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January 11, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-01-11

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Latest Deadline in the State





Journalist Dies


Death Takes Arthur Stace,
Editor of Ann Arbor News
Arthur W. Stace, editor of the Ann Arbor News and prominent
in Michigan journalistic circles, died of a heart ailment yesterday
while vacationing in Fort. Lauderdale, Florida.
Stace, director of the Ann Arbor Bureau of Booth Newspapers,
Inc., was taken ill early Saturday.
* * * *
IN TRIBUTE to the 74-year-old newsman, President Alexander
G. Ruthven said that "his many friends will be deeply grieved at
- the news of Arthur Stace's passing. He is known to all of us as one

SAC Sends
Back IFC's
Bias Motion
Claim Resolution
Fails Objectives
Student Affairs Committee yes-
t er d a y referred Interfraternity
Council's anti-discrimination res-
olution back to IFC for further
study and consideration.
The SAC stated "That the Com-
mittee is in sympathy with the
objectives stated on this date by
the representatives of IFC but
feels that, in its present form, the
resolution will not achieve these
objectives and so refers it back to
IF for further study and consid-
THE COMMITTEE had previ-
ously tabled the resolution in or-
der to hold hearings from IFC
representatives and those oppos-
ing the proposal at its meeting
Passed last month by a vote
of 21-14 by IFC house presi-
dents, the resolution asked the
SAC to suspend any fraternity
that fails, by Jan 1, 1951, to pe-
tition its national office for re-
moval of any bias clauses in the
fraternity's constitution.
It had replaced one originally
introduced which asked-the Com-
mittee to require every fraternity
to introduce at its next national
convention a motion asking that
bias clauses be removed from the
fraternity constitution.
dent, spoke for the proposal. He
declared that the motion was a
compromise after ample discus-
sion among the house presidents.
"The resolution is not only to
eliminate discriminatory claus-
es but to gain individual chap-
ter autonomy in the matter of
selecting members."
After the meeting, Jacobson
commented, "The rejection of the
motion is liable to have serious
effects on the further work of IFC
against discrimination clauses.
But IFC will further consider the
subjectand again take action on
that the measure be defeated,
(1.) The resolution was passed
without adequate investigation
by IFC, being an investigation
of fraternity and not individual
(2.) Meetings of Interfratern-
ity Committee on Discrimina-
tion, a group set up by the Coun-
cil to study the problem, were
attended only voluntarily, and
that attendance was "sadly
lacking" and "not representa-
tive" of the Council;
(3.) Theresolution Was over-
shadowed by ulterior motives to
stop pressure on IFC by outside
groups and to stop the present
investigation of discrimination.
Dick Morrison, IFC vice-presi-
dent and chairman of IFCD, de-
fended the motion. He declared
that attendance to IFCD was vol-
untary to "represent voluntary ef-
forts and to get a true opinion of
individuals on the committee-not
to be forced into work."

Labor Party
Fate To Be
Pick Parliament
On February 23
LONDON-(P)--Prime Minister
Atlee today called a general elec-
tion for Feb. 23.
Britain's 33,000,000 voters on
that date will elect a new House of
Commons in what promises to be
one of the most bitterly fought
political contests in recent Brit-
ish history.


Want One?
G. Janus may not want the four
beautiful Egyptian dancing
girls he says he inherited, but
plenty of American males are
ready to take them off his
r 4.. F hands.
Three students at Mississippi
State College, signing the
names of Guy, Skeeter and Er-
nest, wrote:
"We three lonesome, desolate,
disgusted boys at this uncoedu-
cational school will be pleased
to relieve you of your entire
The letter was one of scores
of offers Janus says he has
received for the unexpected

E lection


Simm -- .0

Tanks for China

Turkish Ship
To Sail Today.
For Formosa
U.S. Destroyers
Aid Flying Arrow
By The Associated Press
hundred U.S. Army tanks and
armored cars were being loaded
yesterday aboard a Turkish
freighter here for shipment to the
Chinese Nationalists at Formosa.
The equipment was sold from
"excess to immediate United
States needs." It had been in stor-
age at the Lima, 0., ordnance de-
In Washington, the Chinese
Embassy said the tanks and cars
were purchased under the $125,-
000,000 aid program voted China
by Congress in 1948.
* * *
THE ONLY description and in-
dication of designation was pro-
vided by this bill of lading on one
of the 90 flatcars which are being
loaded aboard the freighter:
"The Chinese Government is
Paying for packing, handling,
and transportation direct, and
not from funds allotted to the
Department of Defense.
"Markings peculiar to the Army
Armored Command, except that
of the registration number will
be removed from the vehicles."
Government sources in Wash-
ington reported that the shipment
included 70 medium tanks, 100
armored cars and 100 scout cars.
They said another 30 tanks left
this country for Formosa aboudt A
week ago.

