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November 30, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-30

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Latest Deadline in the State

Pat i4




Dallas Crash
Death Toll
Nearly 30
Eighteen Survive
'Worst' Disaster
By The Associated Press
DALLAS-'An American Airline,
plane crashed and exploded here
yesterday, and 28 persons died in
white-hot flames.
Eighteen others survived as the
big 60-passenger plane, one of
its four engines spouting fire anc
another failing, plummeted to the
edge of Dallas' Love Field Air-
port and ripped itself to pieces
against two buildings.
* * *
FOURTEEN were in a hospita
last night; four subsequently dis-
The plane, bound from New
York to Mexico City, struck and
exploded seven miles northwest
of downtown Dallas at 6:45 a.m.
(EST). Blue and white flames
billowed high in the pre-dawn
There were cries of agony anc
terror as stunned, hurt, survivors
stumbled almost miraculously from
the heaps of wreckage.
FOR HOURS afterwards, fire-
men pulled charred bodies from
the smouldering debris. Identifi-
cation was slow.
The crippled ship, a DC-6,
struck a combination hangar and
office building of the Dallas
Aviation School and plowed
broadside into a plant that tests
airplane engines with chemicals.
Both buildings burned and the
sky colored brilliantly as chemi-
cals flamed in the latter building,
the Magnaflux Plant.
* * *
IT WAS THE worst plane crash
in Texas history.
Dazed and bleeding, a crew
member staggered 100 feet to a
row of houses, collapsed on a
front porch, and said, "I think
I am dying and I want to make
a statement. The plane was on
fire and I cut all four engines.
The engines were off when we
JUstice of the Peace Pierce Mc-
Bride said he had viewed 28 bodies,
those of 17 men and 11 women.
American Airlines listed 41 pas-
sengers and a crew of five. Two
of the crew were killed.
ONE WING of the airliner, with
two crumpled engines, held to-
gether. It lay against the side of
the Magnaflux Plant. The other
wing was a black stub with the
burned out shell on one engine.
The fourth engine tore loose
as the flaming plane swept across
the top of tho Dallas Aviation
Hundreds of spectators burst
through an area blockade of police
and state patrolmen. Ropes held
them away from the tragic scene..
Fires blazed more than an hour.
Then firemen toiled over the black-
ened, twisted fuselage, wet and
glistening in the glare of portable
*ISA Sponsors
Social Events
The International Student As-
sociation will go all out in enter-
tainment this weekend, with an
International Open House Friday

and a "Monte Carlo" party Satur-
THE OPEN HOUSE will be held
from 8 p.m. to midnight at the
International Center and will be
free to all. Students from 73 for-
eign countries will act as hosts and
hostesses at the affair which will
include dancing and refreshments.
The Monte Carlo party will also
be from 8 p.m. to midnight, at the
third floor Rackham Assembly
Hall. Admission will be 60 cents
a person. Tickets are on sale at
the International Center, Union,
League and Diag.
THE PRICE of admission will
be exchanged for stage money
with which daring students can
gamble in the true Monte Carlo
fashion. Gambling devices will in-
clude roulette, horse races, dice,
"vingt et un." poker and all other
games played at the famous gam-
bling house on the French Riviera.
YP Meeting Today
Young Progressives will meet to
discuss plans of action against
discrimination at 7:30 p.m. today
at the League.
Delegates to the YP conventin

AIM Council Acts
To Disband CED
AIM's Executive Council last night passed a resolution aimed at
disbandment of the Committee to End Discrimination, and attacked
techniques employed by CED in its fight on discriminatory application
The resolution reads as follows:
* * * *
"THE AIM COUNCIL, believing that the most logical approach
to the problem of discriminatory questions on applications lies
through SL,
"1. Temporarily continues its representation on CED;
"2. Requests SL to incorporate the aims of CED to abolish dis-
criminatory questions on applications as a part of the SL campus
action program;
"3. Shall, at the time of such positive SL action, disaffiliate

