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December 08, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-12-08

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Latest Deadline in the State





Rule Pushed
For Holy City
UN Committee
Passes Proposal
United Nations special political
committee voted yesterday to make
Jerusalem an international city.
The vote on the operative part of
the resolution was 35 to 13 with 11
The United States and Britain
voted with Israel against the pro-
* * *
THE 59-NATION committee also
voted, 32 to 16 with 11 abstentions,
to designate the Trusteeship Coun-
cil as the administering authority.
Russia, which has a seat- on
that council, supported the reso-
The vote in committee was more
than the two-thirds majority re-
quired for final approval in the
assembly later this week.
OPPONENTS of the plan said
assembly approval will be another
"waste paper" produced by the UN.
The majority overrode objec-
tions by the United States, Brit-
ain, Sweden, the Netherlands
and other countries that its
plan was not practical.
They contended that since Jeru-
salem is partitioned and occupied
now by arned forces of Israel and
Hashemite Jordan it will remain
THOSE TWO countries are still
officially at war as a result of the
1947-48 Arab-Jewish fighting in
Palestine. Both gave notice they
will not yield their respective parts
of the city-sacred to Moslems,
Christians and Jews.
The UN has neither the power
nor the equipment to use force
to back up its recommendations.
"I hope those who voted for in-
ternationalization will take the re-
sponsibility for implementing it,"
Swedish delegate Erik Boheman
U.S. OFFICIALS said that ex-
pressed the attitude of American
delegate John C. Ross, who de-
clined to comment directly.
Russia, Australia and Lebanon
sponsored the approved resolu-
tion for a special regime covering
the Jerusalem area including
Bethlehem, under a commission r
responsible to the 12-nation trus-
teeship council.
They won backing of the Mos-
lem Arab group in the UN and
most Catholic Latin American
countries. Arab Hashemite Jordan
is not a UN member.
MusiC's Use
As Theraputic
Because of its abstract qualities,
music is not easily adaptable as a
theraputic agent, according to
James Wallace, of the music
Wallace spoke to the Pre-Medi-
cal Society last night in the Chem-
istry Building.
"MUSIC IS TIlE most temporal

of the arts," said Wallace. "It ex-
ists only for the fleeting moment
that it is actually experienced by
the individual."
"It does not have the tangible
characteristics that sculpture,
architecture, and painting
Because of these characteristics
music is unable to communicate
concrete ideas. Moreover a musi-
cal composition does not provoke
the same reaction from all indi-
viduals listening to it, Wallace
"IN DEALING with theraputic
cases, one cannot depend on a cer-
tain type of composition to pro-
duce certain effects."
As an example of this Wallace
pointed out that out of a group
of seventeen mentally disturbed
veterans listening to the first
movement of Tschaikovsky's
sixth symphony, three showed
definite improvement, three
showed regression, while the rest

Binder Says War
'Not Imminent'
"I do not believe that a shooting war with the Soviet is imminent
or inevitable," declared Carroll Binder, editorial editor of the Minneap-
olis Tribune.
Binder, who is also a member of a UN Sub-commission on the
Freedom of Information, gave two lectures yesterday under the aus-
pices of the journalism department.
HE HASTENED to reply that peace cannot be made until the pres-
ent Soviet leadership change their ideas that there is not enough
room on the globe for both Russia and the democracies.
"Russia believes that she can win world control without a
war," Binder claimed.^





Di N Atom Meddling for Reds

* * * *

-Daily-Wally Barth

To Be Guest
Of .LaneHall
Miss Ruth Seabury, author and
educator recently returned from
Japan, will be the guest of Lane
Hall, Inter Guild and the Stu-
dent Religious Association today
through Saturday.
During her visit Miss Seabury
will give two speeches and attend
a number of affairs in her honor.
She will deliver her first speech at
8 p.m. today at the Inter-Guild
Service in the University Lutheran
Chapel. An informal social hour
will follow.
* * *
Seabury will attend a Coffee Hour
at 4:30 p.m. in Betsy Barbour. The
affair will be open to all women
on campus.
Miss Seabury's activities to-
morrow will include a Japanese
tea given in her honor from 4:30
p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in Lane Hall.
In the evening she will be guest
of honor at a dinner in the Evan-
gelical and Reformed Church.
* * *
SATURDAY Miss Seabury will
speak at the regular Saturday lun-
cheon discussion at 12:15 p.m. in
Lane Hall.
At a vocational conference fol-
lowing, students interested in
Christian Missions at home and
abroad will have a chance to con-
sult with Miss Seabury.
While in Japan she served as
Educational Counselor to the Pres-
ident of Doshisha University in
Koyoto. She is the author of
"Dinabandhu," "Introducing
Young China" and "Daughter of
Haber To Go
To Conference
Prof. William Haber of the eco-
nomics department will leave Ann
Arbor today to attend a National
Conference on Occupied Areas, to-
morrow and Saturday at Washing-
ton, D.C.
Called by theCommission on the
Occupied Areas of the American
Council on Education, of which
Prof. Haber is a member, the con-
ference will "review progress made
to date in the program for demo-
cratic reorientation of the German
and Japanese people," he explain-

