See Page 4
La test Deadline in the State
:4) ait:I;
U. . Rebukes Chinese
Dorm Fire
Kills Three
In Oklahoma
Flame Destroys
NORMAN, Okla.-()-A flash
fire in a wooden dormitory at the
University of Oklahoma burned to
death three students yesterday.
Three others were unaccounted
for and 21 were injured, two criti-
* * *
MORE THAN 300 escaped un-
Two of the dead have been
identified. They are Sammy La-
Rue of Clinton, Okla., and Maur-
ice Ahearn, Killingsworth, Conn.
There were 349 men students in
the dormitory.
Awakened suddenly in the early
morning hours, many of them
jumped from the windows of the
sprawling two-story wooden struc-
ture, formerly used as a Navy
LONG AFTER the flames had
died away, leaving only the build-
ing's concrete supports standing
like tombstones in a graveyard,
university officials worked fever-
ishly to identify the dead and
It was a tedious job because
an unknown number of dormi-
tory residents had departed for
the week-end.
Firemen continued to dig
through the ruins, while university
workers sought to contact the
missing students or their families.
Anxious parents were swamp-
ing the university switchboard
with telephone calls from all over
the country.,
WITH THE origin of the fire,
which enveloped the building in
less than ten minutes, still unde-
termined, estimates of the damage
ran beyond half a million dollars.
Critically injured were David
M. Clary, Buckner, Ark., and
John H. Sorensen, Brooklyn,
Campus fire chief Claude Sum-
mers said the fire apparently
started in the No. 1 wing of the
dormitory. There are five wings.
* * *
a.m. Students ran through the
halls shouting that the building
was afire.
Many thought at first it was a
practical joke, but the roaring
flames and intense heat soon af-
firmed the warning.
Many students were cut when they
were forced to break the glass in
the windows. They later said the
dormitory had been painted last
month and the windows were stuck
by the paint.
'U' Students
Arrested for
Stealing Car
Picked Up in Detroit
During 'Joy Ride'
Three University students are
being held by Dtroit police for
stealing a car from Ann Arbor
yesterday morning.
The Associated Press reported
that the students, William Law-
rence, '52E, Hiram Nicolson; '51,
and John Benner, '51, were ar-
rested in Detroit's Palmer Park
section at 3:45 a.m. yesterday for
driving without headlights.
VI!' C ages
Spartans, 52-49
Slapped With
Protest Note
-Daily-Burt Sapowitch
NEW STUDENT CHAPEL - Dedication services for the new
$275,000 Lutheran Student Chapel will be performed today.
University students raised about $25,000 of the chapel's total cost
during a year-long fund drive. Ground was broken for construc-
tion in November, 1948, and the chapel was opened for services
in September.
* ** *
Lutheran Student Chapel
To Be DedicatedToday
Dedication services for the new $275,000 Lutheran Student
Chapel at 1511 Washtenaw will be performed at 4 p.m. today.
The dedication completes a year-long fund drive to build the
new chapel. University students raised about $25,000 of the total
* * * *
THE RITES OF DEDICATION will be performed by the Rev.
A. Zeile, of Saginaw, president of the Michigan district of the Luth-
eran Church - Missouri Synod.
The Rev. Oswald Hoffman, national director of public re-
lations for the church, will preach the sermon. The dedication
Morrili's Top
Of 16 Points
Paces Opener
VanderKuy Hits
For 13 inVictory
(Special to The Daily)
EAST LANSING--Fighting an
uphill battle most of the way,
Michigan's Wolverines success-
fully opened their 1949-50 basket-
ball season by downing the Spar-
tans from Michigan State, 52-49,
at Jenison Field House last night
before 12,337 fans.
Hal "Lefty" Morrill pushed 16
points through the nets and cen-
ter Leo VanderKuy tallied 13 to
lead the Wolverines on their hard
trail to victory.
