NEW YORK DECISION See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State Daitj SNOW, CLOUDY VOL. LX, No. 58 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS Fraternity Heads ass Anti-Bias Measure 'C,. * * * * * * * * * Lewis Hailts Coal UN Accepts U.S., British PlanforPeace Pass Western Program, 53-5 NEW YORK-(P)-The United Nations adopted a 12-point west- ern power declaration for peace yesterday and then rejected a Soviet peace plan calling the Unit- ed States and Britain war plotters. The 59-nation assembly voted 53 to five for the joint British- United States resolution outlining 12 essentials for peace. THE VOTING came after Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Y. Vi- shinsky shouted a denial of Yugo- slav charges that the Kremlin is interfering with Yugoslavia. One of the listed essentials for peace calls for keeping hands off other countries' affairs. The keynote of Russian pol- icy in this assembly was defeated in a series of smashing votes. It was a move to: 1. Brand the United States and Britain as leaders in preparation for a new war. 2. Outlaw atomic weapons. 3. Have Britain, the United States, China and France sign a new peace pact with the Soviet Union. * * THE WESTERN power peace outline calls on all nations to re- frain from threats of force against other nations, or from stirring up civil strife or otherwise interfering with the integrity of any country. It demands settlement of in- ternational disputes by peace- ful means, and cooperation to regulate both atomic and non- atomic arms. It is a general restatement of provisions of the United Nations charter, which all members are pledged to respect. Yugoslavia abstained from sup- port of the "essentials of peace" resolution and did not support the main proposals of the Soviet resolution in paragraph-by-para- graph voting. In final debate Vishinsky took up briefly the defiance voiced be- fore the assembly by Yugoslav am- bassador Sava Kosanovic against the new cominform blast at Pre- mier Marshal Tito. New Zealand Vote Seen As 'No Indication' By BOB VAUGHN Ousting of the labor government in New Zealand does not neces- sarily mean that a trend has started that will eventually see Britain and Australia following suit, according to Manfred Ver- non of the political science depart- ment. "Prime Minister Peter Fraser's government has been functioning with an extremely narrow margin which appears to have been too insecure a basis for their work," Vernon said. ACTUALLY the incident is not too surprising because the issue was already critical in 1946," he added. On the basis of the elections of that year the relative popu- larity of the Nationalist and La- bor parties was doubtful be- cause "European" representa- tives were divided equally be- tween the two parties, Vernon continued. ("European" representatives re- fers to the economically most in- fluential element of English de- scendants who are to be found on the side of business and labor.) * * * Educator Cites CampusChanges By DOLORES LASCHEVER "Where forces in control of a community are so constructed that they have failed to respond to forces of change . . . tremendous up- heavals frequently result." Citing recent student revolts in American colleges as examples of such upheaval, A. T. Brumbaugh, vice-president of the American Coun- cil on Education, explained that there is a continuous type and rate of change taking place. SPEAKING ON "The Campus as a Community" before the fina meeting of the Conference on Higher Education, the former University of dhicago professor said, "Where the forces maintaining the status quo and those producing change are evenly balanced, the rate of change is slow." t f f ,1 s f r' Name Ruthven To Honorary Chairmanship Phoenix Project Fund Drive Takes Form President Alexander G. Ruthven has been elected national honor- ary chairman of the Michigan Me- morial-Phoenix Project, the un- dertaking he called "bigger than 'he University itself." He was elected unanimously by the executive committee, Chester H. Lang, national executive chair- man, announced. * * * THE PHOENIX Project is a grand-scale research project into peacetime uses of atomic energy, including both scientific and social implications. A memorial to the University's dead of World War II, the Proj- ect will include work in nearly every department on campus. A drive to raise $6,500,000 to sponsor the Project is now being organized. The special gifts drive is already being conducted by the alumni. Next fall a drive to contact all alumni and students of the Uni- versity for donations will begin. The student campaign organiza- tion is just beginning to form, with petitioning for leadership positions now going on. Of the total amount to be qol- lected, $2,000,000 will be used to construct a Phoenix Project build- ing, which will include an audito- rium, laboratories, a library and administrative offices. Project Petitions .. Petitions for positions on the executive committee of the Phoenix Project campaign or- ganization will be available in the Office of Student