GOOD OLD $T :?;$ RL See Page 4 Y 4 A6V 4br .Aitr t :4utai4 ._ , __ Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LX, No. 67 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1949 PARTLY CLOUDY, COLD PRICE FIVE CENTS .Hoover Hits r High Cost of Government Calls Tax Load Past, Safe Limit WASHINGTON-(P) - Herbert Hoover,tin a new appeal for gov- ernment reform, said yesterday that soaring federal costs may turn "two Frankensteins loose in the land"-higher taxes and infla- tion. The former President told the National Reorganization Confer- ence that while economists say taxation beyond 25 per cent of na- tional income brings disaster, fed- eral and local taxes now eat up "far more than 30 per cent." "WE MUST CONSERVE our strength and stop wasting our heritage if we are to survive as a free people," Hoover declared. He offered a recipe for saving $2,- 000,000,000. He was addressing, at a din- 4 ner, several hundred members of the citizens committee for the Hoover report. Heading his priority list was a "skilled, non-political civil serv- ice." He urged that hiring and fir- ing be done by the agencies them- selves, instead of by the civil serv- ice commission.- SECOND IN priority was budget and accounting reform. His list continued: third-reorganizationr of the Post Office, and its removal from politics. Fourth-unification of federal hospital services. Fifth-unification of water conservation services. Sixth-unification of land man- agement. Candy Factory? U.S. enounces Fulgarian -streatment ofDiplomats 0 -Photo by Alan Reid SEASONAL SWEETS-Interfraternity Council members use mass production methods in packing 5,000 bags with candy and peanuts. These gifts and others will go to Ann Arbor school children who attend the annual IFC Christmas party tomorrow. Every f rater- nity on campus contributed to the financipg of the party. IFC Christmas Party Will Offer Candy, Gifts, Fun A strong candy-shop aroma greets callers at the Interfraternity Council's offices these days. The offices, on the third floor of the Union, are currently the scene of a mass gift-packing effort on the part of IFC staffers. * * * * THEY'RE PREPARING for the annual IFC Christmas party for Ann Arbor children, which will be held from 3:30 to 5 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. All local school children have been invited. More than 5,000 paper bags are being filled with gumdrops, hard candy, peanuts, candy canes-all calculated to bring joy to any - * youngster's heart. Other gifts SEVENTH--u n i f is a t i a n transportation services. Union's Ride of Setup Lacks, Cars, Drver Students interested in signing up with the Union's travel bureau for a possible ride home for the holidays must do so before 5 p.m. today, in the Union lobby. But unless a lot of drivers sign up today also, many of the would- be riders will be patronizing rail and bus companies Friday after- noon. AT THE END of the registra- tion period yesterday, only 125 drivers had signed up with the bureau, according to Don Boerma, '50E, co-manager of the service. "This number is not enough to take care of the 700 students who want rides," Boerma said. The supply-demand problem is especially acute for people going to Chicago and New York, with potential riders exceeding drivers by a wide margin. IN CONTRAST with this situa- tion, nearly everyone who wants to ride to California or Florida or other distant destinations can be accommodated, according to Boer- ma. As an incentive to more driver- participation in the travel bureau's program, riders will share all the expenses of the trip. Highest Court Upholds Rent Control Law WASHINGTON- (/P) -The va- lidity of the present federal rent control act was upheld by the Supreme Court yesterday. By an 8-0 vote, the Court threw out arguments that Congresstwent too far in delegating power to state and local governments to free themselves of controls. THE ACT, a successor to pre- vious control legislation, became effective last April 1. It will ex- pire June 30. Whether Congress will extend controls beyond that date is an open question. The government estimates that some 14,00Q,000 housing SAC to Debate IFC Bias Rule The anti-bias resolution passed by Interfraternity Council House Presidents will be considered by the Student Affairs Committee to- day. The resolution calls upon the committee to suspend any frater- nity having bias clauses in its con- stitution, if it fails to petition its national