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January 15, 1950 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1950-01-15

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- I

Hypocritical Weather Critics

IT IS QUITE understandable that Los
Angelinos-like me-should resent and
be su'rprised at snow within their city
One can hardly blame them for crying
"It's snowing! It can't. It doesn't do that
here!" when snow comes twice a decade,
at most.
But in these parts the climate has been
generally unpleasant during the winter
for quite some time. Snow should come
as no great shock.
But, somehow, I've observed it does.
Michiganders-like all Easterners-display

a combined indignation and surprise after
each snowfall that would be fitting only if
it hadn't snowed here since the advent of
It isquite human not to like snow -
cliches to that effect are heard rather
frequently-but this business of acting
surprised must go. You're not kidding
yourselves and you're not fooling residents
of more temperate parts of the land.
We've seen those big furnaces in your
-John Davies.

Is It 49 Or 50 Years?

First est
W ASHINGTON-By courtesy of Mao Tse-
tung and the French government, the
energy and seriousness of the new Ameri-
can policy in Asia will almost immediately
be subjected to its first test. The test will.
come in Indo-China, which is, with Burma,
one of the two keys to the rich, populous
and strategically vital Southeast Asiatic
In brief, the French government has for
some time been urging our government to
give aid and comfort to the non-Communist
elements in their former colony, which is
still part of the French union. And the time
for effective action is very short, because
Indo-china's Communist element will soon
be receiving aid and comfort from the
Chinese Communists across the border.
* * *
described. Full Chinese Communist oc-
cupation of the border provinces of Yunnan,
Kwangsi and Kwangtung should occur with-
in a month to six weeks at most. No one
expects Mao Tse-tung to send his armies
into Indo-China. But the mere presence of
Mao's armies in the border provinces will
afford a supreme opportunity to the Indo-
Chinese Communist leader, Ho Chi Minh.

Bill Mauldin

DURING THE dying weeks of 1949 a de-.
bate occurred between those who'
claimed that the century was half over and
those who claimed the century would not
be half over until next year.
On the one side was logic: The first half
century began with the beginning of year 1;
therefore the second half century began
with the beginning of year 51; therefore the
second half of the 20th century will not
begin until the beginning of year 1951. This
can be called the masculine point of view.
On the other side was appearance: The
beginning of 1950 looks more like the be-
ginning of the second half century than the
year 1951. This can be called the feminine
point of view.
One wit reconciled the two arguments by
saying that the occasion was "the fiftieth
anniversary of a fierce fight about when
the twentieth century began." We don't
know what this point of view could be

But, masculine or feminine, most peop
looked around, consciously or subco
sciously, for a way to summarize the fir;
49 or 50 years of the present century. If
isn't too late, we submit for consideratio
a story that appeared on the last day(
JACKSON, La.j-The superintendent(
the East Louisiana (mental) Hospital di
closed today that one of his patients ha
posed as a psychiatrist and had a re
psychiatrist confined in a New Orleans ho
pital as an alcoholic.
Whether the brand new year of 1950 is t
end of the beginning or the beginning of tt
end of the twentieth century, we sugge
that this release summarizes the main pro
lem the human race must solve: In a cra
world, who are crazy, the patients or t.
doctors, and how are the rest of us to tell?
-St. Louis Star-Times.


Wbsigo erry- Go -Round


WASHINGTON-One of the most inter-
esting points developed during the 4-
hour closed-door grilling of Secretary of
State Acheson by the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee was raised by Scholarly
Senator Elbert Thomas of Utah, the form-
er Mormon missionary. He contended that
Formosa never should have been given to
Chiang Kai-Shek in the first place.


Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


feet was last night's Budapest String
Quartet concert. When performers such as
these transcend the technical difficulties of
presenting music, the music lives just as
much as you and I do.
The program was difficult, for it skipped
about from one style to another, even though
the Budapest made it seem easy to do. The
Mozart K. 428 involved a great deal of en-
semble playing. The style was light, but de-
manded a firmness that comes only with
expert playing.
The Piston Quartet Number "Three was
entirely different in the approach to four
part playing. In the first and last move-
ments of this three movement work, the
instruments played almost as if they were
fighting each other. The first movement
Was especially noteable for its rhythmic
drive. The second was slower and more on
the romantic side.
The Beethoven Opus 135 returned
somewhat to ensemble playing though it
was more expressive than the Mozart.
Where the Mozart was exquisite and pre-
cise, the Beethoven was deep and moving.
In this, one felt the string quartet as a
musical form had reached maturity, where-
as in the Mozart number the composer was
trying to get just four stringed instruments
to make musical sense. Piston conceived
the quartet as four separate voices, each
with his own part to play, regardless of what
the others were doing. Only the polished
Budapest String Quartet could have done
them all so well.
Even in such an excellent concert, one
work, the Beethoven stood out as the best.
The music itself is one of the great master-
pieces of all music literature, not just those
works composed for string quartet alone. It
is perfectly within the range of four instru-
ments from the performance standpoint,
and yet it has a great deal to say. Last
night's performance left nothing to be de-
-Dolores Oates
Britain had a perfect right to recognize

"The great error was made at the
Cairo Conference," said Senator Thomas,
a former missionary to Japan. "If that
had not been done, Formosa could have
been saved as Japanese territory. An im-
moral act at Cairo brings us to our di-
lemma today."
Senator Thomas reminded Secretary
Acheson that Formosa was ceded to Japan
in a treaty with China in 1895. "This was
disregarded by the Big Four at Cairo when
the statement said Japan had 'stolen' For-
mosa," he added sadly. "Winston Churchill
might just as well have said the British
'stole' Hong Kong. All the Allies did at
Cairo was turn Formosa from one colonial
power to another without regard for the
desire for self rule stirring all Asia."
Impressed, Sen. Arthur Vandenberg
asked Secretary Acheson: "Has the State
Department said anything since Cairo
that the question of Formosa would be
saved until the Japanese peace treaty?"
Acheson shook his head. Vandenberg
helped him answer the question by ob-
serving: "I don't think we anticipated at
Cairo the problems lying ahead in the Far
Acheson was not at the State Depart-
ment's helm during the Cairo Conference,
so perhaps he did not know the background
of why Formosa went to Chiang Kai-Shek.
* * *
T HIS BACKGROUND, however, was not
explained to the senators at their closed-
door session. But one significant question
asked by Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.,
of Massachusetts, was: "What would be the
price we would have to pay for aiding
Chiang on Formosa today?"
Secretary Acheson picked his words care-
We would lose the friendship of the
masses in India, Pakistan and the Indo-
nesian Republic," lie said. "I believe that
friendship is more valuable to us than
the island of Formosa."
Despite lack of support from Vanden-
berg and Lodge, the "firing squad" of Sen-
ate Republicans busily hammered the Sec-
retary of State on differences between him
and the Joint Chiefs of Staff over Formosa.
The firing squad consisted of Wisconsin's
jovial Alexander Wiley, who collects Sen-
ate jokes as a hobby: the spry ex-Princeton
professor, Alexander Smith of New Jersey;
and dour Bourke Hickenlooper of Iowa.
After Acheson had spent an hour and a
half patiently outlining the strategic values
of Formosa, Senator Smith said tartly:
"You and I have an entirely different view
of events in China. I insist that we hear
from the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the
Secretary of Defense."
"What would be the effect if the Com-
munists would occupy Formosa?" asked
Hickenlooper belligerently.
"It would not be any advantage of us,"
answered Acheson, mildly. His under-
statement brought smiles even from
Pointing to a huge map covering almost
one end of the room, Secretary Acheson
was like a teacher at a blackboard. He out-
lined a "strategic defense line" based on
Japan in the north and the Philippines

