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December 06, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-12-06

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Mythical Michigan Man

THE DAILY'S SURVEY, which indicated
that extra - curricular activities are
manned by only 23 per cent independent
personnel, would seem to indicate that the
typical Michigan man lives a much more
subdued life than is popularly supposed.
He doesn't dash from one committee
meeting to another, take time out for a
coke date, zip down to the IM building to
work out with the basketball squad, flash
back to his room to change into a tux for
a formal, somehow having found time to
attend a class or two and grab a bite.
Rather, his life tends to be a monastic sort
of existence, about as exciting as a visit to
The typical Michigan man lives in a
rooming house or a dorm, in a room that is
rather neat, simple, unadorned-perhaps
a student loan print on the wall, a few
photographs of girls back home, a bold
calendar form the main decorations. The
broken piece of a goalpost, the cowbell, the
32 college banners each hung at a differ-
ent angle, the stolen street signs are all
He dresses neatly, but simply and not
flashily. He may wear old GI clothes, or
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

slacks, an open shirt, a heavy windbreaker.
He owns no tux.
The Michigan man is probably not a
very social individual. His friends are
limited to the fellows in his rooming house
or a few neighbors in his dorm, a few
acquaintenances from classes, one or two
from his home town.
He may eat with these friends, and he may
go to a movie or two a month with them, as
well as most of the football games, maybe
even several other sporting events. A gre-
garious fellow may find himself in an occa-
sional card game or even a bull session.
He probably knows two or three women
on campus well enough to date and may
have two or three dates each semester.
A trip or two home a term may form
another highlight in his good gray life.
He putters around quite a bit-reading
magazines, rereading them, listening to
records or the radio, taking short naps, or
at times, just letting his mind wander far
Probably the dominant activity in his
life-certainly the one he considers domin.-
ant-is studying. He spends most of his
evenings studying in his room, a study hall
or library. He may get something to eat be-
fore closing his colorless day, usually close to
The Michigan Man's life is moral, no
doubt, but probably not a very full one. Cer-
tainly it is a far cry from the conventional
picture of Joe College's dizzy days.
-,John Davies



('AU R R E



At The Michigan.. .
John Wayne and Victor MacLaglen.
IF YOU CAN go into the theatre and forget
about everything but the Technicolor
photography, this movie is the Picture of
the Decade.
Filmed among the buttes of the South-
west, the camera takes full advantage of
the natural phenomena in numerous out-
door shots. It is only when the actors be-
come the subject of attention that the
movie falls apart.
Constructed in the best manner of Per-
sonalized Documentaries on our Glorious
Past, the story is nevertheless hopelessly be-
fouled by the inevitable love interest. But
even the inferior love story could have been
painlessly worked in, had the lovers only
been able to act.
Such was not the case. Of the members of
the cast, John Wayne, as the captain in an
Indian-fighting outpost, and Victor Mc-
laglen, lis alcoholic aide, are the only char-
acters wio make any sort of an impression.
Joanne Dru, the sole single woman in the
outpost, does a boring job of acting tempes-
tuous. But someone had to wear the sym-
bolic yellow ribbon, and she does wear it
Her sweetie, John Agar, is apparently
not in the habit of speaking complete sen-
tences, judging from the lack of expression
in his lines.

