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January 13, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-01-13

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China -- Two Views

British Hong Kong ...
FROM HONG KONG last week came the
same old dismal report of a western na-
tion short-sighting its way to an early end in
the Communist graveyard.
With the Red China armies on its bor-
der since last fall and speculation running
high as to when the Reds would try to
take Hong Kong itself, a quick and just
solution to the colonies latest labor crisis
appeared mandatory of its British rulers.
Dissatisfaction among Hong Kong's labor
force had been on the rise for months. The
influx of many upper-class Chinese with
plenty of smoney, has sent prices zooming
far above the wages being paid by Hong
Kong's employers.
When trolley conductors of the colony
began allowing free rides for everyone to
back their demands for a 50-cent-per-day
wage increase, the employers fired the con-
ductors and halted service.
Next day the conductors, sporting red
armbands and waving Communist flags,
showed up to picket the carbarns. Crowds,
gathered in front of the union's head-
quarters, shouted and chanted Communist
For several days the situation remained
deadlocked, while the conductors, who in
many cases I4ad been receiving below-sub-
sistence wages, went without work and
other Hong Kong utility unions restively
waited the outcome of their own wage in-
crease demands.
Then, at the end of the week, the British
colonial government acted.
They announced that they had assumed
broad emergency powers, which included
the right to requisition : manpower, bar
strikes and lockouts.
What good will Britain's words do (she
recognized Communist China to try to
save Hong Kong, among other things)
when deeds such as these so overwhelm-
ingly negate; them?
Should Britain try to use these powers,
and continue such heavy-handed govern-
ment, she may as well kiss Hong Kong and
her other China interests goodby.
-Rich Thomas
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent theeviews of the writers only.

U.S. Recognition .. .
FACTS ARE FACTS and they might as
well be faced.
It is a plain fact that the Chinese Com-
munists are in control of China. Whether
the Chinese people, or for that matter,
whether anyone likes it, makes no difference.
The Reds have won the civil war.
In most civil wars foreign nations are
cautious about recognizing the rebellious
faction, even if it has won.
The Civil War threw European leaders
into a turmoil as to recognizing the South.
The problem of the recognition of Soviet
Russia after the First World War, which
was solved through general non-recognition,
creased tensions between that country and
the West.
Now the world is faced with the same
problem-the recognition of Red China.
It would be little trouble if it were an
India or a Palestine, but the word "Red"
makes it a difficult problem.
If the United States or any of her satel-
lites were to accept the government of Mao
Tse-tung as the official representative of
the Chinese nation, it would be recogni-
tion of the fact that China is ground lost
to the Russians.
Great Britain has recognized the fact
and with it the Chinese Communist gov-
"Britain has bartered the soul of a na-
tion for a few pieces of silver-I say for
shame to Great Britain," Mme. Chiang Kai
Shek said in denouncing the British move.
Sen. Ferguson, of Michigan, said the move
makes him wonder if the British really are
on our side in the cold war. And Sen.
Wherry, of Nebraska, predicted that the
action will bring American retaliation in
the form of slashes in Economic Cooperation
Administration aid to Great Britain.
Mme. Chiang's ideas on the question are
understandable. Her husband's government
will suffer directly by the British move. Her
denunciation of Great Britain back down
to a final appeal for more American aid.
The Chinese' leader must remember,
however, that British support to China
was not based on sentimental grounds
but rather on protecting her own interests.
Now that the battle is won, the British
are still protecting their own interests
in giving the Reds recognition.
Perhaps the view of the Senators is un-
derstandable, even though absurd. They feel
that John Bull has deserted us in the fight
with Communism. They feel that to recog-
nize Mao and his henchmen is to give up
the whole battle.
The Senators seem to forget the Reds
have accomplished what they set out to
do, and that our back-turning policy does
not stop the new government from func-
It is true that the victory of the Commun-
ist forces in China is a setback to Western
powers. But the threat of Red domination
of all Asia, is now the problem to be faced.
Recognizing the defeat does not prevent us
from still carrying on the fight against
Communism in the rest of the world.
-Vernon Emerson.