Affairs, Rm. 1020, Administration Bldg. until Monday, according to Stu- dent Campaign Chairman Lu- beck, '51. Detailed information on pe- titioning may also be secured in the Office of Student Affairs, She added. One set of factors is not solely accountable for the unity or dis- unity of a campus, he empha- sized. Brumbaugh pointed out to the assemblage of deans and other educational representatives in the plush surroundings of Rackham, that, according to the old defini- tion, a community of scholars im- plies the preservation develop- ment, and advancement of schol- arship, that it refers to those who participate, live, and work together in an environment conducive to that purpose. * * * TODAY'S campus community, however, is large, he declared, with interest and capacity widely diver- sified, and is affected by both ex- ternal and internal influences, he said. He gave Alumni influence and college constituencies as more obvious examples of external forces. "Alumni are usually unfavorable to change. They believe the sub- jects they took and dislike heartily their sons should take." * * * CHANGE is often delayed by the conservatism of religious con- stituencies, the educator remarked, adding that this tends towards student upheaval. "Tax supported universities are subject to the constituency of parents who are taxpayers-... some oppose any form of reig- ious teachings, examination of communism or of the factors of free enterprise." "The institution is responsible to the constituency," he pointed out, "but the latter should not exert force preventing the freedom to teach and the freedom to learn." The administration is one of the primary internal factors in- fluencing the campus community, Brumbaugh continued. He called for constructive steps to be taken in cooperation with the students. Another internal factor, ac- cording to Brumbaugh, is the con- stant turnover of young people in the college community, making it necessary to orient newcomers constantly. Finally he said that personal interrelationships - between stu- dent and faculty, among the fac- ulty and among students, faculty and administration - "are the spirit and life of the campus com- munity. Stri~ke UMW Chief Slates -Day Work Week Cut In Anthracite Mining Ordered NEW YORK - (P) - John L. Lewis called off a full-scale strike by the nation's 400,000 soft coal miners yesterday and put them on a three-day work week instead. The three-day work week, ef- fective next Monday, also will ap- ply to most of the 80,000 hard coal miners who have been working a five-day week. ABANDONING his fight for nationwide contracts, the mine union chief announced that the short work week will continue until individual coal companies{ sign agreements. The action came in the form of a resolution which was ap- proved by Lewis' 200-man policy committee. Meetings of the com- mittee had been postponed daily this week by Lewis while he de- veloped his strategy. Lewis gave no reason for the policy adopted. "The resolution speaks for it- self," he said. * * * REACTIONS to the UMW move were prompt and sharp. Soft coal miners, who walked off their jobs when a three-week strike truce expired last mid- night, were jubilant. The cheer- less prospect of a Christmas without paychecks was ended. Mine operators were angry. Some said Lewis was trying to split the industry's hitherto solid front. One called his action "in- human and wrong." HOWEVER, in Key West, Fla., President Truman's top labor con- sultant, John R. Steelman, labeled the situation a kind of truce and predicted it would usher in a "long period of industrial peace." The President, associates said, knew in advance that Lewis wouldn't call a full-scale strike and thus risk having emergency provisions of the Taft-Hartley act invoked against him. World News Round-Up By The Associated Press ROME-Italy's half-hearted 24- hour general strike ended at 6 a.m. today with indications that the once-strong Communist labor leaders who called it were declin- ing in power: Throughout the nation activity was almost normal in offices and shops during the strike period. Government offices operated fully. Transportation was curtailed but thousands of workers, ignoring the strike, walked to work. * * * NEW YORK -President Jo- seph Curran, of the CIO Nation- al Maritime Union, won a smash- ing victory late last night over left-wing opposition when a mass meeting of nearly 5,000 sailors voted three-to-one to up- hold his suspension of 15 officers he accused of Communist sym- pathies. They also voted approval of all his current points of policy in purging the Union's left-wing elements. * * * NEW YORK-A top secret state department document read at the Alger Hiss trial yesterdayoutlined prewar jockeying by France, Bri- tain and Russia for Nazi Ger- many's friendship. The diplomatic note was sup- pressed in Hiss' first perjury trial as too red-hot from a security standpoint for the jury's eyes. Vaughan House Wins IFC Prize 1* -Daily-Carlyle Marshall ANTI-BIAS MOTION PASSES-Jake Jacobson, '50, Interfraternity Council