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December 09, 1949 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1949-12-09

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On the 0&0
It's formals - formals everywhere again this weekend.
PHI SIGMA DELTA'S pledge formal tonight at the Union will
center on a toyland theme. Dinner will precede dancing to the rhythm
of Chuck Myers.
BIGGEST EVENT of the year for Greene House residents will
be the Christmas formal tomorrow when alumni join festivities for
a homecoming. Music will be by Ken Norman's band.
PHI GAMS AND THETAS will join forces to present a Christmas
formal at the Washtenaw Country Club tonight. Dinner will be held
at the Stage Coach Inn. Al Rice is slated to occupy the bandstand.
* * * *
THE HEN )ERSON ROOM of the League will be the scene of
A K. Psi's pledge formal tomorrow, which is to be preceded by dinner
at the Allenel. Al Rice's music will be heard.
"PADDLE BALL," Acacia's annual pledge formal will take place
tomorrow at the house. Festivities will begin with dinner at the
Stage Coach Inn followed by dancing to the music of Chuck Brodhead.
KAPPA NU'S 30th anniversary will be commemorated tomorrow
at a formal dinner-dance at the Union. Chuck Manning and his
Michiganaires will furnish the music.
NAKAMURA COOPERATIVE will celebrate the holiday season
with a party and open house tomorrow.
"MISTLETOE MISCHIEF" is the name selected for Zeta Tau
Alpha's Christmas formal tonight. The musical side will feature Hugh
Jackson's band.
PHI RHO SIGMA'S Christmas formal tomorrow will revolve
around a holiday inn theme. Dancing in a rustic atmosphere will be
to the strains of Johnny. Harberd.
DINNER AT THE ALLENEL will precede the Delta Chi Christmas
formal tomorrow at the house. On the bandstand will be "Hugh
SANTA CLAUS will reward well-behaved Phi Sigma Kappa
' pledges tomorrow at a formal to be held in the depths of a pine
forest in the chapter house. Dinner will be held at the Union.
* * * *
HUMOROUS CHRISTMAS GIFTS with attached poems will be
one of the attractions at the ATO pledge formal at the house
CHI PSI'S pledge formal and dinner at the house tonight will
feature Rog Wellington's band.

Sophs Present "Rs You Shake It';
Festivities Will Flourish at League

: - A. .


"As You Shake It!" will be pre-
sented tonight and tomorrow night
at the League by the sophomore
women on campus.
Taking the name of the annual
Cabaret from a combination of
Shakespeare's name and the bard's
well known play "As You Like It,"
the Cab will feature a theme based
on the old English plays with
Shakespearian characters, in
modern guise, appearing in the1
"A COMEDY of Errors" will'
reign in the Grand Rapids room
where refreshments will be served.
The Ann Arbor room will be dec-
orated "Measure for Measure"
for use as a card and game room,
and the Hussey room will fea-
ture "Tempest" with rides through
Dancing to the music of Ted
Smith and his orchestra will
begin at 9 p.m. in the main ball-
room. There the decorations will
carry out a "Love's Labor Lost"
theme. Cupids and bows and ar-
rows will create the proper at-
mosphere for the romantic and
mood music.
With performances at 8:30 p.m.
and 10 p.m., the floorshow will be
presented in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn theatre. The show, "A Mid-
winter's Nightmare," will return
students to the scene of the Uni-
versity's ancient counterpart,
Senior Posts
The following senior project po-
sitions have been announced by
Pat Reed, League interviewing
Chairman, Mary Ann Harris of
Alpha Xi Delta; Assistant Chair-
man, Sally Goodyear of Kappa
Kappa Gamma; ticket chairman,
Ginny Carrell of Delta Delta Del-
ta; patron and invitation chair-
man, Dorothy Doerfner of Kappa
The list continues with publi-
city chairmen, Jo Hoey of Collegi-
ate Sorosis, Dorothy Malanick of
Alpha Omicron Pi; decorations
chairman, Barbara Seymour of
Barbour; entertainment chairmen,
Betty Jo Faulk of Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Ginny Campbell of Pi
Beta Phi.

WITH SUCH well known char-
acters as Romeo Hamulet, played
by Ginnie Fowler; Juliet Push-
pen, portrayed by Abbie Funk and
Henry the eighth Pushpen, char-
acterized by Nancy Watkins, the
show will also feature a startling
new character Damyoutoo. Joyce
Howard will take the part of this
Recognition Night
Committee signup for Pan-
hellenicnRecognition Night
will continue today ini the
Undergraduate Office of the

newly conceived, but very familiar,
Tickets may be purchased at
the- League, Union, West En-
gineering building, Architecture
building, all women's residences
and at the East and West Quad-
drangles during dinner hours.
They may also be purchased at
the door of the Cab tonight and
tomorrow night.
The tickets will be used for ad-
mission to the Cabaret, and the
stubsfwill serve for admittance to
the floorshow. Only stag tickets
are being sold.
Proceeds from the Cabaret will
be donated to the Fresh Air Camp.

, r


_______________ ______ _____ j



Everyone waits a sweater!
Especially a fine, crimp-set
in vivacious ntew colors
There's something special about a nylon sweater..
the quick-to-wash, quick-to-dry attitude it flaunts, the
way it teams up with your skirts and suits and always
looks brand, spanking new, without ever losing its good
shape. Needs no blocking or special care! Blue, pink,
green, white maize, jade or cherry; sizes 34 to 40.
Sport Shop

Couldn't be easier to get-into and out-of. Just Kwik
zip it up the side. It's lightweight, too-loose enough
to accommodate slacks ... yet beautiful withbut bulk.

Black in women's sizes.


BLUE AND WHITE decorations will predominate
bour's second annual Christmas formal, .,"Winter
planned tonight. The band will by Clyde House's.
* * * *

at Betsy Bar-

GAMES OF CHANCE will be rampant tomorrow at Trigon's tra-
ditional "Gambol Inn."
SIGMA CHI party-goers will enter the house tomorrow through
a mammoth Christmas wreath to attend the pledge formal. Clyde
House will furnish the music.


1111 So. University

Phone 2-3807

- '

* * *


OTHER FORMAL EVENTS tomorrow include Delta Tau Delta's
Christmas formal and Alpha Delta Phi's pledge formal. Ed Klum
will provide dance music at Alpha Rho Chi's Christmas semi-formal.
PI LAMBDA PHI will hold its winter formal dinner-dance
tonight at the Union, with Carleton Ryding's band.

Nylon, Wool and
Rabbit Hair

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Heavenly soft to the
touch, luxurious to the
eye, flower-fresh and
light, yet so practical .. .
a boon for you busy peo-

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Soft and smooth as a bunny's ear,
anklets that take sports and cas-
ual living in their busy stride.
Wonderfully wearable and wash-


Pastels, white, maize, pink,
Sizes 91/2 to 1.


Jiosiery air

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Jo kAnL0

Gowns 8.95 to 14.95
Sizes 32-40
Slips 5.95 to 10.95
Sizes 32-40
Panties 1.95 to 2.95
Sizes 4-7

A regular 14.95 value

This is no wallflower
but a bona fide
of all-wool flannel
The jacket is creamy, marsh-mallow
white wool flannel bound and buttoned

:t .



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