GENERATION, the new quarterly de-
voted to student artistic expression,
fills a gaping hole in the ranks of student
publications. To be published, like The
Daily, the 'Ensian, and the Gargoyle, un-
der the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications, it will includq
short stories, poetry, playc, musical com-
positions, painting, sculpture and draw-
ings, and critical and interpretive es-
says on the arts.
In fact, everything in the magazine
will be done by students - and done
artistically, from advertising to zinc-
etching. Generation will depend on
student contributors even more than
the ordinary student publication; we
hope the editors are swamped with con-
tributions by the January 26 deadline.
Nearly as important as the support of
contributing artists is the attitude of
Generation's public. The first issue,
March 17, wil provide a new opportunity
for students and faculty - to appreciate
the best creative work being done in the
University - and we hope that all will
make the most of it.
-The Senior Editors.
At Architecture Ad... .
Roland Young, Billie Burke, Connie Ben-
The advantages of invisibility seem doub-
ly blessed with Thorne Smith doing the plot-
ting and such expert laugh-getters as Ro-
land Young, Billie Burke and Connie Bennett
doing the maneuvering. Situation comedy of
the highest calibre, "Topper Takes a Trip"
loses no opportunity to exploit the possibili-
ties of a luscious blond who can vanish and
reappear at will.
The film, although slightly toned down
for the kiddies, sticks pretty close to
Thorne Smith's novel of the champagne
and high-living crowd. Connie Bennett as
a playful ghost doing her hellish best to
perform the good deed which will get her
into heaven pushes Roland Young into the
necessary embarrassing predicaments and
leaves him to fumble his way out
Billie Burke, although cast as Mrs. Topper
plays Billie Burke with all her usual addle-
pated verve. It's hard to say whether she
was made for the part or vice-versa.
Plot and continuity are conspicuous by
their absence, but when you're -laughing,
which is most of the time, you forget about
such details. The film has just the sufficient
amount of story on which to hang a number
of delightfully impossible incidents.._
Rounding out the sophisticated comedy
crew are Franklin Pangborn, the perennial
hotel manager, and Allan Mowbray, the
epitome of all impeccable butlers.
And of course there's always Asta, a fox-
terrier, who appears and disappears with
Miss Bennett, guaranteed to nip an ankle if
things get too quiet. They seldom do.
-Fredrica Winters

Maybe We'd Better Do Our Campaigning Right Here"






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(Continued from Page

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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all lettersrwhich are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

The Scandal
WASHINGTON-It is a little hard to con-
vey, to a naturally peaceable people, the
real meaning of the defense "economies" in
the President's new budget. This is parti-.
cularly true when the Secretary of Defense.
himself publicly asserts that defense savings
are being "made without any reduction in
our state of preparedness," as Louis John-
son recently told the National Manufactur-
ers' Association.
Fortunately, however, there is one very
easy way to show what a gross deception
is now being practiced. Consideration has
recently been given to revising the capa-
bilities plan of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
to provide for withdrawal from Japan,
Okinawa and perhaps the Philippines in
case of war. This is how far we have come,
under Louis Johnson's "economy" pro-
Our naval weakness in the Pacific has now
caused the war-time fate of our garrisons
in Japan and Okinawa to be called in ques-
tion (which makes Secretary Johnson's
project for a Formosa adventure look pret-
ty sick). Our Pacific Navy is hardly strong-
er than at the time of Pearl Harbor. This
might not matter, since there is no Japanese
navy to oppose us. What is really far worse
is the fact that only the smallest beginning
is being made on the task of combating the
new, high-speed, radar-proof German sub-
marine which the Soviet Union is building
in quantity.
own anti-submarine effort, plus Soviet
submarine development, can add up to only
one outcome. The trans-Pacific lines of
communication will be indefensible. Our
Japanese and Okinawa garrisons will be
cut off, and left exposed. The trans-Pacific
positions will become untenable.
Furthermore, this situagtion involving
our trans-Pacific bases is by no means
special or untypical. The requirements
plan of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (and
every other serious study) calls for an
American Air Force of seventy groups as
the minimum consistent with reasonable
security. By 1955, according to official
calcplations, the Johnsonian "economy"
policy will leave us with an Air Force of
iI about thirty-five groups equipped with
modern aircraft, plus some cats and dogs.
If the people were frankly consulted, and
if they then freely chose to denude their
own defenses, no one could criticize Secre-
tary Johnson. But what is being done is a
grave scandal-there is no other word-
against the background of the kind of state-
ment the Defense Secretary made to the
assembled manufacturers not so long ago.

