PAGE FOUR T HE MICHIGAN DAILY TITTIUSDA'V, DEC1EMBEU t,15, 1949 Is There a Santa Claus? EDITOR'S NOTE-As some of our readers are probably aware, the New York Sun, in 1897 re- ceived the following letter from Virginia O. Hanlon: "Dear Editor: I am eight years old. Some of ny little friends 'say that there is no Santa Claus. Please tell me the truth. Is there a Santa Claus?" SANTA, Virginia, is the spirit of Christmas. He exists if you want him to; if you be- lieve in the idea of giving to others-the idea of love. But as we approach the half-way mark of the 20th century Santa Claus has be- come a jolly old man outside ourselves- with no connection to our own actions. This we cannot afford if there are going to be many more Christmases in the latter half of the century. No, Virginia, there is no Santa Claus. The most we can say is that there is a hope for Santa Claus. But there must be a Santa in Chungking too, Virginia, and in Paris, and Rome, and Hyderabad if he is to exist at all. Unless there is love there, in Holland, and no fear in the cities of China he is only a selfish idea in our own minds. The world has had fifty years since you wrote your letter to try and make things easy for a Santa, but it has failed. In all that time, the only things we have learned have been how to start the two most terrible wars in history and how to create ways of killing millions of people at once. We have- n't even tried to learn how to love millions of people at one time. This Christmas morning you will feel a touch of love, but then on December 26th you will have to face reality again. You will have to face the fact that if there is to be a chance for a Santa in the next fifty years you will have to become an adult. You will have to stop being uninterested in what hap- pens in Hindustan or Iran and recognize all these people as members of your own fam- ily. Awake to the responsibility which is yours, Virginia-to see to it that not just you but all people have a chance to cele- brate Christmas-to see that America is a free country that is doing something about peace on earth, goodwill to men, and not constantly worrying about a war. Then the idea of Santa will be a reality. When our one-day-a-year goodness be- comes applicable to all, from January 1st to December 31st, then people of every age, not just you at eight, can believe in Santa for thousands of years. Otherwise, there will be no Santa in 1999-nor a Christmas-in fact, perhaps no mankind. -Don McNeil ± ART THE COLLECTION of textiles and figur- ines assembled by the Ann Arbor Arts Association, on exhibit at the University Museum at Alumni Memorial Hall until the end of December, shows an amazing range of styles and techniques. The batik cloths from Java, for example, are especially rich. Those who are inter- ested in the possibilities of working the human figure into abstract patterns will be particularly pleased by the contrast of angular and curvilinear rhythms worked into the anatomy of the women in the fabric lent by Mr. and Mrs. Myron Chapin. Anyone who has never seen a tapa cloth, the textile equivalent of African wood-carv- ing in modern interior decoration, must take a look at the example lent by Mr. Thomas S. Tanner. Despite the fact that it is currently so fashionable, it is quite handsome. The ceremonial piece from Santa Maria Jesus in Guatamala, lent by Miss Mina Winslow, has all the geometry of early ; cubism, plus a great deal more feeling for pattern. The jerky rigid movement in the birds seems to our eyes to represent a par- ticularly mystic birdism. On a much higher level of sophistication, the great Paisley Shawl lent by the Rev. Eitorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff anid represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: ROMA LIPSKY I R. Wallace Tweed weaves a microcosm of minute detail into an easy harmony, appear- ing casual at first glance, but worked out with relentless thoroughness. The Japanese calendar, printed on cot- ton cloth, from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Everett S. Brown, though perhaps not as high in quality, is a delightfully amusing and much more unusual work. Among the sculptural figurines, there are several African and a Philippine wood carv- ing, all well worth noting. Mr. and Mrs. Har- old E. Wethey have lent a wood Virgin of the Immaculate Conception from Peru, which reflects the Indian's struggle to ab- sorb the Spanish Baroque which he never really understood. The two playful little Chinese Han horses belonging to Mrs. Dorothy Goss, are over 2,000 years old. This will give you some idea of the extension of the show, not only in space, but in time. Incidentally, I came to the show with the idea that it would be something like an old clothes collection assembled by proud local residents. So I had planned to write about the "historical importance" of the objects. When an unmarried woman is unbeautiful, she is often described as having "lots of personality", and when an art object is un- beautiful a critic often speaks of its "his- torical importance". Of course, there are some objects in this exhibit which, from a qualitative standpoint, are rather shabby. I was delighted to find, however, that there are truly a great many works which can bd enjoyed by