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December 01, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-12-01

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AIM Errs on the CED

tactics as immoderate, charging domi-
nation by "ultra-leftist forces," and recom-
mending that exclusive action on admissions
discrimination be entrusted to the Student
Legislature, involves more than one error in
fact and judgment.
IL see0s clear that AIM is disturbed
over a rather wild pamphlet issued recently
by the Young Progressives, a member of
the CED. But if AIM representatives had
attended more meetings, they would have
known thit the Committee itself has ex-
pressed disapproval of YP's pamphlets.
umortunatey grant every member or-
ganization complete autonomy. YP alone is
responsible for its actions. Its views cer-
tainly do not represent those of the Com-
mittee as a whole.
CED's current policy has been most
cautious. A motion calling for it to take
an official stand on housing discrimina-
tion has been unanimously defeated. That
Y, has expressed its own opinion on this
subject in its literature, obviously does
not ommit the CED to its support.
It is plain that the Committee is all that
AIM would want it to be, in the way of a
responsible and clear-headed group. It is
equally plan that the CED must begin to ex-
ercise more control over actions of its mem-
bers which might reflect on the sole purpose
of the Committee-the unqualified removal
of discriminatory questions from admissions
AIM'S COMMENT on the political com-
plexion of the CED is distinctly uncalled
ditorial published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

for. The Committee is composed of all va-
rieties of groups, including perfectly honor-
able residence halls, a Greek-letter society,
and religious clubs. That the Young Repub-
licans are submerging fundamental political
differences with YP to renew its membership
on CED, should be proof enough of the Com-
mittee's non-partisan character.
* * *
AIM'S PHILOSOPHY of reform is also
open to question. It apparently believes
that the entrance of a strategically placed,
permanently body such as Student Legisla-
ture into the field, renders voluntary and
open movements such as the CED obsolete..
In effect, this asserts the inherent superior-
ity of established organizations over popular
campaigns based on the constitutional right
to petition for redress of grievances.
There is a place in reform efforts for
groups like the CED, which is open to all
individuals and groups, and whose sole
reason for existence is the satisfaction of
an immediate popular demand.
There is of course also a vital place for
the SL. Recognizing this, the CED has al-
ready conferred with a representative from
the Student Legislature, and voted to con-
tinue its work in consideration of any ac-
tion SL might take. One wonders what more
the Committee must do to demonstrate its
sense of responsibility.
served for the future. Until that time,
there seems no reason for those who agree
with the CED's objectives to abstain from
supporting its reasonable policies fully, or
from signing and circulating its all-impor-
tant petition against discriminatory ques-
tions on entrance blanks.
CED remains the most responsible group
working against these questions. It is the
effective instrument of all those who want
to help free Michigan from the suspicion of
admissions discrimination.
-Al Silver

