PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, BEFTEMBMUAWW J Ew RAGE FOUR WWNESDAY, SEPTEMRER ~2, ~R4R~ . ~ a U r, y . ,. 4, The Daily's Aims WITH THE MEANING of many major issues obscured by black kettles and blacker pots, and with little relief in sight, clear thinking on the part of the college- educated American particularly is at a high premium. Recognizing the dangers inherent in bias and sensationalism, The Michigan Daily will attempt to meet its responsibility to the students on this campus by impartial report- ing of local and world news and by well- thought-out editorial interpretation. The Daily will try to integrate the ephemeral "opinion" of the campus in its presentation of staffers' varied views. Al- though we cannot and do not wish to claim that Daily staff members are a Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: AL BLUMROSEN statistical sample of the campus, reader impressions and insight on all matters will be printed in the Letters to the Editor column. In this way The Daily will at- tempt to be representative of all. The editorial page will also feature prize- winning cartoonist Herblock, political col- umnists Drew Pearson and Joseph and Stew- art Alsop, and the comic strip Barnaby. On the news pages, Daily writers will aim at accurate and complete local cover- age. The facts will be presented and em- phasized according to their respective im- portance, with the minimum of interpreta- tion necessary for readers' understanding. National and international happenings will be covered by the Associated Press. The Daily's presentation of news and views is primarily from the local angle, bear- ing in mind the specialized interests of an academic community. Thus we depend large- ly on students and faculty who use our col- umns to make this a representative publica- tion, for a newspaper is primarily a com- munity enterprise. -The Senior Editors. A STUDENT GOVERNMENT pr~e. d Atst worth last night when SL PrsIden_ t John Ryder, Vice-President Qunin N, and legislators Richard Hooker nd T Walsh met with Ath lelti oiL s to a the muddle of footbal tt dist 1iui In doing so, they toued at h y heart of Michigan social Iife-the foot all season-and worked out a group s plan with Fritz Crisler and Don Weir t were, despite criticism, ready to iSen to a better solution after all). The four met with Crisier a n m S of his staff last night and talked until 2 a.m. this morning. The disritn plan which was devised will allow dents register today or Thursday u aw n ii Iriy or whenever the students wh whom they wish to sit have finished processing to pick up his ticket. The meeting aided not only th sotudents but the Athletic Department which was faced with a gradually grow in stom of protest. Ticket Manager Weir had resi'ndly admitted Monday that he was bricing him- self for criticism. But these student represenhatives did not NEED to do the excellent job they ne- eamplished. Two thirds 1of ih dent body could expect li"u from the o rv- ernment they failed to voit Ic I-st l a;. It is perhaps a commendati 1o Ino who did vote that they elected people ai to work for the students-people (t Oit for another extra-ciirriuilar act i my but people cognizant of the value of self-gcvern- ment and its potentialities a, a fo ; o make Michigan life easier for the suuot. who becomes engulfed in it for four years-. We have our ticket elan now. We can go to the football games wih houx w: please, realizing that our enjoyal: tme is due to a handful of men and a handtul' of students who voted for thenm. It is a good example with which entering freshmen can impress on themselves the necessity of voting when another cloe1icon comes around. It is a warning to the upperclassmen who went through the 1948-49 school year with an unpunched ID that the franchise, any franchise, here or in state and national elec- tions is not to be taken lightly. -Don McNei9 ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH DREW PEARSON By DREW PEARSON. WASHINGTON--Washington social secur- ity experts are worried about what the steel fact-finding board recommendations will do to the old.-age pension and social security program now before Congress. What they fear is a series of old-age pension plans for certain industrial groups that have the strike power to get them. This might leave millions of less-organized workers who have less power to strike with inadequate old-age pensions and meagre Social Security protection. Under the Doughton Bill, now pending on the House calendar, nearly 50,000,000 em- ployes would share contributions with em- ployers to double present Social Security benefits. The Steel Board, however, favors a pension plan for the steel workers paid for entirely by employers, in addition to gov- ernment social security. What also worries the Social Security planners is this: Will the steel workers and other well-organized