Broadcast U'
- Phoenix Plan
WUOM Carries Story
To RadioAudience
The Michigan Memorial-Phoe-
nix Project received nationwide
attention last night when its uni-
que aims were reported on a world
news program over a coast-to-
coast hookup.
The news program was also car-
ried by University FM radio sta-
tion WUOM, as a part-6f the cele-
bration of the 25th birthday of
the University Broadcasting Serv-
Phoenix Project is a $6,500,000 re-
search project devoted to peace-
time uses of atomic energy.
It is also a memorial to the
World War II dead of the Uni-
Over the, air, the Project was
described as being more concerned
with the "implications rather than
the applications" of atomic ener-
Dean Ralph A. Sawyer, of the
graduate school, that $7,200 have
been granted three research proj-
ects under Phoenix sponsorship
was also reported over the air.
The grants were made by the'
" preliminary planning committee
of the Project.
Dr. William H. Beierwaltes, of
the medical school, was granted
$3,000 to continue his study of why
the administration of iodine af-
fects thyroid activity and to find
out how much iodine is needed:
for effective results.
ANOTHER $3,000 grant . was
made to Prof. H. R. Crane, of the
physics department, to continue
work on the development of a su-
per-Geiger counter.
Prof. Robert J. Lowery of the
Botany department and Prof.
Robley Williams of the physics
department were granted the re-
maining $1,200 to continue chro-
mosome investigations using:
Phosphorus 31, to support the,
Mendelian genetics law.
DP Commnission
Denies Charges
that persons suspected of being
Communists were cleared for en-
try into the United States as dis-
placed persons brought a hot re-

i Michigan's ablest editors and as
a public spirited citizen."'
Vice-President Marvin Nie-
huss called Stace "a steadfast
friend of the University and of
education. Hie was one of Mich-
igan's outstanding citizens and
his death is a loss to the entire
Stace's death was termed "the
loss of a great supporter of the
University" by Cleland Wyllie-of
the University News Service.
A NATIVE of Marshall, Mich.,
Stace spent a half century in
newspaper work in Michigan.
He was graduated from Notre
Dame University in 1896, and
the next year became a reporter
for the Grand Rapids Demo-
crat, now defunct.
A few months later he moved
over to the Grand Rapids Press
and remainedwithdthat paper un-
til joining the Booth system.
GOING to the Grand Rapids
Press as telegraph editor, Stace
served from 1913 to 1923 as man-
aging editor before becoming a
special writer and research work-
er for Booth.
He headed the state bureau
from 1927 to 1934, and in the
following year joined the Ann
Arbor News, a Booth member.
Stace was married in 1899 to
the former Lillian M. O'Connor of
Grand Rapids. She died in Sept.,
HE LEAVES two sons, Donald
Tirvn- Srirrin ~_nr~ v

THE ISSUE will be between
Atlee's Labor government, which
in nearly five years of rule has
espoused socialism, state planning
and nationalization of industry,
and Winston Churchill's Conserv-
atives, who defend free enterprise.
But both uphold "welfare state"
The election was called at a
moment regarded by many ob-
servers as favorable to the La-
borites, despite the defeat in the
last six weeks of two Labor
governments in New Zealand
and Australia.
The parties will nominate their
candidates officially Feb. 13.
The new Parliament will meet
March 1 to be sworn in and to
elect a speaker. King George will
open the new Parliament.
* .
observance of the 50th jubilee an-
niversary of its founding on Feb.
3 in order not to interrupt a full-
tilt campaign.
Labor fills 390 seats in the 640
seats in the present House of
Commons. The Conservatives
have 194.
Both the Labor and Conserva-
tive parties are expected to nomi-
nate candidates for every one of
the 625 seats in the new House.
* * *
A NEW representation law elim-
inated 15 seats of the old House.
Twelve of them were those to
which the big universities were
Thus a majority in the new
Commons will be 313.
The old House of Commons was
elected for a maximum term of
five years in July, 1945. Atlee took
over on July 26, 1945, in the mid-
dle of the Potsdam Conference.
CHURCHILL, despite a brilliant
record of victorious war-time
leadership, was defeated in 1945
on a wave of popular impatience
for the social reforms and better
living promised during the hard
times of the war Wvith Hitler.
World News
By The Associated Press
kob A. Malik angrily walked out of
the U.N. Security Council yester-
day because the other delegates
would not kick out Nationalist
China's delegation.
DETROIT - His faked story
that he was kidnaped brought a
10-day jail sentence yesterday
for William Thomas, elderly
watchman-janitor at CIO Unit-
ed Auto Workers headquarters.
* * *
ROME-Communist-led strikes
emptied many factories and snarl-
ed Italy's railroads yesterday.
publican demands for an inves-
tigation into the firing of Ad-
miral Louis E. Denfeld delayed
Senate action yesterday on 'the
nomination of Admiral Forrest
P. Sherman to succeed Denfeld
as Chief of Naval Operations.
* * *
WASHINGTON-An early hear-
ing - but nothing more - was

