rII III IBII IreIllliittfR..li I r rr.1 iii: 11,1111.1-41, u. " :n Werr SD Y,.rTR ,,..R I~W PAGE FOUTR THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,1919: ;:__________ na~_____rd __X _____________________ U ______________.__x__x,________________r__..____,.__..___-_____ - ! V Preferred Rushing IN MORE THAN 50 fraternal abodes the cobwebs are being brushed down this week and the brothers are practicing their smiles and handshakes, in preparation for another regular fall wave of rushees. But rushing and fraternity life is tak- ing on a new light this year. The Com- mittee on Discrimination of the SL, with which the IFC worked this spring and is pledged to work this fall is striving hard this fall to combat prejudices. The fraternities have an excellent chance to aid the campaign. When rushees sign up early in the semes- ter, a list of their names is distributed to every fraternity. In the past a tiny nota- tion has been made after each of J. C, and P, for Jewish, Catholic and Protestant. This nakes it handy for the discriminators to void rushing the obviously undesirables. But now at last, it is the discriminators who are on the defensive and there is ab- solutely no reason for making their lives easier. By dropping the religious and racial designations the IFC would be fore- ing our bigots to shake hands wtih the rushees before putting a black mark on him. This is no guaranteed way of ending dis- crimination but it is an excellent way of cringing home to the fraternity people that in most cases, you really can't tell by looking at a man whether or not he is a Jew or Catholic. And as this writer has found, you often don't find out even after you've lived with him for a while. This means that the discriminators will have to as questions or find out by other means whether or not a rushee is mem- bership material racially and religiously. But that's good. It's the inquiring mind which our savants are trying to instill in us, and who knows, some may begin realizing that the differences are only in their imaginations. At any rate, it's either that or issue a guide to the rushees telling which fraternity does or does not want them because of their religious backgrounds. -Don McNeil. Uditorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff d represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: DOLORES LASCHEVER CII-NEMA At Hill Auditorium . . CESAR, with Raimu, Pierre Fresnay, Charpin, and Orane Demazis. "CESAR," THE LAST of the "Marius," "Fanny," "Cesar" trilogy, contains most of the elements that made the first two films outstanding but somehow doesn't quite reach 'the heights they attained. The fine Gallic humor which typifies Marcel Pagnol productions is present, but not in that abundance which made the earlier pictures as laugh provoking as they were. Raimu as the infinitely wise but humanly fallible Cesar turns in his usual superb performance, and it is on him and his bar-room cronies that most of the humor relies. Whereas in "Marius" and "Fanny" much of the comedy arose directly from the plot, most of the humor in "Cesar" depends on contrived situations which are quite ex- traneous to the story. Not that you really mind because the wit is so piquant as to be welcomed no matter how it is dragged into the picture. Characterization is excellent throughout. Orane Demazis as Fanny, the now middle- aged heroine makes a much more lasting impression in "Cesar" than she did as a younger woman. She displays a great deal of sensitivity in her portrayal of a woman torn between her role of respected matron and devotion to her girlhood lover. The only one of the trilogy to have a happy ending in the accepted movie version of the term, "Cesar" depends for plot on the earlier films plus several highly unlikely coincidences. Despite this, there is enough human charm in the characters to carry the film, and I imagine if Ranu had lived there would have been enough left over for several additional sequels. -Fredrica Winters. Incompetent N BELOIT, WIS., a telephone operator, hearing a dog barking over a line, noti- fied repairmen, who found the dog's mistress unconscious on the floor. That's the trouble with those half-trained dogs-unable to speak clearly after they dial the operator. -St. Louis Star-Times. .. ".. ..Ai ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH DREW PEARSON . ' . -I, , ''4, 4 S WASHINGTON - For three years, a running filibuster has been going on to keep the fair employment practices bill from coming up on the Senate floor. But after 2,000 pages of testimony, the weary talka- thon was temporarily ended-without fan- fare-when the bill was discharged by the Senate Labor Committee. This is the most controversial of all the civil-rights legislation and is certain to touch off another filibuster as, soon as it reaches the Senate floor. All that is holding it up now is the Democratic high command -still undecided whether to bring up civil rights at the tail end of this session while the Senators are too tired to talk and in a mood to go home, or to save civil rights until the 1950 election year when it will be more potent politically. The last words of the three-year fili- buster against the fair employment prac- tices