Washington Merry-Go-Round

Negro Basketballers .. .
To the Editor:
SPECTATORS of the Michigan-
Indiana basketball game saw
an historic phenomenon. Bill Gar-
rett, Indiana's star center, was a
Negro. Garrett is the first Negro
to break the color line which exists
in all Big Ten sports except foot-
ball and track.
Who wants this lily-white pol-
icy? Certainly it is not the fans.
When Garrett left the game on
fouls he was warmly applauded
by the Michigan audience despite
not having played his best game.
The audience seemed to appre-
ciate his unusual achievement.
It is also apparent that the
white players do not welcome Jim
Crow. The responsibility must rest
wholly with the University's ath-
letic policy makers. They, of
course, will say merely that there
have been no qualified Negro ath-
letes. Without any immediate
facts we can see theabsurdity of
this excuse. Year after year Mi-
chigan has had top Negro foot-
ball and, track stars. Why only
these two sports? State high school
competition always sees Negro
basketball players excel every year.
Why has the University NEVER
had a Negro on the basketball
team? Why does this policy per-
sist throughout the Big Ten?
The answers are obvious. There
is a deliberate and conscious po-
licy of discrimination against Ne-
gro athletes. Or perhaps you
would tell us where we err, Mr.
-Charles Bisdee, Jack Barense,
Tim Harvey, Executive Board,
Inter-Racial Association.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This letter was
inadvertently left out of yesterday's
issue, where it should have appeared
in conjunctioncwith basketball
coach Ernie McCoy's answer, as
quoted in a news story by Rich
Thomas on page one.
McCoy's reply was substantially
that there is no University or Big
Ten policy against Negroes playing
basketball, and that there have been
other Negroes playing Big Ten basket-
ball besides Garrett of Indiana. "To
my knowledge, as a matter of fact,
discriminatory practices in Western
Conference or University athletics
have never even been discussed in or
out of official circles," McCoy said.
He also said that at Michigan "there
has been only one Negro to try out
for the basketball team in the ten
years that I'vebeen here - and he
was Len Ford," and that "as a
coach, I can only pick, from the
boys who try out for the team, the
five who I think will do the best job.
You can be sure that any man who
is good enough will be playing for
us regardless of his color.")
* * *
Unrepresented Women
To the Editor:
1 HE UNIVERSITY Administra-
tion fosters democracy by hav-
ing student representatives on the
Student Affairs Committee. This
is all to the good.
The women on campus are re-
presented, as such, by three mem-
bers of the committee; a woman
member of the Student Legisla-
ture, the President of the League,
and the chairman of the Woman's
Judiciary. But neither the League
President nor the Chairman of
the Woman's Judiciary can be
considered as representatives of
University coeds.
Both are appointed by the elec-
toral board of the League, which
consists of six officers of the Lea-

