See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
Lewis Sends
Miners Back
To Pits Again
Operations Start
On 3 Day Week
4 WAS NGTON-(P)-South-
ern Coal producers asserted yes-
terday they are standing pat
against any new contract which
would give John L. Lewis the
power to tell them how to use
their mines.
PITTSBURGH - (P) -- The na-
tion's on-and-off coal production
resumed again yesterday-geared
down and still on borrowed time.
A double-barrelled order from
United Mine Workers President
John L. Lewis sent the 480000 soft
and hard coal diggers into the pits
on a three-day-week schedule.
* * *
own decree to the contract-seeking
locals has produced no indications
of a major break in the soft-coal
dispute that began six months ago)
A settlement affecting eastern
Pennsylvania's 80,000 anthra-
cite (hard coal) diggers ap-
peared at least a possibility.
* Hard coal operators and union
representatives will sit down to-
day in New Yorke in preliminary
talks. Lewis, who traditionally ap-
pears only for climax conferences
with the anthracite industry, will
not be present.
* * *
THE UMW'S FOURTH strike of
1949 in the soft coal fields evapo-
rated quickly, as the financially
hard-pressed diggers began trudg-
ing in a steady parade to the pits
beginning at 12:01 a.m this morn-
It had lasted exactly four
days, including the usually non-
productive weekend.
From practically all corners of
the far-flung bituminous belt the
story was the same: All the miners
*back on schedule.
Uncuttable Key
Items Pose
Bud et Riddle
One of the most serious prob-
lems of the nation's budget con-
cerns "open-end" accounts, ac-
cording to Charles B. Stauffacher,
Assistant Director of the Federal
Bureau of Budget.
Speaking last night before a
seminar of the American Society
for Public Administration, Stauf-
facher said that the Veteran's
Readjustment account falls into
this category.
* * *
"MOST PEOPLE thought that
the number of veterans in colleges
would taper off this year but this
hasn't occured," Stauffacher said.
"Therefore, appropriations
must continue to flow. We can-
not place a limit on veteran's
funds and say that when they
are used other eligible people
cannot receive government sub-
Also falling into the category
of "open-end" accounts with' the
Veteran's Readjustment item are
the postal deficit and agriculture
price support program, Stauffacher
HE POINTED out that the bulk
of expenditures in the budget fall;
into four . groups which can be
called war-connected.
They are the Veteran's Ad-
ministration, National Defense
Program, Foreign Aid Program
and the interest on the public
Last year's budget for these
measures totaled thirty-two mil-
lion dollars, Stauffacher said.
Arrest Student
On Car Theft
William Lawrence, '52E, was ar-
raigned yesterday in Municipal
Court on charges of "illegally tak-
ing possession of a car."
Picked up by police in Detroit's
Palmer Park section early Satur-
day morning, Lawrence admitted
stealing a car owned by Mrs. Mar-
garet Finan of 210 N. Thayer St
Press IMust Be
Socially Aware
Reese Cites Campaign of His Paper
As Example of Vital Responsibility
Campaigning against political and social wrongs is a major
responsibility of any good newspaper, Benjamin Reese, managing
editor of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, told journalism students
In an informal talk Reese discussed the campaign his own paper
conducted following the Centralia mine disaster, in answering one
of the questions fired at him by the aspiring journalists.
lls of Reds Getting
Ato upplies During War
covery of
SCANDAL of the corrupted mine inspectors and the dis-
the salaries being paid by the state to editors of many
' community newspapers greatly in-
jured Governor Green's reputation
during an important election
year," Reese said.
NSA Will Hold
Conference at
U' Next Spring
Meeting To Discuss
Student Bill of Rights
A new twist En student confer-
ences will be held next spring at
the University.
The meeting, drawn up by the
Michigan Region of the National
Students Association, will feature
joint student-faculty-administra-
tion discussions of a student "bill
of rights" and related fields, in-
cluding the scope and function of
student governments.
THE CONFERENCE will be the
first of two two-day affairs. Facul-
ty and administration members of
,everal Michigan schools will be
represented on an equal basis with
she students.
The spring meeting was
planned by a NSA regional con-
vention held at Michigan Cen-
tral College of Education. Leon
Rechtman and Student Legisla-
tors Ed Lewinson, Tom Walsh
and Dorianne Zipperstein repre-
sented the University.
