I FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1950 THE MI016X N DRILY FAGE THEE, ---- - -,. .Nr. rMMOMry "KEEP A-HEAD OFkYOURHAIR" Our aim is: workmanship- sanitation - personnel - service. THE DASCOLA BARBERS Liberty near State Theta Chi Cops Fraternity Swim Title You'll find a complete selection of BEER, WINE, SOFT DRINKS, and MIXERS at the -.9) C. V. S.. BEETHOVEN: CONCERTO NO. 5 (Emperor) Curzon with London Philharmonic under Szell LLP 114..............................$5.95 GILBERT AND SULLIVAN: PINAFORE D'Oyly Carte Opera Co. LLP 71/72...........................$11.90 GILBERT AND SULLIVAN: TRIAL BY JURY D'Oyly Carte Opera Co. LLP 70.$5.95 RIMSKY-KORSAKOFF: SCHEHEREZADE Paris Conservatory Orchestra under Ansermet LLP 6 .. .............................. 5.95 STRAVINSKY: PETROUCHKA Swiss Orchestra under Ansermet LLP 130........................... .$5.95 WAGNER: SELECTIONS FROM PARSIFAL AND TRISTAN London Philharmonic under Krauss LLP 14.................. ....... $5.95 I1 Dorm Fives Start Action In '' Loops Full speed ahead toward cham- pionship playoffs! That was the theme of Resi- dence Hall activities at the I-M Building in the first week of 1950. * * * THE 'B' BASKETBALL leagues have already started with those in the 'A' division slated to begin next Monday night at 9 p.m. Here are the 'B' cage results: Chicago House barely nosed out Williams House, 33-31. In a weird contest Adams bested Michigan by a 13-12 score. Win- chell defeated Lloyd House by a 43-29 margin. The handball play starts next, week and will feature Adams There is still room for ten more basketball teams in the independent division. Anyteam desiring to play should have its manager contact the I-M staff at the I-M building. --Earl Riskey House against Williams House, and Hinsdale House against Hayden House in close battles for first place honors. WINCHELL BATTLES Cooley, and Michigan House meets Lloyd House in the second place con- tests. For the third place Strauss House meets Tyler, and Chicago goes against Greene. For fourth place Wenley battles Prescott and Anderson faces Allen-Rum- sey. In the fifth place contest Vaughn House meets Fletcher. Table tennis playoff competition is also slated for next week. In the first place playoff Williams faces Allen-Rumsey and Prescott House meets Hayden House. FOR SECOND PLACE Michigan goes against Lloyd and Greene against Vaughn. Adams-Chicago and Tyler House-Cooley House mark the third place battles. For fourth place Strauss and Anderson meet as do Fletcher and Wenley. Cooley House bat- tles Hinsdale House for fifth place. Residence Hall bowling competi- tion starts next week. The 'A' qualifying matches are slated for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, while the 'B' games are scheduled for Friday and Saturday. In Win Over Sigma Chi Withers poon Trio Stars By ROGER GREENBERG Sparked by the phenomenal performance of the Witherspoon brothers, Bruce, Tom, and John, a strong Theta Chi team defeated a game Sigma Chi crew 31-26 at the I-M building last night to takeA the fraternity swimming champ-1 ionship. Theta Chi won four of the six events: the sprint relay, back- stroke, 25-yard sprint, and the 50- yard sprint. The Witherspoon brothers, teaming with Bob Leake, played a prominent part in each victory. BRUCE WON the 25-yard sprint, and brother Tom won the backstroke. The oldest member of tne trio, John, placed second in this event. Leake won the 50-yard sprint. In the sprint relay, Theta Chi' was victorious with a team com- posed of Clyde House, Leake, and the younger Witherspoons, Tom and Bruce. Sigma Chi took the, breast stroke event which was won by their star, Fred Thompson. They also captured the last event of' the evening, the medley relay, with a team composed of Dave Crippen, Thompson, and Jack Gannon. The closest match of the even- Season .Starts In Fraternity Cage Leag ues Intramural fraternity basket- ball got off to a fast start with the beginning of the new year. Phi Kappa Tau outscoredPhi Sigma Kappa, 20-16 in the first in a series of close games. In the other gange in league one of "A" basketball Alpha Phi Alpha out- shot Sigma Pi to come out on the long end of a 35-19 score. IN LEAGUE TWO Pi Lambda Phi went down to defeat at the hands of a fast Kappa Sigma team 35-19, while Beta Theta Pi wal- lopped Triangle 46-14. Phi Gamma Delta won by way of forfeit from Tau Kappa Ep- silon in league three, while Sig- ma Alpha Mu outfought Trigon 18-1 i Alpha Tau Omega came out on the long end of a 52-22 score with There will be another co- recreation night for faculty members Saturday. Faculty members may bring their child- ren for swimming at 7:30 and activity lasts until 10 p.m. As