethics are most often filched." * * * * Lemee Out... ONCE A PERSON has become a Senior, he usually develops a sarcastic immunity to the frightening opening day preview of work to come which professors childishly expect will keep a class cowed for an entire semester. But even the greyest near-graduate in a certain advanced literature course shud- dered at the unbelievable pre-season de- mands on students' time and intelligence served up during one opening' session. When the professor wound up his pre- view with a request that the class briefly scan and take "short notes" on every other book in the general liibrary, a hand went uii in the back of the room. "Sir," a small voice quivered," I must be lost. "Isn't this Freshman English?" Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: DAVE THOMAS Re'velation THE UN-AMERICAN Activities Committee has treated us to another revelation, and this seems no more valuable than its pre- vious ones. Now that the USSR has produced an atomic explosion, the Committee has told us the name of a scientist whom it accuses of giving atomic secrets to Russia during the war. This kind of thing has been the main business of the Committee since its incep- tion. Fixing the blame for the real or fan- cied national catastrophes, after they have happened is the only way that Con- gressional conservatives have found to fight their opponents. The fact that these tactics have had no success has apparently taught them nothing. Republicans and Southern Democrats still -present the spectacle of men being rapidly carried forward, by forces they do not un- derstand, with their eyes riveted on territory they have irrevocably left. -Phil Dawson End of a Myth "W HAVE EVIDENCE that within recent weeks an atomic explosion occurred in the U.S.S.R." With these cold, undramatic words Pres- ident Truman quietly blasted what was becoming a great American myth-the be- lief that we could sit calmly back on our atomic bomb and laugh at the repeated clamorings of statesmen and scientists for international atomic controls. MATTER OF FACT: Defense Plan WASHINGTON - With rather desperate haste, the chief American political and strategic policy-makers are now working on plans to deal with the new situation created by "the atomic explosion somewhere in Rus- sia." Their directive from President Tru- man has been to evolve a program which will provide genuine security for this coun- try, regardless of other considerations. * * * * THE COUNTRY will shortly be presented with a program entirely overshadowing all our previous great measures to solve the problem of Soviet imperialism. The reasons why this effort must be so great are plainly inherent in the basic security situation. As was first disclosed in this space, all defense planning of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has long been founded on the expec- tation that the Beria bomb would be pro-.% duced in 1952. On the basis of the 1952 date, the Joint Chiefs of Staff allowed five years for our defense build-up, counting three years un- til the Soviets produced a bomb and two more for them t6 accumulate a decisive stockpile of their new weapon. The job for which five years was formerly allowed must now be done in two years at the outside. S* * * * OREOVER, MERE physical defense is by no means the only problem. While this country is presently beyond range of mass attack from Soviet bases, Europe is within easy range. Unless we choose to confront an expand- ing Soviet empire in naked isolation, wp must therefore move forward on the politi- cal and economic fronts as well as on the defense front. Hard solutions must be found for all the Atlantic community's pressing problems, such as those revealed by the British ecnomic crisis. And if we fail our allies in any respect whatever, we must expect our allies to fail us. (Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) 'Just why Mr. Truman chose to make his startling revelation when he did has been a cause for much speculation. With the Sen- ate and House rounding out weeks of hard fought debate on the military assistance pro- gram for Europe, he may have made his an- nouncement to forestall a last minute cut in the appropriation. If so, his plan was highly successful, as both houses passed an un-cut version of the bill with little debate this week. A second possible explanation for the Pres- ident's announcement which reverberated in capitols all over the world, may have been his desire to use it as a propaganda tool. Certainly the news of the explosion was no shock to the scientific world, since physicists have been telling us since 1945 that any major industrial country could develop an atomic bomb within five or ten years. If an- nounced by the Russians, however, the news would