LSA Faculty
Alters Three
Shortens Course
The literary college faculty has
adopted three regulation changes
including a new three week limit
on course dropping, accordingto
Charles H. Peake, assistant dean.
The other regulation changes
concern the election of courses in
other units of the University and a
clarification of the class-cutting
* * *
THE COURSE-dropping rule
now reads "any course dropped
after the end of the third week of
the semester will be recorded with
the grade of E. Exception will be
made only in extraordinary cir-
cumstances such as serious ill-
Students had previously been
allowed to drop courses until the
end of the eighth week. The new
ruling will become effective next
Dean Peake said the revision
was made "because of a wide-

ominform Acts

To Ous





Bureau Calls
For All-Out
AId toSlavs
Catholie Worker
Enlistment Urged
MOSCOW-(P)-The Cominform
enjoined Communists everywhere
yesterday to back an all-out effort
to unseat Yugoslav Premier Mar-
shal Tito. It called, too, for a de-
cisive struggle against Titoists in
the party ranks.
SThe Cominform is a Communst


with CED and shall cooperate v
1 r O 01
Dean Walter
Praises IFC
Anti-bias Move
Dean of Students Erich A. Wal-
ter yesterday praised the anti-bias'
motion which the IFC house
presidents will vote upon tomor-
row night.
He also lauded reorganization of
the nation's campus IFC's into five
regional districts.
THE MOTION under considera-
tion by the house presidents asks
the Student Affairs Committee to
suspend any campus fraternity
which does not, by a certain date,
1. Petition its national offices
to remove any bias clauses from
the fraternity constitution, and
2. Introduce a motion to that
effect at the fraternity's next
national convention.
Dean Walter said "The whple
notion embodied in the resolution
has taken the right direction. The
only way that individual chapters
can operate is through their na-
tional bodies."
* * *
He SAID that organization of
the nation's campus IFC's at last
week-end's NIFC "seems to be a
good thing.
"Out of it the undergraduates
will develop an organization that
may actually focus on problems
which the national conference
needs to consider if it is to be-
come a thoroughly live group,"
Dean Walter predicted.
He deplored the fact that the
fraternity discrimination problem,
of interest to many at the conven-
tion, was not given a place on the
official agenda to be discussed by
undergraduates as well as the
alumni voting members.
Pluib Deep
At Harvard
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - (AP) -
Harvard wishes it had taught its
plumbers to read and write a half-
century ago.
So now the University has done
the second best thing-
It's purchased a mine detector.
S o m e turn - of - the - century
plumbers were illiterate, accord-
ing to university plumber fore-
man Donald E. Robinson. They
weren't able to record where they
laid their pipes.
Consequently, he said, "every
time a squirrel runs down a drain
and clogs it up, the plumbers have
to dig up half of Cambridge to
find the trouble."
So Harvard now has a $200 mine
detector that buzzes when it finds
a pipe.

rith the SL committee organized
to deal with the problem of dis-
criminatory applications, and.
"4. Will publicly support the
policy of removing discriminatory
questions from applications, al-
though suggesting a more moder-
ate means of approach than those
presently in use by some members
of CED."
* * *
said AIM should continue to main-
tain a representative on CED at
present, "to make a more mod-
erate point of view felt on the
committee, since CED has in many
cases a tendency to be dominated
by ultra-leftist forces."
Hansen said AIM'S request for
an SL anti-discrimination com-
mittee was made "in order that
such work may be conducted
more rationally."
He predicted that if SL forms
such a committee, CED will lose
its member organizations and be
forced to drop out of existence.
S* * *
DAVE BELIN, '51, introduced
the resolution. He said later, "I
feel very strongly that it is a
function of SL to consider the
problem of discrimination, because
it alone is the representative body
of the entire campus.
"In my mind, CED is a splinter
group and cannot accomplish the
job as well as an SL committee
could," Belin asserted.
When informed of AIM's action
by The Daily, Leon Rechtman,
'50, CED chairman, said, "Since
AIM is a member of CED, I feel
that their point of view should
have been brought to CED's meet-
ing, which will be held Friday.
I'm certain general agreement
could be reached there.
"I think that CED will feel, and
that AIM realizes, that it is a
breach of courtesy to have this
question brought to CED through
The Daily rather than through
representatives of AIM," Recht-
man declared.
Journalist To
Nathaniel R. Howard, editor of
the Cleveland News, will discuss
"The Trouble with Newspapers"
at 3 p.m. today in Rm. B, Haven
Howard is delivering the second
of a series of five lectures on -"Dy-
namic Newspapers" sponsored by
the journalism department.
Howard began his career as a
newsman in 1917 as a reporter on
the Cleveland News. From there
he went to the Cleveland Plain
Dealer where he became managing
editor of that paper in 1930. In
1937 Howard assumed the editor-
ship which he now holds.
Howard was president of the
National Press Association in 1947,
at which time he delivered his first,
lecture at the University.


