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Latest Deadline in the State

VOL. LX, No. 7



Students Witness
15th Century Fete,

(Editor's note: This is the fifth
in a series of articles by two
Daily staff members who spent
the summer in Europe as leaders
of an NSA study tour.)
Unwittingly we found ourselves
the feature attraction this summer
Report Tito
rllSIRI ol
£Russian Coup
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia-(IP)-
Unconfirmed reports said last
night Yugoslavia has bolstered
her trooper strength in the East.
On the diplomatic front Bulgaria
joined three other Cominform
countries and Russia in denounc-
ing friendship and mutual aid
treaties with Yugoslavia.
An official report said Premier
Marshal Tito had reviewed 'Grand
Maneuvers" of his troops and
pledged to defend the country
against all comers.
* * *
sia. In a bitterly phrased note
Yugoslavia accused Russia of
warmongering, bullying and
The note charged that the
Soviet Union had applied
"blackmail pressure" in the
lBalkan cold war of nerves be-
tween the Communist nations
led by Russia and Tito's inde-
pendent government.
It marked the latest, and per-
haps most furious, development in
a quarrel which began 15 months
ago when the Cominform coun-
tries under Moscow's lead de-
nounced Tito on charges he was
pursuing anti-Soviet and nation-
alistic policies.
said Tito had shifted troops from
the West to the East. Despite the
lack of official confirmation, a
tour just completed by this cor-
respondent in the Western side of
the country gave little evidence
that Yugoslavia is maintaining
her forces in any strength tere.
It appeared likely thatgmany of
Tito's crack troops have been
moved to the East to guard the
borders against any posible qick
In today's note, Yugoslavia
said that Russia, by renouncing
her treaty of friendship and -
liance with Yugoslavia had
commited a "hostile act."
' Prior to Bulgaria's action, both
Hungary and Poland had followed
Russia's lead in denouncing simi-
lar treaties. Czechoslovakia is ex-
pected to take the same tsep.
YUGOSLAVIA accused Russia
of being an oppressor of small
countries and a nation which re-
duced its treaties to worthless
scraps of paper.
i 0
Czech ITitoists
tOusted from
PRAGUE-(P)-Reliable sources
reported today arrests of Com-
munist small fry officials are .in-
creasing and there were hints
that the government is out for
even bigger game.
The arrests of "political unre-
liables" may be setting the stage
for a trial of Titoists similar to
that in Hungary where the former
No. 2 Communist, Laszlo Rajk,
was condemned to death on charg-

es of plotting with Yugoslavs.
* * *
THE CURRENT wave of ar-
rests and ousters extends even to
sports writers on Communist news-

in a 15th century parade held in
a small farming town in Holland.
The occasion was the 650th an-
niversary of the founding of Hat-
tem, a municipality of about 2,000
WE ARRIVED with four other
American students in midafter-
noon to share in the week-long
celebration. An address by the
mayor from the balcony of the
city hall was in progress when
we reached the main square.
Our presence. was noted im-
mediately by the assemblage of
burghers who were dressed in
medieval costumes. The mayor
interrupted his talk to invite
the Americans in halting Eng-
lish to join him on the balcony.
Following the talk, the mayor
and his entourage formed a parade
to a nearby field where a horse
show was in progress. They in-
sisted we be part of the march.
* * *
FLANKED by the mayor's
guardswho sported ancient hel-
mets and carried wicked looking
spikes, we were escorted through
the town.
With cameras dangling from
our necks and our American
clothing we easily became the
main attraction of the maneu-
The show was a unique display
by farmers who put their heavy
work horses through a skillful
series of workouts. The horses,
we were told, were put back into
harness to complete the day's
work following the contest.
THEN the burghermeister-for-
a-day, a retired naval commander
in civilian life, insisted we be
guests of honor at a special ban-
We marched back to town
through cardboard arches and
under gaily festooned streets to
the town tavern, where a sign
announced that, "We serve
gentlemen, workers and farmers.
All are welcome."
The highlight of the meal were
huge steaming plate-size pan-
cakes cooked with bacon. The 15
year old son of one of the town's
See U.S. STUDENTS, Page 3
Sf orza Blasts
Reds' Veto of
ItalianUN Bid,
Links Action to Split
On Former Colonies
LAKE SUCCESS - () -Carlo
Sforza, Italian Foreign Minister,
yesterday attacked Russia for
blocking Italy's admission to the
United Nations.
He told the General Assembly's
59-member Political Committee
here the big power split over
Italy's membership application is
directly related to the current dis-
pute over what should be done
with Italy's pre-war African col-
THE RUSSIANS vetoed the
Italian membership bid when the
nations they favor for admission
to the world organization failed
to get Security Council approval.
Sforza likened this Russian action
to "cheap scheming and cruel bar-
The Italian statesman asked
the U.N. to grant freedom to
Tripolitania at once and to ap-
prove early independence for the
two other parts of Libya-Cy-
renaica and the Fezzan.
Britain and the United States
told the committee yesterday they
would like to see Lybia given its
independence within five years.