have had tremendous effects on the hard-pressed peoples of Western Europe and the Far East who are hovering on the line between American assistance and power and Russian promises and threats. Finally Mr. Truman may have timed his statement to prod the United Nations En- eral Assembly, now meeting at Lake Suc- cess, into working out some effective inter- national atomic control. Although an Atomic Energy Commission was set up by the General Assembly in January, 1946, all attempts to establish controls have been frustrated by conflicting Russian and American views. The Russian plan simply calls for an in- ternational treaty to outlaw the production and use of atomic weapons. In addition, they have continually insisted that existing atomic weapons must be destroyed before any international control goes into effect. The United States plan, on the other hand, would set up an international body without a veto power to run all, atomic en- ergy activities. This group, which would have the power to inspect and license these activ- ities, would have to be in effect before bombs are destroyed and production of them stops. Possibly the public revelation that Rus- sia does have an atomic bomb may awaken statesmen all over the world to the fact that the two greatest nations on the globe are both poised to strike blows which will take the lives of thousands, even millions of people. It may make both Russian and American diplomats more willing to com- promise on their plans for the security of the world. They MUST realize that the only real winner in an atomic war would be the silent specter of death and destruction. -Jim Brown. "Take It Easy, Pal-We'll Get You Out Of This" CHINESE N AT'IO N A LIST G O T 1Jr#! ,eElx VT." pi ea'dit THIN by b. s. brown - 'I " DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN " -lk I ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round ,III WITH DREW PEARSON 11 W ASHINGTON - President Truman had one overpowering problem more than ever on his' mind after announcing to his cabinet that Russia had exploded an atomic bomb-namely how to keep the peace of the world. One of the first men he saw after -the historic announcement was ;Sen. Burnet Maybank, South Carolina Democrat. Tru- man greeted Maybank gravely. "I wanted to talk to you," said Maybank, "about point four." This is the President's plan to develop backward areas of the earth. Just an idea tossed to Congress in a presidential message at first, this has now been boiled down into a bill authorizing the export- import bank to insure private investments in overseas projects up to $3,500,000,000. The bill was before Maybank's banking and currency committee. The President's eyes lighted up. "It's the greatest chance for peace we've got," he declared. PROSPERITY MEANS FORCE "THE SUREST way to have peace in the world is to have satisfied people," Tru- man explained. He stressed that private enterprise must be encouraged to take the initiative; otherwise governments will take over, as in Russia. The President showed special concern over the Middle East-a fertile field for American investors or Soviet agents, who- ever gets there first. By bringing prosper- ity to the Middle East, Truman hoped to wipe out a Communist breeding ground. He also was anxious to keep Communism out of the Western Hemisphere by helping our South American neighbors. As a parting argument for helping the rest of the world achieve prosperity, the President observed: "There was no fighting in the Garden of Eden." Note-Maybank was so impressed with the President's earnestness that he pushed the point-four bill through his Senate bank- ing and currency committee the next day. SENATE'S ELECTRIC TYPEWRITERS SENATORS WHO want to keep up with the machine age are now entitled to two streamlined, electric typewriters. But, as with all new machines, it will mean kicking someone out of a job. This doesn't mean that the machine replAces the typist, but that the Senate budget isn't big enough for both. Believing that economy begins at home, the' Senate Rules Committee has author- ized two electric typewriters for each Senate office, but the cost must be de- ducted from the office payroll. The pur- chase price for two of these fancy type- writers is $1,920, which will mean laying off a bottom-rung clerk for several months. Though this offer has just been announc- ed, two Senators have already put in their orders. They are Arthur Watkins of Utah and John Stennis of Mississippi, who don't happen to be using their full payroll any- how. Two other Senators-Lyndon Johnson of Texas and Russell Long of Louisiana- have bought electric typewriters out of their own pockets, and the Senate Rules Committee is now willing to reimburse them -provided they will fire someone from