PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN I) LILY WEDNESDAY. JANVAR4 11 ASQ. THE MICIIIGAN P2~fli'V WNF~flAV IA'NITTA'R.V 11 14~ft Ii a+.F/lt i:iF3id.R7,i tR Cf.L :Jtilla.i, iia l'7.7V f a' CINDERELLA WEEKEND: Pumpkin Pays Off for Lucky Local Lady The pumpkin, an innocent ve-T * * * * getable, has once again been used for unusual purposes. Yesterday it determined the winner of the Cinderella Week- end telecast show, Mrs. Beulah Haynes, of Ann Arbor, who ans- were the - "pumpkin (jackpot) question" and won a chance to compete for a trip to Hollywood. * , TELECAST FROM Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre in honor of the WUOM dedication week, the audi- ence participation show is a regu- lar WWJ and WWJ-FM feature. Mrs. Haynes, who admittedly never won anything in her life said it was a new and very thrilling experience which left her feeling "shaky." "I didn't even have a chance to realize that I was on television," she remarked. An Ann Arborite for 26 years, Mrs. Haynes is a housewife. Quizzed about her possible trip to Hollywood, she said, "I haven't really thought about it. I'm not even sure I'd want to go if I should win." Mrs. Haynes will compete next week in Detroit in the finals for the trip to California. I Enires Due In Contest to Name Entries are due at noon tomor- row in the "name-a-table" con- test sponsored by the Student Leg- islature Human Relations Com- mittee and the Union. The winner will receive three weekends of free entertainment: tickets for two to "Topper Takes a Trip," Friday and Saturday; the Union's Bluebook Ball Jan. 21; and "Joan of Arc," Feb. 19. THE CONTEST is being held to get a snappy name for an inter- national table, to be set up in the Union taproom. The table will be available ev- ery afternoon where anyone may gather to discuss matters of in- terest with students of other countries or nationalities. Entries must contain suggested name for the table and contest- ant's name, address and telephone number and any number of en- tries will be accepted, according to Bud Brooks, Union HR repre- sentative. Entries may be mailed or turn- ed in to the Union Student Offices. Winner will be announced in Fri- day's Daily. Three Men LosL LANSING-(P)-State Police re- ported yesterday that three men are believed lost on Saginaw Bay- two being blown off their feet and into open water by a 50 mile-an- hour wind while the third was last seen being blown out into Lake Huron on an ice cake.j £~ A -Daily-Wally Barth CINDERELLA-Mrs. Beulah Haynes, winner of the audience participation show Cinderella Week-end, telecast from the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre yesterday is presented with a wristwatch by announcer Dave Zimmerman (left) and master of ceremonies Johnny King. She will have an opportunity to compete for a trip to Hollywood on Friday's show, to be broadcast from Detroit. Two New Service Courses Offered Two new courses have been add- ed to the Extension Service cur- riculum-home gardening and public speaking. Creating Garden Pictures, is be- ing taught by Ruth Mosher Place. Practical Public Speaking which begins tomorrow will be taught by Prof. G. E. Densome and John J.; Dreher. Mason Recital Set For Today Marilyn Mason, of the music school, will give an organ recital at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Audi- torium, assisted by, the University String Orchestra under Conductor Emil Raab. Miss Mason will begin the pro- gram with the Orchestra playing Handel's Concerto in F Major and "Three Sonatas for Organ and Strings" by Mozart. The concert will continue with three solo organ works. The orchestra will conclude the concert with "Slow Piece for String Orchestra" by Prof. Ross Lee Fin- ney, of the music school, and "Prelude and Allegro for Organ and Strings" by Piston. MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Phone 23-24-1 HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M. RATES LINES 1DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .50 1.02 1.68 3 .60 1.53 2,52 4 .80 2.04 4.80 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline doily except Saturday is 3 P.M. Saturdays, 11:30 A.M. for Sunday Issue. FORSALE ABC IRONER - Original