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January 12, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-01-12

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Latest Deadline in the State






Water Rises
In Midwest
Blizzard Moves
On to Rockies
By The Associated Press
Emergency sandbag squads
braced weakening dikes last night
awaiting the surging crests of
turbulent rivers in Indiana and
More rain was expected.
In the nation's northwest, the
weather bureau said the furious
blizzard which whipped the area
with crippling effect Tuesday and
yesterday whistled over the Rock-
BUT FROST was expected in
California after a heavy rain hit
Los Angeles.
Sandbag crews worked to plug
a leak in the Wabash River
levee at Russellville, a town of
224 population -on the Indiana-
Illinois boundary line. Sandbags
4 were rushed by boat and truck
from a supply station about nine
miles away.
John Ritter, assistant Illinois
state police chief, called the Rus-
sellville and Maunie levee areas
"danger spots." Maunie, a village
of 525 population, is about 25 miles
west of Evansville, Ind.
\But breaks there would add but
a few .more persons to the hun-
dreds of refugees in the water
soaked region, Ritter said.
THE WABASH was expected to
crest at Vincennes, Ind., yester-
day. Vincennes has a population
of 20,000.
Army engineers said they had
men and equipment on hand to
cope with a 30 foot top. A maxi-
mum of 27 to 272 feet was ex-
pected. In 1943 a 29 foot crest
gnawed It the levee banks. At
16 feet, the river is considered
at flood stage, overflowing bot-
tom lands.
Telephone crews went out from
Vincennes in boats. They attempt-
ed to restore communications with
Lawrenceville, Ill., across the.river.
Farm families and livestock moald
out of the way of the White Riv-
er's path at Orrville, Ind., 25
miles southwest of Vincennes.
A washout of U.S. highway 41
was expected. This happened dur-
ing the record 1937 flood.
Tuitions Rise
Third Time
In Three Years
University students will face
the third tuition increase in three
years when they register for class-
es next semester.
Under the new rates announced,
by the Board of Regents last July
Michigan residents will pay $75
for the spring term-$5 more than
at present. '
And outstate students will pay
an extra $25-making their total
semester tuition fee up to the
$200 mark.
THE INCREASES were necessi-
tated when the State Legislature
slashed the University's $12,500,-
000 budget request to $11,436,315
last June.
Even with the increased tui-
tion revenue, University officials

last summer predicted a tenta-
tive budget deficit $214,842.
Previously, tuition fees were
raised from $120 and $240 to $140
and $300 in September, 1946. Two
years later it jumped another $25
a semester for outstate students,
making their yearly tuition $350.
* * *
EACH TIME University officials
have said the increases were made
President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven termed last July's tuition boost
the "one step that the Regents
and the University hoped to
"We trimmed our budget as far
as we possibly could and yet con-
tinue the high quality program
expected of the University," he
Phi Eta Sigma
Elects Officers
Alvin Green, '53, was elected
president of Phi Eta Sigma, fresh-
man honor society for men, at the
fraternity's banquet and initiation
held last night in the Union.

Stricken Steamer

SHELLED FREIGHTER-The American freighter Flying Ar-
row was shelled by Chinese Nationalist gunboats Jan. 9 off
Shanghai. Capt. David Jones of Chicago pronounced the ship
no longer seaworthy after inspecting damage from between
30 and 40 hits.
* * * *
'Flying Arrow' Ordered
To Cease Shanghai Run'