IFC's Chance
Presidents tonight will be presented with
an opportunity to issue a ringing declaration
of fraternities' willingness to remove bias
clauses from their constitutions. At the
same time they can silence radical forces on
campus who seek to impose a concrete time
limit for elimination of such clauses.
This double opportunity comes in the
form of a motion asking the Student Af-
fairs Committee to suspend any fraternity
which does not, by a certain date, begin
action to have its bias clauses abolished.
The motion will be voted upon tonight.
Critics of this resolution claim that it is a
concession to pressure from outside the fra-
ternities. They say that its passage would
lead to loss of the fraternities' right to
choose their own members.
Let us examine the strength of these
The National Interfraternity Confer-
ence, meeting in Washington last week-
end, recommended that fraternities take
"such steps as they may elect" to remove
bias clauses from their constitutions.
Furthermore, passage of the motion would
forestall any attempts by campus malcon-
tents and extreme leftwingers to impose a
concrete time limit on removal of the
Under a concrete time limit, any frater-
nity having discriminatory clauses in its
national constitution after a certain date
would be suspended from campus.
The concrete time limit is unfair to the
local chapters, which have no power to force
action by any national fraternity.
Passage of the current proposal would
provide for sincere, constructive work
against discrimination by fraternities them-
selves, beginning as it should at the cam-
pus level.
Such work, rather than coercion, is at the
basis-of real social progress.
-James Gregory
Elson, Don Hostetler, Reid Shelton, Shirley
Perloff, Carol Neilson, Bertram Gable -and
Clarence Stephenson, directed by Donald
Decker, conducted by William Foyer.
has, over the past three years, earned a
reputation for bringing the engaging, non-
sensical world of the Savoy Operas to Ann
Arbor in a spirited, professional manner.
Their current production of The Pirates
of Penzance lives up to their reputation in
every way.
More or less a satire on the Victorian
sense of duty, the 70-year-old opera is
peopled with pirates, policemen, fair young
maidens, their guardian, a major-general
-a modern major-general, a pirate maid-
of-al-work and a pirate apprentice.
All sing and acted their way through a
typically and delightfully unplausible plot
which is almost impossible to follow.
The acting and singing reached uni-
formly a high level, the leads not only
doing a very capable job of bringing their
characters to life but also singing so that
none of the witty Gilbert words slipped by.
The choruses of pirates and maidens per-
formed with gusto and clarity, but the high
point of the production came when Clarence
Stephenson, who acted the sergeant of po-
lice, and his chorus of policemen held the
stage with their song, "When a Felon's Not
Engaged in His Employment."
But more important than anything else
about the production, the cast obviously en-
joyed inhabiting the Savoyard world-and
this exhuberance very rapidly infects the

--John Davies

Under A Bushel



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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all lettersrwhichsare signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

(Ed. Note-The brass ring, good for one free
ride on the Washington Merry-Go-Round, to-
day goes to Oscar Chapman as he becomes Sec-
retary of the interior.)
X ASHINGTON - A young -Navy veteran
stood outside the Juvenile Delinquency
Court in Denver, Colo., back in 1922. He had
tried eleven times to get an appointment
with Judge Ben Lindsay, the famed juvenile
expert, and each time Lindsay's secretary
had said no.
But the young veteran persevered. Fi-
nally he caught Lindsay as he went out to
lInch, and shortly thereafter became his
assistant probation officer.
The young veteran was Oscar Chapman.
And if he had not persevered both in Denver
and in Washington, he would not be taking
the oath as Secretary of the Interior today.
Chapman has been a member of the
"little cabinet" longer than anyone else
in Washington. He became Assistant Sec-
retary of the Interior in the first months
of Franklin Roosevelt's bright and shiny
New Deal back in 1933, and he has pa-
tiently stuck it out for 16 years since. Cabi-
net shifts have been made, new appoint-
ments have been sent to the Senate, but
Chapman has quietly kept on working.
And just as he finally saw Judge Lindsay
after having 'been rebuffed eleven times,
Oscar has now come into the reward long
overdue. When he takes office today, he will
probably be the best qualified and experi-
enced new Secretary of the Interior in his-
* *I *
ITT MAY SHOW a trend of the times that
the three men Oscar Chapman worked
for most of his life have all been Teddy
Rosecvelt Bull-Moosers. And of recent years
thcse Progressive Republicans have been
among the pillars of the Democratic Party.
It was through Senator Ed Costigan that
Chapmn happened to meet FDR and enter
the New Deal. Chapman had managed Cos-
tigan's campaign for the Senate in Colorado
in 19930, and despite the fact that Costigan
was a Bull-Mooser. Chapman elected him on
the Democratic ticket. Later Costigan visit-
ed Franklin Roosevelt, then Governor of
Now York. and took Chapman along. They
talked about conservation.
"We must keep young men like this in
government," Roosevelt said, referring to
Costigan's assistant and also having in
mind the probability that he, Roosevelt,
would le the next President of the United
(a tey. -
After his election, FDR did not forget. He
notilied Costigan that "a man named Ickes
from Chicago" would be the new Secretary
of the Interior; and that marked the be-
ginning of the hookup between Ickes and
Chapman--a hookup that has continued to
this clay.
LD-TIME OBSERVERS say there are two
inds of1 oliticians in Washington -
those who watch to see which way the wind
is blowing, and those who stand up and buck
the wind no matter how hard it's blowing.

