See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
:43 a t t4p
Il FC Tables
Would Restrict
Council Criticism
TheTInterfraternity Council
House Presidents last night drew
up and tabled a motion to prevent
IFC representatives from criticiz-
ing the Council's action in their
capacity as representatives to IFC.
The motion was made after
Dick Morrison, '50, IFC vice-presi-
dent and chairman of the Inter-
fraternity Discrimination Commit-
tee, accused Don Rothschild, '50,
Zeta Beta Tau house president, of
"wrecking IFC's apparent solid-
arity in the eyes of the campus."
He criticized Rothschild for
including his title of ZBT house
president after his signature on
a letter to The Daily asking that
the House President's recent
anti-bias resolution be rejected
by the Student Affairs Conmit-
Rothschild's letter led to an
SAC hearing on the anti-bias
motion Tuesday. The SAC, after
hearing Rothschild and IFC rep-
resentatives debatethe resolution,
t sent it back to the IFC House
Presidents for further study and
* * *
Last night's motion in its pres-
ent form reads as follows:
"No person in his capacity as
a representative to the IFC
shall make a statement in op-
position to a statement of pol-
icy or motion passed by a ma-
jority of the House Presidents'
"Violation of this proposition
shall be subject to a fine deter-
mined by the executive committee
of the Interfraternity Council."
THE MOTION is still in a rough
stage and will be rewritten and
clarified before the next IFC
House Presidents' meeting next
semfester,- Stan Crapo, °'50, eym-
phasized. Crapo, IFC secretary-
treasurer, helped draft the reso-
lution at the request of a house
The motion, if passed, would
not prevent an individual from
criticizing IFC action, Crapo ex-
plained. It is designed to pre-
vent individuals from creating
the impression that they speak
for IFC, when they have not
been delegated such authority
by the House Presidents' Assem-
bly, he pointed out.
The House Presidents also dis-
cussed the proposed new IFC con-
stitution. They voted down a clause
that would have allowed every
fraternity man on campus to have
a vote in electing the IFC Presi-
dent. Thus they retained the power
of electingdthe president within
y their own body.
Table Named
"Hub Internationale" has been
selected by judges from the Hu-
man Relations Committee and the
Union as tge winner in their inter-
national-table naming contest.
The title was suggested by Dar-
win Alonso, Grad. He will be
awarded theatre and dance tickets
for'three future week-ends.
Bud Brooks, HR Committee's
Union representative, explained
that the taproom table, which is
being established to promote good
will between foreign and American
students, will be available every
afternoon starting Monday.
Sherman Okayed
By Senate Group
By The Associated Press
Admiral Forrest P. Sherman was unanimously okayed yesterday
for Chief of Naval Operations by the Senate Armed Services Com-
This action came as rebellious Rear Admiral Daniel V. Gallery
charged in a national weekly magazine that a "cold purge" of top
navy admirals was keeping one of four more "logical" candidates
from getting the post.
THE DECISION of the senate committee followed swiftly after
Secretary of the Navy Matthews had testified that:
1. The Navy won't put up with a subordinate who dis-
agrees with policies of his superior. He'll get transferred but
* * *C
Should Quit
Navy men who cannot accept
democratically made policy ought
to get out, according to George A.
Peek of the political science de-
Commenting on charges made
by Rear Admiral Daniel V. Gallery,
Peek said that "the Navy has had
a chance to state its case and it
has been ruled- out."
yesterday "that a 'cold purge' of
top Navy admirals who testiflefid
in the defense policy row is a
threat to democracy."
"When the President and
Congress have set the policy af-
ter consultation with military
experts and arrived at a deci-
sion, it is up to the military to
carry that decision out," Peek
"It seems that a number of Navy
men have gone over the heads of
their properly chosen chiefs,
which in my opinion is highly det-
rimental to any espirit de corps or
administrative efficiency."
REFERRING to Admiral Gal-
lery's charge that "the Navy is
feeling the iron heel of thought
control," Peek said that the illu-
sion is unwarranted because men
in the Navy still have the right to
state their own opinion.
"The mere fact that Admiral
Gallery can make these charges
proves that 'tools of the police
state' are not being used," Peek
Grad Degree
Needs Relaxed
Students may now earn master's
degrees in engineering mechanics
in Detroit without fulfilling resi-
dence requirements, it was an-
nounced at the Graduate Student
Council meeting last night.
The Graduate Executive Board
approved this plan on the grounds
that there were many students
now enrolled in Detroit extension
courses whose jobs would not per-
mit them to complete the resi-
dence requirements.
