MID-CENTURY SUPPLEMENT :Y A6F AOF .906. 411 t t n r 14F D~a I.t MID-CENTURY SUPPLEMENT Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LX., No. 81 SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 1950 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN University Looks ack on olorful FOUR PAGES ears -f 1 -11 4> * * * * * * s * Years Show *Great Strides In Sciences Changes Spread To Entire Globe By PAUh BRENTLINGER From the horse and buggy to the "futuramic," from the "talk- ing machine" to television, from "matter can neither be created nor destroyed" to the atomic bomb -the first half of the 20th cen- tury has seen a striking series of scientific contrasts. No corner of the civilized world has escaped the effects of the scientific progress of the past 50 years. It seems safe to say that in no other period of history have such spectacular strides been made. A KEENLY FAR-SIGHTED cit- izen of 1900 might have foreseen some of this progress. Several events of the late 19th century, generally overlooked when they occurred, were the beginning of this century's epidemic of discov- eries. Automobiles had already been invented but were no more com- mon than palm trees in Ver- umnt. Few people realized that the horseless carriage and the internal combustion engine which it contained were going to revolutionize living in the 20th century world. In 1895 Roentgen had discov- ered X-rays, and in the following year Becquerel discovered radio- activity. In 1897 Sir J. J. Thomp- son performed experiments which led him to believe that atoms were made up of certain tiny electrical particles. STILL, "Physicists at the turn of the century believed they knew all - of the fundamental laws of physics. They thought that all that remained to be done in the field was to secure better meas- urements of certain phenomena." This. opinion of turn-of-the- century physicists was expressed by Prof. William A. Nierenberg of the physics department. As further discoveries were made, physicists discarded this rather naive concept. Their earli- er position was weakened by SPlanck's theory that energy was emitted in definite units or "quan- ta," by Einstein's theory of rela- tivity (time and spare are related) and Rutherford's splitting of the Wiom, all of which occurred be- sore 1920. ARMED WITH such theoretical advances, physicists produced a long parade of amazing products, such as radar, vacuum tubes, ra- dioactive isotopes, electric eyes, ',ie cyclotron and the electron mi- crosdope. All of this culminated in the ultimate release of atomic ener- gy in the form of the famous bomb, which produced a tre- mendous amount of energy from a breakdown of matter. With all these advances, Prof. Nierenberg describes the modern physicist as a man who "feels that he is still very ignorant of the true composition of nature. He knows that he is as yet only fum-. bling in the dark." Developments in the field of nuclear physics have brought about great progress in the neigh- boring science of chemistry. Dur- ing the first half of the current century, chemists have correlated chemical properties and periodic relations with atomic structure, all of which has broadened the scope of their science. THANKS TO CHEMISTRY, the world of 1950 makes use of in- numerable materials which were completely unknown in 1900. The wide varieties of plastics, nylon, rayon, synthetic rubber, magnesi- um taken from the sea and nitro- gen products taken from the air are only a few of the items which make up the fabric of modern day existence. Increasing uke of the internal combustion engine made neces- sary imp orovements in the ref in- ing of gasoline and other fuels and lubricants. Chemists have obliged by coming through with Panel Discusses Future College 0 Ever-increasing specialization and climbing enrollments have cre- ated the greatest problems that universities will have to face in the future, a group of faculty members and'students agreed. Asked by The Daily to meet informally and discuss the future of higher education and the particular role of the University, the ten- member panel indicated liberal education and more broadly educa- tional group activities as the student needs on which to concentrate. Participants in the discussion were Dean Hayward Keniston and Assistant Dean Charles H. Peake of the literary college, Professors D. eM. Dennison of the physics de- U ,' partment, J. P. Dawson of the Law 4 i r School, William Haber of the eco- 0 tnenomics department, Frank Hunt- Sports in 50 Years By PRES HOLMES (Sports Co-Editor) Every half-century the trend seems to be to look back over the past five decades and cite the per- tinent events, and so here goes with a few from the world of sports. The Western Conference had al- ready been formed by the turn of the century, and the appointed legislators were legislating thick and fast telling athletes what they could and what they could not do. IN 1901 they voted to drop the bicycle event from Conference track meets. What a blow that was!!! In 1908 Michigan with- drew from the Conference in pro- test against certain "retroactive provisions" enacted by the Con- ference. Tsk, Tsk. 1910 witnessed the first ten- nis match, and the following year indoor track and swim- ming made their debut, not at the same place, of course. In 1915 they voted to discontinue baseball, Abner Doubleday ob- viously hadn't made a hit with the BigTen. The following year they reversed their decision, however, regaining faith in the great American game. Michigan relented in 1917 and joined the Conference again. Whoopee! 