oil crisis in the winter of 1947-48 warned the
industry that they faced a shortage. Later,
the big oil companies were actually run-
ning advertisements urging consumers to
use less oil.
Early in the New Deal it was also Chap-
man who led the fight against child labor
in the beet-sugar fields. As a boy he had
worked in the tobacco fields of Virginia,
and knew child labor first hand.
Chapman was also sent to the Far West
as trouble-shooter when the Grazing Act was
first passed in 1934. Ickes and RAosevelt had
persuaded Congress to regulate the public
domain in the Rocky Mountain States,
where big sheep and cattle men had fenced
in large areas of government land.
Irate groups of cattlemen greeted Chap-
man wherever he went; but after listening
to his persuasion for half an hour, one
cattleman got up and said:
"We're all used to having the government
in Washington crucify us; so this is nothing
new. But it is new to have someone come
out and consult us about the way we want to
be crucified. This man yhapman is at least
good enough to come and listen to our side.
So I'm for him."
* * *
dent of the United States he scarcely
knew the young man who today enters his
Cabinet. Probably the first time he came to
appreciate him was when Harold Ickes re-
signed and Chapman accomplished the mir-
acle of keeping all Interior Department
executives from resigning in protest with
their old chief.
Later, Truman came to know Chapman
even better when his whistle-stop cam-
paign in the summer of 1948 got off to a
miserable start. At Omaha, Truman spoke
to a half-empty house. Crowds along the
way greeted him with less than lukewarm
Suddenly Oscar Chapman was rushed to
his home town, Denver, then on through the
Far West ahead of the President's train.
Chapman knew the West. Thanks to this
knowledge and his political sagacity, the
presidential trip which started like a funeral
dirge, ended like a bandwagon. Playing his
part backstage, as usual, Oscar had quite a
bit to do with the political miracle that con-
founded the pollsters in November 1948.
(Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
'The Acquisitive Society'
"THE BURDEN of our civilization is not
merely, as many suppose, that the pro-
duct of industry is ill-distributed, or its
conduct tyrannical, or its operation inter-
rupted by bitter disagreements. It is that
industry itself has come to hold a position
of exclusive predominance among human in-
terests, which no single interest, and least of
all the provision of the material means of
existence, is fit to occupy.
Like a hypochondriac who is so ab-
sorbed in the processes of his own diges-
tion that he goes to the grave before he

Curriculum Committee
To the Editor:
Your recent editorial did a
commendable job of pointing
out the definite need for a com-
mittee of 20 or so students who
are interested enough in the edu-
cational process to work on cur-,
riculum evaluation with a view to
suggesting possible revisions. '
The work of the Harvard Stu-
dent Council in this field has gain-z
ed it nation-wide respect and, in
all probability, an improved edu-
cational system.
When a University of Michigan)
administrator has indicated a faith1
in students and student opinions
by going out of his way to encour-
age Michigan students to work in
the all-important field of our edu-
cational process, surely there
should be some response.
When you were busy writing an
editorial which bemoaned the fact
that the student body's response
was poor and condemned the Stu-:
dent Legislature for having done
nothing about it, you neglected to)
discover or report the fact that;
the Student Legislature voted two,
weeks ago to set up such a com-
mittee on Curriculum Evaluation
and Revision and is -now looking)
for some volunteers from the stu-
dent body to work with that com-:
May I suggest, Mr. Walker, that)
you try another editorial on the
same subject. An appropriate
theme for it might be: "I've just
volunteered to work on the SL's
Curriculum Evaluation and Revi-
sion Committee. If you are inter-
ested in this important project,
why not join me?"
In the meantime, I am sure that
anyone interested in working on
the committee will be welcomed
with open arms if they call SL
President John Ryder for further
information about the committee.
-Tom Walsh
* * *
Reply to Miss Scott ..-.
To the Edtor:
TO ALICE SCOTT and to all
other women house presidents
who attend weekly meetings with-
out knowing why:
1. Please read the comprehensive
pink pamphlet on Women Stu-
dent's Government distributed to
every house by Women's Judiciary
Council. The first paragraph ex-
plains the function that you have
never heard of, Miss Scott.
2.hPlease listen to what goes on
in the meetings you attend. There
are clues in the agenda to show
why you're there. Judiciary Coun-
cil members often attend these
meetings to discuss the rules with
you. What better time is there to
discuss rule changes? Implicite in
the power to make rules is the
power to change them.
3. Please think back a little over
a month to the introduction of a
new regulation: the blanket one-
thirty permission. Every house on
campus, through their president,
voted on this suggestion, and be-
cause the vote was favorable, the
rule was changed.
4. What girls are you defending,
Miss Scott, when you say that
some girls do not have a house
president to represent them? The
only girls who do not live in or-
ganized houses with presidents are
(1) girls whose homes are in Ann

