TAE MICIM.AN itATT.V Tt1F,.qnAV_ niremmmirm. A- i uo --.- __. aa -, laa V1 11,}"11.1\ AT TV1L X Wu bV f~'L'l'na II . . .Ja.il,# .~j8aJr/.. LJ 5E I ,~ 'Mo F. TRANSPORTATION CRISIS: Union Plan To Ease Travel Problems ., : '6' I I By PAUL BRENTLINGER If you are tired of riding trains and buses home when Christmas vacation starts, the Union has a good deal for you. Likewise, if you are tired of driv- ing home for Christmas with an empty car so that you, yourself, are paying for the entire journey, "" DRAMATIC ENTHRALLING XMAS STORY Strange urgent quest of "The Indissoluble Tear" by blind author WAYNE DICKENS 35c at Marshall's booknook 211 S. State and campus bookstores the Union wll help you spread the fixed costs of your trip a bit. * * * THE UNION is temporarily going into the travel bureau business. It will attempt to coordinate the supply of automobiles which are heading for various areas when vacation starts with as much of the demand for rides as the cars can accommodate. A huge map of the United States, divided into eight sections, now graces the Union lobby. Under each sectioni of the map is a box. Students who want rides to a particular section may fill out cards and deposit them in the box beneath the proper section. AT THE SAME time, drivers go- ing to a certain area may fill out cards of a different sort and drop these in the box under the map of the section which contains their destination. The cards will require such in- formation as name, address, des- tination, time of departure, tele- phone number, and other vital statistics. Cards will be available in the Union lobby. * * * AT THE END of each day, cards will be collected from each of the eight sections and a com- mittee will arrange a group of riders for each car on the basis of the cards collected. Thus, arrangements will be made on a first come, first served basis. To lure a sufficient number of drivers into the program, riders will be required to share expenses of the journey. Car assignments for those rid- ers who can be accommodated will be made by telephone. The map sections and cards will be in the Union lobby until the middle of next week, and car as- signments will be made until then, also. Orientation Jobs Open For Spring Spring semester orienta:.'n group leader jobs will be available to a limited number of men in the literary and engineering colleges. Men interested in these positions will be interviewed in the Union student offices between 7 and 10 p.m. today, according to Larry Stein, of the Union staff. Because of the expected drop in the amount of new students entering in February, a relative- ly small number of group leaders will be needed, Stein explained. Only men with experience in group leader work are eligible for the February jobs. Those men chosen as group leaders will have to be in Ann Arbor by 6 p.m., Sunday, Feb- ruary 5. They will serve through- out the following week, and will receive their meals free during that time. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Phone 23-24-1 HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M. RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .50 1.02 1.68 3 .60 1.53 2.52 4 .80 2.04 4.80 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline daily except Saturday is 3 P.M. Saturdays, 11:30 A.M. for Sunday Issue. FOR SALE NEWCOMB High Fidelity Amplifier, 6 L6's, 30 watt output, 50-15000 Cycles. Filter and.pre - amplifier included. Phone 2-9382. )14 FORD, Model A. Best offer. Call 3-1183. )16 SAMPLES from nationally known wool- en company. Reduced prices while they last. Jackets, snow suits, sweat- ers, woolen shirts. Assorted sizes. Call 3-1183. ________ )17 GIVE A BIRD to shut-in for a real Merry Christmas. Parakeets, canaries and cages at 562 S. Seventh. Ph. 5330. ______________ _____ )_2B RUBBER FOOTWEAR SPECIALS - Toe rubbers, $1.49; 4-buckle dress galoshes, $3.75; low zipper galoshes, $3.49; high zipper galoshes, $4.25. Open until 6 p.m. SAM'S STORE, 122 E. Washing- ton. ) NEWCOMB high fidelity amplifier, 6L6's, 30 watt output, 50-15000 cycles. Filter and pre-amplifier included. Phone 