themselves independently of their history. -Robert Enggass MATTER OF FACT:. The New New Look By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-Behind the bland, busi- ness-as-usual facade of the Truman administration, some relatively serious soul- searching is going on about American atomic policy. To be specific, a number of the leading men of the general advisory committee of the Atomic Energy Commis- sion have earnestly urged the desirability of a new look at the whole problem of international control. The warnings of these scientists have in turn led to a re-examination of the prob- lem by the highest government policy- makers. The chances are, as usual, that nothing will be done in the end. Yet the mere fact that this debate has been going on behind the closed doors of the Adminis- tration, is a somber commentary on the almost idiotic complacency which has, thus far, been the official public response to ,the explosion of the Soviet atomic bomb. THE GENERAL advisory committee, which started the whole business, is Mt a body to be disregarded. It includes such men as Conant, Oppenheimer, Dubridge, Fermi, Buckley and Rabi. It. reports direct to the President, rather than to the Atomic Energy Commission. And since the an- nouncement of last September, it has sh.n no complacency whatever." These scientific leaders would almost certainly be less disturbed if any serius effort were on foot to organize the defeses of the Western World. For reasons which must be examined later, the experts are now sharply writing down the strategic value of atomic weapons, when employed against a nation that is adequately de- fended. The trouble is that the defenses of the Western World, and particularly Western Europe, are anything but ade- quate. While this condition persists-and noth- ing solid is being done to change it-an atomic stockpile in Soviet hands retains the dreadful potentialities of the world's nightmare at the time of Hiroshima. Fur- thermore, as has been disclosed already in this space, the Soviets are thought to have the capability of accumulating an atomic stockpile at a comparatively early date. The official best guess is that the Kremlin will possess more than fifty atomic bombs by September, 1952. S * * SUCH IS THE background of the pressure for a "new look" at the question of international control of atomic energy. What is being urged is essentially simple. This country would try to negotiate a new agreement with the Soviet Union. Under this agreement, atomic weapons would be outlawed. Atomic energy would be demilitarized. Ex- isting atomic stockpiles (principally our own thus far) would be somehow sterilized. Mo- dified provisions for international inspection would be adopted, which would insure prompt discovery of any breach of the agree- ment, if backed up by an efficient intelli- gence service. Finally-and this is under- stood to be the heart of the plan--a meas- ure of disarmament would also be agreed up- on, sufficient to guarantee Western Europe against any sudden aggression. * * * THE WHOLE PROJECT would sound like the most wishful dream, if it were not for its context. In the first place, there are reasons to believe that the Soviet Union may be receptive to an overture along the lines very crudely sketched above. Signs have already been given, in the usual indirect manner. All that is being discussed at pre- sent, is whether this country should try to find out whether these signs mean anything. In the second place, no one thinks there is more than an even chance, at best, that the Soviets seriously desire even a modi- fied agreement for international control of atomic energy. Those who urge the de- sirability of a "new look" at this time sim- ply argue that it is our duty to find out what can be done. It is idiotic to under-rate the arguments against the kind of radical new departure that is now under discussion. Two-party talks between this country and Russia have long been an objective of Kremlin policy, and their avoidance has long been one of our objectives. Yet two party talks would now be embarked upon. Equally, we are al- ready committed to the stringent provisions of the Baruch plan for atomic energy con- trol. We have also committed our friends in the United Nations, who would certainly be upset by any change in our stand. Above all, the kind of Soviet-American agreement that is envisioned would cony- tag great elements of risk, no matter how carefully drawn. Yet in the bleak situation in which we find ourselves, the new look at atomic en- ergy control still seems to be the best way out. If the new look fails, we shall at least know where we are. And we can then take a new look at the disarmament program which has been so oddly launched, as a uni- lateral policy, by the Truman administra- tion. (Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) , And an A in Calculus." Xetted TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-The inflation row be- tween Secretary of the Treasury Snyder and Federal Reserve dynamo Marriner Eccles attracted headlines a few days ago. But when the two men met behind the closed doors of a Senate committee, the final re- sults of the feud were hushed up. It was Snyder who, perhaps knowing he would be no match for the shrewd and ex- perienced Eccles, insisted on a closed-door meeting. However, here is what happened. "The press has made this a personal dis- pute between Secretary Snyder and myself, but it's not that at all," Eccles declared. "It's a question of deep, fundamental policy that affects the future welfare of every man, woman and child in the United States. The Federal Reserve System cannot adequately carry out its obligation to control inflation- ary trends while the Treasury continues to borrow at fixed, low interest charges." * .