President, announces passage of the modified discrimination resolution which IFC House Presidents approved last night. The resolution asks the Student Affairs Committee to suspend any fraternity which fails to peti- tion its national office by Jan. 1, 1951, for removal of bias clauses from its constitution. Chinese Reds Launch Finial Drive oi Foe HONG KONG- (P)-The Red armies of China, with their foes in flight from fallen Chungking, were striking out yesterday in an attempt to crush the last Nation- alist government resistance on the mainland. Only in the south, on the front west of Canton, was there any hint of Nationalist resistance. A Chinese press dispatch said a big battle was in progress there. There was no confirmation else- where. THE COMMUNISTS raced out from Chungking along the.road to Chengtu, the new refugee Nation- alist capital 170 miles to the northwest. Their fast-moving forces are believed trying to cut off the fleeing Nationalist divisions be- fore they ever reach Chengtu. Other Red columns lanced out north of Chungking. They were trying to trap and annihilate Na- tionalist forces which had been deployed to meet an expected Red drive from the north on Chung- king. The drive never came. * * * INSTEAD, the Communists came in from the south and east. With a minimum of fighting on the out- skirts, they occupied Chungking Wednesday. Set Trial for AllegedSpies SARAJEVO, Yugoslavia- (P) - Ten Russians accused of spying' for the Soviet Union went on trial yesterday in a grey stone district court building a few blocks from the bridge where the assassination of Austrian Arch- duke Ferdinand set off World, War I. A dozen had been indicted in this Yugoslav blow against Com- inform activities within Yugosla- via, but the court announced one committed suicide and another is ill. The group has been under ar- rest more than four months. All the defendants were accused' of collecting information in Bos- nia, one of Yugoslavia's six fed- erated states, and passing it on to Russia through the embassy. IFC Asks for SAC Action In Resolution Motion Passed By 21-14 Vote By JAMES GREGORY A watered-down version of the Interfraternity Discrimination Committee's anti-bias motion was passed last night by the Interfra- ternity Council House Presidents. The substitute resolution asks the Student Affairs Committee to suspend any fraternity which fails, by Jan. 1, 1951, to petition its na- tional office for removal of any bias clauses in the fraternity's constitution. The resolution was passed by a 21-14 vote. NEXT YEAR, MAYBE : SL Moves To Extend Thanksgiving Holiday By PETER HOTTON Student Legislature last night asked the University Administra- tion for a "full weekend holiday at Thanksgiving." In a resolution passed unani- mously, SL set up a committee to check with the Administration on Dr. Fishbeini Resigns AMA Editor Posts CHICAGO - (JP) - Dr. Morris Fishbein, 60, probably the most widely known and most contro- versial figure in American medi- cine, has left his job with the American Medical Association. His retirement as Editor of the AMA Journal & Hygeia had been expected .since the AMA trustees clipped his powers dratically last June. They limited his writing and speaking activities strictly to scientific subjects. They also an- nounced Dr. Austin Smith was be- ing groomed to succeed Dr. Fish- bein when he retired as Editor of the Journal. "IT WAS impossible for me to continue under the circumstan- ces," Dr. Fishbein said yesterday. "I could not produce the type of medical journal I was accus- tomed to. I could not speak out freely and vigorously on issues which I felt were important." Dr. W. W. Bower, Associated Editor of Hygeia, an AMA health magazine, is slated to become edi- tor of that publication. Varsity Holds Debate at IC The highly controversial topic of socialized medicine was taken up by the varsity debating team last night at the International Center. Thertwo basic propositions were that the average person finds it difficult to make payment for large medical bills, and that vary- ing wage scales in different parts of the country have created an unequal distribution of doctors. questions pertaining to the status of students who must stay in Ann Arbor during the holiday and the facilities which provide for their accommodations at the Univer- sity. * * * SPECIFICALLY, the motion stipulates that no classes be held from the Wednesday evening be- fore Thanksgiving to the Monday after. The Legislature tabled by a roll-call vote of 36 to five a mo- tion that SL favor the removal of questions which may be con- strued a discriminatory from University application blanks and to institute a course of ac- tion not to cease until the ques- tions were removed. Ten mem- bers were"absent. Though seventeen newly-elect- ed Legislators went on record in the pre-election Daily survey as having favored removing ques- tions, 14 of these members and the Legislature as a whole refused to commit themselves until they got the facts from the Campus Ac- tion Committee under which SL members are studying the