NO RECORDS FOR STUDENTS See Page 4 Y Zra 743A1F . \ -=--- . ti Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LX, No. 62 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7, 1949 I , SNOW, COLDER PRICE FIVE CENTS Small Group Signs New Coal Contract r. Lewis Cla ims 'Sweeping' Pact WASHINGTON- (A)--A small fragment of the soft coal indus- try has signed a new agreement granting 'sweeping concessions to John L. Lewis, it was announced last night. The contract, announced by Lewis 'himself, covers a number of unidentified mines, mostly in Ken- tucky, said to account for some 2% million of the 450 million tons pro- duced annually by mines with which Lewis has had contracts in the past. THERE WERE reports that some other "little fellows" among the operators were ready to sign on the dotted line, but no indica- tion that the industry as a whole would do so, at least immediately. The contract calls for: 1. A wage increase of 95 cents a day, bringing the basic wage to $15 a day. 2. A 15 cents a ton increase in the royalty for miners' pensions and other welfare payments. This boosts the royalty to 35 cents a ton. 3. A longer-than-usual con- tract, extending from Jan. 1, 1950 to Sept. 1, 1951. The mine operators represented in the contract agreed upon yes- terday represent only about one half of one per cent of the coal produced by all U.M.W. mines, and are therefore only a lump in a scuttleful. AT NEW YORK, hard coal op- erators began wage contract ne- gotiations with U.M.W. represen- tatives. They asked that the five- day week be restored in the an- thracite field which, like bitumi- nous, is now on a three-day week ordered by Lewis. There was no immediate word of what the Un- ion might do about the request. The companies with which Lewis announced an agreement will go on a five-day vweek while the re- mainder of the soft coal industry will remain on three days, Lewis announced. 'Winter Is Icummen In' Snow, of the best snowball var- lety turned to ice last night mak- ing highways and roads danger- ously slippery, according to Wil- low Run weather authorities. Today's forecast predicts more light snow and a freezing tempera- ture high of 30 degrees, Fans leaving Yost Field House last night following the basket- ball game between Michigan and Miami University were greeted by a barrage of snowballs from over- enthusiastic winter sports lovers. The snowballing continued all the way up State Street to campus. Originally started by boys of high * school age, the heaving of white missiles was taken up by many college men and even by some fur- coated coeds. Faculty Member Gets AIFC Posilion Prof. Brown To Head Engineering Division; Will Work Under Hafsted y NORMAN MILLER Prof. George G. Brown, chairman of the chemical and metallurgi- cal engineering dept., has been named Director of the United States Atomic Energy Commission's Divisicn of Engineering, it was an- nounced yesterday., As director of Engineering, Prof. Brown will be responsible for the chemical engineering phases of the Commission's "reactor" develop- ment program and will work under the general supervision of Law- rence R. Hafsted, director of the program. * * * * PROF. BROWN will begin his duties on a part-time basis imme- diately but will join the commission on a full time basis in the spring. While working with the commis-9 * * * Ex-Air Force Officer Says Reds Got Radar by Tric-k -___-_ n sion he will be on leave from the University.r Hafsted explained that the appointment of a chemical engi- neer to the post of director of Engineering was prompted by the importance of solving chem- ical problems necessary to the successful utilization of nuclear energy. Speaking before the Atomic En- ergy Symposium of the conven- tion, Dr. Hafsted outlined some of the problems which will concern Prof. Brown and his staff. "The supply of high grade Ura- nium ore, the basic fuel for reac- tors is definitely limited. "Hence one of the first concerns of the Engineering Division of the Commission will be the utilization of the relatively large amount of non-fissionable Uranium with a 'breeder' type of reactor," he said. * * * "UNLESS THE breEliing of new fuel, becomes successful, the prob- ability of civilian use of atomic power is very dim," he declared. Prof. Brown will be in charge of an experimental testing sta- tion in Idaho where experiments to produce more fissionable ma- terial will be conducted. Another project to be conducted by the division of engineering will be the building of a power reac- tor at West Milton, N.Y., designed. to produce significant amounts of electric power. * * * BUT HAFSTED- explained that even if the project is completely successful, cheap electric power from atomic sources is not as- sured. "The money paid by the con- sumer for electricity goes large- ly to cover the costs of distribu- tion. Relatively, the cost of coal or other fuel is small. Since atomic energy promises urther reduction in fuel costs only it is clear that even its successful use could bring little, if any reduc- tion of the cost of electric power," Hafsted declared. *' * * OTHER PROJECTS to be under Prof. Brown's supervision include the development of processes for the recovery of uranium from de- pleted nuclear fuels. Commenting on Prof. Brown's appointment, Dean Ivan Crawford, of the engineering college declared that his absence from the Univer- sity would be very keenly felt. Courtesy-The Ann Arbor News PROF. GEORGE BROWN Gets Atomic Energy post ... 