The second conference, to be
held at another college, will de-
vote its time to drawing up a new
NSA Student Bill of Rights for
'resentation at next summer's na-
tional congress, which local NSA
officials hope will be held at the
The group cited great need for
revising the present bill passed
last year, which was regarded as
* * *
gional subcommission will be 'set
up at the University to plan a tour
of the Detroit area for foreign stu-
dents within the state.
See NSA, Page 6
Labor Lecture
To Be Given
Estes To Address
Major Charles T. Estes, special
assistant to director Cyrus S.
Ching, of the Federal Mediation
and Conciliation Service will be
guest lecturer at the Speech As-
sembly, 4 p.m. tomorrow in Rack-
*ham Lecture Hall.
The topic of his talk will be
"America's Number One Problem.'
This is a change from his original
topic, "Human Relations in Busi-
ness and Industry;" which appears
on posters announcing the assem-
"In retaliation," continued
Reese, "the assistant attorney
general of Green's machine in-
dicted one of our ace reporters
on the case as an accomplice to
two gangsters who were involved
in a kidnapping.
"Joseph Pulitzer, the Post-Dis-
patch publisher, spent $28,000 on
full page advertisements in 18
Illinois papers exposing the ob-
vious falacies of the indictment."
"THIS expose ruined any chanc-
es of Green's re-election," added
Reese, "and afterwards Governor-
elect Adlai Stevenson came down
to St. Louis and thanked the Post-
Dispatch for aiding so much in
his election."
The editorial page, said Reese,
is not as extensively read as the
news pages are and probably does
not play as important a part in
determining public opinion asrdoes
the front page.
"It is the publisher's responsi-
bility, however, to determine an
overall policy for the editorial
page," Reese stated. "A paper is
neglecting its duty if it has a weak
policy or one that is easily influ-
enced by advertisers."
The Post-Dispatch's election-
time editorials are aimed at influ-
encing the independent voters de-
cisions, according to Reese.
"No argument that I know of
can persuade a person of con-
firmed political faith to change
his mind," commented Reese. "Al-
so, the independent voter still
plays a vastly important role in
our elections."
New 'Carport'
Will Be Built
In Ann Arbor
A second modern three-decker
"carport"-just like the parking
structure at First and Washington
Streets-is in the offing for May-
nard Street, Mayor William E
Brown, jr., revealed to City Coun-
cil members last night.
Pointing to the "overwhelming
success" that the municipally-
owned structure has enjoyed in al-
leviating local parking problems
since its completion in May, Mayoi
Brown predicted the new "port'
would be in operation "at least E
year from today."
* * *
THE MAYOR said he had jus
completed a careful stidy of 10.
cal parking conditions which he
found "better than a year ago, bu
still in need of improvement."
"Our new system-calling for
every cent collected to be used
in aiding the general Ann Arbor
parking setup-has proven so
profitable that it warrants fur-
ther expansion," he explained.
Members were also read a lette:
from the American Veterans' Com
mittee, town chapter, endorsing
the Council's recent action i
amending zoning ordinances.
UN Votes For
Atom Count,
Reds Refutse
Soviets Lose Bid
For Atom Tally
NEW YORK-(AP)-The United
Nations Assembly overwhelmingly:
approved yesterday a world census
of ordinary arms and armed forces
but bitter Soviet objections showed
the Russian bloc would not sub-
mit any information.
The Russians tried vainly to
have the move call for a count of
atomic bombs, too.
REFUSAL OF THE Soviet bloc
to cooperate makes it unlikely that
any other countries, especially the
Western Powers, will turn in their
figures now.
The Assembly voted 44 to 5
(Slav bloc) for the census of
weapons technically called con-
ventional armaments. This
would include anything from
small arms such as pistols to the
largest warships and planes but
would not include atomic bombs
or any other weapons of mass
The West argues such a census is
the first step in setting up a
scheme for arms limitation.
* * *
THE ASSEMBLY batted down a
Soviet resolution calling on coun-
tries to submit both information
on armed forces and conventional
armaments and information on
atomic weapons.
