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December 01, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-12-01

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Chungking Falls to Reds, Chang Fle(


Commies Go
Further Into
West China
Chengtu Home
Of New Capital
HONG KONG-(MP)-Chungking,
Nationalist China's third capital
within a year, fell to the Chinese
Communists last night and Gen-
eralissimo Chiang Kai-Shek fled
the city only a step ahead of
an estimated 20,000 Communist
Reliable sources in Taipeh, For-
mosa, Chiang's island headquart-
ers, said Chungking was lost short-
ly before noon Tuesday. It had
been expected. But the latest Red
triumph pushed the Nationalists
ever deeper into western China.
IN HONG KONG, the Chinese
newspaper Sing Tao Man Po re-
ported 20,000 Communist troops
under Gen. Liu Po-Cheng crossed
the nearby Yangtze River from the
south bank and entered the out-
skirts of Chungking at 11 a.m.
Tuesday. Its dispatch said Kiang-
peh, three miles west, was occupied
Taipeh informants said Chi-
ang's personal Skymaster plane
reached Chengtu, 170 miles
northwest of Chungking, at 11
They have, no details. Govern-
ment officials preceded the Na-
tionalist commander to the indi-
cated new refugee capital.
* * *
THE REDS gave the last three
Chungking evacuation planes a
hot sendoff. "There was gunfire
all around," said Miss Marjorie
Chen, secretary to the Chinese
education minister, on her arrival
here from Chengtu.
The Hong Kong China Mail
quoted sources close to Acting
President Li Tsung-Jen that he
had turned down Chiang's request
to step down and that he intends
to go ahead with his visit to the
United States in his official ca-
pacity. Li came here recently for
medical treatment. Chiang "re-
signed" as president last January.
SL To Ask 'U
Officials For
'Full Holidays'
Student Legislature will draw up
a resolution on a "Full Thanks-
giving weekend next year and a
spring vacation at Easter time"
at its meeting at 7:30 p.m. today
in Rm. 3S in the Union.
The resolution, which will be
sent to the Regents and the Presi-
dent of the University, will re-
quest a "no classes" rule the Fri-
day and Saturday following each
Thanksgiving and will ask that
spring vacation fall on Easter.
r TWENTY-EIGHT newly elected
legislators will attend their first
meeting and will be formally in-
itiated into the group.
After a special session of the
SL cabinet, a revised budget pro-
gram will be presented by Treas-
urer Dave Frazer. The revised
program is to clarify where SL's
funds go and to present new de-
vices for raising funds.
SL's progress in dealing with
clauses in University application
blanks which might be construed

as discriminatory will be presented
by the Campus Action Committee.
NEW MEMBERS will be "put on
the spot" to speak for their cam-
paign promises, especially in re-
gard to the near-defunct student
The Citizenship Committee

Attack Mistake
Committee to End Discrimination members said yesterday that the
Association of Independent Men had made a mistake in attacking the
Members declared that AIM should have tried to meet with the
CED before suggesting that the Student Legislature take over the
discrimination fight.
* * * *
CED SECRETARY LEAH MARKS, '52, pointed out that an AIM
representative has not been at many CED meetings so "AIM is not in
a position to know where CED

New Zealand
Ousts Labor
AUCKLAND, N.Z. - After 14
years of Socialist rule, New Zeal-
anders today have ousted their
Labor Government in favor of free
enterprise Nationalists pledged to
cut taxes and reduce state con-
The upset, surprising many,
came in a Parliamentary election
of this little British Common-
wealth nation in the South Pa-
cific yesterday.
THE NATIONAL party won 46
of the 80 seats in the House of
Representatives. The Labor party
-which held a 42-38 edge in the
old House-captured only 34. The
34 Laborite winners include the
fourdMaori . (native) candidates
elected in separate voting by the
Maoris Tuesday.
Prime Minister Peter Fraser's
cabinet had= come to the end Hof
the road. Two of Fraser's min-
isters were defeated and others
were returned to Parliament by
reduced majorities.
Sidney George Holland, 56, a
former business man who has led
the opposition in Parliament since
the Laborites took office in a
landslide in 1935, will become the
new Prime Minister. The National
party was formed by conservative
and liberal groups in 1931.
New Zealand is an island nation
of only about 1,802,000 population
and 103,935 square miles, but the
outcome drew wide attention. The
Labor Government of Australia,
1,200 miles to the west, faces a
Eimilar test at the polls Dec. 10.
Retired City Fire
Chief Back on Job
City firemen answered an alarm
to find a minor blaze in an Ann
Arbor home.
The occupant of the dwelling al-
ready was at work on the fire with
an extinguisher.
Then the fire ladd:cs recognized
the house-owner. He was Charles
Andrews, who retired in 1939 as
Ann Arbor's fire chief.