price $129. Leaving for California, must sell at once! Excellent mechanical condi- tion. $35. Phone Ypsi 2272Mll. )43 TUXEDO AND TAILS-Size 38-40 short. Call 84013 after 5. )44 HOUSE TRAILER-21 ft., refrigerator, bottle gas, oil heat. Call R. Malmberg, 9291, between 7-8 p.m. )45 FEBRUARY GRADUATES who sub- scribe to Time now get the student rate of $4.75 a year (instead of $6.00). Not only this year out for the next 5 years. Phone Student Periodical Ag- ency, 2-8242. )3 LIGHI"-WEIGHT BICYCLES - Man's and woman's, 3-speed gears, hand brakes ,baskets, lights. Practically new. $40- both [or $75. Call 9050. (42 POPULAR KNEE SOX [or campus win- ter wear. In colors of white, green and yellow. Only 79c a pai. COUSINS on State Street )2 COME IN and see the new Parker "21". Priced at only $5.00. Penandapencil set for $8.75......t the Tobacco couinterl in CALKINS-FLETCHER State at N. University )5 CANARIES, Parakeets & Tropical BIrds. Bird soplies and cages. Mrs. Ruffins, _ 562 S. 7th. Phone 5330._ )2B INVENTORY SALE Navy "T" shirts, 45c; 100% wool ath- letic hose, 49c; B-I5 typesjackets, $8.88; all wool flannel pants, $6.49; plastic raincoats, $2.49. Sam's Store, 122 F Washington.) REAL ESTATEj FRAT ERNITY SORORITY{ Two-family or rooming house. Now being used as two fainly (duplex). Can be converted very easily into single. 17 rooms, 4 complete baths, 4 extra lavatories and toilets. Two low-pressure steam oil burning heat- ing plats. Building in good repair. If you are in the market for this type of property, make arrangements to see it soon, as it will only be on the market for one month. Call 2-2571. Evenings call Mr. Newton, 6125, Fred H. Greiner 8605 or Mr. Johnson 5920. Brooks-Newton Realty Inc., Realtors. )3E FURNISHED NEW HOUSE-3 bedrooms February to September. References. Daily Box 209. )4E 25c TO 5 P.M. 35c EVENING CONTINUOUS FROM 1:30 P.M. Today & Thursday BUSINESS SERVICES_ SYLVIA STUDIO OF DANCE - Ball- room, tap, acrobatic, ballet. Over Michigan'Theatre. Phone 8066. )32B LEAVE JUNIOR with a reliable baby sitter while you go out-anytime. Kiddie Kare, 3-1121. )35B NEARLY NEW SHOP -Fur and cloth coats. formals, suits. 109i2 E. Wash- ington over Dietzel's. Phone 2-4669. 27B EFFICIENT. EXPERT, PROMPT type- writer repair service. Moseley's Type- writer and Supply Company, 214 E. Washington.Phone5888. )5B SHIRTS-Nine hour service (by re- quest). Three day service (regular service). Ace Laundry, 1116 S. Uni- versity. )21B HAVE YOUR typewriter repaired by the (Alice E U~ipment SeliVICe C'xompany, _215E,. Liberty. )16B3 ILDEGARDE SHOPPE 109 E. Washington Expert Alterations Custom Clothes Established Tradition )3_B PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR Van Doren Clarinet Reeds Box of 25 - $4.50 New and Used Instruments 209 E. Washington )4B WASHING and /r ironing done inmy own home. Free pick-up and deliv- ery. Phone 2-9020. )1B LOST ANDFOUND - LOST-A gold Boulevard watch, expan- sion band, in League. Need desperate- ly! Contact J. Singer, 9322. __ 24L LOST-Pair of pink shell-rimmed glass- es between Couzens Hall and the Michigan Theatre Sunday afternoon. Call Marijo Loomis, 2-2521, Ext. 105. )21L LADIES yellow gold waltham wrist watch lost Saturday, Jan. 7 between Union and Tappan. If found notify Elaine Nagelvoort, Ph._2-4514. ) 22L LOS-Maroon Schaeffer pen. Vinity campus, Friday. Sheila Millman, 9388. _____) 23L LOST -- Brown suede lady's handbag. Between Division St. and Union, Dec. 16. Contains silver card case. Re- ward. Call 2-8242. )3 LOST--Pearl necklace, Saturday p.m. Phone 250_Prescott, EastQuad. )20L LOST-Gold Bulova lady's watch,black band. Reward. G. Gregory, 3-1511, Ext. 2145. )18L Continuous from 1 P.M. - LAST TIMES TODAY - R- ertARTSHU R JanetLEG -STA RTS TH URSDAY - ROOMS FOR RENT COMFORTABLE single room One mile from campus. Available Jan. 15. Ph. 2-1600. )42R ROOM for one male student. $5 per week. Ph. 6517. )43R BRING YOUR week-end guests to the Pierce Transit Home. 1133 E. Ann. Phone'6415. )lR WOMAN GRAD STUDENT to share double room in quiet private home. Close to campus. Available spring semester. Call virginia 5-6 p.m., 2-0706. 