TIE MICHIGAN DAILY SUJNDAY, DFiCTEMBER 11, 1949 FACULTY FOR KNOWING: Prof. Paton Crisp, Quotable By PAUL BRENTLINGER Though best known as an auth- ority on accounting, Prof. William A. Paton has extended his inter- ests and activities far beyond the intricacies of the realm of debits and credits. Crisp comments on public af- fairs, plus several popular ac- counting textbooks have made Prof. Paton's name familiar to students of economics and busi- ness administration for a good many years. DURING HIS 35 YEARS as a member of the University faculty, he has, written some 75 articles, several books, done editorial work, served on the Ann Arbor city council, and furnished technical advice to various governmental agencies. About a year ago, Prof. Paton broke into headlines in newspa- pers throughout the nation when .ie coined the word "Zollar" to describe the ,inflated 1948 ver- sion of the dollar. All this happened when Prof. Paton testified before a Congres- sional committee which was trying to decide what should be done about the level of corporation in- come taxes. More recently, Prof. Paton pre- pared a special statement for President Truman's steel fact- finding committee, which func- tioned last summer when the steel industry was plagued with serious labor troubles. * * * BUT TEACHING here at the University is Prof. Paton's true profession. As a teacher, he is pri- marily concerned with the patterns and goals of our educational pro- cess. As he sees it, the basic objec- tive of education should be "to encourage clear, unemotional thinking about ourselves, our en- vironment, and the relations be- tween these factors." In meeting this objective, he be- lieves that courses stressing quan titative measurements and the means of expressing ideas play an important role. "Such courses aim at increas- ing facility in the two main typcs of 'rental operations-measuring, prraying and sizing up; and com- n-unicatirg the results of measu e- ment and appraisal," Prof. Pakton said. HE DESCRIBED his own sub- Ject, accounting, as an excellent a: : c Prof. PriCe To Lectre Here Airqin Scholar WiI Talk On 11St h-es cae University stude ntts will again be able to hear Prof. Hereward T. Price's f a m ous Shakespeariar comments at 8 p.m. Tuesday ir Rackham Lecture Hall. In a University lecture pre- sented by the Price-Student Foundation and sponsored by the English department, Prof. Price will speak on "The Construction of Shakespeare's Plays." THE FOUNDATION was or- ganized last spring with the pur- pose of enabling students to again hear Prof. Price, a member of the English department on retire- ment furlough. Last spring during the last few minutes of his final Shake- speare class at the University, Prof. Price's students presented him with a bound volume of his lectures for both his Shake- speare and Chaucer courses. Tl'e presentation was made in tribute to the "awe, admiration and love for th art of William Shakespeare" with which he has "at all times inspired us." At that time, students from both his Shakespeare and Chau- cer classes decided to organize the Price-Student Shakespeare Foundation, through whose ef- forts Prof. Price's lecture is being presented. Rabin ovitch Will Talk at Lane Hall Dr. Ralph D. Rabinovitch, di- rector of the Children's Service at the Neuropsychiatric Institute, will participate in the Psychology Colloquium at 3:30 p.m. tomor- row, in Lane Hall basement. He will discuss some observa- tions on parent-child relations in the study of disturbed children. Purchase Card Sales To Continue Purchase Cards will be on sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. tomorrow and Tuesday in the Administra- tion Building Lobby for the Chica- go and Buffalo areas as well as the Detroit area, according to Pur- chase Card Chairman. Leonard Wilcox, '52. "We have 57 stores in Chicago honoring Purchase Cards, most of them on the South Side around the University of Chicago," he said. The 25 stores in Buffalo center around the University of Buffalo, Wilcox added. * * * CHICAGO STORES generally give 10 per cent discounts, upon presentation of a Purchase Card, on radio goods and services in ad- dition to merchandise ranging from jewelry to clothing, Wilcox declared. Buffalo stores offer discounts of from 10 to 20 per cent, he said. Cards sell for $1.00 and a list of stores in all three cities will be issued with each sale. Cards are good until Sept. 15 in these areas as well as 17 others throughout the country, Wilcox said. -Daily-Herb Harrington MICHIGAN RECORD ALBUM-Don Greenfield, (left) of the Wolverine Club, and Ray Okonski, recording engineer, show the first disc of the 1949-50 Michigan memories record album to a group of Helen Newberry co-eds. The girls (left to right) are Nancy Eichenlaub, Irene Askeu, Kathleen McKinney and Sherry Truesdell. Campus Hears 'U' MemoryReCord -Daily--Carlyle Marshall ECONOMIST-ACCOUNTANT - Prof. William A. Paton, who holds the title of Edwin Francis Gay University professor of accounting, as well as that of professor of economics, studies in his office in the business administration skyscraper. example of such courses, in that it eeks to array and interpret the ignificant measurements of eco- lomic activity, a field in which :lear thinking seems rather scarce. "This is an era of unprece- dented economic illiteracy," ac- cording to Prof. Paton. "On ev- ery hand people are accepting preposterous, fantastic ideas as practical policies." He attributes much of this sloppiness in economic thinking to the fact that "we have to contend with the general impression that anyone can understand the com- plexities of the economic process without any training." * * * BUT REGARDLESS of the gen- eral level of