At The State ...
PAISAN . . . Roberto Rossellini's six-
episodes from the War in Italy.
"Paisan," now suffering from inexcusably
stupid editing, runs the gamut from "met-
tza-mettza" to magnificient.
It is divided, as everyone knows by this
time, into six separate war stories, the best
of which is undoubtedly the last. This sec-
tion, about a unit of OSS men fighting
beside the Northern Italian Partisans in.
the last days of the war, is one of the most
powerful things ever filmed.
Stripped of everything but action, only
the camera editorializes. The men make no
judgements, but simply try to stay alive.
This scene features a flabby and fortish
American army captain, who is, for me at
least, the most memorable soldier ever pre-
sented on any screen.
While the other sequences do not ap-
proach this last one, some of them are ex-
cellent in their own right. The scene in
Florence, (an American nurse trying to
reach her pre-war lover, now a Partisan
chief), is my own second, choice, with the
scene in Naples, (the Negro Soldier and
the Italian kid,) almost as good.
The scene in the monastery suffers from
the absence of professional actors. Else-
where, the Rossellini technique, amateur ac-
tors under Rossellini's careful direction, is
successful, but the Monastery scene is one
without action, and the incompetence of
the three American chaplains hamstrings
the effectiveness of what is meant to be a
parable of simplicity.
The butchers who cut this version of
"Paisan" mutilated the Rome sequence
between the. GI and the prostitute so that
it makes very little sense.
But even this "expurgated" "Paisan" is
well worth seeing.
- -Kirk R. Hampton

Tax Increase?
WASHINGTON-The present status of tax
policy is another good example of the
Truman Administration's increasing tenden-
cy to take the comfortable road. Some weeks
ago, the President himself told his press con-
ference that he would ask Congress for sub-
stantial tax increases, in order to cover part
of the expected Federal deficit. Forward es-
timates of the deficit are currently floating
around $6 billion. Yet it now appears quite
probable that no drastic tax rises will be
proposed after all.
To be sure, President Truman's decision
on this important aspect of his 1950 program
is yet to be made. Before leaving for Key
West, he asked both the Treasury and the
Council of Economic Advisers to prepare
memoranda on tax policy, for his use while
on holiday. The final verdict will be given
after these memoranda have been digested,
when the President goes to work in earnest
on his budget message.
MEANWHILE, however, it is already pretty
apparent that the President will have
to reverse his advisers, if he keeps to his
press conference promise to demand a heavy
tax increase. It is very rare indeed for Sec-
retary of the Treasury John Snyder and the
present senior member of the economic ad-
visory council, Leon Keyserling, to agree on
any subject. But the signs suggest they do
agree for once (although for very different
reasons) that important new taxes are un-
desirable at this time.
As between these two men, Snyder's po-
sition is the least certain. Within the
Treasury staff, there are two fairly well
marked schools of thought. One school
favors early budget-balancing, by raising
taxes if need be. The other places its main
emphasis on the discouragement of fur-
ther taxes to the business community.
Snyder himself has always been intensely
hesitant to do anything that displeases the
businessmen. Those who should know ac-
cordingly assert that he strongly inclines to-
ward the second Treasury school, opposing
immediate heavy tax rises. And this o
course fits neatly with his recent surprise
testimony, depreciating the sterner sort of
budget-balancing, and defending deficit fi-
nancing as healthy at certain times.
AS FOR THE POSITION of the economic
advisory council, the theory that pre-
vails there is familiar. In brief, Keyserling
and his colleagues assert that the budget
should be balanced, not by increases in taxes,
but by increases in the national income,
which will be automatically reflected in lar-
ger tax yields from existing taxes. Tax rises
at this time will be deflationary, and will
therefore impede the expansion of the na-
tional product and income. Hence they are
to be avoided.
Of course, even if the Treasury and the
economic advisory council give the indi-,
cated advice, and even if the President
accepts this advice, some changes in tax
rates may well be proposed. The question
is, not whether taxes will be raised, but
whether they will be raised enough to
make much difference in the size of the
projected federal deficit. The latter is the
real point presently in dispute.
On the former point, it should be remem-
bered that the economic advisory council
last year urged selective removal of certain
of the wartime-excise taxes. The Treasury
then successfully opposed this project. This
year, however, removal of some at least of
the excise taxes appears fairly probable. If
this is decided upon, the President will al-
most certainly, wish to impose other levies
considerably more than compensating for
the loss of excise revenue. Gifts and inheri-
tance taxes and the corporation tax are the
most likely sources.
FROM THIS brief and inadequate review
of present tendencies on the tax issue, a