41R WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT for student and wife in June. 1950. Expected oc- cupancy-three years. Contact Ralph Brandt, 2-5696. )41W VETERAN STUDENT couple will glad- ly take furnished apartment off your hands for spring semester. Call 3-1917 after 6. )14N TEACHING FELLOW and grad. stu- dent research assistant wife can't afford car. Need apartment with kitchen near University. Call David Beardslee, 3-4322. }15N FOR RENT- DOUBLE ROOM on first floor next to bath. Private study room and cook- ing privileges if required. Half block from bus line or10 .minutes walk to campus. Available Feb. 1. Ph. 2-5520. -- )26F VACANCIES in Cal -~room.~ Fraternity District. Call 3-4590. 1702 Hill. )24F FURNISHED year-round cottage for rent. All modern conveniences. 7721 Shady Beach Drive, Horseshoe Lake. CallDetroit, venice 9-3088. )23F DO YOU KNOW ... that the New York Giants of 1948 hit 221 homeruns, an all-time major league record? III IT'S PERSONAL BABY SITTING-Middle-aged woman, transportation provided, 50 cents per hour. Phone 2-2722 or 25-0035. )52P THE PHONE is driving me nuts-but I love it! Everyone is calling 2-2915 to find out where they can buy the new pictorial magazine, CAMPUS. It will , be on sale every two weeks starting Feb. 8. A few good staff positions are still open for people who don't faint when they hear the word "work." Al Forman. )53P LEARN TO DANCE Jimmie Hunt Dance Studio 209 S. State Phone 8161 )IP CLUB 211 BULLETIN - New Club 211 Policy-No expiration date on meal tickets! Tick~ets hon- ored on any day. Need not be used on consecutive days. Your ticlcet ex- pires only when all meals have been punched. J.D.M. )42P JOE--Thanks for tipping me off to the daily 39c luncheon special at J. D. Miller's Cafeteria. It really does in- clude an entree, potato, vegetable, bread and butter, and beverage. What a buy! Al. )42P a STUDENTS-And otherwise I Attention The Michiganensian must put in its order for the number of 1950 ' 'Ensians to be printed, by January 31, 1950. Please order yours today-so that we may order your 'Ensian for you. )51P CORRECT FOREIGN ACCENT rapidly by international phonetic alphabet method. Individual instruction. Cer- tifled correctionist. Phone 2-8439. )50P MISCELLANEOUS TYPING done at home. Ph. 2-0030. )2M GRADUATE STUDENT wants part tim~e employment in return for room, or roomand board. Ph. 6320 after 7:00 p.m. Bressler. )IM i 04 HERE! DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The DEPARTMENT OF SPEECH presents THE By Herman Wouk '. 1 Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Assistant to the President, Room 2552 Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m. en the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1950 VOL. LX., No. 77 Notices Approved Student Sponsored So- cial Events for the coming week- end: January 13 Acacia Zeta Beta Tau January 14 Alpha Delta Phi Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Tau Omega Delta Sigma Delta Phi Kappa Sigma Phi Rho Sigma Phi Sigma Kappa Prescott House-Jordan Hall Psi Upsilon Theta Chi Triangle BUREAU OF APPOINTMENTS: Pan American Union is looking for a Head Librarian for the Co- lumbus Memorial Library, Wash- ington, D.C. Experience and lang- uage background required. U.S. Civil Service Commission announces examinations for ele- mentary, secondary, and vocation- al teachers, and teacher-advisors, for duty in the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Training in education is required. The La Salina School of the Creole Petroleum Corp., Maracai- bo, Venezuela, will need teachers in the following fields for 1950-51: primary, interdmeiate, and music- kindergarten. Age: 25-35 with 5 years of elementary experience. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments. BUREAU OF APPOINTMENTS: A representative of the Air Ma- teriel Command of Wright Patter- son Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio, will be at the Bureau of Appoint- ments on Fri., Jan. 13, to discuss professional placement opportuni- ties with February and June 1950 graduates. They are interested in Physicists, Chemists, and Metal- lurgists as well as Aeronautical, Electrical and Mechanical engi- neers. Applicants must take a civil service examination to qualify for the positions available. For fur- ther information call the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Adminis- tration Bldg. BUREAU OF APPOINTMENTS: Air Products, Inc., Allentown, Pa., is interested in securing the services of two chemical engineer- ing graduates of the class of Feb- ruary 1950. They are interested only in Masters degree candidates. Work emphasis is on the physical and mechanical aspects of chemi- cal engineering. The Bauer and Black Division of the Kendall Company of Chicago, Illinois, is interested in direct ap- plications from February 1950 graduates for positions in their two-year management training program. Scholarship must be above average, and the applicant must give some evidence of leader- ship as shown in extra-curricular activity and part time or vacation work experience. All applicants must be four-year college gradu- ates and preference is frequently given those who have specialized in engineering, Business Adminis- tration, or science. The R u s s e I1 Manufacturing Company of Caro, Michigan, is in- terested in February 1950 gradu- ates with an interest in sales. Po- sition will eventually lead to sales management. The Kremers - Urban Company of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is inter- ested in hiring men for sales posi- tions in the pharmaceutical field. Married students with a back- ground in the sciences (Zoology, Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, etc.) are preferred. Salary, ex- penses, and commission. For further information on the above announcements, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Bldg. The United States Civil Service Commission announces an exami- nation for Chemist (Trainee) and Engineer (Trainee). Grades open from GS-2 to GS-4. The City of Pleasant Ridge, Mi- chigan, announces the position of Community Center Director will be vacant on February 1, 1950. Sal- ary: $2965/per annum. Only fe- male applicants are desired. The National Research Council announces opportunities for Re- search Careers for graduates in Science and Mathematics for work' in fundamental research and in many phases of applied research, post-graduate training at the doc- torate level is required. A limited r rnnw'-w -r -ir-rrr- r r r - -r-r-r-rr TELEVISION NIGHTLY Stop Here for LUNCH Genuine Italian SPAGHETTI with Salad, Rolls, and Coffee 75c "Give your taste a treat" at LACASA 302 S. Main --Ph. 8916 number of high ranking "Bache- lors" and "Masters" will be con- sidered. Closing date: January 21. For additional information on the above announcements, please call the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg. Camp Position. Representative of North Star Camp (coed), in the Hiawatha National Forest, upper peninsula, will be at the Bureau of Appointments Saturday a.m., Jan. 14, to interview for positions of Arts and Crafts Counselor (ex- perienced), camp nurse, and camp doctor (MD). For appointment call University extension 2614. University Community Center, Willow Village: (Continued on Page 3) "A play of remarkable ideological and dra- matic tension.".-New York Herald-Tribune STUDENT RATE Wed. and ur. . 48c TONIGHT Through SATURDAY January 11-14 8:00 P.M. Tickets $l .20 - 90C - 60C (tax incl.) Box Office Open 10 A.M. - 5 P.M. Daily, Phone 6300 Lydia Mendelssohn Theater ORPHEUM CINEMA TRIUMPHS Does a woman dare to listen when her heart igs starring WANDA H ENDRIX CLAUDE R AINS MACDONALD CA REY Andrea King A Mitchell LEISEN Production PrdcdbyRcad abu FRIDAY GEORGE RAFT Virginia MAYO, RE~A- U UNTEDART STS .i I . C .4 JUST PACKED FULL OF, AMUSEMENT!! I- - Produced by Rsh rd Maibaum Plus "HIDEOUT" 1 I i i ,r t oy 3 1 t, M7 UTEY -- LAST TIMES TODAY Matinees 30c 'til 5 -- Nights 40c No,.. mainL -..pp. u ±JAJc C.. ____,_____,_____ THE BOWERY BOYS 'LOGRE n %w L . W ' A MONOGRAM CUR ML UR u y ; "wit 11IT7 UIRA .. I I n W AnTw MU"' ,, 4. u I i _ w up numIL nALL =0 A1UW IM MuffalLtt ,J Playing Through MI(HIGANThursday MICHIGAN44c until 5 P.M. I WHEN TRAVELING George and lII Ne~w Haven, Cc iiI:i ® Fa'i7 WnNJ ew avnGore;w THE NEW 1950 I lEN S hAN I Harry's is a favorite student gathering spot. At George and Harry's-Coca-Cola is On Sale Wednesday and Thursday ( 76F7 R @ mm -- UI I s ' /.mar y / t/