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January 04, 1950 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1950-01-04

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I HEREBY RESOLVE to - but what's the
use? I won't keep them anyway.
It's strange the way people make resolu-
tions at the start of a new year. It's queer
that they make resolutions anytime, but
it's especially puzzling that they should
choose January 1 to do so each year.
Everyone seems to feel that the end of the
old year crosses off all of the mistakes of
the past. They feel that the beginning
of another year is a time to start life anew,
and they set up rules to live it by.
It is really rather silly though. Maybe
New Year's is as good a time as any to make
resolutions if they have to be made. Then
again the start of a new week or even a
new day might be a better time. Few people,
however, do this.
January 1 is nothing more than another
day. It simply is the unit of time that
begins a still larger unit of time.
In a day to day world it is useless to set
up rules for a whole year. If resolutions are
to be made for the future and evaluations
made of the past, they would be of more use
if they were based on a daily basis than on
one of a year or a half century.
-Vernon Emerson

._._. _ - _. _. "


Washington Merry-Go-Round


,WASHINGTON - Here is the inside story
of what happened at the all-important
White House conference last week called to
discuss the crisis in the Far East. President
Truman himself presided over the meeting
and seemed just as anxious as the military
to do something about the strategic island
of Formosa.
The meeting began with a presentation
by the chief of staff, Gen. Omar Bradley,
and Undersecretary of Defense Steve
Early. They pointed out that General
MacArthur had urgently cabled Washing-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

. "
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t 4
4 I

Honor System

'THE AMERICAN college system is in
danger. Cheating on our campuses flour-
ishes as it never has before. Moreover, the
college cheat is no longer someone to be
scorned, but an accepted figure on the cam-
pus." So begins a recent article in Cosmo-
politan on the trite, but serious problem of
the "college cheat."
This article continues by explaining the
reasons for the increase in scholastic dis-
honesty. Crowded classrooms, extinction of
the personal relationships that used to ex-
ist between students and faculty, the re-
quiring of subjects that are contrary to a
students' interests, and overemphasis on
classroom grades all lead to cheating. Our
own Dean Peake was quoted as remarking
"Overcrowding is undoubtedly one of the
most significant reasons for the increase
in cheating. The student feels he is a very
little fish in a very big ocean. Imperson-
ality results, and the student loses his
sense of ethical responsibility."
Instead of talking about this problem, we
ought to be able to do something about it.
Other schools throughout the country are
taking a more realistic attitude and are be-
ginning to produce results.
These schools are licking the cheating
situation by using an honor system. This
places the student on his personal honor
not to cheat. He also must report all of-
fenses- to a student honor board, that is
made up of students elected for their lead-
ership and judgment who mete out suit-

able punishments. This whole procedure
is out of the hands of the faculty and ad-
ministration. This system has worked at
Williams, Prineetonand at larger schools
suchas the University of Virginia, and
Stanford University.
Hawley Smith of Sanford said, when asked
how an honor system could function so well
in such a large school, "Our honor code
works well because all of us want it to work
well and are willing to take the responsibil-
ity of making it work. The average professor
at Stanford is glad to walk out of an ex-
amination room as soon as the tests are
passed out ... knowing he doesn't have to
employ such high school tactics as nurse-
maiding a roomful of supposedly mature
Why not adopt a similar plan here on
the Michigan campus-in ALL schools-
most particularly the literary college?
Cheating can be conquered-and the honor
system may be the way to fight it. Fur-
thermore, by the assimilation and prac-
tice of integrity while we are still on cam-
pus, this habit may become incorporated
into our later social relations.
We're here at Michigan to get academic
training, but what good is an A in English
31 if we also learn that the surest way to
get this grade is to take "crib notes" to the
bluebook? A dazzling academic record means
little if we must learn to sacrifice our per-
sonal integrity in order to get it.
-Jean Iglauer

