tAGE FOVW TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1949 New York Decision pHE FEINBERG LAW, a piece of New York legislation which has had educa- trs in that state up in arms since its pas- sage last summer, has fortunately been de- clared unconstitutional by the State Su- preme Court. In a 5,000 word opinion, Justice Harry E. Schirick called the law, which directs the New York Board of Regents to purge the public school system of Communists or fel- low-travelers, a violation of both the state and national constitutions. "The law creates a presumption of guilt in direct contradiction to our time-hon- ored doctrine that each man is deemed to be innocent until proven guilty," he said. The judge pointed out that the bill is in effect a bill of attainder, that is, a legislative finding of guilt by-passing the judiciary and Without "any of the form and guards pro- vided for the security of the individual by our traditional judicial forms." (The bill specifically declares that mem- bers of the Communist party shall be pro- hibited from teaching, and gives the Regents the right to draw up its own list of "sub- versive" organizations, whose members shall also be denied teaching posts.) Judge Schirick's decision temporarily re- strains any action under the bill, but At- torney General Nathaniel Goldstein has announced the state's intention of ap- pealing the decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals. Apparently Goldstein and some state leg- islators feel that a general purge of the school ystem is more desirable than follow- ing the doctrines laid down in the constitu- tion. Such arbitrary action as is open to the Regents and to the local school boards, who have the right, under the bill to screen all prospective teachers and bring charges against present teachers-seems to us to vio- late not only the letter, but also the spirit of the constitution. This last is another example of a ten- dency by some people to fight Commun- ism and Preserve Americanism by using the most un-American methods available. We' with the Judge, "find it hard to be- lieve that it is necessary to resort to witch- hunting in the schools to replace misfits." -Roma Lipsky Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: ROMA LIPSKY 4C CURRENT MOVIES At The Michigan . . UNDER CAPRICON .... Ingrid Berg- man and Joseph Cotton s A VERY uneven film that tiredly drags its slow length along, "Under Capricorn," serves to remind us that Alfred Hitchcock has slipped more than somewhat. In this overlong, (two hours) picture, Ingrid Bergman is only the most impor- tant prop in what is actually a Hitchcock treatise on the use of suspense in the mod- pense. As in all Hitchcock movies there are the moments when the audience moves to the edge of its seat and waits anxiously for the big moment that seems never to come. In this picture, unlike others of Hitchcock's the big moments never seem very big. The sus- pense leads to nothing very startling, noth- ing very satisfying. Joseph Cotton, on the other hand, is not very happily cast. Supposedly, a sensitive, inarticulate soul, who does not understand what has happened to Ingrid (his wife) and himself, he comes across, instead, as a third rate "Heatheliffe." In the course of the story, the characters. reveal the beginnings of the Bergman-Cot- ton love affair. It sounded like it would have made a better movie than the one Hitch- cock decided to screen. -Kirk R. Hampton * * * At The State... THE RECKLESS MOMENT, with James Mason, Joan Bennett, and Geraldine Brooks. THE "RECKLESS MOMENT" came when Columbia decided to release this movie. With the standard thriller ingredients of blackmailers, a wayward young girl, and a self-sacrificing mother, the film would be expected to be at least mediocre. But it isn't even that good. Little Geraldine Brooks starts the ball rolling when she konks her aged, and crooked, suitor and he stumbles through a stair rail onto an anchor and kills himself. Unfortunately, little Gerry is literate, and has written some letters to the suitor, which James Mason gets hold of and uses to black- mail Miss Bennett, Gerry's loving mother. Mother doesn't bother to ask Daughter about the suitor's death, but dutifully hides the Atomic Energy & the Public "Don't Let Me Catch You Guys Discussing What You Hear Oan This Thing, See?", DALYOFFICIAL BULLETIN C HANCES ARE that there will be little stir over the announcement by the Depart- ment of Defense and the Atomic Energy Commission of new atomic weapon tests at Eniwetok Island. Even though the bomb continues to cap- ture prominent space on news and editorial pages of the press, the majority of Americans have assumed a matter-of-fact outlook towards atomic work. They have accepted the fact that the bomb exists, and, although it lurks as a fearsome shadow in the back- ground of world events, in every day life it has been relatively disregarded by the pub- lic. Nevertheless atomic