economic thinking', Prof. Paton has a favorable opin- ion regarding University students. "The Michigan student body rates high with respect to serious- ness of purpose and willingness to work," he observed. "Standards of performance here have been and continue to be high." ' However, he thinks that scholastic morale could be im- proved by stopping this "silly business of letting flunking stu- dents drop courses when the semester is half gone or later." "Knowing that marriage with a course can be readily annulled, students are less likely to pitch into the work whole-heartedly and effectively," was his comment on the question. * * * TURNING TO his fellow facul- ty members, Prof. Paton advised them "not to besuperior to thei drudgery connected with their work, such as preparing, managing and marking examinations, which should come several times during the semester." He added that "I am not very sympathetic with the prima- donnas on the faculty who neg- lect the routine chores, and even have difficulty getting to classes regularly." In his own classes, Prof. Paton injects frequent doses of humor to maintain student interest. Not long ago, while he was dramatizing a complicated business transaction in his best Shakespearean style, one ,of his students turned to another and critically remarked: "What a ham!" "I am forced to agree with his appraisal," Prof. Paton admitted, as he returned to the task of pre- paring for an approaching class. The record goes round and round, and so are members of the Wolverine club as they make the rounds of all campus residences to show students the first disc of the 1949-50 Michigan memory album. Helen Newberry and Martha Cook Dormitories were the first houses to be visited by students taking orders for the $6 album which will contain three 12 inch non-breakable records. AT EACH residence listeners will be asked to suggest approp- riate names for 'the album, which is to contain recorded snatches from memorable events through- out the school year. sender to: Wolverine Club, C-O Dean Rea, Administration Build- ing. The contest will close Wed- nesday. * *.* THE CONTENTS of the first disc are primarily centered about the football season, with portions of several Wolverine games, pep rallies, University band selections, the Homecoming display winner announcements, and the Danny Kaye show. Don Greenfield, in charge of the project, announced that the price of the album will be raised to $6.50 at the beginning of the spring semester. The contest, being held to de- cide a name for the album, is open to all University students, and a $25 U.S. Savings bond will go to the winner. Record albums will be awarded to the originat- ors of the two runner-up sug- gcstions. Name entries may be mailed with the name and address of DRAMATIC ENTHRALLING XMAS STORY Strange urgent quest of "The Indissoluble Tear" by blind author WAYNE DICKENS 35c at Marshall's booknook 211 S. State and campus bookstores Santa Says: ONLY A SHORT TIME LEFT FOR XMAS SHOPPING fSantaSuggests: GIFTS IN LINEN u :: : "TABLE CLOTHS, with Matching Napkins BATH TOWELS also Large Beach Towels, plain & striped available in long and square styles ALWAYS REASONABLY PRICED at THE GAGE LINEN SHOP o Open 5:30 to 9:30 11 Nickels Arcade $::c ::;:0 ;;;;> <:::> <::::0 ::::> <;::o ;;;;o ;;;;0 ;;;;> <;;;> <;;;0 iJ ~itenih Ri... Hooper has his ratings-so does the Michigan campus. An informal survey of what ra- dio programs students are listen- ing to indicates primarily that ra- dio tubes are not wearing. out in vast numbers. ABOUT 80 PER CENT of the students queried answered or pre- faced their favorite program choice with "I never get a chance to listen to the radio" or "I haven't heard a radio since I've been up at school." Many took a while .to think, ex- plaining "I used to like that pro- gram 2 years ago" and inquiring "is it still on the air?" or "Is it still as good as it used to be?" Music programs seem to take first place among the listeners, with classical music way out in front. The single program with the highest numiber of yeas was the N.Y. Philharmonic. The Metropolitan Opera and the NBC Symphony also rated high on the music list. The popul rity of these pro- grams was explained by their en- dorsers by the fact that they are broadcast on the week-end "when I sometimes get a chance to tune in" and that "they provide a good background for studying." COMEDIANS FARED well with an overall second place going to Jack Benny. His continued success was ex- plained by one student who said, "Benny's got a type of humor that makes you feel like a mem- ber of his family." "After listening to him for 13 years I can predict almost every joke before he tells it-and he's still terrific. Show me one other comedian who can just say 'lmm' week after week and send his lis- teners rolling in the aisles." HENRY MORGAN followed close on Benny's heels in the stu- dents' favor. Comments on Morgan ranged from "He's got character" to "He's clever and out of the or- dinary." Phil Harris, Bob Hope, Bing Crosby and Garry Moore got honorable mention. Stating a preference for Garry Moore, one student said, "He's crazy, but he puts me into a good frame of mind before I hit the sack." "SAM SPADE gets my first place vote" one man explained, "He's got that dashing, brilliant, carefree arrogance that every guy tries for -including the beautiful secre- tary." One football enthusiast said his favorite program was the Detroit Lions Football games-"Cause I can't afford a ticket." Burial By Exposition The parsees in Bombay expose their dead to the open air be- lieving that burial defiles the earth. . J SURE I'M HAPPY! in'50? v AM'T I READING D Round trip $28 via steamship H UuP. the 1950 ENSIAN? I