France announced yesterday she
favors eventual independence for
the North African territory but
specified no time limit. Russia has
rmmM ~t i fanrofimaa .

Steel Union
Insists on
Own Terms
Hikes Demands
As Charges Fly
PITTSBURGH- (P)-The steel
strike tightly tied up America's
basic industry yesterday and
Philip Murray said he'd loosen the
stranglehold only on his own
Preliminary estimates indicated
enough steel is on hand to last
three weeks or a month. The Bu-
reau of Mines estimated coal
stockpiles are ample for 48 days.
The steel strike will stretch coal
supplies even longer.
stockpiled than others. The auto
industry, which gobbles up 18 per
cent of the total steel production,
is all set for three to four weeks.
Here are developments in the
first day of the walkout:
1. Murray, president of the CIO
United Steelworkers, gave his price
for getting his half million union-
ists back on the job. His terms
are exactly those which the in-
dustry already turned down.
2. Irving S. Olds, chairman of
the United States Steel Corpora-
tion's Board of Directors, told his
"U.S. Steel has never opposed
proper and financially sound so-
cial insurance programs for its
3. The White House once more
reported President Truman did not
intend to intervene in the dispute
4. There was no violence of any
MURRAY CALLED a news con-
ference to deny charges made by
Benjamin F. Fairless, president of
the United States Steel Corpora-
Asked for his price of peace,
Murray said the union had male
three proposals. These were:
1. The original demand that
steel companies accept the Pres-
idential Fact Finding Board's rec-
ommendations that the industry
pay for workers' pensions and in-
(U.S. Steel made an offer on
insurance and pensions but in-
sisted that the workers help pay
the bill.)
2. A proposal for settling on the
basis of the Board's social security
recommendations, plus a 12 '2 cent
an hour wage increase.
3. A proposal that the company
pay out an additional 30 cents an
hour. This would be allocated
among such features as wages,
pensions and insurance.
*, * *
'U' Building
Unaffected By
Strike --- Roth
The strike of the CIO United
Steelworkers will have no impor-
tant effect on the University's
cuirent building prorarn, accord-
ing to Walter Roth, Plant. Super-
The steelwork being usd in
connection with the new coliseum
has already been rolizd, he ex-
Poth said the present situation
would not parallel the crises three
years ago, when the 1946 steel
strike seriously held up construc-
tion of the all-steel Administra-

tion Building.

-Daly-Carlyle Marshall
LISTENING PARTY--With Michigan's mighty Wolverines off to the football wars in far-away Palo
Alto, loyal student stay-at-homes tuned in their radios and did some long-distance rooting. Informal
listening parties dotted the campus. Some Sigma Nu men and their dates headed for the Arboretum
to hear the contest and are shown above relaxing on the soft, green turf.

