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January 05, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-01-05

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New Voice in the Laid

S OMETHING is wrong with America.
More and more, a new voice is being
beard among the people-a siren voice in-
finitely more deadly than that which tempt-
ed Ulysses across far waters long ago. The
r voice is different to everyone who hears it,
but this is what it is saying:
"Security can be yours-security against
all the evils that life has held in the past:
poverty, sin, hunger, disease, poverty,
homelessness, poverty . . . Reach out for
it! Complete security is attainable, and
what's more it is the eleventh article in
the Bill of Rights, if not the eleventh com-
mandment. Reach out for it and see ... "
One of the ways in which the voice speaks
is through little men, men greedy for office
and power and that elusive security they
preach. Their names are written on every
election ballot.
And the voice is being heeded.
There are price supports for farmers.
(Never mind the consumer, appalled at the
mounting price of eggs. He hasn't the votes
to matter.)
There is rent control. (What's that you

say about the landlord? He put his life sav-
ings into building a few houses, and now
he's barely getting enough to pay for taxes
and repairs? Never mind him. He hasn't
the votes to matter.)
There are company paid pension plans.
(What? The employer thinks we should
contribute toward our pensions? Well, who's
going to live on those pensions-him or us?
Besides, he hasn't the votes to matter.)
There is round after round of wage in-
creases. (Why not? Prices are high. You
say they're high because wages are high?
Well, keep prices down and take the raise
out of the Company's profits. The Com-
pany isn't human; it doesn't need to eat.
What? You say there weren't any profits
this year? Now, what kind of an answer
is that' Fleece the Company. It hasn't
the' votes to matter.)
There are shorter and shorter working
days and earlier retirements. (Work is
drudgery. It's hateful. A person's dead
when he's working, and he only comes to life
at quitting time. Pride in your product?
Enjoyment of a task? Say, are you kidding?
Brother, wait until I'm 55 and retire--that's
when I'll start to live! Hang pride. It hasn't
the votes to matter.)
More of the same is on the way.
Compulsory health insurance, for exam-
ple. (Junior is fine, thank you. He was cir-
cumcised at birth, had his tonsils out at one,
his adenoids at two, his appendix at three,
his teeth at fifty-one, his kidney at fifty-
two, his liver at fifty-three, and his self-
respect somewhere along the way. But never
mind his self-respect.. It didn't have the
votes to matter.)
Where is the daring that braved a
stormy sea even unto Plymouth? The
courage that defied Indian arrows? The
initiative that built a nation where there
had only been an idea?
They are still among us, if we will only
look for them.
-James Gregory.


Order and Change
"THE STRUGGLE of what is old, estab-
lished and set with the forces of de-
velopment, expansion ,and change, is al-
ways the same. All order finally turns into
pedantry. To get rid of the latter, people
destroy the former, and some time elapses
before the need to re-establish order makes
itself felt. Classicism versus romanticism,
rigid guild rule versus laissez-faire, a policy
of large estates versus one of small holdings
-it is always the same conflict which ulti-
mately generates a new one. The most in-
telligent policy on the part of those who
govern would be, therefore, to moderate
this struggle so as to effect a compensating
swing without the destruction of the one
side . ."
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.