The vote was 6 for the Soviet
proposal, 39 against and 9 absten-
tions. Egypt voted with the Soviet
bloc in favor of including atomic
The Assembly action approved
once more a decision of the UN
Commission for Conventional
Armaments that it has no business
dealing with atomic weapons since
the UN Atomic Energy Commis-
sion was set. up for that purpose.
The Soviet bloc has contended
that it is useless to count conven-
tional armaments without includ-
ing atomic bombs.
The Russians accused the West-
ern Powers, especially the Unit-
ed States and Britain, of re-arm-
ing western Germany and prepar-
ing for a new war.
SAVES BELONGINGS-An unidentified student carries his belongings away from his burning dormi-
tory at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. The dormitory caught fire Saturday night e
causing damage estimated at $500,000. More than 300 men students housed in the dorm escaped.
Two were critically injured and at least 17 less seriously hurt.
U. S._Recognition oQ hn Invtbe
.,- ,. .- ,
The United States will be proba-
bly forced to officially recognize
the Chinese Communist govern-
ment, according to Gerald F. Win-
field, who spoke yesterday on
"What Next in China?"
It is important for the U.S. to
keep its contact with China even
though relations with that coun-
try will probably be strained and
cold, he said.
k * ,
serving on the Commission forl
Rural Education of the ECA.
The crux of the Communists'
problem in China may be the
country's low agricultural pro-
duction, because this is the fun-
damental problem with which
any political movement in China
will have to deal, he said.
* * *
The Communists have come to
power because of promises to
change an agricultural China with
a low level of production to an in-
dustrial, country with a, modern
industrial civilization, Winfield de-
themselves quite a task. The
money for building the industrial
plant of China, in addition to
maintaining the Communist. bu-
reaucracy will have to be forced
from the farmers."
The necessity of western capi-
tal fbr the industrialisation of
China is one of our biggest
biggest weapons, he said, pro-
dieting that the Communists will
stay in power for some time, un-
til the Chinese rural folk revolt
from Communist control.
"The success of the Communists
may depend upon two factors: how
close the top leadership stays to
the people and if the Communists
learn from their mistakes."
* * *
gays Hopkins
gent Orders
For Transfer
Wallace Accused
By Commentator
.S. air force major testified yes-
erday he found that Russian of-
cers were shipping maps of the
anama Canal and quantities of
atomic material from this country
luring World War II.
The witness, George Racey Jor-
an; told his story at the opening
f a new Atomic investigation be-
ore the House Un-American Ac-
ivities Qommittee, relating under
>ath what he had previously told,
n part, in a radio broadcast' last
Friday night.
>f sharp cross-examination, that
he late Harry Hopkins, adviser to
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
.nd wartime lend-lease chief, tele-
honed him hurry-up orders to
;peed Russian plane shipments out
>f Great Falls, Mont., in the win-
ter of 1943-44.
Radio Commentator Fulton
Lewis, Jr., who appeared on the
radio program with Jordan, said
in a broadcast yesterday that
former vice-president Henry A.
Wallace was the behind-the-
scenes government official who
insisted that atomic materials
and plans be sent to Russia dur-
ing World War IL
Lewis said the shipments were
made over the protests of ,A er-
can atomic officials. He told a re-
porter that Wallace "overruled"
Maj. Gen. Leslie Groves, the
army's wartime head of the atomic
project, on the shipment of A-
bomb material to the Russians.
IN NEW YORK, Wallace issued
this statement: "The statement by
Fulton Lewis, Jr., is the sheerest
"The Board of Economie War-
fare, of which I was chairman,
had absolutely nothing to do
with any shipments to the Soviet
"In justice to Harry Hopkins, I
must say that if there were any
shipments of . uranium abroad,
they would have had to have the
approval of General Groves."
* * *
BEFORE GOING on the air,
Lewis told a reporter that Gen.
Groves himself, in secret testi-
mony before the House Un-Ameri-
can Actitivities Committee a year
ago, had named Wallace as the
man 'who overruled his protests
against the shipments.
Report Major
G. I. Bill students who wish to
change *their "vocational objec-
tive" must now obtain permission
of the Veterans Administration
before 'doing so, R. A. Correll, dir-
ector of the University's Veteran's
Service Bureau, said yesterday.
This means, as Correll sees it,
that a veteran making a radical
change this February, such as one
from Law School to Dental School,
falls under the new VA regulation
and must get that agency's ap-
proval first.