World News
Round- Up
By The Associated Press
PARIS -'The French Cabinet
agreed yesterday to unfreeze
wages by restoring to workers the
right of collective bargaining.
On the international side of
week-long critical discussions, the
cabinet called for a European con-
ference to work out ways of stab-
ilizing currencies and economies
in the face of current devaluation.
CANTON-Communist rein-
forcements moved into positions
155miles to the northeast yes-
terday for the coming battle
which may settle the fate of
Private reports estimated 30,-
000 red regulars now were in-
side Canton's Kwantung prov-
ince in that area. Nationalist
troop trains rolled toward the
ro . * * *
BUENOS AIRES-Argentina an-
nounced yesterday she has ad-
justed her peso rates in view of
the devaluations of currencies
throughout the world touched off
by Britain's cheapening of her
The Argentine government in-'
creased the value of the peso in
relation to the pound, but some
rates for the peso were devalued
in relation to the dollar.
Apparently, this was an attempt
to compel Britain to pay more of
her devalued pounds for her meat
supplies from Argentina and at
the same time stimulate sales of
Argentina goods in the United
States and make up for a serious
shortage of dollars here.
* * *
FRANKFURT, Germany -
Thousands of Germans surged
into the American and British
Zones from Eastern Germany
yesterday and thousands of
others were treking toward the
border. It was a peaceful mass
invasion that developed when
the Russians temporarily re-
leased border controls at several
The Germans smashed bar-
riers, and by sheer numbers
overwhelmed West German bor-
der police and American and
British soldiers.

Hard Coal Miners Return
To Pits on Lewis' Order

-- i

PITTSBURGH-)P-A flame of
relief flickered yesterday in the
nation's strike-stripped coal bin.
But its glow heralded warmth
only to householders in the anth-
racite - consuming northeastern
* * *
miners go down into the pits Mon-
day on orders of their leader, John
L. Lewis.
Coal-dependent industries and
homes in other sections of the
country will still have to depend
largely on the bituminous sup-
ply unearthed by the United
Mine Workers before they
launched their "no day week"
Sept. 19.
That stockpile is comparatively
high-48-days-worth by normal
IT PROMISES to last longer
than that - depending on how
long the CIO United Steelworkers
carry on their day-old shutdown
of the coal-gobbling steel indus-
Helping to stave off rapid and
complete depletion of the above-
ground supply will be the return
of 22,000 soft coal miners who
toil in the pits west of the Mis-
sissippi. Lewis included them in
his return-to-work command.
Proclaim Red
Rule in China;
Chou Premier-
By The Associated Press
China's Communists yesterday
formally proclaimed their new
government in Peiping with Gen.
Chou En-Lai, an old hand at ne-
gotiating with Americans, as
premier and Foreign Minister.
Mao Tze-Tung, the chairman or
head of the new government,read
the proclamation at a mass rally.
The proclamation invited interna-
tional recognition of Mao's regime
as China's "sole legal govern-

They will add formidable impe-
tus to a trickle of soft coal which
began dribbling out of non-union
mines in Pennsylvania, West Vir-
ginia, Ohio and Ketucky during
the past week. These pits employ
some 15,000 men.
IN ADDITION, 23,000 Progres-
sive mine workers in Illinois have
continued to dig during their ri-
val union's strike.
But the bulk of the bituminous
miners -- nearly 400,000 UMW
members who dig in the coal
-rich belts in the northern and
southern states-will stay above
ground in their crippling protest
In the coal fields there was lit-
tle to indicate that one of the na-
tion's most important industries
is embroiled in bitter labor dis-
Coach Sez.®.
Michigan's football coach,
Bennie Oosterbaan, had noth-
ing but the highest praises and
admiration for the Wolverine
team which conquered a deter-
mined Stanford squad yester-
day afternoon.
"I'm very proud of them.
Ever.ybody should be, they
played a wonderful game," he
said in a, call placed by The
Daily to the victory party in
San Francisco.
Plans were discussed for a
welcoming-home rally. Ooster-
baan said he appreciated the
gesture, but felt that the late
hour of arrival and the tired
condition of the men would
make such an undertaking im-
When questioned about the
heat Oosterbaan related that
some of the boys told him that
they had "never been hotter in
their lives, but they kept on
playing great ball despite the

