Reply to Gregory
APPARENTLY there are still some con-
servatives, of whom James Gregory ap-
pears to be one of the most rabid, who don't
realize that there have been some changes
made from the way of living of the Pil-
grims to the culture of the present. In re-
futing the social advances that have been
made during the past two decades Gregory
pretends to be completely unaware of the
main factor that has made these social re-
forms necessary - technological advance-
ment. It is because of the great techno-
logical advancement that has been made
since the time of the Pilgrims, that the so-
ciety of the Pilgrims, which Gregory be-
moans the loss of, cannot work today.
Technological advancement must affect
society. These effects can be good and can
be harmful, and it is these harmful ef-
fects which the various pieces of social
legislation have sought to control in the
interest of society.
Conservatives often oppose company-paid
pensions and benefits to employees and
government social security. What does
Gregory believe the average factory worker
can live on upon becoming too old to work?
With the cost of living so very high during
recent years there is little to be saved for
the future from the worker's salary. And as
the worker thought of his old age there was
little hope. That is until the government re-
alized its responsibility and enacted social
security. And the workers organized to de-
mand benefits from their employer's with
the idea that depreciation of human em-
ployees is as much a company responsibility
as depreciation of machinery.
Conservatives do not like the idea of
price suports for farmers, believing that
the consumer will suffer. The purpose of
price supports is to protect an unstable
economy which would be in danger of col-
lapsing without them. This not only aids
the farmer, but also the consumer in the
longer run.
In listing the benefits which compulsory
health insurance offers, Gregory believed
that a loss of self-respect outweighed the
benefits to be had. Does one who is poor and
sick lose any self respect if he allows his
government whose main purpose is to pro-
tect its citizens, to care for hih?
A comparison of the standard of living
of workers before and after the passage of
the Wages and Hours Law is all that is
necessary to prove the value of such an
act, which-Gregory also seems to oppose.
As technology continues its great advance
and as economic power becomes concen-
trated in fewer hands, the people can only
look to the political power of the govern-
ment for protection against the various ill
effects and abuses that arise.
-Paul Marx.
Washington Merry-Go-Round
WASHINGTON-For Republican ears only,
Senator Taft gloomily predicted that
the GOP will not recapture Congress this
November, and as a result the issue of the
"social state" won't be decided until the
1952 Presidential election.
Talking shop with GOP senators be-
hind closed doors, Taft solemnly added
that he himself didn't care to'come back
to the Senate "if the Republican member-
ship is decreased."
Taft took the floor after colleagues hailed
his re-election as the most important to the
Republican cause. New Hampshire's tart-
tongued Senator Charles Tobey almost
turned the meeting into a Taft rally with
an emotional speech.
"The most important thing to the
Senate and the country is to re-elect a
man who has had guts to vote how he
stood," rang out Tobey, who disagrees
with Taft as often as any Republican in
the Senate.
Tobey even offered to "talk to some of
the people of hio-some of the humble peo-
"All the people of Ohio are humble,"
chirped Taft's junior colleague from Ohio,
,"Handsome John" Bricker.
Taft then stood up and told applauding
senators: "I don't want to come back if
the Republican membership is decreased. I
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
want to see all of you come back who are
here now-and a few more. I don't expect
the Republicans to get a majority in No-
vember, but the important thing is to win
some gains. The whole issue of the social
state won't be settled anyhow until 1952."
M AIN ISSUE of the GOP Senatorial meet-
ing was whether to draft a statement of
GOP "aims and purposes" for the 1950 cam-
paign. Opinion on this was by no means
unanimous. Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.,
astute 'Massachusetts blue blood, spoke for
the majority when he reluctantly agreed to
a statement of GOP aims. Normally he would
be against such a statement at this time,
he said, since both parties set down their
aims in the 1948 platforms.
"But in view of all the publicity," Lodge
argued, "if we don't restate our aims, it
might look as if we didn't want to."
