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January 14, 1950 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1950-01-14

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Audio- Visual

Eqf 11ment


Cymbal Maker Speaks
On History of Instrument

* *

* * *

-Daily-Wally Barth
FILM LIBRARY-Ford Lemler, director of the University's
Audio-Visual Center, inspects one of the Center's 5,000 film
cans which are filed on the fourth floor of the Administration
Building. Mrs. Hilda Davis, chief inspection and shipping clerk,
is shown wheeling out a group of films which will be shown in
University classrooms.
Engineering Researeh May
Improve TV Transmission

Television transmission may be
made more readily in the future
if the electrical engineering re-
search department's work on radio
transmitter tubes can be devel-
The department is building new
and better radio transmitter tubes
under the auspicies of the U.S.
Army Signal Corps.
* * *
H. W. WELCH, project engineer,


Ex-Hopwood '
Writers Score
Three past Hopwood winners
have made a start in their literary
John Malcolm Brinnin will di-1
rect a course of fifteen events at
the Poetry Center in New York
City. Two volumes by Marianne
Roane and John Ciardi have been
* * *
BRINNIN'S course will consist of
readings and discussions of poetry
by well known poets.
Presenting part of the series
will be two other past Hopwood
prize winners, Arthur Miller and
Patrick Boland. Miller was an
award winne'r in drama in 1936
and. 1937. Boland, Inner of last
spring's major award in poetry
will be one of four poets to read
from their work March 23.
In addition to directing the lec-
ture series, Brinnin will offer two
evening courses at the center on
"Twentieth Century Poetry and
It's Sources" and "The Craft of
* * *
TWO OF Brinnin's Hopwood
volumes "The Garden Is Politi-
cal" and "Lincoln Lyrics" were
published in 1942. A third volume,
"No Arch, No Triumph" was pub-
lished in 1945.,
Miss Roane's second novel is
"The Face of Love." Ciardi's
work is "Live Another Day." .
In private life, Miss Roane is
Mrs. Marianne Meisel, wife of
Prof. James H. Meisel, of the poli-
tical science department. She has
won four different Hopwood
awards, one in 1944 for "Year Be-
fore the Flood" which was later
* * *
CIARDI'S first volume of
poems, "Homeward to America,"
won him a major Hopwood prize in
1939 and was published the fol-
lowing year.
Several of his poems appeared
in national magazines. He is now
;sociate professor of English at
,Harvard University.
Marks To Lead YD
Floyd Marks has been elected
president of the Young Democrats.
Other officers are Lyn Marcus,
'50, vice president; Frances Wag-
man, Grad., secretary; Jack Lar-

designs all the tubes, known of-
ficially as magnetrons. They are
then built and tested in the lab-
oratory in East Engineering Build-
"Making tubes that will gen-
erate radio waves is easy," ac-
cording to Welch. "The prob-
lem is to modulate them or get
intelligence into them."
The research crew is trying to
provide more channels for commu-
nication by developing a magne-
tron with a wider frequency range
- about 2000 megacycles. The
average broadcasting tube oper'-
ates on about one megacycle.
* * *
ALTHOUGH this high frequency
is within the range of radar,
Welch emphasized that these mag-
netrons have no connection with
it. "Radar works like the old crys-
tal radio sets," he said. "We are
experimenting only with radio
Of special interest to the re-
search lab is the interdigital mag-
netron, which is a tube of simpler
construction than the usual. Also,
Welch has developed an entirely
new type - a cross between the
interdigital and the vane, or radar,
People kSenii
Too Heart
American peoplerand physicians
have become overly heart con-
scious, according to Dr. Franklin
D. Johnston of the medical
Dr. Johnston declared that doc-
tors are inclined to blame the
heart for sudden death when
there is no clear evidence that
that organ is defective.
HE STATED that such proced-
ures as the electrocardiogram
should not be accepted as conclus-
ive without having been preceded
by careful physical examination
and study of the patient's past
Many patients are hospital-
ized purely on the basis of ab-
normalities in the electrocardi-
ogram, when there is nothing
in the patient's history and
there are no physical findings
to justify such action, accord-
ing to Dr. Johnston.
He cited two ways in which the
heart disease problem might be
* * *
FIRST, basic research work
should be completed regarding
causes for high blood pressure
and rheumatic fever.
Secondly, there should be a de-
velopment of more competent
physicians trained in the diagnos-
is and management of heart pa-