Italiais To
Ha ve New
Gasperi Coalition
To Resign Today
ROME-(P)-Premier Alcide De
Gasperi's coalition government de-
cided last night to resign today,
clearing the way for a reorganiza-
tion he has planned since last
The decision came, by coinci-
dence, after a day in which Com-
munists demonstrated by the
thousands against Italian police
for the slaying of six foundry
workers in a riot at Modena Mon-
day. Communist spokesmen
threatened a new anti-govern-
ment campaign. These demonstra-
tions did not precipitate the cab-
inet crisis.
* * *
DE GASPERI, 68-year-old'
Christian Democratic chieftain, is
to submit his own resignation and
that of his ministers this morning
to President Luigi Einaudi, who
presumably will then ask him to
form a new government.
The Premier's party has an
absolute majority in the Cham-
ber of Deputies and control of
the Senate. He has run the
country lately with a coalition
of Christian Democrats, Liber-
als (Conservatives), middle-of-
the-road Republicans and Inde-
pendents. Though the Commun-
ist party is the second largest
in both the House and Senate,
it is barred from the cabinet.
De Gasperi hopes to form an-
other coalition, but a strong fac-
tion within his own party is ex-
pected to demand a government
made up solely of Christian Dem-
ocratic ministers.
* * *
THE PROPOSAL for a shakeup
dates back to the resignation of
Vice-Premier Giuseppe Saragat
and two other Labor Socialist
ministers from the cabinet three1
months ago. Internal differencesl


T o


NEW YORK - (/') - The Is-
brandtsen"Co., Inc., said last night
it is abandoning its efforts to get
its ship, the Flying Arrow, into
nationalist-patrolled Shanghai.
The company said in a state-
ment that the ship has been ord-
Hiss Defense
NEW YORK-(flP)-In a biting
cross examination, the govern-
ment yesterday turned its own
mental X-ray on the psychiatrist
who called Alger Hiss' accuser ab-
But the witness, Dr. Carl A. L.
Binger, remained unshaken in his
stand that Whittaker Chambers
is a "psychopathic personality"
and a seasoned liar.
* * *
ASSISTANT Prosecutor Thomas
F. Murphy dug deep into Dr.
Binger's own personality at times
to try to counter the attack on his
star witness, Chambers.
Chambers is the chief witness
at Hiss' perjury trial.
At other times Murphy went,
into recorded history to try to
show that great men of the past
have acted not unlike Chambers-
and never been called crazy for it.
POINT by point, Murphy took
up where he left. off Tuesday in
his examination of what Dr. Bin-
ger called Chambers' peculiarities.
Stealing was one of them.
"Did you ever steal a towel?"
Murphy asked Dr. Binger.
"I could not swear that I did or
did not," said the witness.
Chambers admitted taking news
stories from columns of the New
York Times and rewriting them
for the Communist Daily Worker,
when he once was employed on
the latter.
Dr. Binger had cited as unus-
ual Chambers' use of a hollowI
pumpkin to hide some of the pur-
ported evidence against Hiss.

ered to Tsingtao, which it called
the nearest safe port.
TSINGTAO also is Communist-
held. However, the company said
it did not anticipate any opposition
by the Nationalist government to
the Flying Arrow's docking there.
The Flying Arrow was- heav-
ily shelled Monday as it tried to
make its way into Shanghai
against the objections of the
Nationalist government.
"In view of the unexpected and
unwarranted attack (upon it) we
do not consider it justified to ex-
pose the vessel and crew to fur-
ther lawlessness," the company
THE COMPANY did not say
whether other of its ships, poised
for an attempt to reach Shanghai.
would be similarly diverted. The
statement said only:
"We are not, however, aband-
ing or interrupting our regular
services to Hong King and other
Chinese ports which we have
maintained for years and intend
to maintain."
(In Washington, the Navy said
orders to two U.S. destroyers to
stand by the Flying Arrow had
been withdrawn, and that the
ships were directed to leave the
Yangtze estuary. The destroyers
had helped the Flying Arrow make
The Navy said the order to the
two destroyers to withdraw fol-
lowed receipt of word from the
Flying Arrow that it had been re-
paired and was seaworthy for a
voyage to any port not farther
away than Hong Kong, which is
about 800 miles from the Yangtze
Isbrandtsen said the Nationalist
patrol of the waters off Shanghai
never was recognized as a legal
Therefore the company
branded as "loose talk" any at-
tempt to characterize its efforts
to reach Shanghai as blockade-
Furthermore, the company add-;
Id"Our vessels are not now and
never have carried contraband or
combat material to China."