Lodge also pointed out that contributions
had stopped flowing into the GOP cam-
paign chest and suggested that a statement
of aims might increase the flow.
But Colorado's Senator Eugene Millikin
shook his bald and shiny head.
"If you have a statement of aims to please
not the little contributors, but the big con-
tributors," he warned, "it would take us back
not to the oxcart age but to the antediluvial
Maine's Senator Owen Brewster broke in
tauntingly that he had heard Lodge remark
on a television program that he was in
sympathy with only 80 per cent of the Re-
publican platform anyhow.
Sen. George Aiken of Vermont then
jumped up and announced he favored 90
per cent of the Republican platform -
"probably more."
"What part of the 1948 platform do you
want to change?" Aiken demanded.
But his question was never answered.
In the end, the conference agreed to ap-
point a committee to help draft a new
GOP statement. This brought two senators
to their feet to announce they would re-
fuse to serve on the committee. They
were Senators Wayne Morse of Oregon and
Bourke Hickenlooper of Iowa, who said
they preferred to run on their own records.
It was clear that the 1950 campaign was
There was one new voice at the GOP
senators' conference. He was newly appoint-
ed Senator Harry Darby of Kansas, who
recited a short statement that he would try
to measure up to the standards set by his
fellow senators.
"You'll have to do better than that,"
boomed Senator Vandenberg merrily.
* * *
INSIDE REASON why David Lilienthal
postponed his resignation from December
to February 15 was Truman's personal plea
that he stay on for six more weeks to pre-
pare a new international control plan for
atomic energy superseding the old Baruch
The Baruch plan was conceived on the
idea that Russia would not have the bomb
before 1954. In other words it was based on
an American atomic monopoly. Since Russia
now has the bomb, the Baruch plan is out-
dated, and Lilienthal is framing new pro-
posals to be submitted to the United Nations
this spring.
UNITED STATES banking and business
leaders are mapping a strong drive to
put a reservation on 1950 Marshall plan ap-
propriations. They will insist that before any
more money goes to Britain, the British
government must put a stop to the practice
Cdit'e4 Wefte
WHAT Soviet Russia needs most today is
a Five-Year-Plan to completely overhaul
her awkward propaganda machine.
No lengthy documentation is required to
prove this statement. The Soviets have
thoughtfully condensed their efforts into a
semi-monthly publication called the USSR
Information Bulletin which proves beyond a
doubt that no one connected with Russian
propaganda has the slightest conception of
the workings of the Western mind.
The purpose of USSR, which is pub-
lished in Washington by the Soviet Em-
bassy can be only to sell Russia and its
policies to the American people.
But where it attempts to impress, it
amuses; where it attempts to preach, it
* * *
TAKE, for example, the December 21 issue
which coincided with Stalin's 70th 'birth-
day. The table of contents gave some in-
dication of what lay ahead:
J. V. Stalin, Great Continuer of Lenin's
J. V. Stalin, Founder of the Multinational
Soviet Socialist State
Struggle for Peace is Keystone of Soviet
Foreign Policy
J. V. Stalin, Inspirer and Organizer of
Socialist Industrialization
Generalissimo Stalin, Great Military
J. V. Stalin and Soviet Science
J. V. Stalin and the Efflorescence of
Soviet Culture
Gori, Birthplace of J. V. Stalin
The Love of the People (for J. V., of
Disregarding the blundering ommission in
the third title, the listing immediately
brought to mind the titles of a popular
series of boys' books-Tom Swift and his
Giant Cannon, Tom Swift and his Wonder-
ful Flying Machine, Tom Swift and his
Electric Runabout, etc.
As every red-blooded American boy knows,
Tom, Swift was a remarkable young man
who either invented or improved upon every
important device in our civilization and
took time off occasionally to perform hu-
mane and heroic deeds.
.* * *
sarionovich Stalin's deeds make Tom
Swift's look insignificant indeed.
