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December 04, 1949 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1949-12-04

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/ ti teh !h.. .
... with ROZ VIRSHUP
Firmly entrenched as an Ameri- than 100,000 TV sets are on the
can institution, rapidly mush- loose in the Detroit area alone.
rooming television has ceased to Radio appears to be on the road
be a novelty to millions in a phe- to the role of second fiddle in the
nomenally short space of time. not-too-distant future.
A recent survey shows that mor E N d
MORE IN danger of replace-
ment by video though, is a thing
'W est To Bask, called conversation. We on cam-
pushave fortunately been some-
Ea tToF ee e twhat nsulated from this very real
East To reeze threat.
But it does exist.
A quiet TV evening in many
Weatherman Takes homes has become a very quiet
New Stand for '49 evening indeed.
WASHINGTON - () - East- TO ATTEMPT any kind of wit-
Serners who had it mild last win- ty verbalizing while Milton Berle
ter and Westerners who had it is clowning or Mr. America is
tough may get different treat- tying Gorgeous George in knots
ment this winter. has become an unpardonable sin.
The weather man, sizing up the The comment on this state
probabilities, put them this way: of affairs formerly was that
* *you were forced out of the bars
CHANCES ARE nine out of ten in order to escape the omni-
that the East will have a colder present TV screen.
winter than last year when it Now, however, you are forced
saved up to 20 per cent on heating out of your home and right back
costs. to the "peaceful" tavern.
Chances are three out of four * * *
that the West will have a warm- BUT' TV as an educational and
er winter than last year when entertainment medium cannot be
it burned up to 20 per cent more facetiously slighted. After the ini-
fuel than normal. tial blow of double-jointed acro-
As for the Midwest, which had bats and ham comedians has
a fairly normal winter last year, worn off, skeptics should be able
the weather bureau says it's just to find some of its more valuable
an even money bet-one way or aspects.
the other-onwhether the winter The most glowing current
will be balmier or blastier. example of what can, and in a
* * * few instnces, is being done
A COLDER winter than last with thistremendous communi-
conceivably could compound the cations medium is the televising
troubles of drought-hit areas of of the sessions of the United
New York and northern New Nations General Assembly which
Jersey, provided it were a "dry was begun a few weeks ago by
cold" winter with little snow and CBS.
rain. But the weather men say a This public service series brings
cold winter is just as likely to be UN into the homes of millions and
wet as dry. makes a reality out of a rather
New England is also affected- hazy business conducted at distant
but to a much lesser extent-by Lake Success.
the drought. "Crusade in Europe," the war
Herbert Thom, climatological documentary which has recently
specialist of the Weather Bureau, come to this area, is another ex-
is the man who has worked out the ample of the possibilities that
probabilities of a colder winter in TV has to offer if it can cast off
the East and a warmer one in the a bit of its commercialism in the
West than last year. interests of the public.
Enjoy Your Vacation,
Do your Xmas Shopping NOW!!
Gifts in LINEN are ideal
for all the Family!
Here are just some of our Gift Suggestions:
" HANDKERCHIEFS 0 Exclusively on Sale
in Ann Arbor.-
0 TOWELS in 13 differentcolors
Service for four
" BATH SHEETS Only $5.00
Plus many other useful gifts.
Always Reasonably Pricede
at o
Open 9:30 to 5:30 11 NICKELS ARCADEQ
> ->0<--o< c<-><-o<-- o- o<- or-- o<->0<-

NSA Plans Meeting Here Next Spring

MANY LONG YEARS AGO-Strange underwater creatures like these inhabited Michigan 300,000,-
000 years ago, when great inland seas covered the state. This Devonian coral exhibit is among many
now on display at the University Museums. The display is located in the Hall of Evolution, where
the history of animal development through geologic ages is shown.