usual, there will be a student co-recreation night tonight. -Earl Riskey Tau Delta Phi. In the other game in league four Theta Chi took a close one from Phi Kappa Sigma 21-19. ing was the backstroke contest won by Theta Chi's Tom Wither- spoon, who just barely beat out Sigma Chi's Dave Crippen. With the points, Theta Chi gained by taking this champion- ship, unofficial calculations placed them at the top of the fraternity league standings. First Matches In I-M Event Start Sunday i I-H Leaders FRATERNITIES 1. Sigma Phi Epsilon 544 2. Chi Psi 518 3. Theta Chi 506 4. Delta Upsilon 488 5. Kappa Sigma 486 RESIDENCE HALLS 1. Wenley 539 2. Williams 532 3. Hayden 528 4. Michigan 430 5. Greene 419 Totals Complete through Wednesday 1 Find out What the Girls Are Doing! All first round matches in the All-Campus Tournament will be held on Sunday, Jan. 15, in the I-M Building, according to an announcement by Earl Riskey, di- rector of I-M athletics. Although the I-M Building, is not usually open on Sunday, it is being done this year to facili- tate the playing of first round matches of the All-Campus tour- ney, without cramping regularly scheduled events there. Thus all preliminary play can be completed before the end of the first se- mester, and in the second semester the championship playoffs will take place. ALL PERSONS desiring to com- pete are urged to fill out their entry blanks as soon as possible, as entries close Friday, Jan. 13. Included among the competition is indoor tennis singles, handball singles, paddleball singles and doubles, and squash. The All- Campus bowling competition will not be started until early in the next semester. Read HARPY CON 114 E Daily 10 A BEER DEPOT VENIENT DRIVE-THRU SERVICE Williams Phone 7191 .M. - 10 P.M. -- Sunday, Noon - 7 P.M. a Publication of Angell House (in the New Dorm). Send 60c with your name and address to HFARPY BOX 164, ANGELL HOUSE For Subscription to "THE FINEST DORM PUBLICATION ON CAMPUS" according to, the editor OPERATIC RECITAL Dusan Georgevic, Tenor * LPS7 9 ........................f..... SONG RECITAL Erna Sack, Soprano LPS 46 .............................. ".." "..;;{i,:v;;r.;. .. :S" . ; t"°:.r .( :r ; }. y rry6,W y .-*:... : *:":} ::4::...iti:.......F.:° :.~t~: 24:.f} "''"'"4f1' .sfr3 r'..$ $4.95 $4.95 These superb imported records are also available on conventional 78 RPM records. Hear them at the . . . Operated by Musicians for Music-Lovers 205 East Liberty Ph. 2-0675 Y .N. .f". .4.2 a{ 4W " JS: t46s 1'' t .. L5, JANUARY CLEARANCE £ E Ej x 111ROP SNpES 297 PAIRS Values to $14.95 SIGMA CHI beat Delta Chi 44- 15, as Phi Sigma Delta lost a close one to Lambda Chi Alpha 35-33. Sigma Nu outfought Zeta Psi 34- 23. Delta Upsilon, leading only 8-6 at the half, turned on the heat to overwhelm a fighting Al- pha Epsilon Pi squad by scor- ing 33 points in the second half to win 41-28. Theta Xi beat Theta Delta Chi 42-12. In the closest game so far this year Alpha Delta Phi nosed out Zeta Beta Tau 23-22. * ACACIA WAS on the long end of a 33-20 score with Delta Sigma Phi. Sigma Phi Epsilon squeezed out a 32-25 score over Chi Phi. In "B" basketball Beta Theta Pi tallied 25 points to 15 for Pi Lambda Phi team, while Sig- ma Alpha Mu beat Trigon 42- 20. Phi Kappa Psi outscored Alpha Epsilon Pi 45-12, Phi Kappa Sig- ma outfought Sigma Phi 25-14 and Delta Sigma Phi beat Tau Kappa Epsilon 27-12. Late Scores BASKETBALL SCORES L. Island 66, Bowling Green 63 Temple 50, New York U. 45 Wayne 50, Omaha 46 HOCKEY SCORES Montreal 5, Boston 3 ®ubleD RESTAURANT This is ou chandise. representc All Size Su $55.00 to $57.5( $60.00 to $65.0( $75.00 ........ $35.00 . 2 $ SELECTE A Selec $5.75 . . . . . . . . . Many oth siderables pajamas, SOMEI r ITS 'Annual o. o. .. .now $42.50 ... now $49.50 $50.00 $60.00 $67.50 $85.00 to to to to $55.00... .now, $65.00... .now $75.00... .now $95.00... .now $39.50 $49.50 $59.50 $69.50 r regular Semi-Annual Sale of fine Van Boven mer- All items on sale are from our regular stock, and a generous savings to you. CLOTHING ns Available in the following Selected Groups.. Clearance OVERCOATS-TOPCOATS now $59.50 SPORT COATS . now $27.50 42.50 ..................now $33.50 $55.00 .... . . . . . . . . . .....now $42.50 D GROUP OF REGULAR DRESS SHIRTS tion of WHITE SHIRTS also available 5 70 670 70 Styles for all your needs . sports, dress or knockabout, with crepe, rubber or leather soles. $4.95..............now $3.75 3 for $10.50 .... now $4.50 $7.50.............now $5.75 All sizes available. er items are substantially reduced to afford you con- savings. They include selected groups of hose, sweaters, robes, hand-tailored neckwear. ITEMS ARE REDUCED AS MUCH AS ONE-HALF. -Iqw4m Al I CAlI CC FIlAI