energy still remains as a potential destroyer or benefactor of man. Although atomic research will continue without an active public interest, for their own welfare people must exercise a constant curiosity in the progress made by the world's atomic scientists. The disillusioning aspect of the present situation is that people will not develop the needed interest on their own. The best chan- nel that exist for the =promotion of this in- quisitiveness is the atomic reseachers them- selves. The scientists have expressed a desire to answer the questions that they feel people are asking about atomic energy. They pub- lish a monthly Bulletin of the Atomic Sci- entists to keep the public posted. Through the Atomic Energy Commission they can easily relay news of their work to the press. These men, however, are not putting them- selves forth enough. They are not holding the attention of the people. The main thing that draws much interest to atomic research is a dramatic happening in weapons work. Perhaps work done on the peaceful uses of atomic energy would be just as impressive if given prominent display by the scientists and the newspapers. The atomic research men want to and are doing work other than that connected with warfare. They have reported on the pos- sible effects of the atom in industry, and are experimenting on its uses in locomotion, heat and health. Some of the scientists have gone so far as to form a Society for Social Responsibility in Science whose members pledge themselves to abstain from destruc- tive activity. These activities should and can be brought to the public more forcibly by: 1-Cutting down on governmental secur- ity restrictions on research and scientific in- formation, regulations on scientists having access to confidential data, and loyalty in- vestigations of atomic workers, which at present prevent the scientists form inform- ing the public of much that could safely be explained to them. 2-Keeping the public and press fully sup- plied with reports on the progress of atomic research when restrictions are reduced. 3-Publishing reports from research work- ers in the press prominently, instead of bury- ing news of the work on inside pages of Sun- day magazine sections. Only by keeping the news of atomic prog- res in peaceful endeavor before the public at all times will the American people be re- minded 'of the great influence that atomic power can exercise in their everyday affairs. -Vernon Emerson (Continued from Page 3) ,'e. .w .. .v $ Jt} ., ti ' f 'y': { ,f r:t . i . ;. t. '{ i y r _ - <_. .. ;': :;Sad s ti. , I (KANIA r: *1 .V . w t a y. Y 'n .r « .}a.v.., .. 1 " P +91pTK wq Hw6 N purr eq I/ettep TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. iii MATTER OF FACT by ST EWART ALSOP WASHINGTON - There was altogether too much comedy in the recent incident of Senator Edwin C. Johnson and the 1,000- power atomic bomb. Here is a pompous law- maker, pleading with the television audi- ence for more secrecy in American atomic development. And in the midst of his bum- bling discourse, the Senator commits the worst violation of security rules that has occurred to date. He discloses, in fact, that the Atomic En- ergy Commission is working hard to devise an atomic weapon 1,000 times more powerful than the bomb that fell on Hiroshima. With the Senatorial foot thus securely fixed in the capacious Senatorial mouth, the curtain quickly descends, and the audience dis- solves into roars of happy laughter. Yet there was more to this incident than a mere comedy turn by a third-rate Senator. * *.* EVERYONE SHOULD understand, in the first place, that a 1,000-power atomic bomb is more than a simple possibility. In the long run, such a bomb is a probability, if not a certainty. Its explosive power will derive from the nuclear fission of hydrogen, the lowest of the elements in the electron tables, instead of uranium, at the top. The theory of how to make it is already understood and gen- erally accepted. Making it will require immense efforts, yet the job is actually farther along than was the job of making the Hiroshima bomb when the Manhattan District was established. Furthermore, Senator Johnson's estimate of the probable power of the new bomb is also generally accepted. In short, only one hydrogen fission-bomb will be enough to de- stroy, utterly and completely, almost any great city on earth. There is no comedy in this. .11 NOR IS THERE any comedy in the sec- ond point that must also be understood. The Atomic Energy Commission has had the utmost difficulty in recruiting competent scientists to work on its hydrogen fission projects. In part, this is because of the natural horror that any such project must inspire in civilized men. But in part also, it is be- cause of Senator Johnson himself and the many others like him. While the Ed Johnsons of the Senate and House are positively straining at the leash to hunt down any manifestation of human intelligence anywhere in the government, those who possess this dangerous commodity are naturally reluctant to enter government service. * *.