2-9382. )14 WOOD For fireplace or furnace. Call 3-4575. )15 FORSALE WHITE FUR fabric coat. Alaskan made. Size 14. Like new. Phone 8896. EIGHT MONTHS of Life or Time worth $6.90 at the newsstand-only $1.75 if orderedl at the same time as a Christ- nas gift rof LIME or LIE at $6.00. Acdditional gifts: TIME $4, LIFE $3.75. To students only. Through student- run Student Periodical Agency. Phone 2-82-42 for full information. )3 COUSINS ON STATE STREET Sanforized Flannelette Gowns and Pajamas $3.95 Sizes 32-40 - Assorted Colors. Prints and Polka Dots ) CHEN YU-It's longer lasting because it is genuine lacquer. Matching lip- sticks, in fashion colors. Calkins- letcher Drug Co., South State at North University. } XMAS STORY of year! "The Indossoi- ube Tear." Just out. 35c. Campus Book Stoie. )90 Unpainted Furniture Complete stock of 4 drawer andd drawer chests, night stands and tables, chairs, coffee tables, desks, breakfast tables, bookcases and utility racks. All made from smooth, bright lumber, Save money-paint it your- self. GILL LUMBER CO. 524 So. Main St. Phone 2-4555 Where the Greater Number Get Their Lumber )8 FOR SALE-Set of formal tails. Siz 36. or $35. Call 2-1284. )86 WANTED T 6UY WANTED-A microscope, an ultra-vio- let light, and Oster massage instru- ment, stroke-control model. Must be reasonable. Call 6-678. ) 36W BUSINESS SERVICES STUDENT TYPING expertly done by experienced typist. Reasonable rates. Will call for and deliver. Ph. 6341. )33B Paul's Musical Repair Van Doren Clarinet Reeds Box of 25 - $4.50 New and Used Instruments 209 E. Washington )4B HAVE YOUR TYPEWRITER repaired by the Office Equipment Service Com- pa-ny. 215 E. Liberty. ___)16B EFFICIENT, EXPERT. PROMPT Type- writer repair service. Moseley's Type- writer and Supply Company, 214 E. _Washington. _Phone 5-888. )5B GREETING CARDS inscribed in colors. 10c each or $1.00 per box. T. A. Early, 402 Observatory. Phone 2-8106. )8B SHIRTS-Nine hour service (by request). Three day service (regular service). Ace Laundry, 116 S. University. )21B WASHING and/or ironing done in my own home. Free pick-up and delivery. Phone 2-9020. )1 B NEARLY~NEW SHOP-Fur and cloth coats, formals, suits, dresses. luv- E. Washington, over Dietzel's. Phone 2-4669. )27B SYLVIASTUDIO 0lDANCE-Ballroom, tap, acrobatic, ballet. Over Michigan Theater. Phone 8066. )32B TYPING-Phone 9676. )34B PHOTO-ENGRAVI NG 24-hour service at Reasonable Charges On High Quality Engraving Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Notice the S.L. Candidates' Posters FOR RENT BRING YOUR WEEKEND GUESTS to the Pierce Transit Home, 1133 E. Ann. Phone 8144. 1R HELP WANTED WANTED-Couple wanted for house- work in exchange for board' and room. Call mornings or evenings. 7979, ) 15H WANTED TO RENT GARAGE in vicinity of State and Mon- roe. Call Ypsi 4922J2. PERSONAL OPPORTUNITY for two boys to earn room rent in return for maintenance work. 3 blocks from campus. Call 3-4738 __)40P HARLOW-I'm getting awfully cold up on this roof., Pedals. )39P CAMPUS CORSAGE SERVICE-For 'a good deal in flowers at home and on campus. Ph. 3-1824. Special rates for group orders. "Student Service for Studen tom." __________ )21P STUDENT HOLIDAY TRAINS-Reduced rates on N.Y. Central, route East and West. Reserved seats on sale at Ad- ministration Bldg. Monday through Friday, 2:30-4:30. $5 will reserve a ticket. -_ --, )38P LEARN TO DANCE JIMMIE HUNT DANCE STUDIO 209 S. State Phone 8161 )1P TRANSPORTATION WANTED-Ride to Wash. D.C. Xmas vacation. Phone Don 2-2205. )27T NEED RIDE to N.Y.C. or vicinity for Xmas vacation. Ph. 2-0596.n)26T MIAMI, Fla. round trip wanted, 2 rid- ers. _)25T TRANSPORTATION - Two passengers wanted. Married couple driving '49 F'nrd, wouston, Texas, Christmas vaca- tion. Phone 2-9552. )24T TWO PEOPLE want ride to Escanaba or vicinity. Back and forth preferred. _Call Howard Fontaine, 8358. ) 23T WANTED-2 or 3 riders to go to Los Angeles, one way, Christmas vacation. References. Ph. 7601 evenings and weekends. )20T LOST AND FOUND LOST-Phi Sigma Epsilon fraternity pin in vicinity of State St. Phone BeverlyHatosky, 2-2591. Reward. )99L LOST-Gold capped Parker "51" pen, green. Between West Quad and Angell Hall. Reward. 