spread tendency of students to
drop courses at the first sign of
difficulty, an undesirable and ed-
ucationally wasteful practice. For
some years the college has had an
excessively high number of elec-
tion changes, as compared to other
* * *
THE FACULTY also specified
that not more than 12 semester
hours be taken in other units of
the University. These elections
outside the college must be ap-
proved by the adviser, and courses
must not be specifically designated
by the Executive Committee as un-
acceptable in meeting the degree
Special degree programs are4
exempt from the 12-hour re-
striction of elections. The ruling
becomes effective in Feb. 1950.
The regulation pertaining to
class absences was re-phrased fort
the purposes of clarification to
read as follows:
"Students are expected to attend
classes regularly. Ifthe instruc-
tor considers the number of ab-
sences excessive, he may send a
written report on the case to the
Administrative Board for action.
World News
Round- Up
By The Associated Press
States, pressing the atomic bomb
race with Russia, announced last
night that it will conduct a new
series of atomic weapons tests.
The experiments will be con-
ducted at the Pacific atoll of Eni-
wetok on dates kept carefully se-
* * *
Department disclosed yesterday
that American approval has
been given to an early trip to
the United States by Li Tsung-
jen, acting president of the tot-
tering Chinese Nationalist gov-
Meanwhile, Chungking was in
the death throes of its brief ten-
ure as Nationalist China's capi-
tal. But the Nationalists said the
Communists had not entered the
city proper.
',* * *

HORSES LED TO DRY LAND-An unidentified farmer and a companion lead three horses to dry
land after pasture lands were inundated by the Skagit river at Mount Vernon, Wash. Heavy rains
and high tides flooded many farms and threatened bridges in the area.

Petition May
Bring Long
If students want a holiday on
the day after Thanksgiving, they
should present their reasons to the
administration through a petition,
President Alexander G. Ruthven
and Frank E. Robbins agreed yes-
IN ANSWER to queries by The
Daily, Robbins, chairman of the
Calendar Committee, explained
that the University calendar is
drawn up many years in advance,
with rules of Board of Regents and
the University Senate as a guide.
The calendar is drawn up by the
faculties, particularly the confer-
ence of Deans of the various
schools and colleges, Robbins said.
ALTHOUGH the calendar is
sometimes planned as many as ten
years in advance, there is some re-
casting at the beginning of each
year, Robbins added.
"If the students feel that it
would be best to have a holiday
on the day after Thanksgiving,
they could petition for this," Pres.
Ruthven declared.
Educator Will
College representatives from, all
over the state will hear Charles J.
Turck, president of Macalester
College, Minn., speak on "Effec-
tive Student Life" at 2:30 p.m. to-
day in the Union.
HIS ADDRESS will highlight
the first session of the third an-
nual Conference on Higher Edu-
cation in Michigan being held at
the University today and tomor-
row. The meeting will be presided
over by President William W.
Whitehouse of Albion college.
At tonight's session, Dean Hay-
ward Keniston of the literary col-
lege will preside over a forum on
"Curriculum-For What?" at 8
p.m. in the Martha Cook Dormi-
ORDWAY TEAD, president of
New York City Board of Higher'
Education, will be the speaker.
The meeting is open to University
faculty members.'
"The campus as a Community"c
will be the subject of the final'
session tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. in
the Rackham Building.