offices to remove the bias clauses. Deadline' for such petitions is Jan. 1, 1951. The House Presidents passed the motion at their meeting two weeks ago. IFC President Jake Jacobson,'50, said last night,"I think it's a good motion, and one in the right direction." include story and coloring books. In addition to a gift bag for each child, the party will feature a va- riety of entertainment-tumblers, acrobats, a magician. And of course, a Santa Claus. "Buzz" Durant, '50, will lend his padded presence to the proceed- ings as he passes out the thousands of gifts. MEMBERS of IFC will supervise the party and "do their best to keep the kids happy," IFC repre- sentatives said. Some of the supplies for the party were donated by Ann Ar- bor merchants. Most w e r e bought with funds from the IFC treasury, to which all fraterni- ties contribute. So, in a very real sense, children attending the party can well thank every fraternity man on campus for helping to make their Christ- mas a happier one. Plane Crash eleved To ClaimFour Navy Air Force Rescue Nineteen WASHINGTON-(')-A Capi- tal airliner groping for National Airport in a pea soup fog crashed into the Potomac River last night and authorities announced that three or four persons were "pre- sumed dead." At least 19 others, many of them seriously hurt, were rescued from mid-river by Navy and Air Force crash boats speeding through the water in the murk. * * * THE WRECKED craft had been bound from Memphis, Tenn., to Washington via Norfolk, carrying mostly Navy and Army men on Christmas leave. Capital Airlines announced shortly after midnight that the pilot and co-pilot of the craft were believed dead, trapped in the submerged plane. They were W. J. Davis, Co-Pilot, and L. L. Porter, both of Alexan- dria, Virginia. Air Force authori- ties said that at least one other body might be in the craft. Although it was announced at one time that salvage operations were being discontinued until daylight, later is was made plain that they would continue. Work- ers were cutting through the side of the plane in an effort to bring out the bodies. No torches were being used on the possibility that someone might still be alive in the wreckage of the craft, which was partly above water. e * . . THE TIDE was beginning to rise and water was rising higher on the plane's wreckage. Fog was terrific, before the crash, even on the ground. Many other airplanes were "stacked up" awaiting a chance to land. The crashed plane itself, during its hour of circling, almost land- ed once. That attempt failed when the plane's radio lost con- tact, it was reported, and ti ship climbed for another try. Then all contact was lost. At- tempts to track it in by radar failed. World News Roundup TAKU BAR, China-(P)-U.S. Consul General Angus Ward and his party of 19-ousted from Red China-were scheduled to begin today their slow journey by ship to the United States. * * * TEL AVIV, Israel - (,[) - An extraordinary meeting of the Hebrew Knesset (parliament) was postponed yesterday be- cause of a split in Premier David Ben-Gurion's Mapai (labor) party party over the cabinet's position on UN internationalization of Jerusalem. TAIPEH, Formosa - (P) - The Chinese Nationalist Government was authoritatively portrayed last night as ready to make immediate drastic reforms on Formosa to earn American economic and dip- lomatic assistance in holding this island fortress against the Com- munists. WASHINGTON - (P) --Con- gressmen seeking more informa- tion on wartime shipsments of some atomic materials to Russia turned back yesterday to two key witnesses, Lt. Gen. Leslie R. Groves and former Major George Racey Jordan. Last Day For %TO A i-, - Honestly! BALTIMORE - William O. Gardner told a judge today he wasn't trying to escape lasit year from the Maryland pen- itentiary. He simply fell off a truck while working outside the pris- on walls and stayed out when it didn't stop to pick up. And the reason lie never telephoned anyone during the 76 days he was at large was because he didn't have a nickel. Circuit Court Judge Robert France skeptically added a year to the four-year sentence the 27-year-old Garner was serving for burglary. UA W Chief Blasts Reds In Europe PARIS- (/ ) -Walter Reuther, President of the C.I.Q. United Automobile Workers, yesterday urged free European unions to fight the Communists on a "bread-and-butter level," by show- ing they could get more for la- bor. SPEAKING at a news