bill were said behind closed doors. Senator Forrest Donnell of Missouri called for more hearings-which would have pro- longed the filibuster indefinitely. Minnesota's hair-trigger Senator Hubert Humphrey leaped to his feet. "How much more hearings do you think we need?" he snorted. "We have already heard from 250 witnesses who have filled 2,000 pages of testimony." In a vote on Donnell's proposal for more hearings, four other senators sided with Who Knows AN INTERESTING variation of the "Who's Who" sort of catalog will soon appear in print. It will be called "Who Knows- and What," and the idea behind it appears to have potentialities not yet fully grasped. In the proposed volume will be listed 16,000 authorities in such highly special- ized fields as peeling of chipped pearls, the poppability of popcorn, diseases of onions and the home life of turtles. Anybody who wants expert information on topics like these can simply consult "Who Knows- and What" and send off a letter of inquiry to the specialist named. The book's editors claim that it fills a real need in an age that is increasingly spe- cialized. But it might be argued that the new index, useful as it will undoubtedly prove, does not go nearly far enough. Many unquestioned experts in their fields are likely to be omitted. For example, there is H. Truman, a recognized authority on "Pitfalls of the Deep South." And how about S. Cripps, on the sub- ject of "Short-Changing the Pound"; B. Hickenlooper, on "Radioactive Effects of Atomic Energy Investigations"; Chiang K. on "How to Survive on an Island on a Few Paltry Billions"; H. Vaughan on "The Discriminating Use of Deep-Freezers"; and P. Hoffman on "How to Steer Be- tween Congressional Shoals"? Then there is one expert whose field, although little known, is regarded as ex- tremely important. But J. Stalin's knowledge of "What I am Going to do Day After To- morrow" is almost certain to remain inac- cessible to those who consult "Who Knows -and What." -Mary Stein. MATTER OF FACT: What Now?, By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-The steel strike which now seems imminent is a nightmare to a good many people, but to none more than to President Truman's Council of Eco- nomic Advisers. They are willing to express a very tenta- tive and guarded optimism, but if the pros- pect of a long steel strike is mentioned, op- timism gives way to Stygian gloom. The simplest way to understand the eco- nomic conundrum with which the econ- omists are anxiously wrestling is to draw two lines on a piece of paper. Draw one straight across the sheet. Then draw an- other, starting lower down, rising gradually until it meets the first line, and then almost immediately plunging down. Label the first line buying power, and the second produc- tion. The point where }the second line meets the first tells what happened when the postwar inflation came to an end, when there were suddenly more things to buy than money to buy them. The lines met and crossed late last year. Goods began to pile& up on the shelves. Orders were cancelled. Men were laid off. Production was cut back, and the present recession took hold. What now? On the whole the economists are inclined to a cautious, fingers-crossed optimism. But it must be emphasized that this tentative forecast does not reckon with an industry- wide steel strike. The fact is, the economists will tell you that there is really no way of assessing the effects on the national economy of a long strike in the country's basic industry. Other him-Taft of Ohio, Pepper of Florida, Hill of Alabama, and Withers of Kentucky. Three senators sided with Humphrey - and for FEPC-Thomas of Utah, Neely of West Virginia, and Murray of Montana. But Chairman Thomas pulled two proxies out of the bag from Morse of Oregon, and Douglas of Illinois-for FEPC. This gave Humphrey and Thomas a one-vote ma- jority-for a moment at least. Finally it was agreed by an 11-1 vote to discharge the bill without a recommenda- tion either for or against it. The lone dis- senter, in this case, was not Donnell-but Hill of Alabama. ** * e GERM WARFARE DESPITE THE unpleasant news about Russia's a-bomb, those who plan U.S. war strategy had long ago figured on a Russian weapon probably even more grue- some-namely, germ warfare. Bacteriological warfare preparation is now no secret either in the United States or Russia. By the end of the war the United States Navy had developed a germ capable of wiping out the entire Japanese rice crop. The germ, of course, was never used. But since then, American scientists have continued their experimentation, while Soviet scientists are reported to have been working feverishly and to have de- veloped two types of virus. One would wipe out cattle, the other would spread pesti- lence among human beings. U.S. intelligence regarding developments behind the iron curtain is now much better than at the end of the war. It's even known that the Russians are working on inocula- tion for their own troops so they could advance into enemy territory immune to dis- ease germs, after their own bacteriological warfare units had knocked outathe enemy. For some time this was to be Russia's chief answer to the atomic bomb, for germ war- fare