PAGE TWO THE MICHIGiAN DIG)Lq Y TUESDAY, JANUVARY 17, 1 U I __________________________ _____________________________ Union Lifers Reap Many Prerogatives Intangible Gains Cited By Kuenzel A Union life membership card is an "open sesame" agent for all the hospitality of the campus' men's club. But more than that, a life mem- bership in the Union gives its holder certain intangible benefits which probablyare greater than the more obvious physical privi- leges which it also provides. UNION GENERAL manager Franklin C. Kuenzel described the life membership as "something concrete which binds a man back to his college." The gold lapel pin which iden- tifies the Union's lifers is re- cognized by Michigan men all over the country, Kuenzel said. "It often serves to introduce the young alumnus to other Michi- gan men who live and work in their community," he added. Among the privileges of life membership is that of having pri- ority for guest room reservations at the Union. This turns out to be very worthwhile on football week- ends. MEMBERSHIP RATES f o r guest rooms are somewhat lower than ordinary guest rates, too. Along with the lapel pin and the membership card, life mem- bers receive metal key tags from the Union. Each tag has an in- dividual number stamped on it, along with the request to "mail these keys to the Michigan Un- ion, Ann Arbor, Michigan." "Life members regularly write in for replacements of key tags and membership cards which have been lost or worn out," Kuenzel observed. LIFE MEMBERSHIPS are now available at no charge to all male students who have spent eight se- mesters on campus, including the current semester. These memberships may be ob- tained from 8 a.m. until noon and 1:30-5 p.m. Monday through Fri- day and from 8 a.m. until noon Saturday in the Union Business Office. i. THE REAL STORY: Owner Claims A frica .n On Classic, Statue Solves Myster MedievalArt By JIM BROWN The mystery shrouding the dis- Harry Bober, of Smith College, covery of a carved African native yesterday outlined basic differ statue in Michigan's Upper Pen- ences between man s view of the insula has been solvedk wo d he lived in in thesmiddle The statue, a 28-inch black ages and in Roman times. figure, was found by Ford Inger- Bober spoke on "Man in His soll of C'rystal, Mich., while deer Cosmos in Medieval Art" in the hunting in northern Alger Coun- third in a series of lectures spon- ty. sored by the fine arts department. HE TURNED it over to his son HE SHOWED by slides the in-law, Leo Wisneski of Bay City, - classical emphasis on. rational who sent a photograph of the piece mind and natural sciences. to Prof. James B. Griffin, direc- C si tor of the Museum of Anthropol- 'Classical art echoed the pro- ogy, and Prof. Horace M. Miner, portions of symmetry based on of the anthropology department. the ideal human body,"' he de- clared. Prof. Miner identified the sta- tue as a gure of a male wa Chistian dogma and faith in the r pointing out that Africaniddle ages replaced rationalism ntvsofe carve personal and natural science and this rep esentatons adbelive at change was revealed n the artof the spirit of an idividual re- that time. The universe was in- sides in such figures after death. terpreted in terms of religious Later the story of the statue's symbolism superimposed on old strange appearance in Michigan's forms of the zodiac, he explained North Woods was published in The - Daily and in newspapers all over UE xit the state and the figure was idn-, nio tified by Lawrence R. Stanford of 'd1 * P So M *..*..