SL MSC Council May
Curb Pre-Gamne Vandals

Disciplining of pre-football
game vandals niay be put in the
hands of both the University's and
Michigan State College's student
governments, if a tentative agree-
ment reached last night by mem-
bers of the two school's governing
bodies holds up.
Four delegates from Student
IFC Will Give
First Annual
Talent Show
IFC will present its first annual
all-campus talent show at 7:30
p.m. tomorrow in the Union ball-
The revue, featuring 12 acts
headed by Charlie Manning and
his Michiganaires, will be free.
* * *
piece orchestra composed of Uni-
versity students who are card-
holders in the American Federa-
tion of Musicians, obtained per-
mission from AFM to donate its
services for the occasion without
Four female vocalists will be
featured, singing both classical
and popular songs.
Bob Shetler, '52E, a headliner
at the recent Varsity Night, willl
present his magic act.
* * *
ALEX POPP, '51, pianist,' will
play "Rhapsody in Blue." Popp
won first place in the Horace
Heidt talent show when it was pre-
sented here last year.
Also on the bill will be the
Vaughan House trio, a hit of the
1949 Union Opera.
Jake Jacobson, '50, IFC Presi-
dent, will present the all-frater-
nity scholarship cup to Zeta Beta
Tau during the show.
* * *
THE ZBT'S had the highest
scholastic average among local
fraternities last year.
An applause meter will be used
to determine the three most pop-
ular acts, which will all be given
cash prizes. The best suitable acts
will appear at the IFC Christmas
party for Ann Arbor children on
Dec. 14.

Legislature and four members of
Michigan State's student council
met with Dean of Students Erich
A. Walter and MSC Dean Stanley
E. Crowe in the Union, where they
discussed informally relations be-
tween the neighboring schools..
* * *
legislators Dave Pease, Adele
Hager, Quentin Nesbitt and MSC
Council head Lou Hekhuis agreed
the responsibility for apprehension
of vandals and pranksters should
fall on both.
Hekhuis told the gathering
some hazing back and forth was
permissible, but that property
destruction was "too much."
And as a preventative measure,
it was agreed to wage intensive
pre-game education and publicity
campaigns at both schools to warn
students of destructive practices,
as arising from heated football
* * *
Nesbitt termed the informal get-
together "profitable to both
groups," and expressed hope that
future meetings may be scheduled
to promote further good will be-
tween the two Big Ten neighbors.
The meeting last night was
proposed after an outbreak of
vandalism which preceded the
Michigan-Michigan State clash
late in September.
Painting damage was reported
by authorities on both campuses.
In addition, an attempt by MSC
students to "wall up" the Engi-
neering Arch was foiled by campus
police at the last minute.
As a result, fifteen State stu-
dents were put on limited social
'U' Student Dies
After Auto Crash
Clarence O. Doster, '51E, 21
years old, of Plainwell died yester-
day morning in University Hospi-
tal from brain injuries received in
a traffic accident Nov. 12.
Doster was hurt in a crash on
the Saline-Ann Arbor Rd. near
Wagner Rd.