With a straight face USSR revealed, in
this series of articles by prominent Russian
writers, that J. V. Stalin personally planned
an carried out almost every important
military, social, technological and political
development in Russia since the October
A few of the minor acheivements at-
tributed directly to Stalin are the mechan-
izaotin of Soviet industry, the collective
farm system, and the brilliant military
strategy that saved Moscow and Stalin-
grad during the last war.
In all fairness, however, USSR did no
credit Stalin with all of the Soviet acheive-
ments. Nowhere, for instance, was it stated
that Stalin had personally developed the
atomic bomb.
But USSR noted that it was "Stalin
science" that had performed the manifold
Soviet miracles; that every important de-
velopment was guided or at least inspired
by Stalin.
* * *
IN THE magazine's final article, Boris
Polevoi, after making a remarkable effort
to contain himself, finally burst out with:
"Stalin! This is the name most respected
and honored by millions of working people
in the Peoples' Democracies who were liber-
ated from fascist chains by the Soviet army
and who are now joyously laying the foun-
dations of socialism.
"Stalin! Upon him are now turned, the
eyes of the common people of the globe,
all who hold dear liberty and genuine
democracy, all who hate war and dream of-
a stable and lasting peace."
Let's give credit where credit is due.
Joseph Stalin is a remarkable mortal-for
better or worse.
But to the awkward attempts of the Soviet
propagandists to create a Messiah, we offer
a long and loud razzberry.
MR. R to the fourth power-Republican
Representative Robert Rich of Pennsyl-
vania-came forth with a bemusing bit of
reasoning in Washington, D.C., the other
day. "I'm as right as far as I can get," he
said. "I'm not going to get to the middle of
the road, because I believe it might get me
over to the left, and I -don't want to get
These are the defensive words of the ex-
tremist. With a few changes, the words
could be made to express the philosophy
of everyone who is afraid to admit that
the world is not simple. I Once admit that
the world is not black and white, cold and
hot, steam and ice, good and bad, they
ask, and what happens? Simplicity is
swallowed up by complexity, a swirling
riot of the spectrum, the thermometer, of
degrees and shades, of ifs and buts.
The only parallel to Mr. Rich's remark
that occurs to us at the moment is the
farmer's expanation of why he didn't like
"How Mysterious Can You Get?"
t Sf
ONs 15 ?1-5&
Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of s the University. Notices
jfor tihe Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistasit to the President, Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
on the day,, preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LX., No. 74
- Notices
Saturday Evening Service: The
General Library will be open Sat-
urday evenings until 10 p.m. dur-
the month of January.
Lecture: Auspices of the De-
partment of Political Science.
"Politics in the Far West in.19-
50." Thomas S. Barclay, Professor
of Political Science, Stanford Uni-
versity, and Visiting Professor of
Political Science, University of
Michigan. 4:15 p.m., Mon., Jan.
9, Rackham Amphitheater.
Economics Club Lecture: "Cur-
ent Problems and Procedures of
Monetary Policy." Woodlief Tho-
mas Economic Adviser to the
Board, of Governors of the Fed-
eral Reserve System. 7:45 p.m.,
Mon., Jan. 9, Rackham Amphi-
Academic Notices
Progress in Michigan, through
January 28, weekdays 9-5, Sun-
days 2-5. The public is invited.
Events Today
Inter-Arts Union : Meeting, 2
p.m., League. Room will be an-
nounced on the League bulletin
U of M Hostel Club: Square
Dance at Jones School, 8-11 p.m.
Everyone invited.
Student Legislature: Cabinet
meeting, 1 p.m., Union. Agenda:
I. Selection of Committee Chair-
men. II. Formulation of Program
for Spring Semester.
Coming Events
Inter Guild Council: Sun., 2:30
p.m., Lane Hall.