*. Pl sticsS Row II 1 m.. T _ ____ _ .. I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Phone 23-24-1 HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M. RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .50 1.02 1.68 3 .60 1.53 2.52 4 .80 2.04 4.80 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline daily except Saturday is 3 P.M. Saturdays, 11:30 A.M. for Sunday Issue. FOR RENT FACING CAMPUS-Large single room in quiet apt. Semi-private bath, phone. etc. Kitchen privileges. All year round male student preferred. Call 2-9776 evening after six. )28F VACANCY for male students. Rooms can be used as apartment. No single rooms. Call 2-2052. __ )47R ROOMS available for students' guests J-Flop weekend. Private home ac- commodations. Phone 2-9850, 12:30' to 1:00; 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. )3R TWO ROOM furnished apartment for 2 _men. $80 per month. Ph. 6415._ )46R COMFORTABLE ROOM one mile from campus, southeast section. Phone 2-1600. )27F FURNISHED NEW HOUSE-3 bedrooms, February to September. References. Daily Box 209. O__(F VACANCIES in Dorm Stle rnnm. in Fraternity District. Call 3-4590. 1702 Hill. )24F BUSINESS SERVICES LEAVE JUNIOR with a reliable baby sitter while, you go out-anytime. Kiddie Kare, 3-1121. _)3R5 NEARLY NEW SHOP-Fur and cloth coats, formals, suits. 1091, E. Wash- ington over Dietzel's. Ph. 2-4669. )27B EFFICIENT, expert, prompt typewriter repair service. Moseley's Typewriter and Supply Company, 214 E. Washing- ton. Phone 5888. __ )5B SHIRTS -- Nine hour service (by re- quest). Three day service (regular service). Ace Laundry, 1116 S. Uni- versity. )21B HAVE YOUR typewriter repaired by the Office Equipment Service Company. 215 E. Liberty. _)16B HILDEGARDE SHOPPE 109 E. Washington Expert Alterations Custom Clothes Established Tradition )313 PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR Van Doren Clarinet Reeds Box of 25 - $4.50 New and Used Instruments 209 E. Washington )4B WASHING and/or ironing done in my own home. Free pick-up and deliv- ery. Phone 2-9020. )1B SYLVIA STUDIO OF DANCE - Ball- room, tap, acrobatic, ballet. Over Michigan 'Theatre.__Phone8066.__)32B WE HAVE three expert typewriter repair men and one factory trained fountain pen repair man. Prompt service . MORRILLS, 314 S State, Ph. 7177B )36B - -WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT for student and wife in June, 1950. Expected oc- cupancy-three years. Contact Ralph B~randt. 2-5696. )41W LOST AND FOUND LOST - Brown suede lady's handbag. Potwr'en Division St. and Union, P-c. 16. Contains silver card case. Re- ward. Call 2-8242. PERSONAL JOE--T Tanks for tipping me off to the daily 39c luncheon special at J. D. Miller's Cafeteria. It really does in- clucte an entree. potatoes, bread and btttr, and beverage,. What a buy! Al. -)____ ___ 421' LEARN TO DANCE Jimmie Hunt Dance Studio 209 5. Stage Phone 8616 )1P CLUB 211 BULLETIN New Club 211 Policy-No expiration date on meal tickets! Tickets hon- ored on any day. Need not be used on consecutive days. Your ticket ex- pires only when all meals have been punched. J.D.M. -42P BABY SITTING-Middle-aged woman, transportation provided, 50 cents per hour. Phone 2-2722 or 25-0035. )52P STUDENTS-And otherwise! Attention The Miehiganlensian must p~ut in its order for the numiber of 1950 'Ensians to be printed, by January 31, 1950. Please order yours today-so that we may order your 'Enstan for you. )51P CORRECT FOREIGN ACCENT rapidly by international phonetic alphabet method. Individual instruction. Cer- tined correctionist. Phone 2-8439. 50P ROOMIS FOR R ENT BRING YOUR week-end guests to the Pierce Transit Home. 1133 E. Ann. Phone 6415. _____)1R LARGE ATTRACTIVE front double for colored male stulents. Has three win- dows, next to bath, plenty hot water. Ph. 2-8401 evenings. ___)52R ROOMS WITH MEALS Also Meals Homne Cocking 1319 Hill St. SR SINGLE ROOM available in Grad. Women's house for second semester. Call 3-4410 or 6461. )49P1 MEINS DOUBLE near campus. $6.50 ea(-h.120 N. Ingalls 2-6644. )48R TPEWRITERS all makes and models FOR SALE INVENTORY SPECIALS Michigan Sweatshirts, $1.79; Navy "T" shirts, 45c: 100"; wool athletic' hose, 9c; 8-15 type jackets, $8.88, all wool tiannel i~its. $6.49. Sam's