can be prepared in small, inexpensive laboratories instead of the acres and acres of industrial plants necessary for the a-bomb construction. Out 1awrits ts THE RUSSIAN atomic explosion has re- vived talk of outlawing the atomic bomb. Perhaps it would be more proper to talk of outlawing the principle that involves the use of the bomb-war. In midsummer, however, at Geneva, representatives of sixty nations approved four new conventions on the rules of war. The nature of the conventions is incone- quential. What is important is that the na- tions of the world still seem to be in full approval of making war-or mass murder- legal. At the end of the First World War a . group of Americans, feeling that a world league would result in a nationalistic con- tinuation of the European war system with this country involved, proposed to outlaw war. Their plan was basically: 1. To have a conference called by the parliaments of the world to execute a treaty to outlaw war. 2. To have a convention called to codify the international laws of peace, and to es- tablish a world court, built on the principles otlhe U.S. Supreme Court, to settle all in- ternational disputes.-- 3. To have the faith of all civilized peo- ples pledged to the code in a ,plebicite. No force was to be used in the enforce- ment of the decisions of the court as this would be nothing short of war. Since the Outlawrist movement died out with the signing of the Kellogg-Briand Pact Europe has returned to the old system of farcical peace pacts, non-aggression treaties, armed alliances and war. And the United States is now in the war system up to its neck. The United Nations is, as the League of Nations was, a flop. Nationalism is still king. Before a world federation can be realized, nations must meet on a common ground. The means to this was and still is outlined in the Outlawrist Plan. -Vernon Emerson. f 4 . . 1^ _ t ' _, . =; M J x'Fd Yy , I' _ ~ Vl' ' .f ' f .: ¢: a -, ' - /x- y s . , J 3 / t 5'<+ cK P'£ ;9 m ri '' :4 z : < ' - ;}r. a -' _ i .'" - / _-, :- - d .' ,S_ . 1 My - rK P -.=: _ r t ,4 ®IY., -tfl *'A44-s,. tsVer m" REPORT ON CONGRESS: NisA Program (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second of two articles on the Annual Congress of the National Students Association. The writer, a former Daily senior editor, is director of publications for NSA). By CRAIG WILSON VIRTUALLY EVERY PHASE of student life is touched by programs outlined by the National Student Association. The Purchase Card System, whereby student purchasing power is directed toward merchants willing to give students dis- counts, will be expanded and revised to bring incoming Fresh- men into the program and get them acquainted with the entire NSA program., Increased numbers of American students will study, work, and travel abroad. More than 1,500 will go to Denmark alone. Asia, South Africa will be added to present travel lists. Students may be repre- sented on the Fulbright scholarship committee. * * * * UNDER CONSIDERATION are exchange of articles to periodicals in other countries, international study tour of India, film exchange, broadcasts abroad, exchange of radio, stage scripts, international sem- inar on student life. More orientation programs, including vocational guidance, psychology tests, human relations clinics to help students under- stand each other. Faculty rating systems will also be initiated. A survey on introduction of sex education will be taken. GRADING SYSTEMS used will be evaluated and students will work for granting of extra credits to students participating in extra- curricular activities. Regular progress reports will be published on the work each §chool is doing on elimination of discrimination within student or- ganizations. Officers and persons attending from the Michigan Region: Chair- man of the Michigan Region: Duane Johnson, Wayne. Other officers of the region: Joan Mauer, delegate-at-large; James Kilsdonk, vice- chairman; Pauline Primeau, educational problems chairman; Doriane Zipperstein, international affairs chairman; Bill Pratt, student life chairman; Doris Andrews, recording secretary; Evelyn Citrin, corre- sponding secretary; Jack Burns, treasurer; Rollo O'Hare, public rela- tions director. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN' cial Events for coming weekend: Fri., Sept. 30e Alpha Omicron Pi; Congrega-t tional-Disciples Guild; Zeta Tauc Alpha; Women's Physical Ed.i Club.'C Sat., Oct. 1 Adams House.; Alpha Delta Phi; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Alpha Tau Omega; Chicago House; Delta Tau Delta; Hostel Club;s Phi Delta Phi; Phi Kappa Tau; Phi Rho Sigma; Winchell House;t Michigan Christian Fellowship. l Freshman Health Lectures fort Men: It is a University requirement that all entering Freshman, in-c cluding veterans, attend a series1 of lectures on Personal and Com- munity Health and pass an ex- amination on the content of these lectures. Transfer students with freshman standing are also re-< quired to take the course unless1 they have had a similar course elsewhere, which has been accred- ited here.7 Upperclassmen who were hereJ as freshmen and who did not ful- fill the requirements are requested to do so this term.I The