WASHINGTON-The case for launching
* another Manhattan District Project, in
order to build a "super-bomb," seems at
first hearing like a Walpurgis night dream
of total destruction. Yet this case is being
seriously made, at this moment, by import-
ant personalities on the highest govern-
mental level. The worst nightmares have a
way of coming true, nowadays. The essen-
tial arguments must therefore be set down.
In brief, it is theoretically feasible to
build 'a hydrogen bomb with something
y like 1,000 times the force of the uranium-
plutonium bomb that fell on Hiroshima.
It may cost anywhere from $2 to $4 billions,j
to build such a bomb in the shortest possible
space of time. The real issue in debate-a
bitter commentary- on the state of the
world-is whether such bombs can be sure-
ly delivered to their proper targets.
T0a BE BLUNT about it, the vital centers
of the Soviet Union are the obvious
potential targets, whether for the hydrogen
bomb of the future, or for our existing
stockpile of uranium-plutonium bombs.
Great distances, uncertain topography and
other factors will always make it extremely
difficult to hit targets in Russia with reas-
onable accuracy. And the chief attraction
of the hydrogen bomb is that it will reduce
the premium on accuracy in any bombing
This is simply because such a bomb
should theoretically devastate an area of
from sixty to 100 square miles, in one
ghastly detonation. Hence it should
transform what would be a wide miss,
even with a uranium-plutonium bomb,
into a~ direct hit consuming a whole city.
Even for conventional bombing, this is
crucially important. Furthermore, its
importance may later be increased very
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Calendar Calculation
THIS IS LIKELY to prove as futile a cam-
paign as the one to disabuse people of
the notion that Mark Twain said "Everybody
talks about the weather, but no one does
anything about it." Still it's a battle that
must be fought, so let's get on with it.
All right, then -- the midnight of New
Year's Eve that's just ahead will NOT-
repeat NOT - mark the midpoint of the
20th century. The year 1950 will NOT be
the start of the second half of this hun-
dred years.
Obviously everything would be tidier if
the calendar worked the way most people
assume it does.- After all, 1950 is an impres-
sively round number; it just looks as if it
ought to be an important milestone.
But the cold facts of time's recording

greatly, by the development of
guided missiles.


Provided a pilotless aircraft is the type
selected, it has been possible to build the
airframe of a long-range missile at any
time since the war. The most talked-about
design is a stripped-down pilotless jet bomb-
er capable of several thousand miles of
flight, at just sub-sonic speeds and at very
high altitudes. How to guide such a missile
has always been the question.
* * *
IN THE LAST YEAR, however, the basic
obstacle to long range 'missile guidance
has been successfully surmounted. As was
reported in this space a "non-precessable"
gyroscope has been designed at M.I.T. This
almost miraculous instrument is simply a
gyroscope whose accuracy is not disturbed
by friction. Because it is dependably stable,
it provides the long-sought "brain" for
missile guidance systems.
The new gyroscope can, for example,
form the basis of a mechanism that will
control a missile during thousands of
miles of flight by automatic celestial nav-
igation. Equally, it can be married to the
radar target locater that will send the
missile home in the last stage of its long
course. And while these, or other, guid-
ance methods can hardly achieve pinpoint
hits, they should bring the missiles quite
near enough to their targets, if the war
heads are hydrogen bombs.
Already, therefore, fleets of inter-conti-
nental guided missiles, carrying hydrogen
bombs, are expected in certain authoritative
quarters to be the strategic attack force of
the future. With all due allowance for in-
evitable disappointments, some such devel-
opment is certainly feasible in theory. Those
who expect theory to be translated into
practice are the advocates of an immediate
special effort to build a hydrogen bomb.
THE OPPONENTS of such an effort, on
the other hand, are sharply critical of
these lurid visions of the future. They do
not attack the underlying theory, although
they note in passing that our present, cha-
otic research and development program is
unlikely to achieve the sort of result out-
lined above. Their criticism rests, rather,
on their belief that, in air warfare, the
defense is now being developed even more
rapidly than the offense.
Within the past fourteen months,
American strategic air capabilities have
already been materially reduced, by the
appearance of an excellent Soviet jet
fighter and the beginning of a Soviet air
warning net. Piloted and pilotless air-
raft alike are already threatened by the
prototype of an effective anti-aircraft
guided missile. The whole present theory
of bombing could be upsetrby already-
discussed devices to janm radar target
locaters. If progress with these defensive
weapons really out-distances progress with
the weapons of offense, even a stockpile
of hydrogen bombs will be largely a
frozen asset.

