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January 06, 1950 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1950-01-06

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_____________________________________ U I ________________________________________

a i

Science Convention Reveals,
Top Achievements of 1949
P 4

Significant scientific achieve-
ments accomplished in 1949 were
revealed during the Christmas va-
cation at the recent convention
of the American Association for
the Advancement of Science in
New York City.
Prof. Albert Einstein presented
to the convention his "generalized
theory of gravitation"-a series of
formulas which seek to weave all
known physical phenomena into
one master concept:
THE DISCOVERY of a previ-
ously unknown degree of efficiency
in green plants was announced at
the convention by Prof. Otto War-
burg, one of the world's leading
While the best machines made
by man are only 25-30 per cent
Art Exhibited
Forty-seven works of art by
Prof. Gerome Kamrowski will be
presented at an exhibition open-
ing today in Paris.
Prof. Kamrowski, whose most
recent works in oil, watercolor, and
ink drawings will be displayed at
the Galerie R. Creuze until Jan.
22, is the winner of the 1948 Cran-
brook Prize and the 1948 Michigan
Academy of Arts, Science, and
Letters Show.
Prof. Kamrowski has been on
the staff of the College of Archi-
tecture and Design since 1946.
His work may currently be seen
in the "Works of Progress" ex-
hibition circulating throughout the

efficient, Prof. Warburg has dis-
covered that plants are 65-80
per cent efficient in their use
of the sun's energy.
Prof. Warburg pointed out algae,
which are single celled plants, are
so efficient that 50 tons of the
plant could be harvested from one
acre. The plants could be utilized
as feed for animals or as a direct
source of food for man, he said.
* * *
SCIENTISTS AT the convention
vere also given a mild mental sur-
prise when Prof. Vaden Miles of
Wayne University revealed that
cientific research had shown
nany of the old proverbs and say-
ngs used to predict the weather
o be correct.
"Higher the clouds, finer the
weather, faster the wind, sooner
the change in weather," .was
proved by Prof. Miles to be sci-
entifically accurate.
But "North wind blow and we
shall have snow," is just a bit of
false mythology, according to Prof.
may allow the deaf to hear was
announced by Prof. Norbert Wien-
er of MIT.
The projected device will be
worn as a glove, and tiny in-
struments in each finger will re-
ceive vibrations corresponding to
tones of the human voice, which
the deaf person may learn to
Prof. Elvin Stakman, president
of the AAA, also declared at the
convention that it is possible for
science to eliminate starvation and
provide an abundance of food for
the world through new breeding,
crop control and reducing the de-
structive effects of weather.
Members of the association dis-
agreed as to what action univer-
sities should take on scientific re-
search projects that are or might
become "secret."
Some scientists argued that such
projects were a distortion of the
function of a university, while
others held that the work must be
done and the universities were best
able to do it.

Daily Gives
In Business
Fifty Staffers
Handle Finances
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
fifth of a series of articles to ac-
quaint students with some of the
Influential organizations on campus
a'ir how members and officers are
Unique among campus groups is
'he Daily's business staff, an or-
ganization of 50 unsung financial
giants who handle the paper's
near-$100,000 turnover each year.
The distinguishing feature of
the staff is that most members
deal exclusively with townspeople,
ignoring students and faculty
members. One-third of the staff
are in business administration and
all the men, who make up two-
thirds of the staff, plan to go into
the business world.
THE STAFF is neatly divided
into three groups: advertising,
circulation and finance. Adver-
tising staff members collect, write,
promote and make up advertise-
ments; circulation workers get
the paper out to its 7,600 readers
and the finance staff has all the
fun-they collect all the money.
Any second semester fresh-
man can get on to the business
staff by trying out, which
amounts to the freshman seeing
if the staff is any good instead
of the staff seeing if the fresh-
man is competent.
After this trial period, which
lasts about two weeks, he becomes
a servicer, having exclusive re-
sponsibility to three or four city
merchants, writing their ads or
picking up ads written by the ad-
* * *
OTHER JOBS are reading proof
and getting acquainted with other
departments throughout his
freshman and sophomore years.
In the second semester of his
sophomore year, he can peti-
tion the senior managers for
paid assistant positions to the
heads of business departments.
The seven junior staff positions
are available through informal
petitions to and appointments by
the senior managers. They include
all department heads who are
fully responsible for circulation,
compiling all advertisements both
local and national, making up ad-
vertisements on the page each
day, billing accounts for classified
and display advertising and a
general all-around secretary to
anyone on the staff who wants
some paper work done.
* * *
PROMOTIONS manager is al-
so a junior, who signs and lets
all contracts, usually by the year
or semester.
After working several years
bucking keen competition all
the way through the staffs, a
staffer can petition the Board in
Control of Student Publications
for one of four senior positions,
listed on the Daily's masthead
on the editorial page.
Business manager is in charge
of the entire staff, acting as a
liaison officer between the staffs
and advertisers and having the
pleasure of co-signing all Daily
Advertising manager is overseer
of all advertising, from the
smallest "lost-one dog" ad to
the biggest national cigarette ad.
Finance manager has the head-