far from re-assuring picture dimly emerges.
The President cannot be accused of being
self-indulgent merely because he may
change his mind about a big tax increase.
The wisdom of such an increase is at least
very questionable. The self-indulgence lies,
rather, in the obvious failure to come to
grips with the underlying issue of basic eco-
nomic policy.
If the President were really to adopt and
act on the Keyserling theory, he would not
only propose no important new taxes, he
would also have to raise the present crip-
pling limitations on defense spending and
do certain other things to stimulate ex-
pansion of the national product. And he
would have to fight bitterly for this the-
ory before the Congress and the country.
On the other hand, if the President were
really to adopt and act on the Snyder the-
ory, he would equally have to reduce many
popular expenditures which he now plans
to increase.
But there is no coherent, dominant theory.
Instead, the Administration is trying to
avoid all the uncomfortable things, and only
do what is comfortable. Going down this
road is very pleasant for a while, but only
for a while.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
ant, with their two wives. Neither are Tex-
Of course, Jesse Jones, when head of the
powerful RFC, did not hesitate to accept
trips in a private car on the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad at a time when he was lending
RFC money to that road. And it will be in-
, _- .. .r>T_ l^n,- nlc ,- .- tril. "^

f 1
:-t 't
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which, are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

"And Some Day You lI Have A Real One"


Facts on AIM

Continued from Page 2

. . .



The important plot, yellow ribbons to the
contrary, is still the cleaning up of recalcit-
rant Indian tribes in 1876. The story isn't
great by any standards, but the excellent
Technicolor makes the show well worth see-
-Fran Ivick

To the Editor:-,
IN REGARD to a recent Letter
to the Editor by Mr. Mort Sim-
ons, I would like to take an op-
portunity both to answer some
questions he raised regarding the
nature and function of AIM, and
to make clear to any other inde-
pendents just how AIM is related
to them.
I infer from the tone of Mr.
Simon's letter that he supposes
that AIM is, or should be, an or-
ganization with a general mem-
bership, such as the Young Repub-
licans, Young Progressives, et al.
Such is r4ot the case; without go-
ing into detail, The Association of
Independent Men can be describ-
ed as a representative group, com-
parable to the Student Legislature,
The Interfraternity Council, etc.,
which, like AIM, are composed of
elected or appointed representa-
tives. Specifically, AIM is an exe-
cutive council, with each mens'
dormitory on campus electing or
appointing a representative. Fur-
ther, though the representation of
"outside" independents is still in
an embryonic stage, AIM does
have three additional representa-
tives from rooming house "dis-
tricts", with an added constituency
of about 750. To the extent that
many men living in rooming
houses are as yet unorganized in-
to districts, AIM admittedly does
not speak for all independent men.
Briefly, AIM's function is two-
fold: To perform service functions
for independent men, and to at-
tempt to aid them in political
Mr. Simons 'may be familiar
with some of the service functions
which we attempt, such as the
promotion of A-hop, in cooper-
ation with Assembly, movies, and
the like, sometimes on an all-
campus basis, sometimes on a ba-
sis of individual districts. An ad-
ditional service was provided last
year with the sale of athletic
equipment at wholesale prices-at
no profit except to the men buy-
ing the equipment.
The members of the executive
council are legally chosen repre-
sentatives of each of the dorms
and outside districts. As such, their
official actions on political mat-
ters are legitimate. AIM has al-
ways recognized that the average
independent man has little op-
portunity to make his weight felt
on campus; for this reason, it of-
ten acts as a sounding-board for
independent opinion. Mr. Simons
may not know, that, in this con-
nection, he or any independent
man may present motions to the
council for their consideration.
Even when an organization is
perfectly representative, there is
always the possibility that it may
take action to which 49% of its
constituency may object. To those
independent men who, like Mr.
Simons, may disagree with AIM's
policies, I ask you to register your
disagreement to your AIM repre-
sentative, or by selecting next se-
mester's representative with a
view to their agreement with you.

