PAGE FOUR, VIPE MVTCHWAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1949 'l YM1:11'.NI. ML 1 1.L l.I 11 V 1. I - -- -- .- I., t1m TREASURE HUNT: Antique Adventure Told by Patterson By ROZ VIRSHUP Antique hunters may start in search of silver spoons but they never know when they'll run into a historical treasure hunt, ac- cording to Robert Patterson, Ann Arbor resident and former United States consul to Ireland. Patterson retired from business and recently returned from Eng- land and Wales where he went Young Santas Get Thanks From Europe Paying Santa Claus has brought its reward to thousands of school children in the United States and Canada who sent gift packages to European young- sters. Several thousand letters have been pouring into Red Cross of- fices, expressing in a variety of languages similar emotions of gratitude. * * * "YOUR GOOD heart has moved us all . . . we will ask God for you and your dear country ever so many blessings," a seven-year- old Italian girl wrote. Translation of letters to good Samaritans in Washtenaw County was undertaken by fac- ulty members and students at the University and at Michigan State Normal College, under the direction of Prof. William G. Merharb, head of the modern languages department of Uni- versity High School. Contents of the gift boxes, valued at about two dollars, in- cluded toys as well as pads of paper, soap; toothpaste and pen- cils. Recipients of the gifts showed a sincere concern for their newly found friends in the United States. "Do you have enough to eat?" a Dutch boy inquired. "Haven't you gone to another country dur- ing the war or wasn't there any war over there?" EXTRA earnings on our bonus savings plan Ask about it n search of antiques at the sug- gestion of his friends. ** * * THERE HE "stumbled" on 9 scrap book of water color sketches that may give a clue to the missing letters of the English statesman Horace Walpole to Rev. William Mason. On the flyleaf of the scrap- book was inscribed "Landscapes by Rev. William Mason, poet." Between the pages Patterson found the codicile to Rev. Ma- son's will. Patterson said, "The name struck a familiar note. Wilmouth Lewis, of Yale University, a former classmate of mine, has spent the past 15 years compiling the biography of Horace Wal- pole." HE WENT ON to explain that although Mr. Mason's letters to Walpole were uncovered and published in 1851 there has been no trace of the return correspon- dence. Patterson purchased the book as well as other old prints and scrapbooks which came from the same attic collection. "I hope to make three more trips abroad, and perhaps find the missing letters," he remarked. * * * iVIANY OTHER items of Pat- terson's antique hunt will be on display at the Armory Sunday and will be auctioned off Monday. Among the collector's items to be auctioned are a set of 15 Welsh Wrexham bells, popular in the past for accompanying Christmas caroling. Patterson demonstrated the beauty of their tone with a rendi- tion of ."Jingle Bells." "Bell ringing societies are being revived, you know," he remarked. "I wish I could find some interest- ed students to take up the art." Old silver, prints, paintings, cameos and china as well as odd items such as a policeman's "billy" dating back to William IV are among the large collection to be auctioned. "The only difficulty with antique dealing is that you get so attached to your finds that you hate to part with them," Patterson commented. Groups Select Six from 'U' To Fill Positions Five faculty members and a University office worker have been selected to fill positions by a num- ber of organizations. Prof. Albert Hyma of the history department will act as department editor for the New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Know- ledge. * * * PROF. EMERITUS Edson R Sunderland, Prof. Laylin K. James and Prof. Russell A. Smith of the Law School were among the men listed to serve on various commit- tees of the state bar. Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr., of the public health school has been picked to serve as a special con- sultant to the Communicable Dis- ease Center of the U.S. Public Health Service. Mrs. Juanita B. Mantle of the Bureau of Appointments has been elected treasurer of the Nationa Institutional Teacher Placemen Association. Committee Emphasizes YuleSafety, By DON KOTITE Put safety at the top of your last-minute Christmas shopping list, a local safety committee has advised. With early signs of another icy winter already plaguing Michigan, campaigns aimed at reduction of the death toll are now in full swing throughout the state and natirn, the committee explained. PART OF THE Ann Arbor bivi- sion of the Automobile Club of Michigan, the local safety group is cooperating with other civic agencies in the battle against win- ter hazards on streets and high- ways.