ache of handling all accounts and
the myriad of figures in the book-
keeping departmnt.
Associate business manager
trains all understaffmen to bring
in the $100,000 a year and to con-
tinue The Daily's reputation as
having not only the most but the
best advertising in college dailies.

-Daily-wally Barth
"POET'S CORNER"-John Keats comforts his dying brother
while his loyal housekeeper looks on, in a scene from Poet's
Corner," to be presented tonight by the speech department in a
bill of one-act plays. Left to right are Harriet Parrish, John
Waler and John Sargent.
One-Act Plays Start Tonight
At Mendelssohn Theatre

U - -

To Discuss Time

Students interested in a student-
f aculty discussion on "Budgeting
One's Time" may meet at 8 p.m.
today at Lane Hall and go to the
home of Lane Hall director DeWitt
Baldwin, 517 Oswego, for the dis-


'On the Cam
and in
Ann Arbor,


An heir to the French throne,
an English poet and a human
horse will be the featured attrac-
tions of the speech department's
bill of three one-act plays to be
given at 8 p.m. today in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Tickets will be sold from 10 a.m.
to 8 p.m. today in the Theatre box
ton Wilder's "Queens of France,"
the story of the discovery of an
heir to the throne of France in
Tau Beta Pi
N Yew Members
Gamma chapter of Tau Beta
Pi, engineering honor society, has
announced the ini iation of 70
new members.
Named to the organization are,
John C. Biery, Theodore Birdsall,
Carl Bieser, Charles Bliven, Rich-
ard C. Brown, Robert Brungraber,
Robert Brunner, Cecil Carter, Leo-
nard Chabala, Osvaldo Chernit-
sky, Robert Collar.
Clifford, Walter Debler, Jan Dres-
zer, Alfred English, Donald Ganz-
horn, Stanley Gavern, Selig Gert-
zis, Harold Gibbons, Allan Gordon,
Richard Gresla, Richard Halatek,
Richard Hanns.
The list continues with Eugene
Hannahs, Victor Harris, Richard
Heruth, Herman Kaplan, Ray-
mond King, Robert Kohr, Ray
Ladendorf, Peter Lashmet, Rol-
lin Lemm, Ivan Lyons, Francis
Marsh, James McGill.
Also included are James Mit-
chell, Francis Nidenfuhr, John Olt-
man, Lewis Payne, Leslie Peter-
son, Donald Phillips, John Powers,
Richard Randall. P. D. Randolph,
Harold Reiher, James Rice, Ken-
neth Ristad, JameA Robertson,
John Robertson, Jr., J. C. Rowley,
Otto Schiesswohl.
* * *
Service, Charles Simmons, Ken-
neth Sivier, Richard Smalter,
John Soderberg, Ray Stenstrom,
Robert Stevens, Carl Studerous,
Frank Tendick, Warren Todter,
Sumio Yukawa, Robert Warsinski,
Edward Ulvestad.
Also William Weil, Alvin Wein-
stein, Ozelle White, Dean Widrig
and David Wise.

New Orleans. The cast includes
Ted Heusel, Betty Ellis, Doris
Clark, Lorel Rodin, Phyllis Zieve
and Betty Robinson. Enid Moise,
Grad., is the director.
Scenes from the life of John
Keats will be depicted in the sec-
ond offering, "Poet's Corner," by
Mary Pakington. Directed by Nafe
Katter, Grad., the play features
John Sargent as the poet and John
Waller, Bruce Huffman, Diane
Faulk and Harriet Parrish as the
people who influenced his life.
A colorful horse, played by Wil-
liam Taylor, will bound through
Jean Cocteau's "Grphee," the clos-
ing play on the bill. The comedy is
a modern, symbolistic treatment
of the famous Orpheus legend.
Len Rosenson and Betty Horwitz
will play the lovers Orphee and
Eurydice. Others in the cast are
Mary Ann Kulas, David Marshall,
Herbert Neuman, William Mac-
Kenzie and Dan Waldron. Strowan
Robertson, Grad., directed the
Party Will Aid
DP Students
A Displaced Person's party to
raise additional funds to bring two
foreign students to the University
next semester will be sponsored by
the Congregational Disciples Guild
from 9 to 12 p.m. today at Lane
The party is for the benefit of
the guild's Foreign Student Fund,
which, with the University, will
provide one year's upkeep for a
German refugee and a D.P. stu-
A floor show is planned for en-
tertainment, along with square
dancing. Cookies and punch will
be served for refreshments. Tickets
may be purchased at the dbor.
Boulding Receives
Economics Medal
Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding of
the economics department was
awarded the John Bates Clark
medal by the American Economics
Association on December 29 in
New York.
The award is made every two
years to "that American economist
under the age of forty who is ad-
judged to have made a significant
contribution to economic thought
and knowledge.