confer- encer in his Paris hotel, Reuther also: 1. Predicted Easier coopera- tion between the Congress of In- dustrial organizations and the American Federation of Labor at home, after their recent co- operation in forming the Inter- national Confederation of Free Trade Unions at London last week. 2. Criticized as "intolerable" French controls on wages without controls on prices, and said that French unions would have to sup- port other parties if the govern- ment would not make policy in labor's interest. Tryouts for Youth Group To BeHeld Tryouts for a University repre- sentative to Gov. G. Mennen Wil- liams' Michigan Youth Committee will be held at 4 p.m. today and to- morrow in the Union. A board of representatives from Student Legislature, League and Union will select six students, one of whom will be appointed by the governor. TODAY'S interviews will be held in Rm. 3K and tomorrow's in Rm. 3N of the Union. The Committee, consisting of persons appointed from all over the state by the governor, will meet approximately once a month in Lansing to discuss, and make recommendations on high school and college prob- lems to educational authorities in Washington, D.C., according to SL President John Ryder. The Committee iscone of 48 in the country, one for each state, he added. RYDER SAID that tryouts must be interested in dealing with prob- lems of college and high school students. They must also be Mich- igan residents, he added. By JIM BROWN More than 320 students plan- ning to, leave Ann Arbor by way of Willow Run Airport Friday afternoon will be facing acritical taxicab shortage unless emergen- cy steps are taken by the -Michi- gan Public Service Commission within the next three days. According to a special common carrier license held by one local taxicab company, only 12 cabs are authorized to make the 20 minute trip to Willow Run and are permitted to carry a maxi- mum of only four passengers each. The license, granted several months ago by the Public Service Chance Still Open for Long Thanksgiving The possibility of a long week- end at Thanksgiving is still open, according to Frank E. Robbins, chairman of the Calendar Com- mittee. He made this statement in view of the University Senate's move- ment yesterday to "refer to the Calendar Committee for consider- ation several revisions in the Uni- versity calendar." Specific revisions were not di- vulged by the Senate, which held a closed session. Dave Belin, chairman of Stu- dent Legislature "Committee To End Classes on the Thanksgiving Weekend," said, "I will attempt to see how the situation stands at the moment and to find out what ac- tion may be taken in the near fu- ture." SANTA HITS A SNAG-The appearance of Santa Claus before a group of children Saturday at Fort Lauderdale, Fla., was delayed when he parachuted from his plane and the "chute" tangled in power wires. A power company employe had to untangle the red- suited visitor. ONLY TWELVE ON JOB: Airport Bound Students FaceTaxicab Shortage Commission, further stipulates that drivers of any other cab com- pany who operate on the airport run are subject to fines or jail sentences. MEANWHILE, the manager of a local travel agency predicted yesterday that more than 320 students will attempt to scurry out to the Willow Run airport to catch the Friday afternoon flights home for the Christmas vacation. Estimating a total 45 minute round trip to the airport, in- cluding time required to pick up passengers, the 12 cabs licensed to make the airport run could handle a maximum of 240 pas- sengers from 2 to 6 p.m. At least 100 students, there- fore, may miss their scheduled flights because pf inadequate transportation facilities to the air- port. * * * . TO ALLEVIATE this congested situation, another local cab com- pany is planning to file an appli- cation for revocation of the exclu- sive Willow Run license with the Public Service Commission. A company spokesman charg- ed that the license does not meet the "public convenience and necessity" requirements for all common carrier licenses. He added that a special request for an "emergency relaxation' of the franchise will be sought for Friday afternoon. Contacted by The Daily yester- day afternoon, John McCarthy, chairman of the Commission, said he had received no formal appli- cation asking that the license be revoked, although he had been contacted by George Burke, Jr. SCHOLAR HONORED: Price To Lecture Again OnShakespeare Tonight __________ 