stands now."
"CED has in fact already tried
to secure SL interest in our pro-
gram. We have decided that
when SL has formed its com-
mittee we will cooperate if we
Ray Franklin, Cooley House rep-
resentative in CED felt that SL
could take over the fight to elimi-
nate discriminatory questions on
application blanks.
"If SL can do the job more ef-
fectively, let them do it. But so
far they haven't proved that they
can. It would probably take SL a
long time to agree on principles
and so waste a lot of unnecessary
time," he said.
Several CED members declined
to comment on AIM action, since
they preferred to wait until Fri-
day's meeting to formulate unified
CED policy.
Attempting to clarify AIM's po-
sition,-Cal Klyman, '51, secretary,
said, "the resolution was directed
toward consolidating and better-
ing the method of removing dis-
criminatory questions on applica-
tion blanks. It was a positive mo-
tion and was not directed toward
the disbandment of the CED."
Red Call For
Strike Divides,
Italian Lar
ROME -(P) - Italian labor
unions divided yesterday over a
call by Communist leaders for a
24-hour general strike to protest
the death of two peasants in a
clash with police.
The Communist-dominated
General Confederation of Labor
issued the call for the walkout, to
start at 6 a.m. tomorrow. How
many of the 5,000,000 members
claimed by the CGIL will respond
is not certain.
The Free Confederation of La-
bor headed by Christian Demo-
crat Giulio Pastore, ordered its
nearly 2,000,000 workers to stay on
the job. The Independent Federa-
tion of Italian Laborers which has
about 500,000 members, also said it
would not join the strike.
The two peasants were killed by
a burst of sub-machinegun fire
during rioting that broke out at a
peasant union meeting yesterday
at Torre Maggiore, in southern

"Not Guilty'
Plea Dropped
By Thomas
Sentencing Set
For December 9
WASHINGTON -(i7) - Rep. J.
Parnell Thomas (R-NJ) yester-
day suddenly dropped his fight
against charges of padding his
congressional payroll and threw
himself on the mercy of the court
with a plea of "nolo contendere."
This meant he no longer con-
tested the charges in a four-count
indictment alleging fraud and
conspiracy against the govern-
M. Holtzoff immediately set Dec.
9, as the date for passing sen-
tence on Thomas. The maximum
penalty would be 32 years in prison
and $40,000 in fines.
Congressional parliamentar-
ians said that if Thomas follows
precedent, he will resign from
Congress. He was re-elected to
his seventh term in the house
on Nov. 2, 1948, six days before
he was indicted.
But Congressional officials saidf
Thomas does not have to resign.
The house alone judges the quali-
fications of its members, even
in the case of a felony conviction
against an already elected mem-
ber. The courts have nothing to
do with it.
AT TRENTON, N.J. Governor
Driscoll asked the State Attorney
General for legal advice on a spe-
cial election in case Thomas' seat
becomes vacant.
The dramatic end of the trial,
clearly taking government pro-
secutors by surprise, came less
than an hour after the case had
resumed for its third day.
Thomas' attorney, William H.
Collins, told reporters the original
plea of innocent was changed to
no contest "out of consideration of
the health and family of Mr.
Only a few minutes before the
trial ended, FBI agent Frederick
Vechery testified he had found
that Congressional paychecks to-
taling $8,873.57 had been issued
to three women whom the govern-
m.ent contended were used by
Thomas for salary "kickback"

-Daily-Carlyle Marshall
EDUCATION ROUNDTABLE-Prof. Karl Litzenberg, chairman of the Curriculum Committee of
the literary college answers a question fired at him by one of his fellow panel members at a discus-
sion meeting of the third annual Conference on Higher Education in Michigan being held at the
University. Roundtable members are (from left to right): Prof. H. H. Kimber of Michigan State
College; Ordway Tead, president of the Board of Higher Education, New York City; Dean Hayward
Keniston of the literary college; Prof. Litzenberg; Mngr. Carroll F. Deady; and Lee M. Thurston,
State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

By DAVE THOMAS 97 representatives fr
Increased personal contact be- igan colleges and nui
tween student and teacher is a ne- versity faculty memb
cessity if today's college education dents crowded into t7
is to be effective, Ordway Tead, elled lounge at the N
chairman of the Board of Higher Dormitory to hear Te
Education of New York City, said participate in the Tp
last night. I sion which followed.
"Today's college is too often a * * *
place where the intellectual life THE EDUCATOR
of the student is not being minis- that a generation ago
tered to as it should because no eral arts program was
one is personally interested in the all students because,
young people themselves," Tead only "an intellectual
continued, elite" went to college.'
HE CALLED for a division of the two and a half million
present large colleges into units dents no one progran
small enough so that every student can be expected to fit2
may know one of a few of his "What we need is a
teachers well enough to feel that of curricula for var:
he has an "older counselor, guide purposes while maint
and friend in the college who cares tam underlying cot
how he is developing." ments."
Tead addressed a meeting of Tead labelled "thec
the third annual Conference on ness" as being rest
Higher Education in Michixan. much of our nr nti .