Lewis Orders Coal Miners

-Daily-wally Barth
J-HOP BOUND-Janet Dewey, '51, left, sells J-Hop tickets to
three eager students. Left to right they are Herb Ailes, '52E, Bob
Herhusky, '51A, and Dick Frank, '52A. J-Hop is scheduled for Feb.
10 and 11 at the Intramural Bldg.
C Bias
join U',Bitg 'Ten Sports

LONDON-()-Ronald Uns-
worth Stocks had a system for
breaking up the drab routine
of his life in Dartmoor prison,
Authorities said Stocks, by
swallowing forks, spoons and
needles, had managed to make
six trips to hospitals for opera-
tions since 1946.
Last week doctors removed a
fork he had swallowed. He died
from shock after that opera-
tion. The coroner's verdict yes-
terday was: "death by misad-
Taft Blasts
Policy %..ont
Far East
WASHINGTON--(P) - Senator
Taft (R-Ohio) yesterday loosed a
scathing attack on the adminis-
tration's handling of foreign af-
fairs, particularly in China where
he said a "left-wing" group in
the State Department has defied
the general policy Congress laid
The Senate Republican policy
leaden flatly accused President
Truman of following an inconsist-
ent course in extending armed aid
to Europe to balk Communist ex-
pansion, while refusing similar as-
sistance to anti-Communist forces
in China.
* *,*
TAFT made these charges in a
1,400 word speech to the Senate
where foreign policy has been the
No. 1 topic since Mr. Truman an-
nounced last weekdthat this coun-
try will not provide arms to help
Chiang Kai Shek's forces defen;
the island of Formosa against the
Chinese Communists.
Senator Vandenberg (R-Mich.),
long the chief GOP foreign policy
spokesman in the Senate, joined
with Taft in urging that Congress
be given an expert appraisal of the
place Formosa holds in the Paci-
fic military picture.
The Ohioan took the Senate
floor as Secretary of State Ach-
eson was giving members of the
House foreign affairs committee
a general review of United
States foreign policy in a closed
door session.
Acheson said that the State
Department in sticking to its'
position that the United States
can best combat Communism in
the Orient through an economic
aid program for those lands still
outside the Red orbit.
* * *
TAFT, however, insisted that
this country should take a direct
stand now against a further Red
advance in the Far East by send-
ing arms help to Formosa.

among the Labor Socialists
the cause.
Los, Angel es


Area Jarred
By Earthquake
LOS ANGELES-(/P)-A jarring
earthquake shook a wide band of
southern California at 4:41 p.m.
yesterday inland some 75 miles to
San Bernardino.
There were no reports of dam-
* * *
CITIZENS flooded police and
newspaper switchboards with calls
in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills,
Hollywood, Glendale and other
foothill citie§.
Prof. Charles F. Richter of Cali-
fornia Institute of Technology,;
Pasadena, said the quake did not
appear strong enough to °have
caused much loss, and probably
centered "not more than 15 miles"
from Pasadena.
It didn't feel like a small
shock to occupants of tall civic
center buildings in Los Angeles,
"We thought the Hall of Jus-
tice was going to tip over," said
newspapermen in the ninth floor
pressroom. "The building rolled
and twisted as it rocked and
* * *
ONE REPORTER said it was
the hardest jolt he had felt in his
18 years of covering city hall.
The quake was felt light in
Long Beach, but it apparently
was not noticed at Santa Moni-
Farther west at Santa Barbaral
there were no reports of a quake.
San Bernardino which lies close
to the San Andreas Fault felt the
quake, but El Centro, in the Im-
perial Valley, did not.
Burn Cross at
UOklahoma T'
NORMAN, Okla.-()--A group
identified as University of Okla-!
homa students burned a 15-foot
high cross just off the campus
here Tuesday night as the Com-
munist party chairman in Okla-
homa spoke to some 40 persons.
The group demonstrated against
Allan Shaw's address, which was