* * - GOVERNMENT BONDS DUMPED - HE INTEREST rate (now averaging about 2.2 per cent on long-and-short-term government securities) should be somewhat higher, Eccles contended, to discourage dumping of government bonds by banks, in- surance companies and , other big purchasers. Also, it should be more flexible, he argued, so the Federal Reserve Board could use it as a lever to prevent either an overexpansion or a tightening of bank credit. Interest rates on government securities naturally influence the rates on commercial loans, Eccles pointed out, and therefore the quantity of such credit-which the Re- serve System is expected to control. "Well, the treasury has obligations, also," argued Snyder. "Let the interest rate go up on government bonds and there will be a howl from farmers and other groups, who will then have to pay higher financing charges on private loans and mortgages." Turning to Senator Douglas of Illinois, chairman of the meeting, Snyder remarked that Congress was chiefly responsible for inflation trends. "Inflation originates in the Congress," he commented, tartly. "If Congress votes to appropriate great sums of money and then doesn't increase taxes to balance this spend- ing, you are making inflation. You can't build up big deficits without taking risks." - ROBBING PETER - THE TREASURY CHIEF added that the low interest the government was paying on its bond issues represented that much of a saving to the taxpayer and helped to bal- ance the budget. However, Eccles shot back that it did nothing of the kind, but was a rob-Peter-to-pay-Paul policy that actually cost the taxpayers more in the long run. Low interest rates on government bonds often lead to dumping by big investors, who prefer to reinvest their money in less se- cure, but more profitable commercial loans, he explained. Since the Federal Reserve Sys- tem is required by law to buy up the bonds dumped on the open market, this further in- creases national bank reserves - against which more inflationary money is then is- sued. The amount of money the Treasury is saving now by its fixed, low interest rates, is only a pittance compared with the future, cost of inflation-if Snyder continues his present policy, Eccles warned. Progressives' Answer ... To the Editor: DURING recent weeks the Young Progressives of America have been directly and by innuendo at- tacked on their part in the fight to end discrimination on campus. Attacks have come from indivi duals writing in The Michigan Daily and from individuals repre- senting a number of campus or- ganizations. This is the YPA ans- wer: - Ever since we organized, the fight against discrimination has been a major part of our program. This semester, we have concen- trated all our efforts on this one issues. We believe that any pro- gress in the fight depends on how aware all students are of actual and possible forms of discrimina- tion. Only if the direct effects of racial bias on the lives of many Americans, and its indirect effects on all our lives, are in all their seriousness understood, can we gather forces strong enough to eliminate practices, such as cer- tain questions on application blanks, that make discrimination possible and easy. To this end we have, since our inception, campaigned for a Fair Employment Practices and a Fair Educational Practices measure;, have petitioned to end discrimina- tion in the armed forces; and have distributed two leaflets concern- ing discrimination on campus. In addition, we have sponsored inter- racial parties and have, within our group, established an area of friendly relations among students of all races. We were one of the groups in- strumental in organizinz the Com- mittee to End Discrimination. The others were AVC, IRA, and The Michigan Daily. We have tried, in the past, to further CED aims by proposing activities and by offer- ing means to carry them out; have consistently acted according to the spirit and letter of CED rules; and intend to do so in the future. We are one of the few groups whose name has appeared on all CED projects. Our primary interest is to end discrimination; and it makes little difference to us who is responsible for concrete results. To end dis- crimination is also the aim of those who attack us. Their attacks, we believe, will be justified only if they can present a record of action comparable to ours. Should they do this, show vividly how the 'lev- el-headed' sort of action they pro- pose differs from inaction, and in- dicate how it will do more than let things take their own course, we shall humbly bow our heads and follow their lead. --Young Progressives of America Executive Board *' * * Hindu-Moslem Riots ... To the Editor: TH reference to The Daily's interview with John Clark, re- ported on 13 December, I should