To be eligible, a student must
be prevented by work from at-
tending a summer session and
must petition the Dean of the
Graduate School to take a special
comprehensive examination in his
field in place of the session in res-
In completing its work for this
semester, the Council decided to
hold Graduate School mixers every
three weeks starting Feb. 10.
not "punished or demoted."
2. He didn't fire Denfell be-
cause the Admiral lambasted Pent-
agon policies before the House
Armed Services Committee. He
had called for a change before the
admiral testified.
Sherman's nomination now goes
before the Senate.
IN HIS ARTICLE, Gallery nam-
ed Admirals Arthur W. Radford,
William 'H. P. Blandy, Richard L.
Conolly and Thomas C. Kincaid
as the ones who had been skipped
over because of their testimony
in the defense policy row.
Sherman was jumped to his
nomination as naval operations
chief over the heads of nine
admirals outranking Wlim in sen-
Gallery wrote that this purge
was a threat to democracy since
cherished rights cannot be pre-
served by "using the tools of the
police state."
"The Navy," he declared, "is
feeling the iron heel of thought
World. News
By The Associated Press
Department turned out its first
batch of World War II veterans
insurance divident checks yester-
day but nthe Veterans Administra-
tion said none of them will be
mailed until Monday.
* * *
LONDON-A small Swedish
tanker last night rammed and
sank the British submarine
Truculent, carrying 76 men, in
the Thames estuary.
* * *
DAVENPORT, Ia.-A 23-year-
old woman patient, described as
"schizophrenic," was reported yes-
terday to have confessed setting
a mental ward fire in which 41
women perished.
* * *
VINCENNES, Ind.-At least
five persons were killed yester-
day in an explosion in the Bow-
man Terrace development, a
federal housing project here.
LONG BEACH, Calif.-An Air
Force training plane crashed and
burned in a residential street here
last night killing two of its five
occupants and injuring three oth-
Little Calls for
Le alization of-
Dr. Clarence Cook Little, former
President of the University and
celebrated cancer authority upheld
the practice of mercy killing and
suggested safeguards for a law
legalizing euthanasia.
* * *
DR. LITTLE, director of the
Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial
Laboratory and active in the field
of cancersresearch since 1907 said
that his- safety factors for the in-
curably ill but the mentally fit
would be:
1. Consent of the patient.
2. Consent of next of kin.
3. Approval of a board of three
medical judges set up by a state
medical association appealed to by
the patient's doctor.
Dr. Little, president of the
University from 1925 to 1929
suggested allowing persons to
make a will, to be opened if he is
stricken with an incurable di-
"All human beings have the
right to be born, to live and to die
as they wish," said Dr. Little.
"Those opposed to euthanasia
Taft artey
Action Ruled4
Out for Coal
Urgent Coal Need
Cited in Detroit
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - President
Truman refused again yesterday
to consider the soft coal situation
a national emergency.
He thus ruled out any imme-
diate White House move to force
John L. Lewis' miners back pn a
five-day week under the emergen-
cy clause of the Taft-Hartley act.
HE TOOK this position in the
face of new claims by the coal
mine operators that stock piles are
the lowest on record. The United
Mine Workers three-day work
week continued to cut down the
reserves above ground.
A reporter at a White House
news conference asked the Pres-
.Have you reached any new de-
cision on whether there is an
emergency in coal that would in-
volve the use of the Taft-Hartley
MR. TRUMAN replied, "There
is no national emergency in coal at
the present minute."
Meanwhile, in Detroit, Hazen
L. Funk, commissioner of pur-
chases and supplies, reported
that Dletroit's need for more
coal "now is desperate.
"Unless we get some relief, four
days of bad weather would com-
pletely knock out the coal supply,"
he said. "Emergency measures are
in order now."
* *.*
REPORTS of coal shortages in
the second Congressional district,
which includes Ann Arbor, were
also voiced by Rep. Michener (R-
Mich.) yesterday in Congress.
He told the House that he is
receiving a stream of complaints
stating that the coal shortage
has reached the critical stage.
"Many of my constituents can-
not secure sufficient coal to heat
their homes, schools, public build-
ings, hospitals and churches,"
Michener declared.
"In addition," he said, "I am
receiving telegrams and letters
from manufacturers and opera-
tors of industries, some reporting
their coal supply is entirely ex-
hausted, others that they have
only enough coal to continue for
a few days."
* * *
REGARDLESS of Mr. Truman's
stand, Lewis and the UMW face
the possibility of a court injunc-
tion against the three-day week as
a result of a complaint filed by
virtually the entire soft coal in-
dustry with the National Labor
Relations Board.