-Daily-Herb Harrington
ROYAL TALK-King Peter, II, of Yugoslavia, told a Hill Audi-
torium audience last night that the people of his country want
peace and freedom. Presenting the long history, of the Balkan
peoples' struggle for freedom, the King described the Yugoslav as
an independent man who "will not bargain with ideas."
Kig eici' Asks Freedom
From Reds F dugoslavia
"International politicians are over-looking the true spirit of my
country, in giving support to the small Communist Party in Yugo-
slavia," King Peter, II, declared in a Hill Auditorium lecture last night.
At the end of the war, "my people were given communism, misery
and fear instead of freedom," he said.
* * *

PLEADING FOR freedom a
characterized the average Yugos.
in God, his own hard work and h
Citing the long history of
the Yugoslavs, the King calledi
* * *
Ding A ttacks
Titro s Policies
In Yugoslavia
Tito is killing personal initia-
tive in Yugoslavia with his pres-
ent nationalization program, King
Peter II, exiled ruler of that coun-
try said last night.
In an interview backstage at
Hill Auditorium, the King declar-
ed that Tito is "economically and
absolutely ruining the country.''
"He'll have to keep appealing
for external aid to keep his pres-
etprogram going."
nationalized co-operatives are re-
sented by the people, wiho resist
the changes as long as they can
the King said.
Most of the people of Yugo-
slavia, are neither pro-Tito nor
pnro-Cominform, the King de-
clared, adding that they like a
democratic government.
In case of war between Tito an
Russia, "I don't think the peopl
would fight Russia; Tito woul
but the people wouldn't support
war against such odds."
ent rogam oin "

nd peace for his country, the King
lav as a small farmer who "believes
his own freedom."
battles and political upheavals of
it an "epic of unconquerable spirit
" pitted agains t overwhelming
During the war, Yugoslavia had
complete faith in the Allies, and
"threw herself into the fight at
the very moment that Great Brit-
ain stood alone against the axis."
* * *
BUT TITO started his resist-
ance only after Russia entered
the conflict, he said.
- Tito's partisans were a revo-
g lutionary group who wanted to
- establish a Communist Yugosla-
via, and were not representative
t of the feelings of most of the
- people, the King explained.
d "We had nothing to ask for in
World War II but the chance to
g complete the job of uniting the
various social, cultural, and reli-
gious groups composing Yugosla-
via into one nation."

Ask End To
Three .Day
Work Week
By The Associated Press
As 10 thousand more soft coal
miners joined the parade from
the pits yesterday, 10 senators
urged that the Senate Judiciary
Committee study formulation of
a bill which would stop the "usurp-
ation and abuse of power" by John
L. Lewis' three-day work week.
The bill would forbid labor to
monopolize control of industry.
It was favored in a report by the
senators, who made up the entire
membership of the Senate Bank-
ing Committee which investigated
the short work week.
THE REPORT was sent to the
Judiciary Committee, which han-
dles anti-trust lgeislation, as the
total number of miners idle rose
to nearly 62,000.
Banking Committee chairman
Maybank (D-S.C.) and Son.
Robertson (D-Va.), leader of
the inquiry, told reporters that
the group unanimously approv-
ed both the report and the pro-
posal to send it for study to the
Judiciary Committee.
However, Senators Douglas and
Thomas said the Committee did
not approve the report but merely
sent it on to the Judiciary Com-
mittee for what it might be worth.
* * *
THE REPORT said that almost
every witness who testified in the
Banking Commi'ttee's inquiry
"agreed that the United Mine
Workers of America had a com-
plete monopoly, not only over the
labor supply in the coal industry,
but over management and busi-
ness of the industry itself, by its
imposition of the three-day work
week upon that industry."
Most of the nation's 400,000
soft coal miners are affected by
the short work week. Of those
on strike, 30,000 are from hard
hit Pennsylvania, where 52
mines are shut down in the
western part of the state.
A flood of new strikes broke out
there and in West Virginia yes-
terday against steel company
owned mines. Four additional
steel companies were hit.
* * *
THEY ARE Bethlehem Steel
Corporation, Jones and Laughlin
Corporation, Sharon Steel Cor-
poration and Wheeling Steel Cor-
Although some 2,300 diggers re-
turned to work after a one-day
walkout, no industry source looks
for wholesale back-to-work move-
ments before Mondaytin any of
the seven states affected.