Hitherto, when Ho Chi Minh wanted
supplies or arms for his powerful guerrilla
movement, he has had to buy them
through underground agents in China
proper or Hong Kong or the Philippines.
Similarly, his only refuges have been
Indo-China's jungles and mountains. Now,
however, when Ho Chi Minh's guerrillas
want material help or temporary refuge,
they will only have to cross the border to
their Chinese comrades. In short, they
will be aided as the Greek Communist
guerrillas were so importantly aided, by
possessing foreign bases and supply cen-
The French government has therefore
asked the State Department to counter-
balance Ho Chi Minh's new advantage, by
helping to build up the strength and pres-
tige of Ho Chi Minh's rival for power,
the Emperor Bao Dai.
* * *
THIS DESCENDANT of the old rulers of
Annam is a symbol of the belated
French realization of the tremendous force
of Asiatic nationalism. Some time ago, after
innumerable follies in Indo-China, the
French decided that they could not defeat
Ho Chi Minh while he monopolized the ap-
peal to native patriotism. Paris therefore
recognized Indo -China's nidependence with-
in the French Union, and established a new
Indo-Chinese government under Bao Dai.
Bao Dai's primary function was, and is, to
draw away the native non-Communist pa-
triots who constitute the rank and file of
Ho Chi Minh's movement.
The experiment began unfortunately,
and the State Department was initially
skeptical of its success. More recently,
however, the prospects have improved. A
native army of 90,000 is being recruited,
trained and armed by his government with
French help. French High Commissioner
Pignon has handled the political problem
astutely, and the excellent French army in
Indo-China, under General Charpentier,
hasmade good progress against Ho Chi
Minh's guerrillas.

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Student Costs,...
To the Editor:
MANY OF US are going to be
surprised in the registration
line this coming semester. Not a
peep has been heard from student
circles regarding the $50 per year
increase in tuition for non-resi-
dents of Michigan and the $10 for
in-state students.
Our financial worries are many.
Tuition is but one of the minor
developments. The number of vet-
erans still receiving government-
al aid will take a decided drop
next semester. Economists expect
a slump in summer employment-
an essential means of support for
many. Added to this are the high
and often outrageous prices of Ann
Arbor merchants.
The financial status of many
students will become acute this
semester and next fall. It will be-
come necessary for otherwise
qualified students to discontinue
their studies.

I think it would be wise for the
Student Legislature and the cam-
pus NSA to look immediately into
this matter as it vitally affects all
of us. Methods initiated by stu-
dents have been successful on
other campuses in considerably re-
ducing student costs.
-Gordon MacDougall
To the Editor:
Co-operative House, have
passed a resolution favoring the
removal from Applications for
Admission to the University of
Michigan photographs and all
questions that could be used for
discriminatory purposes.
Living as we do in a'co-opera-
tive house, we are a living exam-
ple of the tremendous educational
values to be gained through the
free admittance and association of
students of races and creeds.
-Lester Co-operative House.