their staffs first. * * * BOP, RE-BOP /AND BE-BOP THE NEW JFRSEY Superior Court will soon be called upon to settle whether the jazz terms, "bop, re-bop and be-bop," belong to the public or the Herman Optical Com- pany. You see, Herman manufactures "Bop glasses" for the bop cult-which is made up of devotees of "bop, re-bop and be-bop," the latest fad in hot music. The bop cult- ists have taken to wearing a uniform, con- sisting of false goatees, flopping bow ties, and thick-rimmed glasses. Herman supplies the glasses, but so also does the Mitchell Optical Company, both of Newark, N.J. Herman claims he originated the idea, and applied for a trade mark for "Bop glasses." That goes for "re-bop and be-bop," too. But Mitchell insists that the "bop" expressions are in the public domain. What's more, he adds, his "Bop glasses" are cheaper. Pity the poor judges who now have to mete out justice! (Continued from Page 3) 8 p.m. for week-day dinners and between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. fo Sunday dinners. While guest chaperons are not required, groups without resident house di- rectors musa announce these events to the Office of Student Affairs at least one day in ad- vance of the scheduled date. Calling hours for women in men's residences: University Residence Halls, daily between 3-10:30 p.m. Fraternities with resident house directors: Friday, 8 p.m.-12 mid- night; Saturday, 2:30-5:30 p.m. and from 8-12 p.m.; Sunday, 1- 10:30 p.m. Women callers in men's resi- dences are restricted to the main floor of the residence. Lectures Dr. Louise Shier, Associate Cu- rator, Museum of Archeology, will present an illustrated lecture on "A Roman Town in Egypt," at the first meeting of the Women's Re- search Club, 8 p.m., Mon., Oct. 3, West Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg. University Lecture. "Corneille and Dryden as Playwrights." Pier- re Legouis, professor of English Language and Literature. Univer- sity of Lyon, France; auspices of the Department of English. 4:15 p.m., Tues., Oct. 4, Rackham Am- phitheater. Academic Notices Organic Seminar: First meeting on Mon., Oct. 3, 7:30 p.m., 1300 Chemistry. Speak- er: Dr. Vaughan. Topic: The par- ticipation of neighboring groups and structure of reaction inter- mediates. Physics 196: No lecture on Mon- day. History 11, Lecture Group II will met in Rm. B, Haven Hall, MF 10, and not in W. Gal. AMH as announced. Mathematics Seminars: The fol- lowing seminarshave been organ- ized in the Mathematics Depart- ment: Topology, first meeting, Mon., Oct. 3, 3 p.m., 3201 A.H. Applied Mathematics, next meet- ing, Thurs., Oct. 6, 4:15 p.m., 247 W.E. Statistics, first meeting, Mon., Oct. 10 at 4 p.m., 3201 A.H. Class Field Theory, first meet- ing, Thurs., Oct. 6, 4-5:45 p.m., 3011 A.H. Stochastic Processes, first meet- ing, Mon., Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m., 3001 A.H. Theory of Games, first meeting Mon., Oct. 3, 7:30 p.m., 3001 A.H Geometry, first meeting, Tues. Oct. 4, 4 p.m., 3001 A.H. Mr. Kaz- arinoff will speak. Transfinite Numbers, first meet- ing, Thurs., Oct. 6, 3 p.m., 2014 A H. General Theory of Integration first meeting, Tues., Oct. 4, 3 p.m. 3014 A.H. Classical Analysis, first meet- ing, Thurs., Oct. 6, 4 p.m., 277 W.E Algebra, first meeting, Tues. Oct. 4, 4 p.m., 3201 A.H. ses, enrollment for which may be made in advance in the office at 4524 Administration Building (or at the first class session if the course is not already filled): Chamber Music for Recreation. A performance course to introduce players to chamber music and fel- low chamber musicians. Partici- pants will be organized into small ensembles, major emphasis to be placed on performance experience of each group. Open to Univer- sity students and to members of the community, with or without previous ensemble experience. Pre- requisite: ability to play easier chamber works. Class limited to needs of successful group organiz- ation, Noncredit course, eight weeks, $5.00. Section I, String Instruments, Prof. Oliver A. Edel. Section II Woodwinds (Oboe, Flute, Clarinet Bassoon) and French Horn, Nelson M. Hauenstein. Both sections meet at 7 p.m., Tues., Oct. 4, 1022 Uni- versity High School. Gardening II. Major Perennials No preliminary requirement; in- struction will be devoted to the culture, selection, and use of im- portant plant groups, including bulbs, chrysanthemums, phlox, ir- is, and shrubs. Noncredit course eight weeks, $5.00. Ruth Mosher Place. Place. Wed., Oct. 5, 7:30 p.m. 176 Bus. Ad. Bldg. Richard Wagner and the Musi Drama. Wagner's life and position in music and his theories of ar studied in relation to the socia and economic conditions of th nineteenth-century Germany. An alysis made of the principal mu. sic dramas. No previous