labor groups push as hard for higher social security benefits for which they pay part of the cost, when they can get them from the employer for noth- ing? CIO Secretary James B. Carey warned the House Committee on Ways and Means in 1946 that if Congress failed to expand ,ocial security, "then labor organizations of the type of the United Mine Workers will attempt to secure security for their workers in some other manner. The point that I am making is just a simple one," continued Carey, "that this program pre- sented by John L. Lewis to the operators is a type of program that we say should be adninistered by the Federal Government." Carey's prediction was right. Lewis put across his welfare fund-though it's now suspended-thus putting the miners in a favored position over other workers. Na- turally the steel workers don't want to be outdone by the miners. And millions of other oldsters who don't belong to unions don't want to be outdone either. It would have been better if Congress had handled the entire problem in the first place. ** * CIi0 PRESIDENT Philip Murray and his top aides are not saying so publicly, but they feel that President Truman has fumbled the ball in averting a steel strike. The CIO thought it had Truman primed to give U.S. Steel a big tongue-lashing last week for refusing to negotiate on the basis of the President's own fact-finding board on steel. Instead, Truman was meek, mild, and con- demned nobody - despite the fact that the steel workers accepted the principle of the report while the company has rejected it. * * * MIDDLE INCOME HOUSES EXT BIG housing battle in Congress will occur when the Senate considers the Sparkman "middle income" housing bill, which recently emerged from the House badly mangled by the real estate lobby, with the aid of their friend GOP Representative Jesse Wolcott of Michigan, plus a deft assist from American-Laborite Vito Marcantonio of New York. What few people, except those directly affected, realize is that almost one-third of the nation's families have incomes insuffi- cient to enable them to rent or buy decent homes under current sky-high housing costs. And the public housing bill recently passed by Congress doesn't help this middle-income group, who earn from $2,000 to $3,750 a year. It provides rental housing and slum clearance only for families in lower-income brackets. The Sparkman bill is aimed primarily at helping these $2,000-$3,750 families, chiefly war vets, by direct government low-interest loans under a cooperative arrangement sim- ilar to the government's financing of rural electric cooperatives. However, by some skillful parliamentary maneuvering at a time when 340 members w~r hacnt. mnt+ of thamn ategning, thp. swearing-in of Tom Clark to the Supreme Court-the real estate lobby struck this important section from the House bill. However, the Senate is still to be heard from, and forthright Senator John Spark- man of Alabama is confident he has the. votes to reverse the House sellout .to the real estate lobby. * * * JAPAN GETS RESPECTABLE GENERAL DOUGLAS MacARTHUR has cabled the State Department urging that Japan be included as a charter member in the proposed Far Eastern defense alliance. MacArthur believes that without Japan's manpower and industrial resources, any anti-Communist alliance in the Far East is doomed to failure. So he's asked the State Department to try and convince Aus- tralia and New Zealand to let bygones be bygones and invite the Japanese to join. "What Do You Think About These For '52?" t. ARsE LEAPING 00 - MAT R OF FACO:. j i ef ense of Europe f 4 Y APIIINCTON- A simple question is raised by the Senate debate the Military Aid Program for Europe: When are we going to face th h facts?e The first fact is that the strategic balance of power vhich now protects Western Europe from being over-run by the Red Army is wPholy precarious. It rests squarely on the temporary American mon- opoly of tc atomic bomb. The second fact is that the Soviet Union is making a masive re- Inarment effort, in which top priority is given to the atomic pro- j1ct under the' ruthlessly efficient direction of former NKVD chief Lavrenti Beria. Moreover, the Joint Chiefs of Staff have faced this (danger, and have devised a program for dealing with it. r 1E PROGRAM is designed to make possible the defense of Western Europe against the Red Army by 1954, when Soviet stockpiling of the Beria bomb may be expected to begin. This five-year program calls for the expenditure of eight to twelve billion dollars by the Ulited States, coupled with a major effort to rearm by the European con- tiies. By 1954, it is estimated, the program would result in forty-five to fifty European divisions in being. Gven decisive tactical air suer- imity, it is believed that these fifty divisions could hold the Red Army until rsinforcexments arrived and strategical bombing began to take effct. 