1922 was a landmark in basketball. A meeting was held, and a committee appointed, to work out procedure for "improve- ment of crowd behavior at bas- ketball games." The 29th annual meeting of this committee is being held in Yost Field House this year. WRESTLING, fencing, and gym- nastics all received official sanc- tion in 1925. This brought the total of varsity sports to an even dozen, and there have been no additions in the last quarter cen- tury. (Earl Riskey's paddleball has yet to receive the deserved recognition). In 1946 the University of Chi- cago dropped out of the Con- ference due to inability "to pro- vide reasonable equality of com- petition," and last year Michi- gan State College was voted in to fill the hole. "Ours is not to reason why ... " This about sums up the im- portant stuff, but I've got a little room left so I might mention that in this half century Michigan has been champ or co-champ 17 times in football, five in basketball, 18 in baseball, 20 in outdoor track, 15 in indoor track, 16 in swim- ming, two in wrestling, 11 in golf, and seven in tennis, for a total of 112 blue ribbons; which makes Michigan high man on the Con- ference totem pole. ley of the English department, Theodore Newcomb of the sociol- ogy department, Charles I. Stev- enson of the philosophy depart- ment, and students Malcolm Ra- phael, Grad., and Philip Dawson, '50. * * * ATTEMPTING FIRST to deter- mine what trends in American so- ciety will have a significant ef-. feet on education, the group feltl that a more productive economy will allow more people to continue their education longer, and that greater emphasis on specialization will make more education neces- sary. Discussion of the adjustment of education to changed social conditions brought forth the ob- servation that many students experience difficulty now in the transition from" the academic world to a job. Extra-curricular experience can be of value in this connection, Dean Keniston commented. The fact that. many students who, graduate from the University are unable to step immediately in- to a white-collar job seemed to the group to indicate that the bachelor's degree is no longer a mark of the 'intellectual aristo- cracy'. The rise of specialization has also assisted the disintegration of the old liberal arts course. * * * ONE OF THE main difficulties' is mere size, which destroys the educational value of many student groups and emphasizes the imper- sonality of the modern university. "To get satisfactory education in a large University," one of the group remarked, "we must pay more attention to the natural groupings of students within the University." There is room for more groups which cut across departmental lines and function on the basis of. common inte - ests, like the .JIpter-Arts Union. IT WAS FELT that there is a great dangerain the "watering- down" of education that may come with increased size-quantity ra- ther than quality. The suggestion was made that two kinds of education should be undertaken-one largely vocation- al and professional, and one lib- eral-because not everyone can ;rofit from the latter. In this light, it appeared fool- ish to most of the group to al- low the various colleges of the state to compete in offering one kind of education. The Institu- tions should become specialized among themselves, it was felt. This would make necessary an educational policies commission for the whole state to examine the educational, political and eco- nomic problems. The group agreed that the University, as the largest and best - equipped institution, ought to take the educational leadership that naturally falls to it in planning for the next decades. -Courtesy Ann Arbor News CHANGING CAMPUS-The twentieth century has brought striking changes to the University as shown by these two pictures of the northwest corner of campus taken at S. State St. and N. Univer- sity Ave. The old Law School in the top picture, after two rennovations, has become the present Haven Hall. University Hall has yielded its place of glory to an insignificant position behind Angell Hall.. Changes extended even to a re-routing of the Diagonal, bordered then by a white fence, now by hedges. 