lectures will be given inc Natural Science Auditorium at 4,i 5 and 7:30 p.m. as per the follow- ing schedule: Lecture 3, Wed., Sept. 28; Lec- ture 4, Thurs., Sept. 29; Lecture 5, Mon., Oct. 3; Lecture 6, Tues., Oct. 4; Lecture 7 (Final Exam.) Wed., Oct. 5. You may attend at any of the above hours. Enrollment will take place at the first lecture. Please note that attendance is required. Academic Notices New Courses: The Dept. of Near Eastern Studies announces the appointment as Visiting Lecturer in Near Eastern Languages for this year only of Martin Spren- gling, Prof. Emeritus of Semitics, Univ. of Chicago. Internationally famous, Prof. Sprengling will offer the following courses: Near Eastern Studies 167-168, Moslem History and Civilization (identical with History 167-168); and Near Eastern Studies 61-62, Elementary Arabic. Hours to be arranged. Contact department office, 2023 Angell Hall. The University Extension Service announces: Ceramics. A study of the mate- rials and forms of pottery. Basic ceramic design applied to the pot- ter's wheel and simple uses of glazes. Open to students who have had previous work in ceramics. Class limited to twenty. Noncredit course, ten weeks, $10; materials, $5. Prof. Grover D. Cole. Wed., Sept. 28, 8 p.m.,r125 Architecture Building. A similar section for beginners is announced for Mondays,, at 8 p,m., 125 Architecture Building, beginning Oct. 3. Prof. Cole will be the instructor for this, also. Limited to twenty. Enrollment may be made at the University Extension office, 4524 Administra- tion. Painting and Composition. Open to those who are interested in do- ing creative work in painting and composition, using still life, model, or freely chosen subject matter. Designed for the beginner as well as for the mature student. Lec- tures, group discussions, and stu- dio activities. Noncredit, eight- week course which can be taken both Monday and Thursday nights for the fee of $15; or one night a week for $7.50. This course can also be taken as a six- teen-week course, fees to be paid at the beginning of each eight- week period. Frank Cassara, Thurs., Sept. 29, 7:30 p.m., 415 Architecture Building; Prof. Ger- ome Kamrowski, Mon., 7:30 p.m., 415 Architecture Building. Living in the Later Years I. This course is designed for those people in middle age and in later matur- ity who wish to learn how to de- velop their older years in a satis- fying, useful, and healthful man- ner. It will also be of value to per- sons who are interested in the problems of aging and the devel- opment of community resources for older citizens. The course will be- given by a group of mature persons who have experience and expertness in the topics consid- ered. Opportunity for discussion will be provided in connection with each lecture. Noncredit course, eight weeks, $5. Coordina- tor, Dr. Wilma Donahue. Thurs., Sept. 29, 7:30 p.m., 165 Business Administration Building. History 323 will meet in the Manuscript Room, Clements Li- brary, 7:30 Thursday evening. Use rear entrance. Spanish 213: The Spanish Lan- guage in America, will meet Mon- day evenings from 7-9 in 106 South Wing. First meeting, Oct. 3. Sports Instruction for Women: Women students who have com- pleted their physical education re- quirement may register as elec- tives in physical education classes on Tuesday and Wednesday morn- ings, Sept. 27 and 28 in Barbour Gymnasium. Concerts Choral Union Chorus: Last sea- son's members, in good standing, who desire to continue in the Choral Union, please fill out ap- plication cards at the offices of the University Musical Society, Burton Tower. New applicants who desire to gain membership. please make ap- pointments for tryouts at once, also at the offices of the Society in Burton Tower. Concerts: The University Musi- cal Society announces the Choral Union Concert Series as follows: Artur Rubinstein, Pianist, Oct. 4; Vienna Choir Boys, Oct. 15; Boston Symphony, Charles Munch, conductor, Nov. 6; Italo Tajo, Bass, Nov. 16; Rise Stevens, mezzo-soprano, Dec. 5; Cincinnati Orchestra, Thor Johnson, con- ductor, Jan. 17; Myra Hess, Pian- ist, Feb. 17; Pittsburgh Orchestra, Paul Paray, guest conductor, Feb. 23; and Zino Francescatti, violin- ist, Mar. 20. The Extra Concert Series is as follows: Nelson Eddy, baritone, Oct. 9; Boston Symphony, Charles Munch, conductor, Oct. 25; Tosy Spivakovsky, violinist, Nov. 22; Carroll Glenn, violinist and Eu- gene List, pianist, Jan. 6; and Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Fritz Reiner, guest conductor, Mar. 12. Season tickets as well as tickets for individual concerts in both series are on sale at the offices of the University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower. Carillon Recital by Percival Price, University Carillonneur, 7:15 tonight, on the Charles Baird Carillon in Burton Memorial Tower. The program. will inlude a group of University of Michigan songs, four songs by Stephen Fos- ter, six compositions for carillon by Menotti, and three spirituals. Events Today University Hostel Club: A group organized for the first time this summer for everyone in- terested in bicycling, canoeing, hiking, winter sports, and square dancing. First meeting this fall, 7:15 p.m., Lane