gue and three members of the Uni-
versity administration. As I un-
derstand it, both are elected from
the ranks of women who have been
active in League activities. The
majority of campus coeds how-
ever, do not care to work on such
typical League activities as Soph
Caberet or Junior Girls Play, ev-
en to work themselves up to high
positions on the League. I fail to
see how women elected within
such a system which operates only
amonga small percentage of wo-
men students can be considered
representative of the total women
student body.
The Student Affairs Committee
deals with matters of University
policy. Many of the issues on
which it acts are highly contro-
versial, such as its refusal to re-
cognize new organizations having
discriminatory clauses in their
constitutions. The League Presi-
dent may be a good administrator,
but this doesn't make her opinions
on such matters (not that we have
ever been informed of her opin-
ions) necessarily representative of
what the majority of women want.
There are several alternative so-
lutions to this problem. The chair-
man of the Woman's Judiciary
Council should be elected either by
all the women students or by the
Student Legislature if she is to
have a vote. Since it is probably
necessary for the League Presi-
dent to be elected in the present
manner, she should be deprived of
her vote on the SAC. Her place
should be taken by a woman elec-
ted at large by the women stu-
dents or elected by the Student
Women students, by the present
system, are in effect being depriv-
ed of representation on the SAC.
These two representatives can be
expected to vote only as League
officials and do not derive their
authority from the women on
-June Sachar, '50
Mercy-Killing.. .
To the Editor:
[ READ WITH interest and won-
der the apparently well meant
article by Mr. George W. Byers
on mercy killings. (Michigan
Daily 10 Jan 1950) I will restrain
myself from elaborating against
such of his phrases as: "infatua-
tion with the sanctity of human
life", "to make life less of a bur-
den to those who are burdened
with it"-(the implication, that a
mercy killing which accomplishes
this is all right, condones, I pre-
sume, suicide as well), etc., to pre-
sent an answer to his more gener-
al contentions.
It is pathetic indeed that we
cannot lower the problems of our
civilization-the hungry children,
the tired and hopeless aged, and,
yes, even the incurably sick-to
his level of simplification. I am
not completely capable of sitting
in judgement of Dr. Hermann N.
Sanders' action; no more capable
than he of sitting in judgement
of the life of a fellow human.
This is a question, not of reliev-
ing a dog from suffering, but one
of Christian ethics and, while this
is a generation which is inclined
to an "ethics-smethics" attitude,

in applications from February
graduates for positions on their
sales staff. Applicants must be
permanent residents of the Chi-
cago area.
A representative of the New
York Life Insurance Company will
be at the Bureau of Appointments
Tues. and Wed., Jan. 17 and 18.
They are interested in men for
training in their sales program
in Michigan. Specific opportuni-
ties exist in Bay City, Saginaw,
Flint, Port Huron and Detroit.
Trainees are paid a salary plus
a commission.
Mr. H. F. Holtz, personnel man-
ager of the Hardware Mutuals
Casualty and Fire Insurance Com-
pany, Grand Rapids, Mich., will
be at the Bureau of Appointments
on Jan. 17 and 18 to interview for
their training program. They have
openings for two credit correspon-
dents, one sales correspondent and
four or five salesmen. Applicants
for the positions of credit corres-
pondent should have at least 3 or
4 semesters of accounting. The
sales positions in the casualty field
pay a salary plus a commission.
The credit correspondent and sales
correspondent positions are in
Grand Rapids, the sales positions
available are in the Detroit area,
Kalamazoo, and the Upper Penin-
For further information on the
above announcements, call the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg.
University Lectures in Journa-
lism: Leland Stowe, noted author,
lecturer, and foreign correspond-
ent, will deliver two addresses Fri-
day and Saturday, Jan. 13 and 14.
Continuing the departmental se-
ries, "Dynamics of Today's News-
papers," he will speak Friday, 8
p.m., in Room E., Haven Hall. His
Saturday address will be at 10 a.
m., News Room, Haven Hall. Uni-
versity students are welcome.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Wil-
liam Orville Winter, Political
Science; thesis: "Annexation as a
Solution to the Fringe Problem.
An Analysis of Past and Potential
Annexation of Suburban Areas to
the City of Flint, Michigan," 10
a.m., Sat., Jan. 14, 304 South Wing.
Chairman, A. W. Bromage.
Doctoral Examination for Robert
Lado, Education; thesis: "Mea-
surement in English as a Foreign
Language with Special Reference
to Spanish-Speaking Adults," 3:15
p.m., Fri., Jan. 13, East Council
Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman,
C. C. Fries.
Astronomical Colloquium: 4:15
p.m., Jan. 13, at the Observatory.
Speaker: Dr. Freeman D. Miller,
Department of Astronomy. Sub-
ject: "The Physical Constitution
of Comets."
Dentistry Admission Test: Cand-
idates for admission to the School
of Dentistry in the Fall of 1950
it must be judged in that light. We
founded our Society on a basis of
Christian principles; it has pros-
pered, under those principles to its
present level. If we are now ready
to make as complete and danger-
ous a break with these ideals as
to condone the mercy killings and
killings to improve the race for
which, only recently, we voiced
loudly our condemnation of Hitler
-if we can see nothing more than
physical suffering or well being
in the life of man, then the bless-
ings we have enjoyed as a Chris-
tian Nation may be no longer
expected. And we have lost the last
war indeed.
-Charles J. Zoet
* * *