* ton on the subject of Formosa and recom-
mended the use of both U.S. troops and
naval vessels to block an invasion of For-
mosa by the Chinese Reds. It was further
recommended that a large amount of
money be immediately made available to
the Chiang Kai-Shek group to speed the
protection of Formosa.
Bradley read a memo from General Mac-
Arthur in which he expressed the opinion
that the United States should take title to
Formosa and protect it with American troops
from Japan. MacArthur justified this on the
ground that there has been no Japanese
peace treaty as yet; therefore, Formosa tech-
nically could still be kept in American hands
as part of its occupation duty toward Japan.
Secretary of State Acheson sat calm and
relaxed through this discussion which
seemed to impress President Truman.
* * *
WHEN the other side had finished how-
ever, Acheson opened up with a few
blunt facts. He pointed out that Formosa
was not like Greece, where the Truman Doc-
trine had been successful in suppressing
Communism. He read detailed reports show-
ing that Formosa was a tiny, overpacked
island, full of dissident elements, and that,
while Japan had mistreated the Formosan
people for more than 30 years, the Formo-
sans hated the Chinese even more.
For, when the Chinese reoccupied For-
mosa in 1945, they instituted a reign of
terror worse than anything ever seen in
Germany. Acheson said he thought it
would be most unwise for the United States
to dispatch men into a chaotic situation
where a Trojan-horse revolt at any time
could end the last drop of Chinese re-
Acheson also opposed sending military
staff support to China and condemned the
idea of an American military man to rt'
China's defenses. He pointed out that Roose-
velt had tried to do this, that Ambassador
Hurley had recommended it, and that Gen-
eral Stilwell had attempted it. But it had
failed even when the Chinese Nationalists
still had the mainland. He asked, therefore,
how it was possible to defend China now
when there was very little left to defepd.
IN THE END, the Secretary of State com-
pletely won over both President Truman
and the military.
As a compromise, it was agreed that we
will ship Chiang Kai-Shek rifles, ammuni-
tion, artillery, howitzers and other equip-
ment to fight off an invasion of Formosa
out of the $75,000,000 Congress voted in
its last session. Also we will send about 20
U.S. military advisers to survey the situa-
tion. Truman is also considering recalling
General MacArthur for a firsthand discus-
sion of Japan.
One other important decision made by the
council was to rush American military help
to the French in Indo-China to help fight
the Communists. Twenty million dollars
worth of military supplies will start moving
to Indo-China within six weeks. This is the
price to try to keep France from supporting
Communist China's bid for the all-important
seat on the UN Security Council, which
carries with it the power of veto.
PRIVATELY, leaders agree that the second
session of the 81st Congress will set no
records for productivity or progressive legis-
lation. It will be a cautious session, with
other parties playing politics up to the hilt
and striving to keep their skirts clean for
the November election.
There will be a lot of shouting about
civil rights-with an eye on November-
but nothing enacted into law except, pos-
sibly, the anti-poll tax bill. This has al-
ready passed the House and needs only
Senate approval.
The Republicans are strictly in the mid-
dle on this one and can be counted on to
outyell the Democrats in the losing fight for
civil-rights legislation. However, they are
not willing to revise cloture to back up their

yells. Here's the outlook on other major
AID TO EDUCATION-already passed by
the Senate, this hot potato will be revamped
in the House to meet Catholic objections.
One concession will be an amendment pro-,
viding bus transportation for parochial as
well as public school students.
TAXES - the House will pass legislatioN4
increasing either corporate income taxes or
taxing excess profits, but Senator George of
Georgia and other business-minded col-
leagues put up a stiff battle against this in
the Senate.
SOCIAL SECURITY-the Social Security
expansion bill, already passed by the House,
will pass the Senate in somewhat similar
form, with few, if any, of its "liberalization"
teeth pulled.
despite White House demands for action.
Congressional Democrats want to save this
one for an election issue to use againstj
Republicans. Senate and House Democratic
leaders will do some shadow-boxing for the
newsapers. hut that's all.-

"Hey! Watch It, Bud"
' A tl uC t"ir
[ 1

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste wili
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
_______ n

(Continued from Page 2)