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Record program, 8 p.m., Michigan
League Ballroom. Everyone in-
Tuesday Play Reading Section,
Faculty Women's Club: 1:45 p.m.,
Tues., Jan. 10, League.
Deutscher Verein musical pro-
gram originally scheduled for
Jan. 9 has been postponed to
Jan. 16.
Naval Research Reserve Unit:
Meeting, 7:30 pm., Mon., Jan. 9,
18 Angell Hall. Prof. W. H. Hobbs,
"The Isthmian Canal Problem."
Editorial Staff, Inter-Arts Ma-
gazine: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Mon.,
Jan. 9, Garden Room, League.
Graduate Outing Club: Meeting,
Sunday, 2:15 p.m., northwest en-
trance, Rackham Bldg. to go
'skating or hiking. (Skating at the
Michigan skating rink, 3-5 p.m.,
U. of M. Hostel Club: Sun.,
Jan., 8: Leave League at 10 a.m.
for ride by car to Kensington Ree-
creation Area for hike through
woods. Bring lunch, return by 6
p.m. Call leader Bill Walton, 2-
5235, about transportation.
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish- all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Mathematical Logic
7:30 p.m., Mon., Jan. 9,
gell Hall.
3217 An-
'New Voice .
To the Editor:
Something is right with Amer-
More and more a new voice is9
benig heard from the people. A1
voice promising all the best thatF
our government has to offer. A1
voice infinitely more firm than
that of those few souls who strove
for a free public education sys-
tem in this country and were de-f
nounced as socialistic radicals. A<
voice far louder than that of the1
few who preached Christ's ori-
ginal doctrine of brotherhood and1
have been successively denounced
as: "subversives attempting toI
undermine the structure of thei
RomanEmpire," "heretics," "ri-
tual murderers," "anarchists,"
"nigger-lovers," and "Commun-E
ists." And this voice is crying for
security. It is asserting its right
to this security, and those who
would keep the people enslavedI
are using the same tactics again.
They are labelling this a social-
ism, they are calling .it by the
loose term of statism, they are
claiming that it is communistic
and have labelled its proponents
visionaries and criminals. But the
people will not be fooled ...-.
Yet there are those who are
against price supports for farm-,
ers. (Never mind the fact that,
the farmers are thehbackbone of
our society. Never mind the fact
that if they do not make a de-
cent living our country will starve.
Never mind the fact that their
children must be clothed and
made to feel secure, or the fact
that the average farm family in-
come is $400 a year. They don't
have enough money to matter.)
There are those who are against
rent control and adequate hous-
ing. (Never mind the homeless
veteran whose marriage may be
ruined by living with relatives
away from his wife. Never mind
those who are evicted because of
a landlord's insatiable lust for
money. Never mind the awesome
fact that the landlord's profits
have gone up 17 per cent over 19-
48. He's got the money and the
veteran doesn't.)
There are those who say that
the Company must make its mon-
ey and labor be damned. (Never
mind about Andrew Giresek, who
worked for U.S. Steel for 44 years.
As a token of the esteem the com-
pany held him in, they had de-
cided to give him his pension for
the next 10 years in a lump sum.
It came to $34.45, or 29 cents a
week. Five days later, U. S. Steel
reported a profit of $133 million
for the first nine months of 1949:
a 51 per cent increase over the
previous year. Never mind An-
drew. He hasn't the money to
There are those who are against
a sane health and public hygiene
system. (Junior is fine, thank
you. He had smallpox at age five
and died. He didn't have to worry
about his self-respect.)
It is interesting to note that
those who cry most loudly about
the dangers of this welfare state,
the ones who speak of the hu-
man's supposedly consequent lack
of self-respect, the ones who
speak of the dangers of security,
tend to be those who are most
secure. It is those who are secure
already that are against the wel.
fare state.
__ntm Jareki
with luxuries, said this upright
American as he drained -his glass
of champagne.