know ledge of music is necessary. Th course may be taken for two hour of undergraduate credit, $14.00 o as a noncredit course, $14.00. Mus Lit. 124.) Prof. Glenn D. McGeoch Wed., Oct. 5, 7 p.m., 206 Burton Memorial Tower. Practical Public Speaking. Plan ned to meet the need of the stu dent who desires a course devote exclusively to training in publi speaking rather than a basi course in the whole field of speech Study, analysis, practice, and crit icisms designed to promote the ac quisition of proficiency in extem poraneous speaking. Limited ti twenty-five persons. Noncredi 'course, ten weeks, $10.00. Prof. G E. Densmore. Thurs., Oct. 6, 7:3 p.m., 231 Angell Hall. Ceramics: A study of the mate rials and forms of pottery. Basi ceramic design applied to the pot ter's wheel and simple use of glaz es. Beginners section Class limite to twenty. Noncredit course, te weeks, $10; materials, $5. Prof. G D. Cole. Mon., Ot. 3, 8 p.m., 12 Architecture Bldg. Modern Dance Course: Rhyth mic body mechanics, includin stretching, limbering, and tech niques of modern dance are par of this course. Movement exer cises can be practiced at home an should gradually result in a well conditioned body. Appreciatio: and understanding of the danc . will be developed to musical ac companiment if the group wishe Open to both men and women Noncredit course, eight weeks. On evening a week, $5; two evening a week, $10. Dr. Juana de Laba and staff. Monday and Wednes VERY THIN-This happen- ed in an English class this past week. The instructor was ,discus- sing some of the finer points of a poem in which ivory was mention- ed. "What is the sensation?" he asked. "What does the word bring to mind?" A bright senior, seeing the op- portunity to make an early bid for an "A," answered, "There is a tactile sensation." Personally, I liked the remark that oozed forth from the back of the room. "It reminds me of soap." An interesting announcement was made this summer by the University. The report can prompt speculation, but I'll dispense with editorial comment and give the essential information. A new heating tunnel con- necting the New Women's Dorm and the maternity ward of Uni- versity Hospital has been com- pleted, the report stated. In case you didn't know, most of the heating tunnels which run beneath the campus can be tra- versed by an individual of average height. * * * HIGHER AND DEEPER (PhD dept.)-I saw one sad looking in- dividual leaving the football game last week. She puzzled me, be- cause she was wearing one of the day, Oct. 3 and 5, 7:30 p.m. Dance studio, second floor, Barbour Gym- nasium. Administration in the Hospital Nursing Unit: A study of the prin- ciples, functions, and essential ac- tivities of administration in insti- tutional nursing. Registration is still open to graduate nurses. (Nursing 20, two hours credit; six- teen weeks, $14. Prof. Wilda G Chambers, Tuesdays, 7 p.m., 4406 University Hospital. Understanding and Interpreting the Bible: A study of the origin and nature of the Bible, how it has come down to us, and its spe- cific contribution for the life of today. Church school teachers of high school age classes should find this of value. Noncredit course eight weeks, $5. Dr. Leroy Water- man. Mon., Oct. 3, 7;30 p.m., 170 Business Administration Bldg. Concerts Aitur Rubinstein, distinguished pianist, will give the first of the University Musical Society con- cert programs Tuesday evening Oct. 4, at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium Mr. Rubenstein will play an all- Chopin program consisting of the following numbers: Andante spia- nato et Grande Polonaise; Noc- turne; Mazurka; Sonata in B-fia c minor; Ballade in G minor; Tw Etudes; Impromptu in G-fiat and t Polonaise in A-fiat. S Informationontickets may b obtained at the offices of the Uni - versity Musical Society in Bur- . ton Memorial Tower. e Exhibitions s r Museum of Art, Alumni Memor ial Hall. Jazz by Matisse: Hayter', . Five Personages, weekdays 9-5 n Sundays 2-5. The public is invited Events Today d Phi Iota Alpha, Business meet c ing, 2 p.m., Union. c . Triangles meeting, 7 p.m., Rm - 3K, Union. Election of officers. Luheran Student Association 0 7 p.m., program at Zion Luthera t Parish Hall. Speaker: Jean Gring . le, assistant to Eastern Secretar 0 of Division of Student Service o National Lutheran Council. Evangelical and Reformed Guild 5:30 p.m. Supper Meeting. Begin c ning a series "Our Church and It - Place in the Universal Christian - Church." Discussion follows. dUnitarian Student Group: 6:31 d p.m. at the Church. Mr. Ka n Guenther from Detroit will spea 5 on: "Time, Space and Money." Re freshments and recreation will fol low the program. Gamma Delta Lutheran Studen g Club: :6.30 p.m., Supper and pro - gram at the Center, 1511 Washte naw Avenue. Canterbury Club: 9 a.m. Hol - Communion, followed by studen d breakfast and discussion at Can terbury House. 