WASHINGTON-The world has read a lot
of great Christmas stories, from Dick-
ens' Christmas Carol to Heywood Broun's
famous column, but this year we have a
Christmas story of doing which ranks with
any of them.
It's the story of veterans who have
fought our wars, who don't want to fight
any more wars and do want to build up
friendship abroad. Recognizing that wars
have come in cycles of about every 20
years, they have gone out to woo Europe's
children of today - who can be our best
friends or the enemy soldiers of tomorrow.
That's one factor behind the "tide of toys',
campaign, by which American children who
can spare an extra toy immediately after
Christmas are urged to send it, via the
American Legion, to lesse fortunate children
in Europe.
There was a time when the public thought
of Legionnaires chiefly in connection with
roughhousing at annual conventions. But a
new sense of international responsibility
and determination to play a part in world
diplomacy is growing in the Legion today.
And that is one reason why Legionnaires,
at this, the busiest time of the year, have
been cutting short their holidays to promote
what amounts to a friendship train of toys
to Europe.
MOST SIGNIFICANT political battle of
1950 will be fought in Connecticut where
the Republicans are lining up a glamor team
to oppose equally glamorous Democratic
On the Republican side, Claire Boothe
Luce, blonde authoress, ex-Congresswom-
an, and wife of the Time-Life publisher,
is being groomed to run for the Senate
against Brien McMahon, who has done a
notable job as chairman of the Senate
Atomic Energy Committee.
In Connecticut's second Senatorial elec-
tion, Congressman John Lodge, brother of
Massachusetts' Henry Cabot Lodge, will
probably run against newly appointed Dem-
ocratic Senator William Benton, advertising
executive and former Assistant Secretary of
State in charge of Voice of America.
And for Governor, the Republicans are
grooming the ex-mayor of Hartford Wil-
liam Mortensen, a popular vote getter, to
run against Democratic possibility fNr
president or vice president.
Two motives are behind Republican de-
termination to make Connecticut a testing
ground in 1950. One is that they, want to
knock off the ex-OPA chief, who has proved
to be so right about price control. The GOP
doesn't want the ghost of high prices, led
by Bowles, haunting them in 1952. Second,
whoever wins Connecticut in 1950, with the
governor elected for four years for the first
time instead of two, will probably control
the state for some time to come.
, * * *
student, one of his teachers was ex-
President William Howard Taft, and after
a heated discussion with Minton, Taft re-
marked: "Well, that's the law and the only
way you will be able to change it is toget
on the Supreme Court" Minton is now
there .. .
The Supreme Court has before it five
cases involving the right to picket, of which
perhaps the most important is that of John
Hughes and Louis Richardson vs. the State
of California. Hughes and Richardson
picketed one of the Lucky stores in Rich-
mond, in an attempt to induce them to hire
Negro employees in proportion to the num-

ber of Negroes patronizing the store. The
Supreme Court of California issued an in-
junction banning this picketing.
To get the proper background on picket-
ing, the nine old men have gone back
through medieval dictionaries to trace its
history . . .
Here is an indication of how concerned
the American people are with peace: After
Leon Pearson had Quaker leader Clarence
Pickett as guest on his television broadcast,
he got almost as many requests for the
Quaker booklet on U.S.-U.S.S.R. relations as
another TV show, "Who Said That?" which
staged a contest for a free TV set ...
Tom Morgan, able head of Sperry Gyro-
scope, was sounded out on taking David
Lilienthal's place as chairman of the atomic
energy commission. He wasn't interested.
HOTTEST PROBLEM facing Congres-
sional leaders as they got back to Wash-
ington was how to prevent another Parnell
Thomas kickback scandal.
This will be a major topic at a secret
meeting of the House Republican steering
committee early next week. House GOP
leader Joe Martin will tell his lieutenants
that House Republicans must immediately
rid their payrolls of any non-working em-
ployees who draw salaries from the tax-
Also, he will do some blunt talking about
members who bring disgrace upon them-
enlv an d or-in hir n ,.*byx r lxr ,ninalrin.-

