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January 10, 1950 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1950-01-10

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}_ See Page 4

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Latest Deadline in the State






UnbalancedBuet Submitted

to Congress

'Il' Tops

n dana

Coal Miners
Of 7 States
Walk Out
r Illinois Strikers
- Return to Mines
By The Associated Press
PITTSBURGH - About 44,000
soft coal miners in seven states
,struck yesterday in an apparent
war of nerves while 16,000 others
went back to work in Illinois after
°a week-long walkout.
No United Mine Worker official
offered any reason for the new
work stoppages in Pennsylvania,
West Virgina, Alabama, Ohio,
Kentucky. Virginia and Utah.
* * *
THE RANK and file-where
they were willing to say anything
-said only the walkouts were ap-
proved at local union meetings.

I !

Meanwhile in Washington
move started in Congress
force White House action.


A group of Midwestern Republi-
can lawmakers called the Presi-
dent to treat the situation as an
emergency after (Rep. Mason, R-
Ill.) said impeachment proceed-
ings against the President are
congress' 'only remedy" in trying
to step up coal production.
JOHN L. LEWIS, whose three-
day work week for miners stirred
the uproar, fired back at those
who have been demanding govern-
,.ment action.
Lewis said Senator Taft (R-
Ohio) and others who have been "
calling on President Truman to
invoke the Taft-Hartley Law's
national emergency provisions
are trying to "oppress the mine-
workers and cripple their union."
Lewis, in a statement, called
Taft the "flamboyant oppressor of
the poor." He tagged Robert N.
Denham, General Counsel of the
National Labor Relations Board,
the "hatchet man for the high-
profit tong."
More than 43,000 of Lewis' 400,-
000 soft coal miners, members of
the United Mine Workers Union,
went out on strike in Pennsylvan-
ia, West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky,
Virginia, Utah, and Alabama. The
pits of steel companies and the
big consolidation coal company
vere idle.
* * *
Ann Arbor's
Supply of Coal
Reported Low
'U' Has 45-60 Day
Supply In Reserve
Ann Arbor's coal supply is dan-
gerously low, with some retai
dealers reporting less than a week's
reserve, a Daily survey discovered
The University, though, has ap-
parently escaped the crisis which
has gripped communities through-
out the nation. It has between a
45 and 60-day supply on hand now,
according to Walter Bulbick, pur-
chasing agent for the University.
"THE ENTIRE campus, includ-
ing University Hospital, is heated
by the central heating plant. We
have as yet no cause for com-
plaint," Bulbick explained.
Elsewhere in the city, levels of
supply varied from barely two
days to two weeks. One local
company reported a scant "two
or three carloads" was all it
had for distribution.
Blaming the miners' current
three-day work week, instituted
by John L. Lewis Iec. 5, a firm
spokesman declared, "President
Truman can stop it in a minute."
BACKING UP his opinion, a

-Daily-Burt Sapowitch
WORK PROCEEDS .. .In spite of light snows, construction work
on Ann Arbor's new 500-bed Veterans Hospital progressed steadily
last week. Excavation of the main building's site, part of which is
shown above, is nearing completion. Concrete footings and walls
were poured on two of the five adjacent buildings Saturday.
'I a-
Begin Conustruction Work,
~I*R ' iS'Eg
On eterafns'Hospital
With excavation for the main building almost completed, an 80-
man construction crew has begun preliminary work on the rest of Ann
Arbor's new $7,152,000 Veterans Hospital, according to superintendent
Wayne T. Bell.
Despite a "none too good" weather situation last week, workmen
of the Washington building firm handling the project finished pouring
concrete footings and walls on two
''of the five adjacent structures
.orld l e us Saturday, he added.
AND TESTS of ground condi-
tions for the foundation, now in
Washington for approval, should
By The Associated Press be completed soon, he said.
rTTA CTT7~f~rf'XT L.. Cr~in.iF"ne- Ai--e a in__ jI- l aing,.....