'U' Will Aid Vets Hit By VARile The University's Veteran's Ser- vice Bureau stands ready to aid any student veteran affected by the Veterans Administration "vo- cational objective" ruling, R. A. Correll, bureau director, said yes- terday. VA recently said that any G. I. Bill students who wish tochange their "vocation objective" must now obtain permission of VA be- fore doing so. *W * * CORRELL interprets this to mean that only major changes, such as one from Medical School to Law School come under the ruling. He invited all affected stu- dents, or those who feel that they might be, to come to the Veteran's Service Bureau, 555 General Administration Build- ing, and get the necessary form as well as help in filling it out. Correll advised any veterans in- terested in such aid to come to the office "as soon as possible so that proper action may be started well in advance of the beginning of the second semester." National Round- Up By The Associated Press WASHINGTON--The American Medical Association was told yt;- terday that its opponents in its fight against "socialized medicine" have given ground-but that the decisive battle remains to be fought in 1950. Dr. Elmer L. Hen- derson of Louisville, Ky., presi- dent-elect of the world's largest organization of doctors, said "hun- dreds" of non-medical groups have rallied to the AMA's banner in its struggle against President Tru- man's proposal for federalized compulsory sickness insurance. WASHINGTON - Attorney General McGrath announced yesterday that Federal agents have seized operators of an elu- sive Havana-to-Miami air shut- tle to allegedly smuggled aliens into this country at $500 to $800 a head. Several of the aliens ap- parently came from behind ttie Soviet iron curtain, the an- nouicement said. * * * WASHINGTON - A quiet anniversary of the day which President Roosevelt said would "live in infamy" will be ob- served today. The date was Dec. China Capital Threatened In RedDrive Troops Reported Within 75 Miles By The Associated Press CHENGTU-The Chinese Reds early today stabbed deeper in their drive on this Nationalist cap- ital. Some reports placed them with- in 75 miles. Trustworthy reports said they captured the famed Tzuliuching salt fields, one of the main sourc- es of revenue in Szechwan Pro- vince. Tzuliuching is near Nei- kiang, 90 miles southeast of Chengtu. * * * PRIVATE REPORTS said Gen. 3u Tsung-Nan, Chengtu defender, had extricated the bulk of his army-the best equipped in the Nationalist camp-from a poten- tial death trap north of fallen Chungking. Press reports to Hong Kong said provincial army units muti- nied at Yuki, 30 miles south of Kunming, the capital. The size of the mutiny was not given. It reflects, however, re- ports of wavering and restlessness in Yunnan as the Communists at- tack. * * * THERE ALSO was discontent on Formosa, the Nationalist island off the southeast coast. An Asso- ciated Press dispatch from For- mosa said Formosans do not like the prospect of soon playing host to the Nationalist Government. Meanwhile in Tokyo, official word from Tientsin early today said U.S. Consul General Angus Ward and his party are sched- uledto sail from China next Monday. Ward and his party of 27 pre- sumably left Mukden today by train for Tientsin, he said. They were ordered expelled by the Chinese Communists, who convicted Ward and four others of mistreating a consulate mes- senger. Phoenix Talki To BeGiven The process through which plant animal life remains can be dated by use of radioactive material will be described by one of itsco-dis- coverers at 4 p.m. today in Kellogg Auditorium at a Michigan Me- morial-Phoenix Project lecture. The speaker will be James R. Arnold of the Institute of Nuclear Studies at the University of Chi- cago. With W. F. Libby of the same institute, Arnold designed and built the special Geiger counters used in the project. He will speak on "Age Determination by Radio- carbon Content." The lecture is open to the public. Research in the process is being conducted at the University under Phoenix Project sponsorship. The research particularly concerns dating remains found in the state. By measuring the strength of radioactive carbon existing in any specimen, scientists can determine within a narrow range the age at which it ceased to live, even if it died as long as 25,000 years ago. I1 are more according ties. than 40,000,000 to 1, to medical authori- Fire Threat At University Called 'Slight' By HERBERT H. CHESTON Stone buildings, fireproof walls and preventative measures have reduced the possibility of major fires in University buildings to a bare minimum, according to Ben Zahn, Ann Arbor Fire Chief. Wooden structures such as the Temporary Classroom Building, in addition to Romance