rancis,'a Brigadier xenera In
the United States Air Force, and MORRISON added that the.
Vincent Arthur, of Detroit, and resolution was not an attempt to
a daughter, Margaret Ann, of Ann settle basic problems but an at-
Arbor. tempt to work and gain ground in
The body will be taken to the the elimination of discrimination
Muehlig funeral home in Ann within the IFC.
Arbor where friends may call Dick Gross, speaking for the
after 3 p.m. Friday. opposition, said that passage of
Funeral services will be held at the motion would not gain vol-
11 a.m. Saturday at St. Thomas unteers for work within IFC but
Catholic Church. Burial presuma- would relieve the pressure on the
bly will be in the St. Thomas Council so it wouldn't do any-
Catholic Cemetery. thing.
Welfare Des'tImpair
FreedomStates Slosson
Airy. n - .- --- of rnt~r mn

, *



ALTHOUGH until recent times
Yugoslavia has been a primarily
agricultural country, he said, it
possesses "great mineral wealth."
Senior Dues Cut
Senior dues have been reduced
by the Senior Class Executive
Board from the traditional two
dollars to one dollar for the Class
of '50, Mary Ann Harris, publicity
chairman, announced yesterday.
The dollar fees will be used for
operating expenses of the Board
and for the class gift. They will
be collected by the senior class
officers and committee chairman
at aspecialabooth during regis-
tration, she added.

AT THE same time, Secretary
of State Acheson yesterday upheld
the Administration's stand against
military intervention in Formosa.
He was reported to have said
the United States could do more
to combat Communism in the
seething Orient through eco-
nomic aid to lands still outside
the Red orbit.
Chairman Connally (D-Tex.)
told Capitol Hill reporters that
Acheson expressed his view in a
day-long session with members of
the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee which Conally heads.
* * *
MEANWHILE, aboard the Fly-
ing Arrow an AP correspondent
reported that the Nationalist gun-
boat which riddled the Flying
Arrow with shellfire stopped a
Chinese junk 500 yards from this
damaged American freighter.
Two U.S. destroyers quickly hove
into sight to keep an eye on the
Any doubt that the Flying Ar-
row was not in international wat-
ers when she was shelled was be-
lieved dispelled by the arrival of
the U.S. destroyers-the Stickell
and the Baussell.
J-Hop Tickets
Now On Sale
Honor Reservations
ThroughThis Week
J-Hop ticket sales for those
sholding reservations will begin
from 9 to 4:30 p.m. today in the
Administration Building and last
through Friday, Ned Hess, chair-
man of the J-Hop Committee, an-
nounced yesterday.
He further stated that all hous-
es who have contracted for booths
at J-Hop on February 10 or 11
must submit the name of their
booth chaperone to him at 2-5644
by Firiday.
* * *
OPEN SALE for tickets will be-
gin Monday. Priced at a new low
of $6.60, billets will not be dis-
tributed in exchange for reserva-
tions after Friday.
"Deep in the Blues," the dance

THE KING thought the trendI
in Europe will be towards more
unity between countries.
"Economically, Europe has to
tie itself together to survive," he
CAsaid.T N


Mere extension of government
J welfare functions doesn't neces-
sarily impair individual freedom,
Prof. Preston Slosson, of the his-
tory department, declared last
Speaking on ''The Welfare
State" in the Main Lounge of the
West Quadrangle, Prof. Slosson
asserted that, "while the United
States at present is about 20%
',oiia '7cui f rarvm a nd r ,t,.1 , in

one of a
two," he

proper balance of the
pointed out.

Prof. Slosson emphasized that
each proposed new welfare activ-
ity should be studied in its own
light. "I'm glad we have both
public and private enterprise, be-
cause theyiact as a check on each
other," he added.
* * *

Doctors Note Ulcers Among Students

You, too, may get a stomach ul-
The malady strikes about one
University student in 400-or 40

pleasant and I wish enough
were known about them to ad-
vise either American business
men or Michigan students how
to take preventive steps.

period," he said. "After all, it's
the pay-off period."
People living in a more intel-
lectual environment tend to get
more stomach ulcers, Dr. Forsythe

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