* THERE IS NO COMEDY whatever in the underlying situation typified by Senator Johnson's comedy turn. First, judging by his plea for secrecy, the Senator evidently thinks of our atomic weapons as the French used to think of the Maginot Line. Second, he be- lieves that if we play Gestapo just a little more earnestly, we shall not be threatened by atomic weapons in the hands of other powers. The Senator is dead wrong on both counts. At this foment, in the sacred name of "economy" (for which Johnson regu- larly bellows), our power to deliver atomic weapons to useful target is being daily in- paired. In the same sacred name of "eco- nomy," moreover, we are also failing to de- velop our power to defend ourselves and the rest of the free world against atomic attack. In sum, Senator Johnson's seeming com- edy turn has a sharp lesson. When such hid- eous forces are loose in the world, it is not safe to play "economy" politics, or any other kind of politics, with destiny, I (Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) Whisper Louder.. .. To the Editor: MEMO TO TOM WALSH: Off to an otherwise brilliant start, your Curriculum Evaluation and Revision Committee was somewhat hampered from the be- ginning by the fact that no one knew it existed. Or were you flooded with so many volunteers after the first bare mention of the committee that you had to put an abrupt end to the extensive publicity cam- paign you had planned for it? Anyway, I read Mr. Walker's editorial and didn't see anything about "Curriculum Evaluation and Revision." The article was con- cerned about problems common to all courses-it proposed that a committee be set up similiar to one established at Harvard, where students "blasted the lecture sys- tfm, condemned many examina- tions as "bear traps, and be- moaned the size of calsses," not worrying much at all about Cur- riculum Evaluation and Revision. If this new SL committee is supposed to be a model of the Harvard organization, if it was designed to study and improve the basic evils of mass education- oversized classes, the abuse of examinations, and the overempha- sis of marks and grading-then the infant Curriculum Evaluation and Revision Committee was ab- surdly misnamed. Next time SL wants volunteers for one of their committees, why not whisper a little louder? You might get some,Dthen. -.D. K. Johnson. *'1* * ' Re: Abbrev.'s . . To the Editor: AS TAXPAYERS and as sons of taxpayers it has become ob- vious to us that the publications here at the "U" are spending too much money and are being waste- ful and extravagent in the use of paper and ink. The "DOB" exem- plifies the way that economy can be achieved "PDQ." As in the case of the "CED" vs "AIM" we believe, as does the "IFC" that "SL" is taking a detrimental viewpoint toward "IM" in regard to "WUOM-FM" and its "AP," "UP" and "NSVP" services. And from the national stand- point, take the case of the "UMW" or the expulsion of the "UEW" from the "CIO" all of which points to economy measures. As John L. often put it, "FDR" you "SOB." In Detroit the "DSR" following the lead of the "C of C" has said, in effect, that the "AF of L" and the "PTA" have been causing un- rest by their extravagances. The parallel is obvious. Now that we have shown the national and the state side of this problem let's look at it from the standpoint of a person in "AA." The "VA" knows right well that the "B and G" will not stand for its policy of "RSVP" much longer without courting economic collapse and general "SNA-FU." The "M" must adopt a more reciprocal policy in regard to the twin menace of the "YPA" and the "YWCA," to say nothing of BARNABY the danger of "PRO-CRASTINA- TION." Where the shoe really fits, though, is the stand of the "WAA" on "IC" and "LSMFT" and the "G and S" society, also. In summary, we frankly feel, as does "HST" on "AEC" or as the "VEEP" put it, we all must economize and make a little bit go a long way. --Maynard Newton, Arthur Henrie. (ED. NOTE: The ed.'s of The D. are extremely grateful to Messrs. MN and AH for their sugg., and will at- tempt to put it into pract. as soon asposs.) ** * Discrimination . . To the Editor: I AM NOT connected in any way with the YPA, but I believe the quotations printed in The Daily in answer to their protesta- tions against the including of race, religion, etc. in university applica-. tion blanks are absurd. Is this a university, an employment office, or a housing bureau? The primary job of this or any university is to obtain and enroll the best stu- dents available. If it chooses to get them jobs or rooms that is secondary. Therefore I believe that the university should con- centrate on abilities, and if neces- sary let the student run his own affairs. -Jim Potter. * * * Deportation Hysteria . . To the Editor: WITHIN THE past few years, 110 resident aliens