Language and 'U' Hall are about the only places on campus that a really se- rious fire could occur, he said. * * * THE CHIEF pointed out, how- ever, that these buildings are fully inspected and equipped for safety. Zahn, who has been with the "Ann Arbor Fire Department for 34 years, noted that in spite of fireproofing, small fires do fre- quently happen. "Every one of them is due to carelessness," he said. The cigar- ette that the student fails to put out before discarding it, or smokes in bed remains our biggest head- ache." * * * CHIEF ZAHN expressed the opinion that the fire in the wooden dormitory at Oklahoma Univer- sity, was caused by smoking in bed. "It happens every day here. but the fires don't spread and usu- ally aren't reported." Half the fire alarms in Ann Arbor come from University buildings and residences, Zahn reported. 'Ihe rooming house area right around campus does have us a little worried," he said. "A lot of people are crowded into thlase wooden buildings, as well as in fraternity and sorority houses." SMALL FIRES could easily spread there, and enough of them do start, Zahn remarked. "The biggest Ann Arbor fire this year was in a brick rooming house on Washtenaw. Some one flicked a lighted cigarette into a wastebasket, and the damages were $25,000," he said. Cigarettes are loaded with salt- peter to keep them burning. They don't go out until crushed, Zahn explained. He pointed out that biannual building inspections are carefully taken. But 90 per cent of fires are caused by human carelessness. The fire department can inspect wiring rash and exits, but only the people can prevent fire, Zahn declared. -Daily-Alex Lmanian PRESIDENT GETS MEDAL-President Alexander G. Ruthven accepts a medal commemorating his 20 years as head of the University from Alvise Barison, Grad. Barison, native of Trieste, presented the award on behalf of the mayor of his home town. FEDERAL HOUSING: 'U'A uthoritties Divided OveOr Segregation Ban By DON KOTITE Campus sociologists and political scientists are divided on the gov- ernment's new policy banning future aid to segregated housing proj- ects, a Daily survey discovered yesterday. Calling it "a sensible rule," Prof. Arthur E. Wood of the sociology department thought an absence of restrictive covenants "may hold up housing in the South-that's the only real drawback." "SOUTHERN HOUSING officials, on this basis, may not apply for Federal aid," he explained. Prof. Theodore M. Newcombe, 0- More Quints By The Associated Press Quintuplet sons, Fermin, Ra- miro, Rodrigo, Nabor and Fran- cisco, were born to Maria Ar- royave last week in Angostura, Colombia. The father, 37 years old, and the mother, 26 years old, al- ready have a family of seven. Of the 46 cases of quintuplet births recorded by the Encyclo- pedia Britannica in 1946, the Arroyave babies are only the third entire set to survive. Odds against quintuple births Jordan Tells Of Uranium Shipments Wallace Seeks Action by House NEW YORK-OP)-A former Air Force expediter of lease-lend shipments to Russia said yester- day the Soviets got top secret American radar equipment as well as atomic materials during the war. George Racey Jordan, one-time Air Force Major said the Russians used a ruse to get a radar-equip- ped plane out of the country after lie had balked them on four other attempts. MEANWHILE, former Vice Pres- ident Henry A. Wallace demanded a showdown before the House Un- American Activities Committee on radio reports that he helped along shipments of uranium to Russia in 1943. Radio commentator Fulton Lewis, Jr. brought Wallace's name into his broadcasts after Jordan made his charges public through Lewis. Jordan said Harry Hopkins, war- time presidential adviser to Presi- dent Roosevelt, helped ease the uranium out of the U.S. for the Russians. Lewis added that Wal- lace also took a hand in expediting the shipments. WALLACE called Lewis' charg- es "sheer fabrication" and "part of his unremitting effort to tar- nish the name of Franklin D. Roosevelt." In another broadcast last night Lewis said that no one but Wallace had brought Roosevelt's name into the discussion and that Wallace had done so "to use it as a shield for himself." Wallace promptly wired Chair- man Wood (D-Ga.) of the Un- American Activities Committee: "In view of the continuous char- acter assassination put out over the Mutual Broadcasting System Network and through the press by thehNew York World Telegram and the United Press, based on statements by former members of your committee-former Congress- men McDowell and Vail-I must request that I meet them and their unnamed government in- formants face to face before your committee." * * * "LET THE SESSION be open," Wallace added. "I would also sug- gest that you call Milo Perkins and any other former members of the Board of Economic Warfare whom you and Perkins think should come." Wallace is former chairman of the Board of Economic Welfare. Jordan, who has stoked the fires of a new Congressional probe in- to vital military materials alleg- edly sent to Russia in the war, held a news conference at his bus- iness office