Honor System .. .
To the Editor: .
AFTER reading the editorial on
thehonor system written by
Miss Iglauer, one would be in-
clined to draw the conclusion that
the honor system in the engineer-
ing school is very successful, and
that we would do well to institute
it in other colleges of the Univer-
sity. However, having worked with
the Honor Council of the College
of Engineering last year, I have
come to the definite conclusion
that the honor system has not
been successful.
There is one main reason for
this failure. The majority of the
students in the engineering col-
lege will not, if they see someone
cheating on an exam, openly ac-
cuse him of dishonesty and pro-
cure two -witnesses to support his
charges. This was brought out
last year by a questionnaire which
was given to approximately 1000
engineers by one of the school's
honorary organizations. Of the
750 that were filled out and re-
turned, about 65 per cent said that
they would not report someone if
they saw him acting suspiciously
on an examination.
These students have good rea-
sons for their opinions. They i'eal-

a ยข
-it n
"There's nothing wrong with your iambic pentameter on the
boys' room wall."
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Bill Mauldin

ize that in the long run the dis-
honest student will be the loser,
and therefore they are more con-
cerned with their own success on
the exam than in seeing that no
one else uses unethical methods.
Obviously, one has enough to do
when taking an examination with-
out supervising the affairs of
To verify this lack of coopera-
tion, one needs only to examine
the records of the Honor Council.
Last year there was only one case
of dishonesty brought against a
student by another student. How-
ever, there were not less than 40
cases instigated by professors
whose suspicions were aroused by
similar looking bluebooks.
I do not feel that you can con-
demn the students for this reluc-
tance to watch the conduct of
others. In the first place, con-
trary to popular opinion, the hon-
or system was not conceived at
the students' demands. In the sec-
ond place, if a student wants to
confine himself strictly to taking
his own examination, that is his
own personal business. After all,
considering the theoretical basis
upon which the honor system was
evolved, that is all he should have
to do.
-Ned Hess

sion announces examinations for
Junior Scientist and Engineer,
grades from GS-3 to GS-7. Clos-
ing date: Jan. 31.
The Pennsylvania Civil Service
Commission announces examina-
tions for Junior Enforcement Of-
ficer, Assistant Enforcement Ex-
aminer, and Report Examiner for
the Penn. Liquor Control Board.
Closing date: Jan. 6.
The New York State Civil Ser-
vice Commission announces exam-
inations for positions in Education,
Library Science, Soils Engineering,
Social Work, Occupational Ther-
apy, Dietetics, P u bl i c Health,
Photofluorography, and X-ray.
Closing date: Jan. 13. Examina-
tions also announced for Junior
Laboratory Technician for resi-
dents of Chautaugua county only.
Closing date: Jan. 13.
The Michigan State Civil Service
Commission announces examina-
tions for Library Assistant. Closing
date: Jan. 18.
For additional information on
the above announcements, please
call at the Bureau of Appts., 3528
Administration Bldg.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Van
Thomas Harris, Zoology; thesis:
"An Experimental Study of Habi-
tat Selection by the Deermouse,
Peromyscus Maniculatus", Thurs.
Jan. 5, West Council Room, Rack-
ham Bldg., 2 p.m. Chairman, L. R.
Doctoral Examination for Edgar
Lindsley McCormick, English; the-
sis: "Thomas Wentworth Higgin-
son as a Literary Critic", Fri., Jan.
6, East Council Room, Rackham
Bldg., 7 p.m. Chairman, J. L. Da-
Seminar in Applied Mathema-
tics: Thurs., Jan. 5, 4:15 p.m., 247
W. Engineering Bldg. Dr. I. Marx
will speak on "An eigenvalue prob-
lem in the theory of minimal sur-
faces.". -
Carroll Glenn, Violinist, and Eu-
gene List, Pianist, will be heard in
a joint recital, 8:30 p.m., Fri., Jan.
6, Hill Auditorium. This concert
will. be the fourth in the Extra,
Concert Series sponsored by the
University Musical Society. Pro-
gram: Haydn's Concerto for Vio-
lin and Piano in F major; Saint-
Saens' Introduction and Rondo
Capriccioso; Ravel's Ondine; Lis-
zt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 6;
and the Franck Sonata in A ma-
Tickets are available at the of-
fices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Memorial Tow-
Composition Forum, 8.30 p.m.,
Thurs. Jan. 5, Rackham Assembly
Hall, under the direction of Ross
Lee Finney. The program will op-
en with Sonata for Violin and Pi-
ano by Walter Piston, followed by
compositions by School of Music
students George Wilson, Donald
Truesdell and Dean Nuernberger,
pupils of Professor Finney. Parti-
cipating will be Dolores DiLorenzo,
piano, Julian Hamrick, horn, Ed-
ward Troupin and Andrew Lisko,
violin, and Joan Bullen Lewis, cel-
lo. The public is invited.
'Events Today
Lecture and Discussion of Car-
er Opportunities for College
Graduates in Chamber of Com-
merce and Trade Association work
will be discussed by Mr. John C.
Beukema and Mr. Otis F. Cook at
7:30a pm., 131 Business Adminis-
tration Bldg.
La P'tite Causette: 3:30 p.m.,