Just when things had quieted
down a bit, along comes Mr. Gre-
gory who makes Eisenhower look.
like a positive radical! Gregory is
afraid - price supports, wages,
pensions . .. who ever heard of
such nonsense?
This reporter says that price-
supports are bad for the consum-
er. I agree, but this is the Land
of Profit and who cares if mil-
lions of dozens of eggs rot in
caves in Topeka? First comes the
profit, then comes the people.
But rent control-ah, that's a
bit different. Landlords today are
in -absolute misery, with only
99.99% of rooms filled, unpainted
walls, no improvements and high-
er prices than ever before! But
those awful unemployed tenants
who demand hot water and all
sorts of frills for their $100 per
And, oh yes! Pensions and high-
er wages, indeed! These workers
must think that they're people!
They should have been content
with their 10 hour day and open
shop. Just because corporation
profits were higher this year than
ever before (please note, Mr. Gre-
gory) certainly doesn't permit
workers to ask for a living wage
or a decent pension plan! After
all, if Mr. Gifford of A.T.&.T. can
live on a pension of tens-of-
thousands -of dollars, an ordinary
worker should be able to do it on
$30 per month. At any rate, few
people past 65 eat a great deal.
So while the wealthy hug their
riches and welfare payments are
reduced, I leave Mr. Gregory with
this thought: Toasted buns for
our hot-dogs and less foam on our
-Hy Bershad
* * ~
To the Editor:
I have just read James Gregory's
brilliant analyses of the dan-
gers of security in today's Daily
(issue of Jan. 5) and I should like
to thank God for James Gregory!
Why, do you know that Ihad al-
most been lulled into, thinking
that security was a good thing?
But not any more, though-oh no.
I think that we ought to form a
Committee to End Security, and
elect you, Mr. Gregory, as chair-
man. (Of course, your term of
office couldn't be for more than
a day or so, otherwise you would
become too secure, and lose all
that wonderful self-respect.)
Anyway, Mi. Gregory, there are
a number of things that we have
to do, and the sooner the better.
Here are just a few of the things
that I think should be adopted to
help defeat this monster, secur-
1-I think that too many people
are passing their courses here at
Michigan, and as a consequence,
students are getting altogether
too secure. Why do you know, a
lot of my friends (well some,
anyway) are confident that they're
going to pass? Naturally, they
don't have any pride or daring
left at all. Maybe we could peti-
tion the faculty to flunk out 50
or 60% in each class; I'm sure
that this would tend to reduce
that hateful security among the
student body. Of course, there
would still be some bright boys
who would be secure, you know
the average-raiser type, but if we
Mathematics Orientation Semi-
nar: 3:30 p.m., Mon., Jan. 9, 3001
Angell Hall. Speaker: Mr. Lubel-
Organic Chemistry Seminar:
7:30 p.m;, Mon., Jan. .9, 1300
Chemistry. S p e a k e r : Leonard
Bruner. Topic: Infrared Absorp-
tion Spectra and Molecular Sthuc-
Museum of Art: Alumni Me-
morial Hall: Accessions, 1949,
throughi F'ebruary 1; Work in
Stark Facts'
THE FINDINGS of Senator John'
Sparkman's (D, Ala.) subcom-
mittee on low-income families will
document the need for the pro-
gram President Truman will de-
mand of Congress January 5. The
testimony presented during the
last two weeks has brought to
light some stark facts and points
up the need, more forcibly than
ever, for the Fair Deal program.
Nearly 10 million American
families in the prosperous year of
1948 had less than $2,000 annual
income. More than four million
had incomes under $1,000. Dr.
Dewey Anderson of the Public Af-
fairs Institute told the committee
that "it is not enough to under-
write full employntent and then
depend on the trickle-down, per-
colating system to care for the
lower third." The three largest
groups in the low-income bracket,
he said, are: poorly educated per-
sons who do not rise above occu-
pations requiring little skill; wid-
ows who are breadwinners, and,
lacking special skills, are forced to
accept low-paid jobs; old persons
able to find only low-paid jobs or
who have retired on small incomes.
