FIRE HAZARD AT 'U' See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State ~aitA1 Ccv- . 1,> o ; ,T °a / rn : FAIR VOL. LX, No. 64 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS i 'Young GOP Favors CED Dissolution Voices Support of SL Subcommittee By JOAN WILLENS The Young Republicans voted last night to favor the dissolution of the Committee to End Discrimi- nation. In the same motion the club voiced support of the Student Leg- islature sub-committee which was set up to meet the Deans to find out about possible discriminatory questions on application blanks. * * * TIHE RESOLUTION reaffirmed YR's belief in the principles of co- ordinating, integrating and initi- ating action against discrimina- tion but suggested that the SL committee take over CED's func- ions. The YR delegate to the CED was empowered by a 23 to 2 vote of the club to disaffiliate the Young Republicans from the CED, "when and if the occa- sion arises." Such action, however, may be taken only with the advice and consent of the president or the executive board, according to the motion passed. EXPLAINING this clause, presi- dent Dave Belin stated, "The YR will take no action until the SL committee makes its report Wed- nesday. "If the report sets forth an ac- tive SL program, we will with- draw from the CED and support the SL program as a more effec- tive means for removing dis- criminatory questions on appli- cation blanks." The Young Republicans defeated o motion proposing outright dis- affiliation from CED by a 19 to 7 vote. Members favored waiting to be assured of positive action by the SL committee. DECIDING to align itself with the "more conservative" element of the CED, the Young Republi- cans approved holding off disaf- 'filiation until it was deemed "ap- propriate" by the several groups. The Young Republicans unan- imously passed a motion against the distiibution of a proposed CED leaflet and withdrawing the name of the YR on the leaf- let as a supporting member or- ganization. "It is not because of the contents of the pamphlet, but because we feel that pressure by such leaflets is not the most effective way of reaching the deans," Belin said, in explanation of the club's action. SL Activities To Be Planned At Conference Plans for Student Legislature activities for the year will be drawn up at a pst-election work conference beginning at 12:45 p.m. tomorrow at the-Rackham Build- ing' In addition, new members will have the opportunity to see the workings of committees and SL as a whole in a series of committee sessions and roundtables. CONFERENCE chairman Do- lores Olsen emphasized that the conference was not only for pres- ent SL members but thosewhose terms expired recently and any- one who has worked with com- mittees or with the Legislature. Those who were defeated in the election and who still wish to work with the Legislature are also welcome, she said. The conference will get under way with a general session in the third floor Rackham Amphithea- tre, keynoted by an introductory talk by SL President John Ryder. AFTER THE GENERAL session, the Legislature will split into the six SL standing committees which will be set up as workshops, with each committee chairman as work leader. Natzka Will Sing Role in Messiah i Nationalists Flee China Mainland Premier Leaves Short-Lived Capital Of Chengtu, In Favor of Formosa y The Associated Press The Chinese Nationalist government fled from Chengtu yesterdayt to Taiper, on the island of Formosa-its fifth capital this year. Premier Yeh Hsi-Shan and 14 cabinet members arrived on the is-s land to set up their government, while Generalissimo Chiang-Kai ShekI remained behind in Chengtu to organize guerilla warfare against thea conquering Reds. * * * * FLIGHT WAS decided upon in an emergency cabinet meeting, ac-E cording to Yen, after it had been learned that the airfield at Kunmingf had been occupied-indicating that Yunnan's governor, Gen. Lu Han1 had made his long-feared defec-E tion from the Nationalist camp, and was holding his province until the Communists would arrive. This move would cut off the escape route into Burma and French Indo-China.r ,, fLu's defection was the latest blow in a disastrous week for the Nationalists. The Reds were occu- pying the South China coast, ad Gen. Pai Chung-Hsi, Moslem lead- er with the largest intact Nation- .E ' alist army, had reportedly left for . I Hainan Island, 300 miles southwest of Hong Kong. #rMEANWHILE, in New YorkE commenting on the UN Assembly's approval of an American-spon- sored motion favoring a hands-offr policy in China by all UN mem- bers, T. F. Tiang, chief Nia- tionalist China delegate said that ' his "government would fight onz indefinitely from inside China, and STEPHEN J. ROTH... on Formosa and Hainan. Attorney General speaks here The UN , Assembly's motion would "respect the right of the R ot eeks people t China now and ithe future to choose freely their p- litical institutions and to main- tamn a government independex t 18-Year Old of foreign control." The Assembly