Grill Room, League.
International Center Weekly
Tea: 4:30-6 p.m., for all foreign
students and American friends.
Alpha Phi Omega: Meeting, 7
p.m., Union.
Inter-Racial Association: Meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., Union. Plans for
Washington lobby and CED to be
American Ordance Association:
Open meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3-S,
Union. Col. James R. Gunn, Jr.,
will speak on the subject "Japan
Druid Meeting Postponed. Next
meeting to be announced by cards.
Inter-Fraternity Glee Club: Or-
ganizational meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
5th floor, Burton Tower. All mem-
bers are requested to attend.
Hillel - I.Z.F.A. Hebrew class,
8 p.m., League.
Polonia Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.-
m., International Center. All mem-
bers are asked to attend.
Coming Ev'ents
U. of M. Sociological Society:
Coffee Hour, 3:15 p.m., Fri., 307L
Haven Hall.


6. Non-memoers will be charged a
nominal fare.

Three outstanding one-act plays
at Mendelssohn Theatre tomorrow
night. The curtain will go up on
Thornton Wilder's "Queens" of
France" a comedy. The second
play on the bill will be "Poet's Cor-,
ner" by Mary Parkington, based on
the life of the poet, John Keats.
The bill will conclude with JeaW
Cocteau's "Orphee" a farce treat-
ment of the Orpheus legend. The,
plays will be presented by the
Dept. of Speech and are directed
by advanced sutdents in the the-
atre classes. A minimum fee will
be charged for admission. Tickets)
go on sale Friday, 10 a.m. through
8 p.m. Performance begins at 8
German Coffee Hour: Fri., 3:15-
4:30 p.m., League Cafeteria. All
students and faculty members in-
Economics Club: 7:45 p.m., Jan.
9, Rackham Amphitheatre. Dr
Woodlief Thomas, Economic Ad-
viser to the Board of Governors:
of the Federal Reserve System,
Washington, D.C., will speak on
"Current Problems and Procedures
of Monetary Policy." Graduate
students and staff members in
Economics and Business Adminis-
tration, and other interested per-
sons invited.
U of M Hostel Club: Sat., Jan.
7, Square Dance at Jones School,
8-11 p.m. Everyone invited.
Sun., Jan. 8: Leave League at 10,
a.m. for ride by car to Kensington
Recreation Area for hike through
woods. Bring lunch, return by 6 1
p.m. Call leader Bill Walton, 2-
5235, about transportation.
I.Z.F.A.: Executive council,*meet
Fri., 4:15 p.m., Union.