de a.. va a..v aavsu vav as aaa lr..a Ax i E, C%, AL.

aaaui.a.t vi VUa AiC Cilt,

Atomic Tests May Not M
'S perbomb,' Says Sawy4

iI es Stressed
'om 30 Mich- inadequacies, particularly in the
merous Uni- loss of the personal contact in the
ers and stu- educative process.
ae teak-pan-
Martha Cook IN THE DISCUSSION period
ad speak and. several pq i ces .were suggested to
anel discus- aid in surmounting the problem of
the immense size of the student
bodies of today and tomorrow.
pointed out L
a single lib- Lee M. Thurston, State Su-
possible for perintendent of Public Instruc-
as a rule, tion, saw a solution in the rap-
and social idly-growing community college
"Today, with See STUDENT, Page 6
college stu-
n of studies Vuleans Plan
all students."
wide range
:ous special Student Trains
taining cer-
mmon ele- For Holidays
curse of big-
ponsible for Special student trains leaving
educational Ann Arbor, Dec. 16, for Boston,
--__ Buffalo, Chicago and New York
have been scheduled through ar-
rangements made by Vulcans, en-
gneermg honorary society.
Special holiday rates will be of-
Pr fered for round trip tickets on the
modern air-conditioned cars.
* * *
ntry has a THE COST will include a re-
re powerful served seat on the train leaving
ed at Naga- Ann Arbor, and a regular coach
erable prog- ticket, good on all trains except
in develop- the Empire State Express,- for the
omb 1,000 return trip, according to Lloyd
implications, The price of the New York
as technical round-trip train tickets will be
s Crossroads $35, which is nearly eight dol-
ie new Eni- lars less than the standard rate.
s not neces- The Chicago tickets will cost
or super $14.50, a three dollar saving.
For the Buffalo train, round-
d that con- trip tickets will cost $17.50 instead
bomb will of the regular $21.56, and for Bos-
aents, but it ton-bound students, tickets will be
d that fur- $43, almost a ten dollar saving.
de with the M
have been TICKETS WILL be on sale from
nts." 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. all next week, be-
is an integ- ginning Monday, at the Admini-
mb produc- stration Building. A five dollar de-
y other type posit will hold any ticket.
id. These are the only special trains
hat another to be scheduled, Haneveld said.
.s to provide Ticket5 for these trains will not be

Truce Ends
With Lewis
Still Silent
Pits Idle Fourth
Time This Year
PITTSBURGH - (A') - John L.
Lewis' three-week mine strike truce
expired early today and his Unit-
ed Mine Workers started leaving
the pits for the fourth time this
The first walkouts came at near-
by California, Pa., where 200 UMW
members failed to report for the
overnight shifts at Jones and
Laughlin Steel Corporation's Vesta
No. 4 and 5 mines.
AND IN KENTUCKY most large
coal companies that could be
reached said their late shifts were
not reporting.
The full effect of the walkbut
is expected to be felt later in the
day when most of the UMW s
400,000 soft coal diggers are due
to report.
A spokesman for U.S. Steel Cor-
poration, which employs thou-
sands of miners, declared:
"Our overnight shifts are going
in but it is our understanding
they will be the last shifts."
near Johnstown and Uniontown,
a spot check showed several thou-
sand men reported for shifts start-
ing last midnight.
However, UMW sources said
this meant the miners will work
out the last shifts so they will
obtain the same amount of pay
as diggers who worked the first
shifts yesterday.
.Lewis didn't say a word as hi-
miners began walking off the job.
He has scheduled a meeting of
his wage policy committee in New
York at 9 a.m. today. Three prev-
ious sessions were scheduled this
week but were cancelled.
Early this month Lewis ordered
his striking miners to go back to
the pits until 12:01 a.m. today-
while he tried to negotiate a new
contract. He hasn't got the con-
tract and no new negotiating ses-
sions are in sight.
President Truman, at Key West,
Fla., had no comment. But a top
aide said the President was watch-
ing the dispute closely and unless
Lewis sends the miners back to
work within "a reasonable period"
that the Taft-Hartley act would
be used to get the mines reopened.
The development of a new strike
would soon lead to White House
COAL INDUSTRY sources say
that there is approximately 30
days supply above ground. That is
slightly more than normal.
Lewis has maneuvered all
summer and fall to cut down the
heavy stock pile, which amount-
ed to more than 70,000,000 tons
fhen negotiations began last
On Oct. 1, the Bureau of Mines
said there was a 51-day supply.
IFC To Act
On Bias Motion
The fate of a motion prodding
campus fraternities to fight bias
clauses will be decided today by
the Interfraternity Council House