Anderson recommended four
immediate steps to deal with the
problems of the lower economic
1. A Fair Employment Practices
Commission would deal not only
with the problems of racial minori-
ties but with those of older work-
ers, women, and all persons handi-
capped by disabilities.
2. The creation of a Welfare Re-
view Board to study the adequacy
of current programs affecting the
lower-income group.
3. The creation of a national
scholarship and loan program to
assure opportunity for education.
4. Substantial liberalization of
the present Social Security Act.
In addition, he emphasized that
other proposals before Congress -
healthrregional development, the
Brannan farm plan, higher un-
employment compensation, and
aid to education - would provide
indirect benefits for the lower
-The New Republic.
eral years' absence, the young American
musicians, Carrol Glenn, violinist, and Eu-
gene List, pianist, played an extensive pro-
gram in Hill Auditorium last night.
Undoubtedly the most well coordinated
and finely executed work of the evening,
the Haydn "Concerto for Violin and Piano
in F Major" opened the program. Played
only twice before in this country, the com-
position was delightful in its dynamic con-
trasts and devilish ornamentations, and
the performers pointed up these charac-
teristics with fine artistry and assurance.
Miss Glenn's phrase lines were well
thought out, giving a rounded continuity
to the performance. Perhaps a comfortably
slower tempo in the Presto movement
would have eliminated tle rushed feeling
and occasional blurring of the scale
A more subtle interpretation than is us-
ually heard was given by Miss Glenn to the
Saint-Saens "Introduction and Rondo Cap-
Irridescent and feathery in its imagina-
tive programme was the first encore de-
manded from Miss Glenn, the "Fountains'
of Arathusa" by Smelowsky,,
In the major work of the evening, the
Franck "Sonata in A Major" for violin and
piano, it was unfortunate that the artistic
abilities of the performers were so un-
balanced, The violin line sang long, pas-
sionate, and deep, while the piano, instead
of causing this feeling to be integrated,
merely served as an accompaniment and
thus destroyed the full beauty of the com-
American part of the Constitu-
tion. You know the part I mean,
something about the right (ima-
gine!) of people to be '(ssh) se-
cure in their persons and houses,
etc. This will never do. .
4-I think that we can settle
all these horrible strikes for pen-I
sions by just not letting people
retire-that'll fix 'em; they won't
have any security. Let them work
until they die, I always say--at1
least they won't lose their pride
that way.
5-I agree with you that high-
er wages 'and shorter working
hours are very bad, bgut this sit-
uation could be improved merely
by passing a new Wages and
Hours Act, setting the maximum
wage at 10c an hour, and setting
the minimum hours per week at
84 (that's still only a 14 hr. day,
with a whole day off, and remem-
ber, idle, hands do the devil's
work.) After all, I'll bet that the
settlers of Jamestown didn't earn
more than $8.00 a week, and they
had the "initiative that built a
nation where there had only been
an idea." And if it 'was good
enough for them, I don't see why
it isn't good enough for us too.
I notice that you feel sorry for
the poor landlord, who, as you
say, is "barely getting enough to
pay for taxes and repairs." Well,
James, don't feel sorry for him,
after all, if he has no money, at
least he won't lose his daring on
account of security. You should
really feel sorry for those tenants,
who as everyone knows, are just
rolling in money. You know as
well as I that all that money is
going to cause tenants to lose
t-_ - . L ., ." ' -- 1. LL .
Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff........... Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen..............City Editor
Philip Dawson.......Editorial Director
Mary Stein...........Associate Editor
Jo Misner ............Associate Editor
George Walker ........ Associate Editor
Don McNeil.........Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes ......... Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin.........S.. ports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady.......... Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach..Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King....................Librarian
Allan Clamage......Assistant Librarian