Films, Other
Devices Used
Center Contains
Vast Collection
Occupying nearly the entire
fourth floor of the North wing of
the Administration Building, the
University's Audio-Visual Center
houses a library of more than
5,000 prints of films.
In addition, there are more than
1,000 film strips on file and a
growing collection of tape record-
ings, radio transcriptions and re-
productions of rare historical doc-
* * *
THE CENTER was founded in
1937 as a division of the Univer-
sity Extension Service and was es-
tablished as a separate adminis-
trative unit in July, 1948, by the
Board of Regents.
Acting principally as a "dis-
tributing center for instruction-
al motion pictures and other
audio-visual materials," it
booked films with 1252 study
clubs, schools, Parent-Teachers
Associations and other organiz-
ations in the State, according to
Ford Lemler, director.
He estimated that "more than
1,000,000 people are shown the
films every year."
RANGING FROM studies of
"Common Animals of the Woods"
to a survey of "Problems in
Housing," the film prints and
strips cover nearly every subject
studied in classrooms and by adult
A rental fee averaging $1.50 is
charged for most films, which
are packed and shipped daily to
cities and villages all over the
state. In addition, the Center
sponsors a Co-operative Film
Project which entitles all mem-
bers to a 15 per cent discount.
Films used in University classes
are provided and shown at no cost,
although student organizations
not closely related to department-
al work are charged the regular
rental fees.
* * *
LAST YEAR more than 4,009
films were booked by University
instructors for classroom use.
All of the film cans are stored
in the Center's library on the
fourth floor. A staff of 12 full-
time and 8 part-time clerks and
projectionists supervise the se-
lection, shipment and showing
of the films in University class-
rooms. Each reel is inspected
before shipment and on its re-
turn by technicians in a spe-
cially equipped laboratory.
Occasionally some films are
previewed in the Center's modern
:±ttla auditorium.
* * * -
ONE OF THE most interesting
features of the Audio-Visual Cen-
ter is its collection of tape re-
cordings of "Treasures Off the
Shelf," a series of University
broadcasts of dramatic moments
in American History.
Written by William Bender,
script editor for the Broadcast-
ing Service, the recorded pro-
grams are based on a specific
historical document or manu-
script from Clements Library
and are available for instruc-
tional purposes in schools all
over the state.
Another growing phase of the
Center's work is the actual pro-
duction of educational movies for

use in University departments and
for circulation among adult clubs
and professional groups.
Brauer Awarded
Cole Math Prize
Prof. Richard D. Brauer of the
mathematics department has been
awarded the Cole prize for algebra
by the American Mathematical
The prize was given Prof.
Brauer foria series of papers he
did on group characters of groups
of finite order.
Prof. Raymond L. Wilder, re-
search mathematician in the
University's Engineering Research,
Institute, was named vice-presi-
dent of the society and Prof.
Sumner B. Myers, of the mathe-
matics department, was elected to
the council.

-Daily-wally -Barth
REEL INSPECTION-Maxine Baker (left) and Molly Louis, technicians in the Audio-Visual Cen-
ter's inspection laboratory, are shown rewinding films returned by borrowers all over the state.
Each reel is inspected before shipment and on return for film scratches and breaks.
Faculty Trapped by-Psych Students

There's more to a cymbal than
just a lot of brass.
At least that was the position
that Robert Zildjian, celebrated
cymbal maker, took in his discus-
sion of the percussion pieces at
one of yesterday's sessions in the
Midwestern Conference on School
Vocal and Instrumental Music.
FOR ONE THING, "when a
cymbal loses its temper, it stops
playing," and even in the pairs
that are made for each other, "no
two are exactly alike."
This oldest of instruments be-
gan 6,000 years ago when Bronze
Age man progressed musically
from sticks and bones to bang-
ing two little pieces of metal
together between his fingers.
From this beggarly beginning,
cymbals have developed down the
ages through the "zinj" and the
"zil" until today you can get one
to "Finger," "Splash," "Crash,"
"Ride," "Be-Bop," "Hi-Hat,"
"Swish," "Concert," or just "play"
in a "Heavy Band" or "Large
Symphony." For these are the
names of the thirteen cymbal
classes existing today. They also
come in three to five different
"approximate pitches," so there's
really quite a range of cymbals.
s * * *
CYMBALS can own up to a
rather interesting background,
having begun in a spicy way
doubling as vinegar cups and
progressing down the times till
their almost exclusive exercise was
aiding and abetting Middle East
dancing girls.
But their effectiveness was too
well touted to go unnoticed, and
soon the Turks began to use them
for other purposes, in their mili-