Hiawatha Club Befriends
Upper Peninsula Students

Among the first of the "I come
from-" clubs to rear its head
at the University, the Hiawatha
Club has for years been the local
center of "Esprit de UP."
The club was organized in 1937
to help Upper Peninsula students
find living quarters and acquire
jobs here. As more members join-
ed, it became largely a social or-
* * *
the club was reorganized two years
ago, and for the first time per-
mitted 'women to join its ranks.
Highlight of the group's social
activities are the Christmas par-
ties held in several cities of the
Upper Peninsula, to which alum-
ni and students from all Upper
Peninsula colleges are invited.
This year parties in Sault Sainte
Marie, Iron River and the Copper
Country are being planned.
its name from Longfellow's epic
poem "Hiawatha," whose action
takes place in the Upper Penin-
Educationalactivities have
now been added to the purely
social functions of the group.
Speakers from the University,
and schools in the Upper Penin-
sula are invited to talk on educa-
tion, industrial development and
communications in the Upper
ONE OF THE major purposes of
the club is to promote better un-
derstanding between the residents
of the Lower and Upper Peninsu-
las, according to Ray Stenstrom,;
'52E, secretary.

To this end the club occasion-
ally invites students from the Low-
er Peninsula to attend its meet-
ings and exchange ideas.
F. C. Bald, assistant director of
the Michigan Historical Collec-
tions, will speak at the next meet-
ing of the club, 7:30 p.m. tomor-
row in the League. Possibilities of
transportation to the Upper Penin-
sula will be considered.
Conference To Be
Held By Educators
A conference-workshop for
school board, members will be held
from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Tuesday.
In addition to school board
members from Michigan, state and
"iational leaders in civic and edu-
cational affairs will participat in
the program.
Among those attending will be
Rep. John Lesinski of the 16th
Michigan district, chairman of the
House Committee on Education
and Labor and Sen. Don Vander
Werp of the Michigan Legislature,
;hairman of the Senate Education

Early Prints
Exhibit Opens
An exhibit of rare American
historical prints will open tomor-
row at the Clements Library.
The material, which includes
prints from books and separate
pieces, ranges from early poli-
tical cartoons to Currier and Ives
prints of American scenes.
Included will be an example of
one of the earliest American
woodcuts, now the state seal of
Massachusetts, dating from 1676.
It is believed to have been cut
by John Foster, the first Ameri-
can woodcutter.
There will also be a portrait of
Increase Mather, engraved by
Thomas Emmes in 1701.
It is the first copper plate por-
trait made in the United States.
Other features of the display
will be Paul Revere's engraving
of the Boston Massacre, Karl
Bodmer's Indian portraits includ-
ing the mezzotints in the Four
Kings of Canada series and ori-
ginal drawings by Thomas Walsh
and E. H. Suydam.
The exhibit has been prepared
especially for students in the fine
arts department.

Plans for a special meeting next
spring at the University are be-
ing drawn up at the Michigan
regional National Students As-
sociation convention.
The convention ends today at
Central MichigannCollege of
Education at Mount Pleasant.
Four students are representing
the Student Legislature and NSA:
Leon Rechtman and Legislators
Ed Lewinson, Tom Walsh and
Dorianne Zipperstein.
NEXT spring's meeting, NSA's
regular regional convention, will
incorporate a new twist in such
conferences by featuring discus-
sions on student rights andstu-
dent governments not only by stu-
dents but faculty and administra-
tion personnel from all over
Each group would have equal
representation, voice and pres-
tige at the discussions, according
to Walsh.
The faculty and administration
representatives would be presi-
dents and deans of all Michigan
colleges and universities, he add-
* * *
"NEVER HAS there been a
meeting of this kind in Michigan,"
Walsh declared. "In the recent
Michigan Conference on Educa-
tion held at the University, a
straw vote revealed overwhelming
support of the idea. The deans
and presidents agreed to en-
courage their schools to partici-
pate in the program."
The idea is also the first one
Hit New High
DETROIT-(IP)-Record post-
war unemployment of 325,000 in
Michigan was reported today on
the eve of a return to work for
more than one-third of the total.
The Michigan Unemployment
Compensation Commission attri-
buted the new high total mainly
to belated effects of the steel
strike. Also listed as factors were
the recent coal strike and auto-
mobile industry shutdowns for
model changeovers and inventory
Unemployment stood at 168,000
in the state and was declining
when the first effects of the steel
strike were felt.
From all appearances, the latest
postwar unemployment peak will
not be threatened for a while at
Even with coal miners on a
three-day work week, most ob-
stacles in the path of high pro-
duction in the auto industry
seemed to have been hurdled.