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WASHINGTON-If you want to know
where we stand at this macabre half-
century mark, you will be interested in a
debate that is now troubling the highest
level of the government. The issue is, very
simply, whether to launch an effort com-
parable to the war-time Manhattan District
project, in order to produce what is referred
to as the "super-bomb."
* * * *
: his is the weapon, with approximately
1,000 times the destructive force of the
bomb that fell on Hiroshima, thatSenator
Ed Johnson of Colorado recently described
to his television audience. Its power will de-
rive from the nuclear explosion of hydro-
gen. It will have the estimated capability of
devastating, in one detonation, an area of
60 to 100 square miles. Its theoretical feasi-
bility is well-established.
Indeed, none of those now arguing the
problem doubts for a moment that this
hideous weapon will be built eventually.
b That will be taken care of by the ordinary
work of the Atomic Energy Commission-
for it is the peculiar triumph of our time
that we are already very close to achiev-
ing the weapons of ultimate destruction.
The question is, rather, whether to appro-
priate the money and mobilize the man-
power to build such a bomb in perhaps two,
or three, or four years.
Intersetingly enough, the same issue was
first debated immediately after the war, be-
fore the Atomic Energy Commission was set
up. The theoretical possibility of a hydrogen
bomb was as well understood then as now.
A great effort to produce one was urged in
certain quarteis. President Truman then re-
ferred the problem, for study and recom-
mendation, to Dr. Vannevar Bush and Presi-
dent Conant of Harvard, who returned an
adverse report.
* * *
When the Atomic Energy Commission was
was organized, therefore, its primary
task was to continue and expand the Man-
hattan District's work. As a matter of course,
studies and experiments looking to the even-
+inal conndryntionnnf a hvoen bohmb were

hasten production of a hydrogen bomb be-
gan naturally to be urged. The arguments
of the proponents of this special effort are
too obvious to need setting down. The case
of the opponents is more complex.
Some, like David E. Lilienthal, who has no
taste for being a merchant of death,
have been visibly influenced by moral revul-
sion. In the main, however, the opposition
has based its case on the arguments origi-
nally advanced by Conant and Bush. It is
pointed out that a bomb 1,000 times more
destructive than the Hiroshima model is far
from being 1,000 times more useful. And it
is asserted that the strength to be gained
from possessing a hydrogen bomb will not
be proportional to the anticipated outlay
to build it. In short, it is argued that there
are more fruitful ways to invest the same
resources in the national defense.
Policy-planners, war-planners, and gov-
ernmental scientific advisers are to be
found on both sides of the argument, al-
though most soldiers are pros, and there
is a higher proportion of scientists among
the cons. Discussion and study of the prob-
lem have now reached the highest level,
and a policy decision will presumably be'
made before long.
Thus dustily and obscurely, the issues of
life and death are settled nowadays-dingy
committee rooms are the scenes of the de-
bate; harassed officials are the disputants ;
all the proceedings are highly classified; yet
the whole future hangs, perhaps, upon the
outcome, It will no doubt cause irritation, it
may probably provoke denials, to bring the
present debate out of its native darkness.
Yet this must be done, since deeper issues are
involved, which have been far too long con-
cealed from the country.
(Copyright, 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
As the year ended, there were on the air
98 television stations serving approximately
3,675,000 set owners in 58 cities. That meant
an investment of about $100,000,000 by the
broadcasters as against something like $1,-
000,000,000 put up by the audience. But,
for their prodigality, the people got some-