$ Committee secretary W. M. Strickland stressed that this year's slogan, "Don't Let Death Take Your Holiday," has behind it the combined forces of the Nation Safety Council in Chi-_ cago, and 160 other national "safety first" organizations. S-Day - Seeing, Steering and Stopping - is scheduled for Dec. 21, the official arrival of winter, but the weatherman has jumpedJ the gun this season by nearly a month, Strickland pointed out. "OUR RECORDS show that thet traffic toll for Christmas Day is twice the annual daily average, in- cluding Independence Day and- New Year's Day," he commented.1 He listed three basic rules to'- remember for keeping the "spiritJ of Christmas - alive!": 1. Start early and take it easyl when driving. 2. Be extra alert when walking. Avoid last-minute holiday shop- ping and carry parcels without ob-l structi:.g your view. 3. Stay sober. Don't let spirit (s) replace caution during the Christmas-New Year period. Honor Data - 1 To Be Printed Information describing the en- gineering school's honor system will be printed on engineers' cashier's receipts beginning next semester, the Engineering Coun- cil has announced. At its meeting the council also voted to change the representa- tion of the H onor Council to two members with at least one semester behind them, and six with at least five semesters'in the engineering school. Petitions for four posts on the Honor Council will be accepted in January. Psychology Club Plans Eloise Trip The Undergraduate Psychology Club is planning a trip to Eloise . Hospital on Jan. 6, 1950. Non-members of the club may sign up to go, and will be charged a nominal transportation fee. - Busses will leave from Hill Audi- torium at noon on Jan. 6. The club has requested anyone interested in going to sign up on the bulletin board outside Rm. 3126, Natural Science Bldg., by noon today. Brain Does The Work l Man sees and hears with his t brain; eyes and ears merely re- ceive and transmit stimuli. -Daily-Ed Kozmna CHRISTMAS PARTY-Kris Kringle puts in an appearance at Sigma Chi house in honor of the fraternity's annual Christmas party. 25 Ann Arbor children were guests of the house and re- ceived toy fire engines, nurse kits and toy dishes. Women from Delta Gamma were hostesses. Two New Organizations Elect First Executives Home Town' YuleParties To Be Held Christmas reunions for Univer- sity students will be held at several1 cities in the East and Middlewest. Dec. 28 will be "Michigan Night" at Frank Dailey's "Meadowbrook"7 in Cedar Grove, N.J. Elliot Law- rence and his orchestra will pro- vide music from 7:30 p.m. to 2:301 a.m. for this gathering of Uni- versity students living in the met- ropolitan New York, New Jersey and Connecticut area. * .' * RESERVATIONS may be made today with Edmund Gibbon, '52, at 202 Strauss House. After today, reservations may be made through Gibbon at 42 Woodland Rd., Short Hills, N.J. His phone is Short Hills 7-2975. Reservations may also be made at the Meadowbrook. The University of Michigan Alumni Club of Dearborn will hold its annual Christmas dance, Dec. 28, at the Dearborn Inn. Undergraduates and graduate students living in Dearborn may attend this semi-formal dance. Don Felvey and his band will play. Tickets may be obtained from Anthony Sargenti, treasurer, at 136 N. Highview, Dearborn. They cost $4 per couple and include a corsage. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS from Cleveland will hold their first an- nual Christmas dance from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Tuesday at the Wade Park Manor in Cleveland. Sponsored jointly by the Cleve- land Alumni Association and the Cleveland Club of Univer- sity Students, the dance will feature the music of Bob Pattie and his orchestra. Tickets may be purchased at the door the night of the dance, or reservations may be made by call- ing, in Cleveland, Marvin Lubeck, VIi-8944; Pat Doyle, Wa-3789 or George Hawthorne, Bo-3462. The Rochester, N.Y., alumni club will hold its Christmas dance from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Sheraton Hotel in Rochester. By DOLORES LASCHEVER It's a good thing decades come but once every 10 years. For come January 1, all thet printed forms marked 194- will no longer be any good. The passing of half a centuryt also means the passing of the 194-'s and the coming of the 195-'s. * * * WHAT HAPPENS? Do bored1 office workers go through form after form crossing out the 4's and marking in 5's? Or are the old forms thrown out and new ones printed? University students will be lucky when next semester rolls P'lan Drive to Expand Text Loan Library ..1 The University's 1,873 volume textbook lending library is in line. for considerable expansion as plans for a campus-wide book drive be- gin to materialize. The drive, to be conducted by Alpha Phi Omega, national service fraternity, will begin during the last week of the semester and will continue into the second semester. Collection boxes will be placed in all student residences and at stra- tegic points on campus. THE DRIVE was planned by co- chairmen Paul Weinmann, '51, and Dick White, BAd '50, of Alpha Phi Omega, after consultation with Charles H. Peake, assistant dean of the literary college, and Prof. Lionel Laing, chairman of concen- tration advisers, who supervise the textbook lending library. Although the textbook lend- ing library consists only of text- books currently being used in University courses, Weinmann emphasized that "contributions need not be limited to currently used textbooks. Any and all types of college books, in any condition, will be accepted by the drive." Obsolete books will be sold, and proceeds will be used to purchase texts needed by the library, Wein- mann said. around. They'll have brand new forms marked 195-. According to a spokesman from the accounting office, the Uni- versity never maintains more than a three to six months supply be- cause so many of them get out of date anyhow. "WE DON'T expect to have any sizable number of forms on hand," he said, adding that those that were left over would be used for 'scratch paper. He laughed at the suggested attempt to estimate the number of forms used by the Uni- versity each year. "With 20,000 students and several hundred dif- ferent forms, counting them would be a Herculean task." Two local businesses also have a satisfactory arrangement. One, a women's apparel shop, uses forms made out to 19 while a State St. restaurant has no dates on its checks at all. * * * THE LOCAL BANK won't fare so well. "I think we'll use the old forms until they run out," the auditor commented. "We haven't thought about it," the secretary of a local insurance agency explained. "I imagine we'll just cross out the 4's and write in 5." Crossing out one number and writing in another isn't so bad. But come another 50 years there'll be three numbers to cross out and write in. That'll be the year 2000. ROARING 40's END: Passing of '194-' Forms Causes Mild Headache . Two new campus organizations, the University Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions and the Student-Faculty Association Or- Phi Gammas Win Football Forecast Phi Gamma Delta won first prize in a football prediction con- test for the second consecutive year, sponsored by a national cig- arette manufacturer, while Alpha Phi Omega and Sigma Alpha Ep- silon took second and third places respectively. Prizes awarded were: a television set, first prize; combination radio and phonograph, second prize; table model combination radio and phonograph, third prize. ganizational Committee, have finished their setting-up exer- cises. In a meeting yesterday, Prof. Emeritus John L. Brumm, former chairman of the journalism de- partment, was elected chairman of the council. It is made up of graduate students and faculty. The group's purpose is to keep its members informed on issues of international, national and lo- cal significance especially in re- gard to civil rights. * * * THE STUDENT-Teachers Com- mittee was begun to furnish aid to prospective educators through professional and academic coun- seling and to provide a social meeting ground where they can exchange ideas, according to a spokesman. DAILY OFFICIAL, BULLETIN i (Continued from Page 3); ~~~ Engineering Library, 9-12 noon and 2-5 p.m., Monday-Friday. Grand Rapids, closed Dec. 17- Jan. 2. Hospital Library, 8-12 noon and 1-5 