IT WOULD be hard to devise a
more admirable statement
about the limits of police authori-
ty in a free society than that writ-
ten for -the George Washington
University's monthly bulletin,
Confidential-From Washington,
by John Edgar Hoover. The fact
that it comes from the director of
the Nation's most formidable and
most respected law-enforcement
agency, the Federal Bureau of In-
vestigation, is immensely reassur-
ing. Mr. Hoover recognizes that
"the -functon of law enforcement,
as the servant of the people, is
the essence of democracy." He
sees "no need for a national police
system" to deal with the challenge'
of communism and declares that
"police state methods can only en-
courage the growth of the very
evil we abhor."
Unfortunately, these profes-
sions have lately been transgressed
by the FBI itself. The pretrial
hearings before Federal Judge
Sylvester Ryan in the toplon-
Gubitchev case have revealed that
FBI agents extensively tapped the
telephone *wires of both defend-
ants. They went so far, indeed, as
to monitor confidential conversa-
tions between Miss Coplon and
her attorney - a form of con-
fidence traditionally inviolable.
This is conduct that is by no
means consonant with the demo-
cratic tradition or with the "high
standards" of law enforcement as h~
Mr. Hoover has so eloquently de-
fined them. The Supreme Court
has declared unequivocally that.
information gained directly or in-
directly from wire-tapping may
not be used in a Federal prosecu-
tion. Wire-tapping itself is, as
Justice Holmes called it, a "dirty a
business," to which the police of
a free people ought not to resort.
It is, in fact, one of those "police
state methods" which, as Mr.
Hoover observed, "can only en-
courage the growth of the very
evil we abhor."
-Washington Post.







Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructivenotice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LX., No. 72
All Veterans enrolled under the
G.I. Bill who plan to use this bene-
fit elsewhere next semester must
obtain a supplemental Certificate
of Eligibility. Call at the Veterans
Service Bureau, 555 Adminis-
tration Building, for necessary in-
Veterans: Veterans Administra-
tion regulations state that when a
veteran who is enrolled under the
G.I. Bill (P.L. 346) interrupts
training at the official close of a
semester he will automatically re-
ceive an additional 15 days of sub-
sistence allo w a n c e deductible
from his remaining eligibility, un-
less he notifies the Veterans Ad-
minitration, U n i o n Guardiani
Building, Detroit, Michigan at
least 30 days prior to the semes-
ter's close that the leave pay is not
Faculty bibliography r e p o r t
forms are available in the Gradu-.
ate School office for members of
the faculty who failed to receive
them through the campus mail.
Telephone 331.
The Harvard Business School
announces the award of Midwes-

education in the Spring Semester
should file application immediately
in 2509 University Elementary
Approved Student sponsored so-
cial events for the coming week-
January 6
Jordan Hall
January 7
Anderson House
Alpha Delta Phi
Alpha Phi Alpha
East Quadrangle Waiters
Eta Kappa Nu
Michigan Christian Fel.
Phi Kappa Tau
Psi Upsilon
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Delta Tau
Tau Delta Phi
Theta Xi
Registration Meeting for Sum-
mer Employment. Students inter-
ested in registering with the Bu-
reau of Appointments for employ-
ment during the coming summer
months are requested to attend the
registration meeting Thurs., Jan. 5,
4:10 p.m., Natural Science Audi-
The U.S. Civil Service Commis-
sion announces examinations for
Engineer a n d Civil Engineer
(Trainee) for the Bureau of Re-
clamation. Positions open in var-
ious western states. Grades GS-5
and GS-7 are open. Closing date,
Jan. 26.
The U.S. Civil Service Commis-
sion announces examinations, for
Physicists, Chemists, Metallurgists,
and Engineers; grades are open
from GS-3 to GC-7. Salaries from

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board In Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen............City Editor
Philip Dawson.......Editorial Director
Mary Stein.............Associate Editor
Jo Misner...........Associate Editor
George Walker...Associate Editor
Don McNeil .........Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady.........Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach..Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King................Librarians
IAllan Clamage.. Assistant Librarian~

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