Long Live Barnaby *. -
To the Editor:
DEAR Mr. Trim:
In reference to your letter in
the December 14th issue of The
Michigan Daily, we, being men of
few words, would like to state
our opinion of the comic strip
"Barnaby," also coming right to
the point.
We believe that Barnaby (and
his fairy godfather, Mr. O'Malley)
provides good entertainment for
those who can appreciate intelli-
gent humor.
Long Live Barnaby
Robert Kozan,
John Neuhardt.
* * *
Free City--
To the Editor:
IF JERUSALEM were really to
become an international city,
would its citizens have any say in
the government? Would there be
Many newspapers have stressed
Israel's and Jordan's refusal to
abide by the UN's decision to inter-
nationalize Jerusalem, without giv-
ing due emphasis to their defriance
and without going into the strange
coalition which brought about the
unexpected action at Lake Suc-
cess last week. One is left to infer
that Israel and Jordan are just
plain stubborn and ornery and
While the present division of
Jerusalem into two sections is cer-
tainly not ideal, we must ask our-
selves; "Why internationalize this
town?" And we may come to the
conclusion that Jerusalem contains
a lot of holy places, and would
therefore be safer under UN con-
trol than in the hands of two op-
posing belligerents.
On the other hand, Rome con-
tains a lot of holy places, and no-
body has suggested taking the Va-
tican away from the Pope. In the
second place, how is the UN, with
insufficient funds and no police
forces, going to enforce its deci-
There were two plans in the
United Nations. One called for in-
ternational control of Christian,
Jewish and Mohammedan holy
places. The other called for inter-
nationalization of the whole city.
This, the stricter plan, was
pushed through by the Soviet Un-
ion, the Arab countries except
Hashemite Jordan, and a bloc of
South American countries, accord-
ing to Sunday's New York Times.
The Arab countries are plainly
jealous of Abdullah, who may in-
tend to set up his capital in his
part of Jerusalem. -
Russia has accused Israel of pro-
Western ("Wall Street") leanings,
and thus sees an advantage in
strict support of the original UN
partition proposal made two years
ago. Under international rule, Rus-
sia would have something to say,
the way she has her say in Ber-
lin. Vatican influence is extremely
strong in some of the Latin-Amer-
can countries.
The Vatican's stand is not so
easy to explain. The safety of re-
ligious shrines depends on the gen-
eral situation. Internationalization
would only decrease the stability
and increase friction. Moreover,
the New Section, where 100,000
.Tws live is entirelv modarn eand

Vulcan's Service .
To the Editor:
The Vulcans,honorary engineer-
ing society, are well deserving
of heartycongratulations for a
job well done in the field of stu-
dent transportation. The special
trains which they sponsored on the
New York Central were of great
service to those who utilized the
opportunity. The service provided
not only an economic saving, but
also a relief from the drudgeries
and frustrations of "seat hunting"
on crowded trains.
Other student honorary societies
should follow the lead of the Vul-
ca-ns, and look for concrete oppor-
tunities to serve University stu-
dents. Such organizations should
thrive on future service and not
past achievement for their fame.
-Tony Palermo, '51
Israel's Defiance...
Now the gage of battle is down.
Israel's leaders, in open defiance
of the United Nations, have de-
clared Jerusalem their capital.
They fly openly in the face of the
UN Assembly's decision that the
holy city be internationalized. -
Many who deplored the UN de-
cision will find the comfort of
confirmation from this action.
These are those who said the UN
may have weakened itself irrep-
arably by declaring for a course it
would be unable to maintain.
But the path of this sort of ar-
gument has been difficult to fol-
low from the first. Just how could
the UN have gained in prestige
and in honor by ducking a deci-
sion on this admittedly hard
problem? The League of Nations
tried to save itself by ducking the
tough ones-Mussolini in Ethio-
pia, the Japanese in Manchuria.
But the league simply died of
progressive atrophy that way. Is
the UN to follow?
There has been no argument
against internationalization but
the argument of expediency. True
enough, the Jews.claim Jerusalem
as their traditional capital. But
then Christians and Mohamme-
dans have the sentimental claims
of tradition on the city too.
These arguments, though, are
really beside the point, which is
that the UN, by an overwhelming
majority, has decreed a disposi-
tion of Jerusalem. To flout that
decision now, even to refuse to
support it to the hilt, is really to
weaken the international agency.
It is to say that the UN must bend
before every threat or sign of
force, leaving principle behind in
a dust heap.
-St. Louis Star Times.
AMA DDu.es..
The American Medical Associa-
tion apparently has decided that
the fight against compulsory medi-
cal health insurance is going to
be long and costly. For the first
time in A.M.A. history the mem-
bership has been called upon for
regular dues-$25 a year-to con-
tinue the fight against what the
doctors call the threat of socializ-
ed medicine.
Obviously this one-shot propa-
ganda program is not going to fin-
ish the job to the satisfaction of
association leaders. And obvious-
ly, too, the association is going to
step up its promotional effort. The
fixed annual dues, it is estimated,
will brin in ahnutt A3.0000n a