Doctoral candidates in the so-
cial psychology program have
faculty members right where they
want them, according to Mrs. Jean
King, staff secretary.
"When we planned our new
headquarters in Mason Hall, we
designed it so that faculty offices
would adjoin the lounge," she re-t
lated. "They can't get away fromt
the students."
* * *
BUT THAT'S the way the in-i
structors wanted it, too, she ex-
plained. They even pitched in and7
helped to set up the rooms.
The lounge was established to
serve as a study and meeting
room for students in the inter-
departmental program,as well
as to promote cooperative rela-
-tions between faculty and stu-
"Putting the rooms in order was
an experiment in social psychology
in itself," Mrs. King pointed out.
"Students and faculty jointly
rolled up their sleeves and painted
the rooms and constructed furni-
ture. They brought money and fur-
nishings to parties and indulged in
curtain-making bees."
* * *
ONE OF THE main ideas in1
setting up the social psychology
program in 1947 was to establish
close working relationships be-
tween teachers and students in
psychology and sociology, Prof.
Theodore Newcomb, chairman of
the program, said.
Army Offers
Women Grads
Travel, adventure, high pay-
that's the incentive the U.S. Army
is currently offering University
women with a flair for the mili-
Upon graduation from the Uni-
versity, an interested woman may
secure her commission in the
WAC reserves, with an opportuni-
ty to go "regular" if she desires.
* * *
SHE CAN PIN on the gold bars
of a Second Lieutenant and quali-
fy for a starting salary of $318
monthly, if she passes the require-
1) She must be a senior be-
tween 21 and 27 years old,
2) She must be unmarried
and without dependents.
Do you like college life? Many
WAC officers are assigned by the
Army to colleges and universities
for graduate work, depending up-
on. individual aptitudes and
capabilities, Major G. W. Shivers
of the campus ROTC department
pointed out.
Further information and appli-
cation blanks for direct appoint-
ments-to be completed by sen-
iors before Feb. 15-may be ob-
tained at ROTC headquarters,
North Hall, he said.

The program was the first of
its type in the country with the
possible exception of Harvard
University, which started a simi-
lar program at approximately
the same time.
These are the only two schools
that have complete programs of
this kind in the United States.
DESIGNED for students hold-
ing the master's degree in sociology
or psychology, the program now
has 30 students and a teaching
staff of 15.
Adams To Be
Randolph G. Adams, director of
Clements Library, has been named
one of three national judges of the
Frederic Bancroft Prizes for his-
torical writing.
Adams is the author of several
bocks on American history, in-
cluding "Political Ideas of the
American Revolution," "A History
of American Foreign Policy" and
"A Gateway to American His-
The three judges will select the
two best works produced during
the last year relatingdto the field
of American history, diplomacy or
international relations.

"After receiving their degrees.
the students generally go into
some type of research or survey
work," Prof. Newcomb said.

tary bands. Finally the Armenian
Church took them over a little
The Zildjian family got started
on cymbals when an alchemist
ancestor tried to find gold and
came up with a new kind of cym-
bal instead. They've kept their
cymbalistic secret and gone on
making. the instruments ever
Crash !
Elect. Bisdee
As CEDHead
Charles H. Bisdee, Grad., was
elected president of the Commit-
tee to End Discrimination yester-
day at a meeting at the League.
The membership rules of the
Constitution were changed to read:
"In order to become a member of
the Committee to End Discrimina-
tion, an organization must sub-
mit a written statement of its ac-
cordance with the purposes of the
CED as stated in the Constitu-
Ed Lanning, head of the CED
petition committee, announced
that he had obtained a table for
the committee at registration.
Petitions will be presented to stu-
dents for signing during registra-
Press releases concerning the
CED and its activities have been
sent to 69 newspapers; the com-
mittee plans to send many more.
A speakers' bureau was estab-
lished whose duty it will be to
speak to organizations and try to
obtain the membership of new or-
ganizations in CED.