Discrimination against any ath-
lete because of his race or reli-
gion is not a policy or practice
here at the University or in the
Big-Ten, according to Ernie M4c-
Coy, basketball coach.
McCoy was replying to charges
made in a; letter to the Editor of
The Daily appearing on page four
of this issue which claimed that
Negro athletes competing for plac-,
es on any teams other than foot-
ball and track at Big Ten schools
were discriminated against.
* * *
"TO MY knowledge, as a mat-
Drucker Sees
More Jobs for
As long as the American econ-
omy, technology and population
continues to expand as it has in
the past 50 years, there will be a
great and growing need for high-
ly trained college graduates in
the industrial world, according to
Peter F. Drucker, writer, teacher
and eminent economist.I
"This need reflects a sound eco-
nomic trend," Drucker said. "The
elimination of a skill through'the
production of machines, which
will do more and more of the la-
borer's work, requires a tremen-
dous amount of skill in its own
To produce a new machine,
Drucker explained to a business
administration audience last night,
it takes many engineers, design-
ers, managers on all levels, sales-
men, and numerous other mem-
bers of the newly risen industrial
middle class.
"A phenomenon of the twen-
tieth century, this industrial mid-
dle class has grown from nothing
to perhaps 30 percent of the non-
farming population," Drucker
pointed out.
"Because this class is close
endugh to all other groups in the
country to be generally accepted,"
Drucker said, "it has become the
leading class and must assume'
the responsibility of guiding the
massive political-economic struc-
ture of modern America."

ter of fact," McCoy added, "dis-
criminatory practices in Western
Conference or University athletics
have never even been discussed in
or out of official circles."
"In, the first place," McCoy
said, "Indiana's Negro center,
Bill Garrett, who can play ball
on a team of mine anytime, is
not the first Negro basketballer
to play in the Big Ten."
"The last three years that the
University of Chicago was in the
league, they had a Negro athlete
playing for them," McCoy said.
* * *
AS FAR as Michigan is con-
cerned," McCoy continued, "there
has been only one Negro try out
for the basketball team in the
ten years that I've been here---
and he was Len Ford."
Ford could have been a good
basketball player, McCoy indi-
cated, but football kept him
from reporting till late. He de-
veloped many bad habits play-
ing unorganized ball which
needed a lot of work to erase,
and he didn't find the time for
the necessary practice."
who is good enough will be playing
for us regardless of his color."
"As a coach," McCoy concluded,'
"I can only pick, from the boys
who try out for the team, the five
who I think will do the best job."
You can be sure that any man

Industry To
Retain Three
Day Week
Some Mines May
Work Full Week
WASHINGTON - (') - John L.
Lewis yesterday gave nearly 70,000
striking coal miners a signal to
resume work Monday-but he kept
the industry on a three-day work
This was the second straight
week in which groups of Lewis'
United Mine Workers stayed com-
pletely idle, so industry leaders
wondered out loud whether other
regional strikes are coming next
JOHN D. BATTLE, executive
vice-president of the National Coal
Association, summed up operator
feeling with this comment:
"Lewis has set a pattern of
sporadic strikes and there is no
guarantee there won't be further
United Mine Workers officials in
Rock Springs, Wyo., however, said
they had received an order from
national headquarters which may
put a number of mines back on a
six day week.
The officials, who did not wish
to be identified, said the order
specified that mines may return to
the six-day week, with time and
a half for overtime, with permis-
sion of the district 22 (Utah-Wyo-
ming) president. This applies only
to signatories of the new bitumin-
ous wage agreement.
CLAMR grew in Congress,
meanwhile, for President Truma
to step in to restore the normal
five-day work week in the soft
coal fields:
1. Six Republican senators in-
troduced a resolution calling on
Mr. Truman to invoke the Taft-
Hartley law's emergency provis-
ions to restore full production. Mr.
Truman has so far contended the
three-day week has caused no fuel
2. Rep. Jacobs (D-Ind.), a labor
attorney who favors repeal of the
Taft-Hartley law, told reporters
the White House should invoke
the law's court injunction provi-
sions to get full production going
again in his home state--plus
other midwest states "and any-
where else it's needed."
* * * ,
"ANY TIME you shut down an
entire industry you've gone too
far," Jacobs said. "Many labor
men have approved my position.
Remember, they burn coal too."
The Indiana Congressman
said the coal situation was dis-
cussed briefly during a visit he
made to the White House yes-
terday, but he declined to elab-
Some 32,650 miners have been
on strike this week in Pennsylvan-
ia, 17,500 in West Virginia, 6,000 in
Alabama, 5,000 in Kentucky, 4,000
in Ohio, 990 in Utah and 250 in
Virginia. About 1,000 in Wyoming
went on strike yesterday.
Engine Senior
Dues Payable

