SUNAYDECEMBER~ 4, 1949- _ Tyr _V T 1l IICHfgA--N DII,1 WAGE SEVEN - TH~ MICmGAN DAITY WAGE SEVEN .... - - N.a - 0,, .. w .J,. ', ri~ . ., -, . K 1K t'O w.~ w'' i/ . .' ...... 1J t /) t/ I y7 9 S V1 I I I 0 o fz X ' o I I I Ann rborMe rchants w ill be op en ' /F * ' , 1. "r 'I A f /i L iL ImFoil Here's the perfect opportunity to do your Christmas shopping at your leisure, while the store shelves are still filled with /low~. . "r " "r the gifts you're up a party and planning to g ive. Make come on down ...Shop while it's still fun to shop! :.'4,.,'< " '.,, ti . .' r^}o ,"; ' ': >: t:'.:'.5';'<'Siy; liar: %; :;:":