'New Voice ...'
To the Editro:
' "New Voice in the Land."
I have just read your article:
c2&% -'&(') & % -??**"hZ"'
&"/2 &-" **Z"'j (* ) can't make
it Out. (&'~$* ("& 1%:) (" &1/2-
"> &"/2-Z:.) ('&$% "&" () ) (
(**444* ('&-% "1/2c --- O.K. ()
UARY % lllkdjdhd
Are you a cubist?
-R. Marti
Seek High Output
DETROIT-MP)-High volume
output again is the rule in the
nation's auto plants where
slightly more than 140,000 units
are scheduled for assembly this

are required to take an admissions
test, Jan. 14, 130 Business Admin-
istration Bldg. Candidates should
report at 9:45 a.m.' for the first
English 71: All students wishing
to enroll in English 71 should get
permission from Mr. Wikelund,
3220 AH. MWF from 1-2 and 3-5.
Events Today
Geological - Mineralogical Jour-
nal Club: 3055 N.S. 12 noon today,
Fri., Jan. 13. Dr. B. A. Tator,
Louisiana State University, will
speak in Rm. 2054 at 12:30 p.m.
on "Valley Widening Processes in
the Colorado Rockies."
Wesleyan Guild: Good Luck
Square Dance party, 8 p.m. Re-
Canterbury Club is host this
week to a tea at Lane Hall, 4:30-
6 p.m. No tea at Canterbury House.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Friday night services at 7:30, fol-
lowed by panel discussion "Are
Mercy Killings Justified?"
Saturday morning services, 10.
Westminster Guild Squirrel
Cage: Snow Party if snow. If not,
an IM Party. Meet in recreation
hall at 8:30 p.m.
Lutheran Student Association
Party: Ping pong and other games,
8 p.m., Student Center, 1304 Hill
Exhibition halls of the Univer-
sity Museums Building will be ope
to students and the public, 7 to 9
p.m. Motion pictures: "The Sea,"
"Born to Die," and "The Snapping
Turtle," 7:30 p.m., 3024 Museums
Bldg. "Invertebrate Life of the Al-
pena Region, Michigan, three hun-
dred million years ago" is on ex-
hibit in the rotunda.
I.Z.F.A.: Executive council meet-
ing, 4:15 p.m., League.
Roger William's Guild: Party,
8:30 p.m., Guild House, 502 .
German Coffee Hour: 3:15-4:30
p.m., League Cafeteria. All stu-
dents and faculty members invited.
C.E.D.: 4:15 p.m., League. Elec-
tion of officers. Important that
all members be present.
Generation-Inter Arts Magaz-
ine: Business Staff Tryout meet-
ing, 4:15 p.m., Student Publica-
tions Bldg., Conference Room. Ad-
vertising, circulation, fiance, and
advertising photography.
Coming Events
Inter-Arts Union: Meeting, 2
p.m., Sat., 500 BMT. Interested
persons welcome.
U. of M. Hostel Club: Square
and folk dancing every Sat., 8:15-
11 p.m., Jones School.