Senior class dues of engineers
i who graduate in February will be
collected from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Monday and Tuesday on the sec-
ond floor of the West Engineering
Bldg. and the lobby of East En-
Dues of June and August grad-
uates will be collected at registra-
tion next semester according to
Engineering Senior class president
Bill Upthegrove, '50E.
The one dollar dues will go to
cover organization costs of com-
mencement announcements, sen-
ior ball, class reunions, publica-
tions and other class functions put
on by the slip-stick pushers.
Spending Policies

SL Committee Told To "Look


into "U' Sports Fees

Students Told To Fiddle
While Professors Burn

Students of the University.
This might well be the rallying
cry of overworked students, if they
heed the advice of an article ap-
pearing in the current issue of a
national magazine for "young
DISCUSSING THE tribulations
of professor-plagued students, the
article sanctioned student strikes
as an appropiriate measure in
event of over-lengthy assignments.
In a sweeping declaration, the
article plays upon smoldering
student discontent with the
fighting phrase: "Make your
teachers work!"1
How to approach this task?
First, students must beware of

Student Legislature last night
set a fire under its varsity com-
mittee in that group's investiga-
tion of student tennis court fees
charged and collected by the Board
in Control of Intercollegiate Ath-
The Legislature instructed the
committee to "look further" into
why the University charges fees
for sports the students participate
in themselves for recreation and
exercise, to list students objections1
to the fees and to ask the Athletic
Department for a financial report
on costs and charges.
Ed. Reifel, SL cabinet member,
clarified the University's lost and
found system. "All articles found

velop your deep-seated intellect,
the article advises.
* * *
UNIVERSITY professors ques-
tioned in a Daily poll pooh-poohed
the possibility of student rebel-
"There are ways and there are
ways," remarked Prof. Norman
Anning of the mathematics de-
partment knowingly. "I've never
seen the student yet who could-
n't accomplish two hours work
in 80 minutes. And as for ex-
He then cited a story culled from
his younger days about the stu-
dent who had his history at hisl
fingertips and when the proctorl
appeared, put his finger in his

on campus except in the law
school, grad school and Union
should be turned into the lost
and found department on the
second floor of the Administration
Building," he said.
SL approved the following com-
mittee chairman appointments by
the cabinet: George Roumel, cam-
pus action; Dave Belin, citizen-
ship; Chuck Murray, cultural and
educational; Dorianne Zipper-
stein, NSA; Leonard Wilcox, pub-
licity and Bob Vogt, varsity. Oth-
er appointments were: Howard
Johnson, parliamentarian; George
Qua, Tug Week chairman and
Adele Hager, Student Affairs Com-
mittee representative.

Budaopesers To Play .Tomorrow

Playing the first concert in the
Tenth Annual Chamber Music

the Library of Congress--gener-
ally recognized as the focal center
of eminent chamber music per-

Mischakoff and Emanuel Zetlin at
the Philadelphia Settlement
School. In 1933, he became con-

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