Hall. Movies. Everyone welcome. U. of M. Sailing Club: Regular business meeting, Union, 7: 0 p.m. Engineering Council: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., 243 W.E. Agenda: Officers' Reports. Committee Reports. Smoker. Job Placement. Power Tool Shop. Numerical Grading System. New Business: Barn Dance. Speakers. Constitution. Americans For Democratic Ac- tion: First fall meeting, 7 p.m., Michigan League. Report on the Labour Party's Administration in England. All returning members of ADA (Continued on Page 5) ~14r tti Continued from Page 2 Women students wishing to ap- ply for part-time employment may call at the Dean of Women's Office, 1514 Administration Building. Fraternities: Officers of general and professional fraternities not operating houses are requested to call immediately at the Office of Student Affairs for registration of their organization. StudentnOrganizations: To be retained on the list of approved organizations for the present term, it is necessary for previously recognized organizations to regis- ter in the Office of Student Af- fairs, 1020 Admin., ON OR BE- FORE OCTOBER 14. Organiza- tions not registered by that date will be assumed inactive for the current semester. Registration in- cludes the filing. of (1) a list of officers and members, (2) the ac- ceptance of a member of the fac- ulty who is willing to act as ad- viser to the organization for this period. Officers must be scholas- tically eligible. Organizational meetings should be scheduled as early as possible so that registra- tion may be completed by the date indicated. Treasurers of student organiza- tions are requested to confer im- mediately with Mrs. Alfvin, 1020 Admin., to secure instructions for the handling of organization funds. University regulations re- quire that all students organiza- tion funds' be deposited with the Auditor of Student Organizations. Regents' rules governing opera- tion of motor vehicles by stu- dents: "No student in attendance at the University shall operate any motor vehicle. In exceptional and extraordinary cases in the discre- tion of the Dean of Students this rule may be relaxed." The regu- lation governs the use of a car as well as the operation of one: con- sequently it is not permissible for a student to use his car or his family's car for social, personal, or other purposes when the car is driven by any person who is not a member of his immediate family. Any act of driving without first securing permission from the Of.- fice of Student Affairs will consti- tute grounds for disciplinary ac- tion. Students within the following groups may apply for exemption from the ruling by calling in per- son at the Office of Student Af- fairs, 1020 Administration Build- ing, and by giving complete infor- mation on their cars: a) Those who are twenty-six years of age or older. b) Those who have a faculty rating of teaching fellow or high- er. c) Married students. It is to be emphasized that ex- emption is not granted automati- cally but is given only upon per- sonal request. All other student drivers must report to the Office of Student Affairs where they may petition for special permits which will en- able them to use their cars for purposes which are deemed abso- lutely necessary. q Looking Back -- Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff..........Managing Editor Al Blumrosen............City Editor Philip Dawson...Editorial Director Mary Stein.........Associate Editor Jo Misner.............Associate Editor George Walker.......Associate Editor Alex Lmanian.. Photography Editor Pres Holmes ......... Sports Co-Editor' Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz. .Associate Sports Editor Miriam Cady..... .Women's Editor Lee Kaltenbach.. Associate Women's Ed. Bess Hayes Young............Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington....Business Manager Jim Dangl . ..... ,Advertising Manager Bernie Aid inoff. Finance Manager Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters hereinare also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second-Glass mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier. $5.00, by mail, $6.00. 4 ::f 20 YEARS AGO: A UNIVERSITY enrollment of 9,399, which exceeded the 1928-1929 total, was ex- pected to reach between thirteen and four- teen thousand within the next few days. The male-female ratio was 6,781 to 2,618. Alexander Ruthven, Dean of Administra- tion and Director of University Museums, was appointed acting president of the Uni- versity by the Board of Regents. He was to perform the presidential duties until a suc- cessor to Dr. Clarence C. Little was formally appointed. 15 YEARS AGO: J. Edgar Hoover's FBI agents sought Biruno Hauptmann's accomplices in the sensational kidnapping of the Lindburgh ri x Approved Student Sponsored So- BARNABY !Yes, l'll waive my claim to the pearl money, Barnaby. If your father feels we should use ;o snd vyou to college. One of the many ,- , I1 r But there's lots to be done-Your application for admission-Reservations for your Quonset ht-Your father should have given me more Nonsense, little girl. I'll tutor him. Which college shall we favor with the distinction of having the world's youngest undergraduate? I