The Board's general counsel,
Robert N. Denham, is studying the
Shanghai Hit
By Nationalists
TAIPEI, Formosa -- (P) - The
Chinese Nationalists announced
last night a heavy air raid on Red
Shanghai had hit 11 ships and
left waterfront warehouses in
The airforce communique said
Nationalist B-25 bombers and P-51
fighter-bombers in the assaults:
Bombed three ships in hartr,
setting one afire; badly damaged
two 2,000-ton ships in drydock;
badly damaged another at the
mouth of the Whangpoo river;
and set five more afire by straf-
It said in addition to waterfront
buildings, unidentified ground es-
tablishments in the Chapei and
Pootung districts were hit.
The former capital of Nanking
and the Yangtse river cities of
Kiangyin and Chinkiang also were
raided, without announced results.
Of Taking Chinese Areas
WANTED! - "Oh yeah?" newspapermen said skeptically when
they heard that another Jesse James had turned un, but they
trundled out and took his picture anyway. He is J. Frank Dalton,
102 years old, shown in a sickbed aiming a gun as he says he used
to do in the old days out in Missouri. No, Dalton admitted, it's
not an old gun wound that's keeping him abed, just a broken hip.
Dalton declared he had filed a change-of-name petition in a
Missouri court to restore his "true name." The action is still
IBisdee Charges Racial
Bias in Team Selection
Despite Coach Ernie McCoy's comments which appeared in yes-
terday's Daily, the fact remains that there have been no Negro basket-
ball players in the recent history of the University's varsity team,
Chuck Bisdee, Grad., co-chairman of the Inter-Racial Association, said
"No one," Bisdee asserted, "is naive enough to believe that all the
University's basketball stars just happen to come to school here and
just happen to try out for the team.
* * * *
"OBVIOUSLY," Bisdee continued, "as in all big colleges, there is a
conscious effort on the part of the athletic officials and alumni to
Mike Rests
Mike, the Acacia Fraternity
bulldog, last night was report-
ed to be resting easily after
being struck by a truck on
Ridgeway Road Wednesday af-
The mishap occurred less
than a year after Humphrey,
bulldog mascot of Beta Theta
Pi, was killed by a motorist on
South State Street.
"We shall make every effort
to see that he gets what he
needs," Richard E. Campbell,
'50, Acacia president, declared.
Mike refused to comment.
'UV Officials
Offer New
Advocates of a long Thanksgiv-
ing weekend appear to have hit
on a system in harmony with
University officials, but students
are cold to it.
The proposal would be to take
two days off the Christmas vaca-
tion in order to make up for those
given to the students at Thanks-
giving. This plan is most favored
by University deans, according to
Dave Belin, chairman of Student
Legislature's committee to end
classes at Thanksgiving.
* * *
"I believe that knocking off two
vacation days at Christmas would
be met with much favor by the
Calendar Committee," he said.
But out of 26 students checked
in a Daily poll, 20 vetoed the
possibility of two less days at
Christmas. In a straw vote at
SL's last meeting, only two out
of 34 voters favored the plan.
In their answers students gave
the tried and true reasons for dis-
favoring the plan: that they go
home at Thanksgiving anyway,
that they want to work for Christ-
mas money in the interim before
Christmas and that they live too
far away from home to go there
at Thanksgiving anyway.
Thanksgiving are actually only
one-and-a-half, t h e University
considers each day on which
classesare held to be "teaching
days," and all count equally.
Under the new proposal, stu-
dents would get out of school
Friday, Dec. 22 (the date
planned next year regardless of
the plan) and come back Thurs-
day, Jan. 4 instead of Monday,
Jan. 8,
* * *
BIGGEST obstacle on the road
to this proposal is the possibility
of raising residence fees because
of the change, Belin said. He will
meet with University officials on
this point today.
A proposal to add two days at
the beginning of the year was
turned down because it would
very probably raise residence
fees and would prove very im-
practical to all concerned, Be-
lin added.
A plan to add the two days lost
at Thanksgiving on to the year
by holding classes on Saturdays
before the Christmas and Easter
vacations was also turned down
by University officials because it
would make up one day while los-
ing a half a day.
Urges More
For Asiatics
Soviets Called
of State Acheson yesterday ac-
cused Russia of taking over four
vast areas of northern China, in-
cluding Manchuria, in a far
reaching sweep of Soviet Com-
munist imperialism.
He pictured this development as
a great opportunity for U.S. for-
ign policy in the Far East. The
best way for this country to win
friends and stop Communism, he
contended, is to pursue its policy
of fostering the independence of
Asiatic peoples and their econpm-
ic well being.
BY CONTRAST, Acheson de-
clared, Russia's actions in north-
ern China will arouse the "right-
eous anger and wrath" of the Chi-
nese people and show up the Soviet
Union as an imperialistic power
throughout Asia.
