DannyKaye and His All Star Comedy Revue' Com
ing Oct. 18
Stars Include Skitch Henderson,
Page Cavanaugh Trio, Dancers
Women's Camp Counselor's,
Outing Clubs Plan Organization
Panhellenic Association is
bringing to Hill Auditorium "Dan-
ny Kaye and His All Star Comedy
Revue" on the night of Oct. 18.
Starring with Danny Kaye will
be the Page Cavanaugh Trio,
Skitch Henderson and hisorches-
tra and the Dorothy Dorben Dan-
cers from the Chez Paree in Chi-
TICKETS MAY be purchased
immediately by checks made out
to the Panhellenic Association or
by mail order at the Hill Audito-
rium box office. The office is
open from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Mary Nell Walker is chairman
of the committee which is
bringing the show to Ann Ar-
bor and is assisted by Diane
Jean Marson is secretary of the
committee, Tracy Redfield, treas-
urer and Jean Russ is handling
publicity for the show. Miss Russ
is assisted by Myra Hahn, Joan
Broomfield, Valerie Lemper and
Pamela Stump.
PANHEL IS bringing the show
for the benefit of the Fresh Air
Camp. This is the first time since
they brought Spike Jones in 1946,
that such a -project has been
It took the regimented life an
Army man gets used to to make
Page Cavanaugh decide that
trios have a place in the musical
world. Until he tired of the 'up
at five, bed by nine' style of liv-
ing, the youthful pianist was a
firm believer in the big-band
style of playing.
Before he entered the Army in'
1943, Page was widely known
along the West Coast as a brilliant
young pianist who was stepping
up the ladder of success with
Bobby Sherwood's band. It wasn't
soon after that the Army changed
his mind about big bands.
AT CAMP ORR, California Page
played with the post orchestra.
His regular duties plus the unin-
teresting work with a band play-
ing "stock arrangements" leftl
Page morose and unhappy. It
wasn't until he met a G.I. guitarist
who knew a G.I. bassman that
Cavanaugh really snapped out of
it and showed renewed interest in
The boys formed a trio fo
'kicks' and jammed their blues
away. They becampe so popular
that the Army sent them out on
When the three boys were dis-
charged Page immediately made
plans for their civilian activities.
They were booked for several out-
standing West Coast clubs includ-
ing the Bocage and Trocadero in
* * *
WHEN THEIR name started to
create excitement on a nation-
wide scale, they came East 'for a
stay at the Wedgewood Room of
the Hotel Waldorf-Astoria in New
Their sustaining program for
NBC led to an engagement on
the Lucky Strike Show and sev-
eral film performances appear-
ances including "Romance In
High C," "The Big City" and 'A
Song Is Born."
They have been selected to play
with some of the biggest stars in
the show world. Frank Sinatra,
Mel Torme, Doris Day, Connie
Haines, Johnny Desmond, Martha
Tilton and Jane Harvey have all
appeared with the trio. They are
known as the perfect group for a
* * *
that Page Cavanaugh's engage-
ment at the Worwick Hotel was
the 'Biggest thing to hit town
since kissing." Patrons agreed for
they were held'over on an extend-
ed contract.
Organization is taking rapid
steps now for two of the WAA's
most popular clubs, the Outing
and Camp Counselors' clubs.
The Outing Club is the only
club sponsored by WAA which
does something completely dif-
ferent at each meeting.
Their activities for the year will
include sailing, canoe trips, horse-
back riding, skiing and a variety
of other outdoor sports, to be
planned at the first meeting 2 p.
m. Sunday in the WAB.
HIGHLIGHT of the season will
be a tobaggan party in mid-win-
ter and a swimming party at
Portage Lake will finish the club's
activities in the spring, according
to Lynn Walldorf, manager of the
Featured activities of the
club last year were ski trips and
a barn dance held at the Uni-
versity Fresh Air Camp.
New members with or without
experience in general sports will
be accepted at the club's first
meeting Sunday.
Men! If you want to look
sporty, collegiate and be popular
with coeds-go bare headed.
Out of 100 women polled, from
freshman to grad students, only
one stated that she preferred col-
lege men who wear hats.
* * * '
COLLEGE MEN who wear hats
for casual campus or date wear
were generally termed as looking
Many coeds said hats on
younger men were terrible. "I'd
hate to have anyone pick me up
wearing one," a junior replied.
INSTRUCTION is provided to}
club members in the various
sports by movies, lectures and
Approximately 15 meetings
are planned for the Outing
Club, each of which will be de-
voted to a different sport.