69-6 7
Last Second
Basket Gives
Cagers Win
Murray Scores
Game Clincher
Chuck Murray's last second tip-
in shot gave the Michigan Wol-
verines a thrilling 69-67 win over
previously unbeaten Indiana last
night before 7800 screaming Yost
Field House fans,tboosting the
Maize and Blue into the thick of
the Western Conference basket-
ball race with their second straight
league win.
Murray's goal climaxed a see-
saw second half battle, after the
Hoosiers had overcome a standing
10-point lead in an uphill fight.
,* * *
THE VICTORY was strictly a
team accomplishment with all
members of the iron-man sextet
f cast in starring roles at one time
or other.
Captain Mack Suprunowicz,
Michigan scoring leader with
seven fielders and four free
throws, played his usual great
game, chipping in baskets at
opportune times and hawking
the ball on defense. Murray
proved his rating as the most
improved player on the squad
with whirling drive-in buckets
and seven for nine accuracy
from the free throw line. He
tallied 17 counters.
Hal Morrill and Leo VanderKuy
controlled the Indiana board over
rebounding Bill Garrett, holding
the Indiana star to seven count-
ers, while Don McIntosh got his
lone goal in the crucial final min-
* * *
SOPHOMORE Jim Skala came
into his own, scoring 10 points on
a variety of shots, battling on the
boards and proving an able chaser
See CAGERS Page 3
Barclay Gives
Derns Edge
In Far West
Political advantages are with
the Democratic Party for the 1950
elections in the western states, ac-
cording to Prof. Thomas S. Bar-
clay, who discussed "Politics in the
Far West in 1950" yesterday in
Rackham Amphitheatre. ,
"Big government does not seem
to frighten the states in the Far
West," the visiting professor of
political science from Stanford
University said.
* * *
POINTING to the economic ex-
pansion increase in the western
area, Prof. Barclay said the Dem-
ocrats have seriously considered
the problems of the changing west.
On the other hand, the Re-
publicans have continued the
rather standard and formal
methods of political manage-
ment, he added.
"I think the Republicans must
face the western situation and
convince a busy and uncertain

electorate of the capacity of their
party to govern."
* * *
STATING that population in-
creases may mean an increase of
ten Congressional seats in the re-
gien, Prof. Barclay said that the
"Republicans had better hurry be-
cause after 1950 the winning of
the Far West will be even more im-
Petitions For
Mten 's Judic
Now Available

-Daily-Burt Sapowitch
SHEPARD HONORED-Former students of Prof. John F. Shep-
ard, of the psychology department, present him with a photograph
of himself yesterday at the Psychology Colloquium meeting. Prof.
Shepard, will end 44 years of instructing at the University at the
close of this semester. Presenting the picture to Prof. Shepard are,
from left to right, Donald Lauer and Roger Brown, representing
the students; Prof. Shepard and Prof. Donald Marquis, chairman
of the psychology department. The portrait will be hung in the
Psychology Graduate Seminar Room in the Natural Science Bldg.
Installation of Rotry
Pdress Slatted for Summuer

large spending for national de-
fense is necessary.
THE $5,133,000,000 deficit in
sight for the coming fiscal year is
the difference between Mr. Tru-
man's spending figure and a fed-
eral income he estimates at $37,-
The gap could be even bigger
if Congress fails to boost postal
rates by the $395,000,000 Mr.
Truman recommended. In the
past the lawmakers have not
shown much enthusiasm forj
even smaller postal increases. I

Court refused today to review a
Maryland court decisiona which
struck down curbs on publication
and broadcast of crime news. The
Court of Appeals decision struck
down Baltimore city courts' unique
gag rule on crime news. It also
reversed contempt convictions of
three Baltimore radio stations
* * *
TAIPEI. Formosa - A Chinese
Nationalist navy spokesman de-
clared last night that the gunboat
Wuling fired on the American
freighter Flying Arrow "to save
her from complete destruction" in
a Nationalist mine field at the
mouth of the Yangtze River.
LONDON-Sir Stafford Cripps
made a bid yesterday for new
dollar talks with Canada and the
United States.

Deficit Predicted
Republicans lit 'Econoiic Ruin';
Promise Battle To Cti Budget
WASHINGTON - (9P) - President Truman sent an unbalanced
$42,439,000,000 budget yesterday to a Congress clamoring for economy.
He said the spending is "vital to our security . . . and to the welfare of
our people."
Unless Congress cuts the budget or gives Mr. Truman the "mod-
erate" tax increases he wants, the government would live $5,133,-
000,000 beyond its income in the fiscal year starting July 1.
THE TALK ON Capital Hill centered mostly on cutting expendi-
tures instead of increasing taxes. Some members, however, expressed
skepticism that any deep cuts will actually be made in this election
House and Senate clerks read in relays through the 27,000-
word budget message--longest Presidential message in history.
Long before they were through, Republicans began pouring
out criticism and raising cries of "spendthrift socialism," "Jug-
gling," "economic ruin," and "bankruptcy." They promised to
fight for spending slashes.
Senator Wherry of Nebraska, Republican Senate leader, said "the
President sugar-coats red ink with flights into the great blue yonder."
On the other hand, Rep. McCormack, House Democratic Leader,
called the budget message "soundly conceived" and said that in view
of the' international situatioz! -