If you live outside of a dormitory
in an unorganized district, I ask
for patience and co-operation un-
til the tedious and difficult work
of organizing districts is complete.
The interest and criticism of any
independent man is always wel-
comed by AIM representatives. I
hope this letter may clarify the
nature of AIM to Mr. Simons and
anyone with similar questions.
-Walt Hansen,
Association of
Independent Men.
.9 * +K
Purchase Cards .
To the Editor:
of the NSA Committee in
regard to the current sale of Pur-
chase Cards should be made clear
to the student body.
National Student Association
Purchase Cards are being sold by
the NSA Committee of the Stu-
dent Legislature for $1.00 during
this week in the Administration
Building. PCS Cards are honored
in 20 national areas at stores con-
tracted by the NSA with discounts
ranging from five to 25% over a
variety of merchandise. Cards are
valid until September 15, 1950.
Only the Detroit Area is being
given emphasis in the PCS card
sale this week since it is the only
complete area list in the hands of
the SL's NSA Committee. When
future up-to-date lists are received
from other national areas, they
will be mailed to card holders and
further opportunity will be given
to buy PCS Cards. Lists of Detroit
stores accompany card sales.
No NSA Purchase Card con-
tracts have been signed in Ann
Arbor this semester. The Ann Ar-
bor Chamber of Commerce has
not cooperated in the Purchase
Card System although every at-
tempt has been made to show the
value of PCS to both merchant
and student purchaser.
Every dollar collected by 'NSA
from the sale of PCS Cards is al-
located accordingly: 65c to the
local student government treasury
(Student Legislature); 20c to the
National Office of NSA; 10c to the
Regional Office of NSA; 5c to the
Area Office of NSA. The last three
delegations of funds covered PCS
operation exclusively.
PCS Card purchasers are urged
ot contact the PCS Chairman on
this campus when any questions
or criticisms arise concerning the
-Leonard A. Wilcox,
Chairman PCS,
NSA Committee.
A Wrd on Abbrev.s . *
To the Editor:

Home Economics. For appoint-(
ments call the Bureau of Appoint-N
ments, Ext. 489.
Detroit Civil Service Commis-
sion announces examination for
Playleaders (men and women) for
summer playground work.mFiling
period closes Dec. 21. For further
information call at University Bu-
reau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg.
Detroit Civil Service Commission
announces examinations for Pub-
lic Service Attendants men andl
women) and Assistant Public Serv-
ice Attendants men and women)
to establish an eligible register for1
summer positions. Filing period1
closes Dec. 22. For further infor-
mation call at University Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Administra-
tion Bldg.1
The University Bureau of Ap-
pointments has received announce-
ment that Cejwin Camps, Port
Jervis, New York are now organiz-
ing their camp staff for the com-
ing summer. Openings are for men
and women general and specialty
counselors. Minimum academic re-
quirement is Senior status in col-
lege as of July 1 next. For further
information, call at 3528 Adminis-
tration Bldg.
The Hammermill Paper Com-;
pany of Erie Pennsylvania, has
openings for applicants for sales'
trainee positions. Students who
plan to graduate in June 1950 are
eligible to apply. For further in-
formation call at the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Administra-
tion Bldg.
International Center, Weekly
Tues., Dec. 6, 7 p.m., I.S.A. meet-
Wed., Dec. 7, 8 p.m., Instruction
in Ballroom dancing.
Thurs., Dec. 8, 8 p.m., Polonia
Fri., Dec. 9, 8:30 p.m., Chinese
University Community Center:
Willow Village.
Tues., Dec. 6, 8 p.m., Wives' Club.
Dr. Hobart Coffey, "Domestic Re-
Wed., Dec. 7, 8 p.m., Great Books
Group; Ceramics.
Thurs., Dec. 8, 8 p.m., Skit
Group; Choir; Ceramics; Water-
color and textile painting.
Sat., Dec. 10, 9-12 p.m., Wives'
Club Christmas Dance at West
Lodge. Entertainment by the
University Lectures. Two lec-
tures by Mrs. Constance Dyson,
Principal of Hillcroft College, Sur-
rey, England. "Some Aspects of
Modern English Literature," aus-
pices of the Department of Eng-
lish, 4:15 p.m., Architecture Audi-
torium; "Adult Education in Great
Britain," auspices of the School of
Education and the University Ex-
tension Service, 8 p.m., Tues.,
Dec. 6, Architecture Auditorium.
University Lectures in Journal-
ism: Two lectures by Carroll Bind-
er, Editorial Editor, The Minneap-
olis Tribune, auspices of the De-
partment of Journalism. "The
Outlook for Freedom of Informa-
tion," 3 p.m., Room C, Haven Hall;
"The Road Ahead in World Af-
fairs," 8 p.m., Wed., Dec. 7, Kellogg
Michigan Memorial - Phoenix
Project Lecture: "Age Determina-
tion by Radiocarbon Content."
Professor James J. Arnold, Insti-
tute for Nuclear Studies, Univer~
sity of Chicago; auspices of the
Michigan Memorial - Phoenix
Project, 4 p.m., Wed., Dec. 7, Kel-
logg Auditorium.