situa- tion. LEGISLATORS felt that the Administration and various deans should be approached more tact- fully by a Legislature that "knew all the facts." Five were against removal and six had no opinion in the Daily survey of candidates. A second resolution, that (1) the CAC make full use of personnel from the Committee to End Dis- crimination and (2.) that various groups be allowed to participate in the Committee's work, was re- ferred by a vote of 20 to 15 to the Committee which would act as it saw fit. SL ALSO passed a motion by Tom Walsh to offer its support and assistance in holding a two- day NSA state conference at the University this spring. The conference would study the rights and limitations of individ- ual students, discuss the scope of student government and put to- gether specific suggestions or ex- amples of areas within which stu- dents, faculty and administrators can work cooperatively in an aca- demic community. IT REPLACED the one origin- ally introduced, which asked SAC to require every fraternity to in- troduceat its next national con- vention a motion asking that bias clauses be removed from the fra- ternity constitution. The original resolution also called for the anti-bias petition. The House Presidents went into closed session as soon as last night's meeting had been called to order. They remained in closed session throughout the meeting. IFC VICE-President Dick Mor- rison, '50, later explained that this was done so that all those attend- ing the meeting would feel free to reveal their true attitudes on the discrimination problem. The approved resolution reads: "All fraternities having dis- criminatory clauses in their con- stitutions and/or by-laws exist- ing on campus as of Nov. 1, 1949, will be suspended unless they are able to present to the Office of Student Affairs by Jan. 1,1191" evidence showing that the active chapter has petitioned its na- tional offices asking that All discriminatory clauses be re- moved from its constitution and/or by-laws." The resolution will be submit- ted to the Student Affairs Com- mittee for its approval at the next SAC meeting. * * * JAKE JACOBSON, '50, IFC President, declared, "When we say petition we assume that such ac- tion will force the national organ- ization to bring this matter to the floor of its convention." Definition of satisfactory evi- dence of petition must be left to SAC, which will execute the rul- ing, Jacobson asserted. "I as- sumo that it shall be a notarized copy of the petition and notifi- cation of the receipt of same," he said. "This step is a progressive one in the fight against discriminatory clauses,' Jacobson remarked. "It definitely will not be the last one taken by the fraternities here at Michigan. It will serve to imple- ment our program to fight dis- crimination on a mental basis." The House Presidents also ap- proved unanimously the report of the National Interfraternity Con- ference convention, held last week- end. The convention recommended that fraternities take "such steps as they may elect" to remove racial or religious bars to membership from their constitutions. YD Proposes CED By-law Committee to End Discrimina- tion members will hear the Young Democrats propse a by-law at the meeting to be held 4:15 p.m., to- day in the Union. Young Democrats will request "that the by-laws of the CED be amended to the affect that, as a matter of good policy, the organi- zations belonging to the commit- tee be required to inform CED of proposed publications or mass ral- lies concerning aspects of CED's program at a reasonable time," ac- cording to Lyn Marcus, president "We feel that the recent pub- lications of the Younr Prores- INDUSTRY'S INGENUE: New Neckerchiefs Offer Campus Casanova Aid By GEORGE WALKER All the world loves a lover, even industry,awhose latest brainstorm is truly a boon to romance and the American male. The campus casanova who wends homeward from romance, his face smudged with feminine beauty, need no longer cringe from the sight of friends, resort to the back of his hand, or soil a perfectly good handkerchief with the tell-tale marks of female af- fection. After an extended "goodnight" the male necker is supposed to re- move traces of lipstick by wiping his face with the scarlet center of his neckerchief. Thus, the same handkerchief can be used time after time with no evidence of previous sport. * * * PRELIMINARY tests held at The Daily yesterday indicate that the neckerchief, or handkerchief, or whatever you want to call it will hold up against even the least FUNDS FOR CHILDREN: Ga ens To Launch Christmas Drive By PAUL BRENTLINGER Armed with bright buckets, members of Galens will launch their annual Christmas drive to- day. Funds collected in the drive to- pital offers a variety of educa- tional and diversional activities to youthful convalescents. Full time teachers provide the children with instruction and guidance in all the activities of the through the shop in perfect free- dom.. Rainbow was given to the shop about a year ago by a child who had been a patient at the hospi- tal.