20 TH CENT URY BIG TWO: U.S., Russia Become Great CeiingZer' When the Mid-Century sup- plement was in the planning stage, letters were written to six famous persons asking for predictions about the next 50 years. All were unanimous in their opinion about the future. They didn't have time to write about it. However, James Thurber, writer and cartoonist, came through with the following: -Sounds to me as if you had laid yourself open to one of the stuffiest symposia of all time. You are going to get some hazy andrthroaty stuff. "My own crystal ball is clou- dy and even if I had the time, I wouldn't have the prescience to help out. Women, of course, will be stronger and more num- erous and there will not be many men around. The Dog seems to be holding his own. "I look for Western Confer- ence stadia that will hold 500,- 000 persons. ,To build these, we will have to take down the buildings devoted to English literature. Outside of this my ceiling is zero." Period Sees .evolution Of Religion By. ROMA LIPSKY During the last fifty years, the history of religion in the United States appears as a peaceful evo- lution, with church membership increasing approximately in pro- portion to the general increase of the population. In Russia, on the other hand, religion varied from the dominant factor in the lives of the people to an outlawed practice and then back again to an acceptable but frowned-upon activity. At the turn of the century, ac- tual Church membership figures showed that approximately 72% of the Russian population de- affiliated with a particular de- nomination, with roughly 57%. of the population registered' as' Greek Orthodox. At the same time, United States census figures show that 36% of the people were church members. INTERVIEWS with Protestant ministers revealed that most of them agreed that church mem- bership was on the increase, with- out any substantial change in doc- trine in the last fifty years. But the various Protestant churches indicated a difference of opinion on the amount of extra-religious participation and functions which the church should carry out. Little or no extra-religious ac- tivity was reported by the Lu- theran, and Christian Scientist groups. Congregationalists, Meth- odists, Episcopalian, Presbyterian and Baptist groups engage in church youth groups and other non-religious activities centering around the church. The Mormons, Quakers and Uniterians engage in a great amount of non-religious activity. * * * THE CATHOLIC church reports a large increase in membership in the last fifty years, attributing this mainly to much missionary work, and to the growing import- ance of the Catholic Youth Or- ganization. Another significant change has been the growth of smaller parishes. The most significant develop- ment in* Judaism has been the three-fold interpretation of the religion, as expressed in the re- form, conservative, and orthodox temples, a Rabbi said. An increase in the number of- active Jews was attributed to the war and the depression; "any calamity to mankind will result in an upsurge in religion," he said. Statistics seem to bear out the religious leaders' claims to in- crease in membership. Recent cen- sus figures show that church membership has gone from 36 to 49 percent of population and pop- ulation has almost doubled since then. T_-- . xrorar rnf rM an ,.ra imv_ Half -Century Of Progress Shown in '50 Education Better, Enrollment Up By JIM BROWN The dawn of the 20th century found the University of Michigan on the brink of an era of expan- sion and growth unparallelled in its colorful 113-year history. In the years from 1900 to 1950 the University has crystallized its personality; it has developed from a compact picturesque school of 3,500 students into a huge, sprawl- ing institution providing facilities for well over 20,000. Its buildings, its students, its faculty, even its philosophies have changed. THE UNIVERSITY of 1900 was but an embryo of the University we know today. Under the guiding hand of President James Burrill Angell it was just beginning to ex- press its independenece of the vil- lage of Ann Arbor. The State Street business sec- tion was springing up; off cam- pus churches were erected; the Arcade post-office was establish- ed; more students lived in close proximity to the campus and had little need to go downtown. The University was becoming - at least to the student - the- contained world he knows today. The campus of 1900 offered only a vague indication of the Univer- sity's future expansion. Most of the buildings, many of which are still standing, had already see their day of glory. * * * THE OLD Romance Languages building was serving as a museum. Next door was the venerable Uni- Versity Hail - the center of cam- pus life - with its two aging wings, Mason Sall and South Wing, both-erected in the 1840's. Haven Hall was occupied by the Law School. Swarming with chemists, the present economics building was still proud of its heritage as the first building in America designed as a laboratory. The President's house was celebrating its 60th birthday. THE STUDEN'TS who roamed these buildings portrayed an age that has passed. Noisy, high-spir- ited and aggressive, they dressed in high collars, wild socks, turtle- neck sweaters and zany coats that looked four sizes too large. Plagued constantlysby fear of Student Council punishment for some obscure offense and hu- miliated by the compulsory bea- nie, freshmen had a hard life. But women had the greatest difficulty of all. Augmenting their "mud-catcher" floor length skirts were the "rainy