Tues., Jan. 17, Rackham Amphi-
Academic Notices
Doctoral -Examination for Har-
old Myer Levinson, Economics;;
thesis: "Some Effects of Unionism1
on Wage Trends and on the Dis-
tribution of the National Income,
1914-1947." 1:30 p.m., Mon., Jan.
16, 105 Economics Bldg. Chairman,
S. Peterson.
D o c t o r a 1 Examination for+
George Walter Hoffman, Geo-
graphy; thesis: "The Growth and;
Decline of Austria. A Political and]
Historical Geography," Tues., Jan.
17, 210 Angell Hall, 12 noon.i
Chairman, George Kish.
Doctoral Examination for An-'
drew Daniel Perejda, Geography;
thesis: "The St. Clair River-A
Study in Political Geography."
3 p.m., Tues., Jan. 17, 210 Angell
Hall. Chairman, R. B. Hall.
Mathematical Logic Seminar:
7:30 p.m., Mon., Jan. 16, 3217 An-
gell Hall. Prof. I. M. Copi will re-;
port on Kleene's theory of general
recursive functions.
Mathematics Orientation Semi-
nar: 3:30 p.m., Mon., Jan. 16, 3001
Angell Hall. Mr. Lubelfeld con-
tinues, "The Transcendency of pi."
Organic Chemistry Seminar:
7:30 p.m., Mon., Jan. 16, 1300
Chemistry. Speaker: Dr. Joseph
Boyer. Topic: The Azomethine
Link in Pyridine.
German 1, 2, 31 final examina-
tion room assignments. Wed., Jan.
25, 2-4 p.m. Students meet with
own instructor in following rooms:
Bergholz, 110 Tap.; Bernard, 2029
A.H.; Bigelow, 2225 A.H.; Brown,
1209 A.H.; Fuehrer, 2231 A.H.;
Gaiss, 2003 A.H.; Gumperz, 2219
A.H.; Hascall, 2225 A.H.; Heilbron-
ner, 2235 A.H.; Kratz, 2013 A.H.;
Neumann, 35 A.H; Norton, 2 Tap.;
Packer, 103 Tap.; Pott, 18 A.H.;
Reichart, 225 A.H.; Reinhold, 229
A.H.; Thurber, 2203 A.H.; Wen-
singer, 35 A.H.
Medical College Admission Test:
Jan. 16, University High School
Auditorium (Rm. 1206). Candi-
dates are requested to report at
8:45 a.m. for the morning session,
and must be present for both the
morning and afternoon sessions.
University of Michigan Sym-
phonic Band, William D. Revelli,
Conductor, will present its annual
mid-winter concert at 4:15 p.m.,
Sun., Jan. 15, Hill Auditorium. It
will be assisted by the University
Choir, Maynard Klein, conductor,
in the Coronation Scene from
"Boris Goudonov," by Moussourg-
sky. Balance of program: Compo-
sitions by Khachaturian, Cherubi-
ni, Wagner, Goldman, Creston,
Schuman, and Floyd Werle, School
of Music student. The public is in-
Student Recital: Reid Shelton,
tenor, will present a program at
8:30 p.m., Mon., Jan. 16, Rack-
ham Assembly Hall, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
the Master of Music degree. A
pupil of Arthur Hackett, Mr.
Shelton will be assisted by Kather-
ine Schissler, pianist, Genevieve
Shanklin and Andrew Lisko, vio-
linists, Donald Sandford, violist,
and Joan Lewis, cellist. Program:
Works by Mozart, Brahms, Faure,
and Vaughan-Williams, and will
be open to the public.
Student Recital: Ruth Stein, pi-
anist, will present a program at

4:15 p.m., Tues., Jan. 17, Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the Bachelor of Music degree.
Compositions by Bach, Mozart,'
Schumann, Bergsma and Brahms.
Dpen to the public. Miss Stein is
a pupil of Joseph Brinkmnan.
"Look at your Neighborhood,"
Photographs prepared by the Mu-
seum of Modern Art, through
January 28. First floor corridor,
Architecture Bldg.
Museum of Art: Alumni Me-
morial Hall; Accessions, 1 9 4 9,
through February 1; Work in
Progress in Michigan, through
January 28, weekdays 9-5, Sun-
days 2-5. The public is invited.
Events Today
Canterbury Club: 9 a.m., Holy
Communion followed by student
breakfast at Canterbury House. 5
p.m., Evening Service followed by
student supper and meeting. Pro-
fessor Clark Hopkins, Classical
Studies Department, will speak on
"Pre-Christian and Christian Art
in the Near East." Coffee Hour,
8:30 p.m.
Westminster Guild: 9:30 a.m.,
Seminar in Religion, Presbyterian