(/y~a~eh i//* £lh

accepted by the conference from
a student's suggestion, he added.
The meeting would not be oneN
of students and a few faculty
"observers," or vice-versa, but one
in which each group would be able
to talk on the same level, Walsh
Dyson To Give
T-wo .Lectures
Ont Literature
Mrs. Constance Dyson, princi-
pal of Hillcroft College in Eng-
land, will speak on "Some As-
pects of Modern English Litera-
ture" at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday in
Architecture Auditorium.
She will speak again at 8:00
p.m. on "Adult Education in Great
The second lecture will also be
given in Architecture Auditorium.
The lectures are being spon-
sored by the English department
and the School of Education and
Extension Service.
Mrs. Dyson became principal of
Hillcroft College in 1946. The col-
lege offers a year's liberal edu-
cation to working women from 20
to 45 years of age.
She has been active in adult
education in Britain since 1929.

THE NSA conference at Mount
Pleasant will discuss student
rights in the college community
and the scope and function of
student government.
Miss Zipberstein will leadt it
panel on international activities,
including foreign student hospi-
tality, correspondence, exchange
and relief; foreign travel and
students' role in UNESCO.
Erskine Childers, NSA nation-
al vice-president in charge of in-
ternational affairs, will partici-
pate in this panel.
Other programs of direct in-
terest to University students will
be the NSA Purchase Card Sys-
tem and the discussion of the
problem of communication be-
tween student governing bodies.
Prof. To Talk
At Toronto U.
Prof. Ralph Sommer, of tho
School of Dentistry, will attend the
opening of the postgraduate den-
tistry program tomorrow at the
University of Toronto.
Prof. Sommer will address jun-
ior and senior dental students on
"Various Historical Influences in
Dental Programs" and will meet
with the local dental society to-
morrow night.



All merchandise selected from reg. stock. Crowds
of Fashion, Quality and Value-minded Women will
be here to buy! Every garment selected for its fine
quality fabric . . . . its expert styling and tailoring .
. .. for JUNIORS . . . for MISSES ... for WOMEN
9-15 . .. 10-20 ...38-44 ... 121/-24%


. ail



Reg. Priced 39.95 to 79.95
NOW 28.00, 38.00, 58.00
Finest Woolens and workmanship
from $48 to $75 orig. to $100

Year-round SUITS
Reg. Priced 49.95 to 89.95
25.00 - 38.00 - 48.00
All Wool Gabardines - Tweeds -




Our Junior jacket dress is a
double buy . . .
... and a double dut y beauty!
. . . it switches from a cock.-
tail costume to a dancing
dress (wear it strapless if you
wish - it has boned stays)
with a rustling swish of its
fine jacquard tciffeta.
.. .youit'll adore the fullness
of the skirt and the selfcor-
ered belt 'n buttons.
. . . green and cop/wr, junior

200 DRESSES, Reg. Priced from 10.95 to 39.95
your choice". .. .of f orig. price
at exactly......./ f 0rg ric
Street and Business Dresses Rayon Crepes Crisp Taffetas
Afternoon and Cocktail Dresses Failles and Tissue Failles
Fine Gabardines
Gabardines - Twills - and Tweeds. Many lined. Good for year-round
wear. Orig. 16.95 to 39.95.
at 10.00 ... 14.95 ... 25.00
2 Groups of Groups of HANDBAGS
Double Woven Cotton Calf - Cape - Suede
FABRIC GLOVES Reptile and Broadcloth
NOW 1.00 and 2.00 orig. 5.00 to 16.95
orig. to 3.50 at 1/ to 1/2 OFF
HATS 5.00 and 10.00-- orig. to 14.95
Cloches - Berets - Profiles - Little Hats - off the Face - soft luscious
velours - melusines, felts and velvets, 2 groups odds and nds. Orig.
to 5.00. At 1.00 and 2.00

Modeled by Ann Maurer

Picture by Bcarney Laschever

Groups of SWEATERS
Pastel Angora Wool
at 3.95 and 5.95
orig. 5.00 to 10.95

Capeskinand Pigskin
3.95, and 5.95
Black - Brown - Natural
orig. to 6.95
Reg. 1.50 values
sizes 32 to 38
at 1.00


Are yom always late for a date?
Our "THIRSTY" Robe is the answer to your problem.
* CANNON toweling inside and out. ! Doubles as a full-length robe and giant towel.
* Turn-up collar and back fullness. * Only one size-for both men and womren.

Dress Sheers - Walking Sheers
orig. 1.65 and 1.95
at 1.00

I . :~. -I

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0 White only.


6 111111I



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