University Lecture: "Human Re-
lations in Business and Industry."
Charles T. Estes, Special Assistant
to the Director, Federal Mediation
and Conciliation Service, Wash-
ington, D.C.; auspices of the De-
partment of Speech. 4 p.m., Wed.,
Dec. 7, Rackham Lecture Hall.
University Lectures: "Three-Di-
mensional Visualization of Heart
Potentials," Dr. Otto H. Schmitt,
Professor of Zoology and Physics,
University of Minnesota; auspices
of the Department of Physics.
4:15 p.m., Wed., Dec. 7, Rackham
Academic Notices
Preliminary Examinations for
the Doctorate in Linguistics: Sat.,
Jan. 14. Candidates should consult
Professor Kurath before the
Christmas recess (2:30 to 3 p.m.)

Elaine Giddings, Speech: thesis:
"A Critical Study of the Speaking
Career of General Jan C. Smuts
with Special Reference to his
World Peace Addresses," Tues.,
Dec. 6, 3211 Angell Hall, 1:30 p.m.
Chairman, W. M. Satler.
Doctoral Examination for Wil-
liam Henry Roe, Education; thesis:
"Administrative Structural Reor-
ganization in Michigan with Spe-
cial Reference to Community
School Districts," Tues., Dec., 6,
715 S. Forest Ave. (Moehlman
residence), 3 p.m. Chairman, A. B.
AE. 160 Seminar: 4 p.m., Wed.,
Dec. 7, 1504 E. Engineering. Mr.
Philip Culbertson, from the Uni-
versity of Michigan Supersonic
Wind Tunnel, will speak "On
Problems in Supersonic Tunnel
Measurements and Calibration."
Refreshments. Visitors welcome.
Chemical Colloquium: 4:15 p.m.,
Wed., Dec. 7, 1300 Chemistry. Prof.
R. K. McAlpine, Department of
Chemistry. "The Autooxidation-
reduction of Iodine in Alkaline
Engineering Mechanics Semi-
nar: Prof. J. A. Van den Broek,
Department of Engineering Me-
chanics. "History of Theory of
Strength." 4 p.m., Wed., Dec. 7,
W. Engineering. All interested per-
sons welcome.
Mathematics Colloquium: 4
p.m., Tues., Dec. 6, 3011 Angell
Hall. Dr. Wilfred M. Kincaid will
speak on 'AN ANALYSIS OF A
Stanley Quartet. The final pro-
gram in the series of concerts by
the Stanley Quartet will be pre-
sented at 8:30 p.m., Tues., Dec. 6,
Rackham Lecture Hall. Composed
of Gilbet Ross and Emil Raab,
violinists, Paul Doktor, violist, and
Oliver Edel, cellist, the group will
play Mozart's Quartet in D minor,
K. 421, Arnold Schoenberg's Quar-
tet No. 2, Op. 10, and Schumann's
Cluartet in A major, Op. 41, No. 3.
In the Schoenberg quartet, written
for soprano, two violins, viola and
cello, Norma Swinney Heyde, a
graduate student in the School of
Music, will appear as soloist. Open
to the public without charge.
Student Recital: Harriet Boden
Brask, Mezzo-soprano, will present
a program in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Master of
Music degree at 8:30 p.m., Wed.,
Dec. 7, Rackham Assembly Hall.
Mrs. Brask is a pupil of Arthur
Hackett. Program. compositions by
Donaudy, Faure, Chausson, Vidal,
Debussy, Cornelius, and a group of
English songs arranged by John J.
Niles and Victor Young. Open to
the public.
Events Today
Canterbury Club: 7:30-9:30 p.m.,
Chaplain's Seminar, conducted b
(Continued on Page 5)
.M . *. ~IU1~