quite the opposite. Progress comes
slowly. The SL has come a long
way in the last few years, but it
can choke itself by usurping too
much power while it is yet too
young to handle this power. I don't
want to see that happen.
-Marian S. Trapp
* * *
Discrimination .. .
To the Editor:
OF LATE, there has been much
ado on campus about discrimi-
nation. As always in the processes
of the cure of a social evil, some-
one must serve as the scapegoat.
Here it happens to be the Greek
letter societies and certain de-
partments of the University it-
self; elsewhere it is labor unions
and sundry other organizations
and individuals. I do not think
this entirely justifiable, in that
it is a social evil, created and in-
doctrinated by society in general
and not by any isolated minority
in particular.
It might be well for those who
sincerely desire to terminate this
evil to consider the elements of
human nature involved. First of
all, men do not like to be culled
out from society and held up for
public disapproval. Conciliation be-
comes permanent only when peo-
ple meet with a willingness to
solve the problem and part with
mutual feelings of amiability. The
methods now being applied are
hardly the framework to foster
these conditions. And secondly, let
us consider the net result if these
high-pressured tactics do abolish
the external signs of discrimina-
tion. Can anyone possibly hold
that people will cease to discrimi-
nate because tangible evidences
have been removed?
No, I don't believe the problem
will be solved under conditions of
resentment and defiance, even
though these be hidden to avoid
further public disapproval. The
solution lies in the slow process of
public education and the individ-
ual, personal acceptance of equali-
ty. Until this condition is com-
pletely satisfied, there will con-
tinue to be "much outcry and
little outcome."
-Patrick Allen.
* *,*
Un-American Security . .
To the Editor:
THERE IS a tendency to rep-
resent security as something
evil. It's the old idea that you
should have some pike in the pond
to keep the carp from feeling too
secure. Security leads to the wel-
fare state, and we can't have that
Mussolini was not original when
he came to the conclusion thai
wars are necessary to preserve th
vitality of the people. After all
war is the biggest competition
there is. Cooperation makes u
feel secure, and that's bad.
You may join the Army and
make your future secure, but th
only man who has real security i
the man in the penitentiary. H
lives in the welfare state. W
others would rather live in wha
we may call, for lack of a bette
term, the illfare state.
I feel impelled to suggest tha
Congress investigate all forms o
insurance and take steps to eli-
minate all insurance policies im
mediately, if not sooner, for be
ing un-American. The busines
man who pays life insurance pre
miums is providing security for hi