"Soviet conceptions that capi-
talistic countries will inevitably
come into conflict and that these
nations' economic and political in-
stitutions will weaken are their
main hopes for victory," he re-
Russia is forcing the U.S. to spend,
billions for national defense by
keeping us in doubt.
Another weapon the Soviet
are using to obtain their goal
is "a powerful fifth column," he
said. ""By winning the control
of western Europe, the Soviet
could isolate the U.S. and make
their victory easier" he stated.
Binder believed, however, that
the U.S. could win this Cold War
by taking defensive measures. "We
must keep up military defenses be-
cause of doubt, but we can not let
it bankrupt us," he remarked.
CONTINUAL suport of those
nations in Europe who wish to re-
main free is necesary according
to Binder. Our economic and poli-
tical institutions must be strong
enough to survive two depressions
if necessary he added.
"The issue," he concluded, "is
not what we can afford, but where
we would be ten years later if we
act too little or too late."
* * *
Editor Tells of
Press Blocks
"The outlook of international
freedom of the press is not favor-
able," reported Carroll Binder of
the Minneapolis Tribune in his af-
ternoon lecture at Haven Hall.
"Never before have there been
so many barriers in reporting in-
ternational news," he claimed.
* * *
THERE ARE only five American
correspondents in Russia, Binder
pointed out. These reporters can
write "only those stories the Soviet
want sent out," he added.
Similar restrictions are found
throughout the Iron Curtain. In
Poland there are only four cor-
respondents from the Western
nations. In China, only those cor-
respondents from countries who
recognize the Communist regime
are permitted.
"When the topic of international
freedom of the press was discussed
in the UN General Assembly, we
found that there were many na-
tions outside the Soviet bloc who
would curtail it," he said.
AMONG THESE nations were
Mexico, many of the Latin Amer-
ican countries, India and Arabia.
Many governments which are
not fascist or communist feel
that they are not protected
against irresonsible reporting,"
Binder claimed.
Those nations who oppose free-
dom of information are stronger
than those who favor it, he de-
"Little action can be taken
towards the establishing of inter-
national freedom of the press un-
less those undecided nations are
convinced of the merits of the
freedom that most Americans take
for granted," he added.
"Until that time," concluded
Binder, "foreign information will
decrease, getting poorer and poor-

Checks Cut
.dig Fires at
Willow Run
Chief Points to
Good Equipment
Precautions and luck have kept
the buildings at Willow Run Vil-
lage from serious fires like the
one at Oklahoma University,
where three persons died last
week, according to Neil Garrison,
Willow Run fire captain.
Willow Village , buildings are
temporary wartime structures of
wood still housing 13,000 persons,
and built of the same materials
which went up in flames at Okla-
homa University.
GARRISON pointed with pride
at the precautionary inspections
at the village, and the fire fighting
and alarm system employed.
"There is no place in Willow
Village more than two minutes
from our fire house and I think
that looking at the record, we've
been pretty lucky," he said.
"Of course, with amhigh enough
wind, flash flames might spread
across the wide spaces that sep-
arate the units and over the as-
bestos walls that separate each
* * *
"THERE WERE three deaths
from fire here last year, but that
rate was equal to any other com-
munity of our size, and not the
fault of our equipment, as some
people thought."
Only 11 house units have
burned out beyond use in six
years of existence, Walter Funk-
houser, government administra-
tor for the project, pointed out.
"Maybe its just been luck, but I
think that if our past record means
anything, it couldn't happen here."
* * *
"WE HAVE passed severe regu-
lations. on the use of dangerous
electrical equipment and oil burn-
ers, and we take every opportun-
ity to warn the residents about
fire hazards," he added.
Funkhauser declared that an
extensive alarm system, careful
inspections and unceasing warn-
ings have reduced the dangers
of a major fire to a minimum.
Estes Explains
Language Uses
Communication is the funda-
mental means of learning to live
with other people, according to
Major Charles T. Estes of the Fed-
eral Mediation and Conciliation
Estes, who is special assistant to
Service director Cyrus S. Ching,
spoke yesterday at the Speech As-
sembly on "America's Number One
SPEECH is very closely related
to labor-management problems,
Estes declared. "The trouble lies
in getting people to talk with each
other instead of at each other."
When an employe has a griev-
ance, he talks to the foreman,
who answers him with the in-
evitable "Yes, yes, BUT-," Es-
tes said. The employe then be-
comes impatient to renew his
argument and doesn't hear what
the foreman says, he continued.
If conciliation fails to solve the
issue, it goes before arbitration,

and the winner of the decision
"struts around like a peacock while
the loser thinks I'll get you next