The 500-bed main building,
excavation of which wasbegun
in September, will occupy the
17-acre triangular site at Fuller
Road and Glacier Way. Nine
stories high, it will treat both
in- and out-patients.
Atop the hospital will be a two-
story penthouse, housing machine
rooms and air-conditioning units.
completion by the middle of next
summer, Bell said.
A residence hall behind the
main building will accommodate
nurse and attendant staffs. Four
additional apartment buildings
are planned for a sizeable army
of personnel, according to Bell.
The entire hospital area. will be
served by a modern garage, boiler
house incinerator building and
water reservoir, he explained.

Latest addition to the half-mil-
lion dollar plant that houses The
Daily will be a new 12-page capac-
ity "rotary" press, slated for in-
stallation some time this summer.
The new rotary will replace an
old "flat bed" type press that has
* * *
Board Fills
Daily Business,,
Staff Positions
Junior staff appointments to 18
Daily business staff positions have
been announced by the Board in
Control of Student Publications
for the spring semester.
Heading the list of new ap-
pointees is Bob Daniels, '51, Chel-,
sea, Mich., circulation manager.
His new assistant is Carl Breik-
reitz, '51, Saginaw, Mich.
OTHERS receiving appoint-
ments are: Frank Carlson, '50,
Ann Arbor, Mich.; Jim Armstrong,
'51, Shaker Heights, Ohio; and
Ina Sussman, '52, Brooklyn, N.Y.,
'all local advertising assistants;
Bob Miller, '52, Flint, Mich., pro-
motions manager; Chuck Cuson,
'52, Monroe, Mich., and Jim Pitts-
ley, '52, Flint, Mich., promotions
The list continues with: Wal-
ly Shapero, '51, Detroit, Mich.,
classified manager; Dick Sey-
mour, '51, La Grange, Ill.,
assistant classified manager;
Donna Cady, '51, Los Gatos,
Calif., layout manager; Ruth
Anderson, '52, Dearborn, Mich.,
layout assistant.
Also named were: Lola
Schwartz, '50, Miami, Florida, na-
tional advertising manager; Bob
Mercereau, '51, Grand Haven,
Mich., and Paul Schaible, '51,
Chelsea, Mich., accounts manag-
ers; Sally Fish, '51, Wheeling, W.
Va., and Lucy Goldstone, '51,
Sharon, Pa., accounts assistants;
and Joy Goldsworthy, '50, Lake
Orion, Mich., staff secretary.

been turning out issues of The
Daily since 1921.
* * *
PURCHASE of the $68,000 press
(including installation costs) was
See PICTURE, Page 6
approved by the Board in Control
of Student Publications. It has
been ordered from a Battle Creek
The new press will be installed
some time- this summer, but
Daily shop superintendent Ken
Chatters is not sure exactly
It will be in operation by the
time the fall semester opens.
Bigger issues of The Daily will
be feasible with the new equip-
ment. The old press is limited to
eight full sized news pages, while
the rotary can turn out 12 page
papers at the rate of 25,000 copies
per hour. This means that the
average Daily press run will take
some 20 minutes.
ANTICIPATING the additional
demands that a larger paper will
make on the student staff, Daily
editors are already sketching new
methods of operation that will
provide even more efficient news
Some of these innovations will
go into effect in the spring
semester so that next fall's staff
will be able to utilize the new
press fully.
The press itself will come in
three units with automatic paper
folding device.
May File Petitions
For Honor Council
Engineering students are elig-
ible for four positions on Engin-
eering Honor Council, and may
apply by filing a petition listing
qualifications and reasons for
wanting a position.
Petitions are due Friday and
may be placed in the Engineering
Council Box on the second floor of
the West Engineering Building.