daisy" ankle- length models conceived in 1900. Newspapers chortled that girls with trim ankles wore the outfit even when there was not a cloud in the sky." IT WAS ALSO in this period that a football craze swept the University which will probably never again be matched. With the immortal Fielding H. Yost at the helm, the Wolverines plowed through ten straight games in 1901: Michigan 550 points, op- ponents 0. Yost's famous "point-a-minute" teams brought a series of West- ern Conference championships to the University until 1906, when student agitation over the drastic changes in eligibility rules resulted in withdrawal from the conference. Relations were not resumed until 1917. All of the changes which were occuring at -the University at the turn of the century were not ex- tra-curricular, however. * * * PERHAPS THE most notable development was the introduction of the present marking system. For years students had been grad- ed on a flunk or pass basis, a pro- vision which, according to one his- torian, "may have stimulated in- terest in study and scholarship for its own sake in the case of some students, though in the absence of any of the usual college honors United States . . By DON KOTITE At the turn of the century the United States stood merely as a budding world power, in contrast to the international spotlight it shares with Russia now. With William McKinley reelect- ed as chief executive, the United States in 1900 was confronted with the problem of administering Cu- ba, Porto Rico and the Phillipines, acquired by treaty after the Span- ish-American War of 1898. FOLLOWING McKINLEY'S ac- sassination late in 1901, Theodore Roosevelt took over the presiden- tial helm and distinguished him- self in the "trust-busting" and foreign mediation fields. Democrats hollered loudly "dollar diplomacy" when Wil- liam Howard Taft, swept into the presidency in 1908, secured American, French, German and British capitalist aid in the building of China's Huquang railroad. As soon as Woodrow Wilson be- came the 28th president, in 1913, he made known his demands for American neutrality and isolation in view of an impending European crisis. * * *. UNRESTRICTED German sub- marine warfare soon began to pla- gue American shipping. A formal U.S. declaration of war on the Central Powers became reality Apr. 6. In January, 1918, ten months prior, to the .Armistice, Pres. Wilson presented to the world his 14 points for peace. He succeeded, at the Paris Peace Conference, in drawing'up a Lea- gue and.Covenant, a crystallization of long-debated suggestions for a world confederation of States. But the U.S. later rejected it. * * CALVIN COOLIDGE, president in.1922 after Harding's death, ad- (Continued on Page 4) Russia . . By DON McNEIL As the 20th century opened, Russia found herself ruled by a man who was not prepared to reign; a man under the influenceI of religious cultists and dominated by his wife. This was Czar Nich- olas II, described by one historian as "a potential drug store clerk." The seeds of revolution were al- ready sprouting when Nicholas took the throne. It produced riots in 1902 and an unsuccessful re- volution during the Russian-Jap- anese war of 1904. REFORMS WERE instigated to quell the dissenters but World War I brought further unrest due to military defeats. Riots, strikes and the complete breakdown of government in St. Petersburg gave the revolutionaries their chance. The revolutionaries forced Nich- olas' resignation and set up of a democratic government on March 15th, 1916. (Continued on Page 4) WORLD EVENTS MOLD ARTS: Jazz, Realism Highlight Greative Past By MARY STEIN people of those years include: the can Mercury), and soft-hard-I The voice of the artist has been ! muckraking era, typified by Upton boiled Ernest Hemingway. heard in the land, long and loud, Sinclair's "The Jungle"; Theodore The 20th century's main con- for the past 50 years both in Dreiser's naturalistic novels (like tribution thus far to music-jazz! Russia and America. the suppressed but finally pub- and folk-inspired tunes-was then Powerful forces have been at lished "Sister Carrie"); the sen- made. work to mold the creative work sational 1913 Armory exhibit of Came the depression, and writ- of men in each country. In Russia, post-impressionistic art; the Im- ers were grappling with the bed- the coming of the Soviet regime agist movement, led by Amy Low- rock realities of the times: among hif fh o., iof -rt .,,i-, +,.man ell: rear Tee Master's "Shock- them the "vnung giant," Thomas' Revolution found Russian artists feverishly trying to catch up with Western art, and even getting a bit confused in their efforts at cubism, impressionism, radialismi and the like. The realists, long dominant in Russian literature, were battling it out with the ex- ponents of symbolism. Tolstoy, were caught up in the ensuing tide of national pride. BESIDES, MARXIST writers like Fedeyev, Gladkov and Sholo- khov were achieving success in carrying out the governing pre- cept of "Socialist Realism" in the arts. Composers like Shostakovich and Khachaturian wrote (if wa- veringly at times) music acceta-