One of the most unusual clubs
under WAA though is for women
who have been or wish to become
counselors at a summer camp.
THE Camp Counselor's Club de-
votes its meetings to song fests,
handicraft, singing games, rainy
day games and to the discussion
of the many camping problems
that may arise.
Following the organizational
meeting at 5 p. m. Monday at
the WAB, there will be a combi-
nation bike-hike and cook-out
for the new members.
Last year the club started a file
of the camps that members had
attended. Each file card included
the salary earned, the responsibili-
ties they had and the number of
children under their supervision.
Men Rate Vote
Most of the women felt that it
is all right for older men to wear
a head dress.
* * *
"A MAN'S FACE is not mature
enough to look out from under a
hat brim until he is at least 35,"
a senior said.
The one in 100 who favored
the wearing of hats said that a
hat gives a younger man a dig-
nified appearance.
Others who replied in the nega-
tive stated that for formal wear
hats are all right. Stormy weather
was about the only other occasion
that they felt hats were permis-
Riding Club
Will Convene
WAA's Riding Club manager of
this year is planning to greatly
change the procedure of last year's
Golfside Stables, which was
closed last year, will be the new
homing grounds of the club. These
stables are situated closer to Ann
Arbor than were Ranchhills Sta-
bles of last year.
Not only are the stables new,
but the club will now be divided
into "Crop and Saddle" for only
the most advanced riders, and a
separate Riding Club for other
members. Last year they were one
in the same organization.
Phyllis Bartholomew, manager
of both the Riding Club and Crop
and Saddle, will hold an organi-
zational meeting at 5 p. m. Mon-
day in the WAB.
"These cards serve as good re-
ferences for future summer posi-
tions," according to Marjorie
Letzgus, club manager.
Meetings are held every other
week and the discussion is con-
ducted or planned by one of the
members concerning some particu-
lar phase of camping life. "From
these discussions and from our
activities, each member learns
many new things to take back to
her camp each summer," said Miss
The club will be active from Oc-
tober until January and from
March until May of next year.
WAA Notices
The volleyball tournament will
begin Monday with the following
Monday at 5:10 p.m.-Jordan I
vs. Delta Delta Delta I; Stockwell
I vs. Hinsdale I, Unit 3.
Monday at 7:15 p.m.-Jordan
II vs. Stockwell IV; Barbour II vs.
Alpha Xi Delta II.
Monday at 8 p.m.-Jordan IV
vs. Cook I; Couzens vs. Stockwell
* * *
Tuesday at 5:10 p.m.-Klein-
stuck I vs. Alpha Phi II; Stock-
well VII vs. Jordan III.
Tuesday at 7:15 p.m.-Jordan
IX vs. Alpha Chi Omega III;
Stockwell IX vs. Ann Arbor Girls.
Tuesday at 8 p.m.-Alpha Chi
Omega II vs. Alpha Omicron Pi I;
Zone I-Team I vs. Stockwell X.
Wednesday at 5:10 p.m.-Colle-
giate Sorosis II vs. Alpha Epsilon
Phi I; Kappa Delta vs. Mosher II.
Wednesday at 7:15 p.m.-Kappa
Kappa Gamma I vs. Jordan VIII;
Gamma Phi Beta II vs. Stockwell
Wednesday at 8 p.m. No games
* * *
Thursday at 5:10 p.m.-Colle-
giate Sorosis I vs. Kappa Kappa
Gamma IV; DeltaZeta vs. Mosher
Thursday at 7:15 p.m.-Jordan
VI vs. Alpha Gamma Delta II;
Collegiate Sorosis III vs. Stockwell
Thursday at 8 p.m.-Kappa
Alpha Theta I vs. Henderson
House; Martha Cook II vs. Kappa
Alpha Theta II.
* * *
Outing Club - The organiza-
tional meeting will be held at 2
p.m. tomorrow in the WAB.
Soccer Club-The organizational
meeting will be held at 5 p.m.
Monday in the WAB.
Officials and Coaches Club-
The organizational meeting will
be held at 5 p.m. Monday in the
Camp Counselors Club-The or-
ganizational meeting will be held
at 5 p.m. Monday in the WAB.
Riding Club-The organization-
al meeting will be held at 5 p.m.
Monday in the WAB.
Silk-Like Kid
Qloves Form
Hand Wardrobe
The best kids in the world are
not well-behaved school children,
but the skins that go into the
making of really fine gloves.