* * *
IT WAS the Michigan State's
show throughout the first half
and mid-way into the second as
the Spartans cashed in time after
time on long set shots and effec-
tively worked their screen plays
to drive under the basket for lay-
up shots.
The Wolverines, employing
their standard slow, deliberate
type game, made good use of
their height advantage and con-
trolled the backboards with 6
ft. 5 in. Leo VanderKuy leading
the way.
Breaking the scoring ice first
on Hal Morrill's foul shot, the
Michigan offense then sagged bad-
ly and the Spartans took command
of the lead, Sot to lose it until
there were 12 minutes gone in the
second half.
** * *
up a commanding 36-24 lead in
the early minutes of the second
half before the Wolverine offense
caught fire.
Two baskets by VanderKuy
and another by Don McIntosh
cut the Spartans lead to 36-30
and after a see-saw battle Jim
Skala's hook shot brought the
Wolverines within one point of
the East Lansing cagers.
Then with eight minutes to play
in the game, Captain Mack Su-
prunowicz dropped a one-hander
through the nets and the Wol-
verines went into the lead for the
Sale of NSA
Cards Will
Start Tuesday
NSA purchase cards wil be on
sale from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tues-
day through Friday in the Ad-
ministration Building lobby, ac-
cording to Leonard Wilcox, NSA
Purchase Card chairman.
The cards will sell for $1, and
will be honored at 42 stores in De-
troit. Discounts up to 25 per cent
are possible on merchandise from
clothing to jewelry at these stores,
Wilcox declared.
He pointed out that cards will
be good until Sept. 1, 1950, and
will be honored for Christmas
No stores in Ann Arbor were
contracted this year, Wilcox said.
OLD ROADS UNCOVERED-Shrinkage of water in Westchester county's Kensico Reservoir brought
to light again two old roads buried beneath water when the reservoir, north of New York City, was
filled. The present road is at upper right. New York City's reservoirs now are only about 37 per cent
filled due to a long drought. The parched town of Roosevelt, N.J., which has depended upon port-
able tanks and purifiers for the past week, was relieved yesterday S
near the hard-hit community.
Segregation Voluntary
In. Villa
when well-diggers struck water
" V
New Contract
Talks in Coal
Mine Owners Blast a
Government Policy
By The Associated Press
PIKEVILLE, Ky. - The first
crack-some new contract talks-
in a solid operator front against
John L. Lewis and his United1
Mine Workers Union appearedE
here yesterday.
But a top Southern coal opera-
tors' spokesman labeled the action'
"practically a shotgun wedding
with a small group of smaller-I
type operators."'
* - * *
A UNION official announced
that 34 truck mine coal companies
of the big sandy area are con-
sidering a contract which may
put them back on a five-day work
week basis after next week.
Meanwhile in Washington, the
National Coal Association ac-
cused the Truman Administra-
tion of "playing politics of the
cheapest sort" in John L. Lewis'
deadlocked coal negotiations
with the soft coal industry.
In a weekly bulletin edited by
executive vice president John D.
Battle, the industry official said
"it must be remembered that John
Steelman has injected himself in-
to these wage negotiations over,
a period of years, always maneu-
vering against management."
BATTLE referred to Presiden-
tial Assistant John R. Steelman,'
who is with the President at Key
West, Fla.
Alen on ta .ha,.f,..o n ...
Sichang Labeled
As NextCapital
strong note of protest, the United
States has demanded that the
Chinese Nationalist government
warn its warships that they can-
not fire illegally on American ves-
sels running the China coast
The state department disclosed
yesterday that the rebuke was
delivered Friday to Chinese For-
eign Minister George Yeh in Brit-
ish Hongkong.
* * *
WHEREAS Secretary of State
Acheson had emphasized in a news
conference Wednesday that he
wished all American ships would
stay out of the "hazardous"
Shanghai area, yesterday's note
hammered the reverse side of the
case-insistence that Nationalist
warships should not illegally atL
tack American vessels.