'this program is by no means over-ambitious. The Joint Chiefs estimate that even today, n cose of war, the Red Army could put 300 complete divisions in the field by the end of thu. first month. By the end of the first year, the Kremlin vwouid dispose of 500 fully armed divisions. Moreover, as the So- viet rearmament effort begins to take effect, these massive figures may be increased still further. 'The Russians are concentrating particularly on heavy tanks and heavy artillery. They are known to have more than 12,000 operational piane', including large numbers of jet fighters. A majority of the planners believe that the stunning statistics of Russian strength are in some measure deceptive. There is plenty of evidence of organizational and mechanical weakness underlying the ominous statistics of Russian strength. The strategic planners all agree that the Red Army cannot be de- feated by a straight manpower slugging match on the ground. But the best of planners have convinced the Joint Chiefs that the five-year prognam outlined above is a calculated risk which must be taken, and that if it is taken, Europe can be defended. * * HEN.E ARE so many imponderables, including the degree teffort that Europe is capable of making, that the eight to twelve bllion dollar figure is only a guess, yet it is an informed guess. Taking ten ibiilien dollars as the medium figure, yearly appropriations of about tvwo billion dollars will be required to fulfill the program. This means that the State and Defense departments must go back to Congress for something close to this sum next spring. Yet there is now some chance that the program will be abandon- ed, or so raduced in scale that it will be rendered meaningless. This is bca ause the Defense chiefs and others, noting the bitter resis- tane on Capitol Hill to the interim M.A.P. outlay, are beginning t suspect that it is political nonsense even to discuss appropria- tions on such a scale. If they are right, the day will come in five years or so when the Kremlin can boast both an atomic stockpile and the unquestioned z biliy to take all Europe at will. The balance of power will then shift dc is vely in the Kremlin's favor, and an unthinkable atomic war vIl become almost inevitable. Those in Congress who consider it poli- Stically popular to cut the Military Aid Program should ask themselves a question. How thankful will the voters be when that day comes? (Copyright, 1949, New ork Herald Tribune, Inc.) (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of two articles on the Second Annual National Student Association Con- gress held August 24 to September 3 at the University of Illinois. The dispatch is by Craig H. Wilson, direc- tor of publications for NSA and for- merly co-managing editor of The Summer Daily. By CRAIG WILSON TJRBANA, ILL.-More than a m i I I i o n students swapped for the improvement of their aca- demic lives at the Second Annual Congress of the National Student Association, here in August. Through their representatives -from more than 300 colleges and universities - they spent ten intensive days and nights trading ideas, learning about situations other students face, anl beginning to understand each other. They met in small, informal 15- man round tables to talk about particular problems - like dis- crimination evident in college en- rollments. They convened in larger com- missions to attack phases of stu- dent interest - like international problems and foreign travel. And they united in plenary ses- sions to take up the entire scope of student life. HERE ON the University of Illinois campus, the more than 800 delegates and alternates examined the worth of all the thoughts they could muster on bettering the educational system of the United States and making it more amply serve the needs of each individual student. The first step taken was that of acquainting themselves with the problem areas, by hearing notable "resource" speakers, in- cluding: Dr. Harold Taylor, president, Sarah Lawrence College; Dr. Francis Brown, American Council on Education; Dr. HaywardIHol- bert, Counselor to Student Organ- izations, New York University; Robert Huddleston, North Ameri- can Student Cooperative League; George Houser, Committee on Ra- cial Equality, and Wim Heyneker, Dutch Office of Foreign Student Relations. * * * OTHERS WERE: Frank Sulew- ski, World Student Service Fund (WSSF);Dean Newhouse, Dean of Students, Case Institute of Technology; Gordon Klopf, Stu- dent Personnel Advisor, Rniver- sity of Wisconsin; George Howatt, instructor in political science, Le- high University; Sigvard Wolon- ts, general secretary, Internation- al Student Service (ISS) ; Ravin- dra Varma, president, All-India Student Congress; Dr. Buell Gal- lagher, U. S. Office of Education; and Dr. Helen Yhite, U. S. Com- missiorY for UNESCO. DISCUSSION AND decisions on National Student Association