Church Kitchen. Coffee and rolls,
9:30 p.m., Open cabinet meeting,
5:30 p.m., Fellowship supper. 6:30
p.m., Evening worship service and
Unitarian Student Group: All
active members are urged to at-
tend a special business and plan-
ning session of the group, 6:30
p.m., at the church.
Wesleyan Guild: 9:30 a.m.,
Breakfast Seminar in the Pine
Room. Subject: "None Other
Gods." 5:30 p.m., Supper and song
fest. 6:30 p.m., Worship and pro-
gram. Guest speaker: Rev. Wahl-
zerg. Topic: "The Church, Spear-
head of Social Action in Society."
Congregational-Disciples Guild :
6 p.m., Supper at Memorial Chris-
tion Church. Five members of the
Guild will speak on "Christian
Faith at Work Today."
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu-
dent Club: 5 p.m., Supper and pro-
Lutheran Student Association:
5:30 p.m., Supper. 7 p.m., Mrs.
Henry O. Yoder and Miss Dorothy
Haas will speak on: "The Op-
portunities of the Women's Mis-
sionary Society and Service to
the Church."
Evangelical and Reformed Stu-
dent Guild: 6 p.m., Supper at Me-
morial Christian Church. Five
members of the Guild will speak
on "Christian Faith at Work To-
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Carnival planned for today has
been cancelled.
Scalp and Blade: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Union. All members and
pledges are requested to attend.
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Election of officers and a general
record program, 8 p.m., League
Ballroom. Everyone invited.
Graduate Outing Club: Meeting,
2:15 p.m., northwest entrance to
Rackham, to go skating and hik-
Coming Events
N.S.A. Travel Bureau: Open
from 4-5 p.m., Jan. 16-20, Lane
Michigan Chapter, American So-
ciety for Public Administration:
Social Seminar, 7:30 p.m., Tues.,
Jan. 17, West Conference Room,
Rackham Bldg. Speaker: Prof.
Roscoe C. Martin, President, Am-
erican Society for Public Adminis-
tration and Chairman of the De-
partment of Political Science, Sy-
racuse University. Interested per-
sons invited.
Deutscher Verein Konzert
Abend: 8 p.m., Mon., Jan. 16, Hus-
sey Rm., League. Program: Works
by Mozart, Brahms, Schubert and
a selection of 13th century Minne-
lieder. Open to the public.
Sociedad Hispanica: Social hour,
4-6 p.m., Mon., Jan. 16, Interna-
tional Center. Refreshments.
tr419 a- t







In these circumstances, the French gov-
ernment is asking this country to extend
full recognition to Bao Dai, open diplomatic
relations with him, and offer him aid.
IN THIIS PLEA, the French are understood
to have been joined by the British. The
Chief of the Imperial General Staff, Field
Marshal Sir William Slim, and the" British
High Commissioner in Southeast Asa, Mal-
colm MacDonald, recently investigated the
Indo-Chinese situation in person, and re-
turned a favorable report. It is now British
policy as well as French, to rely on Bao Dai
to halt the Communist advance in Indo-
The time for American action will come
almost at once, when the French Assem-
bly formally ratifies the independence of
the Bao Dai regime. By being bold and
firm, we can accomplish two great re-
sults. We can, in effect, assure the Indo-
Chinese people that Bao Dai is truly in-
dependent, and no mere French puppet.
And we can simultaneoutly greatly in-
crease Bao Dai's prestige. According to
informed observers, if these results can be
accomplished soon enough to forestall Ho
Chi Minh's full gain from the Communist
victory in China, the effect will be very
great indeed.
Within the State Department, it must be
added, there is still a tendency to temporize.
Those who dislike a full commitment to
Bao Dai have urged extending de facto rec-
ognition instead of full recognition, defer-
ring establishing a legation in Indo-China.
and otherwise using half-measures. Fortu-
nately, however, this temporizing tendency
seems, for the moment, to be outweighed by
the realization of the gravity of the Far
Eastern crisis. If we now act decisively on
this Indo-Chinese problem, as seems most
probable, the constructive American policy
in Asia will be well inaugurated.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