also turned the, China case over to the year-round / IA"Little Assembly" for continued Vj~ ly gU study of Nationalist charges of Russian help to the Chinese Reds. Charging that students "do not Tsiang said he would offer de- enjoy all of the franchises of citi- tailed information to the group as zens" during their college careers, evidence for his charges that the Michigan Attorney General Steph- Soviet Union is helping the Chi- en J. Roth last night called for an nese Commusts. (The Russian 18-year-old voting age.Blcm brswethonyU Speaking at an open meeting of members voting against the hands- the Young Democrats at Kellogg off resolution.) Auditorium, Roth asserted that "18-year-olds have reached an age R rae 1 of discretion and their interest inS government at this time is proba- bly as keen as at any time during BoardOusts their lives." "And I think the young voters1 would be a great stimulus for ac-1 tive participation in government," Roth added. SUNFIELD - (fP) - A rural * * * school board met yesterday and THE ENERGETIC Young Dem- dismissed its superintendent for ocratic leader also decried the writing a letter to a magazine "aura of mysticism which is about Russia. thrown around government func- The Rev. Albert Kauffman, su- tions in a college atmosphere." perintendent since last summer, did not appear to defend himself. Pointing to the average stu- He was given 30 days notice. dent's "political inactivity and * * * lethargy" during his college c - WHILE SNOW fluttered down reer, Roth said, "I think it is un- on this Eaton county community fortunate that more emphasis is of 350, the five board members not placed on government struc- took seats in the school assembly tures in our universities." room. This was the second time Questionedmabout thecrecent within a year that the question of State Supreme Court decision to dismissing a superintendent had turn the prosecution of the Ivan A. come up. Johnston bribery case over to him, Feeling was running high in Roth said, "Our principle concern the town-so high, in fact, that was the establishment of the prin- the board had called off a public1 ciple that the Attorney General meeting and decided to make has the right to intervene in any the decision itself. case in the State of Michigan They debated the question calm- when, in his opinion, the public in- ly. This was in marked contrast to terest requires intervention." a previous meeting last Tuesday when tempers had flared and the " board finally voted 3-2 against fimenco tves missal. -) INFORMED of the action after- to wards, the Rev. Mr. Kauffman, a grey-haired Congregational pas- In Arm s Race or of a church in nearby Vernon, said h had no comment. At the previous meeting, he had America is losing the race with stated that he was no Communist Russia for military supremacy, ac- or Socialist, that his letter had cording to Prof. N. Marbury Efi- been written in haste, that he was menco of the political science de- fully qualified through education pa tment. and experience for his job. /a Oppose Plan. For Holy City Hit International Control Proposal LAKE SUCCESS - (Ml - The United States and Israel led an 11th hour battle last night against a majority-supported plan in the United Nations to make Jerusalem an international city. Russia, Arab members of the UN Australia and most Latin Americanrcountries are pressing for international rule over the Holy City now occupied in separ- ate sectors by Hashemite Jordan and Israel. THE OPPOSITION hopes to convince the U.N. Assembly the cost of ruling Jerusalem under the UN would be prohibitive - as much as $34,000,000 a year. The plan approved in the spe- cial political committee yester- day by a vote of 35 to 13 goes before the General Assembly to- morrow in the final round of debate at the 1949 session. It may hold up final adjournment until Saturday. The opposition hoped to swing enough votes so the plan would not get the necessary two-thirds majority vote it will need for final approval in the Assembly. * * * THE QUESTION of costs came before the UN budgetary com- mittee as the last step before it goes to the assembly. The United States, Britain and 11 other countries oppose as un- workable the plan to have the UN try to make the Holy City a separate international unit under a UN commissioner. In the budget committee they won a partial victory. The group decided not to recommend that the Assembly approve an estimat- ed $8,000,000 budget to run such an international city for a year. It voted instead to advise the assembly that was the figure esti- mated by experts of the U.N. ad- visory committee on budgetary and administrative matters. ISRAEL WON inclusion in the committee report, however, of an opinion that this figure is "highly unrealistic," in view of its own experience of spending $34,000,000 in Jerusalem in a similar period. Israel and Jordan have given notice they will not accept inter- national rule. Forcesaofthe two countries have occupied separate parts of the Holy City since the 1947-48 