The protest was directed spe-
cifically against the attack Mon-
day on the Isbrandtsen line's
vessel, the Sir John Franklin.
At the news conference Wednes-
day Acheson had said that he con-
sidered the latest attack in some
respects at least aviolation of
American rights. Therefore he
considered that if the Isbrandtsen
line wanted to claim damages the
American government would back
it up.
* * *'
rite is part of day-long services
beginning with Matin Commun-
ion at 9:30 a.m.
At 10:30 a.m. the Rev. R. W.
Hahn, of Chicago, head of the
Lutheran Student Service Commis-
sion, will be the guest speaker for
the festival service.
pastor of the Lutheran Chapel, will
be liturgist for all services.
Joan Zapf, '52SM, will be solo-
ist and Tom Friewall, '53SM, Guin-
evere Dorn, '52SM; and Helen Ko-
pela, '51SM, will be organists.
The dedication. service completes,
a year-long fund drive to build
the new chapel. Ground was brok-
en November, 1948, for construc-
tion. The chapel was opened for
services this September.
Stauffacher Will
Speak on Budget
Charles B. Stauffacher, assis-
tant director of the Federal Bur-
eau of Budget, will speak on "TheI
Problems of the Federal Budget"
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Hen-
derson Rm. of the League.
Housing segregation at 3,060-
family Willow Run Village is not
practiced "as a designated area,"
Walter Funkhouser, acting general
housing manager for the project,
declared yesterday.
His comment followed a govern-
ment announcement Friday, from
New York, that future housing
projects cannot expect federal aid
Ban Will Start
In SixtyDays
ernment housing officials indi-
cated yesterday it will be 60 days
or more before the government in-
vokes its new rule against writing
race and religious barriers into
federal-aided housing.
They said it will take that long
to print and distribute the neces-
sary documents providing for the
changes in regulations announced
* * *
THE NEW rule will bar federal
home mortgage guarantees where
written restrictive covenants are
placed on record after the ef-
fective date.
When the new anti-discrimina-
tion policy goes into effect, it will
(1) FHA financing guarantees
for single homes and housing
(2) GI loans for veterans
(3) Slum clearance and re-
development projects authorized
in the multi-billion dollar hous-
ing bill which Congress approved
last summer.
if they write caluses against ten-
ants of any race, color or creed.
ONE SECTION of Willow Village
is inhabited completely by colored
families, Funkhouser admitted. "A
difficulty in placing whites and
Negroes together necessitated such
. move," he explained.
And in one section a "check-
erboarding" system -- alternate
white and Negro units - has
been in effect, he said.
"But no segregation, as such,
exists anywhere in the Village.
Wherever members of different
races have been separated, it has
always been through mutual re-
quest," he asserted.
FUNKHOUSER said a policy of
segregation "might have been in
effect here just after the war's
end, but if so, only as an inheri-
tance from wartime rulings."
All traces of segregation have
disappeared since that time, he
In Ann Arbor, local real estate
operators have taken both nega-
tive and positive stands on the new
government policy, disclosure of
which was authorized Friday by
President Truman.
* *
ALTHOUGH HE doesn't think
much segregation is practiced at
this time anyway, realtor F. A.
Sergeant declared himself in favor
of the government's action, calling
it "the proper measure to take."
On the other hand, realtor
Floyd Stanley maintained that
he feels, as "at least 75 per cent"
of the American people would,
that housing should be segregat-
And he condemned public hous-
ing in general, saying "it handi-
caps private enterprise, which can
take care of the housing problem
without Federal aid."
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Congressional
investigators got orders yesterdayC
to check into broadcast charges
that the late Harry Hopkins help-
ed the Russians speed large ship-
ments they called uranium and
"bomb powder" out of the United
States by air during the war.
* * *
YPSILANTI - Rep. Joseph E.
Warner, 78-year-old state legisla-
tor from Ypsilanti, accepted today
the post of chairman of the pow-
erful house ways and means com-
The key legislative post was va-
cated Friday by the death of Rep.