Glove makers grow their own
goats to make the gloves of a
well-dressed woman's life, then
they tan the leather with tender
hands and sew them together with
generations of knowledge.
They use a pique stitch, for in-
stance, that makes a finger look
molded. Gloves like this can even
use used to play a Chopin prelude,
if music is on call.1
The leather that fits over the1
fingers is something like silk in
softness. One particular glove de-
sign is a four-button pair with
pouffed design on the gauntlet.
Each tiny pouf is elasticized so
the gauntlet fits snugly over the
The four-button glove is an im-
portant part of the glove ward-1
robe-the experts say you need. In
addition to it, six other pair of
gloves are supposedly requisite. As
the hour gets later, the sleeves get,
shorter and the gloves get longer.
Around town with a suit a pair
of shorties are required (or wrist
length gloves). Gloves six inches,
from the thumb are best with
short sleeved tea-time dresses, and
eight button gloves with briefer
cocktail dresses.
Gloves that rise almost to the
shoulders, or 16 button are on call
for bare-shoulder evening wear,
while the two remaining pair of
gloves in the wardrobe will be for
casual wear-a pair of pigskins for
driving and sportswear and a pair
of white gloves for informal, after-
five occasions.
Flappers will be coming back
again in footwear but not the boot
New York designers have in-
troduced "flapper sandals" as ac-
cessories to the new return-to-
flapper-trend in clothing.
Hungry Coeds Can Eat, Lose
ExcessFat with ProperDiet
"E'i t a d rm lim
Kat and grow siim.
This phrace which we read in
numerous newspaper advertise-
ments and hear on a great many
radio commercials can work if,
and this condition is important,
one eats the right kind of foods.
* * *
DIETING IS of faily common
interest to most coeds, but most of
them have the misconceived idea
that to diet it is necessary to de-
prive oneself of almost all tasty
foods and to confine one's menu
to soups, salads and juices. But
this, according to Dr. Margaret
Bell, head women's Physician of
the University Health Service, is
the "bunk."
Dieting does not mean merely
cutting out certain foods. It is a
more complex problem and in-
volves different ways of eating
for different individuals.
Two girls may be exactly the
same height and weight, but while
one may have a marvelous figure,
the other may look extremely
overweight. Bone structure is in
part responsible for the difference.
for a large boned person will look
much slimmer and carry her
weight much better than a small
boned person of the same propor-
tions. And too, a muscular per-
son will look thinner than a per-
son who carries her excess
weight as fat.
* * *
THE FIRST requirement of a
successful diet is to have made up
one's mind to the fact that she
wants to lose weight, for dieting
means making many changes in
the potato is not fattening; it is
mean learning an entirely differ-
ent food pattern from the one to
which a person has been accus-
A successful diet is a balanced
diet. This means eating required
amounts of certain foods each
day. Protein foods form a major
part of the diet, for the digestion
of proteins burns up a great deal
of energy which would other-
wise be stored in the body as ex-
cess weight.
Fats are practically entirely
eliminated from the diet, and also
foods containing more than twen-
ty per cent carbohydrates. This
would include cream, butter, oils
and dressings, fried foods, gravies,
nuts and all cheeses except cot-
* * *
CONTRARY TO common belief,
ways and habits of eating. It may
the things which one puts on po-
tatoes such as butter, gravy and
cream which have a high calorie
In general the average daily
consumption of a 'college student
contains about 3,000 calories. In
a diet this is gradually reduced to
between 1600 and 1800.
The difference is made up of ex-
cess fat that is stored in the body.
"Obesity is in a sense a dis-
ease of the appetite," commented
Dr. L. H. Newburgh, Professor of
Clinical Investigation. "It is not
only unsightly, but it can also
lead to other more serious dis-
eases such as diabete, high blood
pressure and an overworked
Committee Work
Coeds are still needed to join
forces with Jean Russ in the Pan-
hel sponsored Danny Kaye show
for publicity work.
Those interested in window dis-
play work, poster distribution or
stunt publicity for the show
should contact Miss Russ at 4089
or 5718.
Benefits from the show will be
given to the Fresh Air Camp.
This is the first project the
Panhellenic Association has han-
dled since they brought Spike
Jones to campus in the fall of
1946, also for the benefit of the
Fresh Air Camp.
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Grad Students
Don't miss the boat
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Symphony, Oct. 23; Cleveland Orchestra, Nov. 6; Italo
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