like to call your attention to the biased nature of the statement made about the Hindu-Muslim riots in India, presumably mean- ing those of August-September [1947. Clark "charges" that the "gov- ernment of 'Hindu' India (as Clark calls it) deliberately planned and executed riots and massacres, with the full know- ledge of Gandhi and Nehru." As a matter of fact some of the worst disorders took place in Karachi, Rawalpindi, Lahore and countless other Panjab towns and villages before the partition of August 15, 1947. Even in July 1947 streams of Hindu refugees had been forced to evacutee their homes and places of business, and take shelter in Kashmir, Delhi, etc. With the of- ficial establishment of Pakistan conditions grew worse on both sides of the border. Moreover, even in 1946, Mr. Jinnah. (the Muslim League leader) announced that 16 August 1946 was to be "Direct Action Day," for the purpose of realiz- ing Pakistan; does not this clear- ly show who took the initiative, a full year before the final parti- tion, "in planning riots and massacres?" On the other hand, throughout 1946-47 Gandhiji was actively working for a last-minute rapprochement, and avoidance of division and disorder at any cost. The Mahatma even risked his life for three monts in predominantly Muslim East Bengal in Sept.- Oct.-Nov. 1946, tramping on foot through marshes and jungles, trying to restore confidence to the Hindu and Muslim villagers, not- ably in Noakhali. Again, on 13 January 1948, Ganhiji made his last epia fast unto death for the specific purpose of assuring safe- ty to the Muslim residents of In- dia. By 18 January 1948 the "Peace Pledge" was signed by all Hindu and Sikh organizations in Delhi, and was subscribed to throughout India. Gandhiji him- self said: "Hindus and Sikhs and Muslims must live as brothers here . . . Hindus and Sikhs must see that there is no retaliation, whatever Muslims elsewhere may do."-Is it not thus inconceivable that Gandhiji, and also his staunch disciple Pandit Nehlru, could possibly have backed riots and massacres of Muslims in In- dia, as Clark has charged? Clark has stated that the pur- pose behind the riots was to force "Muslim refugees into the newly- created nation of Pakistan to break it financially and socially." But in reality, the riots wiere brought about by the demand for Pakistan in the first place, and by Mohammed Ali Jinnah's insist- ence on "Direct Action." More- over, the financial and social dis- order in Pakistan subsequent to the partition resulted not only from the entry of Muslim refugees from Indian, but also from the en- forced departure of the Hindu and Sikh bankers and business- men, shopkeepers and farmers from Pakistan,-a factor which is totally ignored here. In his biased enthusiasm, Clark bemoans the fate of 4 million Muslims who poured into Paki- stan, but completely neglects the sufferings and losses of the tragic milions of Hindus and Sikhs who were likewise slaughtered and driven out of their homes and lands in Pakistan. It is reported that Clark talked with a random selection of about a hundred Muslims who had fled to Pakistan. But what about the Hindu and Sikh refugees driven out of Pakistan into In- dia? - Perhaps Clark would have gained a Tess one-sided picture of the whole situation if he had taken the pains to talk to Hindu and Sikh refugees in Delhi, Alla- habad, Lubknow and Madras, etc., etc., as I have, during my work and study in India from 1944 to 1948. (It is understood that Clark has just "returned from a 14 month trip through China and India.") And yet he dares to claim that "by these methods of selec- tion I have avoided the possibili- ty of having witnesses influenced by propaganda from either side." Clark accuses the "Hindu" Government of "deliberately planning and executing riots and massacres," and further states that "two weeks before partition time, groups of police and soldiers ... searched Muhammadan homes and removed all arms and wea- pons" and then "on partition day these same police and soldiers re- turned and started murdering the helpless people they had previous- ly disarmed." - May I remind Clark that the so-called "Hindu" Government did not come into power until 15 August 1947, the day of partition, and thus cannot be responsible for actions before that date? -Maureen L. P. Patterson. * * * To the Editor: WAS at first surprised and later amused by the ridiculous and mistaken remarks made by John Clark as reported in Tues- day's -Daily about the riots in India. I can understand the Hin- dus being blamed, but I can't un- derstand how a person like Mr. Clark, being in a respectable pro- fession like' teaching, having tra- velled in India and also being widely informed in a country like the United States, could accuse Mahatma ' Gandhi and Pandit Nehru 'of' "being responsible for the riots. I have met people in this country who have spent as much 'as fourteen years in India, and still have misinterpreted In- dia and her problems to Ameri- can friends here. I think most of us have a tendency ,to underestimate others and overestimate ourselves. That is the reason why today the thinking people of the world are fighting against narrow nation- alities, racialism, religious and other differences which' occur because we stick to