pol- icy centered on discrimination and segregation, academic free- dom, international affairs, and Federal aid to education. On Minority group bias, re- presentatives r e a li z e d that "character and academic stand- ing are the only two qualifica- tions necessary for admihjion to educational institutions." They called for legislation against schools refusing admission to students because of race, re- ligion, sex, national origin, poli- tical beliefs and economic circum- stances. They will also work through legislative and legal ac- tion for the removal of laws which perpetuate discriminatory clauses. TAKING A stand on the even- tualelimination of discrimination which was called "neither right nor left," the NSA adopted the "Michigan Plan" used at the Uni- versity of Michigan. It calls' for banning of any new campus or- ganization with discriminatory clauses in its constitution or char- ter and for the education of pre- sent groups with discriminatory clauses. The National Interfraternity Council and the National Pan- sellenic Conference were urged t o eliminate discriminatory clauses within member social sorority and fraternity groups. On Federal aid to education, students were for Federal scholar- didn't forget limitations they ships and fellowship grants, but thought it should have. AID SHOULD not be discrim- inatory, and "where segregation exists in the primary and second- ary levels of education in a state, scholarships in higher education should first be divided in propor- tion to racial groups within the population." Merits and needs, determined according to an objective ex- amination, should be the cri- terion-not "loyalty checks." And students should be able to choose where they want to study. NSA defined academic freedom as the right of a scholar to seek the truth, discuss his subject, and offer his conclusions through pub- lication and classroom instruc- tion. "Membership in any political, religious, or other organization or adherence to any philoso- phical, political, or religious be- lief do not constitute in them- selves sufficient grounds for dismissal or failure to re-hire educators," they declared. If universities and colleges have any ideological qualification for teaching, they should state It-in v4riting-to the teacher, bfore hiring him. NSA will also continue its pre- sent policy of "efforts of coopera- tion on specific projects of a non- political nature" with the Com- munist-dominated International Union of Students (IiUS). * * * ROBERT A. KELLY of St. Pe- ter's College, was elected at the second annual Student Congress to head the NSA for its third-year. He replaces James T. Harris, of La Salle College. New international affairs vice- president will be Erskine Chil- ders, Stanford. Vice-president for student life will be Theodore Per- ry, Temple University. Education- al problems vice-president will be Rick J. Medalie, Carleton College. Frederic D. Houghteling, Harv- ard, will be executive secretary from January, 1950 to January, 1951. All officers will drop their for- mal studies for the coming year to devote full time to national staff duties. Smith and Childers will have their office at Cambridge, Mass., and the others at Madison, Wis. 'UT i' x. NSA CONGRESS: For Better Education ,;i ,; . , A A Other Opportunities WITH ALL THE precautions the Univer- sity takes in September, during fresh- man orientation week, most of the newcom- ers to campus walk around in a daze from the first week of school on. Sometimes the nebulous condition of the newcomer's men- tal processes endures . . . often for four years. I don't imagine many students miss the Saturday football games. College life (movie style) wouldnt be the same without the grid classics. And I suppose a good part of the campus, new and old, manages to attend at least one of the dances during the year. But Michigan offers a varied and val- uable program in all fields. School needn't be just four or five hours of classes a day and a Thank God It's Friday Club at a local beer dispensary. It's really unfortunate to see how many students are jusththat-students.tMany of the courses-I should say most of the courses-do not go far enough in their pre- paration for a full life in later years. Varied interests are indicative of an in- telligent person. And the opportunities for individuals to develop a muittude of inter- ests are at Michigan practically for the ask- ing. Developing social relations means more thoir a trip to the Arb some warm evening and more than a couple of pitchers of the foamy brew on a colder evening. To mention a few, there are the excel- lent dramatic productions staged by the Speech Department throughout the year. This past summer, the department pro- duced five plays and one opera -- all smash hits. The acting was comparable; to that of the finest on Broadway. The settings were magnificient. Two weeks after I