4> * Note Charges Restrictions Webb Questions Future Relations WASHINGTON - (A) - The United States denounced Commu- nist Bulgaria yesterday for sub- jecting American legation offi- cials at Sofia to "indignities," re- strictions and false charges. Undersecretary James E. Webb summoned Bulgaria's top Wash- ington representative to the State Department for a sharply-worded protest against the actions of his Soviet bloc government. WEBB RAISED the question of "the Bulgarian governnent's in- tentions with respect to the main- tenance of normal relations be- tween the two countries," the State Department said. Reporters asked press officer Michael J. McDermott whether this was an implied threat to break off American diplomatic relations with Bulgaria. McDer- mott declined direct comment, saying he could add nothing to the formal announcement. Webb's denounciation was made to Dr. Peter Voutov, charge de af- faires. It was based on the charge that the Bulgarian government has made a "deliberate attempt" to involve U.S. Minister Donald R. Heath in the current Communist purge trial of Traicho Kostov, for- mer vice premier. THE .STATE D epart m ent charged that the Bulgarian gov- ernment permitted "scurrilous ar- ticles" in its controlled press at- tacking the State Department and Minister Heath and indicating that Heath had deliberately lied in denying that he had ever seen Kostov or had ever exchanged a word with him. Meanwhile, in Sofia the death penalty by hanging was de- manded by state prosecutors for Kostov, former vice premier, and 10 co-defendants charged with treason, spying and sabo- tage. Kostov, Bulgaria's No. 2 Com- munist, was accused of having plotted with Premier Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia and with British and American "imperialists" to pull Bulgaria out of the Soviet sphere and annex it to Yugoslavia in an anti-Soviet bloc. IN A SENSATIONAL court room drama, Kostov had repudiated portions of his pre-trial confession to police. But the state countered through his co-defendants who testified against him. Two prosecutors for three hours bitterly assailed "Anglo- American imperialism" a n d Marshal Tito as the real masters of Kostov and his co-defendants. The chief prosecutor, Vladimir Bilchev, demanded the "heaviest punishment"-death by hanging- only for Kostov and four other de- fendants. Pollock Will Debate On ABC Hookup Prof. James K. Pollock, chair- man of the political science de- partment, and Edward H. Litch- field, past chief of the Civil Ad- ministration Division in Germany, will defend U.S. policy in Germany before a nation-wide radio audi- ence 8:30 p.m. today. In a Town Meeting of the Air broadcast, Prof. Pollock and Litch- field will support the affirmative side of the subject, "Is our present policy toward Germany sound?" The program will be aired over the ABC network. TAKING THE opposing view Prof. Hereward T. Price will pre- sent some of his famous Shakes- pearian comments at 8 p.m. today in Rackham Lecture Hall-the end result of gratitude and devotion by a group of his former Univer- sity students. In a University lecture present- ed by the Price-Student Founda- tion and sponsored by the English department, Prof. Price will dis- cuss "The Construction of Shakes- peare's PlayA." per * * * LAST SPRING when Prof. Price began his retirement furlough from the University, students from both his Shakespeare and Chaucer classes decided to organize the Price-Student Sharkespeare Foun- dation with the purpose of en- abling students to again hear Prof. Price. During the last few minutes of his final Shakespeare class at the University, Prof. Price's stu- dents presented him with a bound volume of his lectures for IN FIVE PLACES AT ONCE? Singer Stevens Exudes Joie de Vivre HEREWARD T. PRICE .. .to speak today lecturer position at Emory Col- By PHOEBE FELDMAN Sandwiching her Ann Arbor concert between two Metropolitan Opera engagements, Rise Stevens wound up her appearance here yesterday in a backstage whirl renewing ld*Al-friends~hips. thank- MISS STEVENS, commenting on a recent Time interview which inferred that she had "never bothered to marry her husband," stated - "a little surprised that some people might interpret ly married!" she reiterated firmly. Relating how littleher young son thinks of arias and operas, Miss Stevens said that a few years ago he remarked over Mil- ton Cross' children's concerts on the air. thaithewas "waiting to