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January 14, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-01-14

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________________________________________________________ I I I

City Editor's
ing under a rebuff from the Student Af-
fairs Committee, has come up with a sort of
"gag rule" idea for its members.
Fortunately, enough of the members at
the House Presidents Meeting had the
brains to table this particular motion. It
is so vague, and the intent, as expressed by
the IFC secretary, is so different from its
formal statement, that passage would have
been ridiculous.
Next time the house presidents convene,
they should see the monstrous implications
of what they are trying to do, and drop
the idea entirely.
AS A LEGISLATIVE body, representative
of the various houses that compose the
IFC, that group has no business trying to
deny its members the right of opposition
than does the Congress of the United States.
The motion, that "no person in his ca-
pacity as a representative to the IFC shall
make a statement in opposition to a state-
ment of policy of or motion passed by a
majority of the house presidents assembly,"
smacks of what the Russians are prone to
call "Democratic Centralism."
Once the party line is drawn everybody
gets behind it, or else.
In an administrative group .or cabinet,
that policy is one thing but when ap-
plied to a body that is theoretically rep-
resentative of some 46 fraternities it is
quite another.
The abstract right and the practical value
of criticism long ago proved to be the best
climate for men to function in. IFC consid-
eration of this particular motion is ob-
noxious to anyone interested in freedom of
AS FOR THE MOTION itself, it is aimed
at the members of the "House presi-
dents assembly,"-men who are elected
presidents by their fraternity brothers. By
virtue of that election, they automatically
become members of the Assembly.
The motion, pointed at Zeta Beta Tau
house president Don Rothschild, whose
burningly accurate criticism helped de-
feat IFC's so-called "bias motion" last
week, would stop him, or other house
presidents from speaking as presidents of
their fraternities.
Rothschild, or any house president, is
fully within his rights to express his opinion
as house president, subject only to restric-
tions levied by his own house.
Any attempt by the IFC to quell discus-
sion on controversial issues by a sort of
"gag rule" runs violertly against the prin-
ciple of free exchange of ideas, without
which there is not much point in having
a University.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily,
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
At The Orpheum .. .
THE WENCH: Maria Casare and several

would-be lovers.
THE MORAL to be drawn from this one
is Never let the purse enter into the
love nest or you'll find yourself holding the
bag and not your lover. And so the heroine
of The Wench discovers when a slick,
patent-leather-look boyfriend sells her on
the idea that it would be a great thing
if she would move in with a rich and aging
bachelor to keep his last hours happy for
the inheritance. Unfortunately a hitch de-
velops in the proceedings. Our handsome
hero takes the opportunity of her absence
to cavort through the Italian hills with an-
other chicken. And we all know the proverb
about the relative merits of birds-in-hand
and birds-in-bushes.
But since all things work for the best
in the movies, the spurned maiden finds
that Wildroot Hair Oil never really ap-
pealed anyway and ends up not only with
the inheritance but also with a new flame
. this one with curly locks. Occasionally
other men take time out to paw Miss
Casare; but we are quickly assured that
these are just passing fancies to help
while away the lonely hours on the farm.
The Wench has the additional recommen-
dation of a murder and a heck of a lot
of town animosity towards the heroine. So
while the fare at the Orpheum this week-
end may not be exactly profound, I think
vmi, will finrl 4 if. .x, rv lpca , t l -1 fVtSVrt.'ininfY_

Washington Merry-Go-Round

"Remember Me, Partner? We Met This Guy Together"


WASHINGTON-In 1932, when Franklin
Roosevelt advocated the repeal of
prohibition, one big argument was that li-
quor racketeers had become a law unto
themselves, a group above the government.
That argument was valid. But now the old
liquor racketeers have moved into the
gambling racket where they still remain a
law unto themselves.
Last year a rash of stories on Frankie
Costello were published by Time, News-
week and Edward Follard of the Wash-
ington Post. These stories told how Cos-
tello lunched in, style at the Waldorf,
wore custom-made clothes, owned an of-
fice building on Wall Street.
Unwittingly, these articles tended to paint
such a glorified picture of America's No. 1
gambler that an impressionable youngster
might have been persuaded that this was
the life for him.
It was even pointed out that Costello
still lived with the same wife; completely
ignoring the files of the New York Po-
lice Department which are filled with re-
cordings of obscene telephone conversa-
tions between Costello and a score of mis-
The tragic fact is that Costello and the
gang leaders he represents have succeeded
to an amazing degree not only in making
crime pay but in making it respectable.
* * * -
H ITHERTO Costello's chief influence has
been in the big cities-New York, Miami
and Los Angeles. But now he appears to be
able to reach inside the federal govern-
The amazing fact is that Costello could
be deported from the United States and
sent back to Italy tomorrow if the Justice
Department wanted. For, when Costello
swore out his American citizenship papers
in 1925, he perjured himself regarding his
criminal record. Countless other immi-
grants have been deported for doing ex-
actly the same thing, but they have
lacked something which Costello has-
At this very moment, another immigrant,
Harry Bridges, is on trial in San Francssco
on exactly the same charge-perjury in
connection with his citizenship papers.
This column holds no brief for Bridges.