Victory Extends
'M' Streak to 25
Ortmann's Arm, Koceski's Running
Feature Attack; Blocking Sharp
(Special to The Daily)
PALO ALTO, Calif-Michigan is still mighty and the STRING
is 25, but it took 60 minutes of rugged football to prove it to the
local skeptics.
West Coast football addicts, long searching for a way to beat a
top Western Conference team, thought they had the answer in
Stanford, conquerer of a good Harvard club a week previous by a
top heavy 44-0 score.
But when the dust of battle had cleared yesterday, the score-
board here in Stanford Stadium read Michigan 27, Stanford 7, and
88,000 disappointed fans were shaking their heads in awe at a
Michigan team which had once again proved its right to a place at
the top of the list of college grid powers.
THE CROWD WENT away, too, singing the praises of lanky
Charlie Ortmann, a doubtful starter until game time because of an
infected toe, whose passing was superb and whose running matched
his passing. And Little Leo Koceski who turned into a slippery blue-
shirted demon every time he carried the ball, received his share of
the plaudits.
Given fine blocking and improved protection on his passes,
Ortmann was right on target with every one of his tosses and
averaged 5.2 yards on 12 carries. Only spotty receiving prevented
a near perfect passing average for the tow-headed junior.
Koceski scored two of the Michigan touchdowns and his running
left little to be desired. He averaged 7.5 yds. on 12 attempts and
left Stanford's highly touted Harry Hugasian in the dust in the
battle for running honors.
THE STATISTICS left little doubt as to the Wolverines' super-
iority. They totaled 23 first downs to Stanford's 13 and gained 286
yards rushing and 98 yards passing compared to 116 and 110 yards
respectively for the Indians.
The West Coasters never stopped trying but their performance
was disappointing. -Their pass defense was poor and the end of
their line was constantly being turned in.
It was hard to believe that this was the same club that had
totaled 98 points to nothing for their opponents -in two previous
games against above average foes.
* * * *
ONLY SOUR NOTE in the Wolverine picture was a new injury
to Capt. Al Wistert, who was forced to leave the game mid-way
through the third period. However he was walking with no sign of
a limp after the game and it was believed that he would not be
forced out of action for the Army game.
The Wolverines threw a scare into the Indians early in the
first quarter when guard Lloyd Heneveld pounced on Stanford
fullback Bill DeYoung's fumble on the Stanford 47 starting a
drive which went to the Indian 19 before Wolverine fullback Don
Dufek lost the ball on a fumble.
Stanford failed on two passes after Harry Hugasian, a swivel-
hipped hard-running halfback had picked up nine yards on first
down and the Indian kick was taken by Leo Koceski on the Mich-
igan 40.
THIS TIME THERE was no stopping the Maize and Blue attack.
Ortmann weaved his way 15 yards to the Stanford 45 and then got
off a long pass to Harry Allis on the Indian 21. Allis went high into
the air to ma'ke a beautiful twisting catch and bulled two more yards
before he was halted.
From there Dufek and Ortmann took turns carrying the
ball to the Indian 2. Koceski then crashed over. Allis converted
and the scoreboard read Michigan 7, Stanford 0 with four min-
utes remaining in the first quarter.
See FULL TEAM, Page 6
Anti-Reuther Elements
Oppose Ford Pension Plan


DETROIT -(P)-Open opposi-
tion to the new Ford pension plan
cropped up today for the first
time within the CIO United Auto
It was not enough to endanger
membership approval of the in-
dustry's first pension program. It
did indicate, however, that the
settlement had not won unani-
mous favor among the rank-and-
THESE FIRST two attacks on
the plan came from anti-Reuther
Percy Llewelyn, longtime lead-
er of leftwingers in the pow-
erful Ford Local 600, said his
group had discussed an or-
ganized drive to defeat the plan.
It was abandoned, he said, be-
cause of the overall labor picture
in the country.
"Am stil lwant +t mArk ti

"We feel that was a better
plan," said Llewelyn. "That time
social security did not figure in.
And the contributions provided a
chance for savings."
This last sentence was, oddly
enough, in line with the position
now taken by Big Steel and other
industries. It was directly oppo-
site to current CIO policy.
Houses Open
For Rushees
All men interested in rushing
have been invited to attend to-
day's open houses whether or not
they have registered with the
Interfraternity Council, accord-
ing to Jake Jacobson, '50, IFC

The stage is set for the battle
as Bill Gripman, '50E, and his
committee work feverishly to com-
plete plans for the spirited return

[' Preparations Underway

leader captain, and a class repre-
sentative, the various skits and
other entertainment.
The freshmen will have a
chance to show their spirit on

4:30 p.m. across the Huron River.
A band-accompanied parade of
participants and spectators will
lead the way to the site.
* * *

of three tugs-of-war will be de-
clared the winner.
Ed Reifel, '51, is the student re-
sponsible for the detailed planning
of the tugs-of-war.
* * *

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