Arab-Jewish fighting in Palestine. Train Ticket Sales Continue Stundent Special May Serve Upstate N.Y. Students from Buffalo, Roches- ter, Albany and Boston were urged yesterday to purchase tickets for the student vacation train to New York, by Jim Sakai of Vulcans, Groves Reveals AlBomb Wallace Facts Kept From Al 4 -Daily-Carlyle Marshall LIMITED DESOLATION-A view of part of what 27 wrecking men can accomplish in four weeks. The land they're clearing will be the site of the New Men's Dorm. Construction on the building is scheduled to begin sometime in the spring on the block south of the West Quad, bounded by Mon- roe, Madison, Thompson and State Streets. * * * * * * * s, Workers Clear New Dorm' Site fe I By DAVE CRIPPEN ' Construction on the New Men's Dorm has progressed only so far as the destructive 'stage. The dorm's site in the block di- rectly south of the West Quad has been worked over for the last four weeks by a wrecking crew busy with the razing of nine houses which must go before construction can start. HANDLING the dismantling job is a Lansing firm which has a crew of 27 (most of them Ann Arbor- ites) to do the work. Marshall Keeler, the project's superintendent, predicted that the job will be finished Dec. 24, just in time for Christmas. Arthur L. Brandon, director of the University's Information Serv- ices, said yesterday that construc- tion proper will start some time in the spring. The crew has pretty well wrecked seven of the houses so far and gotten a good start on the other two. DURING THE process Keeler said they've accumulated about 250,000 board feet of lumber, three or four tons of lead plumbing and some 600 doors. A cluttered house on Monroe St. has been pressed into service as a combined field office and salesrooms. Within it 15 assort- ed chandeliers attached to what apparently was once the house's dining room can stil oe seen. In the living room some of the 600 doors are deposited. But that isn't all. Ernie Lang- don, the salesman on the job said proudly yesterday, "We salvage everything but the shingles and the plaster." THE CREW has turned up a number of oddities among the reg- ular run of items. A number of ancient newspapers were un- earthed, as well as some big old type $2 bills. "Somebody always seemed to beat me to any of the money," Keeler remarked wryly. But Keeler has put his earmark on a picture of Huckleberry Finn rafting down the Mississippi, which was unaccountably left in the field office-salesrooms by its former occupants. * ~* * A FORMER fraternity house on Madison St. also contributed some interesting exhibits. There the men found :a few rotten eggs and a pair of pad- dles, one of them a giant num- ber which was apparently re-. served for initiations and initi- ates. But the house's most fetching relic is one the workmen won't be able to save. It's a mural of sorts on some of the unsalvageable plas- ter, in what was once a bathroom. On it a droopy-eyed Adam, modishly attired in a fig leaf, is shown advancing toward an ap- parently interested but still un- convinced Eve. Perkins Named To Education Body John A. Perkins, assistant Pro- vost of the University, has been named a member of a 29-man commission to assist in the forma- tion of educational policies, it was announced yesterday. Says Russia Got Wartime [nformation1 General Hopes Probe Will Go On By The Associated Press Lt. Gen. Leslie R. Groves, r- tired, former head of the A-bomb project, said yesterday that he had withheld from Henry A. Wallace secret reports which normally would have gone to the former Vice-President. The reports, Groves said, would have gone to Wallace as a mem- ber of the President's. special com- mittee on atomic energy. - * * * GROVES had denied Wednes- day that Wallace and the late Harry Hopkins "pressured" him to release atomic materials or secrets to the Russians. The wartime chief of the atom bomb project also said he thought theeRussians had ob- tained some of our wartime se- crets. "How much they obtained, no- body knows," he declared. He said he hoped the House Un- American activities committee would continue its current investi- gation, especially in an effort to find out "whether there were enormous, unnecessary shipments to Russia." IN WASHINGTON, House prob- ers sought to find the trail of war- time shipments of uranium mate- rials to Russia, spurred by a Ca- nadian announcement that 1,000 pounds of such material had been sent to the Soviet in 1943. House committee investigators also think they may uncover a 1,000 gram shipment of heavy water to the Russians, although Groves doubts it. Canadian trade minister C. D. Howe said 500 pounds of black uranium oxide and 500 pounds of uranium nitrate were sold the Russians in May, 1943, through normal trade channels. INFORMED CIRCLES said that while both materials are used in atom bomb making, the amount of the Canadian shipment was so small it could have no appreciable importance on the Soviet's bomb development. In an interview by telephone yesterday from Norwalk, Conn., Groves