(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan Streets
Rev. Earl Grandstaff, Acting Minister
Howard Farrar, Choir Director
9:45 A.M.: Student Class.
10:50 A.M.: Morning Worship, "Mid-Century
Prophesy." (This service will be broadcast
over WHRV.) Nursery for children during
the service.t
GUILD HOUSE: 438 Maynard Street
H. L. Pickerill, Minister to Students
Jean Garee, Associate
Student Guild: 6:00 supper at this church. Five
members of the Guild will speak on "The
Christian Faith At Work Today." (The stu-
dents of the Congregational, Disciples of Christ,
Evangelical and Reformed Churches are mem-
bers of one Guild since Jan. 1, 1950.)
512 East Huron
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister and Student
Roger Williams Guild, 502 East Huron
10:00 A.M.: Bible Study Class. Ezra, Nehemiah.
11:00 A.M.: Church Sermon, "Pride in the Gos-
pel," by Rev. C. H. Loucks.
6:00 P.M.: Cost Supper followed by Fellowship.
Prof. Preston Slosson of the History Dept. will
tell us about "Paradoxes of Christianity."



a ___ w



p Pe s

423 South Fourth Ave.
Theodore R. Schmale, D.D.,
Walter S. Press, Ministers
Irene Applin Boice, Director of Music
9:30 A.M.: Church School.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon by Rev.
Schmale, "The Hidden Treasure."
6:00 P.M.: The students of the Congregational,
Disciples, Evangelical and Reformed Churches
at the University of Michigan will meet for
supper in the Memorial Christian Church, Hill
and Tappan Streets. Five members of the
Guild will speak on "Christian Faith At Work

1511 Washtenaw Avenue-Phone 5560
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
Rev. Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
9:30 A.M.: Bible Study. I Car. 12.
10:30 A.M.: Service, with Holy Communion.
Sermon by pastor, "Rejoicing in Hope."
5:30 P.M.: Supper and Program of Gamma
Delta, Lutheran Student Club.
9:15 P.M. Tuesday: Social Hour.
10:30 A.M.: Sunday Morning Services in the
ballroom of the Michigan League building.
Jan. 15--Life.
10:30 A.M.: Sunday School.
8:00 P.M. Wednesday: Testimonial meeting.
A free Reading Room is maintained by this church
at 211 East Washington St., where the Bible
and all authorized Christian Science literature
may be read, borrowed, or purchased.
This room is open daily except Sundays and holi-
days from 11:30 A.M. to 5 P.M., on Saturdays
to 9 P.M.
University Community Center
Willow Run Village
Rev. J. Edgar Edwards, Chaplain
John R. Hertzberg, Director of Sacred Music
10:45 A.M.: Divine Worship. Sermon, "Jacob,
the Struggle of a man." Anthem, "Praise the
Name of the Lord" Ivanoff.
10:45 A.M.: Church School and Nursery.
4:30 P.M.: Study and Discussion, "Christian Be-
haviour." Leaders, Miss Anna Rankin Harris,
Mrs. Ruth Kerr.
5:30 P.M.: Fellowship Supper.
1917 Washtenaw Avenue-Phone 2-0015
Rev. Edward H. Redman, Minister
10:00 A.M.: Adult Study Group-Dr. Alvin. Zan-
der leading discussion on: "Character and
Character Education."
11:00 A.M.: Service of Worship: "What is Hap-
pening to Civil Liberties?"
6:30 P.M.: Unitarian Student Group. Business
1432 Washtenaw Av.
W. P. Lemon and W. H. Henderson, Ministers
Maynard Klein, Director of Music
Mildred Beam, Church School Director
9:30 A.M.: Westminster Guild Seminar in Re-
ligion. Coffee and rolls at 9:00 A.M.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon by dr.
Lemon, "When Man Comes to Himself"
5:30 P.M.: Westminster Guild supper. Mr. E. S.
Dudley, Jr. will speak on "Christians in the
World Community" at 6:30 P.M.
7:45 P.M.: Young Marrieds meet in the Russel



Presented by

210 N. Fourth Ave.
Y.M.C.A. Auditorium
Carl York Smith, Minister
Telephone Belleville 7-1351
Sermon Topic-
A.M.: "The Sinfulness of Instrumental Music
in Worship."
P.M.: "Itching Ears."
(Send cll communications to P.O. Box No. 91)
Minister, Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D..
Student Directors-H. L. Pickerill; Jean Garee
Music--Wayne Dunlap; J. Bertram Strickland
9:30 A.M.: Intermediate Church School.
10:45 A.M.: Nursery and Kindergarten.
10:45 A.M.: Public Worship. Dr. Parr will preach-
on "The Man Who Came .By Night."
6:00 P.M.: Student Guild-Memorial Christian
Ck. ...,-S1 ,r',.r Discussio~n,"Christian Faith




7:30 and 9:30






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