and Engineers; grades are open
from GS-3 to GC-7. Salaries from
$2650 to $3825 per annum. Clos-
ing date, Jan. 31.
The U.S. Civil Service Commis-
sion announces examinations for
Engineer a n d Civil Engineer
(Trainee) for the Bureau of Re-
clamation. Positions open in ver-
ious western states. Grades GS-5
and GS-7 are open. Closing date,
Jan. 26.
The U.S. Civil Service Commis-
sion announces examinations for
Agricultural Education Officer,
Education Officer, and Education-
al Specialist. Grades open from
GC-7 to GS-12 except for Educa-
tional Specialist which has grades
open from GS-7 to GS-11.
For additional information call
at the Bureau of Appointments,
3528 Administration Bldg.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Ed-
ward Evans Reynolds, Metallur-
gical Engineering; thesis: "The In-
fluence of Chemical Composition
on the Rupture Properties at 1200
degrees F of Wrought Cr-Ni-Co-
Fe-Mo-W-Cb Alloys", Wed., Jan.
4, 3201 E. Engineering Bldg., 1:30
p.m. Chairman, J. W. Freeman.
Doctoral Examination for Randa
D. Russell, Education; thesis: "A
Study of the Factors Related to
the Teaching of Physical Educa-
tion in Selected Virginia Elemen-
tary Schools', Wed., Jan. 4, East
Council Room, Rackham Bldg., 4
p.m. Chairman, Mabel Rugen.
Doctoral Examination for Van
Thomas Harris, Zoology; thesis:
"An Experimental Study of Habi-
tat Selection by the Deermouse,
Peromyscus Maniculatus", Thurs.
Jan. 5, West Council Room, Rack-
ham Bldg., 2 p.m. Chairman, L. R.
Directed Teaching Qualifying
Examination: All students expect-
ing to do directed teaching in the
spring term are required to pass a
qualifying examination in the sub-
ject in which they expect to teach.
This examination, for all fields
other than science, will be held
8:30 a.m., on Sat., Jan. 7. Students
will meet in the auditorium of the
University High School. The ex-
amination will consume about four
hours' time; promptness is essen-
tial. Bring bluebooks.
Students who expect to do their
directed teaching in science (bi-
ology, chemistry, physics, general
science) will take the examination
at 1 p.m., Sat., Jan. 7, 1011 Univer-
sity High School.
Physical Inorganic Chemistry
Seminar: Wed., Jan. 4, 4:07 p.m.,
2308 Chemistry. Mr. D. J. Dona-
hue will discuss "The Determina-
tion of the Solubility of Water in
Organic Systems by the Karl Fis-
cher Reagent."
Carroll Glenn, Violinist, and Eu-
gene List, Pianist, will be heard in
a joint recital, 8:30 p.m., Fri., Jan.
6, Hill Auditorium. This concert
will be the fourth in the Extra
Concert Series sponsored by the
University Musical Society. Pro-
m the association's position as a
dispenser of literature and an
employer of Washington lobbyists.
It hardly improves A.M.A.'s posi-
tion as a champion of free choice
in matters of public policy. And
free choice, if we read the A.M.A.'s
pamphlets correctly, is supposed
to be the very heart of its argu-
ment against any form of govern-
ment health insurance.