Washington Merry- Go-Round


WASHINGTON-Recent revolution and ri-
oting in Latin America has pointed up
what the American public has long dimly
realized, namely that while we are fighting
Communism in Europe, we are losing out to
Fascism at our own front door.
Panama, which surrounds the most im-
portant waterway in the world so far as
the United States is concerned, is now in
the hands of a dictator, Arnulfo Arias,
who had roots in Germany and Italy dur-
ing the days of Hitler and Mussolini. Just
before Pearl Harbor, we considered him
such a menace the United States helped to
euchre him out of the presidency.
In Colombia, a country equally vital to the
strategic waterway which links east-west
shipping, the bloodiest riots in, history have
been taking place. Approximately 1,000 peo-
ple have been killed, and a Fascist party, de-
liberately aided and abetted by Dictator
Franco of Spain, has instituted such terror
that it was impossible to hold two-way elec-
While U.S. senators have been guzzling
Dictator Franco's lush wines in Madrid,
Franco has been pulling the rug right out
from under U.S. policy in one of the most
important countries in the Pan American
Months ago Laureano Gomez, now the
Colombian strong man. went to Madrid and

had bogged down, he just wouldn't believe
But the trouble with President Truman
is that he thinks of Pan-American friend-
ship in terms of getting out a lot of flags
and the brass bands to greet President
Dutra of Brazil. He doesn't realize that the
Good-Neighbor policy must be closely co-
ordinated and carefully carried out every
day of the year.
Over in the Export-Import Bank, also,
far more loans have been advanced in Latin
America than most people realize.
But a successful Good-Neighbor policy
isn't built up merely by dumping money
into Latin America, or giving rousing wel-
comes to visiting Pan-American poten-
Today we have a lot of well-meaning cogs
in our diplomatic machinery, but sometimes
they seem to be turning separately and in
different directions. In brief, the gears do
not mesh.
IT LOOKS LIKE Jesse Jones, long consid-
ered the financial czar and once an as-
piring political czar of Texas, now has a
real rival. He is Texas Oil Tycoon Glenn Mc-
Carthy of Houston, who recently helped
mastermind "Sam Rayburn Day."

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen............CityEditor
Philip Dawson...Editorial Director
Mary Stein.............Associate Editor
Jo Misner...........Associate Editor
George Walker.......Associate Editor
Don McNeil.........Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes ......... Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady......... Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach..Ass'ociate Women's Ed.
Joan King....... .....Librarian
Allan Clamage......Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington.... Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangi....... Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff. Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
fhe Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspape
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor,, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00. by mail, $8.00.


New. & Art.
Pls b advsd
'sn't 'bbreviatn.
el ltrs.

fm Messrs. May.
Hen. in the Fri.
C11 ltrs r simply
--Wm. Bndr,
Scrpt Ed.,

I Doctoral Examination for



But, Mr. O'Malley-Mom doesn't
e - e _.. - ~A


She knows you have to
I I.~ ~.. I , I


Unless there's something wrong
.-:h h m rjf. er.. /1. ....


Barnaby, I have to go next door


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