our ideas and don't learn from men like Christ, Lincoln and Gandhi. Either Mr. Clark has judged Gandhi and Nehru from his own point of view with some set ideas of his personal background or he is mis- informed. Does Mr. Clark really believe the best informers are people with a "lack of education" because this prevents "contact with any written propaganda?" I have always heard that the great value of the American edu- cational system was that en- lightened, informed citizens are more responsible than those who are illiterate and unable to in- telligently ferret out the truth of a rumor. There is much good evidence to show that both Hindus and Mos- lems were responsible for the riot. The reasons are deep rooted so- cial, economic, historical and poli- tical problems. To explain all these factors would take a long time. But I would like to remind Mr. Clark that even in this coun- try during the fight for inde- pendencein 1776, only one-third of the people actually fought. One-third. was neutral and the re- maining one-third was against the idea. Similarly in my country the people, both Hindu and Moslem, who actually fought for inde- pendence in the pacifist manner did not participate in the riots. Those who did not have any sacrifice to make for the freedom of the country, started fighting when they saw they could share the fruits of victory by doing so. At the age of 78 the great leader, Mahatma Gandhi, sometimes walked fourteen miles a day un- der a hottsun in the midst of the rioting to the ruined villages, un- protected and unarmed. Wher- ever he went, no matter whether it was a city or a village, peace followed him. I don't see why India has been called "Hindu India." Our govern- ment is not based on any parti- cular religion but relies on God. Mahatma Gandhi gave his life for these religious troubles. After his To the Editor: , * FOR SEVERAL semesters -we have read with chagrin The Daily's continuous rebukes of artists visiting this campus. But the review by Miss Goss of Miss Stevens' concert was unquestion- ably one of the worse pieces of literary comment ever to' appear in The Daily. We attended Miss Stevens' con- cert and were greatly impressed by the presentation and interpreta- tion of her numbers. The rich, smooth tone and the quality of her voice is acclaimed by the music critics throughout the world, and we, two lowly engineering stu- dents,. not professing to be music critics, tend to lean towards these professional music critics,- who acclaim Miss Stevens one of the leading mezzo-sopranos in the world. So please Mr. Editor, Just once before we leave this institution we would like to read a favorable review about a visiting artist whose fame is already world wide. -Charles P. Laurenson, Nornian C. Seurinck. ~I14 r death there was complete peace among all religious groups iri 1h- dia. In the words of Pandit Nehru, we will never accept the two na- tion theory on the basis of re- ligious differences. We accepted partition for the long range bene- fit and also because it was un- avoidable. But we did not like it. I would like to ask Mr. Clark to let us look at Mahatma Gandhi through the eyes of the world. If we find that our individual's opinion is different than the world's opinion, then it won't lower Gandhi's position, but will only reflect upon ourselves. -Deba Dutt. * * * Criticism. To the Editor: THIS LETTER is dedicated to all participants in the theater arts, past and present, the fruits of whose labors have come in con- tact with the cynical taste of The Michigan Daily's conception of theater and music criticism. We do not reprimand any single per- son or critique. We merely con- demn them all for lacking in the basic graciousness this University community needs so much. The real issue is the heartless- ness of response which indicates no real love for the world they perceive, combined perhaps, with an exhibitionistic tendency to have their names made conspicuous for any reason. The saying on campus has become "Let's buy The Daily and find out how bad the program was". This is a serious charge against the critics on the staff of The Daily. Consider it well for so consistently malicious have the reviews been of late that few peo- ple take them seriously. In consequence of these sub- jective idiocyncracies the thous- ands of people who were thrilled by the beautiful effects introduced into their lives by Nelson Eddy, Italo Tajo, Rise Stevens and others- find no reflection of their truly human reactions in the petty col- umns of the campus critics. -John J. Wright W. Rioux . 4 .t 4 4. Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students C¢ the University of Michigan under ,the authority of the Board in ControlCd Student Publications. _ _ Editorial Staff. Leon Jaroff...........Managing !dito Al Blumrosen............City Editor Philip Dawson.......Editorial Direoo Mary Stein...........Associate Editor Jo Misner.............Associate Editor George Walker ........ Associate Editor Don McNeil .......Associate'E Wtm Alex Lmanian......Photography EdiWt Pres Holmes......... Sports Co-I+ditof Merle Levin.........Sports CO-Edito Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor Miriam Cady .......... Women's Eio Lee Kaltenbach.. 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