St. Louis Star-Times
Martyred Thomas?...
There should be occasion for
neither surprise nor congratula-
tions over Representative J. Par-
nell Thomas' resigning his House
seat. It's the obviously, urgently
right thing for him to do.
Yet the fact is that political
precedents of late ran against such
an action. Boston's James M. Cur-
ley went right on being mayor even
when he was serving a federal pen-
itentiary sentence for mail fraud.
Andy May clung to his House seat
even after congressional investi-
gation had turned up the whole'
sordid story of hcis Garsson invol-
So perhaps Representative Tho-'
mas rates at least a nod of thanks
for'not continuing to leech on the
federal pay roll.
He. might, in fact, have rated
a less grudging nod if it hadn't
been for his wife. She has had the'
outrageous effrontery to say she
will seek election to his seat.
"T have seen Parnell Thomas

gram: Haydn's Concerto for Vio-
lin and Piano in F major; Saint-
Saens' Introduction and Rondo
Capriccioso; Ravel's Ondine; Lis-
zt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 6;
and the Franck Sonata in A ma-
Tickets are available at the of-
fices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Memorial Tow-
Composition Forum, 8.30 p.m.,
Thurs. Jan. 5, Rackham Assembly
Hall, under the direction of Ross
Lee Finney. The program will op-
en with Sonata for Violin and Pi-
ano by Walter Piston, followed by
compositions by School of Music
students George Wilson Donald
Truesdell and Dean Nuernberger,
pupils of Professor Finney. Parti-
cipating will be Dolores DiLorenzo,
piano, Julian Hamrick, horn, Ed-
ward Troupin and Andrew Lisko,
violin, and Joan Bullen Lewis, cel-
lo. The public is invited.
Events Today
Wesleyan Guild: 4-5:30 p.m.,
Do-Drop-In. Refreshments. Guild
American Society of Civil En-
gineers: 7:30 p.m., Rms. , L, M,
and N, Union. Topic: "Huron-Clin-
ton Metropolitan Authority." New
officers will be presented.
Folk and Square Dance Club:
7:30-9:30 p.m. W.A.B. Special
guests: Gamma Phi Beta, Phi Del-
ta Theta, Winchell House and Hel-
en Newberry Residence. Public in-
West Quad Radio Club: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., in the "shack" 5th floor,
Williams House. Discussion of pro-
curement of new equipment.
Michigan Arts Chorale: Meeting,
7 p.m., Room B, Haven Hall.
Women of the University Facul-
ty: Tea, 4 to 6 p.m., fourth floor
clubroom, League.
Phi Sigma: Open meeting. 8 p.-
m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Pro-
jection of color slides and opening
of galleries of Phi Sigma Photo-
Art Exhibit. Galleries to remain
open until Jan. 31. Public invited.
U. of M. Sailing Club: Meeting,
7 p.m., 311 W. Engineering.
Airee-Ire will have its Ensian
picture taken, 7 p.m., Union Ball-
U. of M. Rifle Club: Meeting and
practice, 7 p.m., ROTC Rifle
U. of M. Theatre Guild: Gen-
eral meeting, 7:30 p.m., League.
Coming Events
Lecture and Discussion of Car-
eer Opportunities for College
Graduates in Chamber of Com-
merce and Trade Commission work
will be discussed by Mr. John C.
Beukema and Mr. Otis F. Cook at
7:30 p.m., Jan. 5, 131 Business Ad-
ministration Bldg.
Alpha Phi Omega: Meeting, 7
p.m., Jan. 5, Union.
Hillel - I.Z.F.A. Hebrew class,
Thurs., 8 p.m., League.
International Center Weekly
Tea: 4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., Jan. 5,
for all foreign students and Am-
erican friends.
Inter-Racial Association: Meet-
ing, Thurs., Jan. 5, 7:30 p.m., Un-
ion. Plans for Washington lobby
and CED to be discussed.

c 1JR










Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff............Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen ............City Editor
Philip Dawson....Editorial Director
Mary Stein...........Associate Editor
Jo Misner...........Associate Editor
George Walker ........ Associate Editor
Don McNeil............Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin......... Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz..... Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady.........Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach..Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King.................Librarian

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