But everyone should be treated equally. And
it's an ironic fact that "Jiggs" Donohue, a
private attorney who has had contacts with
the Maragon-Costello crowd, is now W-
tained by the Justice Department to prose-
cute Bridges.
* * *
THOUGH Costello probably makes most
of his money in gambling, one source
of revenue is his partnership with "Dandy
Phil" Kastel, Bill Helis and Irving Haim, as
sales agents for House of Lords and King's
Ransom whiskies. When Republican senat-
ors stumbled into this connection last sum-
mer, Helis immediately issued a vigorous
denial. He said that at no time had he ever
been associated with Costello in connection
with the Whitley Company, owners of House
of Lords and King's Ransom.
However, here is part of the official,
though confidential record regarding the
partnership of White House friend Bill Helis,
Frankie Costello, and "Dandy Phil" Kastel.
NOV. 8, 1937-A note for $225,000 to Irving
Haim at the Whitney National Bank in
New Orleans was endorsed by Phil -Kastel,
William Helis and Frank Costello. .... ....
AUG. 23, 1938-Bill Helis paid Irving
Haim's note for $225,000 at the Whitney
National Bank with his personal check for
that amount.
SEPT. 15, 1938-An agreement was exe-
cuted between Irving Haim and William
Helis giving Helis an interest in J. G. Tur-
ney and Sons, Ltd., the holding company
for King's Ransom and House of Lords
* * *
SEPT. 1, 1939-Lloyd Cobb, Helif,' man in
' New Orleans, wrote A. G. Reynolds,
Helis' man in London, enclosing a clipping
from the Washington Merry-Go-Round,
linking Helis to Frank Costello.
JAN. 13, 1941-An interoffice memo from
A. G. Reynolds indicated that Phil Kastel's
$100,000 note and Haim's $225,000 note had-
n't been paid. The memo referred to a
letter between Helis and Haim whereby
both notes would be repaid by Haim.
JULY 27, 1943-George Uffner came to
New York from New Orleans to see Costello.
Costello, calling Uffner on the phone said:
"You and Bill Helis meet me in the- lobby
tonight at seven o'clock ... "
FEB. 1947-Helis, when interviewed by
the New York State Liquor authority, stated
that Haim had paid all money -owed him,
and that he and Haim now owned equal
shares in J. G. Turney and Son.
AUGUST 1949-William Helis denied to
the press that he had ever been associated
with Frank Costello in connection with the
Whiteley Company, the wholly owned sub-
sidiary of J. G. Turney and Son.
* * * * -
Atomic energy talks with Great Britain are
near the breaking point. The British are
insisting upon the right to continue their
own atomic bomb experiments - to which
the national Defense Department is dead
opposed. It fears too many top secrets will
leak out of Britain to Russia. Unless some-
one gives soon, there won't be any atomic
partnership with England; only with Cana-
* * *
BIRD CENSUS - Ornithologists are now
taking a nation-wide bird census - to find
out how many birds failed to go south for
the winter. Like any other census, the or-
nithologists get their answers from the birds.
They are trained to understand bird calls,
thereby locating and identifying birds by
sound. So far, the count ranges from six
species at Mt. Mansfield, Massachusetts, to
113 species at Ocean City, Maryland.
* * . *
WARTIME SECRECY - Washington em-
bassies are now under the most careful
guard since the end of the war. Foreign
marines, soldiers and sailors will soon be
stationed inside most European embassies
to protect military secrets. A group of
French Marines is expected in Washington

shortly. Reason for the sudden security is
the military arms program for Europe.
Large batches of super top-secret military
information are going to the embassies and
the Pentagon doesn't want any leaks.
(Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)