Continued from Page 2
dinner and meeting. Wesley
Fri., Wesleyan Guild will spon-
sor the Fish Pond at the W.S.C.S.
Christmas fair. Fair lasts from 10
a.m. till evening. Steak dinner,
5:30 to 7 p.m. Make reservations
in the office by Wednesday, phone
5555. 7:30-11:30 p.m., Square dan-
cing in Room 214.
Theology Forum: 8 a.m., Lane
Hall. Rev. John Burt, speaker.
U. of M. Theatre Guild: Full re-
hearsal, 6:30 p.m., practice stage,
Ann Arbor High School.
Young Democrats: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Room C, Haven Hall. Discus-
sion of plans for speaker on Dec.
Inter-racial Association: Meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., 18 Angell Hall. Con-
sideration of affiliation with
N.A.A.C.P. and delegation to Lan-
sing. Everyone invited.
Alpha Phi Omega: Meeting,
Kalamazoo Room, League. Action
will be taken on pledges.
Office Machines and Supplies
Exhibit: Twenty-one companies
exhibiting at the Fourth Annual
Office Machines and Supplies Ex-
hibit. Thursday and Friday, Dec.
1 and 2, School of Business Ad-
ministration, Rooms 41 and 46.
Hours: 1 to 5 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m. Ad-
mission Free.
Student-Faculty Hour: Honor-
ing the Zoology and Botany De-
partments, 4-5 p.m., Grand Rapids
Room, League.
Druid: Meeting, 10:30 in Union
Electrical Engineering Research
and Journal Discussion Group:
4 p.my, 3072 E. Engineering. Mr.
Floyd Schults will discuss The
Electro Magnetic Scattering of a
Prolate Ellipsoid.
Office Procedure Films: 146
School of Business Administration,
3 p.m., Thurs., and Fri., Dec. 1
and 2. Public invited.
Student Legislature Meeting:
Union, Rm. 3S, 7:30 p.m.
I.Z.F.A.: Meeting. Speaker on
events leading to UN decision on
partition of Palestine. Refresh-
ments. 8 p.m., Hillel House.
Everybody welcome.
International Center Weekly
Tea: 4:30-6 p.m., for all Foreign
students and American friends.
IFC Glee Club: 7:15 p.m., Rm.
3-G, Union.
La P'tite Causette: 3:30 p.m.,
Grill Room, League.
Spanish Play: Tryouts, Thurs.
and Fri., Dec. 1 and 2, 4 to 6 p.m.,
408 Romance Languages.
Job Application Letter: Miss
Dorothy Greenwald, Assistant Pro-
fessor of Business Reports, will
lecture on how to write a job ap-
plication letter and a personal
data sheet. 4 p.m., 131 Business
Administration School. All stu-
dents invited. Sponsored by the
SBus. Ad. Council.

Panel Discussion, "Is Business
Education Preparation?" represen-
tatives from business and School
of Business Administration par-
ticipating, 7:30 p.m., 131 School
decided to take this medium of
suggesting another campaign, in
the event anyone should run ou
I of ideas.
My objective is to foster a cam-
-paign against the "bicycle menace'
which is endangering the lives an
Z safety of each and every pedes-
t trian student, and especially in the
e earlier hours of the morning. I
hardly seems fair that these "two-
wheeled maniacs" should be al-
s lowed to use the Diagonal, ant
other walks, as bicycle speedways
J and particularly since the sea.
e son of icy pavements and side-
s walks is now with us.
e I fully appreciate the utility o
e the bicycle for those who are be-
t yond walking distance of campus
r but at the same time I believe that
a few less "daredevil" tactics or
t campus would be appreciated, ant
f especially by those who have al-
- ready been hit.
- By fostering such a campaign
- I fully realize that I may becom(
s a target as "one who preache
- discrimination, (against bicy
s clists)," but after having beer