5 p.m., Evenin ne Service, followed by supper at e p.m. Evening's talk will be give by Wym Price on the subject c s 'World Student Service Fund. Coffee hour follows. ie Westminster Guild: Seminar i 's Religion. This group will meet i n the Presbyterian Church kitche -' (Continued on Page 7) Wolverine club's "beat state" but- tons, evidently not a Spartan lass. When she delivered the following brilliant dissertation, I recognized the source of her woes and her frosh status: "I just happened to think, Now these buttons are obsolete." Better luck next time, kiddo, but we'll be playing State for at least the next three years (through your senior year). The Water in the fountain o the mall turned green last week. It wasn't unusual. And it wasn't as revolutionary as the soap suds incident last spring. But there'd a new twist. One of the local canines (somehow he has escaped the "yelp lab" in the middle of campus) was laboring under a misapprehension. He thought the fishes were real. He spent twenty minutes lung- ing at the fishes, but every time his front paws went into the reser- voir, a stream of water from the fishes' mouths would hit him in the face. He didn't give up until he was colored an obnoxious green. The last I saw of him, he was headed up Lansing way.,. One of the national magazines is sporting a pic of Tar Heel Char- lie Justice on this week's cover. But inside, a page is devoted to Michigan. I like the following ex- planation of the Wolverine Single wing: "Everybody handles the ball at Michigan except the Dean of Ag- riculture, and he's at Michigan State. That covers everything for today! Xette.4 TO THE EDITOR 1.The Daily accords its readers the privilege ofsubmitting letters for publication in this column. subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are reeived all letters bearing fthe writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repe- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in god. taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. Poll Tax To the Editor: MAY I BE the first to stand up against the recommended Stu- dent Legislature tax plan. The . SL is elected by power politics where influence instead of ability is important. So why allow this - small group to place a tax on the - backs of the entire student body? t If these BMOC's want funds to o misappropriate, why don't they I levy a poll tax? A poll tax would fall only on those students who e want to support the SL. Also, the - friend-of-a-friend type of voter - would think twice before voting. -John E. Carpenter -- s :f4 4' v ,n i ly Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of f the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of : Student Publications. - Editorial Staff n LeonJaroff.........Managing Editor Al Blunirosen......... City Editor Philip Dawson...Editorial Director 0 Mary Stein..........Associate Editor Jo Misner.............Associate Editor rl George Walker.......Associate Editor k Alex Lmanian. Photography Editor Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor e-Merle Levin .......... Sports Co-Editor - Roger Goelz...Associate Sports Editor Miriam Cady .......... Women's Editor Lee Kaltenbach.. Associate Women's Ed. t Bess Hayes Young.........Librarian Business Staf SRoger Wellington... . Business Manager Jim Dangli....... Advertising Manager y Bernie Aidinoff.....Finance Manager t Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manage -_ Telephone 23-24-1 g 6 . Member of The Associated Press n The Associated Press is exclusively ofentitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or ." otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. in Entered at the Post Office at Ann n Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mall matter. n Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. i Edu~cation "INTELLIGENCE appears to be the thing that enables a man to get along without education. Education appears to be the thing that enables a man to get along with- out the use of his intelligence." -Albert Edward Wiggam, in "The New Decalogue of Science." The University Extension ice announces the following Serv- cour- BARNABY I don't see how you could possibly get by at college on less, Barnaby. The I've cut all the non-essentials. It | comes to a total of $9,919.42- Cushlamochree, Barnaby! What nonsense is this? Surely your father doesn't expect me to see you I can see your father's point, m'boy. The hundred dollars he put in the bank r. Let's see. My minimum estimated expenses was $9,919.42. If we have one hundred -Er-I'm a Liberal Arts man, myself, Barnaby. Never very good at higher mathematics.. 0 I I