INEFFABLE, of course, is all great music
-especially the triumphant intensity of
Beethoven's "Grosse Fuge, opus 133." (Note
how insufficient is "triumphant intensity.")
If you want to know-without words-how
very well the Budapest String Quartet in-
terpreted such great music, you must listen
to it yourself.
As J. W. N. Sullivan has said, "To be will-
ing to suffer in order to create is one thing;
to realize that one's creation necessitates
one's suffering, that suffering is one of the
greatest of God's gifts, is almost to reach a
mystical solution of the problem of evil, a
solution that very few people will ever enter-
tain. Yet except in terms of this kind, we
cannot represent to ourselves the spiritual
content of the Grosse Fuge.
How completely subjective is the string
quartet writing of Haydn, Beethoven, and
Brahms! Each composer speaks from his
own spiritual past and the listener can
sense nothing of the insincerity often dis-
played in the orchestral works.
The Haydn "Quartet in B-flat Major,
opus 76, no. 4" in his symphonies-a man
writing for himself, alone. There is nothing
tripping or gay without meaning in this
quartet. Haydn has lived beyond court en-
tertainment, and we discover his lepths
Brahms, in his "Quartet in B-flat Ma-
jor, opus 67" has synthesized and dissolved
his wanderings. The surging heard in his
other works is here calmed, matured.
This is not to defeat entirely the role of
the music critic; for I can say that the
four musicians played as one, and with en-
tire understanding of the works. If you
want to know what words can't express-
-Elaine Brovan

The Daily welcomes conunications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letterswhich are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Honor System . . . generally achieve greater merit,
as well as greater rewards, while
To the Editor: those who seek to adjust every-
N REPLY to the letter printed thing to the common, but gener-
here on January 5, the follow- ally achieve mediocrity.
here nJmanuar 5, te follo It is obvious to any student of
ibg information is offered. America that our achievements in
Last spring in the College of the last two hundred years have
Engineering, the student chapter been reached by the country's
of the ASCE took a survey among collective ambition toward the re-
some 300 civil engineers that was wards of individual effort rather
designed to determine student in- than through legislating ourselves
terest in and support of the Hon- into world parity. And nothing has
or System. To my knowledge no been introduced into current life
other survey has been made of the to outmode value for value.
Honor System in recent years. But a review of the aspirations-
In response to the question versus-stature of individual men
"Would you yourself turn in an may bring home more clearly the
offender if he continued to cheat fact that one achievesthe great-
after you had warned him?", only est goals by being worthy of them
26% answered "No" (not 65% as -by working for them-and not,
Hess indicated), as the more valuable elements in-
When Hess said " . . . I have sist, by legislating them down to
come to the definite conclusion his level.
that the honor system has not It is good to see that The Daily
been successful," I think he joined has a man on its staff who is, as
the minority. The civil engineers' his detractors say, right-right in
survey showed 97% in favor of the more ways than one.
Honor System. "No student sug- -Taylor Drysdale.
gested that he knew a more effec- * * *
tive method of developing a sense To the Editor:
of professional engineering integ-
rity." (A quotation from the re- ONE MORE protest against the
port.) New Voice in the Loud edi-
In his letter, Hess said torial of January 5th. While I
contrary to popular opinion the agree with everything Gregory has
honor system was not conceived said, I will protest to the death
at the students' demands." e his right to say it. Seemingly he
On January 28, 1916, students has given deep offense to some of
of the College of Engineering cir- Hand-out Harry's friends. I am
culated, and an overwhelming not denying the right of freedom
majority signed, this petition: of speech, but I am supporting the
"We, the students in the Col- right of potential public panhand-
lege of Engineering, in order to lers to be protected against having
establish the highest ideals of their utopian dreams shattered by
integrity and honor, subscribe being forced to face certain eco-
to the following principles: nomic truths.
I. It is neither honest nor -fair As self-appointed Chairman of
to his fellow students for any the Project for the Protection of
student to receive aid in a Patriotic Panhandlers I offer the
written quiz or examination. sufferers from Gregory's garrote
II The prevention of dishonesty the aid and comfort of an altruis-
in examinations should be in tic organization devoted to pro-
the hands of the students pagandizing the people in the new
rather than the Faculty. doctrine that doles from the gov-
III. It is the duty of all students ernment are not charity but a
to uphold these principles in right; that the payment of bil-
word and act." lions in taxes to support the doles
From the Minutes of the Colleges is not a painful pressure but a
of Engineering and Architecture privilege.
on January 29, 1916: Should Prince (of Privilege)
"The Faculty of the College of Gregory want to make amends for
Engineering welcomes the resolu- his cruel editorial he may become
tions on the Honor System as an a dues-free member of P.P.P.P. We
indication of a desirable attitude charge no dues because we believe
on the part of the students. The we should be supported from gov-
plan is not thoroughly worked out, ernment funds.
but it is deemed worthy of trial -Tom Kimmerly,
Bus. Ad.
The Honor System was tried * * *
and we have it today. Discriminaion .
Norm Steere To the Editor:
* * *
'New Voice .' ARE THE MEMBERS of the
*..*CED really so naive as to
To the Edito: think that they are helping the
cause against discrimination with
THE GREGORY editorial which this noise about college applica-
has precipitated such sus- tions? Do they honestly believe
tained comment ought to be re- that discrimination exists in a
printed in The Daily regularly. photograph, or in a statement of
The reader then may have pass one's race, religion or means of
in review, through "Letters to the support? It would appear that the
Editor," the politicians, the agi- CED's answers to these questions
tators, the men of merit, the leech- are "yes." One cannot blame them
es and all of the other individuals for trying, but their present cam-
in the spectrum of worth which paign is serving only to confuse
abound on this campus, each with an important issue.
the views which he espouses affixed Discrimination is a way of look-
like a label to his name. It would ing at your neighbor. It is learned
become continuously apparent from others or acquired through
then that those who consider 3e- feelings of insecurity. It is not the
ward for merit a sound doctrine color of a person's skin or the