"The only thing that can ob-
scure it," he said, "is the folly of
ill-conceived adventures on our
part. Nothing we do or say must
be allowed to obscure this fact."
The areas which Russia is in the
process of taking over, Acheson
said, are Manchuria, Outer Mon-
golia, Inner Mongolia and Sinki-
HIS ACCUSATION was the first
such to be made by a top western
official although, authorities here
have let it be known that they sus-
pected Russian expansion was un-
der way in northern China-des-
pite the fact that China has come
under Chinese Communist rule.
For the first time since the
issuance of the China White
Paper last summer, Acheson
spoke out publicly on the Far
East in a speech at the National
Press Club here.
He touched only briefly upon
the continuing controversy over
whether the United States should
intervene with armed forces-
Senator Taft (R - Ohio) and
others have suggested using the
Navy to protect Formosa.
J-Hop Ticket
Includes Photo
Final Day To Pick
* Up Reserved Ducats
Couples attending this year's
J-Hop will each receive a compli-
mentary photo, including a nega-
tive and print, according to the
1951 J-Hop Committee.
The couples will be able to pick
up their pictures a week after the
dance at the Administration Build-
Ned Hess, committee head, said
that this plan was in accord with
findings of the recent Student
Legislature investigation designed
to clear up dissatisfactin arising
from photography practices at
previous dances.
Today is the deadline for stu-
dents holding reservations for J-
Hop tickets to pick them up. Open
sale of tickets will begin Monday
and last through Wednesday, ac-
cording to Hess, "if they last."
Today is also the last day that
houses having booths at the dance
may submit the name of their
booth chaperone. Booth holders
should call Hess at 2-5644.
Leland Stowe
Will Speak
Leland Stowe, author, lecturer
and foreign correspondent, will
o.a 4 1r 0n . n , t . m w
String Quartet
To Give First
The Budapest Quartet will play
three chamber music pieces in the
first of its three appearances in
the Tenth Annual Chamber Music
Festival 8:30 p.m. today in Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
The Festival is sponsored by the
Choral Union Society.
INCLUDED on today's program
are the Quartet in B-flat Major
by Haydn, the "Grand Fugue" by
Beethoven and the Quartet in B-
flat Major by Brahms.
At 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Rackham Lecture Hall, the
Quartet will play Mozart's Quar-
tet in E-flat Major, the Quartet
No. 3 by Piston and Brahms'
Quartet in F Major.
The concluding concert at 2:30
p.m. Sunday in the Lecture Hall
will present the Quartet in F Ma-
jor by Beethoven, Hindemith's
Quartet, Op. 22, No. 3; and the
Quartet in D minor by Schubert.
The few remaining tickets for
the concerts may be purchased at
the Choral Union office, Burton
?bring prep school stars to the
Why then, with so many out-
standing Negro players in this
state and surrounding area, Bis-
dee questioned, has there never
been a colored basketball player
at Michigan?
The answer, Bisdee said, is that
there is the same sort of 'gentle-
Page 4
man's agreement' in all Big Ten
sports other than football and
track that existed in major league
before the arrival of Jackie Rob-
* * *
"IF MR. McCOY would look at
the records, he would find that
Len Ford, who is playing profes-
sional basketball as well as foot-
ball now, is not the only Negro to
try out for basketball," Bisdee
Last year, two Negroes, who
were later relegated to the Jun-
ior Varsity showed up for prac-
tice," he said.
"We are not blaming Coach
McCoy or any other individual for
the situation which exists, for
there are similar patterns of be-
havior in Big Ten baseball, swim-
ming, tennis, wrestling and golf,"
Bisdee commented.
Accursed Friday Brings
Misfortune to Unwary
British Call University 'Progressive'
If you plan to begin work on a
big idea today, better let it go till
tomorrow-today is Friday the
Before the time of Christ people
knew that it was bad luck to un-
dertake a new task today as it
would end in misfortune.
riages and feasting on fish, the
food of fertility. In theM iddle
Ages it became the official "Hang-
man's Day."
PRIMITIVES set aside Friday
as a rest day and promised bad
luck would befall any one at-
tempting to work then.
Warllfv amhrc hc-rv.r Qlr
Politically-conscious Britishers
seem to be agreed on one thing-
"Michigan University is the most
_rn, flA' nnfllif l Cf4.l-
ter's story appeared, the rival
London Daily Mail dispatched
staff correspondent Richard Gree-
nough to Ann Arbor from London
DESCRIBING Ann Arbor as a
"neat, bustling little town, with
its streets criss-crossing orderly
squares and college campuses,"
Greenough was greatly impressed
University's 77 - bed Maternity
Hospital, "where last year 915
babies were born, 697 to October
1 this year."
"Reason for this," he explained,