elaborated on his testi- mony before the House commit- tee. Groves said he showed one of the secret reports on atomic devel- opments to Wallace in the fall of 1943-but withheld others that followed from the then Vice-Presi- dent. Asked why he had done so, Groves said he "preferred not to. He was asked if this was a de- liberate withholding of informa- tion from Wallace. "Some people might think so, he replied. Wallace declined comment on Groves' new remarks. Students May Make J-Hop Reservations R'eservations for the 1951 J-Hop may be made by juniors, seniors and graduate students from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday . through Thursday in the Administration Building. Students planning to make res- ervations, which will be exchanged for tickets after the Christmas re- cess, should appear equipped with an ID card as well as a one cent stamp to be attached to the appli- cation. Juniors will be given preference over all other students, according to Paul McCracken of the 1951 J-Hop central committee. All stu- dents should b6 prepared to state the specific night for which they will want tickets. i Megrod, Headless Ghost Rider To Appear on Campus Today i senior engineering honorary so- ciety, which is sponsoring the train. There is no certainty that the, stops can be arranged, but Sakai said that money will be refunded if they pare not. All that is needed to hold a ticket at this time is; $5.00, he pointed out. Since the New York Central wants to know how many students will be getting off at those inter- mediate stops, Sakai asked that prospective purchasers buy their+ tickets as soon as possible. They are on sale in the lobby of the General Administration Build- ing between 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. every day this week. Tickets to New York and Chi- cago are still available, Sakai said. H. H. Megrod has arrived. The modern version of Icha- bod Crane's Sleepy Hollow nemesis was seen galloping across campus early this morning. Megrod, the illusive gentleman who has captured the interest of half the campus, is scheduled to' reappear here at 11:45 a.m. * * * IF YOU haven't guessed it yet, Megrod is Wash Irving's own Headless Horseman, the Michigan Ensian Ghost Rider on the Diag- onal. "The 'Ensian has borrowed the headless terror to plague all the campus Ichabods who have not yet purchased a 1950 'Ensian," said Clarence Kettler, general sales manager. "Also," continued Kettler, "aft- er long months of research, the Ensian uncovered some surprising facts about the Horseman's de- capitated condition which it feels should be made public. * * * "IN 1849, when one of our en- terprising salesmen offered him a chance to buy an 'Ensian, the Horseman refused. Realizing aft- erwards the enormity of his er- ror, he lost his head-went off his nut, so to speak-and rode into the woods to live the life of a recluse. "The Headless Horseman con- sented to leave his Sleepy Hollow hermitage," Kettler continued, "for the sole purpose of saving Michigan students from meeting a similar fate." World News Roundup By The Associated Press TULSA, Okla.-A spectacular oil fire following an explosion in which at least four were injured was raging last night at the multi- million-dollar West Tulsa refinery of the Texas Co. * * * NEW YORK-Claude Adams Putnam, New Hampshire ma- chine company head, yesterday wvas named President of the National Association of Manu- facturers. WASHINGTON-The American Medical Association yesterday or- dered compulsory $3,050,000 an- nual dues for its membership, part of it's war on so-called "socialized medicine" proposals. FRANKFURT, Germany-Suc- cess in treatment of cancer with a new German drug was reported yesterday by European research specialists and docto-s. The drug was described as still being in the experimental stage. * * * VALLEJO, Calif.-Charred re- mains of nine victims of a com- mercial airline plane crash were found yesterday amid the wreck- a nn a deen hil near here. articipating in a forum held last night under the sponsorship ]I S of the United World Federalists, FIRST HAND REPORT Prof. Efimenco said "we do not have war in 1949 because America ark Say ready." Clra doesn't want it and Russia isn'ted. "But you cannot engage in an By JOE TANNENBAUM arms race as a means of maintain- Hatred of the Nationalist Gov- ing peace," he added. ernment by the Chinese people Prof. Efimenco and Prof. Emeri- erie ny evChin pople tus John L. Brumm of the journal- rather than any devotion to the * * . . ~ , principles of Communism caused _ __ __ - FROM ASIA: s Chinese People Hated Nationalists vilian control were the three main reasons for the collapse of the Kuomintang," he asserted. Under the Nationalist regime equivalent to about $140 in pur- chasing power) paid 55% in taxes in 1948, Clark explained. Anything the farmer owned was subject to V +±2 army . ti,..,l. food, or buildings without repay- ment, whenever they wanted them," he said. "I watched one Chinese soldier tn farm . witih a whin for four