* * s
ON THE OTHER hand, Correll
said, a student receiving his bach-
elor's degree in February and de-
siring to continue his studies in'
Graduate School is not affected.
This ruling, Correll empha-
sized, has nothing to do with a
veteran's dropping or adding-
single courses at his own dis-
cretion. That's still up to him,
he said.
President Li Halts
11 * ~ YT-
turned from
month study
who recently re-
a two-and-a-half
of China, is now
Caroling Parties Will Bring
Yuletide Spirit to Campus
World News
Round- Up
By The Associated dress
TOKYO-Reports indicated that
U.S. Consul General Angus Ward
said that he did not know himself
whether he would leave Mukden
last night or today-the Com-
munist deadline.
* . * *
tionalist China accepted today a
face-saving compromise to delay
indefinitely any United Nations
decision on her charges that
Russia is helping Chinese Reds
to power.
* * *
WASHINGTON - The Supreme
Court upheld an Arkansas law giv-
ing a state the right to enact a
law forbidding the use of force
and violence to keep workmen
from their jobs.
A holiday mood will envelop the
campus next week, with residence
halls, league houses, fraternities
and sororities planning a full
schedule of caroling parties and
Christmas celebrations.
Swinging into the spirit of the
Yuletide season, the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs has announced that
women students attendingcaroling
English Atom
Work Halted
LONDON-(RP)-Britain stopped
work on her largest atom pile at
Sellafield yesterday.
The Ministry of Supply said the
halt was called because of the
possibility of "developments in the
near future." Some sources said
this might mean she expects a
greater exchange of atomic infor-
mation with the United States
which might alter the work of
her scientists here.
parties will be granted
midnight permission next M
throughout Thursday.
* * *
must notify the Office of S
Affairs by noon Friday.
groups planning to returnt
dent residences are requi
register chaperons.
Resident Directors or ma
couples 25 years of age or
are eligible as chaperons
cording to Mrs. Ruth Cal
of the Office of Student A
A list of approved carolin
ties will be published in the
Saturday and Sunday and
a Judiciary Council ruling,
students must specify on th
out sheet the name of the
giving the party.
Pre-Christmas carolingr
most become a University
tion, with more than 40 par
ganized every year. Startin
points scattered all over c
the groups usually converge
library for a massed sing.
vinty WHEN ASKED whether the
Chinese brand of Communism was
dictated directly from Russia,
parties Winfield replied that the relation-
tudent ship was rather that "of a group of
to stu-students at the foot of a master,
sred to not puppets at the end of a string."
This close intellectual, spirit-
arried ual bond will be a much harder
older one to break, he added.
s, ac- China needs improved seed,
lahan, chemical fertilizers and insecti-
ffairs. cides, rather than American trac-
ag par- tors, Winfield said, pointing out
D.O.B. the difference between the inten-
under sive scientific agriculture vital to
women China's existence and the exten-
.e sign- sive scientific agriculture suited to
group American needs.
No other part of the globe is as
has al- intensively cultivated in relation to
tradi- the soil as China, he said.
ties or- "In fact, 450 to 500 million peo-
ig from ple live in an area 42 per cent of
,ampus, the size of continental United
on the States, which is so rugged that
only 27 per cent can be cultivated."
Counselors Guide Student Career Aims'
(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the first
in a series of three articles describing
the University's counseling system.)
"You're Miss Dwan? Come in, sit
down." The friendly voice came
from behind a desk in the Office
of Concentration Advisers.
Baker was the fact that Sue's
problem was an imaginary one,
that she was there because The
Daily sent her out to get first
hand information on how the
University helps thousands of
little frogs find theirdright
places in a very big pond.
partment, talks with a dozen pros- FINALLY, he instructed Sue to
pective journalists every day, out- see her regular academic advisor;
lining courses, surveying job pos- who had guided her from her en-
sibilities, and seeing that students rollment in the University, to talk
in his department get the best over the proposed switch with him.
preparation for their particular When Sue left the office, she
fields. had a good idea of the big job
First. of all. Baker explained concentration advisors must fill.
they are filling the requirements
for graduation.
This year, the offices of concen-
tration advisors have been relo-
cated to a centralized office in
Rm. 1006 Angell Hall.
IN THE OTHER colleges and