The motion, tabled by the House
Presidents -at their last meeting,
asks the Student Affairs Com-
mittee to suspend any campus fra-
ternity which fails to work for re-
moval of bias clauses from its na-

World News
Round- Up


State School Appropriations
Lower Than U.S. Average

By The Assocated Press
DALLAS-Among those killed in
the crash of an American Airlines
DC-6 Wednesday was Air Force
Major Wm. J. Small Jr., '40A.
* * ',
NEW YORK - In the first
Yugoslav reply before the UN
Assembly to the new Cominform
campaign to get rid of Premier
Marshal Tito, Ambassador Sava
Kosanovic said yesterday no
Cominform resolution could do
away with the Tito government.
* * *
SOFIA, Bulgaria-Traicho Kos-
tov, former Bulgarian Communist
Deputy Premier, and ten co-de-
fendants were formally charged
with treason, spying and sabotage
in an indictment with quoted con-
fessions yesterday.
* *' *
WASHINGTON -Russia and
four other Soviet bloc nations
have ignored Secretary of State
Acheson's personal appeal to the
Foreign Ministers of 30 nations
for concerted protests against
the Chinese Communists' treat-
ment of American Consul Gen-


Speculations that the announced
atomic tests at Eniwetok in thel
Pacific will necessarily involve a!
new "superbomb" were discounted
yesterday by Dean Ralph A. Saw-
yer, of the graduate school.
The Atomic Energy Commission
and the Defense Department an-
nounced jointly that a new series
of tests of atomic weapons is
planned at the Commission's prov-
ing ground at Eniwetok Atoll in
the Marshall Islands.
* * * .
tions required by the Atomic En-j
ergy Act thev kept secret the ex- 1

Colo.) that this cou
bomb six times mo
than the one explode
saki and that "consid
ress" has been. made
ment of a "super-b
times more powerful.
Considering thesei
Dean Sawyer, who w
director of Operations
in 1946, said that th
wetok test series "doe
sarily imply better
"It is to be expecte
tinued work on the
bring about improvem

Michigan's state-supported col-
leges and universities, facing huge
enrollment increases and declin-
ing appropriations per student, are
in even worse financial straits than
similar institutions in other states.
While registering a slightly
greater increase in enrollment,
Michigan schools showed a sharper
decline in appropriations per stu-
dent in the past 20 years than have
similar institutions in 20 other
* * *
FIGURES, BASED on a survey

any adjustment for the value of
the dollar at 1948 price levels, in-
creased an average of 162 per cent
in the states surveyed and rose
only 126 per cent in Michigan.
and universities have been operat-
ing for 20 years on a declining level
of support," Williams pointed out
in his survey, published in the No-
vember issue of the Michigan Edu-
cation Journal.
He warned that unless the
levelif n mnor.+rn hrr5 icr i

act dates, the number of bombs to ther tests will be mac
be exploded, and why a third se- therote iltbera
ries of postwar tests is considered weapon even if there
necessary. no major improveme
In the absence of further of- "The testing phase
ficial statements by the AEC, it ral part of atomic bo
was speculated that bigger and tion just as it is in an
better models of the deadly of production," he sa
weapon have been developed. Dean Sawyer said t
Part of this speculation was reason for the tests is
based on a statement made earlier the armed forces with
by Sen. Edwin C. Johnson (D., experience in handlin
*k* * *
More Talk on Atomic0

operational sold at the railroad station,
g the bomb. added.
Secrecy Desirable

he tional constitution.
A time limit for fraternity ac-
Lion will be inserted into the reso-
lution by the House Presidents
before it is brought to a vote.
The presidents' meeting will be-
gin at 7:30 p.m. today in the Un-
ecy County Probes Into
to Death t intlpnt

Desirability of discussion on the
question of atomic secrecy was
suggested yesterday by Dean Ralph
A. Sawyer, of the graduate school.
Dean Sawyer. who was technical

man and under his leadership
the AEC has done a good job."
He cited the fact that Lilienthal
was an advocate of less atomic se-
e rer.

important factor to be cons
ered by Congress is whether t
hindering effect of our secre
on the research of our potent
eneamiPq s arthm.ho is. ,av


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