Store, 122 E. WasingiEton. )6________ ATKINSON'S PERFUMES $4.50 size -- $2.00 $2.75 size -- $1.00 Floral Frangrancies CALKINS-PLETCHER N. University at State )5 ALL COLORS baby parakeets, canaries, love-birds. Bird supplies and cages. Mrs. Ruffins, 562 S. 7th, Phone 5330. ) 2B Special Group of Formals at $15 - sizes 10-15 COUSINS on State Street )2 1949 CHEV. DeLUXE Club Coupe. $1400. All accessories. Cost $1850.00 nine mnos. ago. Dr. Lasky 2-2521, Ext. 339 or 480. ))55 CONVERTIBLE-Buick '48 Super, yel- low, black top, all accessories includ- ed. $1595. Call M. F. Belmonte, 2-2205. )54 RECORDS-Collectors items, we think. Call 2-7949, 506 East Kingsley after 7:30 p.m. _________) 52 CONVERTIBLE Mercury '48. Excellent condi i on. Cream color. W.W., R. & H. 150 i les. Original owner. Must sell. Can finance. Phone 2-8493 . )5 TUX-TAILS SET-Size 36-38. Topcoat and sports coat also, size 38. Phone 3-4489, ____________)51 ABC IRONER - Original price $129.. Leaving for California, must sell at once! Excellent mechanical condi- tion. $35. Phone Ypsi 2272M11. )43 HOUSE TRAILER--21 ft., refrigerator,' bottle gas, oil heat. Call R. Maalmberg, 9291, between 7-8 p.m. )45 LIGHT-WEIGHT BICYCLES - Man's and woman's, 3-speed gears. hand brakes, baskets, lights. Practically new. $40-both for $75. Call 9050. (42 MISCELLANEOUS ACCURATE TYPING done in my home. Prompt service. Ph. 2-9437. )3M PYPING DONE-Phone 2-7262. )4M HELP WANTED UNDERGRADUATE or graduate woman to work for room and board. Call 2-5151 after 7 p.m. )23H .4 WRITING immediately to Prof. Griffin, Stanford said that he purchased the figure in Matadi, a little town up the Congo River, while he was in the Navy. "The statue is hand carved Camping Costs ... LANSING-(I)-The Conserva- tion Commission yesterday ap- proved charging for camping in all state parks starting next spring.' AFRICAN STATUE . .mystery solved The first in a series of displays and I was told it was made of featuring American industry is now being shown in the Union ebony wood," he wrote, point- lobby. ing out that it is supposed to be It spotlights Plaskon, one of the holding a spear in each hand. urea-formaldehyde plastics which He said that he lost it in 1947 can be produced in white and pas- while he was living near 16 M~ile tel colors. It is molded into a var- Lake in Alger County. iety of light weight products. The mystery cleared up, Prof. The exhibit, sponsored by a Griffin wrote both Stanford and large glass manufacturing com- Wisnewski, who will arrange the pany in Toledo, will be on display return of the statue to its owner. until Jan. 25. ro WHITNEY STARTS TODAY thru Wednesday No. Main - Opp. Courthouse MAT 30c NIGHTS & SUN 40c ALAN' AW II > FallCuy! ~ and his Stallion "SLACK JACK" in 1 -FRONTIER 'fB < / ,B WL INVISTI ATOR"= ARBAR HAL .with Eddy Waller r RENTED SOLD BOUGHT REPAIRED rr,,, . , , , ,, , DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ] ( JENKS & CO. CHRONOMETERO ACCURACYC WATCH 221 EAST LIBERTY c Phone 2-6220 I, >e <-->" Io Publication in The Daily Official Bulletinis constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Assistant to the President, Room 2552 Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m. en the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1950 VOL. LX., No. 82 Notices Attention February Graduates; College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, and School of Public Health-students are advis- OPTICAL SERVICE for the Campus Area CAMPUS OPTICIANS 222 Nickels Arcade Ph. 2-9116 ed not to request grades of I or X in February. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instructor to report the make up grade not later than 11 a.m., Thurs., Feb. 9. Grades re- ,eived after that time may defer the student's graduation until a later date. Student Loan Prints: All Stu- dent Loan Prints are to be re- turned to 508 (basement) Admin- istration Bldg., Wednesday, Thurs- day and Friday. A fine of five cents will be charged for each day the picture is overdue after Friday. The Student Loan Prints will be on exhibit in the Museum of Art the week of Feb. 5. The prints will be reassigned to the students for the spring semester Feb. 13 through 15. Recommendations for Depart- mental Honors: Teaching depart- ments wishing to recommend ten- tative February graduates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Education for departmental hon- ors should recommend such stu- dents in a letter sent to the Reg- istrar's Office, 1513 Administra- tion Bldg., by 11 a.m., Thurs., Feb. 9. Student Loans: No loans for men will be granted between Jan. 19 and Feb. 7. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts Staff. Meetings to discuss the Group Life Insurance program will be held in Natural Science Auditorium at 5:15 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. today. All members of the staff who are participating in either of the annuity programs, full-time lecturers and instructors, full-time employees under 30 years of age who have had two years of continuous service and full-time employees over 30 years of age who have had six months of con- tinuous service are, eligible to en- roll. College of Engineering, Regis- tration Material: Students enrolled for the current semester should call for Spring registration mater- ial at Rm. 244, Engineering Bldg., beginning Tues., Jan. 24 through Fri., Jan. 27, and on Mon. and Tues., Jan. 30 and 31. Hours 8:30 to 12 and 1:30 to 5. BUREAU OF APPOINTMENTS: National Bureau of Standards announces summer positions for juniors in physics, chemistry, met- allurgy, and mathematics. Closing date: January 31, 1950. A representative, of Roadway Express, Inc., of Detroit, Michigan, will be at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, Wed., Jan. 18. They are in- terested in employing February 19- 50 graduates with an interest in transportation and traffic for their training program. Those in- (Continued on Page 3) DOORS OPEN 1:15 P.M. MATINEES 25c NIGHTS 35c STARTS TODAY! Shown at 3:00 - 6:00 - 9:10 ORPHEUM Cinema Triumphs From All The World I COMING FRIDAY For Sheer Entertainment This Cannot Be Beaten STUDENT AND OFFICE SUPPLIES BRING YOUR G.I. REQUISITIONS to MORRILL'S 314 S. State St. Ph. 7177 fountain pens repaired THE OFFICIAL MICHIGAN RING IMMEDIATE DELIVERY COMPLIMENTARY ENGRAVING L. G. BALFOUR CO. 1319 S. University Phone 3-1733 I1 SHORT ORDERS and Full Course Meals TRIANGLE RESTAURANT S 808South State wl I J. ARTHUR RANK presents SALLY GRAY °IREVOR HOWARD . ROSAMUND JOHh and presentin R .# ALASTAIR SIM ar &ckz, ee AN~ INDIVIDUAL (PICTURE ./An EAGLE LION FILMS Release I Continuous from 1 P.M. Vzmff, I A jr- Weekdays 44c to 5 P.M. TODAY and Wednesday Produced by Directed by DARRYL F. ZANUCK* ILIA KAIAK Also- ,. 4 i I 11 CARTOON "BOOBS IN THE WOODS" WORLD NEWS ---------------- zz::= ----------- ARE YOUR PENS READY FOR EXAMS? Prompt Local Service by Pen Experts at Factory Cost or Less S-I' Bring them to the PEN HOSPITAL - 115 W. Liberty St. Phone 8950 1 - IC SUITS -DRESSES (plain) Cleaned Pressed UICK CLEA ERS 1323 SOUTH UNIVERSITY 1204 South university *. serving . . . BREAKFASTS, LUNCHEONS and DINNERS SANDWICHES and SALADS . . . from . .. 7:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. to 7 P.M. Closed Sundays Coming Thursday! YVON NE DeCARLO "GAL WHO TOOK THE WEST" U Is ...-. - _____--___ 4 -3 MICHIGAN Today and Wednesday 44c until 5 P.M. 0 PROCRASTINATORS! I olla Arl's if All Nver such sivindancin' Danny Kaye-per'sl!, sANYKAyi a L I 1RBARA STES 0.; / WALTER SLEZAK ELSA LANCHESTER And Look What Else!! OL .. V l v ootl I K'-..WIntny ...ptr :/ 1 I t + } :} : , TWEETIE PIE CARTOON Harlem Globe * Trotters in the News I Check this!! PART PAYMENTS on your TRY FOLLETT'S FIRST Sell All Your TEXTBOOKS fir C A H mr, I I I' I