witnessed the spectacu- lar La Baheme, staged by the Departments of Speech and Music, I saw the same opera in New York. While the New York company were more experienced in singing, the Mich- igan production, looking at the overall pic- ture, was far more professional and far more impressive. Then there are the movies sponsored by the Art Cinema League. The ACL offers the best of cinematic productions, past and present. There is the Glee Club, conducted by the incomparable Prof. Philip Duey, with its magnificent spring concert at the newly- renovated Hill Auditorium. Unfortunately, the club only presents one concert a year, Looking .Back 50 YEARS AGO TODAY The Michigan Daily, already a well estab- lished college paper, was distributed free to students during the first week of the semes- ter. 25 YEARS AGO TODAY but at that, it is one of the finest presenta- tions of the year. Of course, there are the con e:r sr : and the drama festival, which . best possible relaxation in an way. I can't forget the Union Opera. Last yea, the opera, 'Froggy Bottom," was held t r the first time since the war. This y it should be bigger and better than ever. And of course, there are the many nd varied clubs on campus which spe inae i one field or another. All are enlightening and aid in transferring college life into th richest four years of one's existence. Your best bet is to follow the Daily Offi- cial Bulletin. All is contained therein. Don' be one of those unfort unate people o work for four years, get their d?:,gr. r then leave, never realizing that they havs'L taken advantage of the finest opportunitis available for living a full life. - B. S. .rown Currentt ic TWO OF THE most common truilms no are "We live in an age of tranitlin' and "Of course, it's all relative." Any dis- cussion of current history or values is ik'iy to sound these notes; they are a threadba:re theme running through bull sesssions every- where. Both these observations seem utterly and boringly true, and of course they pro- vide a refuge for the faker and the in- consequential verbalizer. But cliches and truisms are not only havens from thought, they are sign-posts to the ideas on which most people a-ree. You can learn much more about intellectual trends and conditions by examining the tru- isms they produce than by studying the most influential philosophers. The relative and transitional quality of eevrything as it appears today indicates the insecurity of people and the importance of scientific thought. Few people dare to be sure of what they believe, and those few are proba y fana- tics beyond the reach of reason. And most of us stand ready to give up our old iiia for the new ones constantly being e- veloped by scientists. There is hope in these truisms, becau',e things that are relative can still be better or worse and change may bring improve- ment; but there will be more hope when the fact that everything is relative and transi- tional stops being a truism and becomes ma- terial for textbooks. -Phil Dawson. 'T i ni n' "HUGE SEAS of talk of every sort and Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of, the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff ... .........Managing "Editor Al Blumrosen........ City Editor Philip Dawson...Editorial Director Mary Stein............Associate Editor Jo Misner...........Associate Editor George Walker.......Associate Editor Alex Lmanian ...Photography Editor Pres Holmes ......... Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor Roger Goel7....Associate Sports Editor Miriam Cady .......... Women's Editor Lee Kaltenbach.. Associate Women's Ed. Bess Hayes Young..........Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington.... Business Manager Jim Dangl......Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff ....... Finance Manager Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved.A Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mal, $6.00. J BARNABY The cleaning woma Maybe she was ca ProbaL eventu we're relax it 3n has a sister in Canada- lled up there suddenly. . . bly. We'll hear ally. Meanwhile, home and we can n peace and- i k - J R~~ This is the Airy Dale Kennels, Mr. Baxter. Someone broke in last night and let out all the dogs. And eleven cats. We've recovered some. But your dog, Gorgon is-- f, f, Oh- Barnaby, the happy family home-coming is complete. I flev out last night and got your dog for you. . Lucky boy -- Gorgon! Gosh, thank you, Mr. O'Malley- Huh. f, CG (jaclmorle . S 1! arnaby, your Fairy Godfather did not bring Gorgon home. Why must you attribute everything to a creature who exists only in yourimragnainnt-? When the real, true r I1 r Some heedless prankster-Or perhaps someone with a grudge against the doctor-Broke into the kennels and let the dogs out. And Gorgon simply You know Mr. O'Malley came to the kennels and let you out. ,_*.j f IHe buys the dog ) I I II