here to discuss his role further. THE RADAR apparatus was the only item he added to his previous list of secret material which he has charged went to the Soviet Union. However, he said the equipment was so important that Gen. H. H. Arnold, war-time head of the Army Air Force, "would just as soon have given away his right arm as the radar." Jordan refused to add anything to his statements of last Friday and Monday about uranium and other materials used in making atom bombs which he said went to Russia through the Great Falls, Mont., Air Base. Jordan was an expediter at the base. Labor Mediator Will Speak Today Major Charles T. Estes, special assistant to Cyrus S. Ching, direc- tor of the Federal Mediation and also of the sociology department, however, was firmly opposed to segregated housing on the grounds it "violates the spirit, if not the letter, of our demo- cratic system." "I believe most Americans will agree with me that this spirit should be expressed in administra- tive rulings as well as in pious ut- terances," he said. * * * AND HE looked forward to the day when "one of the days in which children learn to be prej- udiced-namely, by observing seg-- regation-will be a thing of the past." The government's ruling is "an implementation of the Su- preme Court decision that re- strictive covenants are not legal- ly enforceable," according to Prof. Morgan Thomas of the po- litical science department. Declining to predict the effects of the new restriction, Prof. Thom- as noted that because of its non- retroactive nature, a man buying a property deed will not find a dis- criminatory clause in it. "THE PRESENCE of such a clause, in connection with govern- ment grants or guarantees, is now illegal," he pointed out. A "healthy development," the act will not be effectively influ- enced by "gentlemen's agree- ments and social pressures," Prof. Thomas feels. He predicted no "great up- heaval, since social pressure is the most effective device in segregat- ed neighborhoods." Ask Federal Help in Oak Ridg~eStrike OAK RIDGE, Tenn.-(IP)-The Atomic Energy Commission put in a quick call for Federal help yes- terday to end a wildcat walkout which has idled some 2,000 con- struction workers on AEC projects in this atomic city. The unexplained walkout start- ed quietly and unexpectedly Mon- day when 250 workers on the $66,- 000,000 gaseous 'diffusion plant (K-29) left their jobs. The num- ber of idle spiraled upward like a chain-reaction today. THE AEC appealed to the Na- tional Labor Relations Board and the U.S. Conciliation Service to help. It sought to put a quick end to the trouble which is delaying work on the high-priority K-29 plant and other atomic installa- tions. R. W. Cook, manager of Oak Ridge operations of the AEC, said two NLRB officials are en route here by plane. Gordon Molesworth, assistant to the AEC manager, said the walk- out involves around 2,000 con- struction employes but does not include any workers producing fis- sionable materials used in A-bombs or other atomic projects. BLASTS PRESS: CIO Official Says Labor Must Educate Followers Q By JIM BROWN Lashing out at the editorial pol- icies of Michigan newspapers, August Scholle, president of the state CIO Council,, last night as- serted that labor must provide its own educational outlets for its supporters. Speaking at a meeting spon- sored by the Americans for Demo- cratic Action in Kellogg Audito- rium, Scholle charged that State newspapers have "grossly misrep- resented" questions of economic, political and social significance. "It is incumbent upon us to point out the facts of government; to the people we represent," he said. THE FIERY chairman of the state CIO Political Action Com- mittee scoffed at printed accusa- tions that the CIO is "trying to capture government." "We are merely trying to point out the real issues on the ACADEMIC ADVICE AMPLY ISSUED: 'U' Counseling System Aids Bewildered Students AUGUST SCHOLLE --Daily-Carlvie Marshall * * * CIO into the Michigan political scene, Scholle said, "We simply tired of having to choose between two parties representing twwedle dum and tweedle dee." * * * (EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the sec- ond in a series of articles describing the University's counseling system.) By GEORGE WALKER Sue Dwan, Daily tryout investi- gating the scope of the University's counseling system, knew what to expect when she visited her aca- for the purpose of getting a first hand view of what happens to a student with academic or voca- tional difficulties at such a large. institution as this University. Sue explained to her academic counselor, Prof. Frederick H. PROF. TEST tried to find out if Sue were really decided-deter- mined-to become a newspaper- woman. He knew that students often changed their vocational aim upon some slight discouragement in a course, or for some equally trivial reason that they would lat- reer imaginable, besides charts outlining the opportunities, pay, and chances for advancement in various fields. * * * WHEN SHE returned to her aca- demic counselor and told him she was still undecided about a car,2r,