413 Chicago 2-4401. LOST-One head, on Michigian Diag- onial. If found, please return to H. H. Megrod at the Student Publica- tions Building. LOST-Chronograph watch i n IM Building. Personal value. Reward. Phone 7039, ) 97L 7 --,a ____ 6 h t~hce~tteht - PIPE SMOK A ain the rnkr of C DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ERS ! CI R \A/111 -rl:D gyIF mae ruers or 31K Y -AL RALEIGH bring an outstanding value in a PIPE and TOBACCO COMBINOATION. Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Assistant to the President. Room 2552 Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1949 VOL. LX, No. 61 Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home students from 4 to 6 o'clock Wed., Dec. 7. to on SHORT ORDERS and Full Course Meals TRIANGLE RESTAURANT 808 South State ;;T II AT THE UNION CIGAR STORE DEC. 5, 6, 7 I' e_ ...at. 9 9 "STORYLAND and TOYTOWN" FLOOR O., StteS t othUnv 2nd FLOOR . . . State St. at North Univ. L MM mmmm mmm mmmm mmmm mmm mmmm ma9 Members of the University Sen- ate: Meeting, 4:15 p.m., Mon., Dec. 12, Rackham Amphitheater. Agen- da: (A) As suggested by the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs. (1) Recommendation for revi- sion of Bylaw Sec. 5.10 (1) regard- ing procedure in cases of recom- mendation of dismissal, demotion, of terminal appointment. Prof. Shorey Peterson. (2) Report on the economic status of the faculty. Prof. D. M. Phelps., (3) Annual report of the Chair- man, Senate Advisory Committee. Prof. Shorey Peterson. (4) Report of the Nominating Committee for membership in the Senate Advisory Committee. Prof. C. D. Thorpe. (B) Discussion of Thanksgiving Day holidays. Dr. F. E. Robbins. (C) Matters introduced from the floor. Choral Union Members are re- minded that the regular rehearsal Tues., Dec. 6, 7 p.m., will be held on the stage of Hill Auditorium. Admission through rear doors only. Christmas caroling by recog- nized student groups is authorized Monday through Thursday, Dec. 12, 13, 14, 15. Groups planning caroling parties must notify the Office of Student Affairs before Friday noon, Dec. 9. Mixed groups planning to return to student, residences must register chaper- ons. Resident Directors or married couples 25 years of age or older may serve as chaperons. Resident Directors are notified that women students (either as in- dividuals or members of sponsor- ing groups) have midnight per- mission for caroling parties pro- vided that such parties are an- nounced in the D.O.B. as approved. The approved list will be published Sat., Dec. 10, and Sun., Dec. 11. Judiciary Council requires that women students specify ' o sign- out sheet the name of the group giving the party. STARTING FRIDAY HEART-THRILLS ARE YOURSf 4j SCer fau4l "... to a...; 5 reater . pcure medne a gadee * oSa sa_ ye UNIVERSITY SHOPPE Eat your breakfast with us. Coffee and Spudnuts any time. QUICK SERVICE Open: 7:15 A.M. to 11:30 P.M. 8poorr u9 Coffee '£%hop 1204' South University . . . serving . . . BREAKFASTS, LUNCHEONS and DINNERS SANDWICHES and SALADS . ..from . . 7:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. to 7 P.M. Closed Sundays ORPHEUM Cinema Triumphs From All Nations Phone 7039 )9 1 I 11 r w.... .. - "'"_I I V 19 If it's Results you want' Don t delay... - for Daily Classifieds lead the way ... I i The Director of Personnel of the Detroit Public Schools, will speak to prospective teachers on Thurs., Dec. 8, 4 p.m., 1035 Angell Hall, re- garding teaching opportunities in the Detroit schools for next few years. Interviews for teachers needed in Detroit for February will be held on Thurs., Dec. 8, at the Bureau of Appointments. Teachers are need- ed in the elementary grades, ele-. mentary vocal music, and elemen- tary art. Secondary positions are open for teachers with the M.A. in Commercial subjects, English, and (Continued on Page 4) I SAVE and earn 2°% current rate on Insured savings r I U' I U 1AMA '& 7= AIA t' 11 I If G ,i./ ice; sW I Ad.- 1r: W. /1!t A&. k AL W :--An ; 1 I I I Ar. Aa M I MAL &a