(Continued from Page 3)
sity; auspices of the Department ofE
Biological Chemistry. 4:15 p.m.,
Mon., Jan. 16, Rackham Amphi-
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Wil-
liam Orville Winter, Political
Science; thesis: "Annexation as a1
Solution to the Fringe Problem.c
An Analysis of Past and Potential£
Annexation of Suburban Areas to<
the City of Flint, Michigan," 10r
a.m., Sat., Jan. 14, 304 South Wing.
Chairman, A. W. Bromage.
Doctoral Examination for Harold
Myer Levinson, Economics; thesis:I
"Some Effects of Unionism onI
Wage Trends and on the Distribu-
tion of the National Income, 1914-
1947." 1:30 p.m., Mon., Jan. 16,
105 Economics Bldg. Chairman, S.
English 71: All students wishing
to enroll in English 71 should get
permission from Mr. Wikelund,
3220 AH. MWF from 1-2 and 3-5.
Mathematical Logic Seminar:
7:30 p.m., Mon., Jan. 16, 3217
shape of his nose that counts; it
is the way these things are per-
ceived that makes the difference.
To be sure, anything that can be
looked at in more than one way is
a means of discrimination, but
that is itself proves nothing.
But what about these college
applications? Even if all the "dis-
criminatory" questions pointed out
by the CED are removed, other
questions remain: Name (Salotti,
Solomon, Shea, Slawski); address:
"Lake Forest, Hamtramck, R.F.D.
No. 1, the Bronx); High School:
(Cranbrook, Holy Redeemer, Cen-
tral, Northern). What couldn't a
discriminating individual surmise
by putting facts such as these
together? And what about the
personal history requested on the
application blanks. How did the
CED let that pass without re-
nouncing it.
To carry the CED recommenda-
tions to their logical extreme is
to remove college applications al-
together. But the unfortunate
thing about discrimination is that
there is nothing logical about it.
It must therefore be attacked ac-
cordingly. Loving thy neighbor as
thyself should be the goal of those
who are against discrimination.
This entails constant activity in
all situations which everyday lfe
may present-an admittedly diffi-
cult objective. What is needed is
proper education by home, school
and church, and the good example
of undiscriminating people to
show that all men are brothers
under the skin. Otherwise, let him
amongst you who is without sin
cast the first stone.
Finally, let us take a specific
case in point-the Negro. Is it fair
to discriminate against him in
usually inferior elementary and
high schools, and then at the col-
lege level judge him on the same
basis as those who come from bet-
ter schools and environments?
This does not appear to do justice
to the Negro. But if the colored
college applicant is judged on dif-
ferent standards, or admitted on a
quota system that keeps out some
better qualified white person,
shouts of "Discrimination" fill the
air, Then possibly you can't at-
tack discrimination at just any
place it may appear and hope to
accomplish something. A deeper
insight into the problem is defi-
nitely needed.
-William M. Mac Millan
J-Hop Band .. .