Will Face
Full House
A deluge of ticket requests yes-
terday totally exhausted the sup-
ply for the faculty-Quiz Kid tussle
that will be broadcast over station
WUOM at 3:30 p.m. Sunday from
the Rackham Lecture Hall.
* * *
however for the Chicago Round
Table broadcast scheduled for 1:30
p.m. Sunday, Rackham Lecture
Hall. A limited supply of tickets
also remains for Cinderella Week-
end - an audience participation
show to be televised at 1 p.m.
Tuesday from the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre.
All three programs are part
of the week-long dedication of
"What is Popular Culture Doing
to Your Life?" will be the topic
for discussion during the nation-
wide NBC radio broadcast of the
Chicago Round Table.
Two of the four participants will
be University faculty members,
Warner G. Rice, director of the
General Library and Prof. Howard
McClusky, professor of educational
psychology and consultant in com-
munity adult education. The third
;articipant will be Prof. Kenneth
Burke, of Bennington College.
Henry Sans, chairman of the
University of Chicago English de-
partment will moderate.
Maurer Gets
Acting Journalism
Head Since 1947
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer has been
appointed chairman of the jour-
nalism department.
Prof. Maurer, who has been act-
ing chairman of the department
since June, 1947, when Prof. John
L. Brumm retired, has been active
in newspaper and college journal-
ism work since 1922.
* * *
PROF. MAURER first came to
the University in 1924, after serv-
ing for two years as news editor
of the Mexico Evening Ledger,
Mexico, Missouri, and correspond-
ent for two metropolitan dailies.
During this first year, Prof.
Maurer organized the Michigan
Journalist, the student-produced
newspaper of the journalism de-
Leaving the University for three
years in 1925, Prof. Maurer be-
came news editor and editorial
writer for the Athens Daily Editor,
Athens, Ohio.
In 1928 Prof. Maurer returned
to Ann Arbor as instructor in
journalism, receiving his full pro-
fessorship in 1947.
Prof. Maurer is also a member
of the executive committee of the
literary college, the Avery Hop-
wood Prizes Committee, and the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
Freak Accident.. ..
GARY, Ind.-(AP)-A load of 31,-
000 pounds of black building paper
buried a Michigan truck driver in
eight feet of water tonight.

Displays showing the life of
Chippewa Indians in early Michi-
gan will be featured from 7 to 9
p.m. today at the University Mu-
Supplementing the natural his-
tory exhibits will be motion pic-
tures of Indian life in the south-
western United States, "Pueblo
Dwellers" and "Hopi Indians," to
be shown at 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 3024
of the Museums building.
The exhibit also features dio-
ramas of Indian life designed and
constructed by Robert Butsch and
Carleton Angell, museum staff

A Wise Way to S
Selected Group
Wool Jerseys, Rayon Crepes
Wool Crepes and a I
Formerly 10.95 to
Junior, Misses, Ha
1/3 REDU,
Formerly 49.50 to 150.00
A Selected Gr
:a 1 3REDU
Junior, Misses', Women's
Sizes 8 to 2
e as au a . :

pend Your


s of
, Taffetas, Nylons
15 -$25
few Velvets
o 49.95
alf Sizes

artists. These were developed from
the suggestions of Volney H.
Jones, Curator of Ethnology in
the Museum of Anthropology.
The scenes depict the Chippe-
was hunting and fishing, gather-
ing and threshing wild rice, tap-
ping maple trees for syrup to be
made into sugar, and engaged in
social rites and customs.
The arts and crafts of the Great
Lakes Indians, the plains Indians,
the Indians of the southwest, and
those of the northwest Pacific t
coast will be represented in ex-
hibits on the fourth floor.

'U' Museums' Indian Display
And Movies Featured Tonight


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