TELLS OF RADAR SHIPMENT-Former Air Force Major George
Racy Jordan (right) faces reporters across his desk at New York
as he tells of ripping secret radar equipment out of four planes
bound for Russia. A fifth plane, he said, carrying the same
equipment reached the Soviet Union. With Jordan, who touched
off a new investigation of secret material allegedly obtained by
the Soviets, is Fulton Lewis, Jr., (seated at left) radio commen-
tator of whose program the disclosures were made.
Inter-Arts Union Plans
Pubieation Of Magazine

March is the month set for the
appearance of a new all-arts mag-
azine on ,campus.
At an organizational meeting
yesterday, plans were discussed for
the publication of a quarterly
which will provide an outlet for
student creation in the five arts-
literature, speech, dance, music
and art itself.
THE MAGAZINE is the foster
child of Inter-Arts Union, which
took the initial steps of calling the
.Round- Up
By The Associated Press
DETROIT - Colder weather
bored in on Michigan yesterday,
as the state slowly recovered from
a sudden ice and snow storm that
clogged highways Tuesday.
During the storm as much as
five and a half inches of snow
fell in the north part of the state.
* * *
Lewis said yesterday he had ne-
gotiated new contracts with soft
coal operators producing 5,000,-
000 tons a year,, but major coal
men sneered that the agree-
ments covered "gopher holes."
Lewis broke through the solid
operator front Tuesday, the first
crack in a six months bargain-
ing deadlock.
States agreed yesterday to meet
Communist terms for the release
of two Americans long held cap-
tive in Soviet dominated North
Secretary of State Acheson an-
nounced that in compliance with
conditions laid down by the North
Korea "people's republic" an
American official will be sent to
the frontier to receive two repre-
sentatives of the Economic Coop-
eration Administration who have
been held since Sept. 22.

editorial and business set-up.-
meeting and outlining a tentative
The . quarterly will include
short stories, poems, paintings,
sculpture, original plays and
critical essays on music, dance,
and drama.
It will be the sincere editorial
policy of the magazine to insure
that it does not become primarily
literary, according to Charles
Olson, who represented the Inter-
Arts Council at the meeting.
"WE HOPE to give articulate
expression to all the arts. This is
why Inter-Arts Union has under-
taken to sponsor the project."
A special feature of the maga-
zine will be the use of progres-
sive advertising. Students in the
architecture college plan to sub-
mit samples which will be shown
to prospective Ann Arbor adver-
The tentative staff of the new
magazine includes an editor-in-
chief, a managing editor, two as-
sistant editors-one in charge of
editorial work and one heading
technical business, five sub-editors
-one representing each of the
arts, and a photography editor.
* * *
filled by people working on the
magazine, Olson stated.
Baker To Talk
On Teaching
Teaching opportunities in the
Detroit School system will be dis-
cussed at 4 p.m. today in Rm. 1035
Angell Hall by George Baker, per-
sonnel director of the Detroit Pub-
lic Schools.
Baker will also interview appli-
cants for February vacancies in
the Detroit schools today. Ap-
pointments for the interviews may
be obtained by calling the Bureau
of Appointments, Ext. 489.