To the Editor:
ALL YEAR, students have been
looking forward to the J-Hop,
which is without question the big-
gest dance of the year. The an-
nouncement of the bands slated
to play at the event has cast a
bigger shadow of gloom than the
pre-Christmas announcement of
the final exam schedule.
The J-Hop is the only all formal
dance of the year. And I repeat,
it is the biggest dance. I'd like to
emphasize the word dance. It is
not an exhibition. It is not a jazz
Please; we want to dance at the
J-Hop. We want smooth music,
music in keeping with formal dress
and spirit. It will be the last big
dance for some of us. We'd like to
make it a pleasant memory, not
a nightmare of blaring jazz and
Please, J-Hop Committee, break
one contract and get a good
smooth band, known or unknown
If this is impossible, please for-
ward my plea to the "Duke" that
he include slow sentimental num-
--I.. J. Kershon
S. C. Passaris

Angell Hall. Prof. I. M. Copi will
report on Kleene's theory of gen-
eral recursive functions.
Mathematics Orientation Semi-
nar: 3:30 p.m., Mon., Jan. 16, 3001
Angell Hall. Mr. Lubelfeld con-
tinues, "The Transcendency of pi."
Medical College Admission Test:
Jan. 16, University High School
Auditorium (Rm. 1206). Candi-
dates are requested to report at
8:45 a.m. for the morning session,
and must be present for both the
morning and afternoon sessions.
Organic Chemistry Seminar:
7:30 p.m., Mon., Jan. 16, 1300
Chemistry. Speaker: Dr. Joseph
Boyer. Topic: The Azomethine
Link in Pyridine.
University of Michigan Sym-
phonic Band, William D. Revelli,
Conductor, will present its annual
mid-winter concert at 4:15 p.m.,
Sun., Jan. 15, Hill Auditorium. It
will be assisted by the University
Choir, Maynard Klein, conductor,
in the Coronation Scene from
"Boris Goudonov," by Moussourg-
sky. Balance of program: Compo-
sitions by Khachaturian, Cherubi-
ni, Wagner, Goldman, Creston,
Schuman, and Floyd Werle, School
of Music student. The public is in-
Student Recital: Reid Shelton,
tenor, will present a program at
8:30 p.m., Mon., Jan. 16, Rack-
ham Assembly Hall, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
the Master of Music degree. A
pupil of Arthur Hackett, Mr.
Shelton will be assisted by Kather-
ine Schissler, pianist, Genevieve
Shanklin and Andrew Lisko, vio-
linists, Donald Sandford, violist,
and Joan Lewis, cellist. Program:
Works by Mozart, Brahms, Faure,
and Vaughan-Williams, and will
be open to the public.
Events Today
Inter-Arts Union: Meeting, 2
p.m., 500 BMT. Interested persons
U. of M. Hostel Club: Square
and folk dancing every Sat., 8:15
p.m., Jones School.
Coming Events
Deutscher Verein Konzert
Abend: 8 p.m., Mon., Jan. 16, Hus-
sey Rm., League. Program: Works
by Mozart, Brahms, Schubert and
a selection of 13th century Minne-
lieder. Open to the public.
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Election of officers and a general
record program, 8 p.m., Sun.,
League Ballroom. , Everyone in-
N.S.A. Travel Bureau: Open
from 4-5 p.m., Jan. 16-20, bane
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Carnival planned for Sunday has
been canceled.




Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students' of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control ni
btucient Publications.





CUk*N m



At The State

0 0 0

RED LIGHT with George Raft, Virginia
Mayo, and Gene Lockhart.
WHEN Hollywood gets the didactic urge it
gets it bad, and while much of the de-
sire is sincere, much has to do with chang-
ing the color of the account books from red
to black. The spate of "problem" pictures:
religious, racial, and political, is drawing
people away from their television sets, but

aid the funny policemen and sets out on
his own revenge. "In the Bible," were the
last words of the brother so Raft starts
hunting for the Gideon Bible someone
has stolen from the hotel crime scene.
In the pretty form of Miss Virginia Mayo,
sex for the masses arrives. She is hired
by Raft as helper and whenever she deco-
rates the screen men moan and women
gnash their teeth, but the story slows
down excruciatingly. There's simply not
room for a woman here. Parrying the in-

1 , ,.

Editorial Staff
Leon Jarofi............Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen............City Editor
Philip Dawson...Editorial Director
Mary Stein.... ....Associate Editor
Jo Misner...........Associate Editor
George Walker....... Associate Editor
Don McNeil.......Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian.....Photography Editor
Pres Holmes ......... Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin........S...Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady .......... Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach..Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King .................Librarian
Allan Clanage......Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington....Business Manager
Dee Nelson..Associate Business Managel
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Bernie Aidinoff..Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manage!
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