information bureau, in which the
Communist parties of eight na-
tions are represented.
* * *
FAR FROM yielding to any
qualms of national Communist
elements, the Cominform demand-
ed strict discipline everywhere. It
declared it was the "international
duty" of all Communists to aid to
the utmost those Yugoslav work-
ers fighting for a resurrection of
orthodox Communist doctrine in
It also adopted a combat pro-
gram "for peace," in which
Communists were urged to make
a special effort to enlist the aid
of Catholic workers and other
The order was adopted at a se-
cret meeting sometime late this
month in Hungary, the newspaper
Pravda announced.
* * *
IT WAS THE third full-dress ses-
sion disclosed since organization of
the Cominform in Poland in Sep-
tember, 1947, and the first since
Yugoslavia was expelled as a
charter member 17 onti.
It was considered likely, there-
fore that the three formal reso-
lutions, filling two pages in
Pravda, covered decisions of
more than ordinary importance.
Prominent in the text of the res-
olutions was the statement that it
would be misleading to assume the
threat of a new war has dimin-
* * * '
(DISPATCHES from the Cze-
choslovak Capital, Prague, said
publication of the resolutions
there led to speculation a secret
decision might have been taken for
direct armed action of some sort,
since the Cominform nations al-
ready have taken about all other
possible steps against Marshall
* * .
World Labor
Rift Appears
LONDON - (P) -- A bitter row
over the snubbing of millions of
West European Catholic union
leaders threatened last night to
break up the budding anti-Com-
munist Free World Labor Con-
Catholic unions from Belgium,
the Netherlands, Switzerland,
Denmark and Luxembourg 'were
not invited to the conference. This
precipitated the behind-scenes
* * *
THERE WAS a strong inclica-
tion that Moscow and the Comin-
form (Communist International
Information Bureau) was fully
aware of the possibilities.
The Cominform, In a state-
ment released in Moscow yester-
day openly appealed for recruit-
ing of Catholic workers inthe
Communist labor movements.
"In the struggle for working-
class unity," said the Cominform,
"special attention should be given
to the masses of Catholic workers
and working people and their pr-
ganizations, bearing in mind that
religious convictions are not an
obstacle to working class unity

Local Officials Support
GIIBill Against Charges

President Alexander Ruthven,
Dean Erich Walter and local Vet-
erans' Administration officials yes-
terday supported the GI Bill of
Rfghts against charges of ex-
travagance made by Fred May-
tag II.
"The so-called GI benefits are
inadequate compensation for the
sacrifices made by the young men
and women who are now veterans
of the second world war," Ruthven
said in a statement to The Daily.
MAVTAC +h * n+ of n

billion dollars up to July 1, R. A.
Correll, director of the Univerr
sity's Veterans' Service Bureau,
emphasized that only time could
tell whether this extra spending
was worthwhile.
* * *
"I DO NOT think that any ser-
viceman deluded himself into
thinking that the educational pro-
visions of the bill solved the prob-
lem of economic security," he said.
"The veteran has been provid-
ed with the tools to build a bet-
ter life. Haw welil he succeeds


LONDON-Britain probably will
recognize Communist China early
in January and hopes the move
will be joined by other nations in
and out of the Commonwealth, of-
ficial sources said yesterday.
* * * *
International union of Electri-
cal, Radio and Machine Work-
ers (IUE) voted yesterday to go
after a fourth-round wage boost
ranging from nine cents to more
than 25 cents an hour, pensions
and social insurance.
The action, taken on the sec-
ond day of the union's founding
convention, went beyond the
recommendation made earlier in
the convention by James B.
Carey, CIO Secretary-Treasur-
er and chairman of the IUE's
administrative committee.
* * *
WASHINGTON - Testimony
that Rep. J. Parnell Thomas (R.,
N.D.) had a 71-year-old bedridden
relative on his congressional pay-
roll, was introduced yesterday at
the lawmaker's trial on salary

ksPerkinsAsk Hasty State Reforms

A need for more speed in achiev-
ing better administrative organiza-
tion in the state government of
Michigan was cited yesterday by
Assistant Provost John A. Perkins.
"Unless haste is made in Michi-


He pointed to the present sit-
uation in the Republican-domi-
nated legislature which has ap-
pointed a legislative study com-
mittee, while Democratic gov-
ernor G. Mennen Williams is
seeking to use the Hoover Coin-

session last January, were all de-
feated by the Legislature.
"If a legislative committee
cannot push its own reorganiza-
tion proposals through to enact-
ment, the strongest argument in
favor of a legislative study com-
mittee tin nii,aerer v~a~-d,*nt

obsacl togcv uitty
particularly when this unity is
needed to save peace."
THE ROW in t +i mm f

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