of Business Administration. The
public is invited.
Polonia Club: Meeting and so-
cial evening, Dec. 1, 7:30 p.m., In-
ternational Center. Refreshments.
All students of Polish descent in-
Michigan Crib: Meeting, 8 pm.,
Angell Hall. Round table discus-
sion of the various activities in
Law School. Everyone welcome.
Deutscher Verein: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Rms. K, L, M, N, Union.
"A report on Germany" by four
visiting German students. Stu-
dents and faculty invited.
Puppet Group: 8 p.m., Lane Hall.
Coming Events
Hillel Social Committee: Meet-
ing, 4:15 p.m., Union. Plans for
this Sunday's "Bagel C Lox" Sup-
per. All welcome.
U. of M. Theatre Guild will pre-
sent "Romeo and Juliet," five act
tragedy by William Shakespeare,
Sat. and Sun., Dec. 3 and 4, Pat-
tengill Auditorium. Tickets on sale
in the lobby, Administration Bldg.
Party: All forestry wives get to-
gether, 7:30 p.m., Fri., Dec. 2,
Lane Hall.
German Coffee Hour: 3:15-4:30
p.m., Fri., Dec. 2, League Cafete-
ria. All students and faculty mem-
bers invited.
Geological-Mineralogical Jour-
nal Club: 3056 Natural Science
Bldg., Fri., Dec. 2. Dr. John
Chronic will speak on the "Strati-
graphy Along the Alaska High-
Westminster Guild Squirrel
Cage: Snow Party, or if no snow
an IM Party. Meet in recreation
hall at 8:30 p.m., Fri., Dec. 2.
To All Members of the Faculty:
On Sat., Dec. 3, the Intramural
Sports Building will be open from
8 p.m. on for the exclusive use of
members of the teaching staff
(full or part time) and their wives.
Swimming, badminton, volleyball,
squash, golf, basketball, etc.
Since continuance of this fac-
ulty sports night depends upon the
turn out, all those interested are
urged to attend or call Mrs. Eite-
man, 5474, and register for future
possible evenings.
Michigan Acturial Club: Open
meeting, Fri., Dec. 2, 4 p.m., 2013
Angell Hall. Prof. Robert Mehr,
Economics Department, University
of Illinois. "I don't know anytling
about acturial science, but . . .
Everyone invited.
Graduate Outing Club: All-day
outing, Sun., Dec. 4, 10-6, at the
Michigan Fresh-Air Camp. Bring
winter clothes and equipment, and
cars if possible. Meet northwest
entrance, Rackham Bldg., 10
Tryouts for the French Play:
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday,
Dec. 5, 6 and 8, 3:30 to 5:15 p.m.,
408 Romance Language Bldg. Any
student with some knowledge of
the French language may partici-
Exhibits in the University Mu-
seums building will be open to stu-
dents and the public from 7 to 9
p.m., Fri., Dec. 2. Natural history
motion pictures: "In the Begin-
ning" and "Beach and Sea Ani-
mals," Room 3024, 7:30 p.m.
Hawaii Club: Meeting, Fri., Dec.
2, 7:30 p.m., Glee Club Room, Un-
ion. Election ofvofficers, picture
taking and movie.

i 'I



fee and William Joyce Cowan, produced
by the speech department, and directed by
Prof. Valentine Windt.
HONORS GO TO the actors in this pro-
duction of a warm and human charac-
terization of the family of Jesus. Prof. Clari-
bel Baird, of the speech department, and
Virginia Campbell very successfully bring to
life the purity and goodness of Mary, and
the frankness and loyalty of her sister, Mary
Cleophas. And ,James Reason, Bruce Huff-
man and Nafe Katter ably round out the
picture with their foiled characterizations of
the three brothers of Jesus who for prac-
tical or ethical reasons have little or no
use for Him.
Briefly, the play tells of Jesus' early
popularity with the people away from
Nazareth, describes his failure upon his
homecoming, tells of his death, and the
life of his family afterwards.
A definite highspot is achieved toward
the end in the acting of Margaret Bell as
Mary Magdala. Making the most of a small,
but well written part, Miss Bell conveys with
strength and sincerity Magdala's feeling of
"rebirth" through her faith in Jesus.
The playwright's failure to bring Jesus
on stage to complete the "family portrait"

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff............Managing Editor
Al Blunrosen..........City Editor
Philip Dawson...Editorial 'Director
Mary Stein............Associate Editor
Jo Misner...........Associate Editor
George Walker ........ Associate Editor
Don McNeil.........Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian.. Photography Editor
Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz..Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady.........Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach..Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King................Librarian
Allan Clamage......Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington.... Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangl....... Advertising Manager

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