It Was Fate
The Bible came to life, or
rather to death, in Ann Arbor
last night when Cain again
killed Abel.
As one person explained it,
Cain and Abel were brothers, in
fact twins, and very close to
each other. They were always
frolicking together, he recalled
last night after the event.
They were also dogs.
The two pooches were cross-
ing the street together early in
the evening, their owner said,
playing about as usual, when
Cain pushed Abel in front of an
oncoming automobile, which1
killed him
"It w, -s star-crossed fate,"1
the owner sid sadly after-
wards, "it just had to happen."
CED Limits
Self-Rule of
Committee to End Discrimina-
tion members passed a bylaw lim-
iting the autonomy of member or-
ganizations yesterday by a vote of
12 to seven.
The bylaw states, "member or-
ganizations of the CED must sub-'
mit for approval proposed massi
pamphlets to be distributed at
large on campus or mass rallies
which affect the specific program
of the CED at any time."
LYN MARCUS, '50, who pro-
posed the bylaw said the CED
showed today that it realizes it no
longer can be held accountable
for the irresponsible actions of its
member groups. Marcus is presi-
dent of the Young Democrats rep-
resentative to CED.
Young Progressive's represen-
tative, Sylvia Flax said, "I feel
that YP will abide by the deci-
sions made by CED as it has al-
ways done in the past. It will
continue to devote its efforts to
end discrimination in any way
it may reveal itself."
CED also voted to publish a
pamphlet clarifying the commit-
tee's position on removing appli-
cation blank discriminatory ques-
* * *
A PItOPOS'ED amendment lim-
iting membership in the Commit-
tee to organizations which do not
have restrictive clauses in their
constitutions was tabled until Fri-
day's meeting.
West Quad Council last night
urged all West Quad houses to
send representatives to the Com-
The Council also appointed Dave
Frazer as representative to CED.
Frazer declared last night,
"many organizations are repre-
sented on CED, but there is not a
real proportionate representation
of opinions. By sending one dele-
gate from each house in the West
Quad, I hope we will alleviate the
"Until SL either sanctions CED
or takes direct action itself, it is
important that CED have a more
rational voting body," according to
Al Haffner, '50E; campus action
committee chairman of the Coun-
cil commented.
Revelli Okays
Union's Action

Prof. William D. Revelli of the
School of Music and University
band director last night voiced
tentative approval of the AFL's
Musicians' Union attempt to bar
student bands from college bas-
ketball games in New York's
Square Garden.
"If the Garden is getting a per-
centage of the gate of those
games," he said, "I think the
American Federation of Musi-
cians is right."

States Russia
Used Spies
To Get Bombh
Claims No Files
Stolen from U.S.
Leslie R. Groves, wartime chief of
the nation's Atomic Project, tes-
tified yesterday that neither Hen-
ry A. Wallace nor the late Harry
Hopkins ever prodded him to give
up atomi secrets of material to
But he said the Soviet Embassy
in Washington used spies in re-
peated attempts to crack the sec-
ret of the atom bomb during World
War II.
TESTIFYING before the House
Un-American Activities ,Commit-
tee, Groves, now retired, made
these salient points:
1. He approved a wartime So-
viet purchase and shipment of
a few pounds of uranium metal
in this country, principally to
find out if the Russians had a
source of uranium in the U.S.
that he didn't know about. They
did not get enough to make an,
atomic bomb.
2. There was a "great deal of
influence" and pressure put on
the U.S. Lend-Lease Administra.
tion "to give the Soviets every-
thing they sought" during the war.
He didn't know who applied the
* * *
3. NO REPORT ever reached
htmthat any secret atomic doc,-
ments were removed from files of
the atomic project, but he thinks
he would have known "if a single
secret document was missing."
As Groves testified on apito
Hill, Secretary of State Aheon
told a news conference that the
army's so-called "Manhattan en-
gineering district" that develop-
ed the A-bomb approved govern-
ment licenses for the shipment
of uranium compounds to Rus-
sia in 1943.
Acheson said two export licenses
were granted in March, 1943, and
another in April, 1943.
lighted the seond day of hear-
ings conducted by the Committee
in its check of charges that atom-
ic "bomb powder," Panama Canal
maps and top-secret radar equip-
ment were flown to Russia in
American Lend-Lease planes dur-
ing the winter of 1943-44.
Former U.S. Air Force Major
George Racey Jordan told the
House committee on Monday that
he ripped open Soviet-bound suit-
cases at a Great Falls, Mont., air
field. He said he found "Oak
Ridge" materials and a note sign-
ed with the initials "H.H." which
purportedly said:
"Had a hell of a time getting
these way from Groves."
Sigder Barred
As Prosecutor
LANSING-(P)-The State Su-
preme Court yesterday removed
former governor Kim Sigler as
special prosecutor in the Ivan A.
Johnston bribery case and turned
the prosecutionnover toAttorney
General Stephen J. Roth.
Roth had intervened in the case
on the grounds that Sigler would
create a "carnival atmosphere" in-

consistent with the ends of jus-
The Supreme Court's unanimous
6 to 0 decision was a slap at Cir-
cuit Judge Paul R. Cash of Alma,
who was sitting as a visiting judge
in the Johnston case in Macomb
Judge Cash had bluntly refused
to admit Roth intothe case and
had implied that he was tied up
with gamblers.
Johnston, a former state sena-
tor, was accused of accepting a


Government Grants University $3,000,000

Heading a list of 35 leading col-

from the Federal Government,

Columbia heading the list of 351

The bulk of the money is com-

UNIVERSITY Vice - President

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