WASHINGTON-This series of columns is
written as my contribution toward
cleaning up an ever-widening area of big-
city government in which gambling murders
Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee
has wisely put his finger on this menace
in his proposed probe of interstate gam-
bling rackets. And last summer, Sen.
Clyde Hoey's investigating committee un-
earthed an important clue linking the
gambling rackets to Washington.
This clue was a statement by John Mara-
gon, now under indictment, that he had
worked for a man named Kastel. "Dandy
Phil" Kastell, an alumnus of Atlanta peni-
tentiary and associate of murdered gang-
leader Arnold Rothstein, is the long-time
partner'of the current king of the gamblers,
Frankie Costello, and of Bill Helis, the "Gol-
den Greek" of the race track world.
It had long been suspected by those who
have carefully watched the peculiar oper-
ations of John Maragon and his amazing
entre at the White House, that Maragon
was linked to Frankie Costello. It was also
suspected that Maragon might have been
the funnel by which Costello poured Cam-
paign contributions in to Maj. Gen. Har-
ry Vaughan.
It is said by some that the Pendergast
machine and big-city politics have now
moved into the White House. While this
columnist does not altogether agree with
this-for reasons to be shown later-yet it
is true that, when Frankie Costello controls
a $2,000,000,000 gambling business, he can
afford to spend a .fortune electing men
whom he can influence..
AND THOUGH Costello now claims to be
a man of peace, other gangsters, reach-
inf r the nrenr onfits of the sint machine

wire, Regan suddenly found himself with
a partner, but shortly thereafter he found
that he wasn't even a partner himself.
The syndicate had taken over.
This was the story which Regan unfolded
to this writer in great detail in a Chicago
hotel in the spring of 1946. He told how
Pete Locivella was gambling dictator in
Detroit, how Dan Corotello of the Sicilian
society dominated Chicago, how territory
was divided between gangsters, how it was
impossible for a night club or tavern to
operate without buying ice cubes, towels and
beer, renting slot machines and hiring bar-
tenders through the old Capone syndicate.
THE GANGSTERS not only had gone in
for gambling, but they had set up an em-
pire controlling every activity connected
with the night club, tavern or beer hall
business. It was a monopoly more tightly
run than anything ever conceived by big
Returning to Washington, I placed the
facts before Attorney General Tom Clark
and J. Edgar Hoover.
Jack Regan, I told them, knew where all
the bodies were buried in Chicago gang-
sterdom for years back, and he had promised
to cooperate.
And he did. The Justice Department as-
signed 12 FBI men to act on the tips Regan
gave them, and for a time it looked as if
Chicago gangland was in for a cleanup.
But suddenly, Regan was shot. He had
told me that he probably would be shot,
and had hired a bodyguard to be with him
night and day. But driving hompe one af-
ternoon, his car stopped for a red light.
Alongside him, as he waited, pulled up a
vegetable truck, and from under the crates
hlzerd av on11evr ofnnfire .Rean crnmnucl

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen...............City Editor
Philip Dawson...Editorial Director
Mary Stein..........Associate Editor
Jo Misner...........Associate Editor
George Walker ........ Associate Editor
Don McNeil.........Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes......... Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin ...........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady......... Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach..Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King .................Librarian
Allan Clamage.. Assistant Librariau
Business Staff
Roger Wellington....Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangl....... Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff. Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newapa e
All rights of republication of ao
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post office atAn
Arbor, Michigan, as second-ciao a"
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier. $5.00. by mail. 86.00:






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