John P. Espie.
* * *
NEW YORK - Philip Barry,
53, noted playwright, died today
of a heart attack at his Park
Avenue home.
The dramatist's physician, Dr.
Dana Atchley, said Barry had
not been in ill health.
* * *
ands won an overwhelming vote of
confidence in the United States
today for its intentions of pro-
moting peace and independence in
troubled Indonesia.
Stevens Will
MEANWHILE, reports from
Hong Kong said that a rapid Com-
munist advance through China's
far West raised the prospect yes-
terday that Chiang Kai-Shek soon
may abandon the mainland for his
island fortress of Formosa.
There seems little to stop the
Red rush in the West, which
rapidly is being cut in half.
Even the best Nationalist armies
left, those of Gen. Pai Chung-Hsi,
are being driven into an ever-
shrinking corner in the South.
And from Chengtu came word
that a small party of minor offi-
cials have made a survey flight
to Sichang to prepare for the ar-
rival of Premier Yen Hsi-Shan's
mobile Nationalist government.
Sichang, a town of 20,000 in-
habitants, is in the high moun-
tains of Sikang province 225 miles
southeast of Chengtu.
The government won't' move
again until Chengtu is actually
Train Tickets
To Go on Sale
Reduced-rate tickets for two
special holiday trains will be sold
beginning tomorrow.
The eastbound train will leave
at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 16, for New York
and Boston. The Boston car will
be switched at Albany. Inter-
mediate stops will be made wher-
ever there is a request by 25 stu-
THE WESTBOUND train will
leave at 4 p.m. Dec. 16, for Chi-
Rates to all destinations are
reduced approximately 15 per
cent, according to Vulcans, sen-
ior engineering honorary, spon-
sors of the trains.
Vulcans requestedall interested
students to make their reserva-
tions from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. to-
morrow through Friday in the Ad-
ministration Bldg. A deposit of
$5.00 will reserve a seat for those
unable to pay the full fare at this
Editor To Talk
On Journalism
Benjamin H. Reese, managing
editor of the St. Louis Post-Dis-
patch, will discuss "Newspapering
Sing Dec. 12
Rise Stevens, Metropolitan Op-
era soprano scheduled to sing to-
morrow at Hill Auditorium as the
sixth artist in the regular Choral
Union Series, will not appear un-
til Mon., Dec. 12.
The postponment was necessary
because of a rearrangement of her
Metropolitan Opera performances,
according to Charles A. Sink,
president of the Choral Union
Winfield Lauds U.S. Aid to Chinese Students
model carowned1
Finanof 210 N.'
riding in a 1939
by Mrs. Margaret
Thayer St.
* * *
F t
Detective Ray York, of the
Detroit Police Department, said
the students, all roommates, ad-
mitted stealing the car from in
front of Mrs. Finan's home
about 1 a.m. yesterday. They
claimed that they "only wanted
to go for a joy ride."
Enabling Chinese students to
study in America is a most ef-
fective means of ending Commu-
nism in China, according to
Gerald F. Winfield who will give
a University lecture at 4:15 p.m.
tomorrow in Rackham Ampi-
Winfield, recently returned from
loans which Congress has ap-
propriated for Chinese students
in the United States, Winfield
stressed the desirability of con-
tinuing these loans as an im-
portant weapon against Chinese
"We have lost the physical bat-
tle for democracy in China, but
,upa nd.moit a ,in.A mra, n n -
Communists will greatly aid
their cause," he continued.
Americanized Chinese students
are taking back to their native
country many American ideas and
can be instrumental in teaching
the Chinese Communists the
truth about America, Winfield ex-
* * *
fluence and would like to get us
so aroused with incidents like the
Angus Ward case that we would
refuse to have any relations with
the Communist Chinese govern-
"WE MUST get out from behind
our defensive position and learn
new creative techniques that can