(Continued from Page 3)
istrar's Office, 1513 Administra-
tion Bldg., by 11 a.m., Thurs., Feb.
Attention February Graduates:
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, School of Education,
School of Music, and School of
Public Health-students are advis-
ed not to request grades of I or X
in February. When such grades
are absolutely imperative, the
work must be made up in time to
allow your instructor to report the
make up grade not later than 1 i
a.m., Thurs., Feb. 9. Grades re-
-eived after that time may defer
the student's graduation until a
later date.
Student Loans: No loans for
men will be granted between Jan.
19 and Feb. 7.
Student Loan Prints: All Stu-
dent Loan Prints are to be re-
turned to 508 (basement) Armin-
istration Bldg.,Wednesday, Thurs-
day and Friday. A fine of five
cents will be charged for each day'
the picture is overdue after Friday.
The Student Loan Prints will be
on exhibit in the Museum of Art
the week of Feb. 5. The prints will
be reassigned to the students for
the spring semester Feb. 131
through 15.
Mechanical and Industrial-Me-
chanical Engineering June and
August 1950 graduates:
A representative of Ingersoll-Rand
Company, New York, will interview
seniors and graduates in the above
groups on Jan. 19 and 20. Appli-
cation blanks must be filled out
and returned to the Mechanical
Engineering Office not later than
Tuesday p.m., Jan. 17. Interview
schedule will be posted on the

Bulletin Board at 225 W. Engineer-
ing Building on Wednesday morn-
University Community Center,
Willow Village:
Sun., Jan. 15, Village Church Fel-
lowship (Interdenominational):
10:45 a.m., Church and Sunday-
School. 4:30 p.m., Study and dis-
cussion. 5:30 p.m., Fellowship
Mon., Jan. 16, 7:30 p.m., University
Wives' Club Board. 8 p.m., Co-
operative Nursery General Meet-
Tues., Jan. 17, 8 p.m., Bridge.
Everybody invited.
Wed., Jan. 18, 8 p.m., Wives' Club
Sports Group; Wives' Club
Board; Great Books Group;
Thurs., Jan. 19, 8 p.m., Choir;
Water-color; Ceramics.
The University Center will be
open as usual between semesters.
University Lecture: First of two
lectures on "The Chemistry of
Vision." Dr. George Wald, Pro-I
fessor of Biology, Harvard Univer-
sity; auspices of the Department of
Biological Chemistry. 4:15 p.m.,
Mon., Jan. 16,.Rackham Amphi-
University Lecture: "Man in His
Cosmos in Medieval Art." Dr. Har-
ry Bober, Fine Arts Department,
Smith College; auspices of the De-
partment of Fine Arts. 4:15 p.m.,
Mon., Jan. 16, Kellogg Auditorium.
University Lecture: Second of
two lectures on "The Chemistry of
Vision." Dr. George Wald, Pro-
fessor of Biology, Harvard Univer-
sity; auspices of the Department
of Biological Chemistry. 4:15 p.m.,

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of,
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroft............Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen............City Editor
Philip Dawson...Editorial Director.
Mary Stein..........Associate Editor
Jo Misner............. Associate Editor
George Walker.......Associate Editor
Don McNeil..........Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin......... Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goeiz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady.......... Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach..Assoclate Women's Ed.
Joan King....................Librarian
Allan Camage......Assistant Librarian
Mid-Centu~ry Supplement
Editors: Philip Dawson, Jo Misner.
Staff: Paul Brentlinger, Jim Brown,
Pres Holmes, Don Kotite, Roma Lipsky,
Don McNeil, Mary Stein.
Assistants: DavissCrippen, Charles
Elliott, Vernon Emerson, James Greg-
ory, Donna Hendelman, Bob Keith, Ed
Lanning, Norm Miller, Connie Newman,
Rosemary Owen, Norm Rivkees, Ed Sil-
berfarb, Bob Vaughn, Walter Vogt-
mann, Janet Watts, Ronald Watts.
Business Staff
Roger Wellington... .Business Manager
Dee Nelson..Associate Business, Manage!
Jim Dangi......Advertising Manages
Bernie Aidinoff..Finance Manage!
Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
!'he Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspape
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Past Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-claims aU
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail. 56.00.





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