BUT NATIONAL defense con-
tinued to be the biggest expense in
the new budget, as in years past.
The President still was silent
on just what kind of tax increase
he wants. But he did nudge Con-
gress again to advance the date
when Social Security taxes
would jump from 1, to 2 per
cent on employers and employes.
He suggested Jan. 1, 1951, in-
stead of the start of 1952. The
tax just went up this last Jan.
1 from 1 to 12 per cent.
National defense, heaviest cost
in the budget, was figured at $13,-
Moreover, it will cost nearly $12,-
000,000,000, in items like Veterans
Benefits and interest on the pub-
lic debt, to pay bills left over from
the last war.
** *
AFTER SOME odds and ends of
government expenses are met, that
leaves around" $12,500,000,000 to
spend at home, on housing, agri-
culture, education, social welfare,
and parts of the Truman "Fair
Deal" program. Perhaps, the Presi-
dent suggested, that it is "too
little rather than too much.
The Federal income estimate of
$37,306,000,000 for next year is
down $457,000,000 from the latest
figure for this year. The decrease
was laid largely to a slump in cor-
poration profits and a resulting de-
crease in taxes collected from l
business firms.
But the tax take on individual
incomes, the President figures,
will climb, from $17,971,000,000
this year to $18,246,000,000 nexI
year, an increase of $275,000,000.

The budget included billions
military and economic help
non-Communist nations.


Bias Clause
Goes Before
SAC Today
The Student Affairs Committee
today will hear both sides of the
controversy over the Interfra-
ternity Council's antibias resolu-
The resolution, passed in modi-
fied form last month by the IFC
House Presidents, calls upon SAC
to suspend all fraternities with
bias clauses in their constitutions
unless such fraternities petition
their nationals for removal of the
clauses by Jan. 1, 1951.
* * *
A LETTER to The, Daily frm
Don Rothschild, '50, one of the
house presidents, questioned the
motion's sincerity and criticized its
mildness. This dissenting voice led
to a delay in SAC's consideration
of the motion until both sides of
the question could be heard.
The original resolution con-
tained a stipulation that every
fraternity with bias clauses
should also introduce a motion
at its next national convention
favoring removal of such clauses.
This part of the original resolu-
tion was removed by the house
presidents before they passed the
modified version.
Price of J-Ho
Tickets Slashed
By Committee
A slash in the traditional $7.50
J-Hop ticket price to $6.50 for
this year's dance has been an-
nounced by the 1951 J-Hop cen-
tral committee.
Reservations for tickets will be
honored from 9 to 4:30 p.m. be-
ginning today in the Administra-
tion Building. No reservations will
be filled after Friday and open sale
on tickets will begin Monday.
* * *
STARRING bandleaders Duke
Ellington and Lous Prima, "Deep
in the Blues" this year's J-Hop,
will be held from 9:30 p.m. to 2
a.m. Friday and Saturday, Feb. 10
and 11 in the Intramural Building.
Breakfast tickets will be sold in
the Administration Building the
same time as dance tickets this
week and next.
The after-dance breakfasts will
be $1.05 per couple in both the
Union and League.
NBC To Air
Phoenix Plan

Ousted Yugoslav Ruler
To Speak Here Today
* * *

King Peter, II, of Yugoslavia,
the young ruler whose reign was
interrupted by Nazi invasion of
his country, will talk at 8:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
The fifth speaker in the Univer-
sity's Lecture Series, the king will
talk on "The Story of My Coun-
* * *
KING PETER is the great-great-
grandson of "Black George," the
Serb who founded the Yugoslav
He became King following his
father's assassination in 1934.
Peter was only 11 years old at
that time.
Becase f his vouth. three re-

ExpertsDiscuss Hiss Trial Testimony

Two University faculty mem-
bers, Dr. Theophile Raphael,
Health Service psychiatrist, and
Prof. John P. Dawson of the Law
School, agreed yesterday that the
psychiatric testimony introduced
at the Alger Hiss perjury trial
raises issues going far beyond

should be an opportunity for
full and complete study of the
person, preferably by impartial
authorities appointed by the
But, Dr. Raphael said, there
are many difficulties involved in
such procedure, including the
possibility of violations of indi-
vidi .] ria-h fc and ifvcr-'rn

business and would be reluctant
to use, it except in unusual
The objection to having Dr.
Binger appear as a witness in the
first place was that his would be
merely opinion evidence,. and law-
yers realize the dangers of this,
Prof. Dawson explained.

.... .... .................... 1

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