have been arrested for deportation, and 238 naturalized citizens face revoca- tion of their citizenship because of their political opinions. The ma- jority of these people have resided in the U.S. for most of their lives, are married to American citizens, and have American children. They have become a part of this coun- try, but are not receiving treat- ment that is due to all Americans, whether they are foreign or na- tural born. Not only have these people been unconstitutionally ar- rested, but excessive bail of $5000, $10,000 and even $25,000 is being demanded. Some of them have been denied bail, and still others are being forced to report to their local police station once a week. These unconstitutional attacks on the foreign born are a major threat to the freedom of speech granted to all Americans. Students will be especially in- terested to learn of the National Conference Against Deportation Hysteria to be held in Detroit at the Civic Center, December 3 and 4, to discuss means of eliminating these attacks and focusing atten- tion on the real meaning of civil rights. In protecting the civil rights of the foreign born we are preserving these rights for all Americans. -Dorothy MacKay. Facts of Life If parents have an inquiring and open-minded attitude toward life and other people, their chil- dren will acquire the same point of view. The Alumnae Council will an- nounce its decision at the openingl of the spring semester and awards will be presented at that time. Un-] dergraduate women students who are now living in the residence halls named above or who wish to live in the residence specified (if they receive awards) are eligible to apply. The committee's decisions will be based on the following qualifications: need, academic po- tential, character and personality. Fraternity and Sorority monthly' membership reports for November are due in the Office of Student Affairs, 1020 Administration, on or before Dec. 5. Student Organizations are re-] minded that additions to member-7 ship lists should be reported im-' mediately to the Office of Student! Affairs, 1020 Administration. Approved Student sponsored So- cial Events for the coming week- end: December 2 Adelia Cheever House Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Delta Pi Alpha Gamma Delta Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Phi Alpha Sigma Phi Alpha Xi Delta Delta Gamma Delta Sigma Phi Delta Zeta Gamma Phi Beta International Students Assoc. Jordan Hall Kappa Delta Kappa Kappa Gamma Mary Markley House Helen Newberry Residence Phi Kappa Tau Sigma Alpha Mu Zeta Beta Tau 'December 3 Alpha Chi Sigma Alpha Kappa Alpha Alpha Tau Omega Couzens Hall Delta Chi Delta Sigma Delta Hawaii Club International Student Assoc. Kappa Sigma Phi Delta Theta Phi Kappa Sigma Phi Rho Sigma Pi Beta Phi Psi Upsilon Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Alpha Mu Sigma Chi Sigma Nu Theta Chi Theta Xi Triangle Victor Vaughan House West Quadrangle Zeta Beta Tau Zeta Psi Delta Sigma Pi Lambda Chi Alpha Muriel Lester House December 4 Collegiate Sorosis Phi Delta Phi Wilcox House The United States Civil Service Commission announces examina- tions for Junior Chemist and for Junior Engineer. Salaries range from $3,100 to $3,825 a year and positions are open in Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Closing date, Jan. 5, 1950. Positions are also announced for Game Management Agent and for Refuge Manager. Positions are open in the states from Michigan to the Dakotas. For additional information call at -the .Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg. The Kroger Company of Cincin- nati, Ohio, will have a representa- tiveton the campus on Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 7 and 8 to in- terview February 1950 graduates for their Management Training Program. The Proctor & Gamble Company is scheduling interviews for Wed., Dec. 7 for February 1950 graduates for their Buying and Traffic De- partments. They will be interested in interviewing L.S.& A., Business Administration, and Engineering students. Interested students may make appointments for interviews with these companies by calling at the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg. Lectures Lectures: "Business Conditions for the Coming Year." Prof. Paul McCracken, School of Business Administration, Room 131, 7:30 p.m., Dec. 2. The public is invited. Academic Notices All candidates for enrollment as Regular Students in the NROTC will be required to take the Navy College Aptitude Test to be given Sat., Dec. 3,. Rackham Lecture Hall. Candidates are requested to report at 8:45 a.m. The test will last approximately three hours. Examination,Forestry 194: 8 a..m. Dec. 5, 4 Haven Hall, where class usually meets. Exhibitions Photographs by Walker Evans from the Collection of the Museum of Modern Art. Lobby, Architec- ture Bldg. Events Today Film Program for students, fac- ulty, and the general public. Po River Valley-Italy and Mountain Farmers-Switzerland, 4:10 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. Sponsored by the Audio-Visual Education Cen- ter and the University Extension Service. No charge for admission. Baptist Students will go to the IM building tonight. Meet at the Guild House at 8:15. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation: Friday Evening Services, followed by a talk by Professor Slosson, History Dept. "Under the Shadow of the Crescent" the Jewish Arab problem, 7:45 p.m. ,SRA Coffee Hour: 4:30-6 p.m., Lane Hall. Canterbury Club: 4-6 p.m., Tea and Open House for all students and their friends. Exhibits in the University Mu- seums building will be open to stu- dents and the public from 7 to 9 p.m. Natural history motion pic- tures: "In the Beginning" and "Beach and Sea Animals," Room 3024, 7:30 p.m. Michigan Acturial Club: Open meeting Hall. Prof. Robert Mehr, Economics Department, University of Illinois. "I don't know anything about acturial science, but . . .." Everyone invited. Office Procedure Films: 146 School of Business Administration, 3 p.m. Public invited. Office Machines and Supplies Exhibit: Twenty-one companies exhibiting at the Fourth Annual Office Machines and Supplies Ex- hibit. School of Business Ad- ministration, Rooms 41 and 46. Hours: 1 to 5 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m. Ad- mission Free. Spanish Play: Tryouts, 4 to 6 p.m., 408 Romance Languages. Geological-Mineralogical Jour- nal Club: 3056 Natural Science Bldg. Dr. John Chronic will speak (Continued on Page 5) -1 -4 Westminster Guild Cage: If snow a Snow not, an IM Party. Meet tion hall at 8:30. Squirrel Party; if in recrea- ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH renw PEARSON WASHINGTON - Young hero of the na- tion's capital last week was football star Leo Speros, who led Wilson High School to a one-point victory in the championship high school play-off for the District of Columbia. Leo, who waded down a snowy field to score touchdown after touchdown, was the toast of the capital's sports world. Unsung and unheralded was another hero in the Speros family-his father. Operator of a restaurant, Speros Senior quietly gave a job to the secretary of Congressman Parnell Thomas when she was indicted on a tech- nical charge of arranging for salary kick- backs. Miss Helen Campbell finally decided that her boss, the chairman of the Un- American Activities Committee, was being Un-American himself in requiring alleged members of his office staff to pay their salaries back to him, and reported this to the Justice Department. The Justice De- partment,in order to show a conspiracy, had to indict not only the Congressman who ordered the kickbacks, but his secre- -1- --l nt~~na n f a n7n. In backstage conversations with U.S. military leaders, Montgomery argued that Russia has already organized and indoc- trinated a German army in Prussia of 360,000 ex-enemy soldiers. They have or- ders, he said, to take over all Germany the minute the Western Allies pull out of West Germany. Therefore, he maintained that an opposing German Army must be built up in the west. Montgomery made this argument to Chief of Staff Omar Bradley-among others. But Bradley, arriving in Germany, backed up Secretary Johnson that Germany would not be rearmed. Perhaps the biggest reason for John- son's stand boils down to this: West Ger- man leaders have made it clear they will not fight in the next war. They figure that in any clash between Russia and the United States they would have everything to gain by sitting it out. If they foght, Germany would be demolished again. If they didn't fight, they might be in a position to recapture the leadership of Eu- rope-after the war. Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff............Managing Editor Al Blumrosen............City Editor Philip Dawson....Editorial Director Mary Stein.............Associate Editor Jo Misner. -. Associate Editor George Walker ........ Associate Editor Don McNeil............Associate Editor Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor Pres Holmes ......... Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz. Associate Sports Editor Miriam Cady.......... Women's Editor Lee Kaltenbach ..Associate Women's Ed. Joan King .................Librarian Allan Ciamage......Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington.... Business Manager Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manage! Jim Dangl ....... Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff.......Finance Manager Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press the Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the userfor republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspape All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Anti Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. . Subscription during the regular school year by carrier. $5.00. by mail. $6.00. { I I ..--......-