p.m., Monday-Friday. Physics Library, 10-12 noon, Monday-Friday. Transportation Library, 8 - 12 noon and 1-5 p.m., Monday-Fri- day. Vocational Guidance, c 1 o s e d Dec. 17-Jan. 2. Willow Run Study Hall, closed Dec. 17-Jan. 2. Detroit Branch, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday-Friday. Students interested in careers in retailing are invited to Career Open House at Bamberger's De- partment Store in Newark. Meet- ings will be held at 10 a.m. or at 2:30 p.m., Tuesday to Friday, Dec. 27-30. For additional information call at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg. Lecture University Lecture. "Problems of Policy and Administration in an International Organization." Wal- ter H. C. Laves, Deputy General Director of UNESCO; auspices of the Institute for Social Research and the Department of Political Science. 4:15 p.m., Fri., Dec. 16, Rackham Amphitheatre. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Rich- ard Keith Arnold, Forestry and Conservation; thesis: "Economic and Social Determinants of an Adequate Level of Forest Fire Con- trol," 1:30 p.m., Fri., Dec. 16, 2045 Natural Science Bldg. Chairman, .S W. Allen. Doctoral Examination for Wil- fred Minnich Senseman. English; thesis; "Demi-Science and Fiction; The Utilization of the Pseudo- Scientific in Some English Novels of the Period from 1790 to 1840," 9 a.m., Sat., Dec. 17, East Coun- cil Room, Rackham Bldg. Chair- man, J. L. Davis. Medical College Admission Test: Students who have not as yet ob- tained their application blank for the Medical College Admission test to be administered Jan. 16, 1950, can obtain them by calling at 110 Rackham Bldg. These applications are due in Princeton, N.J., not later than Jan. 2. Events Today Undergraduate Psychology Club: Field trip to Eloise Hospital (Wayne County), Jan. 6, 1950. E a c b t Busses will leave Hill Auditorium at 12 noon. Non-members will be charged a nominal fare. Sign up before Noon, Dec. 16 on the bulle- tin boardnoutside13 126hNatural Science. Exhibition halls of the Univer- sity Museums: Open to students and the public, 7 to 9 p.m., Fri., Dec. 16. Natural history motion pictures: "Animal Life" and "Story of the Bees," 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 3024. Coming Events U. of M. Hostel Club: Sat., Dec. 17, meet at League at 1 p.m. with skiis if snow permits or ready to hike if ground is bare. Return in time for supper. There will be a good skiier with the group to help beginners learn to ski. Ice Skating Club: First skating session will be held Jan. 3, from 1 to 3. After that day skating will be Mon. Tue. Wed. and Thur. at 1 p.m. New members still welcome U. of Hostel Club: New Year's Skiing at Cadillac: Fri., Dec. 30 to Mon., Jan. 2. Leave by car from League at 6:30 p.m., Fri. to drive to Boone Youth Hostel for two overnights and skiing at Cadillac. Call John Amneus, 25-0075, by Tues., Dec. 27, for reservation and details. Folk and Square Dance Club: 7:30-9:30 p.m., Wed., Jan. 5, W.A.B. Special guests: Gamma Phi Beta, Phi Delta Theta, Win- chell House and Helen Newberry Residence. Public invited. DRIVE OFFICIALS suggested that students look around their homes during Christmas vacation for any books which they could contribute. Pocahontas lost he Had no 44 ~/ -r fs1.I' er chance with John- blouse to don! 4)US OO L 'V 116 North Fourth Ave. Opposite Court House Phone 2-2549 Assets Over $12,000,000 _x .- IN ANN ARBOR - 508 E. WILLIAM ST. Holiday Headliners for Value-nunters: Record Cabinets... Portables ... Table Sets i $j3 95 Was $27.95 RECORD CABINET of sturdy con- struction; walnut finish. Holds 125 record albums. Other styles at $19.75, $21.95 and $24.95, Formerly valued up to $45. Holiday Greetings to you! We of The Elizabeth Dillon shop are adding our Season's Greetings to the -many we are sure already surround you in warm Holiday spirit. Our best NN JCOXS SOLD J 1r BU N D a S S A t RES EV ERy See them in Detroit at J. L. HUDSON Free booklet: "WARDROBE TRICKS". Write Judy Bond, Inc., Dept. N, 1375 Broadway, New York 18 U. 1 0oni Children's AC Phono by Trav-ter, Good tone; 2 tubes, easy to carry from room to room. Selection of colors. $14.95. G-E superheterodyne table radio; 5 tubes; built-in antenna. Ivory, $22.95; Brown plastic, $19.95. Zenith AC-DC 5-tube table radio Wavemagnet built in for longer distance tuning. Walnut plastic case, $27.95. Y vvl tsnets youLL very MERCHST JAS I I