WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY U' Extension Service Adds New Classes Offered Pro gram Five New Cities Five more cities will receive University extension courses this month when the extension service begins classes for the first time in the northern part of Michigan's lower peninsula. Michael Church, supervisor of extension work in the Saginaw- Bay City-Midland area, is ar- ranging the educational program which will be given in Traverse City, Cadillac, Cheboygan, West Branch, and Alpena. ' * * "COURSES WILL be held in the cities' high schools through cooperation of the local superin- tendants of instruction," Church stated. According to Everett J. Soop, extension service director, this is the first time that a class- work program has been set up on a regular semester basis in that area, although scattered courses and one day conferences have been held occasionally. A credit course in psychology of elementary school subjects will be offered in all five centers. Other courses to be given are: Traverse City: conduct of meet- ings, effective club leadership, so- cial case work LI, psychology of child development, real estate ap- praising I. Cadillac: conduct of meetings, effective club leadership, real es- tate business I, problems of su- pervision I. Cheboygan and West Branch: conduct of meetings, effective club leadership. Alpena: problems of supervi- sion I. Union Smoker Students interested in climbing to campus prominence via the Michigan Union will be introduced to Union activities at a smoker to be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow night on the Union's third floor. Any male student eligible for participation in extra-curricular activities may attend this meet- ing. 'Cesar' Scheduled "Cesar," a French movie star- ring the famed comedian Raimu, will be shown for the second time at 8 p.m. tonight in Hill Audito- rium. originally scheduled for last Saturday and Sunday evenings, the showing of "Cesar" was post- poned because of translation dif- ficulties. Special classes in typewriting, for personal or office use. Hours ar- ranged at your convenience. Day and Evening Classes. Phone 78:11 or call at our office for details. No obligation. HAMILTON Business College William at State Ph. 7831 Continuous from 1 P.M r eJon n i BIKE RIDERS NOTE: k bserve Ordinances, Warns Police Chief Bike enthusiasts, take note- number of local accider the accent in crowded Ann Arbor year involving bikes (39) these days is on cycling eitquette. slashed in half or less, he A warning to this effect was is- Bicycles should be locke sued students yesterday by local times, the department Chief of Police Casper Enkeman. He feels too many University ped- Only by doing so can a alers are cycling to and from cam- be reasonably safe from pus ignorant of thy city's bicycle thefts, he added. ordnances. Chief Enkeman also advi thusiasts to keep, their First STEP after answeringrk good condition. It is p s ,, ala'rly important that brake that "Bike for Sale" ad is to se- and lights be well cared cure an Ann Arbor bicycle license, said. at the City Clerk's office in City The department report Hall. These set students backsthdeparhmenrort only 25 cents and entitfe them to students who feels m dout a full year's cycling privileges. any bicycle, or autonob a f r iquirement or regulation m A copy of the city Bicycle Ord- tact the Traffic Bureau, Ci nance may be picked up along for clarification. with the license, he said. . A strong white light in front and a rear reflector lamp are ne- cessities, Chief Enkeman warned. He noted that many complaints PROF. MARTIN SPRENGLING SP rengling To Teaeli Arabie Martin Sprengling, professor emeritus of semitics at the Uni- versity of Chicago, will teach courses in Moslem history and civilization and elementary Arabic this year. 1. Students interested in Prof. i citing improperly outfitted vehi- Sprengling's course may contact cles, especially about students rid- the Department of Near Eastern ing at night without lights, have Studies. been received lately from alert Prof. Sprengling will be here for citizens. one year. He has written several * * books, most prominent being the PAY THE same amount of at- "Rise and Development of the Al- tention to traffic regulations, rid- phabet." He will arrive in Ann ing and parking, that a motorist Arbor on Monday. would, he added. By so doing, the New Faculty Members Join Journalism, Forestry Staffs Prof. Kenneth P. Davis has re- turned to take over a faculty post in the School of Forestry, and Ed- mund Wooding has been added to the journalism department staff. After receiving his masters and doctors degrees here at the Uni- versity, Prof. Davis has worked as a ranger for the United States Forest Service. He eventually be- came Chief of the Division of For- est Management. RECENTLY HE held the posi- tion of the Dean of the School of Forestry at the University of Mon- tana. Prof. Davis left Montana to take over what he calls 'the top teaching job in the country in the field for forest managment." His regard for the University and his interest in professional forestry were chief factors in causing him to accept the posi- tion according to Prof. Davis. Wooding, former associate copy director for a New York advertis- ing agency, will conduct courses in public relations and ad writing as a visiting associate professor. VISITING journalism lecturers for the fall semester are: Waldo CLYDE HOUSE and his ORCHESTRA Formerly Del Elliot Available Again For your Dancing Pleasure Phone 8470 or 8856 McNaught, pictorial journalism; Arthur Callagher, copy reading and editing; Laurence Prakkeh, magazine format; Leslie Merritt, community newspapers; and Karl Zeisler, editorial writing. Alpha EPsilon P1 A new fraternity, the Omega Deuteron chapter of the Alpha Ep- silon Pi, made its entry on campus :ecently with an installation ban- quet at the Michigan Union. University representatives led by Dean Erich A. Walter; John Gwin, administrative assistant, and Rabbi Herschel Lyman of the Hillel Foundation attended the banquet. The installation ritual was held at the chapter house at 1912 Geddes. Present at both banquet and ritual were national Alpha Epsilon Pi leaders. Prof. Irving Copilowish of the philosophy department is the fra- ternity adviser. Hostelers To Meet The University of Michigan Hos- teling club will hold its first meet- ing of the fall semester at 7:15 p.m. today in Lane Hall. Today's meeting is open to all interested students. Movies of youth hostel activities will be shown and plans for the future will be discussed. Early 'Cleriont' LITTLE BRITAIN TOWNSHIP, Pa.-Robert Fulton's first boat was not his famous steamship, but a little paddle wheel boat which he sailed in a rain barrel at the age of 14, according to the sole surviving witness of the sight. -..! /' f ,..... - LAST TIMES TODAY - - STARTS THURSDAY - lte /e" SIe. Published by the Ohio State University School of Journalism VOL. Lxvutl, No. 14$ COLUMUSs, OHIO Price Five Cents Blockade e Of Ber Eads Calurn bus, Ohio One of the favorite ofi-camnpus gathering spots at the Ohio State University is the Pantry Cafeteria, Inc. At the Pantry, as in college shops every-